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Lasing at the K -points of a honeycomb plasmonic lattice

R. Guo1, M. Necada1, T.K. Hakala1,2, A.I. Vakevainen1, and P. Torma1∗1Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland

2Institute of Photonics, University of Eastern Finland, P.O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland

We study lasing at the high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone in a honeycomb plasmoniclattice. We use symmetry arguments to define singlet and doublet modes at the K -points of thereciprocal space. We experimentally demonstrate lasing at the K -points that is based on plasmoniclattice modes and two-dimensional feedback. By comparing polarization properties to T -matrixsimulations, we identify the lasing mode as one of the singlets with an energy minimum at the K -point enabling feedback. Our results offer prospects for studies of topological lasing in radiativelycoupled systems.

Feedback provided by a resonator is essential for lasing.The resonator can be a set of mirrors [1] or periodic struc-tures enabling distributed feedback (DFB) lasing [2–6].Most DFB lasers rely on simple one-dimensional peri-odic structures. More complex geometries would offersuch interesting features as distributed feedback involv-ing multiple modes, flat bands, and increased variety ofdegenerate high-symmetry points and possibilities of cre-ating topological bands [7]. The symmetry of a hexagonalBravais lattice leads to the possibility to multiply degen-erate points at the first Brillouin zone edge [3]. Herewe experimentally demonstrate lasing at K -points of ahoneycomb plasmonic lattice.

The vast majority of the work on bosons in hexago-nal/honeycomb lattices, for photonic [9–11], microwave[12, 13], and atomic [14–17] systems realize essentiallythe tight-binding model of the lattice. That is, the latticesites are connected only up to the (next-)nearest neigh-bor; in the optical systems, this is realized by site-to-sitenear-field coupling. Our system consists of an array ofplasmonic nanoparticles that are radiatively coupled overthe whole system size. This renders tight-binding modelsuseless, and we base our theoretical description on sym-metry arguments and T -matrix scattering simulations.

Plasmonic nanohole and nanoparticle arrays combinedwith organic and inorganic gain materials are emergingas a versatile platform for room-temperature, ultrafastlasing [18–32] and Bose-Einstein condensation [2, 33].These works, however, focus on lasing action or con-densation at the Γ -point, that is, at the center of theBrillouin zone of systems with a Bravais lattice that isrectangular/square [18–22, 24–27, 29], hexagonal [30, 32]or one-dimensional [28] (ref. [31] studies lasing action inthe X -point of a square lattice).

K -point lasing or condensation in radiatively (long-range) coupled hexagonal/triangular lattices has beenstudied in photonic crystal [35–37] and exciton-polariton [38] systems. In those works, however, the po-larization properties of the output light were not ana-lyzed. Here we demonstrate lasing at the K -points andshow that the polarization properties and real-space pat-


terns of the laser emission contain essential informationabout the lasing mode. We identify the lasing mode asone of the singlets allowed by symmetry and explain whythis mode is selected by the lasing action.










gy (e





-2 0 2 4Wave vector Γ-Κ (µm-1) (b)(a)






or θx

k yor




SimulationExperimentA B




Figure 1. (a) A measured angle-resolved extinction spec-trum of a honeycomb lattice with particle separation of p =576 nm. Color scale shows the extinction which is defined as(1 − normalized transmission). The SLR modes correspondto extinction maxima, closely following the diffracted orders(dashed lines). The left inset shows the measured dispersionaround the K -point (the color scale is from 0 to 0.05). Theright inset shows the dispersion obtained by T -matrix sim-ulations. (b) The lasing measurements. Nanoparticle sam-ples combined with IR-792 molecules in solution are pumpedwith a femtosecond laser. The hexagonal geometry of the lat-tice (inset: scanning electron microscope image of the goldnanoparticles, scale bar 500 nm, with the A and B unit cellsites marked) enables lasing emission in six distinct off-normalangles, collected by a 0.6 NA objective and further analyzed.In the Fourier image, the six angles correspond to lasing atthe six K -points of the first Brillouin zone, with distinct po-larization directions (grey arrows) of the electric field E.

We fabricate cylindrical gold nanoparticles withelectron-beam lithography on a glass substrate in a hon-eycomb lattice arrangement. The particle separationis varied between 569–583 nm. Individual nanoparticleshave a nominal diameter of 100 nm and height of 50 nm.An organic dye molecule IR-792 is added on top of thearray in 25 mM solution and the structure is sealed witha glass superstrate (Fig. 1(b)). The dye molecules act as











7 N

ov 2



the gain material and are optically pumped with 100 fslaser pulses (750 nm central wavelength). For details, seesection I of Supplemental Material.

The energies of diffracted orders (DOs) of a 2D hexag-onal lattice are shown with dashed lines in Fig. 1(a) forthe Γ–K in-plane (x–y plane) momentum direction. TheDOs correspond to diffraction without resonant phenom-ena at the lattice sites, so-called empty lattice approxi-mation. In our samples, the nanoparticles have a broadplasmonic resonance (at 1.87 eV, width ∼ 300 meV)which hybridizes with the DOs, leading to narrow (width5–20 meV) dispersive modes called surface lattice reso-nances (SLRs) [39, 40], Fig. 1(a). A dispersion obtainedby multiple-scattering T -matrix simulation (for details,see [24] and section IV of supplemental Material) agreeswith the experiments, see the insets of Fig. 1(a). Thedispersions are measured with a Fourier imaging setupused in our previous works [2, 24, 41] but now extendedto larger angles.

