kvetching kung fu

Post on 26-May-2015






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This presentation was designed to equip all fitness services staff with the discipline and skills necessary to deal with their difficult guests. It was first presented to the staff at the Miles Nadal JCC in Toronto, November 2010.


Kvetching Kung FuStrategies for Dealing with Difficult Guests at the MNjcc

Presented by: Christopher Laurin

Health Systems Group

What’s our core purpose?(as HSG employees)

To solve unsolved problems innovatively

To preserve and improve human life

To experience the emotion of competition,

winning, and crushing competitors

To make people happy

To make people away from home feel they

are among friends and really wanted

To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same things as

rich people

What’s our core purpose?

Our core purpose is to make every

membership visit (experience)


HSG’s Service Vision

Service Excellence is an integral part of the HSG brand; and differentiates us from our competitors.

HSG’s Service Mission

HSG’s customers experience our programs and services as inspiring. We do this by Managing the Customer Experience.

What does Service Excellence mean to YOU?

① Welcome your guests② Use their name③ Take care of their needs④ Thank them for coming⑤ Invite them back

Service StatisticsOnly 4% of your members will complain

1:26 ratio

It costs 5-6 times MORE to get a new member

54-70% will continue to stay with you if you resolve their complaints quickly

Dissatisfied members will tell up to 10 other people about their dissatisfaction

If it costs you $1,000 to If it costs you $1,000 to get a new member, it get a new member, it takes only takes only 1010 seconds to seconds to lose one and up to lose one and up to 1010 years to overcome the years to overcome the direct and indirect losses direct and indirect losses resulting from that resulting from that member leavingmember leaving..

Kvetching Kung FuStrategies for Dealing with Difficult Guests

Kvetching[kvech] - intransitive verb:

1. to complain habitually

noun:1. a complaint;2. a habitual complainer.

origin:Kvetch comes from Yiddish kvetshn , "to squeeze,

to complain," from Middle High German quetzen, quetschen, "to squeeze.”

Kung Futerm

Kung fu or gongfu or gung fu is a Chinese term often used in the west to refer to Chinese martial arts characterized by self-defense tactics.

Its original meaning is somewhat different, referring to one's expertise in any skill achieved through hard work and practice.

Kung Fu


Why would a member at the

be upset?

Some Reasons WhyThey’re in a hurry

They’re already upset at someone else

Their expectations have not been met

They’re promised something that isn’t delivered

They feel no one listens to them

They’re tired, stressed out, or frustrated

Some Reasons WhyThey are told two different things by two separate staff members

They want to control or manipulate you by

making a lot of noise

They’re confused, overwhelmed, nervous, anxious, or worried

No one pays attention to them

They’re treated poorly or discourteously

The Difficult Guest

Guest’s Can be …

The Distracted Guest

The Disappointed Guest

The Disruptive Guest









Skills for Diffusing Anger

Identify the angry customer. Learn to read verbal and non-verbal


Diffuse the customer’s anger. Deal with the customer’s feelings.

① Empathize

② Ask questions

③ Give feedback

④ Summarize the problem

Sometimes YOU mishandle a situation

First, you can admit your mistake and apologize

If you think the situation is serious enough, you can refer it upward to your supervisor.


allow yourself to be drawn into the customer’s negativity

argue or engage in power struggles

blame the customer for any part of the problem

use sarcasm with a customer

personalize the situation or get caught up in the emotionalism of

the encounter

There is only one way to deal with abusive situations

Don’t react

Draw the line


A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Certainly Miss, what seems to be the problem?”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“I understand your concern. What do you think would be fair?”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Julie, I’m so sorry this has happened. How can we resolve this for you?”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Sir, you deserve the very best and we seem unable to provide it. Because I want you to be well served, may I suggest…?”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Although you may not agree with my decision, I’d like to explain it so you will at least understand.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Let me do some investigating on my end and call you back. Would you prefer me to call you this evening at home, or tomorrow morning?”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Have I done something personally to upset you? I’d like to be part of the solution.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We will address it right away.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“We love to hear feedback from our customers - both positive and negative. It gives us a chance to always be upgrading our services to you. Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“It’s obvious that I have not been able to help you. If you don’t object, I would like to let a colleague of mine attempt to better meet your needs.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“Unfortunately, we are unable to give you a full-price refund without a receipt. I can, however, authorize a credit for the current sale price.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“We see this differently, and I’m going to have to put more thought to the perspective you have shared with me. It’s helpful for me to understand how you see things. In the meantime, here’s what I can do to solve the immediate problem.”

A Baker’s Dozen of Opening Lines and Phrases

“If I hear that language again, I won’t be able assist you. Unless we can find a different way to communicate, I’m going to have to hang up (then, keep your promise).”

Kung Fu


Our core purpose is to make every membership visit

(experience) extraordinary




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