lammas, 2006 earthtides pagan network news · discordia; hail eris goddess of chaos and confusion ,...

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Lammas, 2006

Living in Maine, Celebrating the Earth

sion of the God in past issues while I have pursued my own deepening study of the God-dess, but I have finally arrived at a point where I want to ex-plore more fully that missing entity in the Wheel of the Year, and the wholeness of creation, which is the God. We can only begin to under-stand Goddess if there is a cor-ollary – that which is not-Goddess. As Goddess the Creator, so God is the Created.

It is fitting to look at Dio-

nysus at Lammas, the first har-vest sabbat, for he is a harvest deity. But he is much more than the God of the Grape, as he is perhaps best known. One of the few gods and goddesses that have come down to us more or less whole and unfractionized despite the growth of civilization and patriarchy,

Dionysus is a complex god whose role changes with the cyclical turning of the year. Thus he is differing things depend-ing upon the season and sabbat. Above all, he is gentle, tender, and comforting. How could the Goddess create anything else to be her son and lover? He is the Hunter, but in the role of life-giver to the tribe rather than life-taker. He is the Horned God – untamed sexuality – but at the same time manifesting the deep holy connection to sacred sexuality. He is the power of feeling and, in the words

of Jean Shinoda Bolen (Gods in Everyman), “the image of what men could be like if they were liberated from the constraints of patriarchal culture.” He is free to be wild, angry, and sex-ual without being cruel, vio-lent, and coercive. He is spiri-tual without forfeiting sensual-ity, and he can truly love. Fi-nally, Dionysus is the Dying God, personifying death in service to life. He is the har-vest, “the giving over that sus-tains life.” As Goddess is the

The other name for the Lammas sab-bat is Lughnasad, “the Dance of Lugh,” which names the Celtic incarnation of the Goddess’s son grown to manhood and finally to sacrifice at the harvest. A more familiar form of the God, and one more fully delineated thanks to the liter-ate Greeks and their extensive mythol-ogy, is Dionysus, who personifies in the most complete manner the totality of the God’s relationship to the Goddess as son, lover, and dying old man. I may certainly be criticized for omitting discus-

Earth and the Wheel, Dionysus is the Grain and the one who travels around the Wheel in perpetual birth, death, and rebirth. Dionysus is “the sacrifice of life to death that life may go on.” He is all that is born and destroyed.

(Continued on page 4)

Inside this issue:

About the EarthTides Pagan Network


Aesir to Zeus : Book Reviews


Book Review: Moon Tides, Soul Passages


About the EarthTides Pagan Network News


Kitchen Witch: Grape Salad Dionysus


Urban by Nature:

Urban Green Space 5

Starcat’s Corner: Barefoot Hiking


Green Witch: Grapes and Prosperity


EPN T-Shirts 8

Discover Spiral Scouts! 9

Join Us At Common Ground Fair!


Calendar of Events 10

Networking 11

Lammas and Dionysus

Newsletter Staff:

Editors: Anu Dudley

and Fred Griffith

Contributors to this



Joie Grandbois

Arwen Evenstar, Starcat,

Harper Meader


Aree Blackcat


EarthTides Pagan Network News

added some fun (illustrations and comments). Ronin Publishing, $14.00.

Discordia; Hail Eris Goddess of Chaos and Confusion, by Malaclypse the Younger, is a parody of religion in which Eris is worshipped as a God-dess of discord. While the text is substantially the same as Principia Discordia, in the public domain, the author has

Submission deadline for the Mabon,

06 issue is August 14, 2006.

Adept Circle Magick: Guide for the Advanced Wiccan Practitioner by Kirk White is one of an increasing number of advanced Wicca books. White's book stands out from many others, because of a solid ground-ing in reality (both academic and personal), the practical nature of his suggestions and exercises, and the

clarity with which he presents his material. Citadel, $12.95.

Aesir to Zeus : Book Reviews by Arwen Evenstar

About the EarthTides Pagan Network

The Maine Pagan community is diverse, independent and geographically distant. We worship in groups or alone, but sometimes need contact and a shared forum to express our ideas and concerns for this community.

The EarthTides Pagan Network was established in 1989 as a support resource for Maine Pagans. All soli-taries and groups are welcome to join.

