lava paylink-ip/232 quick installation...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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  • Rev. C00

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232Quick Installation Guide

  • 1

    Congratulations on your purchase of a LAVA PayLink-IP/232.PayLink-IP devicess securely connect payment terminals topayment processors over an Ethernet/TCP/IP connection. Paymentterminals that can transmit transaction information over a COM(RS-232) port can send information to the The

    establishes an SSL-secured connection to thepayment processor, places the serial data in a TCP/IP wrapper andsends it out its Ethernet port. Data moving the other direction, fromthe Ethernet side of the to the paymentterminal, undergoes the same process in reverse.

    Securely network payment terminals Stop using dial-up modems Eliminate long-distance phone-modem charges

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232.LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    With a , you can:

    Included with your package, you should have the following:

    Power supply Installation diskette Quick Installation Guide

    Getting Started

    Before Proceeding:The PayLink-IP is factory preset with anIP address of If this IP address conflicts with adevice already installed on the network, follow theprocedure described in the "Configuring network settings"section of this manual to set the IP address to a usableaddress.

  • Hardware Setup2

    1. Connect the power supply to the and toAC power.The power (red) LED will light to indicate that theunit is receiving power.

    2. Connect to the Ethernet RJ-45 jackof the . Attach the other end of thecrossover network cable to a host PC directly.

    Network status is indicated by two LEDs on the RJ-45 connector.The left (yellow) LED indicates network activity. It is on by default,turning off when network activity occurs at the PayLink-IP.The right(green) LED indicates a network link. It is off by default, but lightswhen a network link exists.

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    an Ethernet cross-over cableLAVA PayLink-IP/232



    Networkconnector (RJ-45)

    NetworkActivity and Link


  • 3

    3. Open a web browser to the IP address of the PayLink-IP andconfigure the device as described in the "Configuration"section of this manual.

    4. After configuring the LAVA PayLink-IP/232, attach it to yournetwork and connect a payment terminal to its serial port.

    Serial port activity is indicated by two status LEDs per port.Theyellow LED lights when the serial port is transmitting data.Thegreen LED lights when the serial port is receiving data.

    Single Port PayLink-IP/232

    Serial connector

    Serial Txindicator

    Serial Rxindicator

  • 4

    Configuration consists of the following:

    B. Port configurationC. Host configurationD. Terminal Side Data and Protocol configurationE. Password selectionF. Upgrading software

    A. Configuring network settings


    A. Configuring network settings

    PayLink-IP devices installed on your network will need unique IPaddresses.These are set by using a web browser.

    The factory default network settings for the PayLink-IP are:

    IP address: mask: address: [empty]Workgroup: [empty]DHCP detection: disabled

    To set a PayLink-IP's network settings, open a web browser andenter the IP address of the PayLink-IP into the browser's locationbar.The embedded web server running on the PayLink-IP willdisplay the opening screen of the PayLink-IP.

    Configuring PayLink-IP network settings

  • 5

    Click "Configure" if no password has been set, or enter thepassword for the PayLink you are configuring, and then click"Configure." The Configuration menu will open.

    Opening screen

    Configuration Menu


    Click "Configure" if no password has been set, or enter thepassword for the PayLink you are configuring, and then click"Configure." The Configuration menu will open.

    Opening screen

    Configuration Menu

  • 6

    If not using a DHCP server to assign network addresses, choose the"Manually configure" option for Network Settings. In theconfiguration screen that appears, enter the network settings youwish for that PayLink-IP. Once the new values are entered andaccepted, the PayLink-IP will reboot to implement the new networksettings. Advanced network settings can also be accessed from thispage by clicking on the "Advanced" link.

    Changing the network settings of a PayLink-IP device that isinstalled on a network may make that device unavailable to otherstations that have activated a connection to that device using oldernetwork settings.


    The following network parameters can be configured for the LAVAPayLink-IP/232:

    Network Settings

  • 7

    Device name

    IP address

    Subnet mask

    Default gateway

    HTTP port

    DHCP enabled

    Use this field to supply a friendly name for thedevice being configured.The friendly name is optional, and

    can be chosen to provide a conveniently-remembered name forthe unit.

    The IP address for the will identify the deviceon the LAN on which it is located. Any conventional IP address canbe used.The ships with its default IP addressas; ensure that this IP address is available on the LANonto which the is being installed.

