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Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Phone: +1 (412) 268-5508

E-mail: morency@cs.cmu.edu

Homepage: http://morency.org/

Group website: http://multicomp.ict.usc.edu/


Ph.D. in Computer Science October 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Thesis title: Context-based Visual Feedback Recognition Committee: Trevor Darrell (chair), Michael Collins, Stephanie Seneff, Candace Sidner M.S. in Computer Science June 2002 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Thesis title: Stereo-Based Head Pose Tracking Using Iterative Closest Point and Normal Flow Constraint B.S. in Computer Engineering June 2000 Laval University Quebec City, Canada


Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 2018-presentAssociate Professor Pittsburgh, PA Director of the Multimodal Communication and Machine Learning Laboratory Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 2015-2018Assistant Professor Pittsburgh, PA Director of the Multimodal Communication and Machine Learning Laboratory Institute of Creative Technologies, University of Southern California 2009-2014Research Assistant Professor Los Angeles, CA Director of the Multimodal Communication and Machine Learning Laboratory Institute of Creative Technologies, University of Southern California 2007-2009Research Scientist Los Angeles, CA Research topics: multimodal perception, interactions with virtual agents, nonverbal behaviors generation, context-based recognition. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2006-2007Postdoctoral Associate Cambridge, MA Research topics: visual feedback recognition, virtual human, multi-modal integration.

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Honda Research Institute USA Summer 2002 Research Intern Mountain View, CA Research topic: robot localization algorithm for indoor environment using stereo camera. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2000-2006 Research Assistant Cambridge, MA Research topics: context-based visual gesture recognition, human-computer interaction, head pose estimation, 3D view registration. Computer vision and systems laboratory, Laval University 1998-1999 Research Assistant Quebec city, Canada Research topic: three-dimensional object recognition and pose estimation.

AWARDS AND HONORS • Recipient of the Finmeccanica chair in Computer Science at CMU School of

Computer Science to “acknowledge promising teaching and research potential in junior faculty members”, 2017

• Best paper award, International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, 2016

• Emerging Investigator Award, ACM Siggraph Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications, 2016

• Best paper award, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2015

• Best demo paper award, International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015

• Selected by the World Economic Forum as one of the 40 Young Scientist under the age of 40 to participate alongside business and political leaders in the Annual Meetings of the New Champions of 2015 and 2017 (Dalian, China).

• NetExplo 2014 Award, in partnership with UNESCO, as one of the year’s top ten most promising digital initiatives

• Best paper award, IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2013.

• Winner of the First Audio-Visual Emotion Challenge (vision-only sub-challenge) organized as part of ACII 2011 conference.

• Best paper award, The 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), Virtual Human track, 2010.

• Advisory Board Commendation, International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2009. For outstanding contribution as Publication chair.

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• Best paper award, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2008.

• Best paper award, IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, 2008.

• Best paper award, International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents, 2008.

• AI’s 10 to Watch: 10 young stars in the field of AI, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2008.

• Best paper award, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2006.

• Best paper award, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, 2005.

• Recent award nominations:

o Best student paper award at ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2017)

o Best paper award at ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2014)

o Best paper award at 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2014)

o Best paper award at 14th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial), 2013.

o Best student paper award at International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2013.

o Best paper award at 13th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial), 2012.

GRANTS AND CONTRACTS • Principal Investigator. CAREER: Learning Nonverbal Signatures. $550,000.00,

National Science Foundation (NSF), Information and Intelligent Systems, 2/15/2018-1/31/2023

• Principal Investigator. Dyadic Behavior Informatics for Psychotherapy Process and Outcome. $686,266.00, National Science Foundation (NSF), Information and Intelligent Systems: Smart and Connected Health, 09/01/2017-8/31/2021

• Co-Principal Investigator. Automatic Multimodal Affect Detection for Research and Clinical Use. $1,168,594, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Social Psychology, Personality and Interpersonal Processes Study Section, 8/1/2017-04/30/2022

• Co-Principal Investigator. Decoding and Reconstructing the Neural Basis of Real World Social Perception. $490,074.00, National Science Foundation (NSF),

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Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences: Office of Multidisciplinary Activities, 8/1/2017-7/31/2020

• Principal Investigator. Multimodal Emotion Recognition. $100,000, Samsung Electronics, 4/1/2017-3/31/2018

• Principal Investigator. NSF Workshop: Multimedia Research Challenges for the Next Ten Years. $44,524, National Science Foundation (NSF), Information and Intelligent Systems: Information Integration and Informatics, 3/15/2017-2/28/2019

• Co-principal Investigator. Multimodal detection of driver distraction. $127,500, Department of Transportation (DoT), University Transportation Center for Safety, 1/1/2017-8/31/2018

• Principal Investigator. Modeling Nonverbal Dynamics. $240,000, Oculus VR, 12/6/2016-12/31/2018

• Co-Principal Investigator, GLAIVE: Graphics-based Learning Approach Integrated with Vision Elements - Phase 2, $283,140, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), 3/2/2016-9/1/2017

• Principal Investigator. MultiSense InMind: Multimodal Behavior Analysis. $100,000, Yahoo! Research, InMind Project, 1/1/2016-12/31/2016

• Co-principal Investigator. Multi-modal distraction detection. $85,000, Department of Transportation (DoT), University Transportation Center for Safety, 1/1/2016-12/31/2016

• Co-principal Investigator. Partners in Learning: Building Rapport with a Virtual Peer Tutor. $550,000, National Science Foundation (NSF), Information and Intelligent Systems: Cyberlearning & Future Learning Technologies, 9/1/2015-8/31/2018

• Co-principal Investigator. Developing Curiosity in the Science Classroom through Technology-Supported Role-Taking. $900,000, The Heinz Endowments, 8/1/2015-7/31/2018

• Co-principal Investigator. Multimodal Social Grounding for Human-Robot Dialogue. $64,365, U.S. Army / University of Southern California, 7/1/2015-6/30/2016

• Co-principal Investigator. Towards Natural Dialogue with Robots in a Collaboration Exploration Task. $33,736, Army Research Office (ARO) / University of Southern California, 7/1/2015-6/30/2016

• Principal Investigator. Modeling Nonverbal Dynamics of User Engagement. $100,000, Yahoo! Research, InMind Project, 1/1/2015-12/31/2015

• Co-principal Investigator. Investigating an Interactive Computational Framework for Nonverbal Interpersonal Skills Training. $500,000, National

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Science Foundation (NSF), Information and Intelligent Systems: Core Programs, 8/16/2014-8/15/2018

• Co-principal Investigator. Modeling Multimodal Communicative Behaviors for Virtual humans. $670,000, Department of Defense, United State Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 11/1/2014-10/31/2015

• Co-Principal Investigator, GLAIVE: Graphics-based Learning Approach Integrated with Vision Elements - Phase 1, $288,972, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), 7/25/14-3/1/2016

• Lead Co-Principal Investigator. SimSensei Kiosk. $740,286, Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 7/1/2013-12/31/2015

• Principal Investigator. VH-Non-Verbal Recognition. $2,142,057, Department of Defense, United State Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 11/1/2011-10/31/2014

• Principal Investigator. Modeling Human Communications Dynamic. $490,102, National Science Foundation (NSF), IIS-1118018, 8/15/2011-7/31/2015

• Lead Co-Principal Investigator. Detection and Computational Analysis of Psychological Signals (DCAPS). $4,546,617, Department of Defense, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 7/18/2011-9/30/2013

• Principal Investigator. Support for Student Participation in the ICMI-MLMI 2010. $24,592, National Science Foundation (NSF), IIS-1041411, 11/01/2010-10/31/2013

• Co-Principal Investigator. Models for Facial Expression Recognition. $99,179, Department of Defense, United State Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 12/1/2009-11/30/2010

• Principal Investigator. VH-Nonverbal Computation. $1,248,057, Department of Defense, United State Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 11/01/2009-10/31/2011

• Principal Investigator. Computational Study of Nonverbal Social Communication. $495,920, National Science Foundation (NSF), IIS-0917321, 9/1/2009-8/31/2014

• Principal Investigator. VH-Nonverbal Communication. $431,230, Department of Defense, United State Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 11/01/2008-09/29/2009

• Co-principal Investigator. Facial Display Video Database. $87,914, Department of Defense, United State Army, Army Research Laboratory (ARL), 11/01/2008-09/29/2009

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Journal articles

1. T. Baltrusaitis, C. Ahuja, and L.-P. Morency. Multimodal Machine Learning: A Survey and Taxonomy. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume: PP, Issue: 99, January 2018

