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  • 7/29/2019 Kumud Project



    Exploratory study and analysis of corporate tie ups forBANCASSURANCE

    In AXIS BANK and other select private and Public Sector Banks.

    For the Academic year 2012-2013

    Submitted by:


    Enrollment No:

    Under the Guidance of

    Prof. Ravjeet Talwar


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    Table of contents


    The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without

    complementing those who made it possible. This project has been written in

    Simple and lucid style. I am short of words to express my sincere thanks to the

    management of AXIS BANK, Sector 17, Chandigarh for providing me an

    opportunity to undergo training in their reputed organization.

    I am gratefully indebted to my respected faculty Prof Ravjeet Talwar for helping

    me in various ways and for giving me various ideas for completion of this project. I

    express my grateful thanks to whole staff members for regularly giving me the

    database of clients and helping me out to deal with the preferred customers and get

    feedback from them. I am also very thankful to my parents who encouraged and

    greatly helped me in making this project. Without their support this project work

    would not have been successful.


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    I Kumudaxi Verma, student of IIPS Chandigarh (Sem II) hereby declare that I have

    completed this project on Bancassurance in partial fulfilment of MBA-Programin the academic year 2011-2013. The information submitted is true and original to

    the best of my knowledge.

    (Student Signature) (Faculty Signature)

    Student Name: Kumudaxi Faculty Name: Prof Ravjeet

    Date: Date:


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    Executive Summary

    The Banking and Insurance industries have changed rapidly in

    the changing and challenging economic environment throughout the world.

    In this competitive and liberalized environment everyone is trying to do better than others and

    consequently survival of the fittest has come into effect. This has given rise to a new form of

    business wherein two big financial institutions have come together and have integrated all

    their strength and efforts and have created a new means of marketing and promoting their

    products and services.

    On one hand it is the Banking sector which is very competitive and on the other hand is

    Insurance sector which has a lot of potential for growth. When these two join together, it gives

    birth to BANCASSURANCE.

    Bancassurance is nothing but the collaboration between a bank and an insurance company

    wherein the bank promises to sell insurance products to its customers in exchange of fees. It is a

    mutual relationship between the banks and insurers. A relationship which amazingly

    complements each others strengths and weaknesses. It is a new buzz word in India but it is

    taking roots slowly and gradually. It has been accepted by banks, insurance companies as well as

    the customers. It is basically an international concept which is spreading all around the world and

    is favored by all.

    Taking all these things into consideration I would like to present my project which basically

    deals with BANCASSURANCE. The project flashes some light on Bancassurance and how it

    is perceived by people in India. It deals with the conceptual part of Bancassurance as well as its

    practical applications in India.

    The main focus of this project is on benefits and importance and promotion of Bancassurance in

    India which is based on opinions of respondents from different age groups and different Income


    What came up after analyzing their version is this Project work.


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    Table of Contents

    Content Page No

    Acknowledgement 1Executive Summary 2

    Chapter 1: Introduction 1-3

    1.1 Overview of the Topic 1-3

    1.2 Company Profile

    Chapter 2: Literature Review 4-6

    Chapter 3: Research Methodology 6-12

    3.1 Need & obective of the study

    3.2 Research design

    3.3 Sampling

    3.4 Sample Design3.5 Research

    3.6 Data collection

    3.7 Pre Testing

    3.8 Statistical Treatment

    Chapter 4: Data Analysis 12-14

    Chapter 5: Results and Conclusions 15



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    1.1 Overview of the topic

    Bancassurance commonly means selling insurance products under the same roofof a bank. Though Bancassurance had roots in France in the 1980s, and spread across

    different parts of Continental Europe since, it has spread its wings in Asia in particular,

    in India. In India, there are a number of reasons why Bancassurance could play a naturalrole in the insurance market-

    Banks have a huge network across the country.

    Banks can offer fee-based income for the employees for insurance sales.

    Banks are culturally more acceptable than insurance companies

    Some bank products have natural complementary insurance products.