A subscription to this newsletter is available for a sug-gested donation of $11.00 per year. Single copies may

be obtained by sending a $1.50 donation and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: EPN, P.O. Box 161, E. Winthrop, ME 04343.


Page 2 EarthTides Pagan Network News

Family Wicca: Practical Pa-ganism for Parents and Chil-dren by Ashleen O'Gaea is a revised and expanded version of the well-respected original published in 1993. The author has updated her material on Wiccan history to reflect modern research, added a sec-tion on perfect love and per-fect trust, and brings a new perspective earned by parent-

ing older kids. If you're a pagan parent, you need this book. New Page, $14.99.

Be Blessed: Daily Devotions for Busy Wiccans and Pagans by Denise Dumars gives read-ers a variety of daily practices, including Chi Gong, ritual bathing, affirmations, medita-tion, and communicating with the sacred. It's multi-cultural, and works with just about all traditions and point of view. You may not be able to make all these practices your own,

but you'll want to give many of them a try. New Page, $12.99.

I am honored to be an early reader of Moon Tides, Soul Passages by Maria Kay Simms (Starcrafts Publish-ing, Kensington, NH) 2004. I am a long-time admirer of Simms' work as author, community leader and Crone. I read this book with three times before writ-ing this review. First, I came as a student. I found Simms' scholarship excellent, the exercises challenging, her explanation for the connections with the Wiccan of the Year illuminating, the information very accessible and the organization of the material unique and inter-esting. The software program was easy to use and the print out was very clear.

My second reading was as someone teaching a class in "remedial astrology", preparatory to a teaching third Wiccan level of training. I constantly search for books that contain fresh perspectives and are grounded in a strong and consistent ethical stance. Simms has met her own goal of "speaking to the soul", and at the same time providing a simple and understandable in-troduction to basic astrological signs and houses with-out "rehashing" the material. Her treatment of the elemental (earth, air, fire, water) and modal (cardinal, fixed, mutable) aspects of the signs meshes beautifully with the concepts of Maiden, Nurturer, and Crone ex-emplified by Triple Goddesses and their stories.

My third reading was for my own edification, growth and development. My Pisces moon self feels "secure when I am spiritually connected", as I was able

About the EarthTides Pagan Network News

All signed articles and artwork are the property of their creators, and ads are the property of our advertisers; these may not be used elsewhere without permission.

All other content is copyright © 2006 EarthTides Pa-gan Network, all rights reserved. The EarthTides Pa-gan Network News and the EarthTides name and "Moon-over-Maine" logo are copyright © 2006 EarthTides Pagan Network, and may not be used without written permission of the EPN Council.

This newsletter comes out eight times a year, around the Sabbats. Literary, poetic and artistic contributions are welcome, as are opinion pieces. Please keep sub-missions to no more than two pages, double-spaced. Please submit on disk or e-mail to

Subscribers' names, addresses and other personal infor-mation are kept confidential except to other network members. EPN will aid in establishing contact between individuals, but accepts no legal responsibility for the results.

Book Review: Moon Tides, Soul Passages

menting with possibilities through journaling, con-sciousness of the moon's transiting phase and sign, and ritual met that need for me.

I recommend this book highly: I'm grateful that the author decided to publish the book as it is. It will be a textbook that my students, formal and infor-mal, will have the opportunity to enjoy for many years.

Cynthia Jane Collins, M.Div, M.S

Co Author with Jane Raeburn,

• Building a Magical Relationship, New York: Citadel Press, 2002.

• Recovery Spiral, New York: CitadelPress, 2004.

Page 3 Lammas, 2006

to do easily using the tools in this book. I am also an artist, and I related easily and well to the incredible paintings. Since my moon is in the seventh house, bal-ance is a key concept for me. I found this book to be beautifully balanced between practical application, mental considerations and spiritual insight. My birth moon was balsamic, and experi-

quixotic, promiscuous, and lacking the quality of humane responsibility intended by Goddess. Mod-eled after these lesser gods, men’s lives are deprived of the wholeness possible in Dionysus, and women’s lives become defensive and closed, unable to be fully present. Even the compassionate quali-ties of civilization’s most recent incarnation of the God – Jesus – are overshadowed by the conditional and judgmental stipulations of patriarchy. This dis-courages both men and women from the fullest ex-pression of “being,” to travel the Wheel in a state of perpetual transformation and infinite possibility, ever in reference to the Center, which is Goddess. May Dionysus, whose gift is to be present in every changing moment, be alive in your hearts and in your lives.