2. I. Masi, W. AbdAlmageed, F. Chan, J. Choi, S. Harel, J. Kim, K. Kim, J. Leksut, S. Rawls, Y. Wu, T. Hassner, G. Medioni, L.-P. Morency, P. Natarajan, R. Nevatia. Learning Pose-Aware Models for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition in the Wild. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume: PP, Issue: 99, January 2018

3. G. Lucas, A. Rizzo, J. Gratch, S. Scherer, G. Stratou, J. Boberg and Louis-Philippe Morency, Reporting Mental Health Symptoms: Breaking Down Barriers to Care with Virtual Human Interviewers, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Virtual Environments, 2017

4. S. Stratou and L.-P. Morency, MultiSense - Context-Aware Nonverbal Behavior Analysis Framework: A Psychological Distress Use Case, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Volume 8, Issue 2, April-June 2017

5. C. Buengeler, F. Klonek, N. Lehmann-Willenbrock, L.-P. Morency and R. Poppe, Killer Apps: Developing Novel Applications That Enhance Team Coordination, Communication, and Effectiveness, Small Group Research, Volume 48, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 591 – 620

6. V. Venek, S. Scherer, L.-P. Morency, A. Rizzo and J. Pestian, Adolescent Suicidal Risk Assessment in Clinician-Patient Interaction, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Volume 8, Issue 2, April-June 2017

7. J. Pestian, M. Sorter, B. Connolly, K. B. Cohen, C. McCullumsmith, J. Gee, L.-P. Morency, S. Scherer, L. Rohlfs, A Machine Learning Approach to Identifying the Thought Markers of Suicidal Subjects: A Prospective Multicenter Trial, Journal on Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Volume 47, Issue 1, 2017

8. A. Zadeh, R. Zellers, E. Pincus, L.-P. Morency, Multimodal Sentiment Intensity Analysis in Videos: Facial Gestures and Verbal Messages, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Volume 31, Issue 6, Nov-Dec 2016

9. S. Park, H. Shim, M. Chatterjee, K. Sagae and L.-P. Morency, Multimodal Analysis and Prediction of Persuasiveness in Online Social Multimedia, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), Volume 6, Issue 3, October 2016

10. K. Bousmalis, S. Zafeiriou, L.-P. Morency, M. Pantic and Z. Ghahramani, Variational Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 37, Issue 9, September 2015, Pages 1917-1929

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11. S. Scherer, J. Gratch, A. Rizzo and L.-P. Morency. Self-reported symptoms of depression and PTSD are associated with reduced vowel space in screening interviews. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, June 2015

12. S. Park, S. Scherer, J. Gratch, P. Carnevale and L.-P. Morency. I Can Already Guess Your Answer : Predicting Respondent Reactions during Dyadic Negotiation. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Volume 6, Issue 2, April-June 2015, Pages 86-96

13. G. Lucas, J. Gratch, A. King and L.-P. Morency, It’s only a computer: Virtual humans increase willingness to disclose, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 37, August 2014, Pages 94–100

14. S. Scherer, G. Stratou, G. Lucas, M. Mahmoud, J. Boberg, J. Gratch, A. Rizzo and L.-P. Morency, Automatic Audiovisual Behavior Descriptors for Psychological Disorder Analysis, Image and Vision Computing Journal, Elsevier, Volume 32, Issue 10, October 2014, Pages 648–658

15. G. Stratou, S. Scherer, J. Gratch and L.-P. Morency, Automatic Nonverbal Behavior Indicators of Depression and PTSD: The Effect of Gender, Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, June 2014

16. V. P. Rosas, R. Mihalcea, and L.-P. Morency. Multimodal Sentiment Analysis of Spanish Online Videos, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on Concept-Level Opinion and Sentiment Analysis, January 2013

17. M. Wollmer, F. Weninger, T. Knaup, B. Schuller, C. Sun, K. Sagae and L.-P. Morency. YouTube Movie Reviews: In, Cross, and Open-domain Sentiment Analysis in an Audiovisual Context. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Special Issue on Concept-Level Opinion and Sentiment Analysis, March 2013

18. K. Bousmalis, L.-P. Morency, S. Zafeiriou and M. Pantic. Infinite Hidden Conditional Random Fields. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Volume 24, Issue 1, November 2012

19. D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 15, Issue 2, November 2012

20. G. Stratou, A. Ghosh, P. Debevec and L.-P. Morency. Exploring the Effect of Illumination on Automatic Expression Recognition using the ICT-3DRFE Database. Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier, Volume 30, Issue 10, October 2012

21. L.-P. Morency. Modeling Human Communication Dynamics. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 27, Issue 6, September 2010

22. L.-P. Morency, J. Whitehill and Javier Movellan. Monocular Head Pose Estimation using Generalized Adaptive View-based Appearance Model. Image and Vision Computing. Elsevier, Volume 28, Issue 5, May 2010

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23. L.-P. Morency, I. de Kok and J. Gratch. A Probabilistic Multimodal Approach for Predicting Listener Backchannels. Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Springer, Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2010

24. J. Hendler, P. Cimiano, D. Dolgov, A. Levin, P. Mika, B. Milch, L.-P. Morency, B. Motik, J. Neville, E. B. Sudderth, and L. von Ahn. AI's 10 to Watch. Intelligent Systems, IEEE press, May/June 2008

25. A. Rahimi, L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Reducing Drift in Differential Tracking. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, Volume 109, Issue 2, February 2008

26. A. Quattoni, S. Wang, L.-P. Morency, M. Collins, and T. Darrell. Hidden-state Conditional Random Fields. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Volume 29, Issue 10, October 2007

27. L.-P. Morency, C. Sidner, C. Lee, and T. Darrell. Head Gestures for Perceptual Interfaces: The Role of Context in Improving Recognition. Artificial Intelligence. Elsevier, Volume 171, Issue 8-9, June 2007

28. C. M. Christoudias, L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Non-parametric and Light-field Deformable Models. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, Volume 104, Issue 1, October 2006

Refereed conference papers


29. C. Ahuja and L.-P. Morency, Lattice Recurrent Unit: Improving Convergence and Statistical Efficiency for Sequence Modeling, In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018

30. V. Cirik, T. Berg-Kirkpatrick and L.-P. Morency, Using Syntax to Ground Referring Expressions in Natural Images, In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018

31. A. Zadeh, P. Liang, S. Poria, P. Vij, E. Cambria, and L.-P. Morency, Multi-attention Recurrent Network for Human Communication Comprehension, In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018

32. A. Zadeh, P. Liang, N. Mazumder, S. Poria, E. Cambria and L.-P. Morency, Memory Fusion Network for Multi-view Sequential Learning, In Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018

33. D. Hazarika, S. Poria, A. Zadeh, E. Cambria, L.-P. Morency and R. Zimmermann, MEMN: Multimodal Emotional Memory Network for Emotion Recognition In Dyadic Conversational, In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the

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North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL), 2017

34. V. Cirik, L.-P. Morency and T. Berg-Kirkpatrick, Visual Referring Expression Recognition: What Do Our Systems Actually Learn?, In Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL), 2017

35. T. Baltrusaitis, A. Zadeh, Y. Lim and L.-P. Morency. OpenFace 2.0: Facial Behavior Analysis Toolkit. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2018

36. L. Li, T. Baltrusaitis, B. Sun and L.-P. Morency. Edge Convolutional Network for Facial Action Intensity Estimation. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2018

37. N. Eigbe, T. Baltrusaitis, L.-P. Morency and J. Pestian. Toward Visual Behavior Markers of Suicidal Ideation. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2018

38. L.-Y. Gui, L. Gui, Y.-X. Wang, L.-P. Morency, J. Mour, Factorized Convolutional Networks: Unsupervised Fine-Tuning for Image Clustering, In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2018


39. E. Tong, A. Zadeh, C. Jones and L.-P. Morency, Combating Human Trafficking with Very Deep Multimodal Models, In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2017

40. S. Pouria, E. Cambria, D. Hazarika, N. Mazumder, A. Zadeh and L.-P. Morency, Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis in User-Generated Videos, In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2017

41. S. Ghosh, M. Chollet, E. Laksana, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Affect-LM: A Neural Language Model for Customizable Affective Text Generation, In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2017

42. W. Pei, T. Baltrušaitis, D. Tax and L.-P. Morency. Temporal Attention-Gated Model for Robust Sequence Classification. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017

43. A. Zadeh, M. Chen, S. Poria, E. Cambria and L.-P. Morency. Tensor fusion network for multimodal sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2017

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44. H. Yu, L. Gui, M. Madaio, A. Ogan, J. Cassell and L.-P. Morency. Temporally Selective Attention Model for Social and Affective State Recognition in Multimedia Content. In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia conference (ACM MM), 2017 (to appear)

45. H. Wang, A. Meghawat, L.-P. Morency and E. Xing. Select-Additive Learning: Improving Generalization in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), 2017