    For example, if a bank gives out a home loan, it might insist on a life insurance cover so thatin case of death of the borrower, there is no problem in paying off the home loan.

    o Bancassurance simply means selling of insurance products by banks.

    o Bancassurance, which is also called Allfinanz- a one-stop financial service to meet the

    requirements of Banking Services and also to provide reliable protection to customers.

    o Bancassurance is identified as an alternative distribution channel, the key issue which

    is closely linked to the regulatory climate of the country to improve the non-interest

    income of banks.

    o In this arrangement, insurance companies and banks undergo a tie-up, a system

    in which a bank has a corporate agency with an insurance company to sell its products.o By selling insurance policies the bank earns revenue apart from interest. It is called as

    fee-based income. This income is purely risk free for the bank since the bank simplyplays the role of an intermediary for sourcing business to the insurance company.

    The distribution of insurance products through banks is beneficial not only to the insurance

    and banking companies, but also to the customers. The growth of Bancassurance depends on

    how well the banks and the insurance companies are able to overcome the operationalchallenges that are being constantly thrown at them. The need of the hour for the

    Bancassurance venture is to inculcate new ideas, new approach and work culture.

    Both the bank and insurance company share the commission. Insurance policies are

    processed and administered by the insurance company.


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    Need for Bancassurance in India:-

    From the view point of insurance industry also the importance of bancassurance was feltnecessary. With the increased pressures in combating competition, companies are forced to come

    up with innovative techniques to market their products and services. At this juncture,banking sector with its far and wide reach, was thought of as a potent ial distribution

    channel, usefu l for the insurance companies. Thats where the bancassurance came intoexistence. Thus, bancassurance is poised to become a key determinator / differentiating

    factor in the Insurance industry as well

    The need and subsequent development of Bancassurance in India began for the following


    To improve the channels through which insurance policies are sold/marketed so as to

    make them reach the hands of common man

    To widen the area of working of banking sector having a network that is spread widely inevery part of the nation

    To improve the services of insurance by creating a competitive atmosphere among privateinsurance companies in the market.


    1. Intense competition between banks, against a background of shrinking interest

    margins, has led to an increase in the administrative and marketing cos tsan dlimited the profit margins of the traditional banking products. New

    products could subs tant ially enhance the profitability and increase

    productivity.2. Financial benefits to a bank performance can fl ow in a number of ways,

    as briefly outlined below:-

    o Increased income generated, in the form of commissions and/or

    Profits from the business.

    o Reduction of the effect of the bank fixed costs, as they are now

    also spread over the life insurance relationship.

    o Opportunity to increase the productivity of staff, as they now have

    the chance to offer a wider range of services to clients

    3. Customer preferences regarding investments are changing.4. The realization that joint bank and insurance products can be bet ter for

    the cu sto mer as the y provide more complete solutions than traditional


    5. Str on g nee d for customer loyalty.6. It is believed that as the number of products that a customer purchases

    from an organization increases the chance of losing that specific customer to a

    competitor decreases.


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    Regulations under RBI and IRDA:-

    The Reserve Bank of India and the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority have aset of guidelines for companies that couple to form bancassurance. Based on the equity abank should hold in joint venture, the highest allowable value of equity, the type of banks

    and insurance companies that can couple together and the operation of bancassurance are all

    the factors that are regulated by RBI and IRDA.

    The IRDA has very recently drafted guidelines to promote open architecture in

    bancassurance. Currently a bank has a tie-up with only one life insurer and one non-life

    insurer. But in the new model the banks necessarily have to have multiple tie-ups. Thecountry is divided into zones and every bank has to choose multiple insurers within the

    zones. With this the customer will have a wider range of insurance products offered by

    different insurers. It will also lead to a deeper penetration in the selling of insurance products.

    Who bring what to the Partnership


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    Insurance Industry in India

    13 Private players in the market today:

    6 Bank owned insurers- HDFC Standard Life, ICICI Prudential, ING Vysya,

    MetLife, OM Kotak, SBI Life 7 Independent Insurers- Bajaj Allianz , Birla Sun Life, Aviva, Max New York

    Life, Tata AIG, Reliance Life and Sahara Life

    LIC The state Insurer is the dominant player with over 70% of the market share

    Total Life Market Size at Rs. 250 billion (USD 5.5. Bn)

    The Three Development models

    Description Advantages Disadvantages Country where the

    model is mostwidespread



    Bank acts as


    for an

    insurance co


    start quickly.No capital


    (less costly)

    Lack of flexibility to

    launch new prod.Possibility of

    differences in

    corporate culture.

