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Lab ChipThis journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014

a Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University,

Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. E-mail: de54@cornell.edub School of Applied and Engineering Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USAc School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USAd Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USAeDivision of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Cite this: Lab Chip, 2014, 14, 3159

Received 1st February 2014,Accepted 24th March 2014

DOI: 10.1039/c4lc00142g

Smartphone technology can be transformative tothe deployment of lab-on-chip diagnostics

David Erickson,*a Dakota O'Dell,b Li Jiang,a Vlad Oncescu,a Abdurrahman Gumus,c

Seoho Lee,a Matthew Mancusod and Saurabh Mehtae

The rapid expansion of mobile technology is transforming the biomedical landscape. By 2016 there will

be 260 M active smartphones in the US and millions of health accessories and software “apps” running

off them. In parallel with this have come major technical achievements in lab-on-a-chip technology

leading to incredible new biochemical sensors and molecular diagnostic devices. Despite these

advancements, the uptake of lab-on-a-chip technologies at the consumer level has been somewhat

limited. We believe that the widespread availability of smartphone technology and the capabilities they

offer in terms of computation, communication, social networking, and imaging will be transformative to

the deployment of lab-on-a-chip type technology both in the developed and developing world. In this

paper we outline why we believe this is the case, the new business models that may emerge, and detail

some specific application areas in which this synergy will have long term impact, namely: nutrition

monitoring and disease diagnostics in limited resource settings.


The concept of lab-on-a-chip based diagnostics originatedmore than 20 years ago (see an early review by Manz et al.1).One of the key envisioned benefits of the technology at thattime was that it would enable the deployment of easy to use,disposable, and informative molecular diagnostic testsdirectly to the consumer allowing them to take better controlof their own health. The technical vision usually comprisedof a two part system: a consumable chip that contains micro-fluidics and a sensor for detecting the analyte of interest, andan instrument-type reader that interprets the signal from thechip and provides results to the user. Since this vision wasfirst put forward, the technology has advanced at an incredi-ble rate to the point where we now have: devices that canoperate huge numbers of microfluidic valves in parallel,2 fullyintegrated sample-in-answer-out chips for genetic analysis,3

nanosensors that can detect a handful of molecules,4 andmany other systems.

There have been numerous commercial successes usingtechnology that can trace its roots back to these early visions.Most of these accomplishments however have been in devel-oping what has been referred to as “chips-in-a-lab” or micro-fluidic technology that is used to enhance the: throughput,

parallelity, sensitivity/specificity, or other analytical metricsfor biochemical assays conducted within research or central-ized lab facilities. Far fewer commercial successes have comefrom lab-on-chip technology that has transitioned to theconsumer diagnostics market. While there are numeroussuccessful biomedical consumer products that contain micro-scale channels or similar features (e.g. inhalers for asth-matics), most of these are at least conceptually different fromthe traditional vision of a LOC device.

There are, of course, numerous reasons for this, howeverit seems unlikely that the major roadblocks are technologicalin nature. Rather it seems to at least partially result from tworeasons. The first is the difficulty in obtaining quantitativeresults with a simple one-off test. The majority of commer-cially available tests for the consumer market are RapidDiagnostic Tests (RDTs) based on the lateral flow principle(e.g. ref. 5). Such products are popular because the user onlyneeds to insert the sample and the fluid transport, sampleprocessing, and detection reaction all occur autonomously.Unfortunately, these types of tests are typically only able toprovide non-quantitative information and thus are onlyuseful when the desired result is binary (e.g. pregnant/not-pregnant). Obtaining a quantitative result requires a morecomplex sensor system and sample handling technique,which typically must be interpreted and displayed by areusable and often research grade instrument. While somesimple visual feedback systems have been developed, as withcolorimetric tests, these tend to rely on higher initial targetnumber than are found in most applications and are subjectto user interpretation error.

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A second challenge is that most of the analytes a typicalconsumer wants to be tested for (e.g. vitamin D) do notrequire frequent testing. In the consumer market the readerand consumable model has proven most successful wherethe user must make numerous measurements over the courseof a day or week, as is done with blood glucose monitoring.In such a case the consumer is willing to spend a little moreto purchase a reader since it will be used so frequently, orconversely the company may be willing to sell the reader at aloss in order to increase consumable sales. For cases wheremeasurements are made sporadically or with much lowerfrequency, the cost of purchasing a personal reader systemcan be prohibitively high, particularly for the casual user,representing a high bar to market entry.