46. L. Gui, T. Baltrusaitis and L.-P. Morency. Curriculum Learning for Facial Expression Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2017

47. Y. Li, T. Baltrusaitis and L.-P. Morency. Constrained Ensemble Initialization for Facial Landmark Tracking in Video. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2017

48. K. Kim, F.-J. Chang, J. Choi, L.-P. Morency, R. Nevatia and G. Medioni. Local-Global Landmark Confidences for Face Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2017

49. E. Laksana, T. Baltrusaitis, L.-P. Morency and J. Pestian. Investigating Facial Behavior Indicators of Suicidal Ideation. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2017

50. T. Wortwein, T. Baltrusaitis, J. Baker and L.-P. Morency. Computational Analysis of Acoustic Descriptors in Psychotic Patients. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2017

51. A. Bourai, T. Baltrušaitis and L.-P. Morency. Automatically Predicting Human Knowledgeability through Non-verbal Cues. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2017

52. M. Chen, S. Wang, P. Liang, T. Baltrušaitis, A. Zadeh and L.-P. Morency. Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Word-Level Fusion and Reinforcement Learning. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2017 (to appear)

53. B. Nojavanasghari, C. Hughes, T. Baltrusaitis and L.-P. Morency. Hand2Face: Automatic Synthesis and Recognition of Hand Over Face Occlusions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017

54. A. Vail, T. Baltrusaitis, L. Pennant, E. Liebson, J. Baker, L.-P. Morency. Visual Attention in Schizophrenia: Eye Contact and Gaze Aversion during Clinical

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Interactions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017

55. T. Baltrusaitis, L. Li, L.-P. Morency. Local-Global Ranking for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017


56. S. Rajagopalan, L.-P. Morency, T. Baltrusaitis and R. Goecke, Extending Long Short-Term Memory for Multi-View Structured Learning, In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016

57. E. Wood, T. Baltrušaitis, L.-P. Morency, P. Robinson and Andreas Bulling, A 3D Morphable Eye Region Model for Gaze Estimation, In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016

58. H. Yu, S. Zhang and L.-P. Morency, Unsupervised Text Recap Extraction for TV Series, In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2016

59. M. Roemmele, S.-M. Morgens, A. S. Gordon, L.-P. Morency, Recognizing Human Actions in the Motion Trajectories of Shapes, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2016

60. K. Kim, T. Baltrusaitis, A. Zadeh, L.-P. Morency and G. Medioni, Holistically Constrained Local Model: Going Beyond Frontal Poses for Facial Landmark Detection, In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2016

61. E. Wood, T. Baltrušaitis, L.-P. Morency, P. Robinson and A. Bulling, A 3D Morphable Model of the Eye Region, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Association of Computer Graphics (EuroGraphics), 2016

62. S. Ghosh, E. Laksana, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Representation Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interpseech), 2016

63. B. Nojavanasghari, T. Baltrušaitis, C. Hughes and L.-P. Morency. Emoreact: A Multimodal Approach and Dataset for Recognizing Emotional Responses in Children. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2016

64. B. Nojavanasghari, D. Gopinath, J. Koushik, T. Baltrušaitis and L.-P. Morency. Deep Multimodal Fusion for Persuasiveness Prediction. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2016

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65. S. Ghosh, E. Laksana, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, An Unsupervised Approach to Glottal Inverse Filtering, In Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2016

66. M. Chollet, N. Chandrashekhar, A. Shapiro, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Manipulating the Perception of Virtual Audiences Using Crowdsourced Behaviors, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2016

67. L. Chen, X. Li, Z. Xia, Z. Song, A. Dubrawski and L.P. Morency, Riding an Emotional Roller-coaster: A Multimodal Study of Young Child's Math Problem Solving Sctivities, In Proceedings of the Educational Data Mining Conference (EDM), 2016

68. T. Baltrušaitis, P. Robinson and L.-P. Morency, OpenFace: An Open Source Facial Behavior Analysis Toolkit, In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2016

69. A. Rizzo, G. Lucas, J. Gratch, G. Stratou, L.-P. Morency, R. Shilling, A. Hartholt and S. Scherer, Clinical interviewing by a virtual human agent with automatic behavior analysis, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies (ICDVRAT), 2016 ** Best Paper Award **

70. A. Rizzo, G. Lucas, J. Gratch, G. Stratou, L.-P. Morency, K. Chavez, R. Shilling, and S. Scherer, Automatic Behavior Analysis During a Clinical Interview with a Virtual Human, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (NextMed/MMVR), J. D. Westwood et al. (Ed), IOS Press, 2016

71. M. Chollet, T. Wortwein, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, A Multimodal Corpus for the Assessment of Public Speaking Ability and Anxiety, In Proceedings of the 10th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), 2016


72. T. Wortwein, M. Chollet, A. Shapiro, S. Scherer, and L.-P. Morency. Exploring Feedback Learning Strategies to Improve Public Speaking: An Interactive Virtual Audience Framework. ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp), 2015

73. H. S. Shim, S. Park, M. Chatterjee, S. Scherer, K. Sagae, and L.-P. Morency. Acoustic and Para-verbal Indicators of Persuasiveness in Social Multimedia. In Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015.

74. S. Scherer, L.-P. Morency, J. Gratch, and J. Pestian. Reduced Vowel Space is a Robust Indicator of Psychological Distress: A Cross-Corpus Analysis. In

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Proceedings of the 40th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015

75. T. Wortwein, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Automatic Assessment and Analysis of Public Speaking Anxiety: A Virtual Audience Case Study. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015

76. S. Ghosh, E. Laksana, S. Scherer, and L.-P. Morency, A Multi-label Convolutional Neural Network Approach to Cross-Domain Action Unit Detection. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015

77. M. Ziaeefard, R. Bergevin and L.-P. Morency, Time-slice Prediction of Dyadic Human Activities. In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision conference (BMVC), 2015

78. C.-C. Chiu, L.-P. Morency and S. Marsella. Predicting Co-verbal Gestures: A Deep and Temporal Modeling Approach. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2015.

79. M. Chatterjee, S. Park, S. Scherer and L.-P. Morency. Combining Two Perspectives on Classifying Multimodal Data for Recognizing Speaker Traits. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2015 *** Best Paper Award ***

80. T. Wortwein, M. Chollet, B. Schauerte, L.-P. Morency, R. Stiefelhagen and S. Scherer. Multimodal Public Speaking Performance Assessment. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2015

81. M. Worsley, L.-P. Morency, S. Scherer and P. Blikstein. Exploring Behavior Representation for Learning Analytics. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2015

82. J. Gratch, S. Hill, L.-P. Morency, D. Pynadath, and D. Traum. Exploring the implications of virtual human research for human-robot teams. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), 2015.


83. T. Baltrusaitis, P. Robinson and L.-P. Morency, Continuous Conditional Neural Fields for Structured Regression. In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014

84. K. Bousmalis, S. Zafeiriou, L.–P. Morency, M. Pantic and Z. Ghahramani, Variational Hidden Conditional Random Fields with Coupled Dirichlet Process Mixtures. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML/PKDD), 2014

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85. S. Park, P. Shoemark and L.-P. Morency, Toward Crowdsourcing Micro-Level Behavior Annotations: The Challenges of Interface, Training, and Generalization. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2014

86. D. Devault, A. Rizzo and L.-P. Morency, SimSensei: A Virtual Human Interviewer for Healthcare Decision Support. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2014

87. J. Gratch, G. Lucas, A. King, and L.-P. Morency, It’s Only a Computer: The Impact of Human-agent Interaction in Clinical Interviews. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2014

88. C. Miller, F. Quek and L.-P. Morency, Search Strategies for Pattern Identification in Multimodal Data: Three Case Studies. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2014

89. M. Chatterjee, G. Stratou, S. Scherer and L.-P. Morency, Context-based Signal Descriptors of Heart-rate Variability for Anxiety Assessment, In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014

90. S. Park, M. Chatterjee, H. S. Shim, K. Sagea and L.-P. Morency, Computational Analysis of Persuasiveness in Social Multimedia: A Novel Dataset and Multimodal Prediction Approach. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2014

91. S. Ghosh, M. Chatterjee, L.-P. Morency, A Multimodal Context-based Approach for Distress Assessment. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2014

92. S. Scherer, Z. Hammal, Y. Yang, L.-P. Morency and J. Cohn, Dyadic Behavior Analysis in Depression Severity Assessment Interviews. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2014

93. A. B. Zadeh, K. Sagea and L.-P. Morency, Towards Learning Nonverbal Identities from the Web: Automatically Identifying Visually-Accentuated Words. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2014

94. M. Khademi and L.-P. Morency, Relative Facial Action Unit Detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE Winter conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2014

