law in support of mortgage fraud

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Law in support of Mortgage Fraud


    Law and Statute in Support - The Court Case Skeleton.

    For a valid court case, one must establish: -


    The ability of the court to hear the case. Their jurisdiction.2. The Laws, Statutes and codes related to the case & cause of actions.

    a. Establish the Hierarchy of laws and cite those relevant to the case andwhy:

    i. BibleKing James Version as used in every courtroom.ii. The Constitution (Enacted = The POSITIVE LAW)

    iii. Commonwealth (Cth) Laws (enacted = The POSITIVE LAW)iv. Statutes Enacted (Cth before State).v. Codes enacted.

    vi. Commonwealth Laws (not enacted)Any pretend laws not enacted; also called Codified Statutes; are

    prima facieevidence of a law; meaning the are presumed to be

    true unless it can be disproved.

    vii. Statutes not enacted (Cth before State)viii. Codes not enacted.

    ix. Relevant industry codes of practice.x. The Finance companies or banks own corporate charter.

    xi. Relevant Reputable Publications.b. The more powerful laws are the POSITIVE LAWS, ones that have been


    c. Finally are the Relevant Case law in support of your argument.i. Supreme Court cases down to Local court.

    ii. Domestic cases down to Foreign.The stronger the law in support of your case the better.


    Legal Definitions to establish; and remove presumptions of; the meanings of:a. Bank.

    i. What is it?ii. Laws establishing what it can and cant do.

    b. What it means to Lend.c. Lenderd. Borrowere. Currency.f. Money.

  • 8/13/2019 Law in support of Mortgage Fraud


    i. Legal and lawful definition. (Blacks Law & Strouds dict. etc.)ii. Types/Money Aggregates of: M1, M2, M3, M4. (Ref RBA)

    iii. Money of account vs. money of exchange.g. Credit.

    i. Legal/lawful definition.ii. Types of.

    iii. Money of account vs. money of exchange.NOTE: Depositors balance increases when credit is extended thus

    money was created out of nothing. Someone could exchange it all for

    cash and spend it therefore essentially proving new money is created.

    h. Funds. As in what are we referring to when we say someonesfundsinan account? Or to fundthe loan etc. as opposed to an investment Fund.

    i. A Security.i. Incl: Types of. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc

    j. A Promissory Note.i. Incl: Is it an asset?

    k. A Mortgage.i. Incl: Does it define where the debt truly is, or if a debt exists?

    (It is an accessory to a debt, not the debt itself.)

    l. A Contract.m. Debt.

    i. Can an asset be a debt?ii. Can a debt be an asset?

    n. Asset.4. Their authority; or not; to create money.5. Their authority; or not; to lend their depositors money.6. Their authority; or not; to lend their depositors funds.7.

    Their authority; or not; to lend their own capital stock.

    8. Their authority; or not; to lend on the security of their own shares.9. Their authority; or not; to create credit.10.Their authority; or not; to lend credit.11.Their authority; or not; to act as a broker in lending the money of others.12.Their authority; or not; to issue notes.13.

  • 8/13/2019 Law in support of Mortgage Fraud


    Additional Notes:

    14.What we know and therefore must prove with indisputable evidence:a. Banks Cannot lend depositors money, their own capital, their notes,

    their credit

    b. The bank did not lend us any money.c. The bank securitised our note.d. The note funded the check or similar to fund the sale.e. The bank then claimed it loaned us the money.f. The bank cannot purchase a note unless it uses its own money.g. XXXX +++++

    15.The Bank/Lender may say many things, e.g. They extended credit so that they canavoid answering that it broke the law, OR that it was a servicer for another entity,

    in which case the bank/lender has no proprietary interest in the debt.

    16.So, WHO has WHAT interest in the DEBT.17.Every asset is an obligation, and vice versa; and all securities are assets and

    financial obligations.

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