    USA, Germany, UK,

    Japan and South Korea.

    Joint Venture Bank inpartnership

    with one ormore



    Transfer ofexpertise

    Difficult to manage inthe long term

    Italy, Spain, Portugal,South Korea.

    South Korea Creation of a








    France, Spain, Belgium,

    UK, Ireland

    Advantages for the Insurance company:

    Through this new distribution network, the insurance company significantly extends its

    customer base and enjoys access to customers who were previously difficult to reach. This isobviously a fundamental advantage, it is itself enough to convince an insurance company to ally

    itself with a bank


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    The insurance company has the opportunity to vary its distribution methods, in order to avoidexcessive dependence on a single network. Diversification reduces risk

    The insurance company often benefits from the trustworthy image and reliability that people

    are more likely to attribute to banks;

    The insurance company also benefits from the reduction in distribution costs relative to the

    costs inherent in traditional sales representatives, since the sales network is generally the samefor banking products and insurance products. These cost savings have been recognized by many

    bancassurance operators around the world and are therefore carried over into the costs included

    in contracts. This means that products can be sold more cheaply;

    An insurance company can establish itself more quickly in a new market, using a local banks

    existing network.

    Advantages for the Bank:

    First of all, the bank sees bancassurance as a way of creating a new revenue flow and

    diversifying its business activities. This advantage was all the greater in the early 1990s, a periodcharacterized by increased competition between financial institutions and a reduction in the

    banks profit margins and, therefore, the need to look for new business;

    The bank becomes a sort of supermarket, a one-stop shop for financial services, where all

    customers needs whether financial or insurance-related can be met. The broadening of itsproduct range makes the bank more attractive and can reinforce customer satisfaction and

    therefore customer loyalty;

    The distribution costs can be seen as marginal since, in most cases, it is the banks existingemployees who sell the insurance products. Amongst other things, the one-stop shop model

    optimizes the use of the network and increases the profitability of the existing branch network.

    Advantages for the Consumer:

    As mentioned among the advantages for the bank, the consumer enjoys greater access to all

    financial services from a bank that offers both banking and insurance products;

    Since the distribution costs are lower than in a traditional distribution network, the consumer

    can usually get cheaper insurance products than through traditional channels. In addition,

    premium payment methods are simplified, since premiums are collected directly from bankaccounts;

    The special relationship between the customer and the bank means that there is a better match

    between what the customer needs and the solutions provided by the bank.


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    1.2 Company Profile

    History of Axis Bank

    The Bank was incorporated on April 03,1993. UTI Bank was promoted by UTI, Life InsuranceCorporation Of India, General Insurance Corporation Of India and its 4 subsidiaries.

    The Bank was the first one to offer ATM Cards, using which account holders can withdraw

    money from any of the Banks ATMs across countries connected via VSAT.UTI Bank and CITIBANK launched an international co-branded Credit Card under MasterCard

    Umbrella in 1999.

    In the year 2000 the Bank announced the launch of tele Depository Services for its depositoryclients. UTI also enteredinto an agreement with Stock Holding Corporation of India for

    providing Loans against shares to SCHCILs customers and funding investors in public and

    rights issues.In the year 2004, UTI came out with 500 million unsecured Redeemable Non-ConvertibleDebentures issue fully subscribed.

    In 2005, UTI Bank entered into Bancassurance Partnership with Bajaj Allianz General Insurance

    for selling Insurance Products. UTI also launched its first Satellite retail Assets Center (SRAC)in Karnataka.

    In the Year 2006, Bank unveiled priority Banking lounge.

    It also became the first Indian Bank to successfully issue foreign currency hybrid Capital inInternational Market

    Axis Bank (2007) informed that consequent upon handling over charge as Administration of the

    (SUUTI) the nominee director resigned w.e.f Dec 06, 2007.

