legacy of the west keynote

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Legacy of the West

Legacy of the West


Cowboys are seen as one of the most recognized symbols of the west. Although we think of shoot outs and battles with indians, this idea is incorrect. Cowboys actually took cattle from ranches up to the railroad.This allowed the people in the west to receive cattle. They faced many hardships. Usually not including face offs with indians. Hollywood has taken the cowboy and turned it in the symbol it is today.

Transcontinental Railroad

Transcontinental Railroad

The transcontinental railroad was the first way to travel across the country. It was revolutionary, it allowed the expansion of the west to increase in speed, because it made it easier for homesteaders to move west much easier, making this idea of moving westward more attractive to people of the west.


Homesteaders were the people who moved westward to receive land that was being given away by the government. This act was issued by the government called the “Homestead Act” it was issued to begin the start of the expansion of the west.

Women in the WestWomen in the West

Women in the west, were some of the first women to push for suffrage. Wyoming was the first state to allow women to vote. This movement attracted people because it seemed the West had begun to stand for equal rights.

Populist PartyPopulist Party

The populist party, was the party around during the time of the expansion of the west. They pushed for rights for farmers and helped homesteaders receive the land they needed. This party was another factor in the expansion of the west.


Mining in the west was also a huge motivator, for people to move westward. The gold rush was an attraction, although tons of people moved for gold, only very few made money.

What it is TodayWhat it is Today

Today, the west is one of the biggest Symbols for the United States. The west itself symbolizes the growth of the United States. Mainly because of Hollywood. An un-countable number of movies have been made about the west. This country is what is today because of the West.

By: Simon JonesBy: Simon Jones

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