last day in 2201... the fall and its ramifications o broken fellowship with god o murder and...

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Last day in 2201 . . .

• The Fall and its ramificationso Broken fellowship with GodoMurder and thoughts of murdero Death and a shortened life expectancyo The floodo Rebellion at Babel

Last day in 2201 . . .

• Israel’s Patriarchal History: Abraham– Represents a renewed start in God’s dealing with

people– Elements of the promise

• Land• Nationhood/descendants• Conduit of divine blessing and curses

– God protects and provides for Abraham– Abraham represents the model:

• Christians: faith in God (Gen 15:6)• Jews: obedience to the Law (Gen 26:5)

Abraham Summarized

Important Themes in the Story of Abraham• Covenant

o Israel’s covenant at Mt. Sinai wasn’t new: it’s the fulfilment of God’s dealings with Abraham

• Providenceo God’s care for Abraham and his immediate children

means he’ll care for his more distant people• Worship

o Israel’s worship laws aren’t new: Abraham worshiped in this way (see 12:7-8; 14:20; 15:9-10; 17:23-27)

Abraham Summarized

Abraham a Pattern (Type) for Israel • Events in Abraham’s life foreshadowed similar

events in the life of Israelo Built an altaro Offered animal sacrificeso Lived in and came up out of Egypto Paid tithes to the priesthoodo Obeyed God’s law (26:5)o Experienced divine testing (22:1; cf. Deut 8:2, 16)

Abraham Summarized

Abraham the Pre-Mosaic Prophet• He prefigures Moses’ prophetic leadership

o Called a “prophet” (20:7)o He works miracles like prophets (20:17-18)o He intercedes for others like prophets (18:16-33;

20:7, 17)o He receives “the word of the Lord” (15:1)o God reveals the future to him (18:17; cf. Amos 3:7)

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Isaac (chaps. 24-27)• Narrative perspective: Isaac remains in

Abraham’s shadowo Abraham gets him his wife (chap. 24)o He gets the promise b/c he is Abraham’s son: 26:5,

24o Isaac follows in his father’s “lying” footsteps

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Isaac• God passes the promise to Abraham onto Isaac:

26:2-4, 24o Elements:

Nationhood/descendants Land Conduit for worldwide blessing Divine presence

o Functions as encouragement: cf. the contexts (Egypt/famine; bullying)

• Isaac passes the promise onto Jacob (27:27-30)

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Jacob (chaps. 25-36)• His Birth: 25:19-26

oMother had been barren but God intervenedo A prophecy about his future destinyo Emerged from the womb grasping his twin

brother’s heel Hence his name: “Jacob” (fig. “deceive”)

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Jacob• “Receiving” God’s Blessing

o He trades Esau for his birthright (25:27-34)o He steals his father’s final blessing

The Scheme: Masquerade Isaac’s blessing: 27:27-29

– Abundance of provisions– Mastery over the nations– Mediator of divine blessing/curses

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Jacob• God passes the Promise onto Jacob: 28:10-15

o Elements of the Promise The land Descendants Conduit for worldwide divine blessing Divine presence and protection

Israel’s Patriarchal History

What Goes Around Comes Around: Jacob Gets his Due (chaps. 29-31)

• Jacob the deceiver finds himself deceived by Labano Laban gets Jacob into work for him for free for 7 yearso He tricks Jacob into marrying Leaho He tricks Jacob into working for him free for another 7 years

• During his time working for Laban he fathers 12 children• Jacob increases his wealth by tricking Laban

o His flock increases exponentially; Laban’s not so mucho His flocks consists of the stronger animals; Laban’s the weaker

• Rachel steals Laban’s idols

Israel’s Patriarchal History

What Goes Doesn’t Always Come Around: Jacob Receives Favour (chaps. 32-33)

• Jacob’s path must cross with Esau’s (cf. chap. 27)• Jacob prepares for the worst based on the

messengers’ report• He has an encounter with God: 32:22-32

o Cf. Hos 12:3-4o God changes his name to “Israel”o Represents a change in character

• Experiences reconciliation with Esau

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Important Themes in the Story of Jacob• Divine Sovereignty: God sovereignly brings about his

purposes for his peopleo Jacob receives God’s blessing despite not being the firstborno God uses even human failings to accomplish his plans (cf. Joseph)

• God’s Moral Law: Sowing and Reaping– As Jacob was deceived so Jacob gets deceived

• Providence: God protects his peopleo He protects Jacob

From Laban Esau’s wrath

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Joseph (Genesis 37-50)• Joseph and the Technicolour Dream Coat: 37:3-4

o Jacob favours Joseph out of all his sonso Brothers hate him as a result

• Joseph the Dreamer: 37:5-11o He shares his dreams with his brothers, who hate

him all the more Jump him, throw him into a pit and sell him into slavery in


Israel’s Patriarchal History

• Joseph’s Humiliation and Exaltation (chaps. 39-41)o Joseph begins life in Egypt as a mere household slaveo Eventually becomes head of Potiphar’s householdo Falsely accused by a spurned, desperate housewife and sent

to prisono Becomes a chief attendant in prisono He correctly interprets strange dreams of some other inmateso Pharaoh’s has a strange dream that none of the court

magicians/wise men can interpreto Joseph correctly interprets Pharaoh’s dreamo Becomes Pharaoh’s second-in-command

