lasswade high school groups/clubs...

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Wednesday 26th September 2018

House Assemblies S4,S5,S6 Senior Phase

Wednesday 26th September 8.30 – 8.40


Friday 28th September 8.30 – 8.40 (MK)

Fundraising ‘Dress Down’ Friday 28th September

Students who wish to participate in the Fundraising ‘Dress Down’ Friday 28th September

are asked to pay £1 to come to school casually dressed. Students who do not wish to participate

should come to school wearing school uniform. Monies collected will be split –

Two thirds donated to charity whilst the remaining one third will go to the School Fund.

This is a normal Learning and Teaching day, please remember to bring your school bag and all

equipment eg PE kit.

This Inaugural Conference is running for the full day. You need to sign up to your choice of

4 workshops via this link by Friday -

Thursday 27th September 2018


We are thoroughly looking forward to the first

ever Healthy Minds Conference tomorrow. Please check the lists outside room 230 for your

workshop allocations. It will also be noted on your badge tomorrow.

Please come in full uniform, to look great in the media photos!

Remember to bring PE kit if you have been allocated a practical session.

Registration in the Atrium at 8.30am.

Mr Chisholm


Can all S5 students who volunteered to

assist with this event, please meet outside the DHT office at 12:50 on

Wednesday. Attendance is essential to allocate your roles for the day.

Thank you!

Miss Moar

S6 Yearbook

Everyone in S6 who would like a yearbook could you please

give a deposit of £5 to Chloe Watt or Lauren Purcell by Friday 28th of September.


Happy European Day of Languages Everybody The Modern Languages


Isla Wilkinson Emma Dickson Maisie Jack Finlay Duraj Lawrie Tice-Young Will Traquair Kyle May Rachel Allan-Molotnikov Lucy Tod

Reminder for the following students to meet in room 216 on Thursday 27th September at 15.30 regarding Remembrance assemblies.

Can all S6 Humanutopia Heroes please go to room 115 at

1.15pm on Wednesday (26th) for a Mentoring meeting with

Mrs Hughes

S6 Interhouse Interest Group

Can all members please attend room 012 every Wednesday commencing 26th September from


Call for Lasswade Students to get involved!

Would you like to meet local scientists, engage with the public about the amazing world of Life Sciences and experience how events like this are run? There will be microscopes, surgical skills activities, a VR game and a lot more! If you are interested please get in touch with Ms Rachel Gardner or Mr Gavin Boyle.

Science Alive Saturday 6th October

11:00 - 16:00

Lasswade Community Centre

Kalli Mckenna RG1ME1 Sophie Smith RG1ME1 Charlie Todd RG1ME1 Jade Smith RG1ME1 Isla Wright RG1MK4 Maggie Goodall RG1SA4 Esme Hudson RG1SL1 Paige Tait RG1SL4

All S1 Chinese umbrella dancers come to 213 mandarin classroom at lunch time every Monday

and Tuesday. Enjoy Chinese culture!


NOW OPEN TO S2 There are some spaces left on the Trip. If you plan to take History in S3 this will be a great trip for you. If you would like to go please collect a letter from Miss Blake or Miss Whittingham.

Mexico Expedition 2019 See Miss McGurk or Miss Wallerstein ASAP



Geography photo competition

If you are entering this competition, please

come along to room 129 On Thursday 27th Sept. at lunchtime to submit your entry


You must have a digital copy of your photo, your (up to) 200 word paragraph & the signed consent form if you are S1-S3.

Thanks! (Miss Conlan)

Badminton Club! Badminton club is up and running Tuesday after

school, everyone welcome!!


Where and when?

Wednesday lunchtimes in the library classroom.

Come along and talk about what you have been reading and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet to read.

Higher Drama Evening Performances

Tickets are now on sale for Higher Drama Performances on Thursday 25th October at


Tickets are £3 each or £10 for a family of 4 people of more.

Please see Mrs McKenzie or Miss Brown in Drama if you wish to purchase tickets.

National 5 Drama Evening Performances

Tickets are now on sale for National 5 Drama Performances on Thursday 4th

October at 7pm. Tickets are £3 each or £10 for a family of

4 people of more. Please see Mrs McKenzie or Miss Brown in Drama if you wish to purchase tickets.


There are still some spaces left on the Battlefields trip. If you would like to go please collect a letter from Miss Blake or Miss Whittingham. Deposits are due by 28th September.

Midlothian Schools Golf

Event is on Friday 28th September 2018

Tee Times after 2pm Glencorse Golf Club

See Mr Graham in the PE Dept for more details and a chance to

represent your school!

SU group .



Attention S2 Students! Creative Writing Competition!

DEADLINE 1st November

The competition involves a 750- word creative piece about any Scottish scientist (Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics) alive or dead, or the impact of their discoveries

or inventions.

SEE MR STEWART in 302 for more details. John Logie Baird FRSE was a Scottish

engineer, innovator, one of the inventors of the mechanical television.


All Teams

- Letters and money must be returned ASAP.

Fixtures: U13 – No game U14 – No Game U15 – No game U16 – VS Boroughmuir (A) Sat 29th Senior – VS Portobello (A) Fri 28th

Meetings: U15 – Tues break in PE U16 – Tues lunch 13:40 in PE Senior – Tues break in PE

Results: U13 Lasswade 7 – 5 Musselburgh U14 Lasswade 4 – 1 Musselburgh U15 Lasswade 5 - 1 Currie HS U16 Lasswade 1 – 9 Portobello

Every Tuesday After School 3:30pm – 4:30pm

All Abilities Welcome

Miss Piaskowski

Young Geographer of the Year Competition 2018

This year’s Young Geographer of the Year Competition gives

students the opportunity to explore the geography of the Arctic, and discover what makes this polar environment so


Title: ‘What makes the Arctic unique?’

S1, S2, S3, S4 entries to produce an A3 poster S5, S6 entries to produce a 1500 word essay

Success Criteria available from Miss Conlan/Mr Tuft

Entries handed in by Friday 5th October to Miss Conlan/Mr Tuft

Winners will be invited to an Award Ceremony at the RGS in

South Kensington, London.

China Letters

Students from S3-S6 have been invited to participate in the school’s

China Visit programme.

Letters are available from

Mr Mitchell or Mrs Zhao.

Students who are able to host in November should return letters by

October 5th.

BFI Film Academy Edinburgh and South East Scotland 2018

Applications are now open!

Are you 16-19? Passionate about film? Want a career in the film industry? If so, the BFI Film Academy Edinburgh and South East Scotland 2018 is for

you. The Academy will be running at weekends from Saturday 27th October to

Sunday 21st January in Edinburgh.

The course fee is £25. Bursaries for travel are available if you require assistance with the costs. The BFI Film Academy aims to help train and

inspire the next generation of British filmmakers, supporting talented and committed young people aged 16-19.

For more information and to book a place go to

Closing date for applications - 5 October 2018

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