learing in chemistry and in life

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Today in ChemistryYou will Need:

1) Pen or Pencil2) Mission Possible Lab (2 pages 4 sides) Please

STAPLE but DO NOT TURN IN YET3) Assignment Log #1 – Update on-line4) Sit in the same seats you have been sitting in

Reminders:1) E-mail Me Due tomorrow 2) Orientation Guide due on Thursday

Mission Possible Turn in1)Managers:

1)Make sure everyone has their name on their paper

2)All Pages must be complete in order to turn in

3)Staple Team Members papers into a packet….MANAGER’s Paper on top

Check Off

Date Given

Date Due Name of Assignment Possible Pts.

Earned Pts.

8/22 8/23 Help Me Get to Know You 50

8/22 8/24 Signed Brochure 35

8/22 8/29 E-Mail Me 40

8/23 8/30 Orientation Guide 35

8/238/28Beginning of period

Mission Possible 100/15

8/28 8/29 Mission Possible Reflection- On-line


8/28 8/29 Learning in Chemistry and In Life


Do you Remember?1) When is the Mission Possible Reflection Due?

2) What kind of points do you earn for completing the Mission Possible Reflection?

3) What assignment is due on Thursday of this week?

4) Which person in the group is responsible for collecting all the necessary supplies?

5) What are the first consequences for an Academic Honesty violation in Chemistry?

6) What is the path for finding your grades on-line in chemistry?

Learning in Chemistry…and In Life

What do you know or have heard about CHEMISTRY


What do you think you will learn?

What would you like to learn?

Perspectivea way of looking at or thinking about something

1) Keep and Open Mind; 2) Make Your Own Judgments; 3) Ask Questions

1.Emotional baggage- anger, having too much fun, depression, past bad experience, stressed out

2.Confidence Level – Low or High Self Esteem-What do people think of me?

3.Discipline – mental toughness; “Bring it!” or “Later”

4.Motivation – Why?

What affects people’s Perspective?

Response – Ability

Your ability to respond to any situation…This is what you have CONTROL OVER

Many make excuses….1)Teacher doesn’t like me…2)Teacher is not fair…3)Parents don’t care…4)I don’t care…5)Everyone else does it….6) Why do I even need to know


How do people cover up their poor choices (not being responsible)?

Compared to What?

“I CAN” • You get what you think• Have a Plan• Making a mistake shows you what

doesn’t work

Learning….Is a CHOICE and is

something to be done your whole life

1) Keep an open mind2) Be persistent – mentally toughMaking a mistake is not failure…just information about what doesn’t work.3) Compared to what? What’s my perspective?4) What have I done to improve my skills?5) No Excuses

Reflect1)Was there a time you were not perceived correctly?2)How did it make you feel?3)Why do you think it is difficult for people to “be themselves”?

Due Today:1) Mission Possible Lab – Packet FormDue Tomorrow:1) E-mail Me2) Mission Possible Reflection – On-line3) Learning in Chemistry & in LifeDue Thursday:1) Orientation Guide


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