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Harbor Grace Standard. !•fr. T. R nll.

" 0. Gu~hut'.

" J uhn Cr:~nc. .. · . . .. . ' ' .1. Jo:. Piko. ,'o; Fon-) " H . .r. ll:tJ-

Tt':-"!: . .. .... j tlo n. T m:--rTr " \\". Pitt mnn. Jl., :--no)( ~o~:'I·O .: . . " :\ . T11.u :r. l'.1T.I LI:-' A . .. .. . . \apt. .~ . Pi.'rry. )l o :--.\\· 1- T,\ . .. :'II r .. I. L:t wrcuco ~ln.l . t:Hr. To ws .. G . ,\-:~r . Ctu: ~::-- st·o:.o . . F. " 'httf'. J'nr.n . .. " .I Fi !J.!!!'r:\IJ Tll'u.J.I:I' U.ln: ........ .. " J . J . Pear.·t>·

No tl c e·•· ·


A II onfl',•ren (rom cougha, col de, brcmchi­tl•, a•thma, end irrrgular oct ion of tht bur, or• fl>nrotly ror~;mmtndrd to ~ub Hon .. -,.., •• srrh.nr:: Oin•mrr. t wtll OTtr tbe tl.roat br~n•t oud b•rk •• the ru• n'lay r•qeiro twire a day. lnvalitl• n\ay cbrtidrnlly relt uvon !hr btn.ficial rff~ttl re'lulring frolll't nie lfntmt n!: tb;, Ointm•nl i1 tbe mott truat· worthy r.m~dy for ell intuoal anc! ' n~tDll •ilmonll of the throet.

Dad Legs, Had' Bi:'easts, Ulcers,. A IJscesses, \ Vounde and· Sores

of all kmds:

lJARliOR GRACE, NEWFOU'NDLA~ ~DNESDA:Y, JUNE-12, 1872. hfu A.'~'BER 30.

.. -------~ (rOll TIU: DJ.UDOU OUj,C£ IIT.I.:IDj,UD.)

The Wtre•s Domest!c!'SoUioqulcs.

IIo,-long it will seem till ho comes b:tck ag:~it1,

Ifow lonely I'll bo 1111 tho wh ilo, H'e not homo til ntl when Iris foo:stops

Jon't fnll, Without bia denr veiro nnd l'>ved


I -.. ~':·~~~~ l ~fl'at Hilcuit is made fr m boiled beef • free from grenae, tho liqu r of which is

cmporntcd to tho roJoau oey of ayrup, :~ml this is u1ixcd with wb atoo flour ~o .u to form !\ solid pnate. hd pnato ia then aprcnd out by a~lling-pin, ia piorcod with u number r · l,lo_kolca, it can into tho' Jimou~ioai sen luscuits, :~nd i~ then l111kud aud properly drird. Tho bi•cuit i~ eatl'u dr:·, or may bo brok. en, boiled in twenty o~hirty times its w4:ight in water from t ·outy to thirty minutes, nod srosoned with aalt nuJ

0 r i g i It i! (, ~ thcr !Till call to flu ir :ti,l the rl'•rlurre~ ~ ~ll~lt0r0l0.9tfi\l -~--- ----- -- of nil clim" • 011,1 n!ltl:o adnpl ntinn• of -.. ..._ -~

(F'oli TUEU.\IIDOII CHI.LCE H.\ :-'I>ARD.) human inn •ntiuu. l'lothcd will• :bn• t c.,L:~W;,;";.~a Jrr;E. I ne:l nl'.lt the ~kin , then &Ilk, t hen rlntl,' ·~·~·~=--.,;'o,..,.~'..,..,.._,.,..,.~~~

Aon-IC"nltnrc . noel then ~ti.in~. t lwr wilt bo nbll' tn j 1' ~- it. '41':'1"")v.;'"'7J•. I .tTS.- 11 . maint..tin the ll:tlur:tl t cmpCTlltUre or tla(' . I __ - - __ .1 __ ----'•

. 1\ltoro the potntn ficl<l '~on. a Plopc, body wher!l quick<ih·cr frccu:e; thl'i[ II . . .. 1 .. 1 ......... • 1 I rt \fill br nppar<'nt tlmt the <!rill· or t.!tc foot! \ri ll conljlri~o tho ~c:~tcst :~mount l' ~ !l j 1 :; ; G . "U 8 bed• •hou!J not run nthn:nrt, i;>Ut n·atlt ofa~bstancu in tl•r &rullliClltbulk;..lh,·ir !l 10 11 12 l!l I· lu tl1o olopc; ftrr 'lh~ •n '7ln8 r:un-,.nt.-r, arm~ will be n.•pr:~tin~ rifk~. Ull<l t !u•! ~ 1 G _,.,.. •; -1 0 f !() 2 , ., wou!d I~ tho one lnMtnnco nccumrd:at.·. uu•:~n• of support on tht• bo~om• o f the 1 ::! I :! ~ 2.) , 2tl 27 j 28 2ll but m t_no other an•! l:1t1~r rn.so ~tHtld I yrt ~unotp!orcd P olnr Se:t will bo th\' 1 !l1 ..... I . .... .. .. ... be c:1rrwd off. " ater '" rhcmtcally :ai r impri•onl'fl in tubes of rubber. 1\u ' ·-== --- -- = cof!~po~cd of oxy~l'll nnd l~y.dro;:en gn~. part.• PO w!':l provided fnr !ina corer vrt ltOO:I''s :•u.uts.

pepper. fl.~m water cont111n~ _nJ~cn~11 10usly mnny I ~~·t out.-Alu&kll H erald. JJ11y !>. • r Q llth 3 48 j,_}.[; more clement~ rruchf)'lll:! mtltocitrrtnl' ' IRST 1/ \DTE.R ..... ' •

_ _ ___ wltf'n not :~pplictl e.wC's•i,·cly, but nn . F~1.1. :llo o:=-- .. . .. ... '21at, !l.2i A.w· t.""Oilt·· ····· t o ... ro"·th ""''II nl1.nw-·' to .•c. I Tile lllnc~'i ofPrinre nt~ntnrk. L.\8T (~t" .lRTF.n .. . • 27tb, U.:Ji 1'.)1.• To Dn£~R S,;t :.s -Jf vo n wi•h to ..... o ~ .. ~ ~..., "

l'lcnu tho sKin ofyourself,'unil it flat 011 cun~~tlall'. And tlal'r!' i~ no pl:111t wlti,·h 11 bonrd with the. fu r dl'lltnw:~rds ; ro- ro:tlizcs th<' truth of t his moro thnn the (From t.'•e LorrJo11 .Dt~il; .Yrrrs.}

[ roll TU E 11 .\IIDOH ORIC£ BT.L"\'DUO.) Tbe papers lio waitinro A" if to bo r~.··' t t \\'1 t I' • bo s 'd b t " • ~ .. u mo,·o C\'Cry Jl:trt iclc o f fat, nnd then po :t o . •:a cv r til:>) :11 :1 ou

\Ia\' bt th" rou,.hh· L•al d b1thi "P'' • How •AA•nt 110 I k th 1 · t l £ 1· ' tl · I t pA h J 1 · · 1 :ttctNn'olo..,tcnl Vnrlctics. · • " ' ~ e • • .. •uea• • ~u · w oo 8 o 11rm-c 1n1r · snturnte tho Rkin with nlum.w:tlcr; nf- 10 u•o o c:tp ttl 10r rnnnur<', 1e re 1$ wnP. d :1p~. on y 'Y !'I cotncl< cnrC' .. tinn of a hi• Oiutm•ut to the parta afl'tctrd, af. Tho c!l«ket"' nod ch.eu in oblirion ' ter thus well ;11,.0

tho ~kin fi,.0 or six rca~ou to t l1ink t !ant t ht•ir us!' ~:enl'r:tlc~ lhnt t lao :\ ltnoMI'h do Gotbn for l~iO "'ith what wind, or \Yhether in d:IJ or ·

~ t.TfiE IH ~I ~: n \ \'. ~onT;r :-no nJ: . .. .. . . .. :IIr. F. Thomu. J.rn u : B.1. Y lt:l..l:\'11. . ·• J . Cnmpbrll.

••r ahey hn,··· b•~n tlt/ly' fdmtnlttl with re t · 1' £ · b i 1 · 1 h cJ 1 ' t f r- I p · worm wot.r. l'11d•r th• acnion .oftltt1- pow.

8' tim::R, lot it ,!ry perfectly. when it will trued 1 0 111 0 un• nnec w IIC t mrtr n 3 pnr rnr 0 ' nunr. 10"' rt ncc ni,;:ht, oz.me prl'\·nils most, arc quca-

erful 0 1ntm•nt, nidtd hr the P r111, the d... A a well aa the lov'd solot:liro ! be 118 still' na the bonrJ itfe:i: ro mnvc it, provo de~ I ruc tivo t o your other Cr•1 J>~ . ll i~anrk • nt ita fron t i•pic•·o. The tions which wi I C'ro long bo 11t nil event!! N otl c c . l""''d humruro of tn~ body will be quickly nnd rub inn smnll qunntity of bc~t olive Whate\'Cr III:IY bo ~:aid :~bout tl10 gcn- dt:t1l<'l'!lnr of tho :-inrth Germ:1n Con. nr.proiimntely dctcrrninerl, nod it ie o£ wnoYctl; <'<n •crofuloua ol«n end rull Thore'a "Georgo" be is coost11ntly c:tll. o il, till it beeomcg quit e aoft nnd pliablt>, ern I btenl'n of ou r IC':Ison~ on th<> ~l':t fe<lrration w:u nl t hnt timo thr most ::~<'~I importnrtro t hnt these enquiriCA

Jol:l.D.son·a · •oru, howntr uld or m•tttroht, can tbua·bt ing for "pa," "'hou it will bo free from swell, :tnJ tho bonrtl, co tnp:<rc<l with otht·r ('Ounlri,·• . o romiur nt fir;uro in EnrnpC':In politics: •hould bo soh·cd. T ho \Tord owno i•

A X 0 'l D }' ~ E L J ~~· ~ ~~ E ~~· T curtd. And must havo his lt:tt o r hi~ cnne: hair will not como ofl'. one thin·• i~ ('Crtniu that thn do not tcnJ :tnclnow t hnt bois condemn rei br illne~s dcri\'ed from n Greek ,·crb, signifying I Go t Rl t. d N Ho worrioa mo eo with auch questions to _ _ ..,__ to quick~n that in~rct whi~h has p ro,·cJ I to. rnr:a_t<' his poat. mnny will iook on " In fitn<'ll," :\ow wood nahea. ccnl I u u , 1enmn tsm; an · -eu· k , j l . h

1 now CnoCOL.\TE.- Tnko nu ounre o£ diO· so oflon injurious to ·cr~ps 111 othernn•l liS rehrt'~tcnt Wit n ."rf:O nmo.unt of a~hre, ..:·Jntnin pot.nah l:tr~;cly. ' Vhcn FOil t:l'n:ns.u . . \:-.-o un·us.\L usE, I ralgic Pains Wboo be is to·come b:tck agAin~ colntc for 0110 p l'n<on: ecmpo it, ftnd more ln\'Ort·•l ,·li me~. wlul'h nrc fr<'qucnt . p<'raonnl 111tert'1!~. r,t .•s 11npos~1blo to boiling water h:appco1 to bo upeet on

Ia now in its Sisti~th )"tnr and io to· day I 1'hit Ointm~n· nt'l'fr ro il a to ~t iYe relieC boil it about f\H' minut e~, with nbout ly pcsl<'n:·J by, the rnvcuons ,.:rnsh?pprr I rcgnrclt he rnr~cr o£ l nnce ll••!nnrk, nntl co:~ I Mhcs, :a pl'culiu otlor ie tho C'>nte-u hr ro 11 is kn<>..r , the most Ita ver~· firn •rplirettnn ,.,,.n1 the iu8a· Dut whnt C4D I do for him while he's fou r tnble~poonfu ls of 11'IIIC'r. W h!'n on~ locn't. 1· urtb~rmore, \' t•gol:tl ton i.n , wn~ch thr \':lnous stcrs by wl11ch br hns qucm·c-. ll i!:h ste:.m it.tc-lf i8 a cl:sin•

I motion, • ml dimuo~ah .. onrh ~••t ond pain nway? smf,oth, ndd 11 pi nt o f n e,.· milk : let it tlu.~ countr~ \~hen tl tlors rornm.C'I~l'e ~~ I nrrr•·erl n~ rc~ults •· ~uch_ ho openly !'ro- ft•ctaut, 80 i-t fire ~mnke nod 10 imlcrd ill

p 0 p u 1 a r Medicine Thia t oothi r ~ Oiulm~nl.11v cepuntin~r the I have it-;es thrlt T 8l.nll do- boil, stirrin it W('ll; or mull it " 'ith n I qmck; nt>t llln;:: cnn Cll'C'CJ tho brrlh:tncy . f<'~scd ills ~!t· l crmtn~tiOn t? nchJC\'C tho Mncll or till~ nHhL~ ~tonm, though far hlood 011 its routr to or frnrn lh• afftcttd Hie ~tippers nro old, nod must DO\T bo •tick or mitY, which, pnF~iu~; throu~;h tho of o ur srn~~ land~ n.nJ the prol~lic power I ~·cnrs n:;:u, Wltll(oUt .bctn~ led mto ~~r:lC from bcint: o£ n fma;rnnt effc<"t . """'

In thr Cni•cd St~•··· ' T houtondt I r renrle I pori•, llrODIOirt br.hh,· action. In ••••r• eold, l 'ad of tho Of, 01:\}' be worked quic:kly or tho :;:nrden•, wlulo. fn_rms 1:11<1 out o_n •nr~ o£ ~\·~p~thy '1\'tth tho \':l,t pllhttc:ll if WO 81111'11 tho ne"· ly nod po wr rfully u•e It IN the Grot tim~ nth nor, ond !hou. I ond rhronio raeu the hll• •lu ulol ohnyt be '"b ..... b 1 -.l b P 1 d 1 1 d d l h l t I t• b

• • k • f · . ' ey muo., e rep nc~-u y once new ! ,,.1·tt1 botlt b•. 1,.> •• , "O 8000 liS to 1,1·,.0 •• t 1c cpartnlllcnt:t. p rtno:tp c su;;;;cstc 111 1. c"'f:.nr.w ~~~ t!l! .1 en:; .: .• re.n ~rown • itn))rc~~cd t c~. t plio. rr, imprc•_·~d .,. j eoncis mn1c mi·•nt he ~tfilledh)· i: wh•r• 1ft •n . ao thtlr puri yang altrrnall\' t ant! r~- . " .u " 0 " d b l\[ I:: I l d 1 ( ~ . . t.t. 1 • 'To a loroti~e qun liaitt r•l• r• th• v.ho lo m••• tiuo froth to t ho chocolnto. for'Iler rcm:arks,, pri'~Cill n happy s pl'c · l I' \ ~u?ces•. :I,'IY an ?!; rs 1 rc~ er ozo nt', n pt' r: nrne Pom~"·hnt <tn ' ' ' 1 ·<'l n~?" ' 111 lnt•."~na ·1 '" .

0 • .,. , oi •oli•l• •nd 6uitla intu • " hol•oomc condls How plens'd he wiU look ns his eyes on __ ...,__ tacle nnJ nnchor of hnpo fort h<· ooun. of tl10 hrs tory of ~~~·oleon s c:~mpn1gn~ th~t of n~hc- , 1,.,.

111 pro!luce tl ·, . h. ,

il po"u'~·l' c o mtdtr:nc ~~- thas coun'If llun. them rest, F enthr r b<'lh should bo shnkon crorr trr X ot inc!ecd .so s ur<' ~s to ~i 1·c c11r . I hn• bccorn.o ~o f~~l'l lln!f·~l by t!•e sp:c· J w:>ter, "'" l!t• ... ~,·,•rnC<.I. nlt r:, .ft ::, . rloptetl to the r•lid onrl rur~ ni •o s root • 1'! '\l I . F . I S . B' Surpris'd, oh ! nnd so o;cr-joyctl Ja , and turned: lot tho bcd·toom wiu·· tnthty, n 11:orJ ~~·hH:~l pract11:all~ ·~not :o 1

1 tnclo ofnn tndo?utablc Will wnrrm::: '~:th faintrr. Future ol~>r~vntion• ' ·. ,.


a tim· of dir•• ••• oud ailm• n\• u J ohnoon'a 1 IC · ot lCl' $ ' n cnf - ktn ' IS• To think- thnt tho ll'bilo I his absence do~vs bo wHo op!•n whilo vou pr~form bo fouud •.n tht~ btl,; world~ lltctH>nary. tht' \rholo of Enropo. _tha l_-~nr:;<'tlm!! • hnpl'd, r • tnbltsh " l.d hcr t ,., • ,1

r •: A:s•m;.,P. J.r.<t'\IY.:ST. l'~l.o r::•nerclly l rases. h nw t>n •r I lcsperntc may be~uil'd thil operntion; turn n1.1\trcs1lcs once butnfi',~altn!! •tron~ prob_:~bt.tLy o(_final l for n moment tho ln •l • rwmcs ol tl " . nlblino d !·p•J• it c-.Ul IJe .m1100 out o: • t !" ''" .:!in.;t t h< :-;, ... E~~ l·nrl St•~• art b(Jij{auically Cured. My t imo for his comfort employed! orerv three wcck~-not lutN t h:tn onco l succc~~~ .n the b~:tJ of ltft•. A~:~m, I j m:m. t ho tlnn::cl'll. to t ho l t.hrrt~· of_thc I snch tt·"tc.l l'''f'<.' ~•. 1 11m pi~· 111 ,

11 •• ,

tnahu11a\lie in iUI•ni,...on<l many thou- J <: ~ h 1 1 bl h h k ' 11 mo'oth. W nsh broomsnnd brns lteH ouc-o Hn~·. tl;nt the potnlo plan.t ~nil n ot 1\'<•r lt! tlr n.~ ~,·r•:e. un·oh·~d Ill lu~ mm~ t h i).ti~ttht• attrut ion o£ f n .·noi• nh~ .. ,,! •• n<li 0

( • l •cr~f~~ .. uo :.~,.:· 0;'~:~1(.;~•. ,f.\~'d !.,~h ·~~~: How nico I tr.:~st m:tko cnch dcnr object n W('e]; ; ltnn::: tlu•m up to c'ry. I t will bear ht!;l. UllUi ur.•n!!. ~uhjcrll~·.:h·, . 1 :nd t h!' t .. hJ!Ittrrs wlnch m:trkr~l Ius I m:ay b,1 •Jll'~i:~!ly <l!rect ed 11, t!,r qu&l! -

B F 'd C t'fic"te ~ · · fT ~Iion t , )' i• 'd 10 t hr rni ;:tnty po,.er or thi• Thnppear. . . pro,·eut t he wood froDl rotting by pr•>· further. sa~·. t hnt t it~ :1 plnnt whtch ,~· ti l p~ t l: - h<'. h:t~ llr~n fN~cd to cxp<'rtcnce ti.m. whwl. i• :m nnporbnt Olll', I'V<'n ona 1 e er 1 ..... s. fin• Ointm-nl, IJrO<i~ed II b• rubbed llround 0 o~entog !10 IS to r C'tur.n; porly drniuiog tho wate r ' lrom tl.to hnir. uol t hrll·e at l_c:l~= s::cnc·rally by bcm;; Atll•H· frt·lm.~of ch~.,,r pornt tnent w,hcn the I with rr•pcct 1.:! 1\1111 M ht·nrin ~ 1\:J t'· .

mi,:ht lr nh•nineJ fr nm ' """' ..-hns• l"•j u· 1 tho afT.ra•ri '"''' '"'o nr thrte timea a d~y , lion• 9utckly ho II own thoro ts no 11lnce --- -- :1811113!1~ •o wn tn the ~amo !!roun~. For ~IM.\' of \\ :1tc•rloo u t •>lcl, nn·l H' • l'o• 'J'IOI!Iti.,n < whi.-11 L nfTorJ in th i~ p!lpcr. the• h.- ban o•·-rro:n• h~ it• n lu'ar y ,.. ond th< 1.' 11!• he tokrn aceurt! tng to tbe pr:nt.


}ik_o home, . A r. C T tho e lhl't l•nt j:rowth mul wrlfnrc o l e,·cr•· th<' cr!'nt conquoror 1hrnwn dn·.•·n- f rom The 1 riMh J-:,h tl'nt ionni wo rk 0 ,1 cht·~,igtrv

t. ' "' I I I 1 £ N , ·.xcEt.r.r.:-.'T .l KE t;on 1:.\ 011 I h I I d ' • I · · I £ d b · I I •nh•. " " " ltl ~. impuo11ble he re to ed dartctto•·•· •' o tg rta t 111t AO f.'ltt 1 ully burn ! Lv:--c m:O:I'.-Unc pound 1\Dd 1\ lmli of p :ant . . <' cuuca nnd ot •er con llio.ns of 1 118 p:rn1~c· o o power an . :lilt• tl'r to n (pn.-:o iG) rt'n~1rb.that "ni~ l'Onta iniug n "'wrro • a ll the J) rdpsi cal Swellings, Pnral ysis Wb l' ttl f t tt I d . h flour. half n pouucl of but~or, three ten.. tho eot l nro n<:l···~~nr):- But con lmucd rr rno: " •s l :nd, _thcro to h •·c nut ,of t.hc i: ( ozon•·) " rll, hl-.o chlormr, !liberJ) o

: Varied uses a na l Stiff J oiuts. ohn' 0 ce pn or so ou 10 t I) t1poonfuls "£ bnking pon·il'Or rubbed in, ~rowth .(Jf ono J>I.UIL •.n t ho oamo sui I ia • rctn ~l n•lc~ o£ ht!\ Wl'l'l f"l•r I .In~·~ fho 111· I i" ·lmc from io·lido o£ pot.u~ium nnd it ht~lf a 'pound of eu;;nr, lrol£ n pound of t.rht~usllct of t!10 •o~l, :and therefor~. tc rc•t ~'· !u."h nro~nd t ho _nnme auJ rn· •


will dumj::o yellow into red pruuioto of t"' f " iirh , ;, .. ". notlvnt J.j,,im,. nr j , pt'r~ .. ,.11,. ~ . nJ •;••t'd, t .l l lh t~ pr on ·a·1,r11 u .ll t"h l"•r (u i\ ~l ll rt \' nf .•h~ ."·one cu.,., o(. tb above ~·•· .... :1 t l't"l"'1tt. •,1 nny oro•• w ho w l,) u r:~c {1l r rn. •tt\ w 111 'u•ht 1n a cn~parall1't ! 1hnrt lime r· , 0 1,,.111,hJ. 1 J:"l"~ t .~tl pan 1cul u•, 10_ , 11 the Omlm<n t be dl.lj:tntly apr llrd to the J:• 1h!"r \\'H'l m t 'l \' n· rl d'iC''l t t a ancl mueh Gff ... r-ttt.l P".rtt. t>'f"~n whfn ot her mean• ha1'0 , 1:.-r , ' ·'""'• i•, r,1rm~· i HI. A few errdfi halt~ . \\ hn.vtr l_he malady bne beta of ( .1• ••" "~ he•f'" Jot acon , w l,il·n ir i ~t~ h Opc-d w ih ion._: fii t11H1111J: the 0,1ntme~t . •bou}.fl, be ~·· 1 .. , thr r. "' Jrrall•., lhr y d·••rr•. tlllnioc I ll•lod l>y ll ullo\u.y 1 pun~)'lng lrl.o . ,.IJ ,~It "' tht\' ,; • r.om s •ntl<mtn of the ' · •GhcSI I act ~pun th~ •toma~h a•~d ltrcr.l:\uftlrn~r dt-r .. nee'••b•lit). gestaon ·~1 111>\ r.n!"l: tnl(l tbll diJ<lrdtred

' . •t•:•, wharh bt p•m. retlltur."'· and (ncr, Fr.Jm Er.Gorrr~or Chambrrlfllr: , otl•ntl inr:: th.,, ailmr .1u 11 apt to produce,

R:t.-:--swtcK. April IG. 18i0. and -.h•ch o1ueh retftldo rteonry, and !'>h j).~r ~ir.- 1 hl't nt<• r betll " ithoul SIIDI<Iim.o •\on makto terhulthl llightttl

) O'Jr Anoth·ne Linimrnt ainee I can rrmcm· rese.

Ln. I ,.J .. d ,, l~e b•at thinr:: nf the k!r!l l Pills, 1-'i.>lula.s, nnu Intcrir1ll- tn ... inth~ markl!l. \\ < uo•d a great drat or II in tht army during the war, where it was •• flammntions 1'~1 ular ao it ia ol home. Con~:rolulat i r.~ • ~ ou 'upnn your •uec.•-"• ontl u;-on the good Peroon• aflhettd with tbua di&treuin~t ) OU art rlomg ot the sam• llrnt, complointo will find in thi\ "onderrul' Olnt-

1 am )'QU( rr!end onJ •orun\, ment in•lont meonl of rtli•f, and' all can tr• J O::' llt: o\ L. CII.HIIIER.LA IN. tel thrir own rur• ' withoUt nplalning th•ir I.owEI.L. ~t a ... , Ser a. 11, ISG9.