So Mote It Be. Marigold

Lammas and Dionysus


More than any other god in Western tradition, Dionysus has the most intimate, integrated relation-ship with Goddess. In mythology, he was a rescuer of women, saving and wedding Ariadne when she was abandoned on a desert island by Theseus, and raising his own mother, Semele, out of Hades to live on Mount Olympus. He was the androgyne shaman, so free in his essential core to blend effort-lessly both his male and female energy and to un-dergo the continuous transformation from mother’s son to maiden’s consort to crone’s departing com-panion, never stuck at any point along the cycling Wheel of the Year. He is the essential flow of life – the in-breath and the out-breath – just as Goddess is the animating principle – the breather of the breath.

Patriarchal society banished the Goddess and split her son/lover into many lesser gods, emphasiz-ing actions like hunting, fighting, healing, forging, altered-state abandon, and sexual licentiousness, but omitting the gentle, tender, and comforting qualities originally bestowed by Goddess. Instead, these new gods were perceived as stern, vengeful, destructive,

(Continued from page 1)

Page 4 EarthTides Pagan Network News

Kitchen Witch: Grape Salad Dionysus

Here is an easy and refreshing recipe for incorporat-ing grapes into the post-Lammas ceremony pot luck meal. You should assemble it right at the table. This rec-ipe serves four celebrants.

1 cup spinach leaf, torn to bite size 1 1/2 cups green grapes 1 cup diced apples – any kind with green skin 1/2 cup feta cheese, crumbled 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar

Combine spinach, grapes, and apples in the salad bowl. Mix in the feta cheese; then add the balsamic vine-gar and toss. This should be served immediately.

Be Well, Marigold

Urban by Nature: Urban Green Space As pagans, part of our spiritual practice is to spend time connecting with nature. For those of us who live in the more rural parts of our state this may be as sim-ple as walking out the back door. Those pagans who live in the city, might pack up the car and drive to a state park or beach to spend the afternoon. There are times though when we don't have the time to take a drive out of the city, or we may have made a personal choice to not to own a vehicle, or to simply drive less. How can we still find places to commune with the natural world while living in the city?

One of my favorite places in Portland is in Deering Oaks Park. On days when I am feeling overstressed, tired or just in need of a little green, I can walk just a couple of blocks from my apartment and wander be-neath the spreading branches of 200 year old oak trees. There are a few trees there that are favorites of mine and over my ten years in Portland I have come to know them well. I will sit with my back against their broad trunks and close my eyes, it does not take long for my worries of the moment to be forgotten, and for me to feel at peace again. On other days I might sit near the water's edge and watch the ducks paddling around the pond. Their smooth, unhurried pace across the water is soothing to watch.

In Portland it is nearly impossible to not be aware of the ocean. Even where I live, where the water is not visible, we feel the ocean breeze and the air often has a salty touch. Where I work though is very near the ocean and I have spent many lunch hours listening to the waves on the East End Beach or just walking out to the Maine State Pier to view the islands and watch the sea birds. On the weekends I have spent entire afternoons sunning on the rocks, or beach combing. I have never been happy living too far from the sea and I feel blessed to be in a place where it is so accessible to me.

Urban green spaces do more than just provide a spiri-tual haven for modern day urban pagans. They pro-vide shelter for migratory birds, and insects. Many of these creatures have followed the same migration

routes for centuries before our cities were ever here. In Portland there is a flock of Canada geese that stop by Deering Oaks Park each autumn on their way south. Those animals that stay here year round find shelter in the spaces as well. The crows that winter here will of-ten roost for the night in the small grove of pines at the edge of the wading pool. I have seen the red tail hawk catch a squirrel and then fly to the upper branches of an oak tree to eat.

In addition the trees in our parks and green spaces serve as nature's air conditioners helping to cool the hot city air. It seems we have more and more days of smog alerts here along the coast each summer due to the combination of hot humid air and the increase in vehicle traffic. Often places like Deering Oaks, or Bax-ter Woods are the only havens at these times. I wonder how much worse it would be without these trees here and I am thankful for their existence.

