kumon of spokane south hill home grading...

Post on 26-Mar-2018






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Kumon of Spokane – South Hill Home Grading Guidelines

The Kumon worksheets are designed to give students the opportunity to practice and develop their skills each day. A key element of that process is feedback. Worksheets should be graded soon after completion so the student has the opportunity to further their development by learning from their mistakes; ideally while the material is still fresh in their minds. Students should not only correct the error, but they should stop and ask themselves “why” they made the error.

The Basics

1. Always use an Answer Book to correct worksheets for Levels 3A and higher in Math and 2A and higher in Reading. It is essential that grading be accurate and consistent.

2. Use a red pen when grading student worksheets to ensure that the grading symbols are easily visible to the student.

3. Start at the last page of the assignment; grade the “b” side of the worksheet before the “a” side, moving towards the first page. This speeds up the grading process because the grading scale appears on the “a” side of each worksheet.

4. Draw a large circle on each page that has no errors. If both the “a” and “b” sides of one page are correct, circle the “100%” on the grading scale of the front page.

5. Summarize the student’s work on the “a” side of the first page of each assignment; include the total time taken to complete the assignment, the grade for each page, and any specific comments about the student’s work that day (see Scoring and Summarization).

6. All worksheets are graded, so when there is no written work (Reading Levels 7A and 6A, Math Level 6A ), a red circle of completion is still necessary.

The Grading Symbols

○ Indicates a complete page with no errors – also indicates that someone has verified the results.

X Indicates a full error

∆ Indicates partial error

Completed work with no errors

















What merits an X? a. If the answer does not match the Answer Book

b. It the answer is incorrect based from a comprehension point of view

c. Illegible handwriting

d. Skipped exercise

What merits a ∆? a. MATH: non-reduced fractions, improper fractions when mixed number required, incorrect

LCM, wrong sign (positive or negative). This marking is scored as a FULL error

b. READING: spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation mistakes. Also, In the event that

there is more than one 2 in an exercise (e.g. a spelling error and missing period), place

the total number of errors inside the triangle. There can be no more errors than the item. This

is only considered as -5%.

Scoring and Summarization

1. First count the number of errors. Then locate the corresponding percentage on the grading scale found on the front “a” side of each worksheet.

2. In Math, X and count as a full error.

3. In Reading, X counts as a full error, and counts as -5%. So, when grading Reading

worksheets, please follow the steps: a. First count the number of full errors b. Then locate the corresponding percentage on the grading scale

c. Finally, count the number of .

d. Deduct 5% for each. If there are multiple partial errors in a page, multiply it to the number of items. Afterwards, subtract it from 100%. Please see table below under #2.

4. Summarize all pages and the total completion time on the first page of the set.

a. Total time taken to complete the assignment in whole minutes, circled.

b. The abbreviated score for each page: 100% = − 90 = 9 80 = 8 70 = 7 69 = 6

c. Specific comments or communication to the Instructor when necessary

Grading Math

If a side has no errors, draw a big on that side.

Indicate incorrect answers with a X over the number of the problem

Indicate skipped or incomplete answers with a over the number of the problem.

Add up all the incorrect/skipped/incomplete answers from both sides of the worksheet.

Circle the percentage on the grading scale that corresponds to the total number of mistakes.

This shows a 5 page homework set. The student completed the entire set in 18 minutes (time circled) and scored: 90%, 100%, 100%, 70% and 100% on the five pages. The score summary is shown as: 9 - - 7 -

The following examples show proper use of to indicate incomplete answers. For long division, the student should write their quotient and remainder in the designated area above the long

division symbol.

When working with fractions in a reduction problem, especially in Level D, students must reduce to the

lowest terms.

When adding and subtracting fractions, students should use the LCM as the common denominator. The LCM

should be used to make numbers in the intermediate steps smaller and prevent errors in calculation

When multiplying and dividing fractions, students should cancel during the intermediate steps.

Grading Reading

Oral Reading time should be circled in the time box by the student (see Image below). Please note that pages that have only reading with no following questions are scored at 100%.

Marking typical reading errors. Exercise #3 on the “a” side of this worksheet contains two partial errors: the student has omitted the period at the end of the

sentence and has made an error in subject-verb agreement, using “does” instead of “do.” Each of these would be considered a partial error. Proper marking for this exercise is shown as a with the number 2 written inside as a note to indicate the number of issues that the student must address. On the “b” side of AI 147, the student has made errors on exercises #2 and #3. In the case of #2, the student has simply copied the sentence verbatim, not following the directions by changing the sentence to mean the opposite.

Exercise #1 has been marked as a partial error because of a grammar issue. The student has used the wrong relative pronoun to begin the dependent clause. The pronoun must agree with the noun which, in this case, is “explorers.” The clause chosen by the student is correct. Exercise #2 is marked as a full error. Not only did the student choose the incorrect clause to complete the sentence, there is a flaw in the cause and effect reasoning of the student’s response. By itself, the student’s response makes sense and is a grammatically correct sentence; however, building settlements on the shore would not necessarily mean that the settlers must then build canning factories. It is the discovery of excellent fishing on the shore that led to the building of the factories. The student’s choice of the wrong clause and lack of comprehension demonstrated by the response results in a full error. The third exercise on 82a contains a spelling error in the word “immigrated,” which results in a partial error.

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