Gtnalemrn.-A fratntl of rnin• has bH!D

lroul>ltd ..- th " h\Cking cou}!h for '"'tral \taro, and rte-onlly 1020 ao weak ~hat he :;,,, unable 10 work . Huinjt aeon the eJ. f<rto of ~our Lini111rnt on uthera, I took bo:ne a hou lo and 11ave bim ; in It•• than R wrrk the ooo~~:h hod tnlir•lr l•ft hi:n . I hue " 'l htallatlon in rKon.mtndio~ it to all our cuato•utu who are in want of 1 good thing.

v-.~ ·~o'Jl·ttfully ynur•. II S. WOOlJ, J>rug~e i•t & Apnthte&I'J·

J o:I'KSB0\10, ~fareh II , !RiO. Q, ntltmtn,-l'l••u •~nd me hJ n•llt mail

' ont h3lf gru•t J nhn•n:.'• A no 'yn• J.iniment ; •• it i• the o~ LY 11.1!)/I!DY for l'u1rid Sure Throor, an•\ Searle\ Jl .. h.' J~ury JIOraDh

• ••• it wl~b perfect aucei'U when oil ut:ur llltd:cine fat l• .

lteep~tfull• \'On,., JOSIAit WHITNEY.

r.S -J ba•e 10Jd Its dozeD bottJ .. at ft• lu lwn wt•kl.

0. 0. F~trbitlr, E•q., Editor oftlte MocflitU JJ.cpubli«Jn.

Oeotlemrn,-Sinee one of yoor ffrm prt· .,nted m~ w1tb • I ottl9 of your Aoo•lyne Lintmrot, I llau ne•n bten wilhout It In mr bouu. aud oonudrr It •he wrry btet thiDJt b f I e kind 10 ht (ound in the mar\~t. J ha~t ..o uaed )OUt tiherldan'• C.fllry (.;on til in Po•d•r• and (uund tbrm all Uuot ••• · ed for them.

Hn talr.tn JOUf haodrn• Lillimrnt f~r Dronclli • with I diotuaalnJ eoucb a!ld t•alunut a boot tht lutr.lf end clieet, I foood the' llrat d- to •• lt'\e a ob- apon tbe cough, li•in1 ptrr..& ,..lwf 'ad "~in~ ell d•IBcahlte, b. ror. &ulna batr.. tiouJtl. 1 .... it mr cl'ltJ lO ........ , l" .. itaclt 10

~ 1' v. aocl •1 to n~la. bwauity, 'frytbt LiroliMat, IUid Jlllll 'ltW lncl a care.

C. IIBitRUIELO, 61 Haaner IStt"'· Bo1t011.

nftrmity to an~on~. Tbe l'ill1, ir in tt:lall tloRo, ~rntly oui•t !be Qintmrnt, u thry punrr t~.e blood aod regu:•te the etomocb.

Both tit~ Ointment and Pill1 "'ollltl l>ll uml in tl•~ following compl4infl:

lhd L•g• Bad lireute Hurna Bunion I Ch1lbl• lno Cbapptd HAnd&

Lumba~to Jl ilra Rheumatia'f'l ~ore Nipplu S~Jdf Sore fhroate

r Corn• (Son) Contraoud anrl S\itl'


~ F iatul11 Gout Otandular S'wellmg•

lsu .. m .... , Saai"YJ &te bul:lr


U~ra \foood'a

Tht Pill• er.d mn•men( are •old' at Pro· Ctuor HOLLOWU 'a Euablitbmeot, 633, Ox· ford· •t., lAndon ; also hy orarly nery r .. tp«tahle Vtodor ol( Medkloe &lt•n•hout the CiYiliard World, In Bone arfif l"ota at h. ) -:ld ., 2a. OJ., h . Od., I h., 22t.1 aD'd 3$a. rae!!. 'l'ht 2•. 9d. aiu eontaioatbrH. til• 4•. 6d. a1u air, the Ill. aiu altt .. o, the 22• . •iH thirt)'·lhrte, r.nd tht a3l. •'- ltft.r.nr" tlmea thr qoanthy of a h . J.2tl, Bos or Pot. The •mallut llox or Pllt. eontaln (ollt' doxtn 1 ud tbi amalk1t Pot ol Oiot-

mrnl one ounu. Foil J'rinttd directlllol are a Sud to ,.cb

Boaao Put, and cert be t>.d In any Jan • ao•a•,· nrn in T urk ieb, Arabic, A"*"lan 1

Penlan or Chin-.

FISH~HIES, ---o--

OOD SEINE3, &c.,

And roiccs echoin~ with glet>, curmobl, a qunrter of 11 pound of rni~~~~~. c hange or rot~tton wtth ot'tcr crop• ~~ rcer of I m_tco lllSiu~rck 10\'0!''t'~.uo ap. ~ota~h. It i1 docompoM!d or romoycd A n:a:no with doli .. ht from morning I ill d b · f 'II 'TI ucccss:>r.v. \\• hn1 .-ontnko from tho ~oil pro,·:~ I nf hr< H ucce•~n·l' Ft•nts t11 rhplvmll· ,. p'rc~cnce o£ organic 1011ttor." I pro-o ono eg" an a out n pu1t o tnt 1. •c J

1 1 1.

night 0d ' Jk h ld not be •dJ~·• 1,- 11 muet he gil'Nt bnr·k to it. T he gr.•:~t nne~ . "."· A s to hi• rll'aling wit 1 ),·nmn•·,;. 11;is"c11 in mv lnat pnpcr to roiro my rend.

S d b th t h egg no . mt 8 ou " ~u . f . ' II ' I f 1J . I tl J)' . I I II b d • . n · o e:~r o o t om and to me. . ust bt:fore tho cnko goes into tho oren. I ton o rotntron "''. ••u 1en•a t9r co"~' c:· w~t 1 10 ,'I' I. ~"' t 1 t. ao .tp• nr-..:.•. :1~1 , cr• an e,;t rnct frou1 RrfUOJ! JJ1',1,v, with

E. C . . . . . f . J --- I ed moro,nt I:t.r;::c '!• ot lrer pnpc~. t'ultt. " rt h t h:tt 1~.111 ""l'"~ra l. prl\<l' r "luda •to; i·~rthcr re~rcct to ozone. [tis tleomi'J =,...-...... _,=~ p r T k th . 'd f . l'nto. 1 he nun of t h··•c ),'\ lct'!O ·~ , ,, ere. \\ ~· the ll!l•a t! ' ot Wt•kt·l:.: a lto!!o'thl'r II- that t his extract will bo a .. ret\t help to

LA IS OIIDI::-'0.- .t IJ 0 lOBI e 0 · . . · ) ' I J .1 · J' ' '> ' 1 • II t 1 t' c ntc n c·on•·urrent •·ulll•nt t••n nf t ho m111tl wn1· I nun · ranc<', n I w uMn utlcrt•nt thout!hl nnd Jond :lll intorct~t ton aub. Fn££:rnsnl1'.- W'hen I see leaTes drop

from their trees in tho bo~inuing o f nn· tumo, just such, thiuk I, i• tho friond. a hip of tho world. \\'hi to tho snp of mamt~wmco lo111e. my fri! nJ • swarm i n obundaoco but in thu winter of m~need they Jeayg me nnkecl .. H o is npp:r mnn that h11tb a true fnend nt his 1eo.l · but bo is more truly hAppy that hath n~ need of his friend~.

DE.STROCTroN.-Though mnn cAn ~ol· th<'r 11!1d ecntter, tnOYO., 'Ilix nnd unmix, Y•lL ho can dc.ctror nothiJJg. Tho putrc. faction of one thm~: is a propAI"'Ition for tho being and'bloom of nnothcr. Thu~ a lreo gathen~ nourishment from ita ow11 fnlt..•a lOAYot wbort thoynro d(l('llyt:d, And

·aomothl\:lg ctath'IMI up· tht~ fr:~gmonts th:~t ootbibs n · loat.

DuiCollP\l'iY'.-B.1d com.pnn.r ie liko a nail driven into a poet, which, :tl'tor the first or eocond blow may bo drnwn out with tiftlo difficulty: but being one dri,·· eo up to tho bead, the pincer~ cnnnot -.u bold tQ dmw it out, but whi~h cnn only bo dono by the deetructiou of tbo wood

l"nol"':R Act rolf A:~~o-:ton S'I'R.\:-.'OE .o\11 that a man hu to do inn plAce whoro be ia a etranger ia to bridle his t<~nguo and hie temper, cullivate I(Ood ful"liugs and !rind aft't:ctiona, And moet every nd . tartco of hit neighbour with oourtttv, cordiAlity and choorfulncu. •

A Burr' TO rodn LA DIU.- Young Iadi .. %do uot know what a boauti6er in­dutboy d ; how tboir phuuge like thn~o oo the ciovo't nec:lr, piAn aod glaoeca only wboo the~ Ulove; laow mu~h moo &Je lib bt-utt of proy WJUoia Will touch ooJr what baa m•ri011.

~tmn no Dnucnolf.-Tht~ true Cbrittian ueYer indulp ia evil tpeak­iq. It il meeq and eowardlf, aod the wr• i!JdicatltJU of aJow ud valpr mind . ~woman L':' to thie Yice • pnel'ally JitSit.leet • mouter. ...1< ij

'1vo penny .r~ 11 fm

01 ; . 1~, ~p~~r t~~r ns wo~i ~~~ the lnntl. 'l' h<' h:q>pint: .. of up;ni .. ns nrl:' hC'Id : but noL one. friend ' joct whi;·h is now ~ttmrtin,. g rrat .nttc


t 'tcdm bono 11P

111 t (bl ne'v w; '1180~8 t

1 ; \'Our ofT• pring i~ boun.l up hl're with. or lot•, •·an douiJt that tho m~n who wn• tion H ero then ia ihl' not~ on,tho tnl\t· 111

· a .. out 1'·deln.l e.sr!oodn.ful If uc ,cudt ' :FerJ!u•on, thl' Phl' phcrd n•tronou~cr on the t·hwf in•trumcnlut rC'm01l1•1in::: t ho 1 l l'r.'"Schonhein th<'discoYercr of ozon~

,·ery uno· a r t 10 rm o Ill n goo · I . 1 . ll t1 h'l l f . . . . ' f I' · 1 ti 1 · 1 1 · • ' · • h · · ' . cd I ' • 1 ~ 1·0 ., out us ug 1 an r ~ v c:ou~. s tu<:H•n the:> ltlnp o ·.ur ,>po tn vue 1 n ns uo n n• 111:< 1 iucline~ to tho opmton t 11t 1t 18 a Hl'te> str. em on, s1x egg~. en. o on!:' t d h 1 1 1 1 · b · lS 13 t b · · h. d I f t r taste ll .1 • ar gowr e:~,·rns ns 10 tom c< us not <'Cll seen e1uco . , 11111• <' :1 rl1rmiwl cl~mtnf \\ hntover 1t may bo .

w tlhC, tln odn sugnrt :o you · 01

ehccr1. llu·•h ~!iller, tho ~tono m:~ •on stnteRutan nt once of splfndirl :tudncity there CliO bono 'doubt that it~ pla"S n; ouo our nu n qullr or. f C <> I · ' d . ,,, . 1 1 •· · '

_ _ ,.,.,__ o romnrl y, puriju~d tumbl~·. gcoln!!u:, nn . con~nm!n~t..- .Po" er. tlt t 10 .' •c- irnport:tnt pnrt 111 thooconomy of n:~turo. 1:'.... R 'V lore nud rose to cnuncnco. llut ~:unrcl tortes of I •0-1 11 ~e!lrnetl nt first s•ght Its 0011111ce hna ~oen ml\rkccl bY pt~ttiten· "'-"CELLY.:"T OL!.S.-- llrmono OIIUCO . I. . I I I' . u · k ' . . . . •. .

f b t · I If · 1 f ' lk t t 11gnmst nn ovcrwor,;cd hrnm. L<'t no ns 1 1 0 11~ 1 rmce u iMtnarc · • mt1110n WtiS t itiii'J\Va" es na 10 tho cAolero nlllattoDa. ? u terr:t I •n d A Ph' 1t ;n' \flU d

0 pnr;•nts crnm tho littll• br.1ins nf tlu·i r fu!li ll,.,l. The refore, tnC'n thou::ht, ho nod to it~ ~CI'U nro Attributed cpidem:

;~ ~l spol u pn~ ta· 0 0

1yern' an. n dtildrcn-it i~ t;ur<rir to e:'<pecl too mur h wouiJ enter npon n per iod of wcll•c:~rn· ics euch M influcn::4. It was fot.nd tt

0 Ill t . d u . "." P1°1 unrbs

0 ouLr t' ~t· I from tho rhitd. Ht'j nicc- not iu prt'co · c.! r r st. 1 I c h:t,l nccornplishcd nnd put du~ing tho IMt visitation of eholom thAt

to n pan, an mtl• lll le a 0\'0, e I . b . G. I . . I f I ld d f • t . . . rieo an h ,,u r, kncnd it well. m:tko it <·.touhs lr:lmsl ~•.'·o t •eml tanhJo tbol ~::row. mtdo nc:tnai (J~d t •e o I ' ron] lm ol hn grctnd tho fumrgalronbof ltffiotiiU .u!lt la llllp~n,. . II .• b k ' t · · 1. :Sue . I aou" •t• stut ton, t to urn c pen· , 1111 unr C< urmnn~ w uc • 1:11 nun e hi1d 11 romnrkn te o cncy an pro~ent1 1g mto ae1·en ro I nllu a U I IU II qutc.. d'"' f h' d • I · cJ f ' . d h ' l h u · ' Mnt r<'a mg our pnpi'rM n lcr 13 ny e t w m m s u poets nn P • osop crsnn the eprc:1d of contng1oo. Tho combua-or e u. work in his. home. Tho grc:~t genes is • pnliticiau• for centuric8. lie had ovor - tion or sulphur, cnoniz:cd tho ntmo•-

c _ _ ...,_s· - of nil thiuca is exprC'!Illcd by tho word~. thrown lho Viet, tho n;other nnJ pro- phero: tho ~~:~me remit occul'!l through Sro .. O£ .\~E.- IX rs::J;!, ten OUnl'ell " lo tho beginuin,;. Quito enough to 1 tcctor of. tho &mall p~tnCM who 11t00d t he omwion o f />IJOJOIJoric rapor1; ozone

ofeugnr, nnd 80

'·cn of flour. B ollt tho k•.•ow_ thn~ :all wn• crented in tho be I up_on thutr p_cr~onnl rt~thh, n. od. h_:~d. n- ia a lso deroloped b ,· tho olol'tricit1 eYolr-C'ggs nnd augar together until woll mix. ll d 1 d J

ed; tho>o put it over a dieh of hot wa tor gmmug. There nrc tht~ns.'\nds o: qucs- 1 gurn nud ngnm n owe t 1C1r IVI_~•ons od by tho ckclrical fMdlill(!, and in the until now· milk \Ynrot, bcntiog it nil t ho tions 11bout this mntorinlt·nrth thnt wiMo to hnnd on:r their country ton spot! nnd' ~tor~r. t lricnl phenomena qf Mfvn.

moo cnuoot nnswer. Still it is n crcM ' proy to tho foreigner . Jlo had wrcatled Tbo~o 1rnp11rtod to tho air durin~t an t ime. Tnko it out, nnd beat until cool: fnct. JL is tho worJ of cre:llion 11nd no I ";th Auetri:1, who110 !!Ole chnnco for olectricatorm iaidt>ntiealwiththatwhich therr mii cAre.fully t ogether nnd bako it 1 1 (I An hour. vni_u p •ilnsophT c1w rcv!s·· i~. Let •nin pre·em_inonce in Gcrmnuy wns 10 per- occuMI in tho_,· icinity o f an oJectric.'llAp·

pl11ledophy stnre tn rondo 1ts~lf :~nd bo potuAitou of tho B_und : nod he r, ~vo, he parntua-it IS n fruit a nd 111lplt11ro11# __ ..,..__ L'\ught iu nit 11implicity nnd henri nc· h:~d overthrown, nadcd by tho ro::;tmcnts odour. Tho opinion d g:~ioiog ,.rounrl

CnuP RrcP. Ponot:--o.-WMh qunr. l • l h d · · · f v J • " II d · copt.nnco, nnd _Hytnpnt •'! with iucoutro• t mt . " . rt~on up m sptto o ·'cpo eon. II that the ro.!piratiou of animal• and tbe

ter of a pound of r ico we • ''" tie it 111

vcrhblo teachuw. r~str1cttona. He had oven succeeded ID ro~buation of. matter aro aoure011 or a cloth, with holf n pound of atoned rnis. 0 • • 1 s 1 0 1

h TERRA XO\'.\. wmu•u~;o\'crt .Jo out 1 _erlllnn pcop e~, ozooo, !'lnd thllt plnnt•produce it wba" ina, allowing ftUfficient room for t 0 whom Ito hnd JUSt mnqau~hcd a nd t.umt· under tho iullul'oco of tho diroct 1'1\fl rice to awell. B oil two hours; thou turn lintcd, to believe inn grc:~t cuufeder:ation, of tho aun. It ia Also behoTed to be into a dish, nnd pour •wcet aaucc ovor Extracts. wuh Pruuia _At it, hend, and he hnd ~reduced h.f 'IVator, whon tho eun'1 "'"' it, with or without n little uutweg. J d h t "

----- ---- -------~- porsun e t c!r J:OV~romenta to co or nil on it. Tho moat roeoutopinion re· Conss.-Tho (ollo,.,inll i' llaiJ to bo a Tile Arctic Ezpedltlon. !nto ~l'crot nlltnucos m tho event of ~n 8pecting ozone is, that i t ia el«JrueJ

certain cure for corn~ :-•· &l'l\po rq1il'CO Tho A re l ic expedition of O ctllvo Pa • "!"~ton. Tho~ cnmo. tho ":nr With o.ryJrn. Tho •ubjoet is of \li.St import-of comm•m chalk; puta..Jm&i14flOTtioo of VOJ, the mo~t dnrint: and the mn•t pro- c ~nee i tho trJUmtl.1a 111 ~~h f;::/~· tl:t nnco 1111d opens auotbor field of ditcol"­it upon th11 com, and bind 1t''trith a lin. nmiug of nil t1 r··~i~ I"XpeditionA, will ~nnls 0~ stAtoetlltiDll 111 '~· tc 0 ow~: · r ry tn tho pionClera of aciontiflo truth," on 1'1\lf. J~pent the applicntiun fo r n aturt from &n J.'r:.111cio~eo during tiro l'hcre •a no Blatesntnn 1•11 Eur~po who (1'. li:l). Yos. And at A 11lro:am how. few daye, and you will find thtJ corn cominJt $ortni:,:ht. )lr. Pnvoy tnii.Cltl hna douc ·~much M Pnnc:u .BI~tUArek, Ol'Cir emal~ fill• up Hs part in eootibu-cO'llle ofl" like a ebt•ll. with him Dr. Vhetemoro, of tho And tl.'oro . '" uo ~trateao1nn of ~hom ' 0 tion to tho mi!!hty river, 10 by a power-

_____ who baa paned snmo eis: yean~ in t wuuh 11 -t1ll c.a;pocted. l'ruuta h:IB til· ful motllphor it mar be uid tbAt tbe To Tu:r. STAtlfl OCT or Srtv.-'Mix bi~h northern lntituJca ofAlaaks: .Onp· rCinlly been wnrnrd. 'Moro than onco humblcst•tudcont adch to the diacoveri•

t M. L th d · 1 P rince Bitm11rek hu had to lt'n,·o tho of ll<'t'onAo. A••d if·~ that tho hu-bl-t to;otbe r in a phi.U b ·o ounc~ o r oeeenco run tcae o 11nng aoamnn w 10 eros. ~ ... ... ..., of lomoo, and ono ounco of oil of tur- sod the Atlrwtic on tho rn~ Nonpnrl'il, ?uti~ and C4r« or •lato to acck rop'?te lnnd cnn give hrnins and thou~ht and pen tine. Oreuo ~~nd other 1pot1> ia eilk11 and \V Arkin•, a c:elcbi'J\ted R @ Moun. 1 ~ hts eot.tntry- houao, whcro h~ ~tea rxpcrimont . 'l'ho dOllign aud oll'oct o f are to be rubbed gently with a Jiuon 1'1\g taiu bunter, reputed the bea~hot iu 1111 himtelf w1th tho ordinAry MOCI\tto~unq J1Ubli11hin·~ t his nnte tli011 ortraetM(, i.-

tl 'd · d T- • 11 nmuacmeut1 of. a l1111dcJ. propnetor. (',lnd t' t ,·,hoped· • •a' II be) tola•~.-·• '-- ". dippeli in the abo•o rompotirion. •e wt o regton aroun .IAlramte. e " _,...""" .,..., ___ wiU be provided "itb a ntbber ran built But his pro.eut all non, whleh hill 4liiiiD- for men till work aod experiment. Wi~h

To p~111,-1 S1'j,OlfUtT \V un.-Oqo like the Nortparnl, which C4n be tmo.a- ed the form or protTac:ted •lcet•le.t~ne~'· r~rect tn ni!:;ht tomporafu~, thst r ,• aJ\ pan or chalk and two of alum will•~ ported wtth e 1."8 on Janel, and i• yot ACCDII t o bo mor& ecr~oua thnu . 11ren- agent"'.f~in't. whi,·h yoontt and old ou,;bt dilr purify 1~aot •*r 1 aod lOW' eapablo of rnrrying a luge weight on ~ua At~~kJ, an~ obnouwly PO}Illl .to to bo gu~ul, nt •n1 rate unlit tbe•et· parh of aoirual earbon, aod obe or alum, tho water. From &n Fmnrifcp" •mall Ita Ong'l~ - 'l ho Of~r:nuked brat!l> tk<d IUtDmer .evening weather of lu.lr are .alllcieot to purifr a tbo~d parta eehooner will tAko the expedition to ~so~ lnto ~ condthon of morbtd comn. Vbangea to Jlghter dothiu'f. ofmuJdy ri3er. tr\ered~11nd furclntb· • m •o•, whteb dr•u• A"11T In- 'boulJ be •lowly and nrefllll~adopte ,

proadfed, and 1\fterwardt to • ldiout approacbta of eleep. 0 a In the Yur Book fl lf«t1, 1870, "Dr.

t~~:,~=e~~~:~~;be: •••~ Cv~ J'Oa Sou 'na.,u.-Ponr one on Wrangel'e l•lllnd, whence man lp~lne at•t•, r.t•t from actu•l wOik 8brit reporta that Olle of the moet im-J b"t Jt pint of boiliJls '{!'tel' OMf twentJ·flYI tbe bold dieconrcre will palfl i• orl tt;'• nail ; "-• mind co'fltiDON to portaut elemente bearf!Jicm rital..-..