95. J. Gratch, R. Artstein, G. Lucas, G. Stratou, S. Scherer, A. Nazarian, R. Wood, J. Boberg, D. DeVault, S. Marsella, D. Traum, S. Rizzo, L.-P. Morency, The Distress Analysis Interview Corpus of human and computer interviews. In Proceedings of

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the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), 2014


96. Y Song, L.-P. Morency and R. Davis. Action Recognition by Hierarchical Sequence Summarization. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2013

97. V. P. Rosas, R. Mihalcea and L.-P. Morency. Utterance-Level Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2013

98. S. Scherer, G. Stratou, J. Boberg, J. Gratch, A. Rizzo and L.-P. Morency. Automatic Behavior Descriptors for Psychological Disorder Analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2013 *** Best paper award ***

99. J.-C. Levesque, C. Gagne and L.-P. Morency. Sequential Emotion Recognition using Latent-Dynamic Conditional Neural Fields. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2013

100. Y. Song, L.-P. Morency and R. Davis. Distribution-Sensitive Learning for Imbalanced Datasets. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2013

101. K. Bousmalis, S. Zafeiriou, L.-P. Morency, M. Pantic and Z. Ghahramani. Variational Hidden Conditional Random Fields with Coupled Dirichlet Process Mixtures. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML), 2013

102. S. Scherer, J. Pestian, and L.-P. Morency. Investigating the Speech Characteristics of Suicidal Adolescents. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013

103. J. Kane, S. Scherer, M. Aylett, L.-P. Morency, and C. Gobl. Speaker and Language Independent Voice Quality Classification Applied to Unlabelled Corpora of Expressive Speech. In Proceedings of International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013

104. F. Weninger, C. Wagner, M. Wollmer, B. Schuller and L.-P. Morency. Speaker Trait Characterization In Web Videos: Uniting Speech, Language, And Facial Features. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2013

105. S. Scherer, G. Stratou, J. Gratch and L.-P. Morency. Investigating Voice Quality as a Speaker-Independent Indicator of Depression and PTSD. In Proceedings of the

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14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2013

106. J. Kane, S. Scherer, L.-P. Morency, and C. Gobl. A comparative study of glottal open quotient estimation techniques. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2013

107. E. Nouri, S. Park, S. Scherer, J. Gratch, P. Carnevale, L.-P. Morency and D. Traum. Prediction of Strategy and Outcome as Negotiation Unfolds by Using Basic Verbal and Behavioral Features. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2013

108. D. DeVault, K. Georgila, R. Artstein, F. Morbini, D. Traum, S. Scherer, A. Rizzo, L.-P. Morency. Verbal Indicators of Psychological Distress in Interactive Dialogue with a Virtual Human. In Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SigDial), 2013

109. G. Mohammadi, S. Scherer, A. Vinciarelli and L.-P. Morency. Who is Persuasive? The Role of Perceived Personality and Communication Modality in Social Multimedia. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2013

110. S. Scherer, G. Stratou, J. Gratch and L.-P. Morency. Audiovisual Behavior Descriptors for Depression Assessment. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2013

111. M. Mahmoud, P. Robinson and L.-P. Morency. Automatic Multimodal Descriptors of Rhythmic Body Movement. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2013

112. Y. Song, L.-P. Morency and R. Davis. Learning a Sparse Codebook of Facial and Body Expressions for Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2013

113. I. de Kok, L.-P. Morency and D. Heylen. Speaker-Adaptive Multimodal Prediction Model for Listener Responses. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2013

114. C. Miller, L.-P. Morency and F. Quek. Interactive Relevance Search and Modeling: Support for Expert-Driven Analysis of Multimodal Data. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2013

115. D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Prediction of Visual Backchannels in the Absence of Visual Context Using Mutual Influence. In Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2013

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116. L. Batrinca, G. Stratou, A. Shapiro, L.-P. Morency, and S. Scherer. Cicero - Towards a Multimodal Virtual: Audience Platform for Public Speaking Training. In Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2013

117. A. Hartholt, D. Traum, S. Marsella, A. Shapiro, G. Stratou, A. Leuski, L.-P. Morency and J. Gratch. All Together Now: Introducing the Virtual Human Toolkit. In Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) 2013

118. G. Stratou, S. Scherer, J. Gratch and L.-P. Morency. Automatic Nonverbal Behavior Indicators of Depression and PTSD: Exploring Gender Differences. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2013

119. S. Park, S. Scherer, J. Gratch, P. Carnevale, and L.-P. Morency. Mutual Behaviors during Dyadic Negotiation: Automatic Prediction of Respondent Reactions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2013

120. J. Gratch, L.-P. Morency, S. Scherer, G. Stratou, J. Boberg, S. Koenig, T. Adamson and A. Rizzo. User-State Sensing for Virtual Health Agents and TeleHealth Applications. In Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR), 2013


121. T. Baltrusaitis, P. Robinson and L.-P. Morency. 3D Constrained Local Model for Rigid and Non-Rigid Facial Tracking. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012

122. Y. Song, L.-P. Morency and R. Davis. Multi-View Latent Variable Discriminative Models For Action Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012

123. S. Kang, J. Gratch, C. Sidner, R. Artstein, L. Huang and L.-P. Morency. Towards building a Virtual Counselor: Modeling Nonverbal Behavior during Intimate Self-Disclosure. In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2012

124. A. Sadeghipour, L.-P. Morency and S. Kopp. Gesture-based Object Recognition using Histograms of Guiding Strokes. In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2012

125. C. Sun and L.-P. Morency. Dialogue Act Recognition Using Reweighted Speaker Adaptation. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SigDial), 2012

126. S. Scherer, S. Marsella, G. Stratou, Y. Xu, F. Morbini, A. Egan, A. Rizzo, and L.-P. Morency. Perception Markup Language: Towards a Standardized Representation

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of Perceived Nonverbal Behaviors. In Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2012

127. S. Park, J. Gratch, and L.-P. Morency. I Already Know Your Answer: Using Nonverbal Behaviors to Predict Immediate Outcomes in a Dyadic Negotiation. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2012

128. Y. Song, L.-P. Morency and R. Davis. Multimodal Human Behavior Analysis: Learning Correlation and Interaction Across Modalities. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), 2012

129. C. Miller, L.-P. Morency and F. Quek. Structural and Temporal Inference Search (STIS): Pattern Identification in Multimodal Data. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), 2012

130. M. Burzo, D. McDuff, R. Mihalcea, L.-P. Morency, A. Narvaez and V. Perez-Rosas. Towards Sensing the Influence of Visual Narratives on Human Affect. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), 2012


131. D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Modeling Wisdom of Crowds Using Latent Mixture of Experts. In 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (ACL HLT), 2011

132. L. Huang, L.-P. Morency and Jonathan Gratch. A Multimodal End-of-Turn Prediction Model: Learning from Parasocial Consensus Sampling. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2011

133. G. Stratou, A. Ghosh, P. Debevec and L.-P. Morency. Effect of Illumination on Automatic Expression Recognition: A Novel 3D Relightable Facial Database. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2011

134. K. Bousmalis, L.–P. Morency and M. Pantic. Modeling Hidden Dynamics of Multimodal Cues for Spontaneous Agreement and Disagreement Recognition. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2011

135. S. Kang, C. Sidner, J. Gratch, R. Artstein, L. Huang and L.-P. Morency. Modeling Nonverbal Behavior of a Virtual Counselor during Intimate Self-Disclosure. In Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2011

136. L. Huang, L.-P. Morency and J. Gratch, Virtual Rapport 2.0. In Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Iceland, 2011

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137. M. Hoque, L.-P. Morency and R. Picard. Are you friendly or just polite? – Analysis of smiles in spontaneous face-to-face interactions. In Proceedings of the conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Memphis, USA, 2011

138. L.-P. Morency, R. Mihalcea and P. Doshi. Towards Multimodal Sentiment Analysis: Harvesting Opinions from The Web. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2011

139. J. Chen, A. Demski, T. Han, L.-P. Morency, D. Pynadath, N. Rafidi and P. Rosenbloom. Fusing Symbolic and Decision-Theoretic Problem Solving + Perception in a Graphical Cognitive Architecture. In Proceedings of the conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), 2011


140. L. Huang, L.-P. Morency and J. Gratch. Parasocial Consensus Sampling: Combining Multiple Perspectives to Learn Virtual Human Behavior. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2010 *** Best paper award, Virtual Human track ***

141. D. Ozkan, K. Sagae and L.-P. Morency. Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts for Multimodal Prediction Modeling. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2010

142. I. de Kok , D. Ozkan, D. Heylen, L.-P. Morency. Learning and Evaluating Response Prediction Models using Parallel Listener Consensus. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2010

