las introducciones introduccioneswb 17...complete the following dialogues logically, based on the...

Post on 19-Jun-2018






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greetings / leave-takings / courtesy expressions

singular subject pronouns

yo, tú, usted, él, ella

basic conversational questions / answers

verbsllamarse, estar, ser, tener


Saludos y Despedidas

I can use appropriate greetings, good-byes and courtesy expressions.


anytime Day break until or before

lunch After lunch or 12:00pm

until before dinner. After dinner until bedtime.

Hola. Buenos días. Buenas tardes. Buenas noches.


Mucho gusto. El gusto es mío.

*Es un placer. *El placer es mío.

*Encantado/a. *Igualmente.

Es mi amigo/a….


Adiós. General good-bye, most common farewell.

Nos vemos. Open-ended farewell, not sure when you’ll see each other.

Hasta luego. Will see each other later the same day.

Hasta mañana. Will see each other tomorrow.

*Hasta pronto. Will see each other soon.

*Hasta la próxima. Will see each other “next time”.

*Hasta la vista. Open-ended farewell, not sure when you’ll see each other.


Práctica con Saludos y Despedidas

I can use appropriate greetings, good-byes and courtesy expressions.

A. It’s your first day back at school. How will you greet your friends and teachers?

1. José, anytime ___________________________________

2. María, at 10 a.m. _________________________________

3. Ricardo, at 2 p.m. _________________________________

4. La Señora Costa, at an evening orientation meeting _________________________________________

B. How would you say good-bye to friends in the following situations?

5. You will see each other again soon. ____________________________________

6. You will see each other at your next dance class. ____________________________________

7. You don’t know for sure exactly when you will see them. ____________________________________

8. You’re going to basketball practice together tonight. ____________________________________

C. How would you respond to friends in the following situations?

9. Es mi amigo Juan. ____________________________________________

10. ¡Encantada! _______________________________________________________________

Cultural Fact:

Relatives and Friends(tú / vosotros en España)

In general, friends and relatives greet each other in Latin America (and Spain) with a kiss or a hug. You may be kissed twice--once on one cheek and once on the other cheek. Just so you know, before you get too excited about all the kissing, these hugs and kisses (cheek to cheek) are so commonplace in the Latin American (and Spanish) culture that they have no romantic meaning. On the other hand, when a male greets another male, it is customary for them just to give each other a hug.

Cultural Fact:

Formal (business)(Ud. / Uds.) In most business situations and greetings, you can generally plan on shaking hands, unless they are a long-time acquaintance or relative. In this case, follow the "Relatives and Friends" guideline.



Fact: In Spanish speaking

countries elders and people who are not known

well are ALWAYS addressed with


Los pronombres sujetos singulares Formal vs. Informal ‘you’


I can address people appropriately.

Remember that there are 2 singular forms of “you”.

informal/familiar formal

• People you __________ well

• People you _______ _______ well

Formal vs. Informal ‘you’ (second person)

Write tú or usted to indicate how you would address each of these people if you were talking TO them. 1. The president ____________ 2. Your nephew ____________ 3. Your Art teacher ____________

4. Your dad ____________ 5. A friend’s mom ____________ 6. Your neighbor Bob ____________

Relaying information / ‘gossiping’ (third person)

Now, write él or ella to indicate how you would refer to each of these people if you were talking ABOUT them.

1. The president ____________ 2. Your nephew ____________ 3. Your Art teacher ____________

4. Your dad ____________ 5. A friend’s mom ____________ 6. Your neighbor Bob ____________

1. The president ____________________________ 3. Your nephew ____________________________

¿Cómo te llamas?

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

¿Cómo te llamas (tú)?

Me llamo _____________. ¿Cómo se llama usted?

*¿Cómo se llama él? *Él se llama ___________.

*¿Cómo se llama ella? *Ella se llama ___________.

A. Fill in the missing words below to make well-structured mini-dialogs. Use the grid above to help you.

1. ¿Cómo ____ llamas (tú)? Me _____________ ____________________.

2. ¿Cómo te ________________? _______ llamo _________________________.

3. ¿Cómo se _____________ usted? Me _________ Señor/Señorita ____________.

4. ¿__________ se llama tu mejor amigo/a? (your best friend) Mi mejor amigo/a se __________ ___________.

5. ¿_______ ___ ________ tu abuelo? (your grandpa) Mi abuelo ____ __________ ______________.