"~""~'Ill .... bJ ,_.. tof or thirty Jeaftl .._.,_,0 _,.. oo to OJM'D l'olllr Sea, of wh011e ~~- p •iy 011 itt wont•d food, a ad tbt aaslltJ tit't iJ night. temper_attare. It ia

' bafuioca etaatl 1Wf u •our. Acid i1t.uce .M. Pavo7 it! llrmlJ ~u•inced, lfbich l";l bt be at!Ayecl hJ' de6al~ labor nlgM tet~~peNt1lN, fuo11tore tt.a

ma-till•od-&elf -'d aod Laochin~ t\Je raft here, and ~aalipg the "11nl1 It cne"cl by t"• coa•etoua ... of the day which hu DOt, .. ID .-: "Y" ' dop aclrih to ehift for tbem~~~tlv-, thl'ir t\at t ••i• n atltt• actiwt&f ol U.t 1D111tl It Jeterioa "i~llllHC!e •

,..~.-..-- .. ;;J,. ioteotioo it t.o make the bon 'f/18Y to ~h11 •oralng iocoa .. lnbie bai'ID, ud pro. llllll'l~~ ... . • • macJa ~of G..-Jud. We have .. atron~t luclotr DO O~lf ,. .... , wbaL1t•er. n it

~-- ..o-ftal,ancl alaaUo·ll. P~Jv9 aud hi• •o•k ~ttbe llnio "r ........ Wio; ~~;~··~~=~~~liiEE~Ii5i~~ol~thiclri ~ U.U &hie ~Aoa will 1M- ~ '"''ble eoaMq'tleo .. •fnot~~we ..,_. ....... will beloq \be llooor ot ucli'" adi.- •b... 111~~-,,..~u• tlae...,... ...... t~t• of e.tan. aad of lr .,,,11 .. tlowa

' \

thrir beda in Ute ~oi'Ding- &nt'r auch a 11i&lal or cold... . Tbo poota baTo 01· Ua.ted all Uaeil' po~rCul and truthful ta1eGa mead picw~, tho' "brief of which i• i.D tho worda q'uo~. S,Y11111a(Jir ie tlae Toit(e'ef aound pbtl~pby aa right •umilitj ~ tho •iltn of true philoaophy aod practlc:o tho flual rroo£. Sympath1 l)enreeu tho cluaea, between m11atcr aud man, ~udlord aud tenant.-6nally a jnndp'ie peMading tho ~--. beauti­fying tho c:hri•Uan lifo 'and uorlbiu~t

' pr&i.ao alone to:tho eternal So\trco of all

THE HARBOR ·GRACE · STANOAR 0" . -; • n ' · • i' -caao at Labndol'• W• tr111t that \he ,.ure • aoitablo •ite, but-without ncceaa. recoiYel' mc.et abto pay teu t'on\. addi.- N._ Y~ a.~Bculloun of the ape. Mr. lldpkidi, bccauto TOll kDow him al· ~· erv..n-. flahor1 thoro may haYo al&rxo meuure .U ~11th a pi~e of laod wu found ei· tiooaland oUII.wr~ a letterpoeted at ay witl:clrawal o( Seer\llarf Fiah from moat better than I do 'miaelf. Now)F P liny'• ac:onot of tho g,_t eruptinn of auttOD. • ' tuated in Buebanan-a'!rMt in the Weet New York or Botton CCir Ne1tfo11ndlaod the ~tf Departmeut ~- ronowod .in 1 hat\ beed au impoator , be had in bi• of tho Italian Yolc:aoo iu ancient timee

• I • ,. b A.. a) eMj. Monday, Ma' 27tb, w.,a appoint' mua~ haYO fen c:onta pl"'paid or it wUI Waahtngton yeat.Jrdayl r poaaeuion duriD« all tbat time doc:u· abow that bo would baYO made an ad-IT \S P oaaano to not!! .that~ 0 ' .on ed ror tbo ceremony f>ri&Jiog tho Cor• not be aent, and ~r""' dclirery jg thi• 4t tho Natiooa\Bepublic:an Coo reo- menta wbic:h would haYo c:ou•ictGd 010 mirablo nowepaper reporter, aod it ia a !.odge; No • . a. cf ..Bntaeb Tew.J::"'-' at oor ::ltono of tho proJftllled now Cbwteb. town, our Postmaater mutt buo 18 tioo' in Philadelphia to-d.II, Pruid111nt at onc:e. Ho "ould buo found out if l pit I that ho it not ali'o to deac:ribe tho ltl lat weot.ing,.cfonated £e_to wtdow Accordin~:ly, eo tho uid dai. tho friend• ~ente.additio;al • .All thil. rlmply bo- Grant 11'11 nominated for ro-clettioo, TO• Will an impostor, aud DO 000 could have turiblo.aeunOI now enacwd near N .... of ~k. ~oax Lowar ~lTw,.atcrh~ mate of Methodism mot in largo numbt!re at c&uao -our ·Paternal Gonrnmont bnve l.'civcd tho Totel of oYcrv dologate prol· Jiyod in hie boueo for,. fortni11bt, aa I plea. V eauviua etande alone upon tho of tho al\.fatod JUtloNJ, \oat Jut Wloter. tho Ch~rrcb, at 10.80 a.m. Tho RoY. no Mail arr&ngcmcot at all with tho ac nt. Hon Henry Wilton. of Ma.ua- did, without be!ng detected. -1 wiab to plain of Camp11nia, on a buo about 80

GoLn&X W~oJso-i\lr. and Mre. tl. T . Tun gno out the MOth Hymn, ::ltatea. Coutra•t th~ with tho Iotter c:bUJCtt.e, was nominated for Vice-Prcai- uk, why ahould myinotbcr'a evidence wile• in circumfereueo. Tho maio peale, Levi celebrated tho 68th anniYcrury of and tho Rev. T. H .u.11 (Congregational) poatcd a t .Boetoo, New York, o r any dont, in tho f!ret ballpt receiving 384 1-2 bo i~norcd. b Mr. H opkins, who did wbirh rises oo an elcntinn o£3042 t~t, their marrlago Ia' noomg at their re· offered an appropriAte prayer. A pro- part of tho~ Pominiou Q,C.Canadl\, for any Yotee w 42L L-2 fnr Wilcox. Both nom- all my busineaa be foro I loft Eo gland- ia the ouo now in eruption, and feAre eidcuce, G2 Sprmg •trect, this city. A r cuion waa then formed, compo•cd of part of G~Britaio, 011 which 6 c:ente inaliona were hailed with great onthuei- ialao to bo ij;Dored? A re alltboao who Bro cotertainoJ tba\.it may doatroy all poeJD written for tho ocCMiO~'fJ.a• read, tho Woa!eyan Mini.sten\ aaabmblcd io boin:: !'reJ>ldd, it ia delivered at ita uea· um. livud in tbta 11ci~-:hbourbood and know tho towns c:ontiguona to Naplc•, a nd and :approprmto remark• w made b' Diatrict Senion, thto blinit~ lcra of tho t inatiou fre~ offurth~:r d a3rge. Come, 'I\o atorm of Wcdnt'aday wu ~cry me before I left England- are they a ll th11t the flamee may oven nacla Naples th<'ir plldor. Tboy wuc: the rcc:ipien\.s Congregational and PreabyteriAu Cltur- Mr. Editor, ask our GOYcrowent uot to diuatroua to abipplllg on tho "flew Eqg- to ho ignored becnu1c a lord I.'OlDCS for• itself. Tho ffret recorded eruption OC·

of llliiDI beauti.ful preteD til, and every- cbea, the Truateca of tlao new Church, think tbia mal. tor aa one beneath their land coaet. Tho British ac:hoooet ;Julia, ward a nd awrou he tA\tooeJ 010 ? curred 70 yean before Chriat ; aod up thing tcuded to Ulllko it a. b:.fP! tho Sabbath.achool tcachore, nnd elder noti.·c. l~proYoment ia ~· order of Capt. Stepbena, of St. George, Non {Cheers nod cric1 of " All bumbus.") to 1865 thoro bad bctn eisty eruption• .. Golden Weddiag."-Boliolt Ecnting Scholare aud wombcre of tho Congrcgn· the day, nnd I bopo tho Editor of \he & oti11, wu driven aahoro nenr Gloucca. Then, n;:l\io, t hcTO woa tho mili~nry ot i· <>f conaiderablo mngnit udc. In I Gal, TraveUer. tiou. Star will be better po1ted up on 11Uc:h tcr, and boca me 11 total wroc:k. douce- the cvidouco of WY brother offi. in 1779, in 17!H, io 1822, and in 185::,

Tho:tboYoworthy C'Ouplewcrofor many yean ~identd of !Jnrboooor, 11nd their mnDT friond11 iu tbst tOIYOj heArtily COU• gratulaw them on eo auapicious an (1('.

r .sJtion, a• the c:clebnuon of their "Golden. W'edding."-Eo. STA~'li.uto.

On arri1 ing at tho eit<', tho ~v. l .Le mattera bcl'oro bo p11111ca au opinion Tho Britirb Scboooor J. W: JAw- cera, men who were a bore bribery-11nd very Yiolent manife11tation1 occurred, non;, tho ::Superintendent of tho Cil'\:uit• Howcl•cr, aa bo has only bognn \!uaincae rena oC St. John, N. B., Capt Copp, thool·idcuco of tho tonnutun1l tho work- nenrly nil o fwhic:b were o1ccediugii di1· g11\'0 out the 737th U ynm. l!tnyer WRH lntely\ bo m111t be oxcu.,cd t hia limo. bouud to Doe tan, '' ith a cargo of pi leY, iu1; men ou tho catntca-thcy aro otcn a.stroua, Iu 1801, Torro del Greco wu oll'orcd bv tho Re 1•. J . S. Pucu nf Bri- Alwaya Youre, went aahore three wilea £rum lower and hononblo men, lllthou~th they work t hroalenod, as now, and tho tremblinst• gue. Tb'o lclil!on £row 1 Chron. 29, wa..s PROGRESS. end of Plumb Ialaod, on W edncadlly, for their lirins-wby ahould not their o£ tho ~rtb ,laatod tbrco yean. T bo n•ad by Rc,, S . T. 'l'uo. Hnrbor Onoo. Juno 11. and ia a total lote. Cro" and Cnptllin'• 1widcncc be na~:ood M Lord Bd lc'l''a ? tr:lVellore, durin~t the put week, eeem

Rev. Jas. DOl'll enuwor11ted tho con- wife u,.ed, (Oreal Cheering). I di•linctly tell you to bnvo yeotured d:10gerouaii ncar tho tents of tho c:auntor UN follows :-" A p o ll c c R c p 0 r t. Schooner M. M. Freeman of Dennis, gent lemen, t hnt the tatlooiu~ buain011s burn in~ mounhin, yot nlthough moro

rn~: aubjoiaed , taken from tho Public pllrchmeut acrnll doclarin~t t ho dalo of (For the v:cel.: rnding ui.; June.) Mo., wont uhore at Cnpe A no, and only wrut nci\hcr tnoru nor leu thnn n con· t i111n 11u hundred pcraona have boon kill· udger, of the !1 lat ult., wna in type, nnd tho ceremony, the year of tho rei&nin j! ouo man wu ~ted. apirucy {'Oncoclt!d nt u moment's notice, cd. no Americ11na or }jngliah aro m i•·


\ \

lfuth arid goUdrtou. 'rhia edence will eo'Dtinu'e t<t •h"w hnw vc:riii!tlo a f ter 311 we know ol t!to mototn't>n'ta a.nd working• and higher c:'onat it u'on111 of tho atwoa­pboro, wbitb eurrounda us; anti e•on of tho full and Ult'lcorofoglcal ell'ec:t or the ~h i~lf o'n that atwoapbcre; and tho •ll'ec:e of moYcmcuf• in ono local at· moaphera on movomonta in annther, and on tho eftuc:t of tarioua ltinds in tho ad•ontitiou• formatio n ot c:lollll or th'o depth of c:"lor, of ita V3riod richncaa and eplrndor, M m&nifc:atcd in the c:louu foa matione and l.'b:cnsea. One acieuco clopende on ano(ber. To 11pproacb even a little, towards tho aolution of quea. tiona auc:h 1\1 theat', wre~t~m tho h•lp of tho eroaant.-tho choml.t-11nd tho ~e­elogiat, &Od W4 then unit" by t1Vlllpathy and no\ aupcr-criticism, havinc in ' 'icw that the l!umbleat Indian hQs ofteu more knowledgo than the most profound phil-

·- A»opmlr, nod can put quc~tion1 wbil.'b would bother 3 tory la.rsc 3mount of eoiiCj!O IMrning. I mean :\11 rcsl\rd~ the woather at 11ov r:'ltt'. W ho tnught tho lnd.inn? Whence his knowlotls:c? TheM~ are queatioos which m11y well cngftge tho mind of the thou~;htfl!l . Our own a boriginal Indian~. no1f' believed w be extinct, did they not show gro:1t know· ledge in m11ni \\'1\)'8? And do oot tho M icmac11 who uo" hunt through the countri show n1uch knowlcd~o too. "The Indiana uy i t ia w bo n cold " in. ter" and ao on, doea it not very often

intended for lnat. W cJncad:tv'a publicn· :3ovcrl'igo, nnd of tho Ooveru~raba p of StcphenCooke.Cnrboncor, }'iahcrmao• Tho Britiah ~~ebooucr Edinburqh ran 1rhcn rhoy found tltcy could no\ bent me ~in~. Uuildin:;• in Torre del Orec:o and tion, but o win&to tho ~ro"d~:.-d st.'tiO of tho present Governor ; nl! tho local anaulting l'tlioo, fiucd :.!O dollans or I uhore at Gloucnter. l;ho i• full of in :'lnyothcnvn,·. (<.:heoruurl "Shamo.") Torre del AnnuneinlA hato been oYer• thnt i!lfuC, WJS unMoic:bbly Nniltcd. J oUrn:'ll•, a copy of tho Provim·i :~i W c•· m011tb'a imp~aouwcnt. water. ([owevrr, l th:1.11k you k indly for thu thrown by AhOIVCnl of etonoa au \Vo now tako pll':\l!uro in givin;; it a lt'van, th,. or0'lln of tho F..ul Briti1h A· J ohn Hcid, liArbor Grace, Fi~hcr- The acbooocr Ilutle11 is atrAnded at ~;rent inter011t you hlli'U l.:lken in uae nnd in:; lnv:'l. Bnd thous:mdt uf p prominent place iu tbo Stan®rd :- merican Conference, the \Vntchwan nud man, l)'llw.nuiU$ Police, fined 10 dollan lp•wick. on mf bchAif,111111 for tho fa ir .,by which homclcn nnd ~Bmping in the 6 .

\Ve bavo much plca.sure in gidng Recorder, and 11 copy of tho )[inutes of or :IU days illlpriaoum('nt. A Boewn ·P ilot bont ia auppoacd to Ito you in•i•t ( ahull ht~ve, 11nd which io nil King :md tho H .. man 1\Uihori · redo.


happen eo? DELTA.

• • 1 ~ 11 1 dd tho Conference, of East HritiahAtnoricnn Elicl )hrtiu, ll11 rbor Ornco, Fiohcr- last witb all hand~. that I ask . A••Ltin lhankiaw T·on for i1w o>'Or~ thin:.! iu t lu:i r power to nllo1·i. pubhcntann tot 10 10 ow n~: II re~~s pre· 1 · 1. d II " <> " ' " _., ._ 1 \\' 1 f G d Conference, nnd aomo of t.ho c urrent milo, nunu ungl'o acc,fiucd LO o nrdor Lo~DO:f, 7.-Tbe annonuccmen• thll t ''OUr kind inl'itntion, l '" ill couc ndo b~ ,· ,,t .. tho•u fT· •r iu ... Tho erunlion iucrc:nsra fenlc.:u uy I 10 co cyan• o run d . . ' ' ~ • v ,...

Bnnk to W!o Rrvd. J . GouDISO~. on hi• t'Oina of tho rountry. Mr Uon: then :.!0 o.ys ampruwum~>nt. the Government hnd 1vitbdrnwn consent eayinj!. l hope the !luau willwhortly con.l' l in rxtcut anol intunsity dt~i ly,11nd ~nplt>a lc:~ving that t"ircuit for another fh·ld of introduced ST£PIIES' Hc~o•:1.1., &!'h l. Gurclt llllrry, IIArbor Ornee, }'iAher- for tho d opartuTO o£ tbc B:~nrl of t he '"hen I dh:~llt·om.:l a ud lirt' 1\tnOII:.! yon ij in 11 tcr r iulu pnnic. ~11\ny of tho

Tl I £ •- 1> d U 1 11 .• -\ , who hntl conacutctl to ln1· tho ru:'ln ,"'"-'\UIIirg Police, fi uc•i G dollars or Gr01J11dicr Ouar•l• for Amrricn 1\':\.!1 in- n!.!ain. (Luuol Chen •). 1 will lh.:u towns in thu ricinity of t ho moun tain, lnbor . 10 rep y o tMe •or cut cmllu · d · ~ ia suhjoinell. Stone. 2\.1 nya ampr1110nmeut. correct. Tbo full 81lnd •ailed iu t he pro1·o lo you l am nu~ tho tmpo•tor. thu a TO r lung to by tho iuhllbi~.nou, 'ft'ho

!lfr. Rendell then proccedcJ t o lny Jo:ruwi .. ll1 1Shu:'l, ll11rbor O mcc, Fi•her- alel\mship Cit!J of lJr1Uirl6 , fnr ::\ew I fo r<.;cr, 'the ,-il!aiu, n1Hi lho ,·n;:abund du. I pr<'fer to etnnd by thear homos aud dit', To Til& lh:n:II£Xtl J ou:f Ooootso~ . tho s tone iu tho usunl manner, i 'l tht· nHUl & Ti~eolhy Von ncr:., Uarbor Umce , York, vlnyiug Enslidh 1\nd Awcric3n !ICribcd b) thu .\ttornry.Oo:ucral. (Grc.tt rJthcr thau leave them.

\Vcaluy:~u )lini!tor, 111\1110 of tho Fnlhcr, t lw Son, nnd thu F1ohcrma u, drunk nnd d:sonlcrlv. each nira n1 thCiy left tho h:1rbor. Cbt'crs.) \ Graud B:ank. lloly Ghost. H e thon invokt'd the lined a dollln~ or 1 week's iwpri11o11· T ht• Wt'atl._.:r is fuir nud tho c:ropa Tho pnrty th<'n aol ja nrned tn lhll ;\ , . The Fo~c ofE.uample . .

&fi£U:fD .L.'"!D D£.\R Stn, blcs.ing of Alwi::;hty God upon the im· uteut. 1\ r~· ~r(l l~11 :r , .. ,·curably. . . . ecmbly-room of tho Swan, IYho:rc the &rcral Amcncan p11pons nrc mak1!1g \Ve, tho unden~ignt.-d , undcnn.'lnding porl.'tut ofl!uurc th11t hnd been und,·r · J ohn Yich .t James Archcll, :O.:<·nmcn l lo., I rend1 Unntl d.ota•h•d to partrct• clnim:u1t rccei,·l.'d n deputation fr .. ln merry at tho c.tponPo o£ the GoYtrc-

thnt r ou aru shortly nbout to lca,·e l11koo. H o furthe r said, thnt thu ~nrqu~ A.lbat, :uuult .t. bnl to:ry •. each p .• :o 111 tloc l', ,,~c Jubalco reached Bos• Sot.th.~mptnn of tlu· lvt":d dt•fcnt·e fu nd. mcnt over n clnim presented 1\t \V~~al:­this midPiOD, upon tho I'Otnplotiun of building of " nc \Y Church h:'ltl been tiucd o) J ollu• or LU dnyll IWJiriOI)D- I lull l 'l · oi.i\ . nnd wrus rec:CH'cd with WitCh !llr. OudJfo r.cl u ,..low, With ll fi·W IIO~d· io~lon b~· n ){oJ iciUl widow, ,~·h?, i~ il your term of drcui~ here, hni'C g rent lon~ r,•\t to bo 1\ nucca•ity Tho old one mont. . I ··!1 : h11.!t:U.W. of l~ukomc, 11\truduct:d lhu t!cp utnt HOil ~nul , eel IIIII~ )l r. l3ancro~t D.llfll Ill ~n-pleuuro 111 cxprc~~ins: 011 thi5 oc.:Miou h:1<l bl'cotno too ftmnll, 1\lld it wns im· Jawee )[oo~cs, llnrb?r Orac~, ,Fa&h; __ t,1 tho clnim:lllt, "ho wn~ rccoin:d with I g~nuity nnd aurpnucs lnm an aorcnal)'•


our 1 inceru feelings of rc8pect nud c~- po•Miblo to nccommodnto the multituclos erm:ln, drunk u~1d ~laor~~rlJ , Uncu 3 E tho w:ar.mth which . 111\J charnt'~cri•ccl l from !ho f~cts of the. C:lllt', aet forth 111

llleteor<tlojCicall'¥dt~ teem townrJg you, minsl..d IYith reg ret 1tho \VlshcJ to attonJ it. Efl'ort.s hnd 11<>113nt or 1 da.ya awpr'"?1111 "'~!· xtracts. tho prcv1o u3 proccc<lut~a. llo 8.'\IJ he tho w1do1~ K mcmonal, her hutbllnd, A bstract of :\ie te<trological Notc11 for at your oppro:~ching dcp3 rtu ro frow 11- thcroforo been mndo w e•lnbli.h :'1 nc1Y ll unry Crnaa, l•lllnd Co,·o, l' 1~hcrmao, - --~ ·--- -- -----~ - - - • w:~a J!l:ld 10 bu prc.unt 1" Rck~1ow!Nigc Dou )Jnnuol. Gnrci:a U! jon, lfae Becro•

tho wook ondiog MtmdBy. lOth Juno, mon~:•t ua,l\nd our bc~t wi•he• (or the branch in aomo other pnrt of the to"·n. drunk, tined l dull.:lr o r 3 dny1 imprison- The" Clahnaut" on Cbe Stump. the src:1t kind ucs_, hi' h:ul rcccn·cd from l '"ry of tho !)tlltc of :S ew Leon at tbo 1872, tAken at Hubor Grace, r\ew. futuro wol(aro of yo ul"'lclf and Jau.ily. Go u had opened ll wBy fo r tho 31.'coru- munl. . . thg pcoplo of Soutbnrnpton . Afler 1\ t ime Junc;r. w&a CC11teeting with Mau. fouodland. llcigbt of poail:on of ob. \Vo rcsrct wuch thnt thia comwuuity ie r·liohmcn t of lho project, 11nd ho hop.:d 1 J11mcs,~offce, Rarer ~lend, ~lBrbor ( From tire Lroerpool Metcur!J, Ma!J 18.) 1 few more gcuernl rumuk~. he llllid he uoilisn for tho 1 o,·crcignty of Mexico,

- . aenatioo, 00. feot abovo 103 level:- soon 10 bo dcprivcJ of tho b~>nufils of tllllt tho dcsl~:.'la of the erect ion \fOu ld bu Grnco:, l· a ~ht'l'utnaa, drunK and. d11o!der· On Tucedlly n£tornoon, tho claimnnt ahould like to oxplnin why Mr. Ho~r, • nml 1\':1!1 con1peiiNI by aomo turn o f c-ATloCOst'un.:. your acquirctncn ts 1111 n Miniatl'r aud renlitcd, nnd that Oou's blcssiu:; would l ly. fined 3 doilnrd or liJ days lwpmon· upon tbo in•·itnlion of a number of I he ono of hi• soli,·i tord, had left hi~ c:uc. \ \'cnts, to flee to '1\!xl\•. IJo Wilt! ·~i~ed

1d: s2u Pre:~chor of tho 11->~pol, 1111d that \\'C deecond l!lrj::cly upon it. UICUt . teu:tooL<I of tho Tichborno osl.:lte• and of Uno ni,.ht nfl,•r a;oiu,l to the thcntru ho by Uencral Heron, U.~ . A. , nnd dch-rcr-eao Temperature .. .. · ·· ... .. .. 0 •o ,vho h11vo known and appreciated your Rov. '11

• HARRill, Chnlrml\n of Di~trict, - toWodpcuplo of :\lresford, which is dis- nnd aor~e friend~ \Yero 1\t Mapper nt 1 cu to Ocncrnl Cortin•, who h:~d th~ pri· ~=tt i!:~4::~;: .. .... .. ... ·H o many catilll:lblo qul\lities, should be now congratulnt~t!. tho •brru~tccs on thei reukc· 1 By Tel'3graph. t:~ut aomo thrco mil011 from Tichbornc Er!lns'•, and whilu in tho room hu hc:~rd 11oncr promptlJ" executed. Tho " '"lohw

dar~ about to I use your aocioty 10 n1ucb a nd cc•~ in obtna~mg t o sate.. li e romor .- Hull, p11id n public r iait to the litllo .-il th:~t )[ r. Ro•c toiJ n Mr. L:\lf'dOn th:1t now clllime S:WO,OOO dnmn~:c• f rorr. t e ~::,:~.~~ .. .. : .. . p~~ia~ .r~~~~~~ti;o dea~ncdly ,·alucd by us. W c 0>1pecinlly cd lhnt ~he sate wn' n. ~tood one,-thnt at ~£'" Y OBJo:, Juno 3 .-0urdon Ben- 11B.t;e o£ Alroafurd, wboro ho rec:ei1·cd nn tho ( ':ISO looked ''~: ry llou btful, 11n1l thnt U nited l;tntee Oovernmo;nt i!l con,•e·

.:;. - · .- - ~ dea1ro lo record our deep nnd ~;rntt'ful wn• ulis•blo nud r cntral. Uo prccccuul uel t of t ho ~ow \." o rk " Herl\ld" d ied eutbuai:ut ic welcome. Tho ciAimnnt hns it WBII 1·cry likely the Orm of U.ute r, quo nco of Ocnen•l I l oren t1 nct1oo . '1 ho

.l.'reYalcnt \Yanda botwo?n RS.r.. • S.E. eeneo of yoor m lu:lblo nnd disinterest• to elnt.c tho doctflnCll tlant wovld bo nL G.:l•> on ::itltu rd:'ly Ol'l'ning. 'I'ho I been stopping for tho l111t {ow dnys at !lose, nnd ~orton \fou\J retire from il. I duma~ca nro nlto1-:cthcr of n contequrn-8. W., W .S.,V. TuCli~Y. 4th ~nne, fi rst cd acrrieca, rondo rod w nil cla..sses o£ prCllched in tho DCIY Church,- tbo Trin- " H crnld'' will not go out of ths family lho Grove, Roploy, t he erot of )Jr. G il· llo L'\iri co lhin;; t hen. but tho next tin I chnractcr. .Uon :\[nnucl ,,.ns forty ­part 2-J. houre, eomme!\ced watb ht'u~:- tho commuuity by wedical 1\drico :'lnd ity in Unity ,-tho D ivinity o f tho ::>on, -youns U!'nnolt roccivci. thg proprio- ' ford Ooalow, MPforOuildford,11nd itw:u~ morn ins ho went lo ) h·•:tr•. U.1 Her, 1 lh·o ~·cars of n:;o when _tho. unrorlunato almost hurricane squaJI_a fro m l;. K attcodBnce upon tho aick ~eucrally, and t ho trno personality of tho H oly I t orship. I nrnnsod that ho Phould proC'ocd thcnco Unso, !\ltd ~ orton, nnd b:ttl :uo inter' it: 'C\' ncci<lcnt occurrcd,:'lnd has w1dow ~h,dar;;s l\Ionuy,lOtla .Juno-firs.t ptut ~ l hou.l"!! 1 thA ut ~Y in tor, duriu~: n period who•1 Ohoat,-Ui,·ino ProYidcnce.-lho F:lll A dc•patl'h of S.'\tUrdl\y'a dato fr"m to Alrco{ord, outaido "hich tho tow us- wilh )I r. Spofforah, Jt·lling hun wlmt hu •·o.ul~ maku ~~.~ 3 ye:1r I rom h11 commen~ WtUl ~~y. I~C:rt':\!101; rnm, m.!'.J fover a oc! other diJc:'laes provailt'd an:i U•tivcra:'ll dt'pra~it,r of mnn,- tho F.o3rl Gr:un·illo 10 Secretary E' ish ~~:~ya in I people 'l'ero to make a dcmonslrnlion in he hncl IH~:trd nnd tbclt under uo t•ir- ~CACllco,;un. physac111u for t\wcuty ye&re accompt~~ncd ~y daa~~ rumbhng thuo- ' amon(:><t uo, and we were ontircly do· Vicnrious work of Chr11t,-rcpcnlanco cffCI.'t t"at <.1rca~ llritlliu dllt'lioca tho his fn.Your. Shortly nftcr thrco o'clock cumllnnccs 1~ould ho as:tin allow ){ r· lonh~r. durin~ which t~bo "reckons" los dcr: ~ashtnw~. ''md and of . atrong, pri~ud of tho nJ•nntn~o of :.ny re~u- toward• G od :'lnd fllith towMd~ our Lord mod ified anpplimeaat.,ry nrticlo to tho I a wagsonetto, drnll'o by lo ur ,;r1•ys, dre w Ho~l: to nppenr in his bob111f. Mr. Spof. would hai'O lh•cd. Tbi, ~·u1ku SL2~,000 blulab tanao. l'rom f!OII~rnl tame bo- lur rcsiJcut )ledi\·nl lrnctitioucr lo ro· J oso11 Cbrist,-tha nec:usslt.v ul Ro~:••n. t rcnty Or~vjllp ~~:~ra-In this posiliou j up at tho Gro ve, and Mr. Onalow, M. forth onlr<'atcd him t .> reconsider hi~ woro lo1t bv the dt'atruct1on of h1a o~· twooo fluh~a lllld follo waug thunder, sort to . l'ration,- fa ith IYorlung br Jo,·c,- tho of tho cnJo Hur MnJesly'a G ove rnment P., tho cl!lim3nt, and aomo friend~ nnwr. decision, but bu adhoreu to it, nnd tbtll l icnlltc: a1;1l other itoma of n 1iUJilnr co_mputed d11tnnec t, b~ from 3 to 1:! I Sincerely « is loing thnt hC'alth an•l D:~y of Jud~conont. 'l'ho•c Jodrme~. he repent their r l'n<iiuc:$S tocxtcnd tho tiwo ed . They were dri,en along tho ro:'ld, will tho reruwn why )[ r. H0 , 0 'fmd with. , chru:nctr r mako up tho lOlBI. An A-:­malea W~llrda South: T~lll thundcr.<"~l- proaperiti nlll)' attend I OU and your 1•siJ, nro now p roclllimnd througho~t tht' I allowed r<>r the arbitrn\o(a mcot!ng; "hero at v11ri<>~ points tho clniot:'lnt 1~ho c.Inwn frow tho enee nnd lh:'lt with- mOrll.'nn cooacwporary dcclaJ'CS t ho WI· ed tho l1r and tho 'Wlnd La now :i.:\ ·~· 1 f'mily wherc1·er >:ou go, uu.d thllt t hu w~o~o world. llu hnpcd t hat tluo n.u nnd they hayo, n• <?on~ral Scbe:ak 11 ll· l appcllred to be an good I~ · alth, w&a lou•l· dr11wnl hnd been fullo~·ed by tbnt of his dow ha.s tho ch'llr. r i:;ht t~ i!11i1t upon