143. S. Kang, C. Sidner, J. Gratch and L.-P. Morency. Turn-taking patterns in self-disclosure interactions with Virtual Agents. Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Philadelphia, USA, 2010

144. L. Huang, L.-P. Morency and Jonathan Gratch. Learning Backchannel Prediction Model from Parasocial Consensus Sampling: A Subjective Evaluation. Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Philadelphia, USA, 2010


145. L.-P. Morency, J. Whitehill and Javier Movellan. Generalized Adaptive View-based Appearance Model: Integrated Framework for Monocular Head Pose Estimation. 8th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), September 2008 **Best paper award**

146. L.-P. Morency, I. de Kok and J. Gratch. Context-based Recognition during Human Interactions: Automatic Feature Selection and Encoding Dictionary. 10th

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International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), October 2008 **Best paper award**

147. L.-P. Morency, I. de Kok and J. Gratch. Predicting Listener Backchannels: A Probabilistic Multimodal Approach. Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), September 2008 **Best paper award**

148. X. Sun, L.-P. Morency, D. Okanohara, Y Tsuruoka and Jun’ichi Tsujii. Modeling Latent-Dynamic in Shallow Parsing: A Latent Conditional Model with Improved Inference. The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), August 2008

149. L.-P. Morency. Real-Time Head Pose Estimation Using A Webcam: Monocular Adaptive View-Based Appearance Model. Proceedings of the 27th Army Science Conference, December 2008


150. L.-P. Morency, A. Quattoni and T. Darrell. Latent-Dynamic Discriminative Models for Continuous Gesture Recognition. Proceedings IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2007

151. J. Gratch, N. Wang, A. Okhmatovskaia, F. Lamothe, M. Morales and L.-P. Morency. Can virtual humans be more engaging than real ones? 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), Beijing, China 2007


152. S. Wang, A. Quattoni, L.-P. Morency, D. Demirdjian, and T. Darrell. Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Gesture Recognition. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), New York City, NY, June 2006

153. L.-P. Morency, C. Sidner, C. Lee, and T. Darrell. The Role of Context in Head Gesture Recognition. The Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Nectar track (AAAI), Boston, MA, July 2006

154. C. M. Christoudias, K. Saenko, L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Co-Adaptation of Audio-Visual Speech and Gesture Classifiers. International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), Banff, Canada, November 2006 **Best paper award**

155. L.-P. Morency, C. M. Christoudias, and T. Darrell. Recognizing Gaze Aversion Gestures in Embodied Conversational Discourse. International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), Banff, Canada, November 2006

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156. J. Gratch, A. Okhmatovskaia, F. Lamothe, S. Marsella, M. Morales, R. J. van der Werf, and L.-P. Morency. Virtual Rapport. 6th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Marina del Rey, CA, August 2006

157. C. Sidner, C. Lee, L.-P. Morency, and C. Forlines. The Effect of Head-Nod Recognition in Human-Robot Conversation. Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, March 2006

158. L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Head Gesture Recognition in Intelligent Interfaces: The Role of Context in Improving Recognition. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Sydney, Australia, 2006


159. L.-P. Morency, C. Sidner, C. Lee, and T. Darrell. Contextual Recognition of Head Gestures. International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), pp.18-24, Italy, October 2005 **Best paper award**


160. C. M. Christoudias, L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Light Field Appearance Manifolds. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), vol. 4, pp.481-493, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2004

161. C. Lee, N. Lesh, C. Sidner, L.-P. Morency, A. Kapoor, and T. Darrell. Nodding in Conversations with a Robot. CHI extended abstracts (CHI), pp. 785-786, Vienna, Austria, 2004

162. L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. From Conversational Tooltips to Grounded Discourse: Head Pose Tracking in Interactive Dialog Systems. International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), pp. 32-37, 2004


163. L.-P. Morency, A. Rahimi, and T. Darrell. Adaptive View-based Appearance Model. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), vol. 1, pp. 803-810, Wisconsin, June 2003

164. M. Siracusa, L.-P. Morency, K. Wilson, J. Fisher, and T. Darrell. A Multi-Modal Approach for determining Speaker Location and Focus. International Conference on Multimodal Interactions (ICMI), pp. 77-80, 2003

165. L.-P. Morency and R. Gupta. Robust Real-time Egomotion from Stereo Images. International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), vol. 3, pp. 719-722, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003


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166. L.-P. Morency and T. Darrell. Stereo Tracking using ICP and Normal Flow Constraint. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), vol. 3, pp. 367-372, Quebec city, Canada, August 2002

167. T. Darrell, K. Tollmar, F. Bentley, N. Checka, L.-P. Morency, A. Rahimi, and A. Oh. Face-responsive Interfaces: from Direct Manipulation to Perceptive Presence. International Conference of Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) pp. 135-151, 2002

168. L.-P. Morency, A. Rahimi, N. Checka, and T. Darrell. Fast Stereo-based Head Tracking for Interactive Environment. International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), pp. 375-380, 2002

169. A. Oh, H. Fox, M. Van Kleek, A. Adler, K. Gajos, L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Evaluating Look-to-Talk: A Gaze-Aware Interface in a Collaborative Environment. CHI extended abstracts (CHI), pp. 650-651, 2002


170. A. Rahimi, L.-P. Morency, and T. Darrell. Reducing Drift in Parametric Motion Tracking. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), vol. 1, pp. 315-322, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001

Book and edited volumes

171. F. Schwenker, S. Scherer and L.-P. Morency (Editors). Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer-Interaction. Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes on Artificial Intelligence, Number 8869, 2015

Book chapters

172. A. Rizzo, R. Shilling, E. Forbell, S. Scherer, J. Gratch, and L.-P. Morency, Autonomous Virtual Human Agents for Healthcare Information Support and Clinical Interviewing, Luxton, D.D. (Ed). Artifical Intelligence in Mental Healthcare Practice. Academic Press, 2015, pp. 53 - 80.

173. L.-P. Morency, Ari Shapiro and Stacy Marsella. Modeling Human Communication Dynamics for Virtual Human. Coverbal synchrony in Human-Machine Interaction, Matej Rojc and Nick Campbell, Editors, Science Publishers/CRC Press, 2014

174. L.-P. Morency. The Role of Context in Affective Behavior Understanding. Social Emotions in Nature and Artifact: Emotions in Human and Human-Computer Interaction, Jonathan Gratch and Stacy Marsella, Editors, Oxford University Press, 2014

175. L.-P. Morency, C. Sidner, and T. Darrell. Visual Feedback Recognition for Embodied Agent: The role of contextual information. Engineering Approaches to Conversational Informatics, Toyoaki Nishida, Editor. John Wiley & Sons, 2007

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Refereed workshop papers

176. B. Nojavanasghari, C.E. Hughes and L.-P. Morency. Exceptionally Social: Design of an Avatar-Mediated Interactive System for Promoting Social Skills in Children with Autism. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017

177. A. Zadeh, T. Baltrušaitis and L.-P. Morency, Convolutional experts constrained local model for facial landmark detection, In Proceedings of the CVPR Competition Workshop on Facial Landmark Localisation - The Menpo BenchMark, 2017

178. T.-Y. Hu, C. Raman, S. Medina, L. Gui, T. Baltrusaitis, R. Frederking, L.-P. Morency, A. W Black, M. Eskenazi, Integrating Verbal and Nonvebval Input into a Dynamic Response Spoken Dialogue System, In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence – Demo Track, 2017

179. E. Wood, T. Baltrušaitis, L.-P. Morency, P. Robinson, A. Bulling, Learning an Appearance-based Gaze Estimator from one million Synthesised Images, In Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), 2016 **Emerging Investigator Award**

180. S. Ghosh, E. Laksana, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Learning Representations of Affect from Speech, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations Workshop (ICLR-W), 2016

181. S. Vijay, T. Baltrusaitis, L.-P. Morency, L. Pennant, D. Öngür and J. Baker, Automatic prediction of psychosis symptoms from facial expressions, CHI Computing and Mental Health Workshop, 2016

182. G. Stratou, L.-P. Morency, D. Devault, A. Hartholt, E. Fast, M. Lhommet, G. Lucas, F. Morbini, K. Georgila, S. Scherer, J. Gratch, S. Marsella, D. Traum and A. Rizzo, A Demonstration of the Perception System in SimSensei, a Virtual Human Application for Healthcare Interviews, Demo Paper at the sixth International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2015 **Best demo paper award**

183. V. Cirik, L.-P. Morency and E. Hovy, Chess Q&A : Question Answering on Chess Games, NIPS Workshop on Reasoning, Attention, Memory (RAM), 2015

184. L. Gui and L.-P. Morency, Learning and Transferring Deep ConvNet Representations with Group-Sparse Factorization, ICCV Workshop on Machine Learning for Intelligent Image and Video Processing, 2015

