lauren & eos smart market

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Picture this: when you go to check out your groceries, you don’t have to scan a thing. Just place your bag, full of healthy groceries that you know you can afford on the self check out scale. In a moment, the price of every item in that bag has been communicated to the check out, along with your billing information. When you bought the Smart Market bag, it was the last time you ever had to swipe a card or input a pin to buy groceries.

These are small conveniences compared to the true purpose of Smart Market as a weapon against the powers of impulsive purchasing.

We’re all human so we all remember a time when some expensive treat beat out the perceived importance of our diets or our budgets. Smart Market stops you in the isle rather than at the check out or the credit card bill.

This awesome product looks like an every day reusable bag but when you put an item in this bag, it scans the barcode. Not only the price, but a list of ingredients is immediately sent to your smartphone. If the tin of caviar you just bagged goes beyond your budget, or beyond your budget per item, you will know.

Top has a zipper close

Has feet. Walls are slightly stiff so that it won’t colaps when set on the ground.

Two sets of straps. The long one is removable.

Barcoad scanner

The surface of the bag itself turns alarm red, your phone vibrates and displays a warning message. The same thing will happen if an item has ingredients you’ve labeled as restricted from your diet, or if a metric like the saturated fat percentage has been over reached.

The bag turns red when a budget or diet is broken.

Opening up your app, you can input all your settings, telling the Smart Market if you really do care about saturated fat and gluten, or if you just want to watch your budget.



In the dietary side of the app, you can choose from popular diets, or make up your own. This is a good place to let the Smart Market know if you have food allergies you’re avoiding.

If you’re family goes shopping together, the different bags and apps will all sync. The list of what each family member gets and it’s price will appear on everyone’s app. You don’t have to worry about one person over spending because they didn’t know the other had already reached the budget’s limit.

A family set of bags can sync so everyone is working within the budget.

In summary: Smart Market is customizable and makes calculating in the store simple. It keeps people thin and wallets fat.

Plus it folds up nicely.

Folds Flat to the floor of the bag

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