lecture №1. facial and jaw signs: facial signs - symmetrical - proportionality jaw signs -...

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Lecture №1

*Physiological and Patological Types of Occlusion

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Facial and jaw signs: Facial signs - symmetrical

- proportionality Jaw signs - correct harmonious

signs: occlusion



*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Facial signs - symmetrical

right side = left side

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Facial signs - proportionality

The upper and lower anterior face heights should be approximately equial

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

1) orthognatic bite

2) straight bite

3) physiological biprognathism

4) opisthognathic bite

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite


1) the upper frontal teeth

cover the lower ones by 1/3 length

of the lower teeth crowns

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

2) the tubercle of the

upper canine tooth crown is

located between the lower

canine tooth and the 1-st


*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

3) the centerline between the central incisors of the upper and lower jaws is coinsides

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

4) the mesial-buccal tubercle of the upper 1-st molar is located in the transverse sulcus of the similar lower tooth

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

5) every tooth of the upper jaw has two antagonists – similar and standing behind (except for the lower central incisors and upper wisdom teeth)

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

6) the buccal tubercles of the upper lateral teeth cover the buccal tubercles of the lower ones, and the palatine tubercles of the upper teeth are located between the buccal and lingual tubercles of the lower teeth

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

7) the upper dental arch is semielliptical, the lower – parabolic; in temporary occlusion – a semicircle on both jaws

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

8) the dental arches of the upper and lower jaws are symmetrical

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

9) in the state of central occlusion there is a full occlusive contact between all teeth (except for unerupted ones)

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the orthognathic bite

10) in the state of physiological rest an interocclusive space varying within 2 mm arises between dental arches

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the straight bite

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the physiological biprognatism

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Characteristics of the opisthognathic bite

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 1-st key

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 2-nd key

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 3-rd key

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 3-rd key

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 4-th key

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 5-th key

*Physiological Types of Occlusion

Andrews’ occlusion keys 6-th key

2 mm

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

1. Prognathic (distal) occlusion

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

Classification occlusion anomalies by Angle

2. Progenic (mesial) occlusion (3-rd cl)

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

3. Open occlusion

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

4. Deep occlusion

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

5. Cross occlusion

- anterior - posterior

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

6. Neutral occlusion with anomalous position of individual


*Pathological Types of OcclusionClassification occlusion anomalies

by Angle Class II div.1 Class II div. 2

*Pathological Types of Occlusion

Classification occlusion anomalies by Angle

III class

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