    It was in the year 2007 that UTI Bank was changed to AXIS Bank.In 2009,SHIKHA SHARMA was appointed as the C.E.O.

    Axis entered into strategic alliance with Motilal Oswal, in order to facilitate online trading for

    banks costumer.


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    Axis bank was the first of the new private banks to have begun operations in 1994, after the

    Government of India allowed new private banks to be established. The Bank was promotedjointly by the Administrator of the specified undertaking of the

    Unit Trust of India (UTI - I)

    Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)

    General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC)

    Axis Bank is the first bank in the country to provide a secure debit card-based payment service.

    The Bank's Registered Office is at Ahmadabad and its Central Office is located at Mumbai.

    The Bank as on 31st March, 2012 is capitalized to the extent of Rs. 413.20 crores with the public

    holding (other than promoters and GDRs) at 54.08%.

    The Bank has a very wide network of more than 1600 branches (including 169 ServiceBranches/CPCs as on 31st March, 2012). The Bank has a network of over 10000 ATMs (as on

    31st March, 2012) providing 24 hrs a day banking convenience to its customers. This is one of

    the largest ATM networks in the country.

    Axis Bank Limited provides corporate, retail, and business banking products and services in

    India. The companys deposit products include demand draft, savings account, current account,

    and term deposits. The company also provides home loans, car loans, personal loans, loanagainst shares and security, loan against property, education and consumer loans, structuredfinance and microfinance products, short-term loans, loans for small and medium enterprises,

    agriculture loans, as well as credit and debit cards.


    In July 2007, UTI Bank was renamed Axis Bank. Rebranding followed approvals from theBoard, Shareholders and the Reserve Bank of India, and after obtaining a new certificate of

    incorporation from The Registrar of Companies.


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    Reasons behind the change of name:

    1. They had to give up the UTI name after using it for 13 years as we were not prepared to acceptterms and conditions (including royalty) from UTI AMC.

    The decision to rebrand itself was taken by the bank as it was allowed to use the UTI brandname for free till January 31, 2008, beyond which it had to pay royalty for using the name.

    2. The recommendation for name change to axis bank had arisen from the existence of several

    shareholder-unrelated entities using the UTI brand, and the consequent brand confusion that this


    3. The name UTI bank was changed to AXIS bank as UTI gave a look of government sector

    bank. They had to change their name to have their own brand and identity.








    A) SHORT TERM FINANCE: Overdraft

    Suppliers credit

    Working capital


    Mortgages Bank loans

    Share issues


    Retained profits

    Hire purchases


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    C) INTERNAL FINANCE: Day to day cash sales to customers.

    Money loaned from trade supplier through extended credit.

    Reduction in amount of stock held by business.

    Sale of any surplus assets no longer needed (selling a companys car)

    D) EXTERNAL FINANCE: An overdraft from bank.

    A loan from bank

    Sale of new shares


    Axis Bank Ltd. has been promoted by the largest and the best Financial Institution of thecountry, UTI. The Bank was set up with a capital of Rs. 115 crore, with UTI contributing Rs. 100

    crore, LIC - Rs. 7.5 crore and GIC and its four subsidiaries contributing Rs. 1.5 crore each.


    The bank has set for itself the ambitious vision To be the preferred financial solutionsprovider excelling in customer delivery through insight, empowered employees and smart

    use of technology

    This Vision is supported by clear goals, strategy and objectives which are communicated to all

    the employees to derive a high level of commitment.


    Customer Service and Product Innovation turned to diverse needs of individual and

    corporate clientele.

    Continuous Technology up gradation while maintaining human values.

    Progressive globalization and achieving international standards.

    Efficiency and effectiveness built on ethical practices.


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    Customer Centricity






    Acting fairly and reasonably in all its dealings with customers by:

    Meeting the commitments and standards for the products and services it offers, and in theprocedures and practices its staff follows.

    Making sure its products and services meet relevant laws and regulations.

    Ensuring that its dealings with customers will rest on principles of integrity andtransparency.

    It will help customers to understand how its financial products and services work by

    giving the information about the products.

    Explaining their financial implications.