The geometry of an infinite honeycomb lattice belongsto the group p6m × σh, the wallpaper group p6m [42]extended by the horizontal reflection σh. The horizontalreflection ensures that the eigenmodes can be dividedinto two classes according to the electric field orientationat the mirror plane: the electric field E is either parallel(in-plane-E, the magnetic field H is then perpendicularto the mirror plane) or perpendicular (perpendicular-E,magnetic field H in-plane) [3].

A single unit cell of the reciprocal lattice of our sys-tem contains six high symmetry points (Fig. 2(d)): oneΓ -point with D6 point symmetry, as well as two K -pointswith D3 and three M -points with D2 point symmetries.The K -points are mutually related by parity inversionsymmetry. Whenever the distinction between the twoK -points is relevant, we label the other one as K ′. To alarge extent, group theory determines the properties ofthe eigenmodes supported at the high-symmetry points.As the reciprocal lattice has D3 point group symmetryaround the K -points, the K -point modes must consti-tute irreducible representations of the D3 group. Us-ing standard group-theoretical reduction methods [4], wecan determine for instance the electric dipole polariza-tions of the nanoparticles in the respective modes. Theirreducible representations of D3 are either one- or two-dimensional, so the eigenmodes are, apart from acciden-tal degeneracies, either non-degenerate (“singlets”, 1Drepresentation) or doubly degenerate (“doublets”, 2Drepresentation). Six dispersion branches meet at the K -point (see section II of Supplemental Material), and theeigenmodes constitute two singlets and two doublets.

Fig. 2(a) shows the admissible patterns of nontrivialnanoparticle dipole polarizations in the in-plane-E casefor the singlets and one doublet. Any linear combina-tion of the depicted doublet states is possible as well.Fig. 2(b) shows spatial Fourier transforms of these pat-terns, corresponding to the polarizations of the far-fieldbeams escaping the array.

In real space, the magenta color in Fig. 2 means clock-

(a) (b)

K M0.0
















1.435 1.440 1.445E (eV)






E ′

A ′1

A ′2






A’ 1






A’ 2

Figure 2. Eigenmodes of the honeycomb plasmonic latticeat the K -point. (a) Real-space electric dipole polarizations ofthe nanoparticles (circles) corresponding to two singlet modesand a doublet mode, at a specific time. The dipole polariza-tions depicted by orange and magenta arrows evolve in timerotating clockwise and counterclockwise, respectively, for theK mode, and in the opposite directions for the K ’ mode.(b) Fourier transform of the dipole polarizations in the corre-sponding eigenmodes. (c) Band structure of the empty latticemodel, that is, as given by diffracted orders of a periodic struc-ture without the effect of the localized plasmonic resonanceof the nanoparticles, with the studied K -point highlighted.(d) The first Brillouin zone (green area) of the honeycomb re-ciprocal lattice and its high symmetry points, a is the latticeconstant. (e) Singular values (SV) of the symmetry-adaptedscattering problem at the K -point, whose minima give themode energies, as function of energy. The color shows theresults of projection of the corresponding eigenmodes on thesinglets and doublets obtained by group theory ( the singletA′1 that was found to lase experimentally is shown in orange,the other singlet A′2 in green, and the doublet E′ in blue),the energies are marked by ticks.

wise rotating electric dipole polarizations while orangemeans the dipoles rotate counterclockwise for all K -modes. For K ′-modes, the polarization rotation direc-tions are reversed. If the system is excited simultane-ously in the K and corresponding K ′ states with thesame intensities, the polarizations will, instead of rotat-ing, oscillate in a linear direction, with the exact directiondepending on the relative phase between the K and K ′

modes. This will be important in analyzing the experi-mental real-space images.

To characterize the lasing action, we perform angle,energy, polarization and position resolved emission mea-surements. Above a critical pump threshold, the sample


exhibits an intense and narrow emission peak at 1.426 eVand ky ∼ 4.25 × 106 m−1 (corresponding to an angleof 35◦ ± 0.4◦ with respect to the sample normal), seeFig. 3(a–c). The emission intensity and mode line widthas a function of pump fluence is shown in Fig. 3(b). Overthree orders of magnitude increase in emission intensitycan be seen upon the onset of lasing, typical for nanopar-ticle arrays with small spontaneous emission coupling tothe lasing mode (small β-factor [44]) [24, 26, 28, 29, 31].Increased temporal coherence due to lasing is evidentfrom the line width of the emission (2 meV), which is wellbelow the natural line width of the SLR mode at the K -point (∼ 20 meV). The 2 meV line width is smaller thanthose in [18, 21, 22, 26, 31, 32] (3.6–27 meV), but largerthan the values 0.26–1.5 meV in [20, 24, 25, 28, 29].






