latvia game

Post on 17-Jan-2015






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Game: Adam had 7 sons (Ādamam bij’7 dēli)

Country: Latvia

Players: Boys and girls

Age: different

Number of players: the more the better

All participants stand in a circle and one or two of them in the

middle of it. All go in a circle to dance way, holding hands and singing:

"Ādamam bij 7 dēli, 7 dēli, ne tie ēda, ne tie dzēra, ne tie zin kas jādara,

ne tie ēda, ne tie dzēra, ne tie zin kas jādara. Visi dara tā!” When the

song stops, those who were in the midle must show something what

others have to do, for example, jump on one foot, hug somebody, clap

hands....... The one who does not know how to do this or can’t do such

difficult, strange thing, goes in the middle and the game continues

from the beginning. Middle may have an unlimited number of

participants. Game finishes when participants are tired

Aims of the game.

This is a very popular and attractive game for all age groups,

which is played in both kindergarten and school, and also adult parties.

Game helps to make friends. It is funny, moving and exciting. It is also

a nice way how to learn some sentences from foreign language.

Game: Last pair divides

Country: Latvia

Players: Boys and girls

Age: From 6 years old and over

Number of players: the more the better

Pairs, with connected hands, stay in line one behind the other.

One of the players stands in front of the row and calls: "The last couple

divides!" Those who are the last pair divide, and run to the front of

each line along its side and try to connect their hands again. The one

who was calling : „Last couple divides!” is trying to catch one of the

pair members. If he/she catches one from the pair he/she becomes a

new pair and goes to front of the line as the first pair. If the caller

didn’t catch somebody from the pair, then he/she is a caller again and

the game starts from the beginning.

Aim of the game.

The main aim is to catch somebody from the pair and to stand

infront of the row. Pair aim is not to loose the partner because then

you become a caller and have to catch another player to make a new


This is also a very popular game in Latvia for drifferent age

groups. Speed, good reflexes, flexibility, concentration and co-

operation between the players, are the most important characteristics

of this game.

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