legacy of the

Post on 13-Feb-2022






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of theLegacy









A half-century. Five decades. Fifty years. No matter how we say it, the span of time is impressive. In

2016, we celebrated the golden anniversary of The Consortium and its impressive accomplishments

over those years—from its enthusiastic if modest beginning through our gala celebration at this year’s

Orientation Program.

Our theme for this year’s annual report is 50 Years of the Legacy. In the pages that follow, we’ll look

at the impact of The Consortium; our gratitude for those who have made it happen; the legacy of our

organization; and our stewardship of our mission and the resources to carry it out.

We have a great story to tell about the previous fiscal year. Our financial performance has been strong

and we’re well positioned for the inevitable rainy day. Plus, we recruited more students to business

school in 2016 than ever before—nearly 23 times as many as the first Consortium class.

We innovated and customized OP programming and underwriting opportunities to accommodate the

needs of incoming students, corporate partners and member schools. We’ve identified additional

opportunities to serve our partners by connecting them with experienced talent in our alumni

network—and we’ve taken steps to fill that need.

Two steadfast corporate partners, both there from the beginning and strongly committed each of the

past 50 years, increased their support in 2016. We thank General Mills and 3M.

And truth be told, we’re just not ready to end our 50th anniversary celebration. While 2016 marked a

half-century since our founding, 2017 brings us 50 years since The Consortium’s first class members

started their business school coursework at Washington University in St. Louis, the University of

Indiana-Bloomington and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

We’re proud of each and every milestone. Yet, we recognize the tension between celebrating our

longevity and yearning for the day when our work is irrelevant. Until the day our partner companies and

member schools have achieved racial and ethnic parity, and equitable business opportunity exists for

all, we’ll keep delivering on the excellence you have come to expect from us.

Yours truly,

Peter J. Aranda III

CEO and Executive Director

David B. Wooten

Chairman of the

Board of Trustees

To our students, alumni, member schools

and corporate partners:


The mission of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management, an alliance of leading American business schools and some of our country’s top corporations, is to enhance diversity in business education and leadership by helping to reduce the serious underrepresentation of African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans in both the member schools’ enrollments and the ranks of management.













37 (8%)ASIAN





An online survey of Consortium alumni showed our

community wants more engagement in three areas:

with the organization itself; with other alumni; and with

advanced career opportunities from corporate partners.

As a result of the survey and other strategic conversations,

The Consortium has created a new position in the

organization dedicated to pairing experienced alumni with

mid-career and executive opportunities. Partners work with

our assistant vice president for talent engagement to vet

candidates in our large alumni database.

We’re also working with several dedicated alumni to

reinvigorate our regional alumni network with more face-to-

face interaction and other programming. And Alumni Focus,

our monthly e-newsletter, just passed its first anniversary.












264 MALE


As 2016 began, all signs pointed to a big year. We had just

launched a successful referral initiative that drew enthusiastic

help from current students and alumni suggesting possible

applicants. The result: Dedicated ambassadors helped fill our

application pipeline with scores of qualified candidates.

Then, nearly 100 alumni volunteered to help host our series

of recruiting events, stretching from coast to coast and from

Chicago to Houston. Alumni were among our best spokesmen,

sharing The Consortium’s story with 28 percent more attendees

than last year.

Finally, we had the highest recorded attendance, up 32

percent, for our annual series of pre-Orientation Program

corporate webinars.

The results were astounding: 474 students joined the class of

2018, the largest entering class of MBA prospects since The

Consortium’s inception. That’s 23 times larger than the first

incoming class in 1967 and nearly 60 more than last year.

impactClass of 2018 Profile











More than 1,300 students, alumni, corporate partners and member

school representatives converged on downtown St. Louis for our

golden anniversary Orientation Program & Career Forum in June

2016. The celebratory mood was evident throughout the five-day

conference, where we delivered innovative programming to students

and unique, customized underwriting opportunities for corporate

partners—and we did it all with solid financial discipline.





23 (2%)ALUMNI


Fiscal Discipline at OPFrom a financial perspective, The Consortium had a great year at

its 50th Orientation Program & Career Forum. Costs were up from

the previous year in Phoenix, largely because of specialized 50th-

anniversary programming and less competition for our convention

business (we were committed to returning to our hometown for

the event).

While underwriting support for the event was up about 33 percent from

the previous year, totaling approximately $1.5 million, expenses were up

year-over-year about 28 percent, coming in close to $1.2 million.