on (a

rb. u





Pump fluence (mJ/cm 2)


Angle (deg)0


3.5 4 4.5Wave vector Γ-Κ (µm-1)











gy (e


(a) 1.38Pth

0.4 0.6 0.8 12)Pump fluence (mJ/cm





k in


ity (a

rb. u












th (m





on (a

rb. u


Figure 3. (a) Measured emission spectra of a honeycomblattice with P = 1.38Pth, where Pth = 0.47 mJ/cm2 is thethreshold pump fluence for the K-point lasing mode (parti-cle distance p = 576 nm and diameter d = 100 nm). (b) Themode output power (squares) and the line width (circles) atthe K-point angle (35◦ ±0.4◦) as a function of pump fluence.Note that due to low intensity, we cannot determine the linewidth at pump fluences below the threshold, for below thresh-old emission, see Fig. S5 in Supplemental Material. (c) Theemission intensity as a function of angle at the K -point energy(∼ 1.426 eV) with several pump fluences.

In Fig. 4(a), we show the angle resolved emission ofthe sample. The system exhibits lasing at six specificangles that correspond to three K and three K ′ pointsof the lattice. We measure the polarization properties ofeach point by recording the emission intensities with sev-eral different linear polarizer angles. For each point, werecover a typical dipolar emission pattern, however, thedirection of linear polarization is different, see Fig. 4(b).The results match excellently the calculated angular dis-tributions of linearly polarized light having a polarizationalong the six Γ–K directions (the red dashed lines). Wefind that the A′1 singlet mode has corresponding polar-ization properties, see Fig. 2(b). The linear polarizationdegree ρL = (Imax − Imin)/(Imax + Imin) has an average0.8 for the six K -points.

The identification of the lasing mode as the singletA′1 can be further confirmed by analyzing the real-space

Figure 4. Lasing mode polarization. (a) Angle resolved emis-sion of the sample without any polarizer in detection. Allsix K -points are clearly visible. (b) Polar emission intensitiesat each K -point in the presence of a linear polarizer. Theangles refer to the polarizer angles and the radii refer to themeasured intensities. The red dashed lines are the calculatedintensity distributions for linearly polarized light (along theΓ–K directions) passing through the polarizer at the corre-sponding angle.

images with variously oriented polarization filters at theoutput. While the dipole polarization directions of thenanoparticles cannot be measured directly, we can esti-mate them using the spatial intensity variations due towave interference in case of different filter orientations.The intensity variations should be most clear in the casewhere the system lases in the K and K ′ modes simul-taneously, with a fixed (modulo π/3) relative phase suchthat the dipoles are oriented as in Fig. 2(a). If the systemlases only in one of the K or K ′ modes, or if the rela-tive phase is random, the real-space intensity distributionshould become more uniform due to time averaging (seesection III C of Supplemental Material).

Fig. 5 shows an image of a small piece of the array forthree choices of polarization filters for the lasing emis-sion, with the predicted intensities and nanoparticle elec-tric dipole polarizations of the singlet mode A′1 for theideal, namely zero phase-difference combination of the Kand K ′ modes, as defined in Fig. 2(a) (cases with otherpolarization filter orientations and details of the theoret-ical predictions are shown in section III of SupplementalMaterial). The intensity maxima appear at the placeswhere the surrounding adjacent dipoles, or their projec-tions according to the polarization filter orientation, havethe same or similar directions and therefore interfere con-structively. Comparing the real-space images with dipoleorientations predicted for the other modes (A′2 and thedoublet E′) results in inconsistencies (for details, see Sup-plemental Material, section III). This confirms that thesystem indeed lases in the singlet mode A′1. The intensityvariations in the observed patterns show that the systemlases in the K and K ′ singlet A′1 modes simultaneously,with comparable intensities and with a fixed, or at leaststrongly correlated, relative phase. The existence of in-terference patterns over the whole sample, furthermore,proves the spatial coherence of the observed lasing. Sincethe K -point of our system corresponds to the crossingof diffractive orders in three directions with 120◦ angles


No filter Filter ↔ Filter l

Figure 5. Upper row: examples of real-space images for dif-ferent polarization filters (no filter, horizontal, vertical) usedfor the analysis of the lasing mode. In each case, the expectedpositions of the nanoparticles (small yellow-cyan circles) andthe dipole polarizations (arrows) of the singlet mode A′1 forthe ideal (zero) K —K ′ relative phase are depicted, projectedto the corresponding filter direction. Lower row: theoreti-cal prediction for the intensities for the ideal K —K ′ relativephase. The scale bar length is 1µm. For images over largerareas, see section III of Supplemental Material.

between them, the feedback in the lasing action is two di-mensional, different from one dimensional DFB lasing [2]in nanoparticle arrays [24, 25, 28, 45]. This is reflectedin the non-trivial 2D polarization patterns.