Portland has many more parks, wildlife sanctuaries and preserves all within easy reach on foot or by bus. Some are well known, like Deering Oaks and others are a bit more hidden, like the Fore River Sanctuary near Stroudwater, with its historic canal and Portland's only natural waterfall. Since the Falmouth Flyer began run-ning, places such as the Gilsland Farm Audubon Sanc-

(Continued on page 6)

Page 5 Lammas, 2006

gives something back to the park and to your commu-nity, and makes these spaces more inviting.

There are may pluses to living in the city. Many of the places one needs to go can be reached on foot or if not public transportation is generally not too far away. We have access to a wide variety of art, music and theatrical

tuary and Mackworth Island are now available to those without vehicles. Groups like Portland Trails have done much to increase the accessibility of green space and to preserve much of the remaining open space in Portland.

With the internet green spaces are easier to find. Many cities have Parks and Recreation departments which are usually linked to the city websites. Often there are groups, such as Portland Trails, that promote green space in cities. Your city's visitor information centers will also likely have a wealth of information as far as where local parks are. Your local librarian can be quite helpful in locating maps and guidebooks.

You can do more than just visit these places, you can also help to sustain them by volunteering time or if you are able by donating funds. Some parks have groups affiliated with them that assist with maintaining the space. Some communities hold annual clean up, plant-ing, maintenance and trail building days. If you are short on time even simply bringing along a bag and picking up the trash you encounter during your visit

(Continued from page 5)

Urban by Nature (Continued)

events. There is a diversity of people and cultures. It is nice to be able to count easy access to green space among those benefits.

Here are a few web resources find more information about urban green space both locally and around the country:

Places to find information on local parks:

Portland Trails -

City of Portland Parks and Recreation -

City of Biddeford Parks and Recreation - (select “Recreation”)

City of Bangor Parks and Recreation -

Lewiston Auburn Parks and Recreation -

Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands -

General Information About Urban Green Space:

Urban Ecology Institute -

The Ecological Cities Project -

Page 6 EarthTides Pagan Network News

Starcat’s Corner: Barefoot Hiking

Over time, as the weather grew colder and wetter, I forgot about going barefoot. During the winter, I re-sumed wearing socks and shoes, and wore slippers in the house so that my feet would stay warm. I ordered some new Birkenstocks online, thinking ahead to spring, not recalling the way my feet felt on the cool grass. Spring came, and it was rainy and cool, so I stayed with socks and close-toed shoes. But at last, the sun peeked through, and I started hiking.

Not wanting to get my new Birks muddy on a hike with Quester, I decided to take them off and put them in my backpack. Within moments, I could feel the en-ergy of the forest more strongly: the trees breathing, the earth's heartbeat, the life force of the moss and flowers, the humbling strength of the rocks. My awareness con-tinued to expand as I walked, placing each foot as if in a moving meditation. As my consciousness shifted, colors seemed brighter, my love and joy for Quester seemed bigger, and I could feel the attention of the Goddess upon me. Barefoot hiking made a beautiful day even more magickal and meaningful.

Recently I was able to introduce a close friend of mine to the pleasures of barefoot hiking. Getting past the initial discomfort of roots and sharp stones, he opened himself to the experience, as I had done at witch camp. I could see the shift in his consciousness as he allowed the direct connection with the earth to flow up through his feet. We also did some silent hik-ing, which again expanded our awareness of the ener-gies surrounding us and connecting us. The cool mud

soothed our feet, and we headed for low spots on the trail, rather than going around them. Flat rocks in the sun also became fa-vorite spots for a moment of rest, and we picnicked with our feet in the stream, feel-ing ourselves fully open to all of the elements: the cold water, hot sun, soothing breeze, and pa-tient rocks.

The reaction of the other hik-ers was interest-

ing and amusing. Most people were incredulous that we would hike barefoot, and said things like “you must have really tough feet!” One woman said she “could never do that,” to which my friend quipped, “sure you could, just take off your shoes.” A little girl told my friend intently “you have mud on your feet.” An older woman stopped us to tell us about a friend of hers who always hiked barefoot, and who had written a phi-losophical treatise about the benefits. That led me to do a little bit of research when I got home, and I found a cool website,, that will give you more information if you’re interested.

