lasik chicago il

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Kraff Eye Institute 25 E Washington St Chicago, IL 60602 (312) 444-1111 At the Kraff Eye Institute, our patients receive the precision and care of the most experienced laser vision correction doctors in the Midwest. Our Board-certified physicians have performed tens of thousands of Lasik procedures with the highest levels of safety and patient satisfaction, utilizing the latest and most sophisticated instruments and techniques. The Kraff experts, who have been performing Laser Vision Correction since 1991, offer the kind of knowledge, comfort, and experience that you can trust your eyes with.


What Not To Do After Undergoing Chicago Lasik

Chicago Lasik is a hassle free way to get rid of common eye problems. This, safe, easy and

fast method has given thousands of people a better vision through the years and continues

to do so. Once your doctor decides that you are the right candidate to undergo this

procedure just get ready, it will be over almost as soon as it starts or so it would seem.

However, the eye surgeon is going to prescribe drops and basic precautions to ensure that

you now healthy eyesremain that way.

Most people do not experience any complications provided they do not have underlying

health issues like high or low blood pressure and diabetes among others.You must follow

whatever your doctor says and prescribes. There are certain things for example that you

should not do immediately after undergoing Lasik in Chicago. Ensure a steady and

successful recovery; do not court unnecessary trouble with these mistakes.

For example, staring at the bright lights is a complete no-no just after you have undergone

Chicago Lasik. Your hospital will provide you with dark glasses to wear at all times to

prevent even an accidental exposure. Even when you go to sleep you will be wearing these

protective goggles. It not only helps in blocking light but also gives your eyes protection

from accidental scratching or rubbing. Ensure that the light within your home remains

dimmed and shut the blinds tightly for the time being.

No doubt, you are an extremely independent person who loves to drive his or her own car

but this is not the time to be on your own, especially out on the road. Request someone

from your family or a friend to drive you to your desired destination as long as your doctor

wants. This is especially true for nighttime driving which can be quite difficult for someone

who has undergone Lasik in Chicago just some days back. You will need to wear your

sunglasses always, even when you are sitting within the car. Follow these directions to keep

your eyes away from trouble and towards complete recovery.

You should not allow your eyes to be exposed to cosmetics in the days immediately

following the surgery as it can lead to infections. Doctors recommend at least one week of

abstinence from your beauty regime that involves the eye and this includes the use of false

eyelashes. They will prescribe drops to keep the eyes hydrated and moistened at all times.

It may be quite difficult but it is important that you do not allow your fingertips to touch

your eyes that have undergone ChicagoLasik. Your fingers containmany invisible germs that

can cause irritation and infection, the last thing you need at this stage. Schedule regular

appointments if you think the vision isn’t clear or even for regular check-ups so that the

doctor can keep a tab on the progress.

Dealing With The Floaters Before Retinal Surgery In Chicago

Floaters and the flashes are the commonest symptoms patient experience before retinal

detachment begins as this point towards a tear in the retina. Based upon your condition the

doctors may have to perform retinal surgery in Chicago. The tears are mostly asymptomatic

and benign so only a qualified physician will be able to diagnose the condition correctly.

Generally, vitreous posterior detachment or PVD is the reason why you experience presence

of floaters in the eye. Complications begin with age and presence of nearsightedness. If

identification happens before the actual detachment, laser procedures can correct the

problem. Otherwise, the commonest surgical procedures for this situation are the following:

A. Use of scleral buckles

B. Vitrectomy surgery

C. Pneumatic retinopexy

Vitrectomy retinal surgery in Chicago is for removing floaters from your eyes these are

cobwebs, fly-like spots, or flecks that move in front of your vision field. While these are not

harmful themselves, they point towards an underlying serious cause like retinal detachment

and as such require immediate attention. The vitreous gel remains between the routine and

the lens in human eyeball. With age, it can turn liquid. Even younger people who suffer from

eye problems like nearsightedness can have more liquid consistency of gel than others do.

Floaters will start to appear when fiber formation occurs in the gel through collapse of its

part making you a potential candidate for retinal surgery in Chicago.

These fibers float around in the back portion of the eye casting shadows upon retina, the

part of your eyeball that helps in light identification. Floaters become more pronounced

when the patients stares into the light or look at the wide screen of the computer. This kind

of retinal surgery is minimally invasive requiring local anesthesia and performed by the

retinal surgeons. However sometimes patients may also request for general anesthesia for

this kind of retinal surgery in Chicago if they feel uncomfortable. The surgeon will use

specialized microscope to delve into your eyes and will make three small or micro incisions

and then insert a small instrument within.