DFB-type lasing typically occurs at a band edge oran extremum of the dispersion because zero group veloc-ity enables feedback. Both the measured and simulateddispersions (Fig. 1(a)) show crossings of the modes atthe K -point, without any visible gap and zero group ve-locity point. Why does a mode of a certain symmetry(the A′1 singlet) lase, if the K -point apparently has adegeneracy of several modes? To answer this we com-puted the energies of the eigenmodes using symmetry-adapted T -matrix simulations (for details, see sectionsIV–V of Supplemental Material). Fig. 2(e) shows thatindeed there is a difference in the energies of the A′1 sin-glet and the E′ doublet near the K -point. This bandgap means that the singlet A′1 has an energy minimumat the K -point, which explains why lasing is possible inthis mode. The narrower peak for A′1 compared to thatfor E′ indicates higher quality factor, making the formermode more amenable for lasing. The A′2 singlet modeseems almost degenerate with A′1 but the resonance is abit weaker (slightly smaller dip in Fig. 2(e); see Fig. S11of Supplemental Material for a larger picture) The energydifference between A′1 and E′ is only 3.2 meV, smallerthan the natural linewidth of the SLR mode around 20meV, which explains why the gap is not visible in thedispersions. On the other hand, the lasing emission has

2 meV linewidth, similar to the scale of the band gap.In summary, we have observed lasing action at the K

and K ’ points of a honeycomb plasmonic lattice. Boththe polarization of the six output beams and the realspace interference patterns provide distinct features that,when combined with the group theory description, revealthe lasing mode as the singlet A′1. Analysis of the T -matrix simulation results using the group theory eigen-modes showed that the singlet A′1 has an energy mini-mum at the K-point, which enables the feedback neces-sary for lasing. Our results demonstrate the potentialof plasmonic nanoparticle array systems for tailoring thepolarization and beam direction of laser output by thelattice geometry. The tunability of the beam direction(here ∼ 35◦) can be used for bringing the beam close tothe in-plane direction . If realized in a less lossy platform,this could enable on-chip planar integration.

Our study gives a promising starting point for inves-tigations of topological photonics and lasing [7, 46–53]in radiatively coupled systems. Plasmonic nanoparticlearray lasers offer a unique combination of easy fabrica-tion, room temperature operation, ultrafast speeds, long-range radiative coupling, and strong coupling to emit-ters (the gain medium) [26, 54, 55]. Radiatively cou-pled systems offer topological phenomena different fromtight-binding models [56]. Arrays of magnetic nanopar-ticles have been realized [57], and the magnetization ofnanoparticles could be used for opening topological gapsat the high-symmetry points where we have shown las-ing. Time reversal symmetry breaking is one of the mainmechanisms leading to topologically non-trivial systemsbut topological gaps based on magnetic materials [52, 53]are extremely small at optical frequencies [46]. The po-larization and interference analysis demonstrated herewill be invaluable in identifying topological modes evenwhen related gaps would be small. Remarkably, the las-ing action is stable despite a small gap, which is promis-ing concerning topological lasing relying on small topo-logical gaps.


This work was supported by the Academy of Finlandthrough its Centres of Excellence Programme (ProjectsNo. 284621, No. 303351, No. 307419) and by the Eu-ropean Research Council (Grant No. ERC-2013-AdG-340748-CODE). This work benefited from discussionsand visits within the COST Action MP1403 NanoscaleQuantum Optics, supported by COST (European Coop-eration in Science and Technology). Part of the researchwas performed at the Micronova Nanofabrication Cen-tre, supported by Aalto University. Computing resourceswere provided by the Triton cluster at Aalto University.The authors thank Matthias Saba, Ortwin Hess, TeroHeikkila and Heikki Rekola for fruitful discussions.


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Lasing at the K-points of a honeycomb plasmonic lattice

Supplemental Material


A. Sample fabrication

Honeycomb lattices of cylindrical gold nanoparticles(diameter 100 nm, height 50 nm) were fabricated onborosilicate substrate with electron beam lithography(Vistec EPBG5000pES, acceleration voltage: 100kV).Two nanometers of titanium was deposited prior to golddeposition to provide an adhesive layer. The overall sizeof the array was 100× 100µm2.

B. Gain medium

The gain medium used was dye IR-792 perchlorate pur-chased from Sigma-Aldrich. The dye molecule was dis-solved into 1:2 (dimethyl sulfoxide):(benzyl alcohol) sol-vent with a concentration of 25 mM. Figure S1 showsthe emission spectrum of the dye solvent with the sameconcentration. Amplified spontaneous emission and las-ing of IR-792 have been reported previously in systemsof dye-doped polymer thin film [S1] and of edge-pumpedplasmonic lattice [S2].