B. Now choose TWO people from the list below and write complete sentences stating their names.

Modelo: mi sobrino (my nephew) Mi sobrino se llama Luis.

mi maestro/a de arte (my Art teacher ) mi maestro/a de español (my Spanish teacher)

mi hermano (my brother) mi hermana (my sister ) mi abuela (my grandma)


2. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5

Práctica con Saludos, Despedidas y Cortesías

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

You are on vacation and you happen to run into George Lopez. Later in the day you see Selena Gomez! Complete the following dialogues logically, based on the time. Use a variety of greetings, good-byes, and courtesy expressions in your conversations. Do not repeat expressions already given.

11: 00 AM

3:00 PM

Tú: Selena: ¡Hola!

George: Hola. ¿Cómo te llamas? Tú:

Tú: Selena: ¿Cómo te llamas?

George: Tú:

Tú: El placer es mío. Adiós. Selena:

George: Tú: Igualmente. Nos vemos.



Las emociones

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.



así así


*más o menos

bien *emocionado




triste cansado enfermo

*nervioso *enojado


Remember that adjectives ending in –o will need to change to –a when used to describe how a female is feeling.

For additional emotions vocabulary, visit:

¿Cómo estás?

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

estar = to

¿Cómo estás (tú)?

Yo estoy… ¿Cómo está usted?

*¿Cómo está él?

*Él está …

*¿Cómo está ella?

*Ella está …

• When forming a question the subject pronoun is placed after the verb. • When responding to the question the subject pronoun is placed before the verb.

A. How would your friend Susana likely feel in the following situations? “Ella está…..”

1. She is starting her first week of high school. ______________________________________

2. The school year is over and summer has begun. ___________________________________

3. Her sister took her favorite jeans. _______________________________________________

4. She ate too much Halloween candy. _____________________________________________


Las emociones

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

Write a complete sentence to say how each of the following people is feeling. Use the correct form of ESTAR and the pictured vocabulary. Follow the model.


(mi padre)








(el gato)


(mi mamá)


Mi padre está bien. - OR -

Él está bien.

¿De dónde eres?

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

ser = to

• When forming a question the subject pronoun is placed after the verb. • When responding to the question the subject pronoun is placed before the verb.

¿De dónde eres (tú)?

Yo soy de… ¿De dónde es usted? *¿De dónde es él?

*Él es de …

*¿De dónde es ella?

*Ella es de …


¿De dónde eres?

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

Write a complete sentence, stating where the following people are from. Use the correct form of SER.




Yo soy de España.






(la maestra)








Costa Rica



¿Cuántos años tienes?

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

tener= to

¿Cuántos años tienes (tú)?

Yo tengo…años. ¿Cuántos años tiene usted? *¿Cuántos años tiene él?

*Él tiene … años.

*¿Cuántos años tiene ella?

*Ella tiene … años.

• When forming a question the subject pronoun is placed after the verb. • When responding to the question the subject pronoun is placed before the verb.


Los números 0 cero 1 uno 2 dos 3 tres 4 cuatro 5 cinco 6 seis 7 siete 8 ocho 9 nueve 10 diez 11 once 12 doce 13 trece

14 catorce 15 quince 16 dieciséis 17 diecisiete 18 dieciocho 19 diecinueve 20 veinte 21 veintiuno 22 veintidós 23 veintitrés 24 veinticuatro 25 veinticinco 26 veintiséis

27 veintisiete 28 veintiocho 29 veintinueve 30 treinta 31 treinta y uno 32 treinta y dos 33 treinta y tres 34 treinta y cuatro 35 treinta y cinco 36 treinta y seis 37 treinta y siete 38 treinta y ocho 39 treinta y nueve 40 cuarenta

¿Cuántos años tiene?

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

Answer each question in a complete sentence, using the pictures provided. ¡OjO! Be sure to follow the modelo to guide your answer.

Modelo: ¿Cuántos años tiene Isabel? Ella tiene sesenta y ocho años.

1. ¿Cuántos años tiene Bárbara? _____________________________________________.

2. ¿Cuántos años tiene José? ________________________________________________.

3. ¿Cuántos años tiene César? _______________________________________________.

4. ¿Cuántos años tiene Mariana? ______________________________________________.

5. ¿Cuántos años tienes? ______________________________________________.

