latin list of logic fallacies

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  • 7/31/2019 Latin List of Logic Fallacies


    Logical Fallacies

    Logic is the study of reasoning -- the nature of good (correct)

    reasoning and of bad (incorrect) reasoning. Its focus is the method

    by which an argument unfolds, not whether any arbitrary

    statement is true or accurate. Thus, an argument can be both

    deductively valid and perfectly absurd, as in 1. All telephone poles

    are elephants. 2. Sally is a telephone pole. 3. Therefore, Sally is an

    elephant. The conclusion is valid because it conforms to a correct

    syllogistic pattern -- in this case, affirmation of the antecedent --

    but is ludicrous at the same time.

    As a "branch" of philosophy, logic is often broken down into

    many subsets: for instance, modal logic, many-valued logic, modern

    logic, symbolic logic, formal and informal logic, deductive and

    inductive logic. Those interested in pursuing the subject in depth

    should read and carefully examine the long articles in The

    Encyclopedia of Philosophy, especially "A Glossary of Logical

    Terms." Each article is followed by an extensive bibliography. (See

    also Logic.)

    A fallacy is an invalid form of argument, an instance of incorrect

    reasoning. Below is a list of common fallacies. Hit the "Back"

    button to return to the top.

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    List of Fallacies:

    affirming the consequent

    anthrocentric fallacy

    appeal to authority

    a priori fallacies

    arguing from "is" to "ought"

    argumentum ad baculinum

    argumentum ad captandum

    argumentum ad crumenam

    argumentum ad hominem

    argumentum ad ignorantiam

    argumentum ad lazarum

    argumentum ad misericordiam

    argumentum ad populum

    argumentum ad verecundiam (see "appeal to authority")

    argumentum ex silentio

    begging the question

    circular reasoning


    fallacy of false alternatives

    fallacies of interrogation


    gadarene swine fallacy

    genetic fallacy

    hasty generalization

    if-then fallacies

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    ignoratio elenchi

    invincible ignorance

    naturalistic fallacy

    non sequitur


    performative contradiction

    petitio principii (see "begging the question")

    poisoning the wells

    post hoc ergo propter hoc

    red herring

    straw man fallacy

    tu quoque fallacy

    undistributed middle

    Further Investigation

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    affirming the consequent -- A fallacy of the form "if A, then B; B,

    therefore A". Example: "If Smith testifies against Jones in court,

    Jones will be found guilty. Jones was found guilty. Therefore, Smith

    must have testified against him." {Jones could have been found

    guilty without Smith's testimony.}

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    anthrocentric (human-centered) fallacy -- This one isn't found in

    standard texts, but was described by John Stuart Mill in System of

    Logic. Consider the example of a preacher who one day takes

    someone supposedly possessed of a demon, throws his hand on her

    forehead, and shouts, "Get out! Leave this body!" Even supposing

    that demons exist, one might find it curious that they understand

    English, obey peremptory commands, and are easily influenced by

    incantations and rituals. The a.f. here occurs at the presupposition

    level: human language, reason, instincts, and desires are assumed to

    be the orbit around which everything else in the universe (including

    the aforementioned demons) revolve.

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    differences in nature must correspond to our received (linguistic)

    distinctions; that whatever is, is rationally explicable; that there is no

    action at a distance; that every phenomenon has a single cause; and

    that effects must resemble their causes. These are all errors, but we

    can go further and recognize a general apriorist fallacy, which

    consists in trying to base knowledge of fundamental synthetic truths

    on anything other than empirical evidence."

    arguing from "is" to "ought" -- A fallacy first articulated by

    David Hume (1711-1776) in which someone argues from a

    premise containing only a descriptive term, to a conclusion

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    containing an "ought." Example: "There is nothing morally

    wrong with the institution of slavery. It has been with us in some

    form for thousands of years." (The fact that slavery has been with

    us or is with us is not moral justification of the act. What is may

    not be the same thing as what ought to be.)

    argumentum ad baculinum -- Fallacy that occurs when threat of

    force is made, either implicitly or explicitly. Example: "I'm

    willing to discuss this in even more depth, but if you don't come

    around soon, there may be dire consequences." (Baculum from

    the Latin means "stick".)

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    argumentum ad captandum -- Any specious or unsound argument

    that is likely to win popular acceptance. (literally, "for catching the

    common herd").

