lecture 6

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Lecture 6. First 4 years after Revelation. Details about modes of revelations. So, revelation has started and will continue for 23 years. It is important for us to know that the source of revelation was one, and it was Allah ( swt ) but the modes of revelation differed. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


LECTURE 6First 4 years after Revelation

Details about modes of revelationsSo, revelation has started and will

continue for 23 years. It is important for us to know that the source of revelation was one, and it was Allah (swt) but the modes of revelation differed.

So it is important for us to know what they were:

Mode 1The period of true vision. It was the starting point of the Revelation to the Messenger of Allah (saw)

Mode 2What the angel invisibly cast in the Prophet’s

mind and heart. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "The Noble Spirit revealed to me ‘No soul will perish until it exhausts its due course, so fear Allah and gently request Him. Never get so impatient to the verge of disobedience of Allah . What Allah has can never be acquired but through obedience to Him.’"

Mode 3The angel used to visit the Messenger of Allah

(saw) in the form of a human being and would speak to him directly. This would enable him to fully understand what the angel said. The angel was sometimes seen in this form by the Prophet’s Companions. He would often come in the form of a man in white, or in the form of the handsome companion by the name of “

Mode 4The angel came to him like the toll of a bell and this was

the most difficult form because the angel used to seize him tightly and sweat would stream down his forehead even on the coldest day. If the Prophet (saw) was on his camel, the camel would not withstand the weight, so it would immediately kneel down on the ground. Once the Messenger of Allah (saw) had such a revelation when he was sitting and his thigh was on Zaid’s, Zaid felt the pressure. He said it almost injured his thigh.

Mode 5The Prophet (saw) saw the angel in his

actual form. The angel would reveal to him what Allah had ordered him to reveal. This, as mentioned in (Qur’an in Surah An-Najm (Chapter 53 - The Star), happened twice [?]

Mode 6What Allah Himself revealed to him in heaven i.e. when he ascended to heaven and received Allah ’s orders of Salah (prayer).

Mode 7Allah’s Words to His Messenger (saw) first

hand without the mediation of an angel. It was a privilege granted to Moses (as) and clearly attested in the Qur’an , as it is attested to our Prophet (saw)in Surah Al-Isra:146 (Chapter 17 - The Journey by Night).

The Prophetic call can be divided into two phases: These two phases are distinctly demarcated: 1. The Makkan phase: nearly thirteen years.2. The Madinese phase: fully ten years.Each of the two phases had distinctive

features that are discernible through scrutiny into the circumstances and the verses from the Qur’an that characterized each of them.

This class will focus on: The Makkan period/phase only—and the second part will focus on the Madinese phase insha Allah.

Today, we will deal with 4 years following revelation:.After receiving the revelation from Jibril (as) and

talking to Warqa Ibn-Nawfal, the Prophet (saw) was now ready to start his journey and spread his message. This message intended:

1) to make people desert idols and worship Allah [Taweed]

2) And spread reform on earth, all over the world. 

What means were available to Prophet for these purposes?None– he (saws): Was on his own, Had no supporters, Had no money, Had no followers.

But he (saw) had one thing: deep belief in his message, high principles, and

twenty years of preparation—remember I told you that the strength of this message in its ideology. It is the ideology—all thinkers, psychologists, scholars of the world bring about ideologies, each one hoping that their ideology would be the best. Imagine when you have the IDEOLOGY of the Creator of the world itself. There is nothing above it.

He had four surahs from the Qur’an: Surat Al-Alaq that emphasized the value of knowledge Surat Al-Muzzammil advising of night prayer

Surat Al-Muddaththir that ordered him to rise up

Finally, he had Al-Fatihah that asserted that he was the Prophet of mercy to all mankind. His message was for reform not for destruction.

Prophet (saw) had to plan : Many people think that spreading Islam was a

random process—and then everything miraculously fell in place.

Not at all, it was based on a wise time plan. The Prophet’s plan consisted of gradual steps;

moving from one step to the next depending on the success on the previous step. Methodology in place.