C. Measurement setup

A schematic of the measurement setup is presented inFigure S2. The back focal plane of a 40 × 0.6 NA mi-croscope objective was focused to the entrance slit of aspectrometer with a focal length of 500 mm and a spec-

800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100

Wavelength (nm)









on (



Figure S1. Measured emission spectrum of the IR-792 dye.

tral resolution of∼ 0.5 nm. The angle-resolved extinctionspectra (the dispersion) were obtained by focusing lightfrom a halogen lamp onto the sample. The sample sub-strate was placed in a 10◦ tilted stage in order to collectlight asymmetrically from higher angles than the objec-tive NA would allow at normal incidence. The measuredspectra (namely, the images from the spectrometer CCD)were further calibrated by the diffraction pattern from a300 lines/mm transmission grating. The metal nanopar-ticle array was fabricated on top of a glass substrate, andfor the lasing measurement, a 1 mm thick dye (IR-792)solution layer (of volume ∼ 300µ`) was added on topof the array. The solution layer was sealed between theglass substrate and a glass superstrate. The 1 mm dyesolution layer on top of the array is much higher than theextension of the fields related to the nanoparticles, andalso high enough not to create a waveguide mode at thewavenumbers considered. Therefore the exact alignmentof the two glass slides with respect to each other is notessential. The dye solution was pumped with a femto-second laser with ∼ 60◦ incident angle, 750 nm centralwavelength, 100 fs pulse width and 1 kHz repetition fre-quency at room temperature. The laser spot size on thesample is ∼ 4.4× 105µm2. The real and back focal planeimages of the lasing action were taken by focusing themonto two separate 2D CCD cameras. The polarizer usedin the polarization measurements was Thorlabs nanopar-ticle linear film polarizer (model LPVIS100-MP2) whichhas an extinction ratio of > 106 : 1 in the wavelengthrange of interest.

D. Lasing results

Figure S3 shows a comparison of lasing thresholdcurves for the peak intensities and integrated intensi-ties under the lasing peak. Figure S4 shows the dataof Fig. 3(c) of the main text in double logarithmic scale.Figure S5 shows the measured emission spectrum belowthe threshold.


The diffraction orders, that is, the empty lattice calcu-lation for our honeycomb array are shown in Fig. S6.The right panel is the same as shown in Fig. 2(c) ofthe main text. The left panel shows a crosscut at theK -point energy, from where one can see that six disper-sion branches (in-plane polarized light cones) meet at theK -point. Correspondingly, there will also be six eigen-modes: two singlets and two doublets as following from







L PinholeM









Figure S2. Measurement setup. L stands for lens, M for mirror, BS for beam splitter, BFP for back-focal plane, Obj. forobjective, WL for white light source and OPA for optical parametric amplifier. The OPA is used to tune the pump wavelength,here we used 750 nm.

0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Pump fluence (mJ/cm2)








on (








th (



Peak intensityIntegrated intensityFWHM

Figure S3. Comparison of the threshold curves with just thepeak value (blue) and with integrated intensity under the las-ing peak. Both show the same threshold behavior.

decomposition of the vector space spanned by linearlycombining plane waves (or dipole polarization degrees offreedom) into irreducible representations (subject to theD3 symmetry of given K -point) [S3, S4].

For background refractive index 1.52 and 576 nmspacing between neighboring nanoparticle centers (i.e.998 nm lattice period), the third crossing of diffractionorders at the K -point happens at energy 1.44 eV. Theslight difference from the energy of 1.426 eV from Fig. 3is most likely due to the real background index of re-fraction not having exactly the value of 1.52 used in thesimulations.







on (a

rb. u





20Pump fluence (mJ/cm 2)Angle (deg)


0.4 -20

Figure S4. Data of the Figure 3(c) of the main text in doublelogarithmic scale.


In our experiment, the diameter of a single nanopar-ticle is much smaller than the wavelength, hence thenanoparticle can be considered as a monochromatic pointsource when lasing. Imaged with a sufficient resolution,such source will appear as a diffraction pattern ratherthan a dot. The exact profile of the pattern will dependon the actual optical setup, but for practical purposesof our real-space pattern analysis, it can be modeled asan Airy pattern. In such case, the source s will create





-2 0 2 4


on e


y (e





. uni


Wave vector Г-K(μm-1)







Figure S5. Measured emission spectrum below the threshold(P = 0.75Pth).

M K K' M0.00











Figure S6. Diffraction orders of the honeycomb lattice inthe empty lattice description, right along the high symmetrypoint lines, and left a crosscut at the energy of the K -pointof interest in this manuscript. The colors denote differentdiffracted orders: red for the 0th, fuchsia for the 1st, navyblue for the 2nd, purple for the 3rd and green for the 4th.

electric field Es (r′) at spot r′ of the image plane, where

Es (r′) ∝ psJ1 (α |r′ −R′

s|)α |r′ −R′

s|, (S1)

ps being the nanoparticle electric dipole moment, R′s theposition of the particle image centre, α an inverse-lengthparameter depending on the setup, and J1 the first or-der regular Bessel function. When multiple sources arepresent, their diffraction patterns will interfere with eachother. Their respective electric field contributions aresummed up, giving the resulting intensity at the imageplane I(r′) ∝ |∑sEs(r

′)|. This is how we obtained thepredicted patterns in Fig. 5 of the main text, as well asthose mentioned here below. The exact choice of parame-ter α does not qualitatively affect the predicted patternsinside the array as long as the distance between imagecentres of two neighboring particles |R′s1 − R′s2 | is wellbelow the radius of first Airy disk minimum≈ 1.22/α (i.e.if the central circles of the Airy patterns of neighboringparticles overlap), nor are the predicted array patternsqualitatively changed if the Airy functions are replacedwith Gaussian disks.