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    argumentum ad crumenam -- The fallacy of supposing that a

    conclusion must be valid because the person making the argument is

    wealthy. (Crumena from the Latin means "purse".) An instance of

    this fallacy is when someone turns to another and says, "Well, if

    you're so smart, why aren't you rich?" One can be both smart and

    poor, as indeed numerous philosophers throughout history were

    (e.g., Lao-Tzu, Socrates, Spinoza).

    argumentum ad hominem ("argument against the person") -- A

    common fallacy in which someone argues against a position or claim

    by assailing the proponent of it. The truth or falsehood of a position

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    doesn't depend on who does (or doesn't) espouse it. e.g. "You can't

    trust Jones' theory of electromagnetic particles because he's a

    communist." (The theory is good or bad because it comports (or

    doesn't comport) with certain facts and evidence, not because the

    man propounding it holds a political affiliation.)

    argumentum ad ignorantiam ("arguing from ignorance") -- A

    fallacy that occurs when someone argues that because we don't

    know something is true, it must be false, or because we lack

    proof that a statement is false, it must be true. Ignorance or lack

    of evidence doesn't necessarily mean a position or claim is true

    or false. Common Examples: "No one has ever proven that

    UFOs exist. Therefore, they don't exist." (Something can exist

    despite the absence of confirmation. Lack of proof is

    justification for caution or even scepticism, but not dogmatic

    assertions.) "There is simply no proof that God exists. Therefore,

    God doesn't exist." (God might exist even though there is no way

    empirically to prove it.)

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    argumentum ad lazarum -- The fallacy of supposing a conclusion

    is valid because the argument is made by a poor person. It is the

    opposite of the ad crumenam fallacy.

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    argumentum ad misericordiam -- Occurs when an appeal is made to

    pity or to one's sympathetic nature. Example: "Augusto Pinochet is

    an old, dying man. It is wrong to make him stand trial for alleged


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    argumentum ad populum -- This fallacy occurs when an argument

    panders to popular passion or sentiment. When, for instance, a

    politician exclaims in a debate that his opponent "is out of step with

    the beliefs of everyone in the audience," he/she is committing the

    fallacy. The legitimacy of a statement depends not on its popularity,

    but on its truth credentials.

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    argumentum ex silentio -- The fallacy of supposing that someone's

    silence is necessarily proof of ignorance. Two people, for instance,

    may be debating a political issue on a cable news program. One may

    be in the studio with the host, the other appearing via satellite. Their

    time on air reaches the point when each only has a few seconds left

    to make a closing comment. One of the debaters asks his opponent a

    very technical, complex question, and the opponent is speechless for

    a few seconds. "Go ahead," the debater screams. "Answer my

    question! See? He can't answer." A viewer may be left with the

    impression that the person's speechlessness is tantamount to

    ignorance, when in fact any number of things could have happened:

    1) the satellite connection could've been lost or experiencing

    problems; 2) the debater was thinking about how best to answer a

    difficult question under such an immediate time constraint; 3) the

    debater might not have even heard the whole question. There may be

    reasons for temporary silence other than ignorance.

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    begging the question -- Circular reasoning in which a claim is

    assumed to be true and is then tucked in the conclusion. e.g.

    "Government by the people is ideal because democracy is the leastinadequate form of government." ("Government by the people" is

    the working definition of democracy; the first part of the statement

    needs to be proven, not reasserted in the predicate.)

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    circular reasoning -- Sometimes known as circulus in demonstrando,

    or begging the question. H.W. Fowler, inModern English Usage,

    puts it this way: "The basing of two conclusions each upon the other.

    That the world is good follows from the known goodness of God;

    that God is good is known from the excellence of the world he has


    equivocation -- Sometimes referred to as "amphiboly". A fallacy that

    stems from the ambiguous meaning of certain words. For example,1. Only man is logical. 2. No woman is a man. 3. Therefore, no

    woman is logical. "Man" in the first sentence really means

    "mankind," "humankind," "homo sapiens". "Man" in the second

    sentence means "maleness". The syllogism appears to be valid, but

    in fact is fallacious because of the subtle shift in meaning.