First step :The first step on the road to reform was

not to break an idol or use violence; it was to merge within society and choose exceptional men and women who would be the deeply rooted foundation of the message.

Characteristics of these chosen few: high morals, great resilience and success. The Prophet’s choice was not random but

selective. Strong followers that would spread the message and gain more followers.

This was during the first 3 years: In the books about the Seerah (the

Prophet's biography) the first three years are described are as a secret phase, because it was by special invitation only. It wasn’t an open invitation, and hence was done in secret.

Who was the Prophet’s first choice: Was a woman. Who? Khadijah (raa). All

scholars agree that the first one to prostrate to Allah after the Prophet (saw) was Khadijah (raa).

This is a matter of pride for all women that the first believer after the Prophet (saw) was a woman.

The second person was: Abu-Bakr (raa). He did not hesitate or ask

for time to think like others; on the contrary, as soon as the Prophet (saw) spoke to him about Islam, he accepted it at once.

And two children: Ali (raa) embraced Islam when he was ten

[some sa 13] years oldfollowed by Zayd Ibn-Haritha (raa).

The Prophet (saw) now had four followers. 

Abu Bakr got to work right away in dawa: Abu-Bakr (raa) understood that the Prophet (saw) was seeking

extraordinary people. Therefore, in his first week of Islam, he gathered six other followers who were among the ten followers promised to enter Jannah (paradise). They were:

1. Othman Ibn-Affan, 2. Talha Ibn-Obaidullah, 3. Al-Zubair Ibnul-Awwam, 4. Abdul-Rahman Ibn-Awf who was a successful merchant, 5. Saad Ibn-Aby-Wakkas who conquered Iraq, 6. and Abu-Ubaydah Ibnul-Jarrah who conquered the Levant (Sham


All of their deeds in scales of Abu Bakr (raa): All the good deeds of these great men will rest

in Abu-Bakr's scale on the Day of Judgment. Abu Bakr's loyalty and commitment to the message were key to his success in converting such great men in his first week as a Muslim

He might have been thin and weak, but if his faith were to be weighed against the faith of the entire Ummah, his scale would be heavier.

Islam continued to spread: Over a period of six months, the number of followers

increased to 45, most of them were young men whose ages did not exceed 30 years. They were 27 men, and 18 women. They consisted of 34 wealthy and eleven poor companions.

They were from 16 different tribes. So, they were integrated in society. There was a Muslim in every household now.

These companions were of different social backgrounds: Ammar Ibn-Yasser and Belal Ibn-Rabah, the slaves, Othman Ibn-Ma'zoum, the great wealthy lord.

Let me repeat my question once again, would you have been chosen?

Remember that the same criterion apply for accompanying the Prophet (saws) in Jannah.

Everyone in Prophet’s household embraced Islam: The household consisted of 9 members: 1. the Prophet (saw), 2. Khadijah (raa),

The four daughters: 1. Zainab, 2. Ruqaya, 3. Um-Kolthoum, 4. and Fatima, in addition to his maid: Um Ayman and two young men: 1. Ali Ibn-Abi-Talib 2. and Zaid Ibn-Haritha.

We envy the first followers: I remember a saying of Saad Ibn-Aby-Waqqas, "There was a

day when I represented a quarter of Islam!" He was the fourth one to embrace Islam.

Story of Al-Ash'ath Ibn-Kays narrated that once he came in the season of Pilgrimage to Makkah, for he was a merchant, to finish a business deal with Al-Abbas (raa) the Prophet's uncle. He said that while they were conversing, he saw a man, who was the Prophet (saws), coming out of a tent. He looked at the sun, and then started to pray. Then he was followed by a young man, who stood beside him to pray.

Al-Ash'ath continues . . . Finally a woman came out from the tent and joined

them in prayer. Al-Ash'ath was astonished and asked Al-Abbas about what they were doing. He told him they were praying. He then asked who they were. Al-Abbas replied, “He is Muhammad my nephew, the young man is Ali my other nephew, and the woman is Khadijah, Muhammad's wife. He claims to be the Prophet and they are his only followers.”