185. M. Chatterjee, H. S. Shim, S. Park, K. Sagea and L.-P. Morency, Verbal Behaviors and Persuasiveness in Online Multimedia Content. In Proceedings of the AFNLP Special Interest Group on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP), 2014

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186. Tadas Baltrusaitis, Peter Robinson and Louis-Philippe Morency. Constrained Local Neural Fields for Robust Facial Landmark Detection in the Wild. ICCV Workshop on 300 Faces in the Wild, 2013

187. Zhou Yu, Stefan Scherer, David Devault, Jonathan Gratch, Giota Stratou, Louis-Philippe Morency and Justine Cassell. Multimodal Prediction of Psychological Disorders: Learning Verbal and Nonverbal Commonalities in Adjacency Pairs. Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (SemDial), 2013

188. A. S. Gordon, J. R. Hobbs, K. Ovchinnikova, M. Roemmele, and L.-P. Morency. Abduction of Mental States with a Formal Theory of Commonsense Psychology. In Proceedings of the CogSci Workshop Mental Model Ascription by Language-Enabled Intelligent Agents, 2013

189. D. Ozkan, S. Scherer and L.-P. Morency. Step-wise Emotion Recognition using Concatenated-HMM. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC), in conjunction with International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Santa Monica, October, 2012

190. S. Park, G. Mohammadi, R. Artstein, and L.-P. Morency. Crowdsourcing Micro-Level Multimedia Annotations: The Challenges of Evaluation and Interface. In the Proceedings of the International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2012 (CrowdMM), Nara, November, 2012

191. S. Finkelstein, S. Scherer, A. Ogan, L.-P. Morency and J. Cassell. Investigating the Influence of Virtual Peers as Dialect Models on Students’ Prosodic Inventory. In Proceedings of the Interspeech Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction (WOCCI), 2012

192. S. Scherer, N. Weibel, S. Oviatt, and L.-P. Morency. Multimodal Prediction of Expertise and Leadership in Learning Groups. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Learning Analytics (MLA), in conjunction with International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2012

193. S. Scherer, D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Investigating the influence of pause fillers for automatic backchannel prediction. In Proceedings of the Interspeech Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog, 2012

194. L.-P. Morency. Computational Study of Human Communication Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 2011 joint ACM workshop on Human gesture and behavior understanding (J-HGBU), Arizona, USA, 2011 [Invited paper]

195. G. Ramirez, T. Baltrusaitis, and L.-P. Morency. Modeling Latent Discriminative Dynamic of Multi-Dimensional Affective Signals. Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC), 2011 **Winner of the vision-only sub-challenge**

196. C. Sun, L.-P. Morency. Towards Speaker Adaptation for Dialogue Act Recognition. SEMDIAL workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, Los Angeles, USA, September 2011

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197. D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Consensus of Self-Based Feature Selection for Nonverbal Behavior Analysis. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU), in conjunction with International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul-Turkey, August 22-26, 2010

198. D. Traum and L.-P. Morency. Integration of Visual Perception in Dialogue Understanding for Virtual Humans in Multi-Party interaction. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interacting with ECAs as Virtual Characters, 2010

199. L.-P. Morency. Co-occurrence Graphs: Contextual Representation for Head Gesture Recognition during Multi-Party Interactions. In Proceedings of the ICMI-MLMI Workshop on Use of Context for Visual Processing, Boston, MA, 2009

200. L.-P. Morency and T. Darrell. Conditional Sequence Model for Context-based Recognition of Gaze Aversion. In Proceedings of the 4th Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction, June 2007

201. L.-P. Morency, C. Sidner, and T. Darrell. Towards Context-Based Visual Feedback Recognition for Embodied Agents. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Conversational Informatics for Supporting Social Intelligence and Interaction (AISB), pp.69-72, Hatfield, UK, April 2005

202. L.-P. Morency, P. Sundberg, and T. Darrell. Pose Estimation using 3D View-Based Eigenspaces. In Proceedings of the ICCV workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Face and Gesture, pp. 45-52, Nice, France, October 2003

Miscellaneous unrefereed publications and manuscripts

203. R. Singh, J. Baker, L. Pennant and L.-P. Morency. Deducing the severity of psychiatric symptoms from the human voice. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.05344, March 2017

204. A. Zadeh, T. Baltrušaitis, L.-P. Morency. Deep Constrained Local Models for Facial Landmark Detection arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08657, November 2016

205. V. Cirik, E. Hovy, L.-P. Morency. Visualizing and Understanding Curriculum Learning for Long Short-Term Memory Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.06204, November 2016


• S. Scherer, J. P. Pestian and L.-P. Morency, System and method for assessing suicide risk of a patient based upon non-verbal characteristics of voice data, U.S. Patent, Number 9691411, June 2017


Course teaching

CMU-11777: Advanced Multimodal Machine Learning, Spring 2016, Spring 2017 and Fall 2017

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Lecturer and creator of this new course that teaches fundamental mathematical concepts related to multimodal machine learning including multimodal alignment and fusion, heterogeneous representation learning and multi-stream temporal modeling.

CMU-11776: Human Communication Dynamics and Machine Learning, Fall 2015 and Fall 2016

Lecturer of this revised course on recent advances in machine learning, pattern recognition and signal processing to analyze, recognize and predict human communication behaviors during social interactions.

USC-CS599: Human Communication and Machine Learning, Fall 2010, 2012, 2014 Lecturer and creator of this new course focusing on recent advances in machine learning, pattern recognition and signal processing to analyze, recognize and predict human communication behaviors during social interactions.

Tutorials at conferences and summer schools

Multimodal Machine Learning. 3-hour tutorial at the International Conference Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), November 2017

Multimodal Machine Learning. 3-hour tutorial at the 55th annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), July 2017

Multimodal Machine Learning. 4-hour tutorial at the 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2016

Multimodal Machine Learning. 3-hour tutorial at the International Conference Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), November 2016

Modeling human communication dynamics. Two lectures of 3 hours during the Interdisciplinary College, Soest, Germany, March 2014

Modeling human communication dynamics. 4-hour lecture at the Social Signal Processing Summer School, Vietri sul Mare, Italy, June 2013

Guest teaching and teaching assistance

CMU-11747: Neural Networks for NLP, Fall 2017 Guest lecture on Multimodal machine learning including multimodal joint representation and memory-based fusion.

CMU-11731: Machine Translation, Spring 2017 Guest lecture on Multimodal machine learning, coordinated representations and canonical correlation analysis.

CMU- 16899: Seminar on Human Activity Analysis, Fall 2016 Guest lecture on Health behavior informatics, human communication dynamics and modeling interpersonal dynamics.

CMU-11719: Computational Models of Discourse Analysis, Spring 2016 Guest lecture on Affective and emotional states, interpersonal relationships and behavior indicators of mental illnesses.

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USC-CS 534: Affective Computing, Spring 2009, Fall 2011 Guest lectures on Emotion recognition using computer vision.

USC-CS574: Computer Vision, Fall 2011 Guest lecture on computer vision and human-computer interaction.

MIT 6.891: Computer vision and applications, Spring 2004 Teaching assistant in charge of short tutorials and problem sets.

Current Student Advising

Torsten Wörtwein, Master of Language Technologies August 2017-present Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Alexandria Vail, Ph.D. August 2016-present Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Chaitanya Ahuja, Ph.D. August 2015-present Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Volkan Cirik, Ph.D. August 2015-present Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Amir Ali Bagherzade, Ph.D. August 2013-present Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Sayan Ghosh, Ph.D. (with Prof. Stefan Scherer) August 2013-present Department of Computer Science University of Southern California

Graduated Students

Behnaz Nojavan, Ph.D. (with Prof. Charles Hughes) Graduated August 2017 Department of Computer Science University of Central Florida

Hongliang Yu, Master of Language Technologies Graduated August 2017 Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University

Sunghyun Park, Ph.D. Graduated January 2016 Department of Computer Science University of Southern California

Derya Ozkan, Ph.D. Graduated December 2013 Department of Computer Science University of Southern California

Congkai Sun, M.S. August 2009-May 2011 Department of Computer Science University of Southern California

Patrick Sundberg, M.S. (with Prof. Trevor Darrell) 2002-2003 Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science MIT

Dissertation Committees

• KangGeon Kim, “Landmark Detection for Faces in the Wild”, University of Southern California

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• Lu Jiang. “Web-scale Multimedia Search for Internet Video Content”, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, April 2017

• Zhenzhong Lan, “Toward Usable Multimedia Event Detection”, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, April 2017

• Zhou Yu, “Situated Intelligent Interactive Systems”, Carnegie Mellon University, Language Technologies Institute, December 2016

• Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora. “3D gaze sensing from remote RGB-D sensors with application to non-cooperative and cooperative users and scenarios”, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015

• Ivan Gris Sepulveda. “Two-Way Virtual Rapport In Embodied Conversational Agents”, The University of Texas at El Paso, 2015

• Iwan de Kok. “Listening Heads” University of Twente, Netherlands, 2013

• Ehsan Hoque. “Computers to Help with Conversations: Affective Framework to Enhance Human Nonverbal Skills”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013

• Chreston Miller. “Structural Model Discovery in Temporal Event Data Streams”, Virginia Institute of Technology, 2013

• Lixing Huang. “Parasocial Consensus Sampling: Modeling Human Nonverbal Behaviors from Multiple Perspectives”, University of Southern California, 2013

• Jina Lee. “Modeling Nonverbal Behaviors for Virtual Agents”, University of Southern California, 2011

• Thang Dinh. “Persistent object tracking in unconstrained environments”, University of Southern California, 2011

Postdoc Advising

Elif Bozkurt September 2017-present Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University Tadas Baltrusaitis June 2015-August 2017 Language Technologies Institute Carnegie Mellon University Marcelo Worsley August 2014-December 2014 Institute for Creative Technologies University of Southern California Stefan Scherer January 2012-December 2013 Institute for Creative Technologies University of Southern California

Undergraduate and Professional Master Advisees

• Paul Pu Liang, MLD master program, 2017-2018

• Yao-Chang Lim, MLD master program, 2017-2018

• Ying Shen, CMU, MIIS master program, 2017-2018

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• Zhun Liu, CMU, MIIS master program, 2017-2018

• Varun Lakshminarasimhan, CMU, MIIS master program, 2017-2018

• Minghai Chen, CMU, MIIS master program, 2016-2017

• Sen Wang, CMU, MIIS master program, 2016-2017

• Paul Liang, CMU, Computer Science undergraduate, 2016-2017

• Yao-Chong Lim, CMU, Computer Science undergraduate, 2016-2017

• Jonathan Vanbriesen, CMU, Computer Science undergraduate, 2016-2017

• Christy Yuan Li, CMU, MCDS master program, 2016

• Jayanth Koushik, CMU, MCDS master program, 2016

• Deepak Gopinath, CMU, MCDS master program, 2016

• Edmund Tong, CMU, Computer Science undergraduate, 2015-2017

• Liangke Gui, CMU, MCDS master program, 2015-2016

• Supriya Vijay, CMU, MIIS master program, 2015-2016

• Lorianna Vanderveen, CMU, Computer Science undergraduate, 2015-2016

• Kenneth Yang, CMU, Computer Science undergraduate, 2015

Visiting Students / Trained Researchers

• Qinglan Wei, Beijing Normal University, China, 2017-present

• Liandong Lee, Beijing Normal University, China, 2016-2017

• Wenjie Pei, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, 2016

• Behnaz Nojavan, University of Central Florida, 2015-2016

• Shyam Rajagopalan, Canberra University, Australia, 2015

• Yushi Yao, Peking University, 2015

• Maryam Ziaeefard, Universite Laval, 2014

• Rowan Zellers, Harvey Mudd College, 2014, 2015

• Zhou Yu, Carnegie Mellon University, 2013

• Phillipa Shoemark, Edinburgh University, 2013

• Mathieu Chollet, Telecom Paristech, 2013

• Ligia Maria Batrinca, University of Trento, 2013

• Han Suk Sim, University of Southern California, 2013

• M. Ehsan Hoque, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2012

• Marwa Mahmoud, Cambridge University, 2012

• Gelareh Mohammadi, EPFL, 2012

• Moitreya Chatterjee, University of Southern California, 2012

• Mahmoud Khademi, McMaster University, 2012

• Tadas Baltrusaitis, Cambridge University, UK, 2011

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• Julien-Charles Levesque, Laval University, 2011

• Geovany Ramirez, University of Texas, El Paso, 2011

• Payal Doshi, University of Southern California, 2011

• Konstantinos Bousmalis, Imperial College, 2010

• Iwan de Kok, University of Twente, 2008


Language Technology Institute

LTI Open House committee – Chair (2017)

• Created a new brochure and website for prospective students describing the research areas of all LTI faculty members

• Extended the open house event with new social activities and implemented a new scheduling process to increase interactions with faculty and students

Quality of Life committee – Chair (2016-2017)

• We created a proposal, named Equitable Service, which was successful voted during the LTI faculty meeting. This proposal is designed to help the department with service committee assignments.

• We also drafted a second proposal to implement a yearly review process for faculty members. This proposal is still under revision.

Admission Committee for MLT and PhD programs (2015, 2016 and 2017)

• Reviewed applications for LTI research Master and PhD programs

Admission Committee for MIIS program (2017)

• Reviewed application for LTI professional Master program

LTI Open House committee – Organizer (2016)

• Co-organized this special event to host prospective students and introduce them to the research happening at CMU and LTI

LTI OpenTalk series – Organizer (2015-2016)

• Created a new series of informal lunches where LTI faculty can discuss about research, with the goal of increasing collaboration.

• These lunches were often accompanied by a short presentation by one of the LTI faculty sharing about a recent research progress

LTI Faculty Hiring Committee – Member (2015-2016)

• We performed an extensive search of Faculty candidates which concluded with the hiring of two new LTI faculty members.

• We developed a new set of review criteria to increase objectivity during the selection process and reduce potential biases.

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Carnegie Mellon University

World Economic Forum – Summer Meeting, Dalian, China (September 2015)

• This event brings business leaders, political leaders, economists, and journalists from all around the worlds

• As part of a high-visibility event for showcasing CMU research, I presented our research on facial expression and face identity replacement.

White House Frontier Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (October 13, 2016)

• This event was organized by President Barack Obama.

• Following a request from CMU president office, we presented a live demo of our research on Diagnosing Mental Illness with Multimodal Perception.

University of Southern California

CS Research Faculty Executive Committee (2012-2013)

CS Faculty candidate visit co-organizer (2012-2013)

CS Research Assistant Professor Appointment Committee (2010-2011)

CS Research Assistant Professor Appointment Committee (2009-2010)


Invited presentations at conferences, meetings, and workshops

• Keynote speaker, 2nd International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT), Ulm, Germany, September 2017

• Invited speaker, Microsoft Faculty Summit, Seattle, WA, July 2017

• Keynote speaker, 17th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2016), Los Angeles, CA, September 2016

• Invited speaker, TEDxCMU, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2016

• Invited speaker, World Economic Forum, Summer Meeting, Betazone, Dalian, China, September 2015

• Keynote speaker at The Eleventh IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2015), Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 2015

• Invited speaker, Exploring Higher Education in 2050, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, May 2015

• Invited speaker, Association for Psychological Science, 26th Annual Convention, Symposium on Affective Computing for the Assessment of Depression, San Francisco, CA, May 23, 2014

• Invited speaker, CVPR workshop on Computational Models of Social Interactions and Behavior: Scientific Grounding, Sensing and Applications, Columbus, Ohio, June 28, 2014

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• Keynote speaker, International Workshop on Spoken Dialog Systems, Napa Valley, CA, January 2014

• Invited speaker and awardee at NetExplo Forum, Paris, France, March 2014

• Invited speaker, NSF Avatar & Robotics Signing Creatures Workshop, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, November 2013

• Invited speaker, UW/MSR Summer Institute, Understanding Situated Language in Everyday Life, Seattle, WA, July 2013

• Invited speaker, ECCV Workshop on Internet Vision, Florence, Italy, October 2012

• Invited speaker, ACM Multimedia Workshop on Social Signal Processing, Phoenix, AZ, December 2011

• Invited speaker, SSPnet Curriculum Workshop, London, UK, December, 2011

• Invited speaker, Workshop on Facial and Bodily Expressions for Control and Adaptation of Games (ECAG'08), September 2008

• Panelist at the Special Session on Multi-sensor HCI for Smart Environments at the Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, September 2008

Invited presentations and colloquia not at conferences

• Colloquium at Apple, Cupertino, CA, May 2017

• Colloquium at John Hopkins University, Center for Language & Speech Processing's Lecture Series, Baltimore, MD, November 2016

• Colloquium at University of Washington, Robotic Seminar, Seattle, WA, November 2015

• Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University, Human-Computer Interaction Institute Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2015

• Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University, Psychology Department, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2015

• Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University, Robotic Institute Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA, October 2015

• Colloquium at University of Montreal, Colloquium DIRO, Montreal, Canada, May 2015

• Colloquium at IDIAP, Martigny, Switzerland, May 2015

• Colloquium at McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, February 2015

• Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University LTI Colloquium, Pittsburgh, PA February 2014