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    fallacy of false alternatives -- A fallacy occurring when the number

    of alternatives is said to be fewer than the actual number. Common

    examples of this fallacy are statements containing either/or,

    nothing/but, all-or-nothing elements. Examples: "Is she a Democrat

    or a Republican?" (She may be a socialist, a libertarian, a Leninist,

    an anarchist, a feminist or any number of other things, including one

    who is strictly apolitical.) "If you aren't for your country, then you

    are against it." (One may be neither "for" nor "against" but may

    occupy a position of strict neutrality or be affirmative sometimes and

    critical at others.)

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    fallacies of interrogation -- There are two forms of this particular

    fallacy. One is asking two or more questions and demanding a single

    answer when, in fact, each question might require separate

    treatment. The other form is asking a question whose answer would

    necessitate acceptance of a presupposition, one which the answerer

    might separately deny. The famous example of this second form is

    asking, "Do you still beat your wife?" Answering "no" legitimates

    the question and does nothing to contradict the presupposition that

    the husband once did beat his wife. Asking a question with

    presuppositions is fine so long as a narrow answer is not demanded.

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    flamboyance -- The manner in which someone speaks can easily

    draw unwarranted support for a thesis or idea. Incisive wit, verbal

    facility, equanimity and repartee have no bearing at all on the

    soundness/legitimacy of a position. It is the essence of what is said,

    not the manner in which it is said, that counts. As Bertrand Russell

    once noted, the purpose of being educated is to defend ourselves

    against the seductions of eloquence.

    genetic fallacy -- A fallacy that occurs when someone attacks the

    cause or origin of a belief rather than its substance. Why a person

    believes something is not relevant to the belief's

    legitimacy/soundness/validity. Example: "Smith's belief in God

    stems from a subsconscious need for a fatherly figure and is thus a

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    total joke." (The psychological link may in fact be true and may

    even shed some light on the personality of Smith, but is nevertheless

    irrelevant to the truth/falsehood of his belief.)

    hasty generalization -- The habit of arriving at a bold conclusion

    based on a limited sample of evidence. This often occurs with

    statistics. For instance, someone may ask ten women and one man

    what their opinion is of contemporary male-female relationships and

    from this sample draw a sweeping conclusion; hasty generalization

    would then be said to exist.

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    if-then fallacies -- 1. Affirming the consequent(If P, then Q. Q.

    Therefore P.). 2. Denying the antecedent(If P, then Q. Not P.

    Therefore not Q.) 3. Converting a conditional(If P, then Q.

    Therefore if Q, then P.) 4. Negating antecedent and consequent(If

    P, then Q. Therefore if not P, then not Q.)

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    invincible ignorance -- the fallacy of insisting on the legitimacy of

    one's position in the face of contradictory facts. Statements like "I

    really don't care what the experts say; no one is going to convince

    me that I'm wrong"; "nothing you say is going to change my mind";

    "yeah, okay, whatever!" are examples of this fallacy.

    naturalistic fallacy -- From theEncyclopedia of Philosophy: "What

    G.E. Moore called the naturalistic fallacy is the identifying of

    goodness with any natural characteristic, such as pleasantness or

    being the object of desire. If there is a distinct property, goodness, it

    will of course be an error to identify it with any other feature, even if

    the two are coextensive, and this would be an example of the refusal

    to distinguish what we cannot separate; however, it must first be

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    shown that there is such a property as Moore's goodness.

    Alternatively, if it is a question of how the word 'good' is commonly

    used, then it would be an error to say that it is used to convey somenatural description. However, if the naturalist is not trying to report

    the ordinary use, but is saying that this ordinary use is somehow

    unsatisfactory (and also that there is no such property as the one of

    which Moore speaks) and is therefore proposing a different use,

    where is his mistake? It is true that if he redefines 'good' as the name

    of some natural characteristic, but still also uses the word in its

    ordinary evaluative or prescriptive sense, he will be slipping into a

    fallacy of ambiguity; but a consistent ethical naturalist may be

    committing no fallacy at all."

    non sequitur ("it does not follow") -- A statement that does not

    logically follow from what preceded it; a conclusion that does not

    follow from the premises.

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    paralogism -- Any fallacious or illogical argument generally.