A role for smartphone basedlab-on-chip diagnostics

We believe the extreme societal penetration of the smartph-one and its ubiquity, familiarity, and functionality, can fun-damentally alter this predicament. Almost 46% of Americanadults have a smartphone today and this number is expectedto keep increasing with an anticipated 250 million smartphonesin use in the US by the year 2016.6 This means that nearlyevery person in the US (and by extension most developedcountries) is either carrying a smartphone with them or hasnear immediate access to one. Not only do these devices con-tain state-of-the-art imaging, data analysis, communications,and social networking capabilities, they are an extremely easyto use and familiar to almost all age groups. It is common tosee everyone from the elderly to pre-school children usingthem. This familiarity can dramatically reduce required

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Fig. 1 Smartphone based microfluidic and lab-on-chip technology (a) cmicroscopy8 (c) genetic testing9 and (d) electrochemistry analysis.10 Imagpermission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.

training requirements and potentially user errors during test-ing. As we and others have demonstrated, the majority of thefunctionality required to make and interpret a quantitativein vitro measurement is already embedded in smartphones.Fig. 1 shows a few examples of recently demonstrated systemfor colorimetric test strip analysis,7 microscopy,8 genetictesting,9 and electrochemical detection.10 As can be seen, atypical system comprises of an accessory, which is eitherfitted to the smartphone and interacts with the on-boardcamera or the communications port, and a test “chip” (orsimilar) which is inserted into the accessory. The key of suchsystems is that the vast majority of the cost and complexity isembedded in the smartphone, which the user can beexpected to have and therefore need not be engineered sepa-rately into the system. This is transformative for lab-on-chiptechnology because now it can be relied upon that most con-sumers will already own a test reader/instrument in the formof a smartphone and business models can be constructedaround selling the test strips at high margins with a signifi-cantly lower barrier to entry. The opportunity is even moreapparent in lower and middle income countries where therelatively low infrastructure requirements associated withestablishing high-quality cellular (or mobile) networks makessmartphones one of the few widely deployed technologies.

Classifying the state-of-the-art andthe path forward

Recognizing the potential for smartphone-based health moni-toring, a number of health-related systems have recently beendeveloped. The field is advancing rapidly, though as of thewriting of this article the commercial state-of-the-art in the

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olorimetric analysis for serum cholesterol detection7 (b) smartphonees (b), (c), and (d) reproduced from ref. 8,9 and 10 respectively with

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area includes fitness applications and smartphone accesso-ries that record basic healthcare information such as bloodpressure and body mass index. Examples of these include:exercise and fitness monitoring applications, heart-rate andblood-pressure monitoring, vaccine logs, sleep monitoringapplications, diagnosis decision support apps, and applica-tions that can be used to image and diagnose skin cancer.Large efforts11,12 have been formed to try to integrate many ofthese technologies into a single platform, encouraged by suchprograms as the TriCorder X-prize.13 In 2011, smartphone basedhealthcare was worth $1.3 billion, up nearly twice its 2010 value,with the majority of the revenue coming from accessory sales.14

Most of these broadly available existing commercial sys-tems rely on user input or physical measurements that aregenerally non-specific to a particular pathology but easy toobtain. As outlined on our technology development roadmap,Fig. 2, these can be classified as “1st generation” systems.Expansion beyond these coarse measurements requiresmolecular analysis of bodily fluids like sweat, saliva, urineand blood, all of which contain a much deeper wealth ofphysiological information. Given that handling and analyzingthese fluids represents the core technological strength of lab-on-chip devices, the opportunities for synergies are apparent.Towards this end a number of start-up and larger companieswill be the first to offer 2nd and 3rd generation products.These are labeled in Fig. 2 as “Emerging products availablesoon”. The first of these are likely to be products related to“healthy living”, wellness, fitness and sports, which areattractive both in terms of the premium the target customeris able/willing to pay and the potential for a lower regulatorybarrier. An example of this is a recent device by our groupthat monitors sweat and salivary pH for hydration analysisand oral health, respectively.15 Others works include thedevelopment of apps and accessories that will interpret theurine test strips commonly used in doctors' offices or existingrapid diagnostic test strips. For conflict of interest reasonswe will not list any of these companies herein. Though theoverall market size may be relatively small for any one of thesegiven diagnostics, applications which take advantage of existingtest-strip are appealing points of entry from a commercialpoint of view as they represent existing well-established

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Fig. 2 Smartphone based lab-on-chip technology roadmap. Image illulab-on-chip technology from the existing product state to likely areas of hig

markets and require limited development time. As ofthe writing of this article regulatory agencies are stilldeciding how such systems will be regulated, however it islikely that the barrier to approval will be lower than thatrequired for the development of entirely new diagnostics (seeYetisen et al.16).