11. C. l blcuiog of a gr:lt'IOu' Prvvadenco m:'ly l spacao ua commencement woulJ bo an \Yil ro, proJJ.~ ::Sar EJw:lrd 'lborut01: ly chcorcd. At t bo nllu and h"ulkl• father. He thou;;lot t bat cxplnn:ttion her cln1ma, 11nd, af tho l.i1.ntcd Stat.-e Tue~clay, 11th J une. accompany t1ool mark your miniat .,rbl earueat of S?O~ thlnJ>• to come: . IYith full powers to •igr! n. trcnty for this

1 of tho woll-to:do pooplo i~ tho nci~;:h · wae duo w the public, 1\8 tho witndraw. ! m11ko nny demurrer, to P.ut 111 her c~un.

l.n.bons 1111d cll'orl• whoreror your ou xt 1 l<ov. \'V. ~· :sur.~.ro~.: , of 13c·Jsus, a:ud pnrpo~<', or th~y ll~e walhug t~ concur bourhood, ladaoa appeared m the IYIII · al referred to had eomcwh:'lt prej udiced • tcr·CI\30. Sho h:\.!1 tho. raght to go JUSt O'.&OIIe 8114lllnJn Tublc for W~k minion way be fixed . he ful t ~;rntlfied I hilt Ins vou:o Wl\8 to bo 111 n jmnt app lu:!\11011 to tho trabuunl of dowa or at the gntca, and wnvcd h11od- him in tho eyes of tho public. A I · a's fl\r liS ll:lncroft Dans .h:u gone, and

eudiJllf lOth Juoe. 1872. I · W oromain, hc.'\rd in th~ttnlllembly . In rrplv to tho l\rbitr.1tioo Clt once to 11djourn tho pro· 1 kerchief~, "Sir Roger" IICKnnwledc;ing though ho hJ.t •·nllcu 3G witnt's~c~. thl' lo c.lelond her conac'\uenlllll ~nmiiS:Cll to

Uc11r Sir, quc•tion," 1\•hy are wo hero ?" ho 1111id , ccedinb'" of tho nrbit ra taon, which they tho eompliincnt repeatedly. When t he fl\ct w:u to bo bonn• in mind t hl\l hu h:~d I tho bitter end, ond, af tho U mted State I l>ate. l i j W ind. i \\' ind. :\l l':~ n Your alncoro fricuds, and \Yell wish - 1\ll <;ntholic 11nd orthodo t C~ri •. l illnP, foi- l ~re ndvi80\l by their lnw ollic~ra i• with- ~ outakirta of tho •iliA.;o wero rrochcJ, a tho '"·oro tcstimnny of 5SO witnesses. rcfu~o tn ?ntortnin thcm,aho w~nifostlf

~ .m p.mj ! rhr r. , one. Iowans thu tcllc:lolng anJ gurJnnco of tho an thu cnmpctenco o f tbc nrb1tnators to b11nd met the party, and there waa on al'd it wns only thu lnck of fund• th11t hns tho r1:;ht to rally tho Mc~ac:aa WI·

inoe ~ 6 1 ~.E. ·\ 5 :-;, 47> w. J . Cocn, J .P. } Wilo~on Lo•oll, , Great llc:\11 ot tdh~- Church, bLo;::~uao IYO I do upon tut'h nn npplitnliou with tho tho ~round a largo body o f l'()llpcc t~blo- hnd pror en lc•l him .-alling the grcBtcr d.o'~·~! whose uamo must bo lelr!on, c:h~nh-" 5 4 N.,V. () "'· W . ·H , Stip'y M.'tgis_ W illiam Buffe t S r woro wnntcJ , nu uec:ntt,oo 1vc were sent. formality of n. lrcnty. lookang moo , w~ring bluo ailk rose Itt'&. portiOn of tho•e. llo bMI to romplnin "adcrm~ the I IIUliDilry m11nner an w ac:

6 5 1 8. W. 0 S. W. .j()0 J o bn Scott, 0 . F. Chrilllinl;, Rev. )f. llAnn:r ( l'rcab,rtorian) 1ym. ~cw :lo aa.:, 5 - l::arl Russell, in tho The boi"!!CI were then taken from tho 111 COhl<'qnenro o f b<'iug unBblc to con· )lexicllu bu1b:uad~ a~ dcapat~hcd, and " i E . o ' N .F.. o:l, n .. nry ll ickmllo, J . w. l'ell.:1· pnthatcd from hi• hcnrt w1th tho rnovo- flouso of Lords ycatcNby o1•euiug wov- wii!;S!OUOtlt', and , amid tho moat or.thu. t inuo t ho fct•s to counsel tbnt hia dedl\ro war t o mc1ul.:lan bor r ashta, and

8 5 C. ' 1 S . W. \ :;o> Goor~c Jlnnliog, J . H iekm11u' ~r. anrnt . He MiJ t hnt n j)Ure Go• pol would ed .10 11ddrcas to the Queen asking fo r siuuc c:bcorin~ and Phakin~ of bt111d11 c:aso h11d been conducted to'wards the 1 collect tbCI \Vha\ might hll\'C bcc:_n if;, 7 W.S. W. ·1 $. '5" O eorgo 1'lbbo, Joain!t 11 idt'~ck Sr. be brc:'lehcd In tho Church that wna to irnrnedil\tO withd rawal from arbitration with tho claimant, tho vchi.-lo \\"M thoo ltutt inn very inriitl'cront manner, more hndu:t . been. for, ~to. Whll~ \Till the

" 10 5 S .W . 5 ::\F.. 53• Benjamin )11well, Oeo. A. ll ick.mno, bu uilt ; lhlll it1vould bo11a c:Oiltro from \ if the U nited Stalca did not withdraw drawn into tho yard of tho Swnn Hotel, capccinlly ns resnrdcd tho l.'roas-cxnnu- 1 :o\~wam•tnllon do.ln _tbopremases ? r.lf

And many othcl'll. which nn Evnu:;cliting in ncnco would indiroct clnima. H e supported hia UlO• wl.crc tho people aucmbled to tbe num- n3tion of witnei!Se&. The j ury M W thnt, • 1t. as rcnlly honc8t '!? ata adnlt'DCI o In· Kumher o£ Dnys ol l'artit1l Hain G A naount of lliia 0.71. o r t Inches.

lJ~n of Otono-tho wuck- dny 2 .. •. nlsht 5° " of TJaPrmometer S:l " of 0~·JQO for month lfai, dBy 2° " " " night ~

A M., Oburcer.

Orand B:mk, 1l:~y Wth, lSi~. go forth to other part!'. llo l.'tlllt'd tho l ion b\" n lengthy epecch, ro1•iewins tho bor of 11bout 2000, and l.'ooati!utcd n nntl there w11s no doubt thnt influcuct'd dtrec:t dl\mllgcs, let at como forwerd and

I day a momorablc clny 111 tho annnla of Amorfcan wnr, tho Alubnmn cnroor, meeting. Tho old people especiAlly them. Tho Altornl'y-Gcn!'rnl nlso no - provo it• ainccri~y by paiing tho aftlict.

REPLY. tho Wesleyan Church. He himself con- condemning tho Oladetouo Miui~try, 1 Rocked round the claimant. and cried, ticed the h d . (Chl'Cnt.) That sen- t'rl widow t.ho pro•pec:llvo valuo o~ Don sldorcd It a n hono r 11nd a pri•ilese to nnd t:h:'lractcri~ing tho Amcric:nn c11ao:~s l " God blt'lls you, Sir Ro~:or !'' tloman tcltl tho j ury, on the 102od dl\y llnouel, 'l' ath mwrcat to dntc.

Ornud llnnk Pal'llonago, I t.ako part in the ceremony, 11ud ho pray- cxtrnva~'llnt . and u aortod that tho En· Mr. Guildford Onslow, M.P., Mid- of tho trinl, t hAt hu had 2 0 lll'iloessea May lG, 18i 2. l-d to God to c:ro\fn tho unJertnking gli•b nation mu•t now tre:.t tho U oitcJ Aa w~ ITO all here amon~: tho old friends to Olllwinu, which wa..s cquil'nlcnt to tel- The " 'orld's Fair In Aa.trla.

GE)(TLEllu,- "ith bis bleuing." St:'ltean..~ it treat d it in tho Trout 1.'1\BO. and .. nanta of Sir Roger l'ichbomo. I lin~: them th11t unless they s;:wo him n. Tho world' a e xhibition, to be held hero Porwit mo to thank yon for tho ldnd &ev. J . .,Povo &:~id the deei!:,'D in view E:~rl Granfillo rebuked thia oxprcuiotr1 tnko the opportuniiJ of c:on&rntulating verdict they wuet sit for 1\ wbolo ycnr. in 1S73 begins alreadY t o occupy tho

acntimoots "bich you hno expn'tscd In buildlns thi8 Chul'l:h WM tho g lorify. Bl\ying tb!lt iL woaltl bo tho aonrco of in · hiw on bciug 11gain N'ltOrud to liberty (Oriea of" Shame." ) Ho nlso I•11J lu miuds of pt•oplo bore, and 6lla a CO·

~e Harbor Grace s~--dard towards mo in your Adureaa. I BID ing of the Fnther, tho Sou and tho Holy calcull\blo iH·foelin~ and that :Earl It us• from tho dismal gaol of Nowgatc,11dloro c:omplnin. nnd ho did 10 most bitterly , luum or lifO daily in thoJ'ournale. T"o WUL Ye ry thBnkfu l to find tbat after tbr:eo Oboat; tht1t na In tho Temple of tbo sell hAd not touched tho point nt l01ut'. he "aa incarcerated certainly W11hout of tho judge. They would rcc:ollcct thoUI!.'\nd mun liTO nlrea y cmplo1cll on

)C:'Ire lllbor 00 thia Circuit I at.ill retain J oWl, 110 in thi.A plncl', t~~~criilcea woulu bo Th<' Britiah Cotnmiationcre ho.d ao ad. being con•ictcd. (C:bcere.) I think wo thRt ho bud t old him that so long .u ho tho buildins , which ia w ~onaia~ o£ ono tho good "i~bee and eatcom of those nfTilrod to God, not of bull• nod of ~:oat<t, mitted. AIU!r dwelling upon tho amv have a right to tbaok tho british public eat on th:'lt bench tho othor sido would long gnllcry, 25 metrel an w1dth by

- .LYD-

~onctptiOll ~ii'I! ~bbtrhsrr-.- W whom I ht1Vo had tho honor of mi. but of bro~en nod con trite henri~ . ~o port.lloce of the aupplemcntal article, for tho part they bare already ukon, nnd need no counsel, (OTOnns.) Why hntl two iu lcnsth, with twcnt1 c:ro'll gnller· tho woni of lifa. I have found ot her doctran"' than tboao con tamed an ho warned tho Lordd not to arrogi\W t o for tho haodaome raaonur in 1vhich they not tbo learned jud~'o cow milled h im iCll~ each 10 metrea wido and :!00 lonJ!.

WEDNESDAY, J U:iE 12 . llttimcM thAt tbe multifarious duties of \Yealoy'a Sermoua 1\nd ~otca on tho thomaclrca tho t reaty mllkius po1vcr. h:avo como for"3rd to aasi~tlho dufcocu on thnt oo:enaion, fo~it was clenr .-on. 'rhosp:~c:o between tho cron gnllcriN the Circuit hBVO almost boon wo much :iow Toal.:lmout would bo proachcd in Ore11t excitement wna ci'Olltod, Bod Lord fund, to en11b!o us t o rcaiat th o Oovern• tom;>t of court, oxcop t th11t ho dnro•1l cnn niB~ bo uM..U, nod thore . a~o to be

W. d ' t t b d -~ for me, ncYcrthclcsa I ht~vo e1poricncool it. The oxtonsion of ~Iotbodists opor- Oranrillo 1ua C'allod" nn A merican nd. moot protecution. Had it not boon for not do ao? (Vhcors.) Allusion h:~.t ecvcral anpplcmel.•tnry bualc!mgs for 1: oem ' o o a uty to msko aoqao both h · llv d · 'tllall th · · · b' b · b h B h brief remukl 00 tho manner in which P J'IICil ' an a pan Y oren- ahooa was not 111 agntry , ut 111 t n vocate." Tho diacus11ion IVIls hotly k• pt the workinf. c:laasee, iu all flrobnbility been mndo during tho trinl by tho At- \YOrks of art, ma.c mery, etc:. ut t o

oar flabery poople, going to I.abrndor, t{ of tbllt prowiao, " A a I hi Jay t10 ah3ll spirit of ?Ur H nl,r rcligiou. Tho uc" np until ouo o'c!oc:k i11 t~o moroios Sir. Hoger richboruo wo uld bo at ill iu tornev-Genernl to the fact. that ho h:ul maio feature is the rotundll. The domo JJOOm to bo compelled to ., rough it." t yatrenfb bo." N ou to t he favour church wall bo !H feet from~. to S. It when without rnachiug a vote tho Houao pri110n, nnd bo pcrfo.:tlr uo£enccleu. givcn.200 ~uiuea• for 11 horso That ia to have a •pan of 102 metrca, or Hen and womon apnear to bo brought of God priz.o ' and valuo t ho £a your willaeat.500 penon a. Thoro n·ill bt\ nc:- !Uljourood uutil Tucadny. \Vo hno rec:cit"cd preuaug ir11·itntion wna intondcd to ~rejudico him in tho ~oublo ~hilt of St. Pcter'a at Uomc, and iota general galbering and in a "a' of man, and if 000 •bing aboYe another comodataon f~r a l11rgo Snbb11th &boo!, M.arehal Vaillant died on Tueadav, from diffurcntpnrta- frow Birmiugbl\m, mind~ of tbo public for extmvl\snnc<', as to wc1gh about 2000 to na, tho mater­whit'h w uy tho lenat of it, ia not at ail bu helpl'd mo in tho perfnrmaoco of a nd for carryang on of tho wholv mnclu. aged 8:1 ycare, Bristol, l;oulllllmpton, f rom Brndford , but ho would tell thum thllt ho hl\d ial being iron . Sl.'olt ltuaecll hu lho

• eoDduci•e t.o t buir interest. Agnin tho duty it""" t ho knewlodgo tha.t I had ncry of Metbodi.!lm. A biU 1¥111 soon bo preacntod in the aud (rom tlovcml ~lnl\llor w wna-which bou<>ht that horeu on condition thl\t it llrchitccturo in eh11rge. 'fhore ia plenty aleepiog a~rtmont.e :.t Lnb"'dor w~uld tbia nmong f 00 aa a people. 1 am alao A; c:oller tlon wu then ta~on up, 1vhich Rticb.ta~ dirooted agninat J cauita, it is propoded we »hould Yisit1 or rnthor, wn.~~ "not to bo paid for until he obtained of room in tho Prater for all that will DOt appear w be regulated "ith tbat pleaaed to notice thllt mi Yiaitati<>o.a of reaht od $708.50; llftor whach tho Huv. which will dfl., prifo mew bcns of tho ri .. bta which it is iutoodcd wo ahould Yiait. hie eatntee, and bo woulu only any lur- como, w_ore t~n fife t_imea aa .m~cb regard to tho interoata of all eonc:ero - the •ick aod · eudca,.oure to allov.into S. T. TEED oxproltcCJ hia gntitudo to ofcitl..mahJtl':':' '

0 Wu ehall •i~it thcnt ou their io,.itntioo ther that a ca pital horal\ abe-for it wae api\C:O boin~ avaalablo 1\1 1n tho buald.in$:

eel. that prudonc:o would Jic:tate anJ u - their eu1feriosa haYo met 'fith 1our ap- God, that 31 a blinieter of tho Circuit N.:w•You, S.-Tbo chances for no- for tho solo purpoao of engaging tho a mllro-turucd out. ( Laughter.) n.o. at \:'ana •. Tho inbab~anb ?f., pen.- certainly n~bulloa. I t ie mnlt proYal. In roncluaion let me U.f tbat ho bad been perwitt.od to 100 thia d.ay. minat"" n( .(;olfu o n fire•· ballot at put.Ue voice in the cauae of fair play, forrins to tho fact that be u•cd to como are gettao~ TCAdi to take au turpriaing that more offence~ and more 1fhote,.er appoiot&U to lAbor [ aha II al- J . J, Boonso~, E.q., 1\I. U.A., brielly Phil.t,dei)>h~{\ Coonntion were good "'·ith a view of goUing Sir .Bogor- to tbe court in a carriaJtO, whilo Lad I ge~ a buaaneu they undoretand t'rime bafo not boon eoacndered. The ""11 think of anu Prii for you, a nd 1 addrened t ho Aaiombii ; after wbic~ tho though mau,r aro confident tbnt tiona tor (c:hOOf1 for Sir Roger)-tbat fair pia I Doughti used to como in 11 enb, ho aaid feetiol?• and route a~ alread1 ~t .a l»>doaou ia that our :_pie, after all truet that aner we each have fulfillrd RoY. T:_.~LL, (CC?n.~tregational) 11111d he Wilton 11'ill rccoivo it on aoc:ood b3l- which haa hitb.,rw boon denied him. bo would inform th.> Attorney.Oenel'lll ful beaght •. Tho cat1 outbon~•d b ~. 0 ~credit r.,';-good eon due~ oor allotted limo on. earth wo..,all aha II oatoomcu at a pnYJicgo and honor t.o lot. ( ':} ~ (Loud cbcore). that tho carriage bad been proridttd hi very eagaca~ualy begun W COUll or ow ~J,.,u they &l'O pl:&cod for man, meet 00 tboao bloat ebotct wbcl"' havo any connection "ith tho lllyiug o f Nothiag·~ w bu beet reeeiYod at Tho claimant waa rOceiYod with loud hie frirnda, and tbat Lad I D oughty they eball eareum.•enUhe dopraYOd ton-

,.{u.oot tLo meMa of aplritual "Conlrttrlioae ne'tr br••k up, the alone. It wu much needed for the WAeblngton regard ins tho treaty. c:hoere. My fnond•- tcnante and nei- no doubt might have come in a euraage done1 of b~k-dri•ere to eheat a~ra aad ha•o bat little tit11e for read. Aod para Inc " no more." out porta' pooplo and foreigoeri, .and N sw You. G, P.v:.-·rho Republican gbboura, I have not •ery much to uy, if abo waa .o diepoaod. Tho tattoo mmr~a and a~ takang m~nrea to •• make at ~ n MWeYOI' follon .. a C:ODIO- Agein thanking IOU for your good ao_d would be I groa~ boon w th'l aaalor. :Sational ConYention mot in Philadcl- but to cbanlt you kindly for tho in rita· Ulll t ter be again denounced AI a Ylle cOnYenaoot .. poeetble to nan tho exha· that wlaen people baYe to " roug h willud kind wiaboe w mi•oii and fA. RiiiiOIPathy w111 wath thll projoc:t-, and phiA at noon to-dar. and prompt! I of. tiou which hu brought me on co more cone piracy, and ho aakod why it wu bitioo. the it f tb · .1 bresd tally• haJ \M.en fr:u!h tho R:at. a.!'d ho prayed foe~ 'I!J ~iaataon. Bon. Tbomu among 1ou, for it giYCII me g-reat &rati· that during tho threo daft' ouminatio o .,.. ..... 8 ..... ·e:;-·=d':c, 0 in u;.r :O~or and I Remain, that tbe Danno blo11mg magbt roat up· LitU& OlNiitb Carolina, Preaidont,and &cation w como hero among t~NIII who at tho Law TnatitutiCitr no reference Tlte wap of doing tbinga iu Spain

wbecomeroggho~ugbt. Hioc:erelr 'touts. on it. aCtor addro1101 br Morwn MoMicbaol ltnow me ir. former da.yl, and who know wha~ver ball been mtldo to tboae marke. which • trike one at' &ret t.hougbt of it Ia to lie r-Na t~t tb pro- 101L'f GOOD.l:fO~. The proeoed.ingw were tel'Uliaated with of Philadolob.ia, temporary Chairman T am not tho tho villain, tl.o A_d,el'tiog out to tho teet.imony of Mr. being unple&lllllt ratlaer lbau otberwile.