Isabel, 68 César, 2 José, 30 Mariana, 25 Bárbara, 16



I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

A. Circle the question that shows how you would address each of the following people.

1. Your Math teacher ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama Ud.?

2. Your cousin ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está Ud.?

3. Your grandpa ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Cuántos años tiene Ud.?

4. A new student ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama Ud.?

5. The principal ¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde es Ud.?

6. Your dentist ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo está Ud.?

B. Match each question with the most logical answer.

1. _____ ¿Cómo se llama tu maestra? a) Ella está un poco cansada. b) Es de Colorado.

2. _____ ¿De dónde es tu abuelo? c) Se llama Señora García. d) Tiene dos años.

3. _____ ¿Cómo está tu mamá hoy?

4. _____ ¿Cuántos años tiene tu perro?

C. Circle the correct response for each of the questions.

1. ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo Sarita. Se llama Sarita.

2. ¿Cómo está ella? Ella está contento. Ella está contenta.

3. ¿De dónde eres? Eres de Honduras. Soy de Honduras.

4. ¿Cómo está usted? Yo estoy así así. Usted está regular.

5. ¿Cómo está Marta? Ella está enojada. Ella estás mal.

6. ¿Cuántos años Tengo 42 años. Tiene 42 años. tiene tu papá?


Actividades de escuchar

Preguntas y Respuestas: Para Empezar T5

Indicate which of the options would be a logical response to the question or phrase that is said. 1. _____ A. Estoy bien. 2. _____ B. Buenos días. 3. _____ C. Igualmente. 4. _____ D. Adiós. 5. _____ E. Me llamo …

Unas conversaciones Realidades: Para Empezar T26

For each conversation, circle when the conversation is taking place and if the conversation is with an adult or student. Then write what their response was.

1. morning afternoon

student adult

What was their response?

2. morning afternoon

student adult

What was their response?

3. student adult

What was their response?

Nuevos amigos Listen as various people introduce themselves and say where they’re from. Draw lines connecting

the item number to the person speaking and their country of origin. A sample is done for you. Challenge: Put a star next to the people who say they’re ‘glad to meet you’. En español Disc 1, track 6

Ejemplo Adán Costa Rica

1. Guillermo Argentina

2. Alma Colombia

3. Álvaro México

4. Eduardo Estados Unidos

5. Carmen Guatemala

6. Yolanda Uruguay

Para responder…..

Se llama _________________.

Él / Ella es de _____________.

La familia de Antonio: EE disk 3, track 3

How old are the members of Antonio’s family? _____ Andrés _____ Luisa _____ Antonio _____ Rosa y Alberto _____ Marta y Rafael


Las Introducciones

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

If you translate the clues below into Spanish correctly, they will fit into the puzzle on the next page. If

your answer seems to not fit, rethink it, check your notes. Correct answers DO fit the puzzle!

You need to include any necessary punctuation marks when formulating the questions.

horizontal 1. Where are you from? (formal)

5. I am 12 years old.

6. I'm from Mexico.

8. He is sick.

10. She is tired.

11. His name is Gil.

12. What is your name? (formal)

13. My mom is from Peru.

14. How are you? (informal)

15. He is from Cuba.

16. Where are you from? (informal)

17. What is your name? (informal)

vertical 2. How old is your dad?

3. How old are you? (informal)

4. My name is Roberto.

7. I am happy.

8. Her name is Rosa.

9. She is 16 years old.


Las Introducciones

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.


Introducciones: repaso Nombre ____________________________ Clase ______

I can ask and answer basic questions with accurate sentence structure.

Imagine that you had a dream last night about a visitor from outer space! (Or maybe it

WASN’T a dream…..?!) The next morning you are telling a friend about your experience.

Write the questions and answers that would make up the conversation about your


1. What is the extraterrestre’s name? __________________________________________________

His name is XYZ. ____________________________________________________________

2. Where is he from? ____________________________________________________________

He is from Mars (Marte). ____________________________________________________________

3. How old is XYZ? ____________________________________________________________

He is 39 years old. ____________________________________________________________

4. How is he feeling? ____________________________________________________________

XYZ is (feeling) tired! ____________________________________________________________


Las introducciones: Presentación/Interpersonal Imagine that you have a new friend from a Spanish speaking country. In this presentation you will introduce him/her to one of your classmates. Work with a partner to prepare an oral presentation in Spanish using vocabulary and grammar structures learned in the Introducciones unit. While you will be able to plan much of your presentation in advance, there will be some spontaneous elements too. You will need to be prepared to use a wide variety of unit content and think on your feet! You will be provided with a visual on the Smartboard (over) to use when you present, however no written notes are allowed! Your dialog should follow the outline below:


A: Ask the friend’s name.