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    Director Name DesignationDr. Adarsh Kishore Chairman

    Smt. Shikha Sharma Managing director &CEO

    Shri Sisir K. Chakrabarti Deputy Managing Director

    Shri J.R Verma Director

    Dr.R.H Patel Director

    Smt.Pama Bijapurkar Director

    Shri R.B.L. Vaish Director

    Shri M.V. Subbiah DirectorShri K.N.Prithviraj Director

    Shri V.R.Kaundinya Director

    Shri S.B. Mathur Director

    Shri M.S. Sundara Rajan Director

    Shri S.K. Roongta Director

    Shri. Prasad.R.Menon Director


    State Bank of India

    ICICI Bank

    HDFC BankPNB


    Central Bank of India

    Axis bank offers its services majorly in four parts:





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    Brand Name.

    Support of various promoters.

    High level of services.

    Knowledge of Indian market.


    Market capitalization is very


    Lack of awareness.

    Not been fully able to position

    itself correctly.


    Growing Indian banking sectors.

    People are becoming more serviceoriented in the global market.

    Dissatisfied Customers of other


    Business advising for smaller



    Advent of MNC Banks.

    Foreign Banks.

    Govt. Banks.

    Future market trend.

    Products and services offered by Axis Bank

    Being one of the biggest private sector banks in India, Axis Bank offers a varied range ofproducts and services to the customers which include the following:


    1. Krishi Savings Account

    2. Zero Balance Savings Account


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    3. Prime Savings Account4. Easy Access Savings Account

    5. Women's Savings Account

    6. Corporate Salary Account7. Demat Account

    8. Priority Banking Account9. Defense Salary Account

    10. Senior Citizen's Account11. Azaadi - No Frills

    12. Trust/NGO Savings Account

    13. Pension Savings Account14. RFC(D) Account


    1. Recurring Deposit

    2. Fixed Deposit3. Tax Saver Fixed Deposit


    1. Car Loan

    2. Home Loan3. Loan Against Shares

    4. Personal Loan

    5. Loan Against Security6. Loan Against Property

    7. Consumer Loan

    8. Study Loan


    1. Titanium reward Debit card2. Priority Platinum Debit Card

    3. Gold Debit Card

    4. Classic Debit Card

    5. Business Gold Debit Card6. Gold Plus Debit Card

    7. My design image debit card


    1. Infinite Credit card

    2. Platinum Credit card


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    3. My wings Credit Card4. Titanium Smart Traveler Credit Card

    5. Corporate credit card

    6. My choice credit card7. Signature\wealth credit card

    8. My zone credit card


    1. My money card2. Gift Card

    3. Corporate Gift Card

    4. Smart pay card5. Rewards Card


    1. Online Trading

    2. Mohur Gold

    3. Demat Account4. Mutual Funds


    Health Insurance

    1. Silver Health2. Family Health

    Home Insurance

    1. Safe Home

    2. Safe Home Plus

    Motor Insurance

    Personal Accident

    Jewellery Insurance


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    Payment TransfersElectronic Clearing Service (ECS)

    Bill Pay

    Tax Payments

    1. Tax e-Payments

    2. Pension Disbursement

    3. Direct Tax Payments

    Other Services.

    1. Locker Facility

    2. Online shopping3. IPO Smart

    4. E Smart

    Besides the above mentioned services, Axis Bank Ltd. offers a variety of

    services to its corporate and NRI customers such as business accounts, CMS, treasury, credit,

    capital market services and money transfer services.


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    2. Literature Review

    Veni (2008) in her article Bancassurance- An emerging concept in India

    considers Bancassurance to be a good scope for both the institutions due toGood economic growth

    Huge FDI

    Expansion of middle Income Class group in the country.She sees its advantages as increased productivity and employee growth without


    According to her Consumer is benefitted to a large extent as he gets both theservices Banking and Insurance under one roof.

    Insurance company gets big clientele to approach and sell its products to them.

    Benoist (2002) in his article Bancassurance: The New Challenges considered

    Bancassurance beneficial strategically for both the partners by making

    Distribution network more profitable and by building client loyalty.