- al _.... DIUHI or tbe u.e of tbe liogiog of the National Anthem, and ex-~' orOiatLn o(Kau and othera' acoODdrel aa · tho .Alf'red Seymour, be ultod wb1'tbat gen. 111eb.. (or inetaoc:o. aaloainr loyalty ~-a,r-iouia far too~ID- 'ftae Lartatr •t·dte C•aer "t•ae the B3aedietiuo pronouuced by tho .ROY. and th appointment of tho "uaual Com~ Geo,eral-~. t tleman bad allowed him to remain in into lukewar n eub~eeta i• -cfoac:nbod in aOL y._• &ne place ia. at lao... ef a "ew W-..e,..tl =:MUM W, B. 8Jidi1'0U. llli the 0onfent.iou adjourned till be baa certainly not the laoueo lritb hie a.iater (c:laimant' a a letter from Madnd to a ~h jonr-IIOt~ailouiaYeeaeltorroagb .• Cit~ Sa.~--... Uf ...... to-morr,~eathuaiaamiagreat~r am. (Oiaeon.)lbo~ motbor)whoninooomomant hoeo'uld nal. ltMOmetbatitia • euetom in lac ltd Ja.i!Mot. na;. ia true in 000 ...._ {

1 J' ~ 6frr£11trQCJIU. Grant. • be III&D1 more tbau han uad, " -Thia man ie an impoator; be tile Spaniah OAY1 to read, at\er the ro. ... ... .. &I.e,..., IJitem The w-.,u~tlaoditta or 8t. • • Tho Ref'll. thor OloTOl&od loolr: forward witll baa not the tattoo mark, which your ligioaeao"ice· tho penal maritime oode. ,.._.L'" cuaot. ... how n'a N-roaodJao..t L-,•l-• L-.J L.u~ to-day i& ~A, apllOO Yotrt-loli ~"Y IOD· bad." (Oboere.) Roferrieg nut On a certain Slllldaf, after tlaie forma •

... _ •• -._ .., - --.-" • [fo TU urtoa o• ua n.a.n.&.u] 16 dar-. ~ ~ 1"' $o tba oYiAa~ of lai. couein, wbo d• lily had beeD compW willa, &be ollcer _......... fiB I • •- 008 baiktiag in wb~la to woapp &.,d. 8ra,- -- Oap&.. C4rerconeai wu ahot deai io darid ·~ aw laim catching aiunon in COIIUD&Dd cried oil& ...... Qod .,. ~ ........ iiiiiCir to · Thllir pi'IIMQ eclilee ie • oo~ti,•11 In oar ..., loeal pa,ar, tho &-, or "Rridp~ Oona..laat ai&lat ad robbecl whh hia loft unll, he nid th010 pre- .a.e Kine I'' Thie e1ola-atioa wu mn

... -:.....,. al ... peo. new ~ um.lleee ereete4 aa ct.ey~ lridaf Jut. I obeerYICI tlae copy or a or tea u.o...d doUan. • MGt 1r:Mw tbM tlao Hampabire atreaDI8 wi\la per(oe& aileaoe. A eecoad and

• - 'h7of belief, 1~7 Ott Ute 6 ol tile Clla~ll ia a.oB baiDeal a..... wlaieh cot11plaina Hea~ raiot&&W 1trvq ~-~ 'N t.eiiJ for were u clear u a lopkJ .... gtue. aDd tllirc1 &ime &be.arJ wu Np•tecl, bat ~ W. to ..... OD tile wlaieh W fer -1 8ewfoa1111Jao4 ll.ail ...,...pme,ta preYa.lli - .,. . . Y oa ha" NeD tbaUta IIIAil waited an til lao could ea&eh each time with the ... a..IL )(ad ._...--:t-!:' .!::! t!! ~=-- ia ... U.W ..._ u4 of ·proio •Li*tw, t ... e . ..:..fte DiU oecMioaa. aiDitlacnr ill that~ he woaLl haft to trida ..,. U.. otloer

. ~ r----..... .... ., ........... far .. ,... ..... .. JOG wlwl aft ''oat ... rorliia iinoer. (Laaah- - apoa ~~:is=~~ . ._. .. ...,... •••••& 1 ... .._..._, wki1 (•tltlllutio Aato. lhe..W..C.ofthe~~~m~~~& ..-ee& ..._tTt••.,.t.••rw.r.•· - w ....,., • ..,.1 -. .. -.. t.idrHW orllil do&llelat nre•-··H.t .. "" ..:~=-~,...= J ~.u. .. ., ..,. ......... no ..,._ .,... •:~~~:;;t. .. ... ...... ltorJ. ............. ~

· ··-·-··-..... wUl __ .. ~~~~~~~~~- ~W.jfiW~ f,~ ... lll.t·


News in Brie£ / (Fro,; t.M Tn.~ .TOW'IMI, ;.,,.. t.) ~an "ted. . . Fer lale. \ -~~~ WhOleale l'nc. .,._._ --= - .J11ft RECEIVED

. lk. ~ ....... -"lf'--. ...... .. - . • -&me of tho Iowa editor• are M· • .,.,., ~-fiJI_• Pu "OREOLE" FB.oM SrDNET, "t tonialted &t tho cxtnn&gaaco or & pro- BII.IWI-Hatnbro No 1, 331 ; No 2, so •. ; .7 10 R lls Grained and Spli poMI to •pond $76 on A ·~ge.stod odi- No. 8, 2S.. Five Thousand Pounds Stg 0 lA wrinl tritl to &It wko I . One oifol'l to Locnl No-1, 261. ; No. 2, 28a. f • • Lmtl lfl)r tmtlo hi11 whole office for a 175 mule. 6d ; l'. C; 22a. 6d FOR' a number o yei.re, on mortl[a)te · .:; . .::;~ e

__ ...,__ c .. _S .....,_ N y L of feo-eimplo unincumbered Wa---Socular education baa been esblb- FLOua- Alla~m upe.-Wioor ow or& ter aid~ ·PBOPEBTl" in St. John'e, .A. T. DRYSD.U.E.

li$hcd in California. Tbo N~1o Y ork au!::a~o~~tca, 871. Gd, f!?r which 1ix"per eeat~ in~o~~J. will be June G. 2i. Ob# r!lel' aaye that tbo Lcgi&l11turo bu N

2 .. 34a gJYtn.

on~ietcd that religion " a hall noither be 1\f 0

' • GJ • All pnrtieuJare reepccting tbo E. tate taugbtnorpractieudintbopublieachoob'' ~~Eu.~~~) ina. toSSa. ·-. · will be given by thn ~ub.·ribo'r~' · of~ Franciaco. PEu t:- 22e. F. BULLEN" M~~RIS,

·---- C cb d N Sco · :(: •· Unwtt Hotel. -Tue Cu.ull'IOlf PumusTs.-Tbo Bunsu- 110

': 110 ova t~ 10 .I St John' J o 10 1872 8i.

long. talkcd ofwateb for tho Ch11mpiou. Amcmcan,Ud· ·•' . ' • un ' . {..'l££E.SE-9d. to 10d.

ship of tho world bchY.:OD Ned O'B:\ld · l:l.u~:s-Od. to 10:1. win and JiOl Mllco h.-u bcc a dofiuitcly Pou..:-Et, Primo._ 00. ; Primo Meu, Bottled to t&ko place on t hn 1Gth or Au- 6. .... 70 72 6d

For Sale.

B.eoe1.vec1 Per .J.wutalia, an~ othor vessels £row

Liverpool, A LAROE aad SPLENDID



Nolle e.

R£.\S0:\'8 WHY THE



Best Family ltlccliclae of tbe AJ'e!

And why it should be k ept nl. wnys n~ar ut hand

lat. PAIN-KILLER ia tho most cer­taiu Cholera cure tLat medicalscienco bas p roduced


Xo Sto~k or Gunraotee Capitnl Dll.d.IVI!o.'Q JN TEREST.

But in lieu thereof $1.000.000

Su.rp~u..s - :o: -


''' (l:SCORPOR:\TE.() 1848.)

Directo1 s' Office,

P:lre ~ Z..Ue Ass uranoe Company

. OF LONDOie Established 1821 .

SunsctuoED Curru .. . £2,000,000 St:; ToT..t.L LvvF.STKD F u!Jlla

Ul'\I'UDII OF . . ... .. ..... 2 ,700,Q90 ' 1

:\xNU.<~.L L-..collE, tiP·

WA.JIDS Of ... . •. . . • ••• ••• 850,000 "

h . . 1 b f "l 000 <.~d.; wen , a. to a. . gu.st fort o ongma. onus o " • · llEEP-37a. 6d· to -He. Gd.

----- l!ot.\3~&11-21· 8J. to !!s. 4<1. -Tho marriage of tho · Emperor of ::iuoAu- l!u6cMndo,47s. GJ.

China. is to tako placo somo t imo iu Oc - Rtct:-2h. to :.?!!•. Gd. t obc r Hi• Majeat~ i~ now 1i ycnrt~ of t:OFFI:E-( Oroou) lld. hnlf-penny to ago, cccordiug t.> t o Chiuese modo of h. ld.


SQUIRES & NOBLE'S, Tbe Cbeapest nnd Bcsc

CHINA&GLASSWARE Suitable fo r 1111 cl~~ of tho community.

\llll\'aug purchase( for CASU, befo re the strike in Engb od, tht'y notv offe r to their numerous Oatomcrd 11t Reduced Prices for C:ll!H.

!!ad. PAl :-l-KILLE il, as a Dinrrhcrn a nd Dy~cutcry remedy, seldom if eYer faild. ·

:.lrd. 1'.\[~-KlLLER will curu Crnmps or Puin~ in nuy pnrt o f tho • rstern. A single doso usunlly nfl"ccts a core.

27 (ourt ~trrrt, ~ostorr.


Tho " G U .A.BDIA . .l.'f" being ll flret \ elM• Bngli~h lueuranco Compan , c.ficr• nil those ndvnnta~:cs most dcllrnb1e to in­surers, vir..~ undoubted etnbilitf, fuour-1\blo tcrm3, aou prompt ecttlerucnt of

reckoning , wbich sets dowu 11 baby 11!1 a T&A-.Cougou and Souchong, ordinary CRACKERS -.upu,­DA.ILY PXPEC1'ED,

Hh. PAl~-KILLER will cure Dp - llt:!'nlT Cnoc.- r.u . ... ... ......... President pcp~ia and Jndi,::c~tiou, if used nc- D .\:'{lt:L Su.\111' . ........ \'ice-\ rcdidcnt. claims for lou . · 1

corJins to d1rcction1. W. H . Hotl.rsn :ll ... ...... .... ~ccrctnrr . :ith . P.\lN-K ILLE Lt is an almost ne,·or (;u J.ULt::l II. Bn~::wt:n .. . ... .. Chad Clerk.

yror old dlrccti.' it is bo rn, broken leaf, ls. 7d. to h . 9d. ;

~ fair to ,::ood. 2d. to 2a. GJ. .AND

T ho undcn i!!ncd l111Tin~ been appoint. "d As:cnt forNo .... roundland, i11 propared

-IIonri Rochcrort, tllo fiery spmt To n..t.cco-la. txl. to ls. Sd. of tho Communists, hu sailed aa n con. Kl:nll~t:~n: UIL-2~. to 2ll. ld. OONFECTIONARY A Ltu'J;C .&ss.rtmeut of' failing cure fur ~uddcuColtb, Cou,;h~. I D. r~. G.lLI.l" l' .. . ····: ...... :\t'h~nry .

&<-. J . (;. :-iUAR I' , .\1. D . ~ll-d ar.nl E xnmme r. ... Ill,. •MIJI,.Ifl) Gth. 1'.!.1~- KlLJ,ER hn, pro~cd n Sov- ll. P . IIAnru ;o; .. . . .. S upermtcudcnt 6f

to issue Policies again •t loss by F ire. JA.UES S. WIN'fK~

St. John'• R O BERT T . SQU.\R'EY,

Suh-Ac;eut, H arbor Grace, Fobr uarr 7.

.Ill., ~- .:1 c rci!_:n Ut•tocrly f.:r Fc,·cr nuJ AguL•, Ac;cuctc~. nnd Chill F•n·(·r ; it hna c ured the

vi,•t fo r tho peUI\I colony o f Now Calc-

ia, 1\uddoubtlcss thou"'"'ndH of French S&.\ L OrL, Co~~~~!!'o oft'ered. rla nccomp:~ny him itt syu1p:1tby to


oxilo homo. t:ou .1:-'uu- Lnrgo Merchantable and __ ..,_ _ Medium, !So. tn 19•. Small,

- Prollably the hc:aicst cont ract c\·or 17H. to l Sll. ; llidoira, 1d~. u mlcrta kon by on~J mn 1 iJ that of llcory 'V · India, l·b .

THE SUBSCRl UERS bog to inform tho Public of H11rbor Gr11co 11ud O ut. portll, tbat they havo been nppointcd •ole Agents for tho


From Sho.fiiuld, co pri~iug c \·ery do • ,.. ( h II mo~l obstu1nto t'Rh!H.

acript ion of II lea J U T 1 ou•c 0 l i th . P .\JJ\ - KILJ. E it ns R lin iment, is B. R. CORWI~ ~Iann~er £or Cnu- r usc~ 110d CAr otera roqui~itcs. uncqunll(•d fo r Fro~t Bite" , Chil- ndn and Urit i~h l'rovincOI'.

- ALSO,- blnind, Uurus, Urui~c~. Cut~ , :Spr.t ius, 1'11.0S. :\ . TEM I' L E ..... G eneral .!.gent NORTHER N

ASSUP.ANCE COM?ANY l for llttritime I'roriucca. I Pt:n " CriER~" F uou BoSTO)(, &c. .JOttN"' G. AVRE, Proatr e tors, KEllU SE~ t:: OIL, Sth. P:\ f~. Kl LT.l-:R hns t'u rc•l t'nsca

46 Ntw GotoerStr - , SOAP- iniJ ib. xca of Hhcuumtism nud ~eurnlgianficr STATEMENT

Mei"b" with the l'cr u Govornwl'n' to BANK RA.TES. b uild 1\ :.nil way acro•s t he .AnJ.:s for t ho E xchllogo on Lo~doo, 20 1-2. Canada, sum of $ 100,000,tXlO. Tho h i;;hust poin t par. Novn Scotia, 1-2 p. c., discount. t o be crt>~~cd ie 16 ,00u fuot nbo1·u t ide U nited Statoa, Gold par. wate r.


F:I:R.E cb L:I:.E'IE St • .Jobo'"· }',\ RL.OU!t LA\IPS-variou• oizu years HtamJin~. t.' h y v d" D 3 1 llUilN E I\:; ' !>th:l'A l~ · KILLI:: R wi lldcet r<>y lloils, &.'Or t e ear un mg e~ . •

Tho small shop-keepers will find 1it WICK BHU> HF.S !-'ulon~. W hitlow•. O ld ·o reB, g ivin.t: 187L C.\ l'IT.l.I •. -T W O llil. t.fO~s· STo. 0 to their advanuc;o to call nnd eoc t .t o A nd sundry other nrt iclc~. f b fi 1 - -=- - HoLLOWAY"s Pu.LS A.)(l> r.."T:UZ:I'T.- C k d C ~ · t relief from l'a iu a tcr t o n l npp I · Prl'flliums .... . ..... S I.G'!tl,•9Z.G.i ' - l'ho Cuban atudcnt.s condemned 11t Rho: uau1ti6m ;~nd Gout.-Thcse Puri. rae e ra an °11

eellooary n - OY If:\ .N D- cation. llllcrnt.. . . . . . . . . . . 3•G,i~.i.hi JfBrauua to p~nal ser1·itudo fo r riolati nr. f) iug and eootb.ing rcrnodics deserve the SQUIRES & N JBLE'S, A large Stock of For.mer lOth. !'A lN'- K l L L ER c ures U ondacho 1 . --- Slm3i7:Si tho jtral"CS of tho~o who hnd upheld carocst o.ttcotioo of nil pel'IODB lia ble to - gla. 206 mater ~trrrt, I . nml Tuotluu:hc. I T o:> I recelpU.. .. _ . _ . _ _ Spaoi~h r~olo ht\VO been pardoned by tho gout, St'iatiCA, or o tbcr painful affections Harbor Grace. mportatlons. l i th. P .\ I:'{ . K I I,[,ER will sn\"O yo u Lo•m . . ••..... . ... . . . . SJIS,!IJO.OO S pnni4h Government. It will bo re- of tho muscles·, ncn ·ca, or joiota. 1'he 1 ho whole will be sold at tho lowc!l da r~ of sicknc•s nnd ma ny o. Dollar l'oul _fur •umndmJ

A :")(L \L R t:n :)(ta: FIIOlt F ro& l'nt:)lll" l t il . . . . . . . . . £180,000

As.:qr.1. r. ltt:n:;o; &: ~: Fuou J, tF& i'ut:III UlfS ............. £ 110,000

membered t hntsomo of tho youths woro Ointment should bo applied after tho J une 12

· possible figure n~ in ·timo anJ !Joctor '• Rill ~. • 0,~it~:~: :·. ::::.-:: :: ~f{J~}} .A.~~t:J.t. Ht:n :s ut: f'IIOll L'fTEII· 1:~T UI'OS L'fTt:!IT£D J:' u:oros, ahotfor tho offcnco. a tlccted partalul\·o been patiently fo- 'fb El' 'bl N 110 Ro • St l l:!th. l'AJ:\- KILL E it Is a purely \ cg. - - -

- -- :nontod with warm water, whc u the un- nt tgl e 0. .g8.f80n S One ctnblc Jtl'('par:~tion , sa ~.o. to _kec~ ~nd to Trt•t " "''· retwnrd to l'olicy. · h d h ld · · I ..__.. DWELLING HOUSE BuiJdi f: I I I 1 t t Holde" m lijil .. .. . ....... S!IOG,GG5.7G - Tho pob\ic eiCCUtiOnOr Or Cn S• gUCllt S OU be d1}1gcot J rubU\.-u Upon ' ng, ll~O iu 0\:ery :I DI I ~· . 10 ~tmp tCI ~· R · ----

mnn of Paris, who died t ho other d:~y, tbo adjacent skin, uniCBS tlto fri ction IJE."\"RY TRAP.SELL A: Co. tcn~ntg 118 ~~o. togethe r \\Itt. the ~rent Grou Aueta,1Jec.31, 'il , $J,046,8:!J. IO was so proud of his profession th:lt when- en usc pain. HOLLOW A rs P[L~ With Garden attached, J uno s. I"Rn cly of UISC:I8Cll thnt mny be cutlrcly

XUULX .............. . .... . £42,000

ever bo had an execution on hand he nl• ahoulJ bo 11imultuneously tnkcn, whic h b r h t!raJil·ntcd bv it , nnd the s rcnt nmount Ita rotio of clo ima nnd c:tptnses to income h At presen t in t o occupancy o t o 11



ways " rehrar8cd tho pcrformnoco t o will reduce infb u1ru11tion and purify tho St:osollt DER, situate 0 11 CochmnoStrel't, T~t Piece of LA ltD of pnin and suffl'r ing that ca~1 b? a en- is on~~· Iowen grode. . n ight before by cuttin~: off tho head of n blood. This treatment a bntea tlto vi. immediately opposite S t. Paul'~ EJ·i~- ntcd through its us~. mnko 1t unpera- 1.71 ro~~ of lou tubmlttcd. t~ the undr.r-cal£ so ns t o ace tht\t bis guiUotioo aud


olcncc, nne! lessons tho freq uency of Ro\ongiog to t ho 1-~~tnto of t~o Into t i,·c upon 01-cry pcn~on t o 11upply thorn-

1 • i~tn•d w:!. be forwarded; n_nt. t e lot• po1J

bu ~Cr\"es n-ero in order. goot, rhcum11tism.., and all Hptumodic copAI Church . l .lo u:"IIT<')( F Bt:Ruows, bo unJed •n the ~d 1·cg with t l1i~ m!unlllo remedy, aud to I withou t exoen•e 10 the 1 ohcy holder. ht~ur:~nccs effected on Proper ty io Vo" - -- dise&!es which spring from hereditary E. '~; .. QUI NTl:\ . Enat by t ho wc~lcynn M is~ ion lhu~t· k l'CP it nlwny~ nt·a r nt ha~HI. w. H. THOMPSON, fuuut.llnnd Ill Current Rates t~fPruc.i-

- AT llts T ntc n .- Tho ingenio us p redisposit ion, or from any accidentlll J_u_0_


1_2_·_ ____ _ ___ Property ; South by tho iUnin Strc-c.'l of Tho p :\1:\- K l LLE!t ts now known . • um.

youth who f11Vlca tes sc.ots.'\ti~>na nbout / wcakoo•s of constit ution Tho Oint· II arbor Groce, a nd ~o .. th br lln rn •r i!t. nod 11ppreciatcd in every (ltlnrt.cr. of t h_c I J IJ.nuo n GtUCE, Pro~pcctu~c~-'Forms of A.pplicetion for

Lo:-; oo:.- 1 Moorgate St1eet

:\.nERDEEN - 3 King Street.

t b(l Colonies~a£ccio.lly NowfounJiand I meut checks t ho local malady, whilo tho • Tho 11bo1·c, f rom ita very fino •ituniio~, glo be. Physicinns rccommctul t~ 111 t hc1r Gcu. Agcut for Ncwfoundlnod 1-' iru a nd L:f<.~ ln mran.:o nnJ nil uthr r - for tho :-iow Yi>r\ proaK, has turned Pills rcstore vitnl power . would wake nn cxrclleut building lot . prncl i.:f' , while nll t· laascs of soc1c~y h~1·c I J l '> l uf.Jrmntiuo cut be obtained nt the. u p llS:Iin. H is \ntcst\,iuvon t ion~ nro tho --- --- • .• !-'or p:~rti1·ulnn~ apply to to und iu it relief md comfort . G 11·c 1t a une ~ - I Ollico of murder of n family in ,t>t. P ierre . .\fique. I T he extraordinary oifect o r FEL . Mil:!. 131.: !tRO W ::>, o r In t "ll) I 0 ll nV:\ nv Ion,auutbolussof ·i-• '"csscls and :I,OOO LO WS" C0:\£POUXD S~iRUP OF I.EWI:S W. E :'I!EHSt ) :\. rl · DH, LANE A. · :\. St.- .J,,J11~· ••

livea in tho .Ncwfouuil!aud :Seal lishc ry.l ll \'PO PllOS l' il11'ES is d uo to its pon·- TilE SCHOONER E .u cutor ()/ {.,le J oussTox .F. llt:llll()ll·s. Till" ! . . . . . I Agent for Nc wlo••ntl!.nutL T he Now York. 1'1. ·nu·•.ls ·~e latest jour- o r or _i mJl_artin_g th~ l•ital princi_plo to 1111 z , ,. llarbor. Grace , 1 GOOD W ORDS FOR . ' I l ias mtrotluccd llltO hl~ ofiic t', Wlthot lcr J I I S"O nal t bnt publishes hi• ficlloall. e sll tullons lmr ntroJ by Wtuttng or do. ' ' I) ,.~~~, 7 )lny :.!!1 18i:l. J lm. iwpro1·cmcnts, 'I ' lf, y •

1 •

- - --. 1 811tating 101\lud tes. It ia accepulllc to .::;/ _,., p A I N -K I L L E R ~ • •' .,_ tC. ~ t ~---------------1-:~idcnce incrcaiO nnd multiply to the pa la te, and suil:3blo fo r llllllgcs aod About M Tons, To be Let at Buy Hobert:~ , • I ;_, .t1itrous \:.1 \'lue ~as c; Jlllnrn \IS, j PH CEN IX

provo thllt tho nomiL)at iun of Hu~llc;) nil con~t itution~ . T ho blood is restored S uitable for tho F iabcry. W ill be

0 D w, can con liciPntly reco~tmcnd th~ , fur tho Mnnufncturo nnd Adminis-

Orl'cly £o r Presit.lcnl o f t bo Gutted to pur:ty and hCI\l th, tho r!ervos o.nd sold cheap. TWO G 0 STORES i.>ai n· X.illl'r.-: " uuto B n{Ji isl . tr:. tion of the On.~ . which for pnin iL~' Fire Assurance Company. Stntcs is n

801·er 'l blow to the r001dar mu:sciC!I arc stron~tthoood, whllo t •l bcr- F or pnrticulan~ nppl.v to l t iH ho mo•t cll~c.tua . re.mcdy we ! extraction of 1'coth cau be relied on lUI

Republit·an tJartl.. Tho v_irulcuco wi_th culou~ or cousumpti"l"o dopoait is retard. R UTHERI:'ORD BROTHERS. A.l\'D USE OF ,\VIJAIU'. kuow olfor A~hos~ 1 nm~. l·lesn W ouutls l Ucue,·ln~t n.ll Pnln. whtch he is u•,.:u lcd, 1\IIU d1rt cnst at bun od. J 3 AppiJ to &c .- '1. J ol.11 • -' '"""• P _(J. --· .

Lombard Stree t & Charing Cross h. I ·u 1.. t d - uno . uu ... _. GRB '~ \Vo ftd •iao thnt ol·crv family •hou. ld , aod bcmg not only 83fo. but p!£nsnut. a how t Is : t. to conw• t wa c _mos c~- I' I lnhitulll cooat.i(lation load• to the ~s. . E1, • ' I

porn to · .,n t 1f t ho Democrats ~mk thc1r 1 f, 11 . 1 I 11 ti f tl hnvo so cfh ctual o.nd spoedy n Pa m - - .u so-p :u ty prodclictions. t hey will bt·nt Grnnt L~.;w~ng ~s~ til 'd :!ll n nma In{ ~ h

10 N ° t 1

c 0 11

" On tho P remises. Killer.-A~tht'nl, N .<i. Gn:t'llc. His Improved Plate l

7 8 2 and cm:~t\4'\ll ~ break up tho Hc ,·u lll.mu "-13

11. ocys,

1~ ·!Jnn · c~voual d.011 nt~ e, Bay Robe rta, May !?2, l 8i 2 . 4 i. O ur own exporieucc is thnt n bo ttle 1 . . • E 8 T A D L I 8 II E D I N •

- r I IOUsness, y~popslo, n lgea lOll, Union Bank of Newfound- o£ l~llll·K illtr is t he best l'hysicinn a I Is \"Cry popula r, IS light, e.'\8}' and party. . Piled, Loss of :\npct1te , a.nd Streng th; land 1'HB SUBS CRIBER 1 S st rOll" - -- I r • t r1WC1Ier can ha l·c.- liami loll pee· \ t " ' h t f . d f th

L O ~DON • .

