latin i-a stage 1 (1) phrase of the day experientia docet experience teaches

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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Latin i-a Stage 1 (1)

phrase of the day

experientia docet

Experience teaches.

Latin i-a Stage 1 (2)

phrase of the day

fama volat

Rumor flies.

Latin i-a Stage 1 (3)

phrase of the day

tabula rasa

blank slate

Latin i-a Stage 1 (4)

phrase of the day

caeca invidia est

greed is blind

Latin i-a Stage 1 (5)

phrase of the day

pecunia nōn olet

Money does not smell.

Latin i-a Stage 1 (6)

phrase of the day

magna civitas, magna solitudogreat citizenship,

great solitude

Latin i-a Stage 1 (7)

phrase of the day

unus vir nullus vir est

One man is no man.

Latin i-a Stage 1 (8)

phrase of the day

alea iacta est

the die is cast

Latin i-a Stage 2 (1)

phrase of the day

aquilanōn capit muscam

The eagledoes not catch the fly.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (2)

phrase of the day

asinus asinum fricat

A donkey scratches a donkey.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (3)

phrase of the day

iniuria nōn excūsatiniuriam

An injury does not excuse an injury.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (4)

phrase of the day

currus bovem trahit

The cart drags the cow.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (5)

phrase of the day

iniuria servī dominum pertingit

The crime of the slave affects the master.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (6)

phrase of the day

amor gignit amōrem

Love begets love.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (7)

phrase of the day

arma tuentur pacem

Weapons protect peace.

Latin i-a Stage 2 (8)

phrase of the day

ab asinō lanam

wool from a donkey

Latin i-a Stage 3 (1)

phrase of the day

exceptiō probat regulam

the exception proves the rule

Latin i-a Stage 3 (2)

phrase of the day

abyssus abyssum invōcat

chaos calls upon chaos

Latin i-a Stage 3 (3)

phrase of the day

ligōnem ligōnem vōcat

he calls a hoe a hoe

Latin i-a Stage 3 (4)

phrase of the day

veritās ōdium parit

truth breeds hatred

Latin i-a Stage 3 (5)

phrase of the day

natura nōn facit saltum

nature does not make a leap

Latin i-a Stage 3 (6)

phrase of the day

nē Aesopum quidem trivit

he has not even examined Aesop

Latin i-a Stage 3 (7)

phrase of the day

vitam regit fortuna nōn sapientiachance, not wisdom,

rules life

Latin i-a Stage 3 (8)

phrase of the day

abūsus nōn tollit usum

misuse does not destroy use

Latin i-a Stage 4 (1)

phrase of the day

cogitō ergo sum

I think, therefore I am

Latin i-a Stage 4 (2)

phrase of the day

in aquā scrībis

you write on the water

Latin i-a Stage 4 (3)

phrase of the day

cīvis Rōmānus sum

I am a Roman citizen

Latin i-a Stage 4 (4)

phrase of the day

confīdō et conquiescō

I trust and I relax

Latin i-a Stage 4 (5)

phrase of the day

nec habeō, nec careō,nec cūrō

I neither have, nor lack, nor care

Latin i-a Stage 5 (1)

phrase of the day

anilēs fabulae

old wives’ tales

Latin i-a Stage 5 (2)

phrase of the day

quot hominēs, tot sententiaeso many men,

so many opinions

Latin i-a Stage 5 (3)

phrase of the day

exeunt omnēs

they all exit

Latin i-a Stage 5 (4)

phrase of the day

ā fronte praecipitum,ā tergō lupī

in front a cliff,in back, wolves

Latin i-a Stage 5 (5)

phrase of the day

honōrēs mutant morēs

honors change morals

Latin i-a Stage 5 (6)

phrase of the day

annī nubilēs

marriageable years

Latin i-a Stage 5 (7)

phrase of the day

imitātōrēs,servum pecus

imitators, slavish herd

Latin i-a Stage 5 (8)

phrase of the day

deī nōs, quasi pilās, hominēs habentthe gods have us humans like balls

Latin i-a Stage 6 (1)

phrase of the day

excitābat fluctūs in simpulō

he was stirring up a storm in a ladle

Latin i-a Stage 6 (2)