    However he did not rule out the risk of sabotaging image of either partner andgeneral risk of client dissatisfaction arising out of attitudinal conflict between the

    employees of two partners.According to him the shift from a product-based approach to a solutions-based

    approach, or one stop shopping at bank branches, makes life easier for clients.

    And selling each client a number of products helps to build loyalty.

    He marked the three golden rules: (1)The successful players are the ones who arecapable of tailoring the model to the context. (2) and of managing critical success

    factors: quality, innovation, short time to market of new products, advanced

    technologies and low costs (3) and above all building strong relationships.


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    Karunagaran(2006) assessed the eligibility for Bank to join this venture with

    Insurance Company.The net worth of Bank should not be less than worth 500 crores.

    CRAR of Bank should not be less than 10 %

    Bank should have been running in net profit for last 3 consecutive years.

    According to her As at end-March 2006, among the life insurers, there were 151

    companies in private sector and Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) wasthe solitary public sector company.As regarding the present size of the insurance market in India, it accounts notnot even one per cent of the global insurance market. She pointed out that Indias

    insurance market is expected to grow rapidly in the next 10 years.

    She also stated that in spite of significant growth of life insurance businessthrough the outstanding efforts of LIC, only 25 to 26% of insurable population

    in India has been insured.

    Her study revealed that at the initial growing stage of the economy the primary

    financial needs are met by the banking system and thereafter as the economymoves on to higher pedestal, the need for the other non-banking financial products

    including insurance, derivatives, etc., is strongly felt. Moreover, as India hasalready more than 200 million middle class population coupled with vast bankingnetwork with largest depositors base, there is greater scope for use of



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    Saravanakumar (2012) sees disadvantage on Insurance Companies part as

    Banks after allying with an Insurance Company may discontinue it to settletheir own venture.

    He says that with the opening up of this sector to private players, competition

    has become more intense and the public sector major LIC has been challengedwith a flood of new products and new means of marketing. Insurance industry

    in India has been progressing at a rapid pace since opening up of the sector to

    the entry of private companies in 2000.He classified the system into 3 Models: (1)Referral Model,

    (2)Corporate Agency, (3) Fully Integrated Financial Service

    He considered some issues hindering the smooth functioning of Banking System

    such as:Lathargic attitude of Public Sector Banks.

    Conflict of interests and Incompatibility of attitudes between the Employees of

    Banks and Insurance Companies.Suspected apprehension of replacement to Insurance Sector.

    He says that going by the present pace, bancassurance would turn out to be

    a norm rather than an exception in future in India.


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    3. Research Methodology

    3.1 Need and objective of the study

    Bancassurance is a relatively new concept in the global stage. Unlike banks and insurers which

    have been around in one form of another for centuries, Bancassurance has only been around for a

    few decades. AXIS bank was having a tie up with Max New York Life Insurance for selling Life

    insurance products to its retail customers. Hence there is a need for the study to know whetherAXIS bank has been benefited out ofbancassurance by way of financial analysis and to

    suggest the areas where they can make use of and converge the attention of the bank if any, is


    Objectives of the study

    Primary objective-

    It is to make an analysis on the financia l performance of AX IS b ank in

    bancassurance wi th specific reference to l ife insurance and to sugges t the

    ways and means t o i mpr ove t he ex is ti ng pe rf or mance by way o f collecting

    responses from the customers.

    Secondary objective-

    To find out the kinds of tie ups in Banking and Insurance Sector.

    Study the Customer awareness towards these Bancassurance tie-ups.

    To assess the relationship building factors of Banks, which is significantfor Bancassurance.

    To know the customer preferences in selecting AXIS bank as a

    distribution channel in case of their willingness to obtain Insurancepolicy in future.


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    Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of

    data in manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose witheconomy in procedure of data.

    It is a blue print specifying every stage of action in the course of research.

    o The research design adopted in this study for secondary data is

    exploratory and analytical in nature. Exploratory research aims to gain

    familiarityand new insights into any phenomenon while analyticalresearch aims at analyzing the current scenario and thereby using that to

    project the future.