,\ t . . d f ·a Lo :1 nil of which may bo 11voidcd by bc!og rc.. Iaior." , ways appy o sec n cn ~ rom c - . n on crpr~sm~ n ~cr IMe>r I k .. . I ~ubr in your hnoit8, a nd ~tnkin~. r a v J H.E Dircctono hereby give notice t hnt L• appoloted Sole .ljcCill for New. }.'or .. oth t"nt•rnal nnd c xlorua l nppli- Out port~.

don commenced "~umg_ c1r~u lan, u 10 ~ 0110 of PARSON • l'URO ATlVE 11 Di1•idood on tho Capital Stock foundlnn4 Cor the u ' C S LANE

fur money rorfamlh~ Ill hts chttr;:o who ' [>J L L:S u ightl v for four or aix wo~ks. of this Company, at the rate of twelve ··ntion ht\l·c fouJd it o f grout ynluu.- • • , wero auffcn ng from sm11ll pox. On tho --·------ per c."ent. pt~r 1\nnum, for tho half year Gloucester Oopper Paint Co. Chri¥ E ra. D ENTAL ~URGEo:.\·, £ 143 thus obt:'linctl ho fllrod sumpt u · 1 J O HXSO:'{'S ANODYNE LIN!. ending 3lat Uay, l 8 i2, and a Bonus of nnd would respectfully iut imnto to. thu A medicine no fllmily sho uld be with. 231 \Vater Street o us ly fo_r

11 IYhlle, :~nd t he_n lran~_formc<l l ME~T 10ay be used-to ndnotago whor e two pound pe r ~hare, n•ill be payable at Ship Owner~ of .St. Johu's, ll:1rbor oul- J/Oillrrnl 'lhlucript . ' " • ,.;,. ( 1..( ,_

h imself t_nto wu. poor child ren 111

wnnt a uy l'ai n Killor is de•irnblo. I n cases theBaokiog-House io Dur kworthStrcet , Gmco uud the Out pon s t hat ho ha• l'~>u ld hardly kc•p house ~r ithout it- ~t. ~OQ tt'S, ~tt'W (JUitu il l\ u • o f_ a Cb~st~ns dmu~r, and on £9~ nb - of severo Cramps nod Pain• in tbe on and attcr S .!.TURD.!. Y next, the St b r<'ccired 11 s upply of Copper Poin t di. EJ. l'oicr. If o u rs from 10 n.m., to .a p.m. tctncd

10 thtd w:ty hvcd well un t il tho r stmnncb it is undoubtly t ho best 11rticlo in•taot. rect f rom tho Man ufacturer. ~honld bo kept in every housl' in rcndi- h ·1 7 Polt

·co d-cen·'cd on h1m n few wockd ' hut c·n' be llaed. ... 110•5

fur suddcu 11ttucka o£ sickocs~- St. J o n's, Apn 1 · - u • " (By Order o( tho Bo:~rd,) T his l'niut is pronounced bv Ship • 11


• ======~~~=~~~~~ J. "'f.,V. SMITII, ll11aters who ha vo u letl it to bo tho bc<1t Cl1ri6 Fru•. p p • __ ...,__ I ltiA.RBIAGES. StJohn's; June 5. 8i. M naager Pni nt.for Vessels' boltom~ in the Market Nu llrticle erc r obt:lined IIUCh uu- arson's urgatives - Tho Gauloi• publish•• a lot t l'r f rom _ ~-~ _ ---- - nnd nn efficient protection ngainst Jlnr - hounded po pulnrity- Sa /em Ohurva. on

Napoleon, da ted " Chi•elbur.t, May l 2," At tho Ca tbedrnl, on tho 4th in at ' FELLOWS' COliPOUND SYR UP oacles nod Se:~ Grna.t. Ooc oh hc most reliaLioepccilic- ol the A(\~' l.BILIOUS PILLS. and arldrcucd to tho G cnl'rnld nnd C_om- b1• !lis Lonh hip, tho R ight Rev. Dr. -OF- Rend tho followiug Ceri6cato f ro1n ngD-0 /d Nor/ /, Slale. ma nd.:\Dte o f th_o Jo' reoclt Army. ""Y

10:;; : Carf11~ini , ~tr. Michael Lo.hy, to Miss Professor Hayes, A.esaycr uod Chomist Its pow!:r is woudcr ful a nd uncq~nll-

.. I nm rcsponllblo for tho surroud~r nt Cat berino O orman, both of this town. HYPOPHOSPHITES. for tho et.1to of Mlll<t.1chuaot tll. cd iu rcliol•ing tho mo~t scl·cro pniU-Sedan. After H ,OOO h:td llccn killed Al St. J oha'8 Ca.tbedral, on Tuet~day; MESS as. Cunnr r.u & Cook, lJurlington & nlind. . . . or wounded, I lllw tho contesi\n s mer(}. ?~th ult by t ho lli!v D J Lynch Mr. · all "').I d d b d" h th G Ao iudisp(Jn83blo aruclo m tho mcdl-ly one of deaperatioo. I t wnt~ impoasi - j~hn g~'wiett., of Ha~bo~ Grace to'Mi~ ·A 8 tb h 0b' 00

8°"'0ts B? d_0 '• n"' ~ . 1 er LOUC£8TEH, .U.\ss. cioo chcdt - /.•. Y. E.ramincr.

ble that tho immolation of 60,000 could u_ ry . •gn~ Byrne oldc•t .>-n~hter ofi oy 0 zeaa b' . , _tr 1 'd epb.' cat • GE:cTL£:UE;o;, lt will recommend iuulf to all who >u .n "'- - • ~ w..., e van oop h .ctl a n au J CC s I a m fnmilinr with tho ·' E xcelsior u vo France. I obeyed a cr~cl and in- l\Ir Wm Byrne St J obn'e · .,. b or bl K " d ·

1 uses it-Geor:~ia Enterpriu.

bl "ty .. · · • · · of t o ta o mg om are gor;erM• r.oppcr Paint," patented by yon. It is I t i• extenslvoly used nnd sought after OJ:OI'Il c nocc~- • by oital . which binds a_ll t hu u Pnin~ for Ship~ Uottoms, containin~

18 3 renlly usoful mcd icino- J ournai, St.

~ sprinxs o oxt•tonco, nod aa ootbmg ca n Chemica l c lements of 1.-nowa ' 'a loe for J. 11

y 0 -.~ abo<' kin~: nccident occurred a t aave t om from t.lostruc tion whoa thia p reventing tho 11dhC11ion of BMnnclco nnJ 0 11• ~ • • h b

· · lli · f t.h 111 d No lllOdicinc has ncq uirccl sue a re. t o pnotmg o Cll o o 1u lrate Ship l'Vews principle loaves thom, tho discoYer y of ~ca Woods, 11nd it is 110 officiont protcc-1

· v; .London X t:uu , on tho lOth May. Mr. meant whereby vitnlity may be aualained tioo. putalion ; it b:~~~ rca merit-_ t:1opor1 Hoot, tho cnpincer, 11lippcd nnd fell PollT OP Huoon Guo&. in tho living body it indeed a boon to tho (Sig ned) J)~~o :r~bo most useful medicines ; &gnitUt tho prmtinJ; ml\c hhmo whichh . ':'ns I:ST&RED. world. ::>. L.AS A llA YES. hnvo used it nnd dispe nsed it for tho In rapid mot ion. T


m.'\c ioery June G-Fiorencc, Noble, 180 tona, Modern Che mistry has ventilated tho For Sllle In nny required qWlntJt· t>nst twenty ycars-llev. TV111. TFurd, cnught bia clotbca and drug~ted him into ::'lfontr&~~l, profnioos, Rid loy & Sons. !}UOStiun and di•coverod tbo iogredieuta lc.s by .d.lltrJn.. tho works, crushing hia bones u t each A.lnbllm&, H artnett, 741 t oo, , Liverpool C:onatituting tho brain, muscle• and CH ABLEs ELLI S. Thc moat v

11lunblo medicine now iu usc

r JYolution. When o.xLricnt4, bo wh oia Qul'bee, Mit, Ridley & Sona. nem)l, •nd find• that by introducing .Xo. 202 Water S treet, frightfully mutilatOO, but alii b rca t · 8-Sui&D, l<"itzgcrald, 140 tons, Cork thoeeio~redient.a io proper proportion~, Uayl. ' St J ohn'•· -ftt"i:~f;'~ vnluablo mcdir iuc, nnJ ing. • B1" whu t.akhe.ld.todo K ing"• C~>lle,;c coal-D. Greer . tho brat a and aenou. ayatom nr<' _ ...;__________ ____ used by1n:~ny pbysicians- IJoston ~H·av-HuapalA, w ere o 1 . CLE,u um . atreo~heaed. NEW GOODS '

--- - - Juno 7-~futiif, • a., Brown 245 tona, Thta then ia sobataotially tbo basi! • 1111\vo alwava keep it v.·bcro we cnn put -Thoro ia now performing 11t a B or- L~brador, aupplies for the F11. hery, on whieh FeUowll' H1popllospblce. NEW GQQDS T T h 1 • · · b d k · r eed b~

.. h • . ·•. our anus ou 1t to t o a r , 1 a ~ All Who 'U'eed Phys1·c, liq theat.ru, a 10markablc piny founded Jlldley & &na. , ia built, ita direct action ia upon t o , a x R ev O. l:J. ihbarJ, BuriiiJJA . .~. ..

upon tho story of tho Obicago coufln. Blood, the Brain, and Nervous ~ystem, Cheap ~ Oasb, Ouo of tho few articles that nrc juat T AKE gration. Af\er aovoral acta, deYotod POAT OP ST. Jou!f'e. and the Mua~ea. Streovt.hemug tho h I b IJ . L

The compot.~nt.o or lhue wonderful P ill•, that are no:r aoto~ishin~t n er! b"dy br giv­in ~; relief to hundreds and 1houund1 of eu~a ll.st have l(tntrally bern t UPtlOSed lo be ill• curobl• hno ll••n Ultd in a phyoieian'a pmctice fur the latt fif.y yu ro, long <~nough, onr would oay , for lhrm to f int.l iCllti h01r claim 10 public faYor . nut unrortunaltly, the public h•'~ been for a long time d~­fr auded of the- bene6u wbich 1br•e Pill• cod­for, in con••qurn<e, fint, of tho u iH•h Dftr· rn• .mindt dnou of lhe owner, and,ucondly, hi• inobility to ca"y out aucceatlully an en­tf'rpt ioe rrquiring to much money and per­t iatont t iT •rt u tbe manufoeturo anti tale of • l'altnt Mtdieinr, howner good &I'd nlu•· ltlo it mar be. Aft!< lhe duth o( tbe phyti· rian refet red to • bo•e, the r. eipe p•••f«i into lhe hand& or lhe propri.lort or Johnson'• Lintmrnl. • bo will hrnetfnrth prt;»are them in •niclaccon!anco wi1h the orig inal rteipe, ond t dl •hem in eonnrctioo with their Lini­tnent ; thu1 gir ing •II r r ople, n erprhue, an opporlunity 10 DV3 il tboro•oiYt l of I be "feu , oureot, and molt reliohle purgui•t or anti­biliou• m•diclnt kbOWn to medical men.

, I"' t. w nt_t 1ey pretend to e- run.w1c~ p p p •11

entirely to red. fire, harrowing incidcote, E!JT&UD. · nones tt r.a~ be rapid d11tribut•on of , Te/,frapJ.. ) Sa and fearful eluci«Utioo•ofhiatorical and June 7-choite, Fruit, Baddeley, Figu. Yitaliaed Blood of the Muecular Organa Jlt•~ARD a OTHERS In my mountain travels no modicino e · e geographical pointe, the fire ia ended by cira., W. H. Mare. of tho !Jody.. - . L . u. C 9 is of 10 uoive1u l approcation as 1'11in. 1r Your •yotem

11 1

11 an unh,.lt t>y atatf',

tbo Prualian conaul ruahlo~t upon the Premier, Edwarda, LiYorpool, Stabb, ' Rciu11og tlie Shagguh H Mrt and Li· linin& rectind. p~r ...,.ctor,"•· :uaan- K illor-Jleo JL H. Dizby. two or three of .. Panoo•'• P tlla" will bring mounting t-he engine 11nd wniog Rowe & Co., ·•. 1 · . · •· nr, atrongtboning- tbo action of t bo dra" ar.d " Ple!Lwl •

1" ~o~n dLi,.Ftrltl'bo\; it round all rigbt.

, •hito and black flaga uCDeutcb. · Lo.umru. Stomi ch and Buwe.la. and e nabling and per " Alpha, " 1 ow •n " ••• • Cure Cholern when ' all other re- l! ic~ Headaebr, Nttvou• Hudaeht, DiJ . Thie ia aupJoO•ed to rerive tho Pride of the W eec, "Eill'Ope, W. Griof'e the Lilnga to be fully ioDated with Oxy- rro~n Rottflll, Lhetr .Fa ,St~elt or medies fnil. aineu, a pella of Blindo•u, &t'., mar be cured

rught oxbat11tod eoorgiee of tboee A Co. gen. ' GO · DS b} a box or Pau:~na'a Par11a1in 1'1!le, wbleb ar.e flgbtiog agaioat tho flatnoa, and, Jamee Stowart,Bu_t"O_pe,J. & W :Stewart. · U ia" adapted for .t.Lt. CI;IOS of Weak· ' WHEN US E D EXTERNA-LLY onlr co•t• Lweoty ·fin ctnu. g up "W aclit an der R-hiue," the1 16-Biinltii onny, Weatlndiee, P Hutch. uou •r.nd Emaciation, whether" &riaiog . , .J.S .J. LI NIME T


nothing g iYcs quick- " l 'artona'' Pilla" are tb• brat known ,.. • a-in attacked tho blaso and are of inga. from a .ecfen.t•rw life, a tropical eli• COlCWTt!CO,lJI P.U.T or br eato in B urn., Cull, BrNilu, s. praim, mtd1 ror. COll•lipatioo of the Bowb, Inlhua· -- -~ 8 d Cl b U k"'' <>--l'-'• I mauoa or Lbr Kid~~ey•, N•noot Hn1laW,a, eoarte, Yietoriou • .Ap\!roci§ll~ &rlin 21- Willie, Britain, BowriogBrea: mate,"from Fentror D ehiltty, from any rwoa ot !~1 ''" , Stisrg•from Inteefl , a ud r.xu .... t re· Sitlt. Uradaehe, lrrtJCularlty, Mtinnrn, •- ,L- to Me .t&iadJlay, '&n ia\plici~ly 27- YiriAw, Buro .... , .A. GoOdrid...L A cau .. aod ie eftlcaeioua in ......... , 11".,.'• •t 011 movdt tho fire, and tho wound heala like D ,_ 1 d" · p 1 .....,.. r -


v ..., Uoaokin-black •!IIi foney 'Tb .. a · r J•P•pa... n 1«t•hoo, "'11 • Mla.N that tJao hicaio ftre WU 01- dona. ·. . 1DAD1 coaftrmod tatoe Tw .. dt-~cotchlind .Ooualn!oa ordiaary I OI'etl. OI EI lu.uenng,•rom Wbltta, lnlluoaa. Lot. er Ap-• tioguiaed in preciMiy the manner i ndi. Juno 6-Minnio Bmee, Burope, P . A eared ~d all benefitted, ' W•netJ--.plol• ·•nd rancy .llH.EUJld1JISM,- GOUT, f>r N.J!U.. 111d Loee or Stnocab. 'file l'tUa an

ttrusttrs nnb ~irrrtm: Sir ] . Luhboclt, Bart., :'>1. Whiling, Etq.

;\I. P ~ F .H. S.J. Ot good llant;ur} . l!•q n ecimua Uurton, t:-:.q. K. u HodgtOII, Etq. Tra,·ero Duston, £•'!· r.o. U. Marrrru, H•q. lion. h ntet Dyng. Oanj amin Shaw, lliq. J ohn Clutton, l·:.q. W.J. Thompton, &q. 0 . E. Coop•, E•q. ll. R. Toulmin, i<'.aq. J ohn C. Jhr it, P.t q. C. E. Uoodbt11rt.fuq , 0 . A. 1-' uller, Esq. • A. Oordva, E1q.

O•o•ge W. Lonll, E1q., S«:rdary. J ohn J. Broom Bold, b1iltllltt StcrdOI"JI

Tbt PROMP'l'ITUD~ and LIBERALITY' wit!l which all claim• upo11 the

PHCENIX 0 F F I· C E. hn e been paid are wtllltaowa,and thr eon­linual incrcaaing buointu or lht CompanJ. nOID m arly nin!I!J yean "! u:ll/~1, ~btw tbe high poolllan lll:olcb lll pa'lllo numa· tio n.

Annual and 1bort time I IIeurance• are er .. r. cted on almost nery kind of prope.rty i11 Newrou11dlar.d on tbe mo1t rnorable ttnDI.

Ruin and p•rticulart or Inauranoe may l;e 'tad ~ •ppliea~oll to ~ W. &; G. RENDELL,

Sr. Jomc•a, .A genu j or Z.it~t~foundlarul, or to

W. 0 . WOOD, Bea., Barrltter·•t·Law. lJ.&uo• Oa.tcl!

Sept. G.

.$~'!1~ nnb IU'



<.'J.PlT .u-£2,000,000 SterliDr.

Fire Department THIS long eetabliahed aod .. u.a...

Company, eYer oelebra&.od, ~ out tho world, for 1"1'01Dpt and ltberal aettlement uf all ~timate lo .• ,;cll, c u· tinnea to eft'eet Juauranco uu e Ye ry deecriptioil of prop.ertf, bo n ·u towu and 'country, at the loweat .u~d on the moat faTOrable termt.

cated. Teeaier. · 1fu b,een ~~~oYer A Drnt ~Matl'fl._lo fitat nrlely 4J.(Jl.J., if not a poaitive care. rhey pal up wita ln&l cart bJ HQIIie'7,l'll Cloudal. 1d fhe Pai~t-Killn-givesthe relief · ct~ 11. S. JOHNSON & CO.,

_ a toachin• iaeideut u reported BOCMa tih a•4AJIJIPir- o ol hor remedJ will. 'lDt· • B.Dao-. 'H.u:n. a -.. W.114b aod Domlot on •J. - • ' !

' Ito• Obattaooop. 1\ndJ )la4• q~u..a-Jaue& f••hiena It g vea-.instant relief from Ach· liif'For 8Aie at tbo Drug SfiOree nf Life MQN~rtaa•r. • C.li6oft)l~ltae, Blaollet lo~r• ,.. iog Teeth. ~ Vf· B. Tuo~JI and J. J. IN fOiDt ~ C.rp.~l\ "••P· frll a wool . I I • D&d.nf. .• • Q8all""

Ita atNdil1 inereuiua buin• ie taa. beet proof of ita PW popat" ritr, L weU u ol tbe ubOillldel£ cOal._ iu wbieh it ia beW bJ ...............

A ,..,u ... ...._. 8lGIIL 't " .E~ert.Hotue-keeper ahoold keep it hP' 11'. lllf!iiii••.GI

r , ..... ~ .-., at hand, and app1J i~on tbe flm attaek . • . • ,. ~~~, .,t &11.1 ,.a. J.& will P" -~01'1 ...-..s Ta~a.&JIIII..,l_ · . ·1 relief, aDd .,. hour. o1 alll'erius. • · - · · . ... _..., .... ., ·tiLl Do aoa trite 1ritla )'Olln.itee bJ teat.. ·

Jq -.atrW ..,.ediea. Be I1IN yow .n 8AlllU11ra~ IIMI't'dOL'S- a.11e ..... PAJ.N-KlJ,[,

.....,,,_ DCII&nlalare at-

t:;Jt·,.~=l'.;=~~~~~·-:• .... ...., •. ~~~


t L.&.aotJa. · -

Uo lp wb~ at dM u•il toll. ,-Aad atrllle thfleoundll'll blow,

WIMrt rr- thor bum1oc iroD'I brtlll Tile eparb lly l \1 and fro,,

WbU. ua-.rillg to the bammer'a rinc, , ADd lre'•lot.ottr fllow-

011 1 wbU. ,. r .. l 'tie h11d to loll, , ,,ad awnt tilt lona, d1.f cbrou'h,

Ba1111111~ lc I• hardtr alii. To ban 110 work co .to,

Uo! ye who, tfll th~ ~tabl•nm aoil, , Wb- bard huda guide th~ plnugb 1

Who bead ~nnlb lh~ &umm~r aun, , \\ ltb burning ch•rk anc! hrow-

Ye c!M111 the curM alltl chn11• 10 urtb Prora olden time •ill nnw;

But while r• fff'}. 'aia h•rd to •oil And labour ar. day chrouttb,

· Re~M~Dbet it i• ltar~tr aull To but DO work to do.

Jlo I ya who p1oa~th I he 11a'a blue Belt!, Who ride the trotlua Wl\n,

:Eitlllalb 1bo .. tl•ltant .,.,.~1'1 k•el 'fb~rt tiY~I B )'llWIIIOJl jtT lfr­

Aroand who•e bark the " 'ntry winola • Lilo.a &rod• or Cur)' ru•-

Oh I wblli re f•tl 'Ill hard to 1011 And labour lon11 hnur• l.hrou~;h,

Rtmtmbtr it 11 b ar drr '"" To bate oo work to uo.

HoI '' upon who•r frnr'd ~netka Tbe hect ic s luw II hrrght •

• \VbllHI IDtnlll toll wu ra nut rhe dn, 1 And half the w~"ry ••1n1;

'Vho labour ( or the ouula ,.( mtn­CbatDpaon• o(trur~ aac.l mr~:h•­

Ahhoullh yn rnt your 1oal a• h•ul, E'en whh ala gtor10ua utw,

RemembH t~ 11 hardr r atall 'l'o bne no work to \lo

rtolallwhll labour-all 'lfho llnYI-

liaion conaistcd more io f.-a r of tbo dnil then in lo•e to God; for tbl'y b•'d from timo immemoriAl boon uaed to &eYOff taak.maeten, anil when' one~howcd thom too mut'b leniency aod kindncn, they lnu~hrd nt him. In tbetr hou&ehold nnd n~culturaltufftin thoy acted hkc thl'lr fOrdat.hera. wbo, 1\11 t fae.r utd, hatl been no blockhl'AIIa. I'ovl'nty Tci~ncd o•r rywhoro. Their bpu- woro full of 61th, a:\d thoy Ji,cd with tht>ar loan CO\\'Il

and rnggo J children, on p otnt.oea nod \1'nter. 'foward• atmngort1 they w!'re unrnutb aiu'l drceJtful, towards their " P ar10n" thev wero bypocr1hc.11, to­warda tho in'babatnnlll of tho n tnnor­ho uao they were n1 1f crn1~ hn~t m tho du~t, nod fo\\nrd a e:1cb other they were bntcful, cn>tOUR, bn1 kbitmj.!, proud, :md rudo-auch wns lhc tr n1ntter of hfc I

C u APTf.n I

.d l!ole 1n thtJ Slccr~

bad YiJitcn· from tlfo ncigbbourhoo.l, packing hia mQI' net-t'nll"• nrticl0f1 ; opened h er cyc8, and aid aoftly "What UJye I not to pay a boif dobt. to a fa· wbo10 Yiatta t'6e1 frt-queotlt returned, for he contcmplatetl nothing let~ thtln !un-o you dono?" • _ ther!l There 11 no ata( under tho akie~e, she wu takative. makmg & tour to the F.Mt J udioa. M "'·Walter luulac'n,'Conrad outoftbe no 11!1''1· rlo liappibesa . Here tho hi~h-

CnAnEn :u r. l\lr Smith hnc.l aent hrm 1\ le tter from room In e(lt.Qct to k now' her Jo. e~t bleucdoeu and tho dccpcat d t>spair



, i\Ir. :Mnrble, "bich that gontlemnn hnc.l eephino nlin~, ab o eollaht him again. He a~ mtcnt. Bilt why11 it so? G od is 0 • "· rittcn from Cnlcutta in Bl'ngnl ?tfr el CJOd 1n the gorden', his face ~le, and incumprchenaiblq. My d ream i• not

i tirring wtthiu him Tbit ia t'&lJcd ro • mantic in common lifo, since that rent· noaa o( aoul, which wo admire in men of an anterior world, hu now dceerted ' 3ctunllifo altogether, IUld taken ref'uge 10 poetry.

C ru.nr;u rru. J'ollcphino's nvorU!on Wt\8. thu8 mndt' Marble atnled in thlll le tte r, thnt ho hnd hie trornbh og nrma wound rouud a tree, vet coded. Whoroforo do I mort.liao? manifeat in nll tnDinJ: and intr.orlant been cheated out of tho whole of his pro- forhle knoes tottcred unclerbiin. 'Como,' i do my dnt,Y.. 1 sncrifico tho world, mattc-n , Conrnd's lovo m r rca&cd. and pcrty , to which ho b:~d tho moat J U&t abo cnllcd out to hun, " abo h'na recover- fri cndah1p,lovo,Joaop lui:Jo, myself, to the Yud to R egctubur!J. w1tb hia love his etru~:glo agoinat n hope- d n1m,., and that ho "011 hviitg inn n1oit cd from her awoou, a tid haa uked for duhce that 1 haTO to fulfil. G od lnlle Impntionlly aa Conrnd preaacd for let!S pnaaion He u aumcd 11 g ront-cr nir wretrhcol <'Onditton , m:tther honng tho y C>u " 1t ao · mal. bo dtrect, mny he rule, I 1nll the JOUrney to Lord \Vallonroth, Mr. of 1ndt1Ieronco tho !cas he felt it. Tho ruenoa of feem~ n lo1vyer to rondth t h ae Wtlh j;N!nt c:rl'rt ion h o drnggcd ham• bo a1ient!' Smtih n e,·or thclcas delayed 1t nenrlv ll aint wo IUI8Umc, ho thought, bocomc •o· s nit . nor h n\Jng ~ul'lirien t )('f t htm to sel f to J oscph:oe'a room Sho sat m no Tbua 1olaloquised Con111d. B ut ho week • •I F o r," ho IIIIHl, "I hnd ne"rr cond no~uro 'l'ho younJ,r m~n "hun- h vo m decency. Hoah ould lake to ro - nrm-chait. llo took a scat bo11do her, manned bimeclf,nnd looked boldly t o· counted oil nccompnoy.an~: y ou, and y et nt>d J osrph1m•'• llO<'aety na fnr na 1\'111 m turn to :Europe, bo\ h:ul not t he m'ney s:ml not n ,.,·ord, and merely obsoncd 'lfnrda h11 fate. " T hou nr t thyself tho 1 do at. now i\h buaanen tmnaaclluua has po11er. llo bct'nmo n etrang<'r 111 to d1•f rny tho e:cprn~cs of tho ' opgr • her p~lo roun l<'nonco, to whach 11 aof~ cnuao of thetc sorrows 1" ho e:ud to him· nro extcnliYr , nuci I cnn not Jcnvo them compnn v. l'1r1ce books hnd no more nt. he woulcl h ko to work, b ut bo wns old red bod returned on hia enter1ng tho aoli; "for thou miglate~t go lnu!:h1ng to 80 suddenly, am! mtrust thPm for woe kl tmctaon' for him, h<' d <1nhled his u nder- and wen!<, nod umcqunmted With t he room the Eut Indte~. tladst tho u n ot lo'o J o- m to t ho hands of 11 atrnngor You abo w k ango. m u nprO\ant: tho cttt ntl'~. <'tin· Engh~h lnogu:~ge H o therefore re- " 1 hn' e fraglitence you," aho uiaand aephine. A nd t hnt thou dost love her wall not loao uy 1t L ord Wallcn roth dncted n £ow In" • mts 111 bchnlf of Lord lflll Pt<'c\ Mr. Samtb to mnko enq umrt< n· "JI11led nt htw, " I am sorry-! could 1 0 much 11 aelf- rndulgcnce T hou hatl has 1\ le t lor from me lie koowa of our W nllcn roth, whach k1•pt han. often~"" ' bout the young Conrad .Ec:k, ' ' hom ho not help 1t" n hole 1n thy tlceve, \\'ould Fntlaer )Jar. comm~ , nod 1 8 he 18 e.tped ing u1 , he f rom Alterk , nnd Jad .,, 0rytlun~ "' In• onco had ednratcd, to infor m hrm of Ins "And ouw ?" asked Conrad, tromb· blc Ml' Ala ' utd but J oscphmo not wall not lenTo :llilog eaburg " po\ve r to bnng hunsclf to n11 cq nalabra - de,. tiiu to satunt on, and thnt nU '"" hopes IIIII! sufff·r·' "Dull'\ery dnv. e 'l'cry hour we Jet um but h o \\1\.5 on I\' half •urccl!;jful r~.t~J on ham 'N.r. Smath ghould \Hate " I onlv wl~hcd to aeo yon , Ill long 115 Tun·nrda naght h e nrnv('d nltho cnpl· Jll\.5!," eiclnunec.l Conr:~d, "lllcrcnaos on