B: Introduce your new friend. (picture & name will be on screen)

A: Ask where he/she is from.

B: Answer in a complete Spanish sentence.

A: Ask how old he/she is.

B: Answer in a complete Spanish sentence.

A: Ask how he/she is doing.

B: Answer in a complete Spanish sentence.


Ideas for expansion:

- Include transition words --- to help your presentation flow smoothly.

y=and pero=but también=also - React to your partner’s comments. - Include expanded vocabulary from resources provided. -


Helpful rejoinder….

Yo tengo un(a)

amigo(a) nuevo(a).

On presentation day, you will have a conversation to introduce ONE of these people.

The time of day, the person’s name, country of origin, age and mood will be highlighted on the screen. Be ready to use

the information shown in complete, well-structured Spanish sentences using content learned in the Introducciones unit.

You should be ready to ask OR answer the key unit questions to meet the requirements of this presentation.

You will have class time on __________________________________________ to prepare for your presentation.

Presentations will take place in class on __________________________________________














Nombre ______________________________________________________________ Clase _______ Unidad : INTRODUCCIONES

Exceeds Mastery Near Mastery Not Yet

Level of Mastery: Content _____ Level of Mastery: Accuracy _____

Very easy to hear & understand - speaks loudly & clearly

- no hesitation (thoroughly prepared) - outstanding use of transition words, ideas flow smoothly - pronunciation correct

Easy to hear & understand - speaks audibly. - well prepared, minimal hesitation. - some transition words help ideas flow. - pronunciation generally correct

Harder to hear / understand - speaks fairly audibly - fairly well prepared, some hesitation - few transition words, ideas may jump from topic to topic - some pronunciation difficulties

Hard to hear, understand - quiet - underprepared, very hesitant - ideas are disconnected / choppy, no transition words - significant mispronunciation

Cannot hear, understand - communication does not occur

Level of Mastery: Oral Presentation ______

EXCEEDS expectations

extensive variety of:

• unit vocabulary

• unit grammar

• rich detail/extra info

MEETS expectations

a variety of:

• unit vocabulary

• unit grammar

• detail/extra info

MINIMALLY meets expectations

Task is completed with:

• little unit vocabulary

• little unit grammar

• little detail

Does NOT meet expectations

Work is incomplete, missing one or more components

VERBS (3rd person) Questions Answers transitions details/exp.

Demonstrates a strong control of unit content

• gender of nouns

• definte/indefinite articles

• adjective agreement

• structure/word order

• gusta/gustan

• spelling/accents Very few or no errors that do not hinder overall comprehensibility

Demonstrates some control of unit content

• gender of nouns

• definte/indefinite articles

• adjective agreement

• structure/word order

• gusta/gustan

• spelling/accents Some errors that at times hinder over all comprehensibility

Demonstrates lack of control of learned structures

• gender of nouns

• definte/indefinite articles

• adjective agreement

• structure/word order

• gusta/gustan

• spelling/accents Several errors that hinder comprehensibility

Insufficient content included, cannot fully assess

• gender of nouns

• definte/indefinite articles

• adjective agreement

• structure/word order

• gusta/gustan

• spelling/accents Errors that significantly hinder comprehensibility

Where you need to GROW… ___Include all project requirements. ___Use more content from the current unit. ___Slow down. ___Add details, include extra into. ___Speak louder. ___Vary sentence structures, avoid repetition. ___Don’t use English! ___Combine ideas, use transitions to avoid choppiness. ___Work on pronunciation. ___Check your grammar / spelling. ___Organize your ideas for better flow. ___Practice out loud ahead of time (reduce hesitation). ___Use your work time wisely / be prepared!

Where you GLOW! ___ Good variety of unit content! ___ Good sentence structures! ___ Accurate grammar. ___ Ideas are well organized. ___ Nice details/extra info! ___ Good use of transition words to connect your ideas! ___ Well prepared, speaks with ease. ___ Accurate pronunciation.


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