    3.3 SAMPLING:

    Sampling may be defined as a selection of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis of

    which a judgment or inference about the aggregate or totality is made.The sample size was 100. 100 respondents were surveyed and interviewed regarding



    A sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample

    given population. There are different methods of sampling. Here Convenience samplingtechniquehas beenused.CONVENIENCE SAMPLING: This method of sampling involves selecting the sample elements

    using some convenient method without going through the rigor of sampling method. Theresearcher may make use of any convenient base to select the required number of samples.

    Accordingly, the area selected for the study was Chandigarh.

    3.5 SAMPLE SIZE :Sample size refers to the number of items to be selected for the universe to constitute asample. The total sample size was taken to be 100.


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    This project consists of data which are collected from various sources. Normally there are twosources of collecting data i.e. Primary Data and secondary data. In this project I have taken both

    primary as well as secondary Data.

    3.6 Primary Research:Primary research has been done to validate the information given in this project. This researchhas been extensively done via visit to a bank (Axis Bank). Interviews from various Bank clients

    and public . The research was primarily focused on structured face-to-face interviews.

    Secondary research-

    The secondary data about the project is collected through various sources i.e.1. Various websites

    2. Newspaper articles3. Blogs

    4. Scholar articles


    The method followed in obtaining the primary data was through the structured questionnaire.

    The researcher had used a Questionnaire for obtaining the primary data for analysis. A

    questionnaire is a form prepared and distributed to secure responses to certain questions. Here awell-structured questionnaire has been prepared with all the important details regarding

    bancassurance. It has both open ended and close-ended questions.

    3.8 PRE TESTING:Before a questionnaire is finalized it should be field-tested. As such, pilot study has been done.That is after the questionnaire was drafted, to decide whether it is comprehensive or not, it is

    used with a few (10) respondents. Their responses are studied and it has been helpful in changing

    the questionnaire like giving more instructions to the respondents for filling up, re-sequencingthe questions, addition and deletion of questions etc.


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    This constitutes an integral part of research analysis. Hence an analysis of data compiled

    should be subjected to relevant analysis so that meaningful conclusions could be arrivedat.

    The statistical tools applied in this research are:

    Percentage Analysis

    Graphical Method

    Correlation Analysis

    CORRELATION COEFFICIENTIn a bivariate study distribution we may be interested to find out if there is any

    correlation or co-variance between the two variables under study. If the change in onevariable affects a change in the other variable, the variables are said to be correlated. If the

    two variables deviate in the same direction i.e. if the increase (or decrease) in one results

    in a corresponding increase (or decrease) in the other, correlation is said to be direct orpositive.


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    4. Data Analysis

    Data was analysed by simple Descriptive Statistical methods and results were shown on the Bar

    Graphs and Pie Charts.

    However final inferences were drawn from Correlation explained in the last section.

    4.1 Customer Preferences?


    In the sample it was found out that out of the total respondents, 40% of the

    people were dealing with SBI,Followed by PNB- 20%

    AXIS 14%

    CBI 4%

    HDFC 10%Others 12%

    This means that most of the people are SBIs customers which shows the market share of

    SBI in Chandigarh.


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    4.2 Most preferred products by the customers.


    The research concluded that Savings a/c is the most common product of the banksas compared to Insurance Policies, Loans, FDs, RDs etc.


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    4.3 Preferred Insurance Policy by the customers.


    48% respondents have purchased Insurance policies from

    Independent Insurance Companies. And only 24% of the total respondents are associated withBancassurance. Whereas 28% people are dealing with both. That means these people are the ones

    who have experienced both kinds of distribution Channels and can be approached for

    experiences regarding both.

    4.4 Bancassurance is beneficial over Independent Policy.


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    Interpretation:Majority of the people are in favour of bancassurance. According to them

    Bancassurance has an upper hand over Independent Insurance Policies. Whereas 32% are neutral.

    Bancassurance and Individual Insurance Policy is the same for them.

    4.5 How likely are you going to have Bancassurance in near future?


    Although majority of people consider Bancassurance beneficial but less %age is

    likely to have bancassurance in near future.

    40% respondents said they are likely to purchase Bancassurance in near Future. Whereas 32%

    are unlikely.This Contrast in decisions may be due to several factors such as relationship with Bank Staff,

    level of satisfaction with existing Bank, Easy Accessibility and availability to bank etc.