1't eerml'd na ,·r J osep lnno ~cnrc1•h to hun, nnd)ru~k hnu af ho \\Cro walhng vet I mn)• hIt n ot ao ? You wall not tnl Ho h11atened tmm<'dantcly to t he tl:e other aaJo of tho occ:m tho distrcu Conrad anon knrw how to s tn kll thl' tonk nnv oohco of Ius nb•• II( c l n Ia r to undert~ ko tho JOU rll i'Y nnd como to refuse mo that ?'' rcphccl J oaepluno ba nker Smtih Tins gcotlowa.n l~:t· ns- nnd tho loa~u:; ol t ho Tonora!.blo, closorl-

proper rt rm:.: of t hoso p eople. After bchnnuur thcro wns 1,., d1fl'1·rencc :She 'I r )lnrbl<', pro•N'Ho b aa auat, nnd pro- Conrn1l g~Ued at Joacphme, 11nd felt tou t•hed, yet glad to seu hun " I bn ng ell 'lid mnn " hn\'lng tmprisonecl nbout 11 dozen of t1tcm \\n• 118 sho lmcl bren bl'fure. fracndh· :\lid t.m~ tho old mnn'a bys, b) haM mnnua.l •s af 111 11 drenm A eympath? so tender tho 111181\ e r to ) our le tter IOJ&elf" At Jnngt h tho dn'l' of dopnrturo arriY• on nccouut of aomil oflcnce~ , nnd nftc r yet 'l'sl rnnt:;ed She 111111 her mothrr or lll t rllrctu nl It boar )lr l\fnrblo rc. ho had novcr oxpectl'd to seo 10 tlmt grrl, "And wh11t h111 0 you concluded to eel M r Smtth, lao.\1'e"er. \Tho n rcdt'li hn11ng hnd nnothcr dozen of them \VInp l'ontercpbted, "hen Pprm:; nu uonnccJ qlll • tee\ )lr Smrth, thnt 1f Conrnd could fo r he h:.d no~ or kno\\ n he r possessed of Jo ~ .. u ked tho banker lrrs romfo>rt~ \\o ulrl n ot lmvol d ura a " pcd,thoy considered htru n o el~remcl~ atself, to ta ken ) OIIriiC') to rho rla• tam rn~ ko np h ta mmd ID do' ha3, hr shoJUld fcehngs so d~ep " To go to tho Enat I nd rl's 1 OIYO my I 11 ... 111 ,111 ba;t took hao usn~ I re~t. Con: 4l'l1Miblo !11:\ 11 cnpatr~. l J Mephu.c "P"I.c o£ It cnthu~l hn• o t lru kindnl'~~ tn furna•h bam With .. Cnn you,.then r .. cl Rorry nt my lcnv I futhcr too muda ·: rcplactl Cc nrnd •. I I r .. llo~t bot h hH ~lccp anti r~h('ll('l'

" "hen nt lnRt t hry besan to confide h n•tacnllv, Conrnd appron n!.!l.? )l rt< the nc<'I'B~nry mnncr to dcfr3j' tho ex- aug A heck ? he nbked nt Jut l ahoultl bu 1\ mous.l' r 1rrrc lro ltn\C ham, \\" lnl<' ) f r Smath " 113 n. lcep he nllenat• _ h1s ecn~r. aL b~rnnH1 an 1'1\S)' mnttcr tor \\"nlt•· r r rcl'tved 11 lette r, T lu•' p·ep~ r P" IIS<'S of t ho JOUrUe). an cnPc C'nnr:1d '' :\o 1" aho nns\H'r_?J , "aL 1a \\Oil nld on•l feel•lo nB he • ~. to h u n111er1 . I ell In~ .,,rr•I\V l>y \Httrn:: InA JOUrf.t' luw to wr rk mur h b<>od lie " '"hcd I'd for 1t11• 10 11rnr y con t ho •~n•c ml!hl ~lroulcl h:llo uscd l~OI \\ I'hnrHirl'd loutR Jonc 111 you to go. ) ou dnro not, J OU 1 lw uld l>ocomo dc•pcrnto n ero I to 1 rnthrr for J ,.,,.pt,111,. rlrnn forlnnrl"-' to Ctilnbh~h or.lc r Ami decrnl'y amon~; ud took ll':Hc o f A h nck 0 11 t lru nc ~t d cor• wl.arlr h3rl b'tn ~ctalcd upon ho m <'nnnot <lo o thorwr•o Ood woll bo .. . ~h knn.,. t hl\l tho ~tucrnble \lrlnou• ~ol•l l :uul ho rcc ortlt•l Ir a. !uno I'OD'Im\ll thO people, f<>r mo~l of t hem W(\lkcd a- ~lllrnl ll". for (•o! nbhshm~: lrnucll tn bu~mcs• I) on 1 ou rnnnot" fnrci Ill You !olluw mon helcl out ha< hnmh to mo an ' nna I .rat h hnr "lurh he wa•hrcl to •<'"' bout h ko hcg.[.':l. rA, \\llh t h,•ar clot hi's .. \nd ' " 1t PO r:~sv for "on dc~r .TMe • If Cunrnd," so cndul t hQ le tter , n holv duty" " A II tins u vcr) escelh,n t, nH tin• a• to lrcr bufurc lea\ 111., the •bored o£ E n · torn Then lou r..•mcru hPrcd how h e pht~e to lcnvc ou'r 81Jcut Alt'eck ~ .. n~k c~nnnt como nnd n#last or su p port m e, "llut J osephmo !" Tf'Joinod Conrnd , •on · n o\>'o mv dcnr £. k," ~ uJ :Smith , ' rope• 0

h•ul brcu ed ucnt rd by lm 'rt' nernblt• L~l co'nrou o r Phnnld )OU not fi<> nhlo to hnd !118! " I ~to \Vtth 11. broken hcnrt 1 lr.~\ C "but yon muol nol nrl wa tlront roficc ·1 'I Ire\ ~rraH'•l nl n<'r::;~n~bun: On i3t her, Ara l ha• t do nbou t tho m~n .. [ cnn finrl Jill A llrck Cf Cr) n here,' pi:!. t r)£ nbo.l(', or 'f'onld ho r r rhnps be th•.· ~cnutJrul p111CO Tory rolucllllltly • laon A JOIIriiP\ to I ho e ... t I ndws ·~ the fire I Uity r.nrd \\" tllcu ruth l'f•Ulol l\ 01 t " 11 h the ~now-\\ Into "If: a•,d thr holt! IU ahr nnsw.,rcd, ,11 th a ~mil <' ,J,•nJ 1 n q uc•t of r ou my frara.d to Jll • ' \ o u w11l wean ) ountclf fnoy1~ nr not 3 \\ nlk \Vho "rll be) our se('nrlt) 1 he ~cer. Cnnr:ul olr(',, unf 1\ournbln tht! •fc,.rr 1

• I be ae vu F ll You '"11 ~r:l rl'('h I 1 ~ 111, 1lt••tatnlo oautntluo, nnd ll<'IIU rno


you hn\O utcd yourself to at Yo\t need whrn you l;d t lrr-rc ~ Cnn vou find 1w 1 <•lllj• d lf rt' A from l nr• , for Ire rluublt •l E xcept one st~m p~tress, no n"omnn an ron •adcr IL 1\ or th """"hale to than~ >~•uot• an~one\ for c-/cln,'luamtnrwo •n~c not ga<o yourself nny \lnen81oe,9 on that medtatcl v n Alrap ~ Mo' ' " n not I>" 1 1101 rnrlre h•n • l I hat t lu•lorJ of Altcrk

the 1\hulo• val111go know ho" to hnu<llo a of thoao JOU len'c bchmd," replace! Con 1 m•td lml htt1c I >r thl. fcl\ \ Cnr~ tla.Lt :~.ccouut The lhon~:ht o f y~r u nfor• l'omc •••·k on your JOUruc_,,lw lHC<k«l , "n' 11 11.,., • ., t u t he b:~nkt•r, :lmrtlr ll u y ~ wie!d a bf1 y pu• er ; •

Do with your magbt, \lo 'tl'llh your alr•nglh , l'alt nery gold•n !.our.

Tbe glorroua prhile~te to do It man'a moat D• bit d l'•tr.

nccule ol. allul \\ ha.t tho mot herB olaJ rud I on• ::r:mtcd lu mt tn t\1• hfe · 1 tnnnlo fa ther. from t\ttP lam2 must be nil or emk" tlouoa.:h t t lw•l' rnu•t he •owo plot, at-not unc!er81anJ, !hu daughter u nder · .. 'IC'u nro not ~l'rtOII~ "hen yn u •3\' 1 l)11 tlu~ hiler i\lr Smith hnd m:ulem t \ Our t)tnuh ht " ·• \'c r \' p os•1oh . but thrn 1 ~hnl.l t lwu.:lr 'l r rrllth wore ,1 •In Ill' con•a­• tooJ yt t It KH It 11 new go" n h:~d the 80 1 fed , mdccd, •orn f,1r mv Ron rr· : In• n•rn "rat an:,: H ' cr:o.l r ommrnt•. " hose I · \\ dl vou nlso romcmb r ruo au my lrn vc d••nc my 1lut r . nne! Pro\ itl<'rll o "ul l ru 111, , . "hen Ire r< 1 uan,J nl lll!.!lr t , bu~ tho lirt!~ hole an the ~lt·ell', at been me, ' nntl m) sari'~ ~chool. hilt \\ lrnl nrc r .. ur I ntlllrt \\ :\~ nenrlJ ! has - . \ ou ne• ~ I ~L·ence ~ . ll:lld ConrliJ ~ • suulc nil the reel , rl•turnc •I t'onr:~J (!\ I'll t hn t til r~lll ! \ \\:13 some\\ lrnt IU! .

Oh! to your bartbrlght and yournhu, '1'0 )'OUr OWD I OUtt , b• t rut 1

.-\ • tory, wretchtd trre •• rheua Wbu have no work to olo.

"athon t R ill" datli, ultr, larger nnd ln;::cr, I \HI'k~ ~ 1 hll re p romlftNl to brm~ fr~r I nul . 11" · •lr:~r 'I r £., k, t ronhlc yo urPell " ) i<"t <'<' r t:unl\', nnd ~ith everlnst- " \"orr go"U B:.tt ho" 11 Mr )Jar- 1 P"'"U" • n nu l :~. tln-tal \\ ·~ 1 n•: lnl'llthn~ l hus I ml· pnpals - \\ ho, ruc:~nnlulr. '"" tcr· j tbout t he fnlo of tit<' cnod ' l r ' l nrble, 1 11~ l! ~t111Jucl t>," r<'plaed Jo.~r,hanc blc--for hu 1~ old ~hoo~ld htl\O da('<l nn th(' fo.llo\llng dn: T.<~ rd \ \'nlll'n• '!'" l):lrrnent hl'l:ll! c olu bdure lls ll111o I t ~llll \ ho tho IIIOHt 1~du•tr1uu; of~~~ ~ tor I ehnll rnn• t c:trtmnh IM olol nc- !t rnlrlud(' , J oscplnno exd named 1 before yon ~rrl\u nt Cal• ulln. ? Of n>th Mont n m••• t•ngl'r to t ht• ~ti':\IIS.:<'r' , lho u nmca,.h•ol hulo an tho "lpero " A" • the others-tom<' l>cnuttful prr,.cnt s qu~111t tiiCI' Hnltl', l'{'tld~r hun •orne ns· Cournd . I wbllt 11\0tlnoul•lt lrcJ~ bo thrs J"urnc) t 111 t11runng tlunn thnt he c~pectrd t ltllm tlw cnn•c ,,f llru<'h IIIII' II :wlanc~s 111 t l11" 1 .. A 11d " hnt "ttl r CIU b rans.: for me 7 • t• tnlll'f' Lroro .\ hi'< k :~nd run 10 the " 1 kno" for what I nm )ndebtcd to

1 ro und t he \\ ort.J? 1 or "hat pnrpo•c

1 to ,]111111 r, Conrn•l ur~t·cl 10 ,::n rnrh<' r

Jonll'~llc 111 c~, 1h1:< unl'l<·.lllhlles• "a• I n•ked Con r:1d, t nkmg her h~nrl 111 '"" East lmlacs an order to prt~•l'l u tr for no f?U· but ~parr mo tbe r onfcsaton of Jt I 01ould t hrn vou r 1•r• •t rr t cuu rno of hfe Ilu lrnd lirtol~ r~·~uh ,.,J th:~t shoultl tho Jf'ARBL~ and CONRAn : tollo•vcd U) UK lldll~l ('OII•.<'IJ IICIICC:K- I nnd look an:; .nto her e\CS Wtlh II ~lcnrly I nlol urn II · - who kno\\ A \\ ltcthcr \ O ll m~\' I '\n, I \\ a'l tl ll you Though y our Ill • lrfo be llllCrr upted. nn. t \ our pro pert) propractor nf \ h eck 1'31•0 OII V d affienL

•ark ness 111 e \ crv 3h:tp1' \~ c aro lltl' re gnlo · 1 tend hun snll nll\ c •-:~. p rnl•>ll!;l-d Mill tt r,·onr•c 1 Jr~, e become bctt<'r' thnu I bo encrdicrrl • ' r(•j Oiucd t hn banker , II\~ nbou t rlr•n.a••an,.: ha •u fr.,;n lu• ,.11r _ r eady to excuse 111 OUTI!el"c• , "hen n(':lr I :She A:t~llNI " For yon ~· "hy, )( r I or to •ni'port hun, ~houl d t lrt• ncccs,.,~rv I "ns T~ko t In~ roll fC8310n wat h \'"OU on l • )ly ro ur!le o£ af" " all IIQ\ cr be 111 \1 , • he " onl,l •lcp trl tho ~.111,0 ua;;ht, 1111: n rr~.J,:gctl garment, m deccnl'tea of r k af vnu t:~kr r.:no..! cnre o f m• fl,,., l "" ~nM l'<>" :lnllnt; b) e"!Rbla8hm;; ~ ou r 1 ""' r J"llrn<'• I t a• not von· probnhlo l~rruptetl T ho cflnr•c 1 r uu 1~ l'nllcd \\ttlt<lUt In 111 ,. 1lt•rn 1 •8~tJ on ry k111d luw 1-vhn' aou r, dt pr:n rd e~("· '1 " 111 b rm~: , 011 n ue'" " at l'rlll!! 1 •elf .v n 'alnncl mnkrr, o£ counte IH un· 1 \\ 0 • hnrl otcl't on t lu~ cnrth ng:u n , anJ I" dutv" Ant! •lrnulo l I ret urn n Deg~::.r. 1 J.,., r•l \\' nl~ nroth ~caved t 'a"m r or;r

--<>n,-Dlead tbe Dole In yonr S lee\'e.

C., tt onU<!J ) cnnuu<'l I he hole an t ile alcc' c ld till' I pol 1 and ne :.lrl' Faul 80 sho akapp< ,1 ' po-.,lrlc fM von I l'nuuot eomprelren•t i •n the : t>t ''"'' "c ~~~ tor,ot hcr wo m"J \Cry " l'll ' 1 kn.m ho ,. to • u p port Ill)· km Jl\ A ft t•r t hl' fil'>'t runrph11wn ts I cnu1o ofn tlcou•nnd elfr\ln tl' rac•, of n rnerral) :1\\ :l\' Cournd et O<><l nunalullll I'"'"' t l" ! Oocl olJ mnn cnn lrnHl co m<' tu ~ t l.·~st be ' tndh. "ns,vered 1o~e sell I "'" yc>u11 g L t•t 1110 hn\ o Dl.' p:t~oeJ, Conrnd e{ plnancu 1\ilh ltH'rr<ll

He 'WII roturnlog ono e"enmg from t housnnd J as.;u;uns word~ :~nd nrt aons, 1 cd · ~n:h nn aJ<'n ? 'frur , Ire •~ IIO\\' ~,,, , •1 P""' '' \\ O)' I mrh b1•g o f you t•• J:lle mo n 11 agl'rneu t he c:lU~<' nf lu~ nrrl\ nl nrr•l tbo forest, where aordo 8Un'C}'OI'll hnd nud lenc.ls to IICCS IIOt to Lo hnlll"ht ,, I .. X 0\1' •he h~!! nrkllO\\ lcJ~rJ t!.nt •lrr t j(" U, llllll tho :~nnnpno ,. nbout IDISI'~rrl . \ <'II ('01 r , . I ,, Jo~<'rha'lr," 8:\ld I bl!t o£ o d r Ul!,!e on Loa.td.on r ur nil d oc tho ncreR•II for lu. bl'lll)t ch~miM~:d 11(\ been emplOJCd by hith li e wet a. C.'l r from a \lllnr;o by nny p ullllt or:~ lor) l tn.-rs TOU n ot " H e bado fnrrwcll ''' rJ plnns mny h n1e m tJ, hun 111der st all 1 \C'n aa.J '\ • r 111'\ Cr •pnl<cn to rc~tl} m0 11cy I h:~vo l or t hnt purposr pl~c(d befurc hun Ina 111 cnun t•. nH•l nage on tlio way that wnsjccup ted by As 111 tho ha;;hcr rnnl.s of a£o t h11 f, - 'I~ " ' 11 ltrr, bn t nnt to .lo"'-'p lnno ll r llc; adc• ~ ou nrc l•'n ""'' h re•trntn~ 1} lo~ 1 Ill<' pn lun I' < ''' f.,r< If ~t'll !)ut knew II h"' <' railed on von If \ o n '"II n.ld p , e a J!<'n<'""l dasr ra pl aun of" h ~ t he had two }ad1ea. They ae.Jmcd t bnvo comc mnl~s ~often t he ron!:h mnnnors and wnlkru tnto t ho field, nod dtd uot even/ vour t'On l rnct wath lllf frH at<l lt~•r•l W Rll· t '"''~ •lr11r ' nu lrn"' !-n n to Ill<' 1 H ~ nu Pomdlnn::: more fM U r ~! o r!Jlc, •o an uch Jo•>(' fur \ !reck from tho tranor, 1\lld were, n ppnrently da•po<~taons of t hu men, so must, ~l•o. l seo them dc pnrt cnrvth 1 !c 1• Ill pre-. 11t 111 H • .:•·n•· 1 lout l •. n . . " j.,, w mu< h I lo•c. ,"~nco II0\1' tho better I wall b(\ vnur . p.:r• .. rn 1 .. In al l ) ou ph 11:::1'<1 ym•r<! If to d.> rcturniDg to tewo \Vbed ho ent ercJ 1111 \lllngro the enoblerncnt proc~ed All t h<> frn ~:rnnro 0 £ nllt nre :1011 til' 1 hur:: \\ hf'tt" hr rc annrn ~ onh unl al t lr1 f ti l' ' ol • 1n1' "'~Y from yon debtor, hntl on my rflurn I " d' I"''"' nu , 011 It 'll!' !(l'l 11 1•11:1ro oa l~< l " '"'"' ,. , tho tlinm1:room, bo SB\V a • oun~: In<!)


from \\llUICn, for It lUll lr:11 c llo ot lu:r • brnniJ of F:'riiiJ! \\Crl' b rushed 11 ,. ~\ 1 t IVI'Iil~ 111111 1r of tho pr.·~• nL 111••111 h :-;1,., t u- •<'•I 1, r fnt o n\\n~· f rom h un "ath nr•cumul•t <"d 1011 r(•• t rn '1 •!ton ic! 1 "P' 111 1 I oat '>ne 1 •1 n•r r r 'p<'dtn.,: ~I r• of about ••xtcen , of n fino plrhaognom) snur<'Ca_ 1\ l'r) ohJo't 1 lnd sp~r~tlc~s nnd audit I tlrc n ho t<lll mo· l prob:tbl)' re i nan to• I "h<' '' 1 · P, ul 1 lo but 111 t he d~me mo- 1 hn 1e to " ork for at lrke n . b , u \\' ~ltN 1 h<' .. ,,.,tJ "nnu1n )118 b<cn m:~Jo Conrad bowed. rosll.Ci'!f!l_lly The ~t.r:> n,;- , Thu r ought Conrad T he fi rs t than~: ~ ~~lc•s hdorc hun !1. Ire<'"~" n flwr· ' l'nr~• ml'nt J •••cplHtr•• l~o•.ome n.:~m •ercn c "\ •·r~ noblv t ho111; ht an ~ on,' •n~ol uuf..rtnnatc t~rnu,;h ) OU •

er bluabed ehgh t;y , noCI' rotul'nrd h1• he d ad wns to eatnbh•h :1 de\\ lll:!·•chool ,.llln~ pa••ce of \\ OOd , tire nu:lrtan~,:•lo 1 1 l bu mu•f, of rcrnr•r , ~cttle I ho bn~l · I t 111 •t n;:::un •'u• I urul'd Jo Conrnd Snuth , " but Ict us nl•" tako the mnttrr t 'l».r. 1 l>t·l ~me rcc\ ~~~ YC r:naiJa,, 11

wutatioo. Mu Wolter mtrouuccd for l!ro" n (: trl• llut un y of tn~<lt mndc •rnJ!III~ bard, t ho lnke "ath rl• Fnrrlund , nr•• hn<l " rtlr ham. fur he nlonc hn• the 1 • \ I" ' , on pro• l'".r 111 \OIIr JOurney, m) d ch hcrntcly antu r nn 'lde""t' >o 1\1 r .. Thrnu~lt Ill< · hi' l'~t:bunl'cl him to her da.u~;htcr J O!!ephmo 1 t he 81'mp•t rr•A rc fn•o to Ill" t rue t ot lwrs Ill, bu~hiR nt t he f.,0 1 0 [ the " t•tcrn i n.:ht to f n c you from ~our oblr;!a!IOII! dc~r ~!r F.( k (,nou-rn_hr To-mor· Mar ble <':Hed certnanly il'S!I fur the plea .. The •In\ l>c f.iro vr~tcr.l o\. · r<'J ,.1•

Conrl\d forgot aun eyor8 nnd forest•. 111 her nrt l ire mauaHter • \lifo com- hail, n J,:"rcnt 1 trthh , ~~I' full of " t tl'r 1 :-;,, f:••ntlcm:m hk• ~Qitrsel [ 1\lll urcak I row nftl'r ~ Oil nro d•·r~rtr<! , 1 sh.~.ll feel ouro of your compnny tlrnn fnr t1 <'<'r · "'' \\' nllr nroalr, " ] r~<'< •• o.:tl n ld trr f rnrn &}though bo bnd to gavo hu etcn ani plna ncrl of w:~nt oft uno, """ h prohabat - llo \\ :Ill nnno~ ed \\ tth :1 \\Url•l s r wlmh I"'" \\ urJ In t he mr:m tame, ' honltl yon \ "cll ng:~m ~lay VIlli he hnpp' taan srtm o( ntoncy ''htl'h '"" tllho•r her nnd 11111 •hi' anfurrns mo ho" · I~H .many darect iooa r ogttrdtng t hem, he

1 eel her f rom de• 11t1n!! hc r•e!f to t he Ill• 1 nuthmJ! ;..n~ ,;"" n ot hill" wn• t rc•h - n I thmk 11 m t iU~n ry to l1•t .\lr ) fnrblo lr1~1' She!! t'tC ham h~r hnntl iltJ heart I e nnblc htw to pro•erute h11 suat <>f' to vou ' hnol brromo to th(' "hole n lt 'I!".

evon forgot to any eomot bmg ngrccnblo I a~rucl)"" of tho dnu;;h tt•f'll 111 tho 'alb~l' ; " orltl that loukeoi hkc nn"' o11l ~nrrncnl snm<' '""'"), 1 :am p rrpnred l o remit at 'I"M :~s tf brukt'n ~trs \\•niter "rpt •· ' re turn to Europu 1 f ho hn• u u11a} h<' nml Ja0 11 0 , en 11110 1Jcpl(' r('• yc.ur In•• to tho new !nmatc, whtlosbo nd..trcsscd '\ot•\ ath•t~ndm~ tho ha ~;h rrn•sc~ tho EH•n the poct ri \\ <' re no lou ~.;o r 1bln t l• to hun by s<·l'nro druft~ I n thn t <'nsa, loud J o•rp hmo •lrow her h11nd quwk- ~ \\Ill he ~on tented, nnc.l \\Ill fi1ul m<'n ll• Tht rl' .- ol•n .Jo,cplu nt-, t! e ,b11 ~t. t,•r fmn with nU female tact nnd sweetness. 1 jll\n<On lnnsheol on t ire not urn nf t he 111 nd wrn~~ 10 J1.- unnt:tnullo~. t; rl'atly ~· , r " ''ulu n-qnest r:rf-ron to CI\U me tho ! lr out of Ius, lml her o?e~. nnd t;s,clnam- for nil ho noedd , nnd then ) ou ~r<' prr- of l\1 r• \\" tit er "ho, 01111 <' t ho ,Jn, .,( At table, IYhcro he !raJ lonn:~lly U1'<'11 1• npamwndent , on t he nest sund•) the nt tl:nes lrc uc•Jrc<I Jt , nnd rhe "lll~c r• Fptec.laest anfortnfttiOn 111 rl':.;nrd lo t iH otl, " 1 conJure you to CJI \ 0 1110 fl'l'tly u nnCI'CS!ISrj to hrm \Vu,l, t lro11, )OIIr ,l,.p:~rture td wnst anr; a\\n) lake 11