We expect to continue our history of tight fiscal discipline for the

event. Untethering OP from the home city of a corporate sponsor

has saved money as cities (and their conference venues) compete

for our business.

On the revenue side, the results further demonstrate our ongoing

ability to create an event our corporate partners truly want to sponsor.



“The event was certainly a success. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.”


The New Student Kickoff Session comes to order at

the 50th annual Orientation Program & Career Forum in St. Louis. Photo by Brian Treffeisen.









New ProgrammingTED-talk-style presentations and fast-paced, 15-minute

“pop-up” information sessions made up some of the

programming innovations we piloted at the Orientation

Program in St. Louis. Conference feedback has shown us

that students today need more engagement in the content,

with opportunities to interact, while getting information

quickly and efficiently.

The TED-talk-style “Career Galleries” showed we can deliver

excellence in a shorter format. Meanwhile, pop-up

information sessions were popular among partners who

wanted to reach a dedicated and qualified audience without

a large time investment.

Conference feedback also drove us to incorporate investment

banking information as a component of our financial services

career track, helping satisfy student demand for that career path.

Our success with some of these changes will yield more

innovative formats on tap for the 51st annual Orientation

Program in Atlanta in 2017.

Customized UnderwritingIn the past three Orientation Programs, we’ve

cemented our role as consultants to our corporate

partners seeking high student engagement for their

OP investment. In St. Louis, we further demonstrated

our ability to drive corporate underwriting for OP by

developing creative opportunities that served the

needs of our corporate partners.

For example, when The Campbell Soup Company

wanted a “first-touch” opportunity with arriving

students, we created a specialized underwriting

opportunity. Airport shuttle buses carried Campbell’s

branding and company representatives had access to

arrival manifests—allowing them to target and engage

with students as they headed for the conference hotel.

Meanwhile, the simple notion of a sponsored table

for water bottles blossomed into Danaher’s “health

initiative.” The company installed its own custom

water-filtration system, filling and giving away insulated

water bottles—engaging with students as they lingered

for a drink.

These “strategic networking” opportunities and other

customizations showed our ability to hear and respond

to the needs of our partners, driving very strong

underwriting and registration revenue for the 2016

Orientation Program.

“It was my first event and I was very impressed.” CORPORATE PARTNER

“The Career Forum was the best in years! Students were engaged, good traffic the entire time.” CORPORATE PARTNER





“Pop-up information sessions”—designed to be 15- to 20-minute, informal presentations—were among the novel presentation formats we debuted at the 2016 OP. Photo by Wiley Price.

Students had more opportunities to question presenters at our Career Galleries, a new presentation format at OP 2016. Photo by Wiley Price.











In the midst of the 2016 Orientation Program, members of The Consortium

community received the sad news that our third leader, Dr. Phyllis Scott Buford,

had died at age 75 at her home in Memphis. CEO Peter Aranda paid tribute to

Phyllis at the Schoen Dinner, taking note of her vision to modernize and expand

the very event where we had gathered.

Though she had the unenviable task of following two Consortium legends in the

role—founder Sterling Schoen and Wally Jones—Phyllis was undaunted.

She brought a culture of corporate support into the Orientation Program, converting

it from a Consortium expense to a revenue-generator. She moved the event beyond

the limitations of college dorms and drove demand among underwriters for an

expanded slate of programming and networking opportunities.

Her vision truly recast OP as a marquee event, including high-profile guest speakers and engaging entertainment. Where

previously the event had been open only to full fellowship recipients, Phyllis invited all new student members, expanding

opportunities for students and creating a larger pool of talent for corporate partners.

During Phyllis’ tenure as CEO, The Consortium also expanded from 11 member schools to 14, adding Dartmouth College in 1999;

and Emory University and Carnegie Mellon University in 2001.

Phyllis served as The Consortium’s CEO from 1996 to 2002. She died June 5, 2016.

Phyllis Scott Buford, CEO of The Consortium from 1996 to 2002.


Left: Leading the Challenge of Change, our definitive history commemorating The Consortium’s 50th anniversary, was published in May 2016.


How did a 43-day airline strike and a chance meeting between two university

educators figure into the story of The Consortium? These are some of the threads

woven into the 50-year history of our organization, starting with Sterling Schoen’s

epiphany in the early 1960s and extending through and beyond the admission of

Georgetown as our 18th member school.

We captured the entire story in 2016 with the publication of Leading the Challenge of

Change, a 168-page hardcover book sold through The Consortium’s website and

at the Orientation Program in St. Louis. Former Consortium COO Barbara Britton

Jones—who has been associated with The Consortium for nearly 30 of its 50

years—researched and wrote the volume.

