lawrence family update march 2014

Post on 22-Nov-2014






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March 12, 2014

Greetings from Arizona Reservation Ministries! Ministries! As we continue to enjoy warm weather, I know a large portion

of this country still fights ice, snow and more. It will be 80+ degrees in the Phoenix area today; just ten degrees cooler here. We are enjoying the warm winter, but also know that the moisture we should have had this past few months is a significant need. Because our winter rains have been rare, Dale has been able to work on the final phase of the Bridge Construction. Last winter, we had a group arranged to work with him to dig a huge trench and then line the trench with the rock-filled baskets for erosion control in the creek bed. When the group arrived, the rains did as well! It’s impossible to work in a creek when the waters rage within it. The Inspector from the County arrived at just that time. He saw our project, and our intent, and then extended our permit for a year. That year ends in April. Dale has been working on this project alone. There are portions of it that are simply easier for just one man and a tractor. Please pray for his safety as he continues to complete a project that has taken years to finish. As stated many times, we are incredibly grateful to all who have sent funds, hauled rocks or dug trenches in the Arizona summer, and more. Long ago, the local paper wrote that this is the “Mother of all Entrances.” It is huge. It is SO exciting to know that it is almost done.

Along with the Bridge project, Dale, Greg and Jon have been working to complete the sanctuary for the Church of Calvary. Their members have been working alongside our guys. Since January, we have only had two work teams. The days when it’s been the ARM men and their Church of Calvary brothers were encouraging, productive and fun. Tasks at the church included painting, digging the trench by hand to connect with the electricity at the current sanctuary, lay tile on portions, hang the trim and doors… It is really beautiful. We are all excited for the dedication that will be held Saturday, May 10


Four homes are near completion! One will be receiving cabinets that were crafted by a team that many of its members are driving from Pennsylvania in their RVs to install. The four families receiving these homes will, Lord willing,

celebrate House Blessings before summer begins! Along with a meal shared between ARM team and their extended family and friends, we’ll also be giving them a photo album which contains the pictures of those who worked on their home, and the phases of construction, and cards tucked in the back that were written by these laborers. They will also receive a hand-made quilt. We are so thankful for those who have created such beautiful blankets for these new home owners! In Native culture, a blanket is an appropriate gift. The laborers of these quilts are also a blessing to both the home owners and this team. We will also present them with an engraved Bible. As Dale shares a message at the meal, it will be clear that not only is this

home a temporary one, all of us waiting for our permanent one, but also that this home is ultimately a gift from God, a tangible reminder on a daily basis of His great love for them. Finally, they will receive a “home care” booklet that we have been able to create. Years ago, Dale and I purchased a new home. The builder gave us a book telling us the products to use, and the warnings of how to care for various parts of the house. (In Arizona, many families use aluminum foil on windows to reflect the heat. Doing this with dual-pane windows will break the glass), etc. Along with this booklet are scriptures that fit, silly photos, etc. so that they can have something to hold onto and read as they begin their journey in home ownership. It was such a blessing to share at Grace Church in Mesa since our last News was written. I loved meeting new friends and renewing relationships with old ones. These friends are now planning to visit for two prayer journeys later this month. As I was heading home, a couple who have been partners with us for many years invited me to stop by. They intently listened to all the latest news; not only about our ministry, but asked questions about our family as well. They sent me home with books (when able, I love to read!), and other gifts after praying for us. I love visiting with God’s kids, wherever they are! One of our most precious gifts is the friendships the Lord has orchestrated with brothers and sisters, literally around the world. The reunions in heaven are certainly going to be amazing! As much as I love to travel to share about ARM, and our San Carlos Apache brothers and sisters, at times, our calendar is so hectic that I make mistakes and plan two-or three-events for the same day! I was looking forward to going with a group of ladies to the Joyce Meyer Conference in Phoenix in February. One of my calendars didn’t have it written in as I also

scheduled a prayer journey for that morning. The next day, we were invited to share at Real Life Christian Church in Mesa. I prayed. God took over and made it all work beautifully! Bill, on our team, heard about my predicament and offered to take the group from Desert Christian Fellowship on their prayer journey. Bill and Jean have been here for over

eight years. It is obvious that their hearts are here. I knew it would go well, and reports from those that visited assured me that it did. Jean rode along to help host and I’m sure added many valuable tidbits as well. We have a friend at Real Life Christian Church who gladly represented ARM for me. The ladies and I took our display, brochures, etc. down on our way to the conference, and Bob did a great job of sharing with his church about this ministry. God was once again reminding me that I’m part of His body, and my brothers and sisters are fully capable of helping carry this load. (Praying you can hear and receive that lesson as well.)