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    4.6 Factors affecting choice of Insurance Policy?

    Interpretation:Tax Benefit is the biggest reason for the people to purchase

    Insurance Policies followed by Security. These are the two main considerations which

    influence the people to decide upon and buy the Insurance Products be it through Bankor through Individual Insurance Companies.

    4.7 Most Preferred mode of buying an insurance policy.



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    More than 40% people find it more convenient to purchase Insurance Policiesfrom banks followed by sale through Companies and Agents. Very less people like to purchase

    Insurance Products from brokers.

    4.8 Most popular Bank.


    The study revealed that today Axis Bank is gaining popularity among peoplebecause of high degree of services provided by it i.e. understanding the needs of the

    customer, transparency in dealings and products, Promptness and updating the customers

    about its products.HDFC, PNB and SBI are also not very far and are likely to give tough

    competition while other banks not facing much fluctuations and showing steady movement.


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    4.9 Improvements suggested by Customers.


    When it comes to the satisfaction from the services, a high %age ofcustomers suggested that the products and terms and conditions must be clear and

    transparent, merely writing *T&C APPLIED* is not enough and customers find it

    irritating. Their next suggestion is that the staff must be prompt to resolve their

    problems and queries. Few customers suggested about attractive schemes and offerswhile some %age were happy to be backbenchers and just watch the show.


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    4.10 Correlation between Customer Satisfaction towards Banks andProducts sale through banks.

    Correlation:If the change in one variable affects a change in the other variable,

    the variables are said to be correlated. If the two variables deviate in the

    same direction i.e. if the increase (or decrease) in one results in acorresponding increase (or decrease) in the other, correlation is said to

    be direct or positive.

    Here in the sample the correlation between satisfaction level of the customers and

    0.474769i.e. the chances of Product sales are much higher in case the customer is satisfied with

    the Banking Services.

    Higher the customer satisfaction higher the Sales.


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    5. Findings

    This is evident from studies that customers have a lot of trust on banks and because of

    this trust the customers take Insurance Products from the Banks.

    Brand name and image of the Banks and the Insurance Companies plays important role in

    the selection of the Insurance product by the customer

    It is seen that private sector banks are leading in the business because of their qualityservice which is rarely seen in Govt. Sector Banks.

    Though general opinion about the Insurance is pretty good among the people but still

    most of the respondents are uncertain about Insurance as a good Investment option.

    Study shows that most of the people opt bank for Savings bank a/c but they are hesitant

    while opting for Insurance Product. However they know importance of Insurance

    It has been established from the study that the sale of product is directly proportional to

    quality of services. And its promotion is directly proportional to after sale service.

    It is found that lower middle class group falling within the slab of less than 5 lakh

    income, found it inconvenient to transact with banks for particularly Insurance Product. It

    is not so while going for a savings Bank A/c and Loans.

    Study revealed that the market has so many Banks and Insurance Companies giving a

    tough competition among them. Clientele is distributed among them and brand and better

    services attracting them.

    To promote bancassurance the Customer should be made aware that these bancassurance

    products are not sales driven but are need driven as per the requirements of the



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    6. Conclusions

    Our country has a vast population and still the majority is ignorant

    about the importance and benefits of the Insurance. Hence there is agreat potential to approach and search for clientele among them.

    Necessity is opting for the better mode of approaching them through

    confident and trustworthy agents who can take pain to go door to door

    taking it as a social service.

    We have got vast market of customers as well as Banks and insurance

    Companies which are running with hands together and customers are

    almost evenly distributed. In this situation the bank alliance which is

    committed to provide better, genuine, transparent and prompt service

    will certainly lead.


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    Karunagaran, A (2006), Bancassurance: A Feasible Strategy for Banks in India?

    Reserve Bank of India Occasional Papers, Vol. 27, No. 3.

    Saravanakumar, S (Feb 2012), FLOURISHING BANCASSURANCE BUSINESS:AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE, Zenith International Journal of multidisciplinary Research,


    Veni, K Pushpa( Research Scholar) , Bancassurance- An emerging concept in India






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