Hiking has long been one of my favorite summer activities, and now it has taken on a new dimension, directly related to the energy work I’ve been doing. Go ahead and try it, with a friend or on your own. Or if you don’t hike, take a barefoot walk around your yard or a park. Open yourself to the loving energies of the earth, grounding and releasing with each deliberate step. Enjoy the warmth and aliveness of the earth at this vibrant time of the year. Blessed Lammas!

Last summer at a Reclaiming witch camp, I (re)discovered the joys of going barefoot. It was a very rainy week, and the terrain was hilly, rocky and muddy. Soon all three of the pairs of shoes I had brought (sandals, sneakers and hiking boots) were completely soaked through, and the notion of dry socks was a laughing matter. So, I decided to go barefoot. My studies that week were focused on connecting with na-ture and the divine, and I soon found that having my skin directly connected to the earth with each step was a profound experience. By the time I came home, I could hardly wear shoes at all. The chakras on the bot-tom of my feet were wide open and the energy between myself and Mother Earth was flowing freely.

Page 7 Lammas, 2006

EPN T-Shirts

In case you missed it, EPN still has a few more of our beautiful T-Shirts available for sale. This design sports the original EPN logo and is available in Birch, Sand and Natural.

$15.00 S,M,L,XL $17.00 2X Order now! Please add: $4.00 shipping E.P.N. P.O. Box 161, E. Winthrop, ME 04343.

Experience Hypnosis In The

Comfort and Privacy Of Your Home

9 titles to choose from!

Becoming the Goddess, Sleep, Mem-ory

Intuition, Spirit Contact and more!

By: Janet I. Decker, C.Ht.

Unconditionally Guaranteed when purchased from Endorsed by Ann Moura, author of Green Witchcraft

I, II, and III

Page 8 EarthTides Pagan Network News

Green Witch: Grapes and Prosperity In honor of Dionysus, we consider the grape. It

grows wild on the edges of meadows and clearings, climbing trees and old stone walls, or flowing along the ground, always reaching to the sun. The source of wine, which often symbolizes life’s sacred fluid – blood – the grape has for millennia represented abundance and transcendence. The grape is sacred to Dionysus and his Roman counterpart, Bacchus, as well as to

Hathor, whose own essence mirrors the grapes’ magi-cal, transformational qualities. Grapes are used in cere-mony to promote fertility – of land, body, and mind. Grapes are also used in money spells.

Barrie Dolnick’s spell for attracting money, for ex-ample (Simple Spells for Success), calls for an altar set with

a green candle, a vase of yellow roses, essential oil of either poppy, honey suckle, or almond dabbed on the candle (I use the seeds, blossoms, or nuts instead), and a nice, big bunch of grapes. She advises, on a Friday night during the waxing phase of the moon and two hours after sunset, to say aloud:

I draw in the eternal flow of prosperity to connect with me on this Venus evening. I call in fire, earth, air, and water to manifest abundance around me. I affirm I am open to all forms of prosperity, and that it comes to me easily and readily. I ask that I be guided to use this gift within the greater good. So mote it be.

Then, you blow out the candle and eat some grapes to internalize the spell. Repeat it for as many evenings as you wish until the full moon. Then dis-pose of the flowers (and the seeds, blossoms, and nuts, if you used them instead).

Blessed Be, Marigold

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Looking for a different kind of scouting experience for your kid?

We are an eclectic, nature-based Pagan Circle. We seek to help boys and girls cultivate a holistic spiritual worldview as they learn, work and play together. Chil-dren are actively involved in creating and directing their own learning in an inclusive, accepting and nurturing en-vironment. We have openings for girls and boys ages 5-12.

For more information, contact: Lisa Marie:


Nikki: 929-3574,

Hope: 799-1912,

Discover Spiral Scouts!

Page 9 Lammas, 2006

The EarthTides Pagan Network will again have a

booth at Common Ground Country Fair in Unity,

Maine (about 30 miles east of Waterville). This is

the 30th year of Common Ground Country Fair.