Abbas asks if Al-Ash’ath wants to meet the Prophet (saw) . . .Then Al-Abbas asked Al-Ash'ath whether he wanted to

be introduced to Muhammad, but Al-Ash'ath refused and preferred to finish the business deal. Al-Ash'ath, who entered Islam twenty years later, regretted the fact that he could have been the third person to join Islam, and stand beside Ali. Do not waste your chance to contribute to the revival when the opportunity knocks on your door today—it is the gold rush of hasanaat today.

Some wish they lived during his time: But? The response that one of the companions

gave to those who saw him smile after the Prophet (saw) died.

What does the Prophet (saw) say about us? When you meet him—the angels may

prevent you!

End of three year phase with success:After three years, the number of Muslims had

increased by more than a hundred. Quraysh did not notice this rise, which meant that the Prophet's plan had succeeded. Three years had passed without confrontation or conflict, and now a few of the elite were on his side, and Islam was inside every house in Makkah. Three years had passed and marked the end of the first phase

We need to move on to the next step:Now the Prophet (saws) had to take the next step; he

had to announce Islam to the masses. Now was the time for the idea to reach everyone, everywhere. 

So, starts another phase called: proclamation of the Call in Makkah [Dawa Jahriyyah]—and this continues from the beginning of the fourth year of Prophet hood to almost the end of the tenth year.

Strength in numbers and quality—both: There is strength in numbers and quality

of those—quality always takes precedence over numbers.

They were strong together, but their goal exceeded this small group of believers, it exceeded their small circle to include all the world. So, they will work from the inner circles to the outside circles—systematic. There is a methodology.

Revelations ordering this phase: Two ayahs descend on the Prophet (saws): 1. first, "So profess openly what you have been commanded and veer

away from the associates (Those who associate others with Allah)" (15:94), warning him of opposition and harm.

2. The second ayah states that it is no more the phase of selection: ""And warn your tribe (O Muhammad [saw]) of near kindred." [Al-Qur'an 26:214]."

! Notice here that the Inspiration did not tell the Prophet where to start, but he was only ordered to make the matter public, but he was left to come up with his plan for action.

Prophet (saw) starts with his extended family: The Prophet (saws) starts with his own family, not with

the whole of Quraysh. So he: 1. He invited all his family, men and women, to a feast. 2. He let them eat first, 3. then as soon as he started to speak, he was interrupted by

Abu-Lahab who spoke ill of Muhammad's message, and warned them of the grave consequences that would befall them if Muhammad were not stopped.

4. The Prophet (saws) did not lose his composure or temper; he did not even put his case forward on that occasion. 

Abu Lahab stole the show: "These are your uncles and cousins, speak on to the

point, but first of all you have got to know that your kin people are not in a position to withstand all the Arabs. Another point you have got to bear in mind is that your relatives are sufficient unto you. If you follow their tradition, it will be easier for them than to face the other clans of Quraysh supported by the other Arabs. Verily, I have never heard of anyone who has incurred more harm on his kins people than you."

Learn in Dawa to avoid arguments: The Prophet did not want to start his call for Islam

with an argument with his uncle, Abu-Lahab’s. Indeed, Abu-Lahab’s response was not out of hatred to the Prophet (saw), on the contrary, the Prophet was dear to him ever since he (saws) was born to the extent that his two boys (Otba and Otayba) were engaged to the Prophet's two daughters (Ruqaya and Um-Kolthoum).

What was Abu Lahab’s problem? Abu-Lahab was worried about his business, he knew

that this message will turn Quraysh against them. The new religion called for removing the idols from the Ka'ba, which meant that the other tribes whose idols will fall would seek revenge by attacking their commercial caravans. Therefore, he chose to show everyone that he was against Muhammad to avoid any problems. 

Warning don’t be an Abu Lahab!What did he do? Do not ever choose your personal interests

over the truth. That is what the Surah Al Masad talks about—and it is one of those Surah’s that we learn very early in our childhood so that we learn this lesson very early.

