lead the way for your cause!

Post on 01-Feb-2022






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501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Lead the Way for Your Cause!

You can raise awareness of your favorite nonprofit by reaching out to your friends, family, and colleagues through a FUNdraising page.

1. Choose a nonprofit to fundraise for 2. Create your FUNdraising page 3. Share your FUNdraising page with your network

Every time you share your page by email or on social media, you expand the circle of people who get to know about and support the cause you love. With your leadership, the nonprofit you care about will connect to new donors and champions!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is GiveBIG Washington?

GiveBIG Washington is an online giving campaign that promotes philanthropy across Washington State. The big event is May 5-6, 2020, but donors can search for nonprofits starting January 1 and can give early between April 15 and May 4. Organized by 501 Commons, this event is open to IRS tax-exempt organizations serving and headquartered in Washington State.

501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Who should I ask to give?

Family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, community members, friends of friends, people you buy services from, and more! Not everyone you ask will donate to your campaign, but money isn’t the only benefit from FUNdraising. By reaching more people and new audiences, you bring greater attention to nonprofit organizations and causes important to you!

What social media channels should I use?

Facebook is the most used social network, followed by Instagram and Twitter. Use the social media where you spend the most time with the people you know to share your FUNdraiser!

Who do I reach out to if I need help?

If you are having a technical issue, you can reach out to the GiveBIG Support Team at givebig@501commons.org or by phone at 833-962-3615. If you have a question related to the nonprofit you selected, reach out to them directly.

Creating Your FUNdraising Campaign

Getting Started

Go to www.givebigwa.org

Using the search bar, find the registered nonprofit you want to fundraise for. On the organization's profile page click the “FUNDRAISE” button to create your FUNdraising page. You will be asked to create or login to your Donor Account with your name and email; this is the

same account you would use to make GiveBIG donations.

Make it a Match: How you can double the impact of your gift!

Why? If you commit to making a donation to match the donation of someone who gives through your

FUNdraising page, you increase the chance of a donation by 22%. If you are already going to give, using that amount as a matching fund can make the difference in

the success of your FUNdraiser! How?

Click the box “Matching Fund Available” and enter the amount you are willing to donate. Mention your match in the text on the page (“I will match the first $XXX donated”). You can donate your match when you match goal is reached, or at the completion of your

campaign. Your donation can be made on the GiveBIG website or sent directly to the organization.

Campaign Strategies

Set a challenge: Offer a reward for your donors if you meet your fundraising goal. You can promise to shave your beard, throw a party, or set out to finally climb Mt. Rainier!

Start a friendly competition: Pair up with another person doing a FUNdraising campaign to see who can meet their fundraising goal first.

501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Connect your campaign with a personal event: Encourage people to donate in honor of your birthday, in memory of someone, or to celebrate a milestone.

Make it newsworthy: Connect your campaign with a topical news story, holiday, or an event connected to your cause.

Seed success: When the GiveBIG site opens for early donations on April 22, get a couple of family members or close friends to make early donations. Other people are more likely to donate to your campaign when they see that someone has already contributed.

501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Sharing Your FUNdraising Page


Besides the sample communications timeline and email and social media copy below, make sure you use these resources!

Graphics Toolkit Donor FAQ

Sample Communications Timeline

What? Date Why? Tips Initial Email April 15-

May 2 Share your FUNdraiser and ask for donations during Early Giving to build momentum!

Use an eye-catching email subject line Include a short personal message that states why

you are supporting the organization. Create urgency by noting that you are only

collecting (and potentially matching) donations between April 15 - May 6.

Ask them to spread the word by forwarding your email or sharing the link to your FUNdraiser.

Thank your potential donors in this email Initial Post April 15-

May 2 Use content from your email as inspiration Ask people to share your post

Reminder Email & Post

May 2-4 Send and post a reminder that GiveBIG ends May 6, 2020 at 11:59 pm.

Use the hashtag #GiveBIGWA or #GiveBIG Include the custom URL for your FUNdraiser

Day-of Email and Post

May 5-6 Include a thank you for early givers. Remind everyone to share your FUNdraising

page. Add a status update on how close you are to

reaching your goal. Thank You Post

May 7 Thank your donors and network while celebrating your success and the mission of the nonprofit you support!

Post message(s) through the social media channel(s) you used to promote GiveBIG to show your thankfulness and appreciation for your supporters.

Add this message: “If you still support this cause but were unable to give through GiveBIG, visit their website at [nonprofit website] to make a donation.”

Thank You Email to Network

May 7 Email all your contacts (not just the ones who donated) to report on your results, the results of your chosen nonprofit, and GiveBIG overall.

Thank You Email to Donors

May 7-9 After GiveBIG, follow up with your donors to share your results and show your appreciation for those that donated. They have already received a donation receipt.

For larger donors, or friends who made a significant gift for them, we you may also want to call or text them with a personal thank you!