Since 1991, EarthTides has had a booth each year

in the Social/Political Action area of the fair-

grounds. Some years, more people have asked for

directions to our booth than any other booth at the


At the Common Ground Country Fair, we have a

great opportunity to help Maine Pagans network

with others, and to share the truth about Wicca and

other forms of Paganism with the public. Apple

Valley Books has graciously provided hundreds of

books, buttons, bumper stickers, calendars, mugs

and music which are sold at the booth. The income

from these sales help to cover EPN’s costs for the

booth, and many other expenses throughout the


None of this happens by itself, however. EPN still

needs volunteers to help staff the booth and to par-

ticipate in public talks at the fair.

The fair runs from Friday, Sept. 22 through Sun-

day, Sept. 24. If you would be interested and avail-

able to give us a hand, please call Fred Griffith, at

532-2455. Thanks!

Join Us at Common Ground Country Fair!


29 Open Lughnasadh circle at Forest Sanctuary in Jay. Arrive after 5:00, circle at 6:00, details from

28 Silver Cauldron's Lammas at 4:00 in Saco. Details, RSVP, and Directions from 207-282-1491 or , 207-642-3778.


1 Lammas or Lughnasad Sabbat

9 Full Moon

12 Maine Pagan Pride Day in Portland.

23 New Moon


7 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

17 Silver Cauldron's Mabon at 4:00 in Saco. Details, RSVP, and Directions from 207-282-1491 or , 207-642-3778.

22 New Moon and Solar Eclipse

22-24 Common Ground Country Fair—Unity, ME. Join us at our booth to meet and talk with other Pagans, and to educate the public. See article on page 9.

23 Autumnal Equinox. Open Mabon circle at Forest Sanctuary in Jay. Arrive after 5:00, circle at 6:00, details from

30 Norse Blot at Ironwood Hollow in Sidney. Drinking age only. Norse all-night toasting/blessing mead ritual. We’ll need firm early RSVP, in order to supply sufficient beverages, so that’s why the early announcement. Not restricted to Norse practitioners! For details and directions, e-mail


6 Full Moon

13 Friday the 13--how cool is that? Fridays are sacred to Freya, Norse Goddess of Witchcraft, and thirteen is, well, thirteen! Baker's dozen, you know...

22 New Moon

28 Open Samhain circle at Forest Sanctuary in Jay. Arrive after 5:00, circle at 6:00, details from

28 Mercury goes into retrograde. Yes, again! Count to ten before hitting "send."

31 Samhain Eve


5 Full Moon

17 Mercury Direct. Whew! Now the duct tape can come off...

20 New Moon


4 Full Moon

16 Open Yule circle at Forest Sanctuary in Jay. Arrive after 5:00, circle at 6:00, details from

17 Silver Cauldron's Yule at 4:00 in Saco. Details, RSVP, and Directions from 207-282-1491 or

21 Yule

Monthly Events

Beans, Leaves & Deities: Pagan Coffee Chats – 2nd Saturday’s Septem-ber 2006 – April 2007, 2 – 5 p.m., New Portland Church, Portland, ME. Coffee, tea and meet other Southern, Maine Pagans. All Pagan paths are welcome. Our goal is to provide a safe, fun and welcoming space for local Pagans to meet, network, share ideas and enjoy a cuppa. One hour topical discussion followed by social time. FMI: call 671-4292,

Open Circles in Lubec, Third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. Circle meetings are open to all like-minded individuals. Different subject each month. For details & directions, call733-4999.

Druidry/Pagan Practice and Training, Bar Mills. For further information, contact Kevin at These are two-hour sessions, held one Sunday afternoon per month, and open to beginners and more advanced practitioners; participants of all Pagan paths are welcome.

Pagan Coffee Klatch, Quilting Bee and Clothing Swap. Gardiner. For further information, contact Jani at

Acorn Circle: 5:30-7:00 PM the fourth Wednesday of each month @ Sam’s Restaurant in Lisbon Falls. Acorn Circle is an eclectic American Wiccan group with degree training worships at Sabbats and Esbats. All training is free and done entirely on a voluntary basis. To join the group and/or to get more info, e-mail: Adults only.

Monthly Full Moon rituals in Phippsburg. Whispering Grove Labyrinth of Spiritual Community is an open community not affiliated with any particu-lar tradition or religion. Contact: 207-389-2423 or

Pagan Home-schooler's Each Wednesday before the full moon , a group meets in Standish from 9:00 to Noon. call (207) 642-5045.