The profiles of the measured diffraction patterns willdiffer from the ideal Airy or Gaussian patterns (de-

pending on the setup and optical components used)and are not exactly known, but the respective mea-sured/predicted array patterns will match at the scaleof several unit cells. At larger scales, however, the to-tal optical path between the source nanoparticles andand their corresponding image locations on the CCD willdiffer for different parts of the array, causing additionalphase shifts in the observed patterns throughout the ar-ray.

A. Large-scale real-space images

In Fig. S7 we show the same pictures as in Fig. 5 ofthe main text, but over a larger area (right column) andalso covering the whole sample (left column). The exper-imentally measured interference patterns extend over thewhole sample size. But the observed pattern sometimesvaries throughout the array; our hypothesis is that thisis mainly due to the phase shifts depending on the con-struction of the measurement system as described above.However, any conclusions on this will require furtherstudy.

B. Comparison of real-space images for differenteigenstates

Fig. S8 displays a set of measured real space intensityprofiles for different polarization filter orientations, to-gether with the predicted intensity patterns for the twosinglets A′1 and A′2, as well as for the doublet E′, withcertain superpositions of the doublet states. The rela-tive phases of the K and K ′ point lasing modes in theA′1 and A′2 columns are uncorrelated. These picturesdemonstrate that, by inspecting the real space imagesfor multiple values of the emission detection polarizer fil-ter angle, one can distinguish a certain mode (here thesinglet A′1) from the other singlet as well as from a com-bination of the doublet states. While a single polarizerfilter angle result would leave ambiguity between certainstates, a tomographic polarization analysis using multi-ple angles leads to unambiguous results: for instance, theA′1 and the first doublet combination produce somewhatsimilar image for the polarizer angle −π/2, but clearlydistinct results for the angle π/3. These images also showthat random, uncorrelated phases between the K and K ′

lasing contributions do not produce the precise patternobserved experimentally: sometimes, a match is foundwhen assuming a constant relative phase between them,as shown in Fig. S9 and Fig. 5 of the main text.

C. Phase dependence of the real-space patterns

Fig. S9 shows how the simulated interference patternsevolve when the relative phase between the K - and K ’-point lasing contributions vary. The situation where the


Figure S7. Left: real space image of the sample. Right: An enlarged image of the position marked by a square in thecorresponding image on left. The images are for different polarization filters, top: no filter, middle: horizontal filter, bottom:vertical filter. The scalebars are 3µm long.


Filter angle measured A′1 A′

2 E′(+) E′(−)

−π/2 ↔

−π/3 ↔

−π/6 ↔

0 ↔

π/6 ↔

π/3 ↔

Figure S8. Comparison of measured real space patterns (left column) with the theoretically predicted patterns for variouseigenstate choices (the rest of the columns), for different output emission polarization filter angles. Here the angle zerocorresponds to the horizontal polarization filter in Fig. S7 and Fig. S9, and in Fig. 5 of the main manuscript. The theoreticalpredictions are for the singlets A′1 and A′2 (with uncorrelated phase between the K and K ′ contributions in both cases), andfor the doublet state E′, for two different choices of the superposition phase between the doublet states (sum and difference,respectively, of the two doublet states depicted in Fig. 2(a) in the main text).


relative phase is random produces distinctly different in-terference patterns. These results demonstrate that theinterference patterns can serve as accurate probe of notonly the lasing modes involved but also of their relativephases.


In order to get more detailed insight into the modestructure of the lattice around the lasing K -point – mostimportantly, how much do the mode frequencies at theK -points differ from the empty lattice model – we per-formed multiple-scattering T -matrix simulations [S5] foran infinite lattice based on our systems’ geometry. Wegive a brief overview of this method in the subsectionsIV A, IV B below. The top advantage of the multiple-scattering T -matrix approach is its computational effi-ciency for large finite systems of nanoparticles. In thelattice mode analysis in this work, however, we use ithere for another reason, specifically the relative ease ofdescribing symmetries [S6].

Fig. S10(i) shows the dispersions around the K -pointfor the cylindrical nanoparticles used in our experiment.The T -matrix of a single cylindrical nanoparticle wascomputed using the scuff-tmatrix application from theSCUFF-EM suite [S7, S8] and the system was solved upto the lmax = 3 (octupolar) degree of electric and mag-netic spherical multipole. For comparison, Fig. S10(ii)shows the dispersions for a system where the cylindri-cal nanoparticles were replaced with spherical ones withradius of 45.4 nm, whose T -matrix was calculated semi-analytically using the Lorenz-Mie theory. In both cases,we used gold with interpolated tabulated values of re-fraction index [S9] for the nanoparticles and constant re-fraction index of 1.52 for the background medium. Inboth cases, the diffracted orders do split into separatebands according to the K -point irreducible representa-tions (cf. section V), but the splitting is weak – not ex-ceeding 2 meV for the spherical and 15 meV (3.2 meV forthe E-in-plane modes) for the cylindrical nanoparticles.The splitting between A′1 and A′2 is very small; Fig. S11shows a detail from Fig. 2(e) on a scale that enables todistinguish them.