Referring back to Fig. 2, what we have delineated as the4th and 5th generation systems are those that are perhapsthe most interesting as they are likely to have the longestterm impact. 4th generation systems that combine chemicaland physical assays are likely to have greater sensitivity andspecificity than either technique individually. For exampleone can imagine a long term stress testing system thatcombines salivary cortisol (a typical chemical marker forincreased stress but subject to a number of confounders)with physical assays that look at vocal changes.17 As for 5thgeneration systems, there are already a few smartphonebased systems that have demonstrated blood analysis.18 Gen-erally speaking however the wealth of information availablefrom blood analysis (ranging from general markers of infec-tious disease, to cancer diagnostics, to vitamin and micronu-trient deficiencies) is so incredible that further research willcertainly lead to more exciting applications.

For those interested in the area, there are a number ofdifferent application entry-points, some of which we haveoutlined above. Prior to concluding this paper we expand ontwo case studies: nutrition and micronutrient monitoringand limited resource setting disease diagnostics. As with theprevious parts of this paper, the purpose of these sections isnot to provide a detailed review of the work done in the field,but rather outline what we see as the major advantages ofsmartphone based lab-on-a-chip technology applied to theseareas and some of the challenges with deployment. Theseoverall advantages are summarized in Fig. 3.

Example application area 1: nutritionand micronutrient monitoring

2.6 M people died from the consequences of high cholesterolin 200419 and nearly 30% of all cancers in the US have beenestimated to be a result of poor diet.20 A third of the world's

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strates the possible technological progression of smartphone basedh-reward R&D.

Fig. 3 Smartphone based LOC technology could provide a number ofimportant advantages for health monitoring and diagnostics. Keybenefits for nutrition monitoring include personalized and rapid carewith a low barrier to entry while for disease diagnostics it offers earlydiagnosis, better patient monitoring, and spatiotemporal tracking capability.

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population is estimated to suffer from micronutrient defi-ciencies, with vitamin A and zinc deficiencies alone thoughtto be responsible for more than 1 M deaths each year world-wide.21 While the chronic social, political, and environmentalchallenges that are responsible for suboptimal nutrition inmany parts of the world are unlikely to be solved through thedevelopment of the technologies described herein, there aresome areas where they can be impactful.

The near term impact that smartphone based monitoringcan have is in enabling more rapid personalized, or at leastlocalized, awareness of deficiencies or suboptimal nutritionthrough direct physiological feedback. Many nutrition prob-lems can be controlled through changes in diet by takingsupplements or other therapeutics (e.g. statins for choles-terol) or behavior modification. In the absence of a simplefeedback mechanism it is difficult for an individual to judgehow well any of these interventions are working. One rela-tively simple example is micronutrient deficiencies, whichthe Copenhagen Consensus has identified as the most cost-effective intervention to further global development and prog-ress.22 Domestically, the Institute of Medicine recently con-cluded that as many as half of older adults in the UnitedStates who had hip fractures were vitamin D deficient.23 Theproblem with diagnosing micronutrient deficiencies is thatthey are often not clinically obvious. At present feedback isusually obtained via the cumbersome and centralized proce-dures that lab-on-a-chip technology was originally envisionedto disrupt (in the US this typically involves drawing blood ata phlebotomist visit, sending the sample to a centralized labfor analysis, and receiving the results weeks later at a physi-cian's visit). Determining if interventions (i.e. supplements orchanges in diet) have made any difference has to wait untilthe next visit to a physician. This feedback cycle can beexpensive, slow, and lead to lower compliance.

Addressing this problem fits well into the advantages ofsmartphone based lab-on-chip diagnostics for a number ofreasons. Firstly, the healthy ranges of most markers (e.g. cho-lesterol) are typically well defined and broadly accepted. This

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is useful because it simplifies the system's ability to providedirect feedback. Secondly, while deficient/non-deficient orlow/good/high type non-quantitative feedback is useful, pre-cise quantification of levels is clearly more valuable in termsof tracking outcomes. Thirdly, while the current feedbackloop may be too long, it is rare that a given nutrition markerwill require anything beyond periodic monitoring. This latterpoint is particularly important as it means that users may bewilling to pay a higher premium for the test if they do notalso have to purchase a separate reader, thus reducing thebarrier to entry into the market for the test. In limitedresource setting environments or where access to propernutrition may be limited, this type of technology can also beuseful in helping to analyze populations quickly and helpgovernments or NGOs provide better target nutritionalinterventions.

