l2 - l3 - film industry

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Film Industry – L2 and L3

Monday 13th April 2015

Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media


Aims & Objectives

• YOU WILL re-cap prior learning.

• YOU WILL learn about HOW the Online Age has transformed the Film Industry on a Distribution, Marketing and Exhibition Level over the next 2 lessons.

• Review the learning.


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression.

Marc Prensky (20__) described how audiences (much like Early A_______s) are now defined a ‘D_____l N______’ – people who want their media free, fast and portable.

Entrance Activity3 minutes

“As people individually and collectively program the web, they’re i__________y in


(Tapscott & W_______s – 20___)


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Quick Fire Task!

What does UGC stand for?

What is a Prosumer?

What is Technological Determinism?

You have 2 minutes to write down your definition –

YOU COULD give an example to “back up” your understanding!

Wordpress pages have been set up for you to access revision material and develop your understanding of Case Study examples.

YOU MUST use this site frequently!


2 Hour Exam – 1 hour for Section B worth 50 marks.

Unit G325: Critical Perspectives in Media – Section B

Areas of focus:

•Global Media – Case studies •Media in the Online Age – Case studies

General New Media Technologies will also be covered through out the Unit.

AO1 - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression.AO2 - Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products and evaluating their own practical work (Section A)

What is expected of you?

YOU WILL be taught a variety of contemporary Case Study examples, as well as more historical examples, to provide context as to how the media is evolving and changing the way we live our lives.YOU WILL also be expected to research your own independent Case Study examples.

Unit G325: Critical Perspectives in Media – Section B

Historical - Theories – e.g Jenkins (2006) – and background information regarding the product/media are you discuss – e.g. TV – Analogue (Old, traditional ways) transitioning to IPTV

Future Projections –

These COULD be referenced in your Main Body of the Essay OR in a Conclusion.


Hollywood majors and ‘Big 6’ Studios like 20th Century Fox – owned by the ‘Global Trailblazer’ (Blau – 2005) – used to produce and distribute film to audiences via. 35mm film reels.

Cons - Expensive and Hazardous.

Contemporary – Film Industry

Times are changing and the Film Institutions don’t want to be ‘left behind’ (Bauman – 1998) OR considered a ‘loser’ in the Media in the Online Age.

Technological Convergence –

“Provides audiences with the kinds of entertainment experiences they want”

(Jenkins – 2006)

YOU MUST research and/or note down as many media products associated to film that offer audiences – Legal and Illegal – “the kinds

of entertainment experiences they want” (Jenkins – 2006)

YOU SHOULD support your research by investigating a statistic/fact/secondary opinion about that particular product – for example:

DTO (Download To Own) and R-VoD

Main Task 1) – 7 minutes


Irvine (2006) – in relation to Globalisation – stated that “modern media simply dissolve time, distance, place and local culture that once divided the globe”


• “Studio managers see Netflix as a company that offers the least-valuable material, and that the service will become a swap meet at best that users will become bored with eventually.”

• Available on more than 200 internet-based platforms and devices like XBOX and iPad.


• “Studio managers see Netflix as a company that offers the least-valuable material, and that the service will become a swap meet at best that users will become bored with eventually.”

19.2m – 24.3m (2012 – 2013)

‘The Interview’ (2014 – Sony/Columbia)

‘The Interview’ (2014 – Sony/Columbia)

‘First Run Digital Movie Release’

Audiences ‘migrated’ (Jenkins – 2006) towards this media product via S-VoD services like

Web 3.0 (Markoff)

Miniturisation (App)

Technological Convergence - “Every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms’ (Jenkins – 2006) The film industry are changing release patterns and strategies for

distributing film as a result of the internet and it is embraced by the industry.

‘A Field in England’ (2013 – Film Four) 5th July – Summer release.

• Limited release at the box-office (17 Screens Nationwide)

• However, the film found an audience through - 1,200 Downloads

Film Industry - Marketing• Research – What IS a ‘Viral Marketing’ campaign?

“Every consumer gets courted across multiple media platforms” (Jenkins – 2006)




• Below the line marketing that is trying to appeal to ‘Digital Natives’ Prensky (2001)• Youtube (Video Sharing) as a marketing tool has encouraged a ‘migratory behaviour’

(Jenkins 2006) amongst films fans

‘Olympus Has Fallen’ (2013 – Film District)

Key term:

Guerilla Marketing

Based on what we covered over the past 2 lessons, YOU MUST produce x2 PEA Paragraphs to establish HOW the Film Institutions have taken advantage of convergence.

YOU SHOULD include theory in your Paragraph that we have covered and refer to case study examples.

Extension – YOU COULD include a Future prediction at the end of the paragraph.

PEA Paragraph

P -

Film institutions that have often been regarded as Gatekeepers when comes to controlling the Distribution and Exhibition of film are now relaxing their control in order to court audiences across ‘multiple media platforms’ (Jenkins – 2006).

E –

For example, …..

A –



What have you learnt today?

YOU MUST write down x3 terms/Theories you have learnt today.

YOU COULD write down x1 more term/Theory

What have you learnt?

1. Research a the Film Industry and how it has adapted to the Online Age.

2. Produce a mind-map of the case studies we have covered.

3. Research your own case study and assess HOW Theories and key terminology apply.

Due: Wednesday 15th April (Next lesson)


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