lawrence auls - concise business advice

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Concise Business from Lawrence Auls.


Concise Business Advice

Lawrence Auls

The 4-Hour Workweek

• Life is too short to live on anyone’s terms except your own.

• That “someday” you are waiting for possibly might never come.

• Do Focus your energy on the thing that drives the most results.

Rich Dad Poor Dad:

• One should acquire or create income-producing assets.

• It’s important to focus on cash flow.• The only true way to escape the daily “rat

race” is to secure a monthly cash flow from assets that exceed your monthly expenses.

The Top 10 Distinction Between Millionaires and the Middle Class

• Focus on calculated risks.• Earn profits, not wages.• Create multiple income streams.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

• Think proactively.• Start with the end in mind.• Make first things first.• Think about the win-win.• Seek first to understand others , then try to be

understood.• Synergize.• Take time of physical and mental renewal.

The Other 8 Hours:

• Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day.

The $100 Startup:

• Your business doesn’t have to require a great deal of risk or startup capital.

Turning Pro:

• The major difference between an amateur and a professional is how they establish their habits.

The Go Giver:

• Be helpful, the money will always follow.• Scale to help to reach as many people as


The Art of Non-Conformity:

• The easy thing and the best thing are usually not the same thing.

• “Your competence is your security”

Crush It:

• Pour your heart and soul into your business. People will notice.

• (if it sounds like real work, that’s because it is)

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing:

• Always be first to market. But if you can;t be first, just claim a new marketing you can be first in.

• You can’t be everything to everyone, so stop trying.

Purple Cow:

• The best way to get noticed is to be remarkable. That is, markedly different from every other options.

Attention! This book will make you money:

• Do what you competition isn’t doing.


• Use reciprocity: When you give someone something, they feel compelled to repay you. What can you give?

• Gain small commitments in advance of asking for a larger commitment.

• Use social proof like testimonials, press mentions, and trust signals.

• Be likable.• Be an authority.• Use scarcity: Sometimes fear of missing out and

playing hard to get can work to your advantage.

The Power of Habit:

• Cultivate positive habits.

The Millionaire Fastlane:

• The stock market is a poor wealth accelerator.• The best way to make millions is to solve a

problem that MANY people of businesses face.

The Thank You Economy:

• Customer service isn’t a department within a company. It IS the company.

• Out-care the competition, online and in-person, and people will begin to take notice.

The Ultimate Question:

• The ultimate customer service questions is: “How likely would you be to recommend Company XYZ to a friend of colleague.”

• Happy customers do your marketing for you.

The Lean Startup:

• Launch, get feedback, and then make quick incremental improvements.


• Less is more. Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”.

Getting Things Done:

• Develop a 1-touch system for income items: Do it, Delegate it, Defer it, or Drop it.

Start With Why:

• Customers don’t buy WHAT you do; they buy WHY you do it.

Good to Great:

• Find the sweet spot at the intersection of: What light you up, what you’re best at, what makes you money.

The One Minute Entrepreneur:

• You are the CEO if your own life. Act like it.

The E-Myth:

• Work ON your business, not IN it.

Great By Choice:

• Make progress everyday.

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