Example application area 2: diseasediagnostics in limited resourcesettings

Significant opportunity also exists in the development ofsmartphone-based lab-on-chip diagnostics for communicable(e.g. the flu) and non-communicable (e.g. certain cancers)disease diagnostics in limited resource settings. The relativelylow level of infrastructure required for mobile phone net-works combined with low cost mass manufacturing of hand-sets and relatively flexible licensing terms for some operatingsystems (e.g. Android) has led to relatively broad access tosmartphone technology in these settings.24 We note thatwhile the terms “limited resource settings” and “low incomecountries” are often conflated, they clearly mean very differ-ent things. Both developed and less developed countries arelikely to have regions that have limited access to what mightbe considered routine healthcare or diagnostic services else-where in the country. This has important consequencesbecause it means that there are significant co-developmentopportunities in which technologies can be developed forlimited resource settings in countries that hold the economiccapacity to pay for the required research and development,while the resulting products can ultimately be deployed globally.

We see three key advantages that smartphone based lab-on-chip diagnostics can offer in limited resource settings: (1)facilitating early-stage accurate diagnosis, (2) maintainingbetter communication and monitoring of patients, and (3)enabling better tracking of disease outbreaks. One of the keyadvantages of lab-on-chip and biosensor technology is thatthey can produce diagnostic sensitivities and specificities thatare comparable to those obtained with centralized testingwithout, in principle, having to go to a centralized facility.Though certainly not always true, generally speaking thesehigher sensitivities and specificities can lead to early stagedetection of certain diseases and, again general speaking,early detection is relatively well correlated with better mortal-ity and morbidity outcomes. The accuracy of any molecular

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diagnostic procedure however is reliant on the test steps,timing, and device being used correctly. At least some of theprocedural errors can be reduced simply through the incor-poration of smartphones since users are likely to already befamiliar with the interface and that interface has alreadybeen highly tuned to be intuitive and easy to use. Othererrors can be addressed through a combination of propertraining (particularly in the case which a healthcare worker isdeployed to perform the test), careful device engineering, andtaking advantage of the imaging, computation, and voice fea-tures of the device to determine if a test has been done cor-rectly and troubleshoot problems. With regards to the secondpoint, a key problem with all diagnostics that require apatient to provide a sample (e.g. blood or biopsy) which thenmust be assessed by a specialist at a centralized facility is ingetting back in touch with the original patient after theresults are available. By linking the diagnostic test to asmartphones, even if the test itself cannot be interpretedimmediately and must be verified by a remote specialist, itshould be easier to get back in touch with the patient to relaythe results and provide instructions for further treatment.Thirdly, aggregation and spatiotemporal tagging of test resultscan greatly facilitate real-time tracking of disease vectors andmapping of outbreaks. Combining efforts that track indirectmeasures of sickness, such as social media chatter,25 withdirect biomedical data could help better target interventions.


The worldwide update in smartphone-type technologyrepresents a potentially transformative opportunity for thedeployment of lab-on-chip technology. The fact that mostindividuals in the world carry around, or at least have accessto, a robust, intuitive to use, and incredibly powerful: imag-ing, computation, communication, and social networkingdevice should be accounted for in the development of futurelab-on-chip devices. In this paper we have outlined why wethink it will be transformative and what new business modelswill result as well as outlined a couple of application areaswhere we believe will be impactful in the short term.


D.E. acknowledges funding support through a CAREER award#0846489 from the US National Science Foundation, the Aca-demic Venture Fund of the Atkinson Center for a SustainableFuture at Cornell University, and the National Institutes ofBiomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH-NIBIB) underawards EB015110 and EB016803. S.M. also acknowledges thesupport of the Academic Venture Fund of the Atkinson Centerfor a Sustainable Future at Cornell University. In addition,V.O. acknowledges the support of the National Science andEngineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) through aPostgraduate scholarship. M.M. would like to acknowledge aNational Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowshipunder grant no. DGE-0707428. Helpful suggestions on this

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manuscript from David Sinton at the University of Torontoare also acknowledged.


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