A. The multiple-scattering problem

In the T -matrix approach, scattering properties of sin-gle nanoparticles in a homogeneous medium are firstcomputed in terms of vector sperical wavefunctions(VSWFs)—the field incident onto the n-th nanoparticlefrom external sources can be expanded as

Eincn (r) =




pl,m,tn utl,m (rn) (S2)

where rn = r−Rn, Rn being the position of the centre ofn-th nanoparticle and utl,m are the regular VSWFs whichcan be expressed in terms of regular spherical Bessel func-tions of jk (|rn|) and spherical harmonics Yk,m (rn); theexpressions, together with a proof that the SVWFs spanall the solutions of vector Helmholtz equation around theparticle, justifying the expansion, can be found e.g. in[S10, chapter 7] (care must be taken because of vary-ing normalisation and phase conventions). On the otherhand, the field scattered by the particle can be (outsidethe particle’s circumscribing sphere) expanded in termsof singular VSWFs vtl,m which differ from the regularones by regular spherical Bessel functions being replaced

with spherical Hankel functions h(1)k (|rn|),

Escatn (r) =


al,m,tn vtl,m (rn) . (S3)

The expansion coefficients al,m,tn , t = E,M are related tothe electric and magnetic multipole polarization ampli-tudes of the nanoparticle.

At a given frequency, assuming the system is linear, therelation between the expansion coefficients in the VSWFbases is given by the so-called T -matrix,

al,m,tn =∑


T lmt;l′m′t′

n pl′,m′,t′

n . (S4)

The T -matrix is given by the shape and composition ofthe particle and fully describes its scattering properties.In theory it is infinite-dimensional, but in practice (atleast for subwavelength nanoparticles) its elements dropvery quickly to negligible values with growing degree in-dices l, l′, enabling to take into account only the elementsup to some finite degree, l, l′ ≤ lmax. The T -matrix canbe calculated numerically using various methods; herewe used the scuff-tmatrix tool from the SCUFF-EM suite[S7, S8], which implements the boundary element method(BEM).

The singular VSWFs originating at Rn can be then re-expanded around another origin (nanoparticle location)Rn′ in terms of regular VSWFs,

vtl,m (rn) =∑


Sl′m′t′;lmt (Rn′ −Rn)ut

l′,m′ (rn′) ,

|rn′ | < |Rn′ −Rn| .(S5)

Analytical expressions for the translation operatorSlmt;l

′m′t′ (Rn′ −Rn) can be found in [S11].If we write the field incident onto the n-th nanopar-

ticle as the sum of fields scattered from all theother nanoparticles and an external field E0 (whichwe also expand around each nanoparticle, E0 (r) =∑l,m,t p


tl,m (rn)),

Eincn (r) = E0 (r) +

∑n′ 6=n

Escatn′ (r)


Figure S9. Dependence of the real-space patterns on the relative phase of the K and K′ point realisations of the A′1 mode.From top to bottom: horizontal filter, vertical filter, unfiltered. The sequences on the left depict the evolution of the real spacepattern if the relative phase is shifted up to π/3. The patterns on the right correspond to the averaged intensity if the relativephase is totally random (or if only one of the K and K′-modes contribute).

and use eqs. (S2)–(S5), we obtain a set of linear equationsfor the electromagnetic response (multiple scattering) ofthe whole set of nanoparticles,

pl,m,tn = pl,m,text(n) +∑n′ 6=n


Slmt;l′m′t′ (Rn −Rn′)



T l′m′t′;l′′m′′t′′

n′ pl′′,m′′,t′′

n′ .


It is practical to get rid of the VSWF indices, rewriting(S6) in a per-particle matrix form

pn = pext(n) +∑n′ 6=n

Sn,n′Tn′pn′ (S7)

and to reformulate the problem using (S4) in terms of thea-coefficients which describe the multipole excitations ofthe particles

an − Tn∑n′ 6=n

Sn,n′an′ = Tnpext(n). (S8)

Knowing Tn, Sn,n′ , pext(n), the nanoparticle excitationsan can be solved by standard linear algebra methods.The total scattered field anywhere outside the particles’circumscribing spheres is then obtained by summing thecontributions (S3) from all particles.