This instrument will remove the gel in a gentle manner using suction. The vitreous space

will fill up within one week with fresh gel produced within your eye. A fast procedure, the

doctors will allow you to go home the same day itself where you can recuperate while

following the prescribed guidelines. You will have to wear eye patch over the eye for a

single day allowing complete rest and hence recovery. The following day after removal of

patch, the surgeon may prescribe an eye drop to use for approximately 4 weeks following

your retinal surgery in Chicago. Beware of certain symptoms like excessive redness of the

eye, unusual pain, discharge from the eye and increased swelling. It is good to schedule an

appointment with the doctor to ensure that retina is not damaged.

What Are The Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery In Chicago?

Laser eye surgery in Chicago is the most preferred method of correcting common vision

problems, as this is an affordable, fast, and mostly risk-free procedure. Glasses or contact

lenses are a constant companion for a wide number of people. Still, if there was a way out

most would take it to lead a free life not encumbered by these vision props. Now whether

you are a candidate for this kind of corrective procedure is for the doctor to say. Generally,

it involves a few hours of surgery after which you can go home after undergoing the process

at the hospital or the eye clinic. That is why the laser eye surgery in Chicago procedures are

becoming so popular through the years.

While it may not eliminate the glasses and contact lenses completely in all patients, it surely

minimizes the requirements besides limiting further damage to the eye. Now you can take

part in all activities you could not before including sports and career choices where presence

of glasses prove to be an encumbrance. Whether you want to improve eyesight for

occupational, cosmetic or other personal reasons, laser surgeries is your perfect option.

While, this procedure is for everybody a few exceptions are also there. When you approach

the specialist for laser eye surgery in Chicago, they will delve into your case to determine

your suitability.

They will give you detailed knowledge regarding,

The followed procedures

Your choices

Costs involved

The duration

Possible complications

Side effects and recovery

What to expect after surgery

and more

A painless and quick operation, it takes place under controlled circumstances to maintain an

antiseptic condition throughout. Local anesthesia in the form of eye drops is administered

commonly to the eye before the procedure can begin. Glasses and contact lenses are quite

critical to the vision requiring constant upgrades and replacements signifying substantial

costs. Laser eye surgery in Chicago can alleviate this need, one of the many reasons to

undergo this operation. If left untreated for long even the commonest problems can

aggravate quickly with age, diseases, or inherent make-up of the eye.

During your yearly visit to the optometrist in Chicago, you can garner knowledge regarding

the laser surgical procedure and your chances of undergoing this treatment. Alternatively,

your optometrist or eye doctor may themselves suggest the need for such corrective

methods for treating various vision issues. For some people this can also be a means to

increase their self-esteem and confidence as they may feel restricted or shy about hiding

behind glasses constantly. In any case, laser eye surgery in Chicago has given hope to

numerous people where they can lead better lives through treatment of some common

issues and other complicated ones too. However, it is essential to consult the best surgeon

in town to have the best treatment.

Is Wavefront Surgery The Best Lasik Procedure In Chicago?

Many specialists consider Wavefrontas the best Lasik in Chicago option for vision correction

simply because it leads to full restoration with patients enjoying 20/20 vision after the

surgery. While the age, the problems, and the complications of the individual case will

determine their suitability to the method, most people who have undergone this have only

good things to say about their experience. This procedure is comparatively expensive than

the other method but it seems like money well spent when you consider what you stand to

gain. The beauty of Wavefront Technology is that, the doctors can use it not only for the

subsequent operation but also for diagnosing your condition. This best Lasik in Chicago

method produces 3-D map of the eye and this accurately guides the laser to the exact spot

required by the surgeon.

Compared to the conventional methods of higher number of patients have shown a 20/20

vision once the eye doctors were through. When you undergo Wavefront Lasik, there is a

minimum chance of visual quality loss, reduced contrast sensitivity, or presence of night

vision issues. Eye aberrations are a common occurrence but its degree may vary in different

people and this in turn will determine your need to undergo the best Lasik in Chicago

procedure like Wavefront. This procedure will work wonders when the aberrations are of low

order, like those present when you suffer from hyperopia, myopia, or astigmatism. In high-

order aberrations too, doctors may suggest the Wavefront method for successful vision


These can have names like trefoil, coma, or spherical aberration among others. Around 15%

of the populace suffers from such vision issues requiring corrective interventions. Due to the

presence of aberrations, the patient may have problem with night vision, blurred vision,

glare, and halos as suffered by another 15%. In general, low order aberrations determine

the bulk of what you see and the high order varieties measure, how well one sees. Both can

be a candidate for the best Lasik in Chicago procedures. According to the experts, the

conventional operation methods can turn low order aberrations types into the high order

ones,minimal inWavefront Lasik.

In this method, the used system will collect information from multiple points spread over a

6 mm corneal area. This helps in the creation of an eye specific map. Now the surgeons can

link it with the laser machine for overall customization of the surgical procedure. So it

increases the accuracy of the results. Here proper patient identification to determine the

best candidates is also quite easy so that those who undergo the treatment gain the

maximum possible satisfaction. With so many advantages, it is no wonder that most eye

doctors consider Wavefront the best Lasik in Chicago procedure.

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