Israel’s Patriarchal History

• Joseph Saves Israel (chaps. 42-50)o Because of Pharaoh’s dream, the country stores up

food for 7 yearso A serious famine comes upon the region, but only

Egypt has an abundance of foodo Jacob sends his sons there to get graino Joseph has some fun with his brothers—at their

expenseo In the end, they’re reunited and live happily ever

after in Egypt

Israel’s Patriarchal History

Important Themes in the Story of Joseph• Joseph a Pattern (Type) for Israel

o Events in Joseph’s life foreshadowed similar events in the life of Israel God’s prosperous presence: Gen 39:2, 20, 23; cf. Exod 33:14-16 He is exalted before the Egyptians He recognizes that he doesn’t belong in Egypt: 50:24-25

• God’s sovereignty over the affairs of his peopleo “The Lord moves in mysterious ways”: Gen 50:20

• God’s providenceo He protects his people to secure the promise: 45:5-8

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

The Story of the Exodus• The Promise in the Past: Gradual fulfillment

o Isaaco Jacobo The 12 Tribeso 70 people (Exod 1:5)o Exponential growth in Egypt: Exod 1:6-7

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• Problems with the PromiseoWhich elements were yet to be fulfilled?o Oppression: Exod 1:8-11-14; cf. 12:40

• Israel cries out for deliverance: Exod 2:23• The Solution to the Problem: 2:24-25; 3:7-8

o God plans to deliver his people through Moseso God plans to give his people lando God plans to bring them into a direct relationship

with him: 3:12; cf. 4:22-23; 5:1 (the context)

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

Moses• Born c. 14th century BCE• A special birth (Exod 2:1-10)• An elevated social status in Egypt: 2:10-11a• Felt a special sense of personal calling: 2:11b-14• Experienced a divine calling: 3:1-15• Expressed reluctance in saving Israel: 4:1, 10-13

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• The Strategy for the Solution to Israel’s Problem: 7:1-5o Signs & wonderso Specific signs/plagues

Blood (7:14-24) Frogs (8:1-15) Gnats (8:16-19) Flies (8:20-32) Death of livestock (9:1-7) Boils (9:8-12) Hail (9:13-35) Locusts (10:1-20) Darkness (10:21-29) Death of the firstborn (11:1-10)

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• The Initial Results: Exod 12:31-37, 40-42o Pharaoh releases themo They plunder the Egyptians of their wealtho They commemorate their release with Passover

• The Final Results: Exod 14:15-31o Final deliverance: Israel’s enemy is destroyedo People put their trust in YHWH (v. 31)

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• Echoes of the Exoduso Later prophets use the Exodus as the paradigm for

God’s future interventionIsa 11:15-16: “The Lord will dry up the gulf of the Egyptian sea; with a scorching wind he will sweep his hand over the Euphrates . . . There will be a highway for the remnant of his people . . . as there was for Israel when they came up from Egypt.”Matt 2:1-3:3: exodus motif

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

The Revelation of the Law Covenant• The Post-Exodus “Preamble” to the Law

CovenantoMoses leads Israel through the desert to Mount

Sinai The people complain about having to drink bitter water

(15:22-27) The people complain about having no food (chap. 16) The people complain about having no water: 17:1-7

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• The Revelation of the Law (Torah)o They reach Mount Sinai; occupies bulk of narrative

Exod 19–Num 10:11 (58 ½ chapters)

• These laws—the Mosaic Law—will define Jews & Judaism for centurieso Represents the heart/soul/core of Judaismo Defines what makes a person a Jewo Defines how Jews are to live—how to stay faithful

to the covenant

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• The Revelation of YHWH at Mount Sinai (19:1-20:1)o Transcendent

Takes place on a mountain top: 19:3a YHWH allows only Moses to speak to him: 19:9

o Holy/morally pure• Mount Sinai become holy and unassailable: 19:23• People must wash in preparation to meet God: 19:10

o Awe-inspiring physical manifestations of God:19:18-19• Thick cloud of smoke• Flames of fire• An earthquake• Deafening trumpet blasts

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

• The Purpose of the Lawo Teach the people how to relate rightly, i.e., how to

worship YHWHo By adhering to the Law they would • Remain in the Covenant and experience God’s blessings• Differentiate themselves from the surrounding nations• Reflect YHWH’s attributes: holiness, virtues, etc.

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

The Decalogue (“Ten Commandments”): 20:1-17o Synonymous with the Mosaic Law

1. Monolatry: Exclusive worship of YHWH2. Prohibition of Idols: No making visible representations

of the invisible God3. Prohibition against Misusing God’s Name: No

swearing falsely in his name4. Sabbath: Ceasing from all labours (cf. Gen 2:2-3)5. Honouring Parents: Giving them due respect and


Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

The Decalogue6. Prohibition against Murder (cf. Gen 9:4-6)7. Prohibition against Adultery8. Prohibition against Stealing9. Prohibition against Lying10. Prohibition against Coveting

o Final commandment has an inward orientation; this suggests that there’s an inward component to all of the others (cf. SOM)

Summary Observations of the Decalogue

‘Monolatry; Idols; Misusing God’s Name; Sabbath; Honouring Parents’

• Deal with Israel’s relationship to God

• More nationally oriented: for Israel

‘Murder; Adultery; Stealing; Lying; Coveting’

• Deal with Israel’s interpersonal relationships

• More universally oriented: for the nations (cf. 2TJ)

Inheriting the Promise:Exodus, Law, and Covenant

Other Parts of the Law: Exodus; Leviticus; Numbers• Preparation for Worship

o Ark o Tabernacle (and its accoutrements)o The priesthood (and its accoutrements)

• Performance of Worshipo Sacrificial systemo Priestly instructionso Festivals

• Covenant renewal• Halakhah

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