The book outlines the launch of The Consortium with just 21 recruits in the first

class, the expansion among member schools, the early difficulty in fundraising

and the background of its early leaders. It also brings readers up to date on those

early pioneers and celebrates the many organizational successes.










Anniversary Activities

The commemorative book was

just one of the year's events and

activities marking our milestone

anniversary. They included:

• A live online video chat with

four members of the

inaugural class.

• A biweekly e-newsletter with

50th anniversary updates

before OP.

• A slideshow of past OP

Resource Guide covers from

our archives.

• An alumni photo contest.

• A video overview of the

intensity of OP.

• A "how many alumni do

you employ?" corporate

partner contest.

• A "founders' reception" at

Washington University.

• Consortium trivia updates.

• Social media using hashtag



Our first annual report in 1968 records the names of 27 companies willing to

support the upstart Consortium. Two of them—General Mills and Minnesota

Mining and Manufacturing—have remained corporate partners through one

corporate name-change and 50 years of history.

General Mills and 3M (its name since 2002) boldly renewed their support at

the 2016 Orientation Program by hosting an extraordinary anniversary gala,

complete with moving video presentations from alumni and top executives—

and a performance by pop star Ruben Studdard.

Both companies capped the evening by announcing a combined $300,000 donation

to The Consortium covering the gala, their 2017 annual fund support and $50,000

each toward an undergraduate program in development.

Above: Two founding corporate partners, 3M and General Mills, presented a combined $300,000 in support at our 50th anniversary gala in June 2016. Photos by Brian Treffeisen.

Covers from the 30th, 40th and 50th OP resource guides.










Following an excellent fiscal 2015, we continued the trend in 2016 with another strong financial performance. We ended the year

with another substantial surplus and further showed the strength of the Orientation Program & Career Forum as an engine to drive

revenue. OP has becoming increasingly sponsor-friendly as the Consortium team imagines new and creative ways to meet their needs.

The OP’s track schedule has further opened opportunities for both students and corporate partners. The success has

encouraged us to add new tracks in 2017: investment banking and technology.

The Consortium’s appeal to corporate partners is also evident in the growing diversity of industries. We’ve greatly expanded our

footprint in technology companies in recent years, with the addition of Facebook, Yahoo, Inc. and Expedia, Inc. The insurance

sector is also strong, with sponsorship from Allstate, Metlife, Northwestern Mutual, Prudential and Nationwide.

We also received a unique contribution from the family of Consortium fellow Leslie Elise Adkins, who died in May 2015 as she finished

her MBA (more details, page 11). The Adkins family established a $1 million endowment in Leslie’s name funding fellowships for future

African American women in business.





$ T





Program Service Public Support Investment & Other



FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016












2016 Consortium Expenses






































Independent Auditor’s Report Board of Trustees The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management St. Louis, Missouri Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (“The Consortium”), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to The Consortium’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of The Consortium’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Independent Auditor’s Report Board of Trustees The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management St. Louis, Missouri Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (“The Consortium”), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to The Consortium’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of The Consortium’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. St. Louis, Missouri October 16, 2015

Financial Review

Board of TrusteesThe Consortium for Graduate Study in ManagementSt. Louis, Missouri

Report on the Financial StatementsWe have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (“The Consortium”), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2016 and 2015, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial StatementsManagement is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.

Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to The Consortium’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of The Consortium’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financialstatements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

OpinionIn our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management as of June 30, 2016 and 2015, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.St. Louis, MissouriOctober 20, 2016

St. Louis, MissouriOctober 16, 2015

Independent Auditor’s Report Board of Trustees The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management St. Louis, Missouri Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of The Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (“The Consortium”), which comprise the statements of financial position as of June 30, 2015 and 2014, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to The Consortium’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of The Consortium’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.










WELCOMING NEW CORPORATE PARTNERSAdded FY 2016 through Nov. 8, 2016


Discover Financial Services

E. & J. Gallo Winery

Expedia, Inc.


Hewlett Packard Enterprise



Yahoo, Inc.

RECLAIMEDAllstate Insurance Company

Baxter Healthcare Corporation

Dr Pepper Snapple Group


NextEra Energy, Inc.

Prudential Financial

Rockwell Automation










At the 2016 OP gala, students lined up to offer hugs

and consoling words of thanks to Lynette and Kedrick

Adkins, the parents of a Consortium fellow who died

just as she completed her MBA at the University of

Southern California. The Adkins had come to St. Louis

to announce a $1 million endowment in memory of Leslie

Elise Adkins, who died May 5, 2015, of complications from

chronic diabetes.