The Joyce Meyer Conference was again very challenging. Scriptures were shared that led all of us to a deeper walk in Christ. We were able to attend the Friday evening and Saturday morning sessions. At the end of Friday’s session, one of our women stood to accept Christ. Please pray for Michelle. Pray for all of those that attended. It was especially exciting to watch as those who went with us are from various families and backgrounds. The blending was heart-warming and a special blessing. This year, our daughter-in-law, Linda again attended. She has become a trusted friend to many on the Reservation. Faye also encouraged me to invite my mother. It was such a blessing to have her join us, meet these Apache sisters, and hear also the lessons of the weekend. All of this was possible because of our new van. Again, thanks to those who provided for that tool of ministry!

As this is written, GOD is clearly doing what only God can! Sunday, February 22nd

, we learned that one church had decided to provide a substantial amount toward our new Church Bus. The following day, we received a check in the mail from our Illinois partners for $1,000 earmarked for the Church Bus. Monday, March 3

rd, we received word that another church had voted to send us $7,500.

toward our Church Bus. As I opened e-mails Thursday morning, word arrived from another church that had just voted to send us $10,000 toward our Church Bus! Dale is looking for a large enough, reliable enough bus that we will be able to purchase and retrofit soon! Please pray for wisdom as he seeks, as we retrofit, and for the remaining funds to complete this much-needed project. It is SO FUN to watch as God coordinates His provisions! Praise God for His plans and His provision…and please join us in thanking God for the faithful who are helping.

Much of our tasks are made easier, or completed much sooner because of the teams the Lord sends through our Short-Term Ministry Teams. So far in 2014, the workers have been younger than typical. Their labors of love have been a great blessing! We welcomed the kids from Stone Ridge Church in Yuma in February. This past week, we enjoyed the return of Winnie Miller from Indiana. This year, she was able to persuade her daughter and two grandkids to join her. “Grandma Winnie”, Clarissa, Eli and Izzy also accomplished much! The month of March is filled with visitors! We will welcome groups from Scottsdale, Mesa, and Phoenix AZ; Cleveland OK; UCLA’s Alpha Gamma Omega fraternity, Williamsport, PA; AND China! Please pray for the Lord to receive all honor as these brothers and sisters arrive. Especially be in prayer for our friends from China, some of whom may not already know about Christ! This is just one dot on the map of the mission field. Pray that we remain faithful to His callings in all things!

We are so thankful that all of Jon and Linda’s medical tests and Linda’s surgery have elapsed with no difficulties. Their service through ARM is bearing much fruit! Please keep their finances in prayer as they also are praying for financial and prayer partners. Ephraim, our son-in-law, is now home from deployment, serving as a career Seabee in the Navy. Jacque continues to love her job as an advocate for special-needs students within the Oxnard, CA School District. Please also keep Isaac, Joe, Jasmine, Andi, Morgan and Edward in prayer as they are this Nana and Poppy’s most favorite grandkids. Justin continues to work long hours at two fire departments in Globe while also training for future promotions and renovating his home. Jenna has moved to a new home and is enjoying her job at AutoZone, waiting to resume classes once funds are available in June. She will, most likely, have her fourth surgery on her wrist/arm this summer. Dale’s fibromyalgia pain, as well as a torn Medial Miniscus make long days difficult, but enjoying what you’re doing and knowing others are praying, makes the tasks much easier. As always, we cannot thank you enough for your partnership! Your prayers, encouraging notes and support are truly precious to us!

Love, Dale and Diana

Prayer Calendar The Dale Lawrence Family and Arizona Reservation Ministries

March, 2014 17

th-Please pray for the group from Phoenix’s First Christian

Church that arrived last night. Pray for their safety, and for all they experience to lead them closer to God. 18

th-Pray for the group joining us from Cleveland OK this week

as well! Pray especially for the youth minister’s wife as she is expecting her first baby and traveling with them. 19

th-Please pray for wisdom as we find our new Church Bus and

renovate it. Pray also for the remaining funds to arrive soon! 20

th: Please pray for Bob Baird; 87-year-old pastor who

continues to drive 1 ½ hours each way to lead Bible Study at our Globe church on Thursdays. 21

st: Pray for the residents of the Tribe’s Shelter Care and for the

Lord to fill the empty beds with those that need a safe home, etc. 22

nd: Please pray for Aaron Kimbrough, Justin’s long-time

buddy as Dale performs his wedding today. 23

rd: Pray for the guys from UCLA as they travel to help us

today. 24

th: Please pray for the prayer journey today, and all of them

that are occurring this month! At least nine are on the calendar! 25

th: Please pray for the friend who is praying about joining

ARM as our cook. 26

th: Please keep the electric provider for the majority of the

Reservation in prayer as they renovate their infrastructure. Pray for smooth tasks, no more blackouts, and an end to their oppression. 27

th: Pray for Tasha, Tara, Christine, Caroline, Cindy and the

others that join in the Church Bus with their kids at times on Thursdays. 28

th: Pray for the group joining us this weekend from Broadway

Christian Church in Mesa AZ. 29

th: Pray for our daughter-in-law, Linda to have a wonderful

birthday today as we thank God for her! 30

th: Please keep the group from PA in prayer as they gather

with us today after traveling in many different directions the past few weeks. 31

st: Please pray for Nina and her team as they teach parenting

to high school girls and bless with smiles and hope at the San Carlos High School.