B. Periodic systems and mode analysis

In an infinite periodic array of nanoparticles, the exci-tations of the nanoparticles take the quasiperiodic Bloch-

wave form

aiν = eik·Riaν

(assuming the incident external field has the same pe-riodicity, pext(iν) = eik·Ripext(ν)) where ν is the indexof a particle inside one unit cell and Ri,Ri′ ∈ Λ arethe lattice vectors corresponding to the sites (labeled bymultiindices i, i′) of a Bravais lattice Λ. The multiple-scattering problem (S8) then takes the form

aiν − Tν∑

(i′,ν′) 6=(i,ν)

Siν,i′ν′eik·(Ri′−Ri)aiν′ = Tνpext(iν)

or, labeling Wνν′ =∑i′;(i′,ν′)6=(i,ν) Siν,i′ν′eik·(Ri′−Ri) =∑

i′;(i′,ν′)6=(0,ν) S0ν,i′ν′eik·Ri′ and using the quasiperiod-icity, ∑


(δνν′I− TνWνν′) aν′ = Tνpext(ν), (S9)

which reduces the linear problem (S8) to interactions be-tween particles inside single unit cell. A problematic partis the evaluation of the translation operator lattice sumsWνν′ ; this is performed using exponentially convergentEwald-type representations [S12].

In an infinite periodic system, a nonlossy mode sup-ports itself without external driving, i.e. such mode isdescribed by excitation coefficients aν that satisfy eq.(S9) with zero right-hand side. That can happen if theblock matrix

M (ω,k) = {δνν′I− Tν (ω)Wνν′ (ω,k)}νν′ (S10)











(a) K-pointA ′

1A ′

2E ′

A ′′1

A ′′2

E ′′

0.9 1.0 1.1|k|/|K|

(b) E in plane

0.9 1.0 1.1|k|/|K|

(c) E perpendicular













(i) cylindrical nanoparticle, height 50 nm, radius 50 nm (lmax = 3) SV












(a) K-pointA ′

1A ′

2E ′

A ′′1

A ′′2

E ′′

0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01|k|/|K|

(b) E in plane

0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01|k|/|K|

(c) E perpendicular













(ii) spherical nanoparticle, radius 45.4 nm (lmax = 3)

Figure S10. Band structure of infinite arrays around the K -point obtained using the T -matrix approach, with (i) T -matrix fora cylindrical nanoparticle (height 50 nm, radius 50 nm) computed with BEM, and (ii) T -matrix for a spherical nanoparticle(radius 45.4 nm) calculated using Lorenz-Mie theory. The lowest singular value (SV) of (S10) as a function of (ω,k) is shown(a) exactly at the K -point for each irrep separately, (b) for E-in-plane modes, and (c) for H-in-plane modes.

from the left hand side of (S9) is singular (here we ex-plicitely note the ω,k depence).

For lossy nanoparticles, however, perfect propagatingmodes will not exist and M (ω,k) will never be perfectlysingular. Therefore in practice, we get the bands by scan-ning over ω,k to search for M (ω,k) which have an ”al-most zero” singular value.


A general overview of utilizing group theory to findlattice modes at high-symmetry points of the Brillouinzone can be found e.g. in [S3, chapters 10–11]; here weuse the same notation.

We analyse the symmetries of the system in the sameVSWF representation as used in the T -matrix formalismintroduced above. We are interested in the modes at the

K -point of the hexagonal lattice, which has the D3h pointsymmetry. The six irreducible representations (irreps) ofthe D3h group are known and are available in the litera-ture in their explicit forms. In order to find and classifythe modes, we need to find a decomposition of the latticemode representation Γlat.mod. = Γequiv. ⊗ Γvec. into theirreps of D3h. The equivalence representation Γequiv. isthe E′ representation as can be deduced from [S3, eq.(11.19)], eq. (11.19) and the character table for D3h.Γvec. operates on a space spanned by the VSWFs aroundeach nanoparticle in the unit cell (the effects of pointgroup operations on VSWFs are described in [S6]). Thisspace can be then decomposed into invariant subspaces

of the D3h using the projectors P(Γ)ab defined by [S3, eq.

(4.28)]. This way, we obtain a symmetry adapted basis{bs.a.b.


}as linear combinations of VSWFs vp,tl,m around


1.44100 1.44105 1.44110 1.44115 1.44120E (eV)






A ′1

A ′2

Figure S11. The lowest singular values of (S10) exactly atthe K -point, in the A′1 and A′2 subspaces for the cylindricalnanoparticle. The data are the same as in Figs. 2(e) andS10(i)(a), but plotted on a scale that enables to distinguishbetween the two curves.

the constituting nanoparticles (labeled p),

bs.a.b.Γ,r,i =


Up,t,l,mΓ,r,i vp,tl,m,

where Γ stands for one of the six different irreps of D3h,r labels the different realisations of the same irrep, andthe last index i going from 1 to dΓ (the dimensionality ofΓ) labels the different partners of the same given irrep.The number of how many times is each irrep containedin Γlat.mod. (i.e. the range of index r for given Γ) dependson the multipole degree cutoff lmax.

Each mode at the K -point shall lie in the irreduciblespaces of only one of the six possible irreps and it can beshown via [S3, eq. (2.51)] that, at the K -point, the ma-trix M (ω,k) defined above takes a block-diagonal formin the symmetry-adapted basis,

M (ω,K)s.a.b.Γ,r,i;Γ′,r′,j =



M (ω,K)s.a.b.Γ,r,q;Γ′,r′,q .

This enables us to decompose the matrix according tothe irreps and to solve the singular value problem in eachirrep separately, as done in Fig. S10(a).

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