Calendar of Events NOTE: If you'd like your event included in our calendar of events, please send us an e-mail, with Calendar Listings as the subject, to before the

deadline for the issue in which you'd like it listed. Each issue of the newsletter lists the next deadline on the front page.

If you would like an extra copy of this calendar to post on a public bulletin board, please feel free to photocopy it freely. If you know a business in your area which

would like to post one, please send the information to the above e-mail address and we'll add it to the mailing list.

As a service to the Pagan community, we seek to list as many events as possible that would be of interest to Maine Pagans. You need not be a member of EPN, or even a subscriber to this newsletter, to list an event here. All we ask is that events be non-profit -- that is, that any fees for participating not exceed the reason-able cost of putting on the event -- and submitted to us by e-mail or post by the publication deadline. (Those planning for-profit events are welcome to avail them-

selves of our very affordable advertising opportunities.)

We make no claim as to the value or safety of any of these events, and caution our readers to rely on their own best judgment when assessing any situation, par-ticularly those involving strangers. That said, we also encourage you to participate in as wide a spectrum of the Pagan community as you can, both for your own

Page 10 EarthTides Pagan Network News

Be a part of the EarthTides Pagan Network!

AUGUSTA AREA Bill and Johanna Chellis. Pantheists working with the circle,

wheel and labyrinth. 685-3860 Immanent Grove. A fellowship of practicing Pagans of all persuasions. Members pursue their own personal relation-ships with the Gods. We're interested in corresponding with experienced Pagans who would like to work with us. Harper and Arwen, Immanent Grove, Box 2328 Middle

Road, Sidney, ME 04330

OXFORD HILLS AREA Khyrohn Ni Mara. Eclectic Wiccan focusing on healing through herbs and drumming. RR1 Box 2606, N. Water-

ford, ME 04267. 583-4215.

PORTLAND/YORK COUNTY Temple of Brigantia. Wiccan group honoring the Goddesses and Gods of Britain and Rome. Offering open Full Moon rituals and accepting selected candidates for apprenticeship.

Jane/Cassius, 646-6634 or Circle of the Silver Cauldron, Atlantic. Eclectic Wiccan coven emphasizing creativity and self-development. Great Day celebrations open to the community. Contact Thea or

Harry, 282-1491 or

SPECIAL INTERESTS Deaf Pagans. I would love to meet Deaf adults who are Pagan and other Pagan parents of Deaf children. Ede, 353-

6202 (V/TTY) or PanCraft. Pagan artists, musicians and others beloved of the Muses get together to share their work and honor the Deities who inspire them. Harper and Arwen, Box 2328

Middle Road, Sidney, ME 04330


EPN website

Maine Pagan Resource Page,


Maine Pagan Clergy Association website, Maine Pagan Mailing List, to join send blank e- mail to EPN Mailing List (open to newsletter subscribers

only), to join send blank e-mail to: Maine Pagan Politics List, to join send blank e-mail

to is an on-line site that maps the location of voluntarily supplied Pagan folks in Maine. Check it out, add yourself, meet some fellow Pagans in your


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___ New membership ___ Renewal

Mail to: EPN, P.O. Box 161, E. Winthrop, ME 04343.

Networking The people and groups listed here are mentioned because they have done two things: They have volunteered to serve as points of contact for those seeking Pagan community, and they have agreed to follow a set of basic rules of ethical conduct. Any person or group may be listed here by subscribing to this newsletter and agreeing to those expectations; please contact EPN to arrange such a listing.

EPN has no interest in serving as the "Pagan police," and explicitly supports the autonomy of each person and group in mat-ters of faith, belief and worship. The Maine Pagan community encompasses a wide variety of people and practices, and seekers are cautioned that any person or activity that makes you uncomfortable is probably wrong for you.

Groups and individuals who seek networking opportunities but are reluctant to sign the Standards are encouraged to take advantage of our advertising columns.

Page 11 Lammas, 2006

EPN P.O. Box 161

E. Winthrop, ME 04343

September 22 – 24, 2006

Unity, Maine See Page 9 for information about volunteering at

our booth!

Join Us at Common Ground Country Fair!

Follow the signs in

Unity to the


Then come join us at our booth in the So-




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