    A subnet mask can be configured for the inthis dialog box; by default the has a subnetmask of

    Configure the IP address of the default gateway that thewill use when communicating with devices outside

    its network segment.The default gateway is configurable as a 12digit numeric address.

    By default, the communicates on port number80. A measure of increased security may be obtained by changingthis port number to a non-standard TCP port for HTTPcommunications.

    When installing the onto a network where IPaddresses are assigned by DHCP servers, please ensure that the

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232LAVA PayLink-IP/232


    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232

  • 8

    DHCP enabled checkbox has been set.Thewill then act as a DHCP client and obtain its IP address from theDHCP server on its LAN that first leases an IP address to the


    Use this dialog box to change the TCP port number assigned to theserial port of the . By default the

    assigns TCP port 2300 to its serial port; if another device onthe network is already using this TCP port number, reassign theserial port to another TCP address.

    After making changes to the network settings, four options exist:

    This option will register the changes you have entered into thedialog box and reboot the , implementing thechanges on reboot.

    This option will restore factory defaults and reboot the, implementing the changes on reboot.

    This option will discard changes entered into the dialog box andreturn you to the Administrator Menu screen.

    This option will reboot the device with the settings currentlyimplemented, and discard changes entered into the dialog box andnot submitted.

    Assigned local TCP port

    Submit changes and reboot device

    Restore factory defaults and reboot device

    Exit without changes

    Reboot device

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232


    LAVA PayLink-IP/232 LAVA PayLink-IP/232

    LAVA PayLink-IP/232


  • 9

    B. Port configuration

    The PayLink-IP/232 serial port can be configured through a webbrowser.The settings for the LAVA PayLink-IP/232's serial portshould match the settings of the serial port on the paymentterminal.

    Serial Port Settings

    The following port parameters can be configured for the LAVAPayLink-IP/232:

    Baud rateThis parameter can be set from 110 to 115200 bps. By default thisparameter is set to 19200 bps.

  • 10

    Data bits


    Stop bits

    Flow control

    Terminal ID

    This parameter can be set from 5 to 8. By default this parameter isset to 8 bits.

    This parameter can be set even, odd, none, mark, or space. Bydefault this parameter is set to none.

    This parameter can be set 1, 1.5, or 2. By default this parameter isset to 1.

    This parameter can be set XON/XOFF, hardware, or none. By defaultthis parameter is set to none.

    This parameter gives an identifying name, if needed, that a remoteserver will identify with the serial port.

  • 11

    C. Host configuration

    The PayLink-IP/232 Payment Host configuration screen has fieldsfor entering IP address/DNS name and TCP port information for upto four payment processing hosts. Each host can also be configuredfor the PayLink to use a fallback address

    By default, these fields are empty. Users will need to supply theaddressing information suitable to their specific paymentprocessing hosts on this screen and on the Terminal Side Data andProtocol Configuration screens that can be reached from thisscreen.

    Host Settings

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    D. Terminal Side Data and ProtocolConfiguration

    The PayLink-IP/232 permits each host connection to be configuredwith specific data format and protocol configurations, using thescreens shown below.These parameters are described in detail inthe PDF manual supplied with the PayLink software.

    Terminal Side Data and Format Configuration

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    By default, the LAVA PayLink-IP/232's connection to the paymentprocessor is set up using an SSL Ver. 3.0 link. Disabling this settingwill send data over an unsecured TCP/IP link.

    Protocol Configuration

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    F. Upgrading Software

    New versions of PayLink-IP software and firmware may be found

    Password Selection

    E. Password selection

    The PayLink-IP/232 password configuration screen can be accessedthrough a web browser.The password permits securing thePayLink-IP against unauthorized configuration of network settings,port settings, processor gateway settings, and advancedconfiguration features.The password supplied here is required toaccess the web browser configuration screens.

    By default the PayLink-IP is shipped with no password set. LAVArecommends applying a password immediately to any PayLink-IPdevices being deployed. As an additional security measure, whenthree attempts to supply a password fail, the PayLink will "lock" andwill require the use of a second "Unlock Password" which is alsoconfigured on this screen.

  • LAVA Computer MFG Inc.Toronto, Canada

    LAVATechnical Support

    9:00 am to 5:30 pm Monday to Friday (Eastern Time)

    Tel: +416 674-5942Fax: + 416 674-8262

    E-mail: tech@lavalink.comInternet:

    This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjectto the following conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,

    and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.

    LAVA Computer MFG Inc. 908 Niagara Falls Blvd. #629. North Tonawanda NY 14120-2060

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