language & grammar powerpoint 103

Post on 04-Dec-2014






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  • 1. FlemingsLANGUAGE & GRAMMAR MECHANICSEnglish/Gram marGrade: 10

2. GRAMMAR MECHANICS The writing process takes time, accuracy, and detail.Good grammar allows for better dialect, enhanced writing skills, and better word verbiage. Definition According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word grammar is the whole system and structure of a language or of languages in general, usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology (including inflections) and sometimes also phonology and semantics. 3. PROPER GRAMMAR USAGE? Learning Adjectives The big girl was riding a new bike. Big tells us which girl were talking about. New tells us what kind of bike were talking about. The tough teacher gave us a final test. Tough tells us what kind of teacher were talking about. Final test tells us which test were talking about. 4. WORDS AND PHRASES Furthermore Therefore Also MeanwhileMoreover In addition LastlyNeverthelessFinally Next Subsequently In the meantime 5. SPEECH AND WRITING Direct SpeechReported SpeechI write books.He says he writes books. 6. PROPER GRAMMAR AND VERBIAGE YouTube Video Grammar Style m/watch?v=3rw GbhGeM8Refer to these useful sites Chicago Manual of Style http://www.chicagomanual toc.html Purdue Owlhttps://owl.english.purdue. edu/owl/section/1/5/ 7. Using Words and Phrases Pick the Correct Word Sentence 1: She went over their/there. Sentence 2- She likes pizza and Josh does to/too. Correction Sentence 1: The correct answer is there. In this sentence, there is described as a destination or place. Sentence 2: The correct answer is too. In this form too is described as an adverb. This indicates to us that something is additionally, or in conjunction with something else. 8. REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEGEMENTS WebsitesOther Sources Purdue Owl Oxford Dictionary Chicago Style Manual YouTube (video)

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