501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Sample Emails

Initial Email: Between April 15-May 4

Subject: Can I count on you? Dear [Name], I am so excited to be a part of something so important in this world and I want you to join me. On May 5 and 6, tens of thousands of people are showing their support for their favorite nonprofits through GiveBIG Washington 2020. I am donating [$xxx] and if [xx] people join me and give [$xx] or more, I’ll reach my goal of [$xxxx]. The money we raise will [specific message about the nonprofit and why it matters. Think about including a story that shares the impact of the organization]. I know this issue matters to you because [include a note that connects the issue to your reader(s). Here’s how you can make an impact:

1. Mark May 5 and 6 on your calendar and save this link [insert link to your GiveBIG FUNdraising

page] to give your donation. You can also give now! Any level of donation will help me reach my


2. Follow me on [links to your social media accounts] and share my GiveBIG posts.

3. Spread the word! Tell your friends and family why you support [nonprofit] through #GiveBIGWA.

Forward this email to your family, colleagues, and friends along with a personal note about why

you believe in this cause and invite them to join you in giving to nonprofits like [nonprofit] across

Washington on May 5-6.

Together, we can enact real, tangible change by donating to [nonprofit]. I can’t wait to celebrate with you the difference we will make when we #GiveBIG May 5-6! Thank you for your support! [Your name] Reminder Email: May 2-4

Subject: Mark your calendar GiveBIG is two days this year on May 5-6. Please visit my fundraising page for [nonprofit] now or on GiveBIG Day so that we can [impact of giving on your cause.] Here's how you can help:

1. Support my fundraising page at [link to your GiveBIG profile]. Donations at any level will help me

reach my goal!

2. Follow me on [links to your social media accounts] and share my GiveBIG posts or tell your friends

and family why you support [nonprofit] through #GiveBIG.

3. Spread the word! Forward this email to your family, colleagues, and friends along with a personal note as to why you believe in this cause, and why they should also give today

501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Day of Email: May 5/6

Subject: Do something amazing today!

Dear friends Today’s a BIG day to GiveBIG! Join me and thousands of other change makers who are showing their support for their favorite nonprofits. Today is our chance to make a real difference, right here in your community. Your support would mean a great deal to me. I am raising funds for [nonprofit], an organization dedicated to [cause specific message]. I am at xx% of my goal to raise $___. If [xx] people to each give [$xx] or more, I’ll reach my goal! You can enact real, tangible change by donating to [nonprofit]. I can’t wait to celebrate with you the difference we will make when we GiveBIG today! Thank you for your support! [Your name] Thank You Email to Network: May 7

Subject: We did it! Dear family and friends, Thanks to your donations and shares, we were able to raise $_____ for [nonprofit] through GiveBIG Washington! The funds we raised will go to supporting [nonprofit]’s work with [cause]. If you still want to support this cause but were unable to give through GiveBIG, visit their website at [nonprofit website] to make a donation. Thank you for being part of a movement that raised $(GiveBIG fundraising total) for Washington nonprofits. [Your name] Thank You Email to Donors: May 7-9

Subject: Thanks to you… Dear [Name], Thank you for supporting my GiveBIG campaign. I am very grateful for your generous donation to [nonprofit]! Together with other donors we raised $________ for [nonprofit]! I believe in the mission of [nonprofit] and their work in our community. I am so lucky to have a community of friends and family that supports my passion for [agency specific message]. Thank you again for your support! [Your name]

501 Commons: Derivatives allowed with attribution. Sponsored by Third Sector Company

Sample Social Media Posts

Initial Campaign Posts: April 15-May 5

I support [nonprofit specific message] and I am raising funds for this important cause between

April 15 and May 6! If you’d like to help me do this please #donate to [link to your GiveBIG page]

Do you care about [agency specific message]? Then support [nonprofit] and #GiveBIG today at

[link to your GiveBIG page]

15 days until #GiveBIG and I can’t WAIT to support [nonprofit]. If you believe in supporting [agency specific message] then help me raise $____ at [link to your GiveBIG FUNdraiser]

I am so excited to be a part of #GiveBIG! You can help me support my favorite #cause by visiting [link to your GiveBIG page] and donating on May 5-6.

Save the date: #GiveBIG is May 5-6! Join me in being a part of the celebration by giving to my favorite #nonprofit and support [statement of your chosen cause]. Visit [link to your GiveBIG page] today to make your donation.

Day of Posts: May 5-6

There is no limit to the amount of good you can do. #GiveBIG TODAY to [your chosen

organization] and [agency specific message about mission] [link to your GiveBIG page]

#signalboost my giving campaign for [nonprofit] by sharing this post and donate TODAY ONLY!

#makeithappen [link to your GiveBIG page]

I need your help! Your #donation will help me reach my goal to raise $____ for [nonprofit] and support [agency programing message] when you #GiveBIG TODAY. [link to your GiveBIG page]

What did you do to #change the world today? Help me make a BIG change in [agency specific message about mission] when you #GiveBIG TODAY at [link to your GiveBIG page]

It's the final hour for #GiveBIG! Have you donated yet? I am supporting [nonprofit] and need your help to reach my goal! [link to your GiveBIG page]

Thank You Posts: May 7

Thank you to all who donated during #GiveBIG yesterday! Together we raised $_____ for #[nonprofit]

Together we #GiveBIG! Thanks to all who supported my fundraiser for #[nonprofit] to raise _____ for [cause].

Thank you to Third Sector Company for sponsoring this toolkit!

Since 2002, Third Sector Company has helped nearly 700 nonprofits to advance strategic leadership continuity solutions for their organizations, associations and congregations through interim executive training, placement and support, executive search, CEO performance planning and reviews, Board Chairs Academy, and succession planning services.

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