That very day, Leslie had received a job offer from

Amazon and she was preparing for her commencement.

USC awarded her the MBA posthumously. Because

their daughter had been so grateful for the opportunities

presented by her fellowship, the Adkins established the

Leslie Elise Adkins Endowed Scholarship Fund.

The fund will cover scholarships for African American

students, particularly women, and with preference to

students attending USC’s Marshall School of Business or

the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, where

Leslie received her undergraduate degree.


Students in the class of 2018 weren’t about to end what the previous class had started:

They reached 100 percent participation in the First of Many Campaign for the second

consecutive year. In its seventh year, the campaign is designed to promote a culture of

giving among Consortium fellows by encouraging a gift of any amount—but something

from every single member.

At the 2015 Orientation Program, students in the class of 2017 were the first to

reach 100 percent participation. Driven to compete, members of the class of 2018

made extraordinary efforts to reach each classmate to encourage a donation in the


“Leslie was deeply committed to the mission of The Consortium, and lived it out in her personal and professional life. She would have wanted to show her gratitude to The Consortium for the opportunity extended to her.” LYNETTE AND KEDRICK ADKINS

Top: Leslie Elise Adkins, USC 2015.Bottom: Lynette and Kedrick Adkins, at the announcement of the endowment in their daughter’s memory at the 2016 50th anniversary gala in St. Louis. Photo by Brian Treffeisen.









Member Schools

Corporate PartnersFOUNDER ($50,000 AND ABOVE)3M


Bank of America

Consortium Alumni

Fellowship Fund &

Corporate Matching Gifts

Danaher Corporation


General Mills, Inc.


Johnson & Johnson, Family

of Companies

S.C. Johnson and Son, Inc.

Whirlpool Corporation

PATRON ($35,000-$49,999)Boston Scientific


Campbell Soup Company

Cargill, Incorporated

Centene Corporation

Chevron Corporation


University of California,


Haas School of Business

1993-2003; 2010-present

University of California, Los


UCLA Anderson School of


Joined 2010

Carnegie Mellon University

Tepper School of Business

Joined 2001

Cornell University

Samuel Curtis Johnson

Graduate School of


Joined 2009

Dartmouth College

Tuck School of Business

Joined 1999

Emory University

Goizueta Business School

Joined 2001

Georgetown University

McDonough School of


Joined 2013



Kelley School

of Business

Founding member, 1966

University of Michigan- Ann


Michigan Ross School of


Joined 1983

New York University

Leonard N. Stern School of


Joined 1984

The University of North

Carolina at Chapel Hill

Kenan-Flagler Business


Joined 1973

University of Rochester

Simon Business School

Joined 1968

University of Southern


Marshall School of Business

Joined 1968

The University of Texas at


McCombs School of Business

Joined 1984

University of Virginia

Darden School of Business

Joined 1992

Washington University in St.


Olin Business School

Founding member, 1966

University of



School of Business

Founding member, 1966

Yale University

Yale School of Management

Joined 2008

Colgate-Palmolive Company

Credit Suisse

Delta Air Lines

The Dow Chemical



Eli Lilly and Company


ExxonMobil Corporation

General Motors


Goldman Sachs & Co

The Hershey Company

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

HP Inc.

McKesson Corporation






Wells Fargo Securities

Yahoo, Inc.

Yum! Brands Inc.

SUSTAINING ($20,000-$34,999)Bank of America Endowment


Baxter Healthcare Corporation

CVS Health

Dell Inc.

Discover Financial Services

Dr Pepper Snapple Group


Edward Jones

Ernst & Young

Expedia, Inc.

Express Scripts

Federal Reserve Bank of New



Kimberly-Clark Corporation


Land O’Lakes, Inc.

M&T Bank Corporation



Nationwide Mutual Insurance


Nestlé USA

NextEra Energy, Inc.

Northwestern Mutual

Owens Corning


Pfizer Inc.

Prudential Financial


Rockwell Automation



WhiteWave Food

PHILANTHROPIC ($19,999 AND BELOW)Allstate Insurance Company



E. & J. Gallo Winery

Education Pioneers

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

National Black MBA

Association, Inc.

The Broad Residency in

Urban Education

The PhD Project


As of Nov. 1, 2016










Board of Trustees As of Nov. 1, 2016

The board is comprised of representatives from each of our 18 member schools and

representatives from our corporate partners and alumni.