The Prophet (saw) tries again with his extended family: Once again, the Prophet (saws) invited his

family for a second feast, but this time he decided to talk to them while they were still eating. He did not exclude Abu-Lahab from the invitation, if he did he would be hostile.

Prophet (saw) says:"I celebrate Allah ’s praise, I seek His help, I believe in Him,

I put my trust in Him, I bear witness that there is no god to be worshipped but Allah with no associate. A guide can never lie to his people. I swear by All? , there is no god but He, that I have been sent as a Messenger to you, in particular and to all the people, in general. I swear by Allah you will die just as you sleep, you will be resurrected just as you wake up. You will be called to account for your deeds. It is then either Hell forever or the Garden (Paradise) forever."

He told them about Islam:The Prophet (saw) started to talk confidently telling

them about Islam and how he was the Prophet (saw), “O sons of Hashem, rescue yourselves from the Fire; O sons of Abd al-Muttalib, rescue yourselves from the Fire; O Fatima, rescue thyself from the Fire, for I have no power (to protect you) from Allah in anything except this that I would sustain relationship with you."

Family differ in reacting: Abu-Lahab, far from changing his

attitude, continued his opposition to the Prophet,

while Abu-Taleb, his other uncle kept his promise to his late father of taking care of Muhammad, pledged to help and protect him (saws) as long as he lived.

Abu Talib says: "We love to help you, accept your advice and

believe in your words. These are your kins people whom you have collected and I am one of them but I am the fastest to do what you like. Do what you have been ordered. I shall protect and defend you, but I can’t quit the religion of ‘Abdul- Muttalib."

Abu Lahab says: " I swear by Allah that this is a bad thing.

Youmust stop him before the others do." Abu

Taleb, however, answered, "I swear by Allah to protect him as long as I am alive."

Prophet (saw) gains protection of his family: He (saw) achieved target from the feast,

he gained the support and protection of his family. This does not undermine his trust in Allah. Islam teaches us to rely on Allah’s protection at all times, but also to take all the necessary measures and precautions.

But he also wanted them to believe [to follow him]: Hamza and Al-Abbas turned their faces away; Abu-Taleb was reluctant to leave his father's beliefs

although deep inside he felt Muhammad’s honesty. The rest of the family sat in silence. No one followed him, except for one young kid, Ali

(raa) who was also invited, and answered the Prophet's call and gave him his hand to pledge loyalty.

Now to deal with Quraysh: The time had come to announce Islam to everyone [in Makkah]. So,

the Prophet (saws) did the following: 1. He chose a famous spot in Makkah (the mountain of Safa) 2. climbed it, 3. and he started, boldly, to call people to gather. Let the

Prophet's strength be an inspiration to you never to be ashamed of your religion, always be strong and daring. Remember the ayah: “This is Book, sent down upon you, so let there be no distress in your breast because of it. You are to warn with it, and it is a Remembrance to the faithful.” (7:1-2)

He cried out loud: "O Bani Fihr! O Bani 'Adi!" addressing various tribes of

Quraysh till they were assembled. Those who could not come themselves sent their messengers to see what was happening. Abu Lahab and other people from Quraysh came and the Prophet then said, "Suppose I told you that there was an (enemy) cavalry in the valley intending to attack you, would you believe me?" They said, "Yes, for we have never known you to tell anything other than the truth." He then said, "I am Allah's Prophet to you, I am a warner to you in face of a terrific punishment." 

Abu Lahab—his uncle—stands up to him:"May your hands perish all this day. Is it for

this purpose that you have gathered us?" Then the Qur'an was revealed: "Perish the hands of Abu Lahab—perish he! His wealth shall not avail him,

Nor what he earned, He shall be scorched by a fire, ablaze . . .” (7:1-2)

Why was Abu Lahab’s sin great?Abu-Lahab was the only one whose name came in such a

manner in Qur'an because: 1. he was the first one to provoke others to defy the Prophet.

The Prophet (saw), a virtuous man, did not even answer him.2. Because he was a family member, he gave the power to

others to discredit the Prophet (saw). 3. He set a bad example for others, the Prophet (saws) said, "He

who sets in Islam an evil precedent, there is upon him the burden of that, and the burden of him also who acted upon it subsequently, without any deduction from their burden."