• Colloquium at ETS (Educational Testing Services), Princeton, NJ, March 2014

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• Colloquium at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Boston, MA, November, 2013

• Colloquium at CVL Seminar, University of Maryland, November 2013

• Colloquium at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, July 2013

• Colloquium at USC Information Sciences Institute, Los Angeles, CA, February 2013

• Colloquium at Cincinnati Children Hospital Research Center, Cincinnati, OH, May 2012

• Colloquium at Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, September 2011

• Colloquium at University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, April 2010

• Colloquium at University of Southern California, Signal Analysis and Interpretation Laboratory, January 2010

• Colloquium at University of California, Berkeley, International Computer Science Institute, November 2009

• Colloquium at Honda Research Institute, Mountain View, CA, November 2009

• Colloquium at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Media Lab, Boston, MA, November 2009

• Colloquium at Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA, July 2009

• Colloquium at Carnegie Mellon University, Vision Seminar, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2009

• Colloquium at Laval University, Quebec City, Canada, July 2009

• Colloquium at University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, AI Seminar Series, Los Angeles, CA, May 2009

• Colloquium at University of Texas, El Paso, TX, April 2009

• Colloquium at Texas A&M University, Parasol Seminar Series, April 2009

• Colloquium at University of Southern California, Computer Science Department, CS Colloquium, February 2009

• Colloquium at Tokyo University, Tsujii Lab, September 2008

• Colloquium at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Vision Seminar, May 2008

• Colloquium at University of Chicago, McNeil Lab, December 2007

• Colloquium at Northwestern University, ArticulLab, December 2007

• Colloquium at University of California, San Diego, Machine Perception Laboratory, November 2007

• Colloquium at Mitsubishi Electronic Research Laboratories, April 2006

• Colloquium at Boston University, Image and Video Computing Group, March 2006

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SELECTED PRESS COVERAGE • New Scientist, September 5, 2017, Facebook AI learns human reactions after

watching hours of Skype

• WIRED, April 28, 2017, Amazon’s ‘Echo Look’ Could Snoop a Lot More Than Just Your Clothes

• The Economist, The World in 2017, January 2017, When Robots Feel your Pain

• Radio-Canada, L’heure du monde, December 23, 2016, L'intelligence artificielle au service de la psychiatrie

• VentureBeat, November 6, 2016, 5 ways humanitarian bots can save the world

• VOA News, October 15, 2016, Future Combines Human, Machine Intelligence, Scientists Say

• News.com.au, October 1, 2016, Meet Ellie: the robot therapist treating soldiers with PTSD

• Discovery Channel, Daily Planet, January 27, 2016.

• BBC News, World Service, December 30, 2015. Can A Computer Recognise Depression?

• Good Magazine, December 29, 2015. Researchers Are Using Facial-Recognition Technology to Fight Depression

• The Atlantic, October 19, 2015. Machines That Can See Depression on a Person's Face

• The Guardian, September 17, 2015. Meet Ellie, the machine that can detect depression

• The Economist, July 4, 2015. Sounds Bad

• NPR planet money, May 20, 2015. How A Machine Learned To Spot Depression

• USC Viterbi Magazine, Fall 2014. A New Way to Practice What You Preach

• The New Yorker, October 16, 2014. The Virtues (and Limitations) of Virtual Therapists

• The Atlantic, May 23, 2014. Would You Want Therapy From a Computerized Psychologist?

• NPR, May 20, 2013. If Your Shrink Is A Bot, How Do You Respond?

• BBC News, May 26th, 2013, Almost human: Lab treats trauma with virtual therapy

• CNN, July 8th, 2013, Virtual Human "Ellie" Story

• CNET, April 3rd, 2013, Feeling kind of blue? This digital avatar can tell

• Discovery Canada, April 3rd, Digit@l

• Fast Company, August 9th, 2012, Meet The Research Scientist Who Is Turning YouTube Into A Data Goldmine

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• New Scientist, November 10th, 2010, Army avatars join the battle for hearts and minds

• The Economist, June 10th, 2010, Nods and winks

• The Economist online, February 2nd, 2010, Nods and winks: How to teach computers to make appropriate gestures

• USC News, March 3rd 2008, Science Journal Lauds USC Researcher


Steering Committee Chair

• Chair for the Steering Committee of the ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2016-present

Conference Program Chair

• 13th IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) which will be hosted in Xi’an, China, May 16-18, 2018

• 18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Tokyo, Japan, 2016

• 16th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014

• The Tenth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing, January 2012

• 13th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), Alicante, Spain, November 2011

Editorial Board Member

• Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing (2014-Current)

• Member of the Editorial Board for the Springer Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces (JMUI) – (2009-Current)

• Associate Editor for the International Journal of Computer Vision & Signal Processing (2011-Current)

• Guest editor for the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, Special issue on Affective Interaction in Natural Environment (2011)

• Guest editor for the Elesevier’s Pattern Recognition Letter Special Issue on Pattern Recognition in Human-Computer Interaction (2014)

Senior Program Committee Member (area chair, meta-reviewer)

• International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015), Senior Program Committee, November, 2015

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• 11th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2015), Area Chairs, May 4-8, 2015

• International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2013), Senior Program Committee, March 19-22, 2013

• Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013), Senior Program Committee, September 2-5, 2013

• 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2013), Senior Program Committee, May 6-10, 2013

• IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2013), Senior Program Committee, April 22-26, 2013

• 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), Senior Program Committee, June 4-8, 2012

• International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2012), Senior Program Committee, Portugal, February 14-17, 2012

• IEEE 9th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2011), Area Chair, Santa Barbara, CA March 2011

• 2011 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2011), Senior Program Committee, Palo Alto, CA, February 13-16, 2011

• ACM Multimedia 2010, Technical Program Committee, Human Centered-Computing track, Firenze, Italy, October 25-29, 2010

• International Conference of Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) 2008

General Chair

• NSF workshop on Workshop on Multimedia Challenges, Opportunities and Research Directions, Arlington, VA, March 29-31, 2017

• NIPS workshop on Multimodal Machine Learning, Montreal, Canada, December 10, 2015

• 14th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2012), Santa Monica, CA, October 2012

• First Workshop on Multimodal Learning Analytics, co-located with ICMI 2012, Santa Monica, CA, October 2012

• Workshop on Multimodal Behavior Understanding, co-located with ICPR 2012, September 2012

• 4th International Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments (AFFINE), co-located with ICMI 2011, November 2011

• First workshop on Machine Learning and Affective Computing, co-located with ACII 2011, Memphis, October 2011

• NIPS workshop on Modeling Human Communication Dynamics, Whistler, Canada, December 10, 2010

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• First Workshop on Predictive Models of Human Communication Dynamics, Los Angeles, California, August 4-6, 2010

• Second Workshop on Use of Context in Video Processing, in conjunction with IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), San Francisco, June 13, 2010

• IEEE International Workshop on Social Behavior Analysis (SBA) in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), in Santa Barbara, CA, March 2011

• ACM Multimedia 3rd International Workshop on Affective Interaction in Natural Environments (AFFINE), October 2010

• First Workshop on Use of Context in Vision Processing, Boston, MA, November 5th, 2009

Conference Co-organizer

• Publicity Chair, ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI), 2015

• Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair, IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2013

• Workshop Co-Chair, 15th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) Sydney, Australia, December, 2013.

• Student chair for International Conference of Multimodal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI), 2010

• Publication chair for International Conference of Multimodal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI), 2009

Program Committee Member

• Siggraph 2012

• IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2011

• The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011)

• Human-Robot interaction (HRI) 2011

• 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI 2010), Beijing, China, November 8-12, 2010

• The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), Multimodal Language Track, 2010

• The International Conference on Computational Linguistics (CoLing), Discourse/Dialogue/Multimodal Track, 2010

• IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2006-2010

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• The International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2010

• The International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2010

• IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010

• International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2009-2010

• 12th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and 7th Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction (ICMI-MLMI 2010), 2008-2010

• International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), 2009-2010

• AAMAS International Workshop on Interacting with ECAs as Virtual Characters, Toronto, Canada, May 10, 2010

• 2010 IEEE International Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behavior Analysis, San Francisco, CA, June 18, 2010

• First International Workshop on Computer Vision for Human-Robot Interaction (CVforHRI 2010), San Francisco, June 14, 2010

• International Workshop on Socially Intelligent Surveillance and Monitoring (SISM 2010), San Francisco, June 14, 2010

• AAAI 2009 Spring Symposium on Human Behavior Modeling


• IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)

• IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (MM)

• IEEE Transactions on Robotics (TRO)

• IEEE Transaction on Affective Computing (TAFFC)

• International Journal Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IPRAI)

• IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans

• IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing

• ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications

• National Science Foundation

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