April 1st

: “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot 2

nd: Please, please pray daily for Labumba and the families/kids

living there. Pray for Christ’s peace. 3

rd: Please pray for God’s miracles as the group of international

students from China arrives today. Pray for the interaction between them and a large group of Apache kids this afternoon. 4

th: Please pray for wisdom as our cross-cultural orientation and

prayer journey will need God’s direction for our special guests. 5

th: Thank God for Faye as she celebrates her birthday today!


: Please pray for Kat, Monique, Nicole, Karletta, and other young women/girls who need to make wise choices. 7

th: Pray for the ARM Team as we get together for our meeting

this morning.


: Pray for the Bible Study this afternoon at the Shelter Care. Thank God for these precious residents and staff members! 9

th: Please pray for the hospital under construction on the

Reservation: For the funding to continue, for compassionate staff, and for those in college now to find fulfillment in working at a hospital on their own Reservation. 10

th: Please pray for Jacque, Ephraim, Isaac and Joe as they live

and work in California. 11

th: Pray that the dedication service for the Church of Calvary

unfolded in ways that blessed both God and this body of believers. 12

th: Pray for the group from Bios Christian Academy joining us

this weekend. 13

th: Please pray for Dale and Bill as they continue to preach

two Sundays each month in Globe in addition to their many other tasks. 14

th: Pray for tender hearts and wisdom as I share with women

at Sun City AZ’s First Christian Church this morning. Also, please pray for Greg Conrad as he celebrates his birthday in his new home with ARM today. 15

th: Pray for the new Bible Study planned for our home each

week. 16

th: Please pray for people in the Globe/Miami/San Carlos area

to begin worshipping at Central Christian if they don’t have a church home (so MANY don’t!) 17

th: Pray keep our godsons, Bob and Ryan, their mom, and

baby sister in prayer. Pray for opportunities to be with them! 18

th: Please pray for Brent and Mary, a married couple that will

be spending 11 weeks with us in internship beginning in May. 19

th: Please pray for our former interns, including Elizabeth,

Katie, Josh, ShaylaRose, Megan, Amber, Holly, Sean, Elizabeth, Jessi, and Patience. Many are now serving in new ministries, or continuing their studies in preparation for the mission field! 20

th: How can we ever thank God enough for His most precious

gift? Praise God for the hope and promises we have because of today! 21

st: Please pray for the group from Kings’ Christian School,

New Jersey joining us again this week. 22

nd: Please pray for Justin to hear God’s leading regarding

where to work full-time. 23

rd: Please keep Jenna in prayer as she finally gets to see

doctors with new health insurance. Pray for God to give her His wisdom. 24

th: Please pray for Mike and Nia as they celebrate their

anniversary today. We thank God for them 25

th: Pray for me as I am blessed to participate in a women’s

retreat this weekend, and share a bit about the power of prayer. 26

th: Join me in thanking God for a special friend that provided

so I could attend this retreat, as well as so much more. 27

th: Please pray for Raymos, Sister Faye, Ronald, Chopper,

Fernando, Chris, Erick, Daniel, Kevin, LeRoy, Corrine, Sherry and the many others who fill the pulpits of San Carlos churches. Pray also for unity, both within and between their churches. 28

th: Please pray for the completion of all four homes soon so

that we can begin the two new ones we pray to begin by summer. 29

th: Pray for the Sunday School classes at Church of Calvary for

the kids! Pray for God to compel adults to step into this area of ministry. 30

th: Pray for Jean Cook, as celebrates her birthday today! Join

us in thanking God for her ,

Needs Lists: ARM Six bathroom rugs Lowe’s Gift Cards New desktop computer

Dale and Diana Beach towels Restaurant gift cards for traveling New Laptop computer

Special Request: We would love to print and distribute special t-shirts to all of those who regularly attend their Church Bus. The design contest has already begun! This gift is a powerful tool for kids to see the many, many others who also are choosing to follow Christ as they attend school, etc. We will need approx. $2,400. ($8. Per shirt for 300 kids). Thanks for praying about this special need!




Arizona Reservation Ministries 8435 S. Six Shooter Canyon Rd. Globe AZ 85501

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