lame sales excuses salespeople use

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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If you ever find yourself using any of these excuses it is time for a healthy injection of positive attitude because after all, these excuses are all comments made that reflect the salespersons attitude.


It is easy to allow your attitude to lapse into self-fulfilling negativity when you are a salesperson - after all there is a lot of rejection, difficult people, unreasonable customers, and other potentially

challenging situations that you have to deal with.

If you ever find yourself using any of these

excuses it is time for a healthy injection of

positive attitude because after all, these

excuses are all comments made that reflect the salespersons attitude.

By the way these are the 12 Sales Excuses That the Best Salespeople will Never Use

1. The product sucks

Why did you take the sales job if you didn’t believe in the product?

2. The price is too high

Sell value not price, amateurs sell price.

3. No time for prospecting

Create time, plan ahead, stick to schedule, and ruthlessly eliminate time wasters.

4. Goals are too high

Stay committed, sense of urgency, and plan steps to achieve goals.

5. Our competitors are better

See #1, do you know why and how to contrast to competitors? Are you buying into their PR instead of believing in your company?

6. We do not get enough support

Are you looking for someone else to do your work? Are these questions you should be able to answer? If not, go home.

7. No one is buying now

Create urgency and value, most companies have budget and will make decisions if shown value.

8. My product is a commodity

Is it corn, oil, rocks, paper napkins – even with these basic products great salespeople will create value and differentiation.

9. Can’t get an appointment

No rapport, trust, initial value communication, you are not interesting enough to talk to.

10. Can’t get them to return my calls

See #9 and did you give them a reason to call you back?

11. Not enough people know about our products/run more ads

Marketing and selling are two different things – have you closed every single opportunity in front of you?

12. All I need is more leads

Closely related to #11 – cherry picking is not high level selling, be strategic, identify your best prospects and get to them by yourself, you cannot wait for them to find you.

It's not my job

no comment necessary on this one.

Oops ... Let's make it 13 ...

Have I missed any good ones!

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