110 talkatlfo nnd open, ho \\IU re~oned, 1 pe111•nn ts hc:trd n;;nm :1 mo•t tdtf)HIS n f n• tnrl' ho !mmd M mel\hat 1 rk~onu· . ""'"• fo r \\O mu, t 1111t lo•e tautl' I ~hall I C n\ nrn r; (clime how much you ,..,.t. to ~ottlr \\:lnntn" t•pC' r a11d onlt•poke 10 monosyllables : ecrmon ~l.':un•t .ectnra~n• ar •I pto plo , 1111 ti re 8111bcr~ o[ 10 , 0 •c'Uicwhnt fool ~t tho ~~.~me tunc tell ) I r _:\ l:lrblo t hnt I u pon hun, ancl ho .v murlt of '"' "" rr I . 1.)0 ;, she 11 n:o tlr~ t ~ · adl.cd ('1, 1 •

'Vben Conrad Wrul nlono, tho form I of t hlt 8urt \\hO "'·bed Ill aut rudU<U uh I hn\ C Jl (ot found nut \Our pl:t<'e of r<'•l CouraJ'• mpurfurf' .. hall ndol to It \\' e \\ all renut It to hun rncl of tho n ow tpmnU! nppcnrod tu h1m au IC\\aog ~c hools .. \ In• • t lron •rt thurlf tlrr ('nuM nf 1 den•"· nl'd t hrn rnn '"" oiiiiiU bUffill I b k f 1 th d D rnfte ,.,., bo ecn t ! rvm I:.tclnnJ t o · "\Io~t n••nrrclh "" "• thr nr•n"cr e'e\ comer of tho room llo alrook I Ctr rT~n y 1 I · ll 1 hr• 1 ron hi.:; lo "onld ~omctu11e• cn1 h cxcu"rJ b1 hnn ' ' A t !rend 0 ' ady II


11 C'~rr1 '~1.!0t trao~~ I ndr:1 " at b ~renter fa<'ah t l t lrnn pen " fh~ 1 hou~lrl• ..,f both mut lu r n ncl clnn.

h ' d th h " \\r tb th t ~ •· ·' · " f l d h l d t l I I t I un to t ' 0 oor, nn 1\ 10 u 1:1 " :Ill I 1 1'1 ted I -11 t'au, an OUJ! t , I a l "sdurt • Conr:~J C11urnd 'tho u ha<t 1 A ter oura ac rc:a 10 c cr•, r<' ( II bl d d d ti c p o ::~ t •• <'Onncc " " ' ptcn· I L:hll'l nrc nt~lolc 'cnf'u~lr tnhnnnr ~"nr girl a p er110u cnnnot ""' 1 '""hy \\11!1 I The School nn ;110,111011~ h<ole , 11 tin· •l;eH 1 ' I'X<'Inamcd, \\ 11h R qmveran~ ht> nnol '" ' lr 1 1 10 n ngo :Sj 01

he • enrro~n c 1 I hnr <lrtlicult~t•s FoliO IV Dl\ ~d\lco ' n •olal r , 11 tc• ~0 1,, tl"' (. ••I 111 \ 1.,.

tho clnuao lllen t nb.,n t h<'r ,.. Anti l W hale conHrsuw a t t~blr (\>n r~tl on- I I ' ar "u·l.• !•a••l·d "" rl I he ' h a.l bren I to•a no 111 l rl~ l' ~ e•, .. ~I r Snntlr, ) ou Rrc a cnrn•~,·o kan t tthiO bousfo, tto mvrlo bllll:<'. , ~ o )lr :Sma th , I r nnnnt dn It I nm lout ,tlr!' mother ' " "rt,' ' In" for t h~ h h-"' I I If I I " ' , . . " f d 1 h b f "'o re on 11 " " cn e nc or, nn e '·' h ~I bl ,.. ~ whoa o =t aro"" umsc 1110 118 l trodu"e.l tiH' IIbjl'< t ofh i"• h<'"rt to hr~ 80 111 111, 1 cnr• J 1,Kplunen•ttlh<'rlllll· \t tl rnn o bou tou, nn unc~r t~ g:tr 0 I , C dd I , ' 1 of j.! rC:I tc r eer'ac(' to DIY • •trr. a r <'ilafr ofher•hlwhtcr atn<'O thnta~ 110'"

"'- -' d I -- -' h t l n I d b l h urn rllr o nn. urmg 113 ~~11~ n. _., . h b 11 n • ueu, no c O~~<.'<l I$ oyes, •o \ISIO fnma lr •r <•>mn3nwn~ J ""~ph we la•tc R - thl r ret nrrtt ,J l l e hAd r!t'!t'rllll'tCd to n J!l'nl ewnn, n.n•t c~t•tra e, ns I UC teck' hnd bocomo d o r to ('\ c ry fnnn lY I t nn you or my monry c ~n I' o '" I ro Jnn~:er , -would float boforo Ins tmagtnnu on, n ctl &'! oho nlnnn ..tad wh('u hu • poke r •cct vo thcru """ 1 oolncs& nnd n kmd fllrlli0/16 JWnple nnn-11. dnvs t-:enornlh h• 'IT•' H lJl d b d t

1 old an cl fr oblc, ho need• n eon to chcr Comrnd bcr~me p:~lo

'II 1' b d II b f I · ' ' 1 1 'I 1 d I 111 1 e VI .. ,::p. 0 Jm l'Cll a omce Jc d h t t d t t · ' •ta ag tar All att moro 011011 u ! mostnt tcot trch nndg:\ve t ht•mosth•c of trunqualtt) h ulnrtunllyn••amrl!turn Strc nm.• Rr •c s~nn nn pnnctp n f d t H dt d •r • ~hnn fo•ter am, o nssa~ an pro u• Lor;l \\.allenrut h cn' o hun t!rc lot -bemg. lv npprol al Sb~ nsked pc rmta•~o•n to bo crl to "'" i>l'nrl l!n.t th e;" pro~ oktn" clcbtor. tur ho lma m.ull' mo 1\ lllnn A- fraon o n •H." h ~ everk ~nc ~':.c n,::o~d hnn .A h ' m l UI h a condition II frtcnd t r r ( 'on;,,d r<'n•l rt ·~ , at o·nmo frctn

Next momiog, ht~ fi ret thought \\ Ill Len elf the tuat ructrcu .1\l ra w titer ~:arl ' as rf 1~ def) hnn ~ho \\ 1\S mo..';; \ wn', Currri\d 1 nfl n'· to tho E.1st l ndace, ercn1

t way b 0 11

b ~?r cd m'\ w th 18 wo r th monutl\101 of ~:old , A \\ nrm 'frft \ \"nhl'r in I! ;he informed J..ord of Joaepbino, not o f tho survoy.>rs llu t l hnd expected 4 8 rn ur h · 1 be~u;.r·ul 1t1111 1" r U~r JO> nt h .. rn~ nn•l help thy f 1ther I" an

18d1 cucob t b•;n "'

111 ~ 10" 1 d · 1° h<'! ,.,.ord of consob t ron 18 worth moro t han

1: W ull<'nroth of the enddon rlcp'11uro of

'- ld .• bo tb ~ b L rd . I I • ·' t h ~ I d to cnc ot er weoptnJ.: a ou • •o w o 11 II d I 1 now oou h ° Cr\\Jse . • or 0 " 03 "-l<'" m" nluno a~notsufficacnt" s~ul ~ .. · tn~t,\hl'•k"necndl'nt Shcthnw l <• prep:ucuO\ try "'S •Or liS o- h d d t d d t h '- 11 tnoeor n (o \\ C pna nremgs • ~11 thcsuperantondeot nnJ t hnt for eom o J b ' , 1 '"' co· ~~" • • a n mtoaa ere me lrwo 10 o saca, 1 lk f


• OIICp too 1 votce tu:cornpnnyang ,' 10 ; Mrs W a itt r I' he wo me n an our ' a1 11 ~In nee to" nrrls Conrnd, out nf "hwh ;>arturo hnd clothed tho naked, gi\Cn b rcnJ to render Let us pul'!lue I ru Ia no ,\r tioto p ren on11 ~ho !u•d ob,<'n ·cc.l thnt lao

Lmrp ? Hoebook hu ho;~d , nnd thought, J:wc undel"!!tnnd nt•tt hcr how to pbnt an he r 8oullnur•hL'II She g:n o hun hnotalv I CnAPTEn x rv h h d t ~ tho op t her T o-morro" 1 go from here to He - hnd mnde 1\ grcnt 1mprceuon u pon t ho A poreo 1 ., thcar gnrdons nor to cook an t hcar kate - h er h~n• l t htn-nt I 1nt moment t 10 ''' d d bto Ere father bohovod gens urc , ren cr nn ocro ton •

1 hl'nrt of her Jnu" tcr Jo~ep 10e. aR " .. a cannot I vu ll'llh t.haL••rrl ' ' ' 0 h I " 1 1 Il l t 0 angry, on ao~ ura Y .or • b J t of m., ' h h 11

Ho walked JDto tho field wathouL ll&!liO!; e n• Su,,po•O 1\ 0 dasnu~s our cook• nnd atewnrJ ~ami' out of the hou~e :IIIII \Y llk- 1 Slrl<gglr r~:·~n~ h:d d~noryhim tho nteat tM\IlSI\1'11005 to Lo rd \Valll'nroth, gtvo •nrlden dop:~rtur~ land IIUhM'IJ chnnFcd ha.a breakf .. t . other ~ervanta, und wstcnd of them cd townrde th~ <llrrl t )::l'-~hl' fc11 w11h Conr:~<lrr.•' rncted t h t' steward m t~ h:~t aorncca and that ho hnd luvcd fr:' fnm· ham my I'CII(;D:Itl<>n and thank•. llo i J o•~>plnnc'a dnpo•JUOn 'he wo' \~<.abl_;

C u.a.PT£n l'I ukc nltcrnlltclv tho \'llln~:o gar ls 1 wa11 ~ out st rl'lchcd :trms :tround tho n eck of 1 ,.-na mo<t au•cessarf, t hnt on accou nt of 1 'than all tho othcra iri tho 111. ts nn bonc~t m:\11 , a nd "til not th row f tdmt; n wn' Tho phylll'll\08 ndTI~Nl 1'i ~ d h 0 be t hcar metruct n!ss 111 tbe lotchen, as t he ~tttf old gent lem:~ n 1 has ~ud•ll'n d epnr1uro nnthms ma~;ht be ; Y mollo had imposed at!cnce upon all any tmpodtmunts In my ~~"A)' If Y0 ,11 ' h t-r to dtver t h Prsclf b v trnTellinJ:, but

14 ran u ongrtcgataurt ,.. e ll 11s mthe b-nrdco Tho nrt JS aiwple, Conrnd \\ OS nfmiu to looli :tt t has 1

negledrd He also tol<l htm thnt k<' ~::;tth ent'ralaorrow at hie dep'ut~ Wloli to bo mrno aud i\tr l\l nrblc 8 1 Jo~ophano \\"ould nut clop!lrt from A 1. 'Ve become nt Lvt fnm1laar with tho nod soon Jenrncrl Sm :~ll r cwarda-n Somothm~: ve xnhous rno O\Cr In • hrnrt • \\ 0\11<1 ~to t y wny of Regensb urg o~k b" k :h~ romiaea of ovory ono. f riend, I \\Ould ~!IJ! o f you tu ~~~ o 010 11 : trek, and nlso seuml'<l t oo wc:1lr. to hcnr

ll'oet dtaguati,ug obJOClll, why should now bonnet-will mcaw t hem to am . Sbll lovcs "ham" then t he th•m)!ht , nnJ 1 Lord W cllonrotb for Ius dasmlalml, a~cl r;\:hon boorad entorNI tho uininJ.:· lr tter to Lor•! \\ nllooroth, recommend- ~ tho fnll:,:ues of 1\ ;ourn91. Tho whulo we notalao g_et used to thoso wbtch nro bat a on on:! r amlry, nnd \1'111 be produc- 11.11 eoon 1\8 at wt\JI cnmpuiblo wat h do- puraunclo htm w -.~nctaon t ho mosL Pro- rooD\, to take hll Jut brcakfnat, he found 1ng to htm my p u rpose , I ht~ l o "C<'!~ I h.•ttor brcnthed tho 1\fllict ion of n da•-beaub1ull' Conrad, howovor, could not tavo of tll.llte m dress and a lt~le omuln· cen cT, ho walkt:d mto tho fi e ld nnd posed nc'" botlafr JUsh co tl steward and J oao bane'• moiher 10 how much your " ord 11 ' 111111 " ath ham. coh•olnto Vtnthor be &t oaao with Jo~hephme even after tac o. W ero 1t Ot>t fo r tho 1•a n •ty of whtstlcd nwny h•~ thuu::hte. :Mr~ W alter •hucl n flood oftcnrt , J o. 1

10 Tho toolt th~lr brcnkfnat, and Mr. :Smtth looked Itt Conrod a lon f; I Cou~d' t hrow hamsel£ irrto n dm1r,

tbey bad hved in t ho eame' b ou•o for women, men Wf)u)d aank do 'lfll to tho Peace dC8cr tcd htR house T he l anrp 11ephanc •nt d umb a nd do; octed 11111 ror. Cront. d ouJea\oured to comfort tho'!ll t imo 10 11lcoco Dut he stood bef:>re co , en-d h11 fa~o wath hia hllndkcl'l'hac!f, ~ ~t wa.i ~ory a1ngulnr t hat on no loY(' I of b r 1te1, Lo1o for tho boautful and pmn o b'ccam'e dumb Con me! ftpoltc n11r o f thu diU IDS room, when Conn.d eo . onra Crt! After everythm!! was ready him fixed IO h10 purpose, nnJ " ho t ho and cmtltl not forbenr PObbanJ! a ln11.t (I 'Y di4 ebe appear na sbc 114<i dono ou 11 t he fintt germ of man'• grCAtncaa, but seldom to Jo>'t'ph~r.e , a mi h1s lin· tcrcd ~ohn d~ arfurt' h'e auddeoll'" left hts nnad p roceCidod from the ut mollt l't'crsscR Lord W ullcnroth nppronch ud him. l'11n tbepreeeding ono, bot 1oemed erery " ' btch nlao unfolds 1taelfm tho aa,·ago, 1wore to her were moro tn monOM} lln\.Ms " Aro 3 0 11 then sertone ~" nskctl M nt or t

1b ~to~ rememborod b'y them of h11 hCAr t Bven ~1r Smtth seemed rod a roused hunaulf ... day a different i>cing H o 111\8 frtond lt and makes him more h umAn To bo than hont to ham When ho cam£•, h<'r \Vnlt!!r eed •1 ftltfhe room He had n ot had th~ for a monrent to bo moYcd a t tins out " ] rraJ your aoul." anid \'{nlll'n •

and intima to with nil in ~bo houte, and eoonomJcnilll good, but not ovcrytlung htlartty uniKhcd, when he1 wnlked n" ay " I nu1 and r~d," ~nid Con r:1d, T must an e 0 t o aek fo.r Joao hi no but now bunt of fihal loYo and g n.tJtude, yot roth, "and )OUr t cnN JU>~tify mo 111 ecaeh ~riOD wu 110 with him. llut wttb Tbo heart muat Qo cootadercd, an~ the she looked ailontly aud tiwadly ni ter nwny: perhap~ for ove r. I am gotnb t o ~?~:Ogllo lia-11' fal1)welf, ho 'took ooco ho e ndoa"ourod by nrw arg uments' to " h:tt I hM o dono. l knc.•w J ot!!pltinC'. ;Joaepbiue be could not bo 110 Not. hellrt of mao 11 o.uaest cbau~;ed by tho ham tho l.ut 1 nrlars ' t b bar d of Mnt ''~alter and Mi:l dtnundo h1m from hls undertakm~ I nldO Nllcem h er rorv btg hly. ~bo ••

~ding her viYa,itr-and abo ..rna bcnuty o f woman " C u, _ 11n 1111 ' ' 'l'o tho E.ost I ntlaos"' cnclnrmcd Mre tro roh 0 1

1 h k 1 '··h pnm' " It IS m Ynm 1" oxcbuned Conrnd one o f tho lo'l'c!aMt of her w .t Y ou J'•~ h -' V I k f • b ..... , " W J d h t J Wit a 'OICO OllAr y C 0 Cl Wh ' "Tb pt bapa other eaUICII t hnt h ? " eeclat~ o 11'11 .,wal'• u great .M "'· \ a tcr &po o o Tarwus 11u • 1\ ter. /\II 10 t o Sl\11'10 mom on oso- ,, Ro embor mo to Jo~ephino. tell hu ere arc, r , lovo l'r . a ~~t to him a1 aho . hnd been on J<'Ct~ '1\ith her ualllll . Vl\ &ctty. Conmd N e¥J• oj .lfr Mnr£/f' P,hlne bl't'liDIII fllllo.'" death ll? r hnnds, thnt j hBvo lo•oo berbevond ~llbouode · mtght ha\'e mducod mot!' mako n b:lse " Certnmly I do!'' esclaim~ Conr.arl. tbe oYeUIDJ when be firet 11\W hor. H e nt timca tbro"' a tlmtc.l atde.~lllnre, to- O no mommg, when tho fnmil; wtro wath her lcnuu ng unphmcotl, tell hfe- t hnt 1 willlofo ller bn iho other aide 0~ rho1ce . . I lo\ 0<1 a noble g trl- you k now " T hen compodo y ••uno!f, , rerh•l't )oTed to L'VDYI!ree wtth bur · •he waa 10- w,1rde J 011hephm:. Had abe,lookon a t nt breakfut, a me .. ong~:r, acn texllrl'•e- ll'tla 11110 her lnp. h .. J oeephmo \falter-d uly at tho moment the b~~oron. " I "•d J"osoph1no • hCAit tellis-.t aud l!ll'! m her m!\;tppr, wtth- ham, 1he mtght M\'O read m bta r oun- ·ly by tho bnnker ::lwllh, euter rd tho 1 'unr:ul, too lw.ttllv on~ed 'lfith pac t ,V~ca\0 Jon the houie arid proooed: of m9' departure 1 became awnre that :r ~~ond tho pOAce of tllind of bor ~collet1t oat ~iDs pedaliLic <1r atr~:cW. llut ttoaocq ltow true lio~ mt;tlie r wau penk· room H e b rou:,;ht le ttera. Conrad tunn~t to him"J!If )ua father' a mt~for- cd towoa~a the rarna r., tbeatewanl &ud wai il*> ~er lo•o~ And yet.-dut.v bo- mother ao much • dt lioart •. that ~t tho _,~~en be spoke with her, 1t eeemod u 1f inJt. llut J o6ephmo wa~~ wo tlarun;; read them A~d beQamo pale 1\1 d011th. tunoa aud tlc•tiute cond.'tio n, dtd not J oae bing'• mother Jere haogi!Jg on hll fore happ1neee 'I herofo rr , Mr ~mtth, I u m11 hour m w.h1eh I _roee"ed tha.a Iot­an impeneirable gulf wu ~red botwucu to pn~ any attc.ntton to he r mother 11 The othent kt>p\ m&leetlt allcnt, b ut h11 look n• ~o~opbt c. H~d1d not eee how nrm•~ A: II tHe peoplu accmed .. tf bent pray you ~o ,l:•~o me my d mhe • te r to Altcck, mfonmn~t h~r that ~tr. them ijhe •u ram altar mth eYery one, fine dtiiOOU!'lle, and w~ teum~ the I to\\'• ehnngo of colour du~ not M.·apo thcar ahu lav 10 the arm chatr, hko a m pped d by a weight of aorrow ana all Mr. ~!eDith II eye• woro filled With Eck would not go to tho Rut lndtua : w~ llo treated in the BlllllO fnendly ard. She neYer wou!J tt•MO ( onrad. lt. obae"atron. Ho gue hi• d arcrllona to lilv, mot itJuled, l pccclllou, Without O'll'll aobbtn• aloucl. Oonn\d' already toii.TI.when Conrad 1\)0kO th ua . •• Co mo that clteam•tancea had altcretl, and that

&od &lllo•l!tl her · bu~ to t:11" almoet l et.ml'd as if i ho l aked the a tow- tho mcetenger, wen t to has room 11nd abUddut:t A tear ana hor half-closed eye ; opt., h :(t.atod wi•hed to' conquer to my heart !" etclftlmed the old man Mr Brit liould again return to A.lteek 'Do IDOY'eat.tontiou than oommoo ard bett. Wlien tak mg a walk, abe lock ed hiwaelf up ~o{u a hto d id not rnrno darcdeu only to~rd• bun. H e apoke of h~o mu~ nga JUmPea into the cairiage and be. kiuod h jrn. "You aro corrainly Tbi·a l•tter Ia unc!oubtediY' n ow in tho

o.JI~r-1 reqaiftcl . • would alway• hank on 1111 arm It geo- to tablo pt din ner time. Mnt Wl\lt.or hi· 81tuahoo lU rd to M r. M a rble, o f ld e;no bon:· •. but at that :nO: a molt otcellent mtin, I onvy Mr. Mar- banda or Mnl· Walter, and BO 'Ifill pre-iaTea ted~~timen(i~~ero,': erally fell to Conrad'• lot t o accompnuy cnrricd hun h~ d inner to h is room. ::lho Ju~ !oa•fortuno, on of Mr. ~mrth'a baso ~rnl 000 b:n~~ :~:rc~ behind him which bl~ for hBving aueh a •on, and auch a yont gt'OI'tor hArm P line I.~on~well ?"

t Coand • "J wiala Ah!!ek wu u,e mother. wM about lenvin" him wi~hout nlluwiu~t advtcc, thoo w t. bo wu 1n dutt bound ted 1 · to thu ot He turned Jo fnond. How few fatbera are •o for· " You bafo dune wol~, aaid COD~ K•-..~tkf, incll 1w1 ~Yer The IIChool for lenm :n .. to eew, and horaelf an inqui11tivu quesh on , but hl'r to c.lo. "I ehci d ~ a villnin "oro I to !'1 ~'0h 1110

1 'th p ·;red from .;eep: tuna to aa ho I :You ahall haYo tho dnrt. rad • • -· iato i&.'' Jht cb&t Joeephintt tho bDIIOell or gerdonFog, forthwtth countenance beapoke t llnt abo pituxl remt~in •t AHoc i had 1 OYOU horo a PI\· i!~ r:ii :; :~:::C .. btie aufferin~ atood you de~~ire. and l~a~ :roa may not ha'e • [001(C1L17D&lf is" Q\Ta lfU?.] l8iPt 11M llan eGa. to AI~ diil were ~fK!:Oi'"'~ ,,'l'ho teache!' ,...ere ?n . bim. i-adiao, and eho~d~ 1 b&fu to meet death at tho door oft h e bou•e callina huname. ant. ll1ffic:ulty mtll Lord 'Wallen roth, -' wWa; _. M woUld aotu!e •. ta~en clllltri11~1, and ":ben lbe .•tll~go gtrla Ho umlcretood that lnn~Jto. llo on lho 1M!& 1"., : . ~ " , . • Shcwu et~~barruied fol' a moment, when I wtl~,my~(&eeomp&ntyou to Begone-. •ri1A • •-,.....&iou £no tier 1o1ng beatii' or. red nbh6na, ¢ra,w bat., tOok the e~timable woman tit th" hand, "Ay, ay I iaid ~he.~toward, 1t 1s & abo aaw tho curiage aurronnded bu'lt· • • fh~ifnrborGraeeStaildard

. -· Dew &prollt ther all .,ro,e lo ~ and eaid; .. T~morrow at break of dati c.lAn~terou• entl!ryn~~e, I bo W' wee in &Da . Conrad Wll &' lhll audden l!mOtioli o( 'i.;i;.~i.l~~ c:OID8 pruficiellt.' in tho act of .bou.e- go honed. You ••II hawo &nother au - · "No I" uc:la1111ed Mrt. Walter, and C et '!'tho n~d md.:eof abe Mr. Smitbeomewhaheto~itb~ "The!'O

lr~. The mini11ter ,nntl!d his fplee~ perintendent at Alteck. Accept m! aobbed m meot11; "your prin· u 10

.. Farewell ia &fter aU," ho thouahtto.bim~f· "tn &h"-e innonrioo., tliegtrl• ••Od,. tbo thanks for your frienclahip. To-night I dploa are bladtJf 1: Jilt p41rb&pa t.llttle lonll of Ydice. .. enrr m&n, neD •hould bo 10 ha.a eYery-

.._,.ed, aod \hu eYIII')'thlH pro• my perli..,. t.l~ 70u mote." ,, too butilrlldlld poa. If rou were but mortal(" add fan d&yli'e UTe tiecoaie IMf,Uecl Up boo ia Jar CII'Cier, . .. How I'' dc:lalmtd .lra. W'lter, with l(iYeJRI'Ielf. clay.' bme; better tll~nd.e hind bit counter to a mommy, aod

ftlll"l'lallllir ... acJ ...... , With ....-eo~ i II you Jeaye ua? But lUte- eoulel ofted bfer Why, u~.... • • . be ha+e lleocsm• • ltoae, tlleN ~~;:;~a:~~~;;;: ........... ......_ ly Jltlt for eYer P" It ill twr.iblel" ,:\Vkl loolrod C.una :rn. a cllrioe tpark left, wbicla 11 .. 1te •~aaaeu .. f 1111 probable,' ' repliacl Coand. a' 1Mr ai~DM Y'llilli 1& .r.uJ· utioauil&ad• lt reqlliNI

-•1111""....ct 81ae .aicl "Wb7 P Cea LoN WalJ,. .t. • ' ' • · to blow n in~ a ..... ... "''WWie ~·'Oolincl; will wl ..

Willh.r .... .. ....

A.D CODOijltioa Bay .Ad~.

[I £1~antl




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