landing critique-toronto-2013

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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14% of agencies say the extensively test landing page element. More than twice that admit to not testing at all

Agencies that test landing page elements most often test the call-to-action, headline & Registration form.

1: Have a clear and emphasized call to action

2: Work the headline and subhead

Avoid generic terms like “submit”. Making your call toaction specific like “download the white paper now”

Headlines should support the concept that was used to generate the click. “Contextual relevance”

3: Eliminate choices

Avoid distractions that don’t pertain to the goal. If you must have links that don’t lead directly to the primary action, put them in the footer.

10 Tips for Creating an Effective Landing Page

5: Use images judiciously

Study after Study shows that less content converts better. People don’t read on the web…they “scan”

Images are good on a landing page, but… Don’t make the image too large Don’t make it too complex Make sure it renders properly and is correct size Use a caption Make it relevant

10 Tips for Creating an Effective Landing Page

4: Simplify design and reduce text

6: Continuity from start to finishYour visitors arrived from somewhere Make sure your message, keywords and headlines are consistent

10 Tips for Creating an Effective Landing Page

7: Show brand validationLeverage other sources to validate your brand

Trust icons Logos of well recognized clients Media sources that have mentioned the client Testimonials Acceptable payment methods Guarantees

8: Enable sharing and highlight Social ValidationSocial buzz will drive traffic to the page and validate your credibility. Make social sharing of your landing page easy.

10 Tips for Creating an Effective Landing Page

9: Key tactics to seal the deal: Keep conversion barriers to a minimum Create a sense of urgency Use high Contrast buttons that say “Click Here”

3: Test, test, test

The key to ongoing improvement is establishing a culture of testing and tweaking


Can’t miss the phone number

Minimal Escape Routs

Only bare minimum fields are required

“Red” button emphasizes value (not “Submit”)


Simple Picture, Simple Message

Pain Points…Headline intensive

Testimonials“Real People”

©2012 RAM. All rights reserved.

©2012 RAM. All rights reserved.

Poor Contrast in Banner and on form

Draws attention to form

Trust iconGood picture with prominent offer

“Who it’s for” & Guarantee!

Review with stars


Minimal escape routes

Good use of video.Intriguing display

Minimal escape route

Simple, obvious call to action

Clever headline, but direct enough?

Very good use of headlines, graphics & bullet points.

Love the Guarantee!

Could have been leveraged towards the top as well.The concept…not the graphic

Trust icons, Certifications & Validation

FAQ never leaves the page!

Too many links and distractions.

48 hyperlinks! (highlighted in Red)

(not including dropdowns and footer)

Scrolls back and forth. Informative or annoying?

Says exactly what this is about

Too much text. Much of this can be condensed and/or saved for subsequent pages

Suggestion:Make the copy concise and drive to the “Call-to-Action”

Think sequence….

Minimal escape Routes

Trust Icons & Validation

Unnecessary distractions

Too crowded. Try separating into 3 sections

Prominent & Simple. Not asking for too much information.

Missed opportunity. Could say something more exciting.

Too many distractions

Suggestion:Could benefit from a picture so the top navigation becomes unnecessary

What happens if someone clicks the navigation?

Might better leverage deadline for a sense of urgency

What is the benefit of this offer?

Have to already be in the process to determine there is a financial advantage to this offer.

Good secondary use of “Thank You” page

Do Not center text if more than 2 -lines

This probably makes a better Home page than a landing page (areas highlighted in red are separate calls to action …too many)

Headline good for SEO, but not Conversion

Could do better than “Submit”

Could make better use of this area to “tell a story”

Fix this

What is more important, Contact or Ordering process?

Good conversion tool

Report opens in a separate window so we don’t loose this page

Good call to action that literally points to the quote form

Good use of shape and color to drive CTA

top related