phrase of the day

materiam superābatopus

the work was surpassing the material

Latin i-a Stage 6 (3)

phrase of the day

stabat Mater

Mother was standing

Latin i-a Stage 6 (4)

phrase of the day

divīna natura dedit agrōs; ars humāna

aedificāvit urbēsdivine nature gave fields,

human art built cities

Latin i-a Stage 7 (1)

phrase of the day

per aspera ad astra

through troublesto the stars

Latin i-a Stage 7 (2)

phrase of the day

cum granō salis

with a grain of salt

Latin i-a Stage 7 (3)

phrase of the day

deus ex machinā

a god from the machine

Latin i-a Stage 7 (4)

phrase of the day

ad nauseam

to the point of nausea

Latin i-a Stage 7 (5)

phrase of the day

scribere iussit amor

love ordered me to write

Latin i-a Stage 7 (6)

phrase of the day

vendidit hic aurō patriam

he sold the country for gold

Latin i-a Stage 7 (7)

phrase of the day


they lived

Latin i-a Stage 7 (8)

phrase of the day

obiit sine prole

he died without issue (a will)

Latin i-a Stage 8 (1)

phrase of the day

margarītās ante porcōs

pearls before swine

Latin i-a Stage 8 (2)

phrase of the day

maxima bellaex levissimīs causīs

the greatest wars from the lightest causes

Latin i-a Stage 8 (3)

phrase of the day

fabās indulcet fames

hunger sweetens beans

Latin i-a Stage 8 (4)

phrase of the day

faciēs tuacompūtat annōs

your face computes the years

Latin i-a Stage 8 (5)

phrase of the day

Gallia est omnis divīsa in partēs trēs

all Gaul is divided into three parts

Latin i-a Stage 8 (6)

phrase of the day

magnās inter opēsinops

poor amongstgreat wealth

Latin i-a Stage 8 (7)

phrase of the day

mentis gratissimuserror

a most welcomeerror of the mind

Latin i-a Stage 8 (8)

phrase of the day

taeterrima bellī causa

the most foulcause of war

Latin i-a Stage 9 (1)

phrase of the day

gloria in excelsīs Deō

glory to Godin the highest

Latin i-a Stage 9 (2)

phrase of the day

et in terrā, pax hominibusand on earth,peace to men

Latin i-a Stage 9 (3)

phrase of the day

hodiē mihi,crās tibi

today for me,tomorrow for you

Latin i-a Stage 9 (4)

phrase of the day

nē puerō gladium

don’t give a swordto a boy

Latin i-a Stage 9 (5)

phrase of the day

timeō Danaōset dona ferentēsI fear the Greeks,even bearing gifts

Latin i-a Stage 10 (1)

phrase of the day

moritūrī tē salūtāmus

we, about to die,salute you

Latin i-a Stage 10 (2)

phrase of the day

in Deō sperāmus

we believe in God

Latin i-a Stage 10 (3)

phrase of the day

edō ergo sum

I eat, therefore I am

Latin i-a Stage 10 (4)

phrase of the day

numquam dormiō

I never sleep

Latin i-a Stage 10 (5)

phrase of the day

et ego in Arcadiā

and I in Arcadia

Latin i-a Stage 11 (1)

phrase of the day

pāx vōbīscum

peace be with you

Latin i-a Stage 11 (2)

phrase of the day

facta suntpotentiōra verbīsdeeds are more

powerful than words

Latin i-a Stage 11 (3)

phrase of the day

dōnā nōbīs pacem

grant us peace

Latin i-a Stage 11 (4)

phrase of the day

maximus in minimīs

the greatest in the smallest

Latin i-a Stage 11 (5)

phrase of the day

usus est optimus magister

use isthe best teacher

Latin i-a Stage 12 (1)

phrase of the day

vēnī, vīdī, vīcī

I came, I saw,I conquered

Latin i-a Stage 12 (2)

phrase of the day

tetigistī acū

you hit the nail on the head

Latin i-a Stage 12 (3)

phrase of the day


I have sinned

Latin i-a Stage 12 (4)

phrase of the day

post festum vēnistī

you came after the feast (missed an opportunity)

Latin i-a Stage 12 (5)

phrase of the day

quae fuērunt vitia,morēs sunt

what have been vicesare now customs

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