Prophet (saw) preaches to Quraysh about Islam: He talked to people about salvation and attracted

them to religion. He did not start with warnings of hellfire, but with promises of Jannah. He wanted religion to appeal to them. Therefore, he did not push them away with words about torment and pain. He (saws) said, "oh people, say there is no deity but Allah and you will prosper."

Quraysh starts to become violent: After this incident Quraysh stopped

being neutral towards Muhammad (saws). But how was it received by the Prophet (saw) and his followers?

It was met with peace because one could never fight or kill one’s own people. 

Foundation was strong: Although the followers were only about 200, while

Makkah’s population was around 25.000 to 30.000, those followers were able to shake Quraysh's resolve because they were deeply rooted in the society. We can learn a lot about dawah, for we should:

1) Not prefer isolation, 2) We must be flexible. 3) we must address people in their language without losing

our sense of the religion.

Quraysh tries to counter-actThey started spreading doubts about the

Prophet (saws), mocking and ridiculing what he said, trying to cause psychological and physical harm, until they even attempted to kill him (saws).

Tackled Abu Taleb first: They asked Abu Taleb to intervene and advise his nephew

to stop his activities. In order to attach a serious and earnest stamp to their demand, they chose to touch the most sensitive area in Arabian life, viz., ancestral pride. They addressed Abu Taleb in the following manner: "O Abu Taleb! Your nephew curses our gods; finds faults with our way of life, mocks at our religion and degrades our forefathers; either you must stop him, or you must let us get at him. For you are in the same opposition as we are in opposition to him; and we will rid you of him.“

Abu Taleb’s response: Abu Taleb tried to appease their wrath by

giving them a polite reply.

Al-Waleed bin Al-MugheerahWas asked to deliberate on this issue. Al-Waleed

invited them to agree on a unanimous resolution to characterize the Prophet (saw). However, they were at variance. Some suggested that they describe him as Kahin, i.e., soothsayer; but this suggestion was turned down on grounds that his words were not so rhymed

Let’s call him Majnun i.e., possessed by jinn; this was also rejected because no insinuations

peculiar to that state of mind ware detected, they claimed. "Why not say he is a poet?" Some said. Here again they could not

reach a common consent, alleging that his words were totally outside the lexicon of poetry.

"OK then; let us accuse him of practicing witchcraft," was a fourth suggestion. Here also Al-Waleed showed some reluctance saying that the Prophet [saw] was known to have never involved himself in the practice of blowing on the knots, and admitted that his speech was sweet tasting root and branch.

They come to a decision: He, however, found that the most plausible charge

to be leveled against Muhammad [saw] was witchcraft. They adopted this opinion and agreed to propagate one uniform formula to the effect that he was a magician so powerful and commanding in his art that he would successfully alienate son from father, man from his brother, wife from her husband and man from his clan.

Allah sends ayat describing Al-Waleed’s scheme” " He reflected and assessed—curse him

how he assessed! And curse him again how he assessed! Then he paused to consider, Then he frowned and grew sullen, Then turned his back and swelled with pride, Saying, ‘This is nothing but sorcery, time worn; Nothing but human speech." [74:18-25]

He spoke to people, all the time his uncle following him and . . . His uncle Abu-Lahab would tell people that his

nephew Muhammad was insane and incited them not believe him.

They even sent one of them, Al-Nadr Ibnul-Harith, to Persia for a year to learn tales and fables like the ones Muhammad narrated.

They went to the extent of claiming that the Prophet was a secret agent for a foreign nation!

Nothing could stop the Prophet (saw)He (saw) dedicated all his time and efforts

to his message, to the point that Allah pitied him: “And will you perchance, torture yourself by following in their footsteps, if they do not believe in this discourse, in grief for them?" (18:6)

Followers increased . . . In spite of their attempts to shake the trust in

him, the number of believers was in constant increase, because truth always prevails. The Prophet (saw) did not waste time defending himself, he was focused on the message—he was never mad for himself (saw).

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