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    poisoning the wells -- This entry comes from an article by Albury

    Castell titled "Analyzing A Fallacy," which was included in the

    book Readings In Speech, edited by Haig Bosmajian (Harper &

    Row, 1965). Here is the full quote: "During the last century a

    famous controversy took place between Charles Kingsley and

    Cardinal Newman. It began, I believe, by Kingsley suggesting that

    truth did not possess the highest value for a Roman Catholic priest;

    that some things were prized above truth. Newman protested that

    such a remark made it impossible for an opponent to state his case.

    How could Newman prove to Kingsley that he did have more regard

    for truth than for anything else, if Kingsley argued from the premiss

    that he did not? It is not merely a question of two persons

    entertaining contradictory opinions. It is subtler than that. To put it

    baldly, Newman would be logically 'hamstrung.' Any argument he

    might use to prove that he did entertain a high regard for truth was

    automatically ruled out by Kingsley's hypothesis that he did not.

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    Newman coined the expressionpoisoning the wells for such unfair

    tactics...The phrasepoisoning the wells exactly hits off the difficulty.

    If the well is poisoned, no water drawn from it can be used. If a case

    is so stated that contrary evidence is automatically precluded, no

    arguments against it can be used."

    post hoc, ergo propter hoc ("after this, therefore because of this") --

    This might also be described as the causality fallacy: Event Y

    follows from EventX, so one automatically concludes thatXcaused

    Y. (A young man walks by a neighbor's house and sees a cat

    scurrying away; he looks up and sees a giant hole in the window.

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    The hole, he infers, must have been caused by the cat, who fell

    through the pane. The inference is hasty, because the hole might

    have been caused by any number of things -- a baseball that missed a

    friend's glove and flew over his head; young brothers fighting inside

    and accidentally smashing the window, etc.).

    red herring -- An attempt to divert attention from the crux of an

    argument by introduction of anecdote, irrelevant detail, subsidiary

    facts, tangential references, and the like.

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    straw man -- A fallacy that occurs when someone attacks a lessdefensible position than the one actually being put forth. This occurs

    very often in politics, when one seeks to derive maximum approval

    for himself/herself or for a cause. Example: "Opposition to the North

    American Free Trade Agreement amounts to nothing but opposition

    to free trade." (Someone can believe in free and open trade and yet

    still oppose NAFTA.)

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    tu quoque ("you too") fallacy -- The fallacy of assuming an

    argument is specious because it is either inconsistent with the

    person's actions or inconsistent with previous claims/arguments. A

    person may "preach" about something and act in a very different

    manner, but this fact has no bearing on the specific argument he is

    advancing at any time. Inconsistency, moreover, may raise issues of

    hypocrisy or double standards, but it does not bear upon the

    argument at hand. Example: "Smith: If someone hits you, you shouldturn the other cheek. Violence only begets violence, and violence in

    and of itself is wrong.Jones: That's a joke. You used to hit people

    when they picked a fight with you." (Smith may not have practiced

    what he now preaches, but two of his premises -- that violence only

    begets violence, and that violence is wrong -- need to be carefully


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    undistributed middle -- A fallacy of the form "All A are B. All C are

    B. Therefore, all A are C." Consider: All elms are trees. All oaks are

    trees. Therefore, all elms are oaks.

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    Further Investigation

    Years of intense study and training are not needed to develop a

    rough understanding of logic or, for that matter, of any other branch

    of philosophy. Much ground can be gained by reading a few

    chapters of several books, by foraging through various collections in

    used or old bookstores, and by visiting a few good sites on the web.

    Below is a list of prominent logicians and their work:

    Aristotle: Categories; On Interpretation;Prior Analytics;

    Posterior Analytics; Topics; Sophistical Refutations.

    Francis Bacon:Novum Organum

    Descartes:Discourse on Method

    John Dewey: Reconstruction In Philosophy

    John Stuart Mill: System of Logic

    W.V. Quine,Mathematical Logic.

    Bertrand Russell: The Problems of Philosophy; The Principles of


    Gilbert Ryle: Dilemmas

    Ludwig Wittgenstein: Philosophical Investigations

    Other Works:

    Rudolf Carnap, Introduction to Symbolic Logic and its


    Alonzo Church,Introduction to Mathematical Logic.

    M.R. Cohen & Ernest Nagel,An Introduction to Logic and

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    Scientific Method.

    W.W. Fearnside & W.B. Holther,Fallacy -- The Counterfeit of


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