language acquisition slide share. bassante m

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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By H. Douglas Brown.

Language, Learning, and TeachingThe definition of mastery learning or

gaining knowledge about a subject or a skill to learn, experience, and instruction. While teaching is to show something or assist in the assessment, prepared knowledge, make out or understand.

In this chapter are answered these questions: the learners what to learn, how learning takes place, when learning a second language takes place, an influential variable in second language acquisition, context of the mother tongue , and the latter is the goal of mastering a second language.

Actually we use audio-lingual method and the principle of the approach.

Behaviorostik researchers assume that the language acquired in accordance with the habit of learning by operant conditioning

The nativist approach which assumes that humans have a language acquisition device, the child already has a natural-language provision in him since birth

First Language Acquisition

There are two theories Behavioristic and nativist

There are various problems in acquiring a first language, including competence and performance, understanding and production, Congenital or parenting, Universal, systematic and variability, Exercise and Frequency, Input, and Discourse

Age and AcquisitionSecond language acquisition by

children and adults are also different, there are several considerations

There is a critical period hypothesis (The Critical Period Hypothesis) which states that there is a biological timetable in language acquisition. In addition to this theory there is also a neurobiologist balance of influence, affect brain development also with language acquisition

Consideration of regional accents of origin, consideration of cognitive, affective considerations, and linguistic considerations should also be considered. The problems that arise in a second language with language problems at first.

Human Learning (Phsichological factors)

Language learning involves all kinds of learning, according to Gagne (1965) there are eight types of learning: learning cues, stimulus-response learning, coupling, verbal association, discrimination, double, learning concepts, learning principles, and the last is problem solving. Such learning will be applied according to the method Behavioristic and cognitive methods.

In the process of generalization there are two processes namely inductive and deductive reasoning. Moreover intelligence is also influential in language learning.

Human cognitive areas is essential for human language acquisition

The process is characteristic of all human beings. The style is a term that refers to the biases or preferences that are consistent and somewhat durable in within one. The force on each person is different, there are more oriented to visual, audio, etc. The strategy is a special method to solve a problem or to convey something

Styles and Strategies

The style of learning is when cognitive styles are specifically linked to the educational context. Learning styles are divided into two styles of reflective and impulsive style.

Left-right brain dominance.

The left and right brains work differently but the left and right brain operate as a team. There are differences in second language learners are predominantly right brain or left brain.

The two hemispheres communicate information, such as sensory observations, to each other through the thick corpus callosum that connects them

Each individual is different from one person to another person. learning strategy is divided into 3 categories: meta-cognitive, cognitive, and socio-affective.

Learning strategies


Personality Factors

Personality or affective factors also affect second language acquisition.

Social and Cultural factors

Second language teachers and learners need to understand cultural differences in order to change the perception becomes appreciation

Language Policy and Politics

Language will prevent social and economic progress in the future. EIL provides positive and negative impacts therefore we must be able to react properly.

Communicative Competence

Some investigators defined cc as the functional aspects of communication: grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic competence and strategic competence.

Discourse analysisDiscourse is the language beyond the sentence. Production and comprehension of language is a factor in our ability to observe and process the barrage of discourse, to bring meaning not only of one sentence but the sentence of a referral before or since.

Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis

Which basically suggests that we should not forget the past experience of action learning, and the influence of language originated from previous experience.

Error Analysis Mistakes are made a reasonable start to begin a lesson. mistakes made when learning the language will bring up a feedback for how it should be a benar

By Manuel Bassante

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