David B. WootenUniversity of Michigan- Ann ArborChairman

Bryan L. JohnsonUniversity of Michigan- Ann ArborVice Chairman

Erin KellerhalsUniversity of California, Berkeley

Alex Lawrence University of California, Los Angeles

Colleen McMullenCarnegie Mellon University

Cynthia Saunders-CheathamCornell University

Amy L. MitsonDartmouth College

Earl HillEmory University

Shari HubertGeorgetown University

James HolmenIndiana University-Bloomington

Lisa RiosNew York University

Stephanie Barbee WilliamsUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Rebekah LewinUniversity of Rochester

Kellee ScottUniversity of Southern California

Jolene Hood AshcraftThe University of Texas at Austin

Wendy HuberUniversity of Virginia

Joe FoxWashington University in St. Louis

Annetta CulverWashington University in St. Louis

Phil MillerUniversity of Wisconsin

Blair Nelson SanfordUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison

Tiffany GoodenYale University

Jennifer KaplanCredit Suisse

James FrippYUM! Brands

Ernest AdamsDanaher Corporation


Peter J. Aranda III, Executive Director and CEO

Diane Harris, Executive Assistant to the CEO

Finance and Administration

Glenn Wilen, Vice President

Karen Stocking, Senior Manager, Accounting

DevelopmentAnthony J. Davis,

Vice PresidentKaren Green, Manager,

Individual GivingGlenda Hibbert,

Development Services 

Angel McKay, Manager, Corporate  Development

Adrienne Thomas, Manager, Student and Alumni Relations

Cathy Weisbrod, Manager, Corporate Relations

Brian Wesley, Assistant Vice President, Talent Engagement

Program AdministrationJanice Wells-White,

Vice PresidentDanny Brown,

Manager, Recruiting and Application Processing

Jeff Farris, Director, Database Operations

Kurt Greenbaum, Director, Communications

Angela Holland, Project Specialist

Felicia Linear, Manager, Recruiting

Abbey Martinez, Senior Director, Conferences and Events

Paige Wheeler, Program Administration Coordinator

Danni Young, Director, Recruiting


Dan MagniaDartmouth 2010 Alumni Representative

Peter J. Aranda IIIThe Consortium









EAGLE CLUB $15,000 and Above (Committed $5,000 Annually for Three Years)

Peter J. Aranda IIIWashington University in St. Louis, 1987

Waldo T. BestNew York University, 1994

Clarence K. BourneWashington University in St. Louis, 1985

Kenneth A. Charles

Nicole M. ChestangWashington University in St. Louis, 1988

Adeola EmdinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2008

Geraldine Gallashaw

Kim Harris JonesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1986

Kelly-Ann I. HenryWashington University in St. Louis, 2000

Sharon D. JamesWashington University in St. Louis, 1989

Omar Jones

Peter P. JonesUniversity of Rochester, 1982

Louis G. JordanIndiana University-Bloomington, 1980

James W. LewisUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1998

Alvin W. MarleyIndiana University-Bloomington, 1973

William G. Mays(deceased) Indiana University-Bloomington, 1973

Tim C. McChristianUniversity of Southern California, 1979

Robin R. Nelson-RiceIndiana University-Bloomington, 1990

Derica W. RiceIndiana University-Bloomington, 1990

Ed TorresUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1989

Frank L. Van BurenThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998

Alphonso VaughnUniversity of Southern California, 1994

Bill A. WestUniversity of Southern California, 1979

PLATINUM CLUB $2,000-$4,999

Thomas C. BoyceUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1991

Dan E. CalongeUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1998

David N. ElienUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1999

Jesse L. Grissom Jr.University of Rochester, 1984

Gustavo GuevaraUniversity of Southern California, 2008

Kevin J. HowardNew York University, 1994

Jessie J. Knight Jr.University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1975

Abel & Dyan MojicaThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996

Gregory C. RedmondUniversity of Southern California, 1970

April L. TaylorIndiana University-Bloomington, 2008

Jylla M. TearteIndiana University-Bloomington, 1978

Alexis A. VaughnThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996


GOLD CLUB$1,000-$1,999

Bernadette R. BaileyThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994

Allen D. BanezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1990

Patrice M. Boone-GravesIndiana University-Bloomington, 1994

Robbie L. BrightThe University of Texas at Austin, 1993

Greta K. BrownIndiana University-Bloomington, 1995

Joy D. CarpenterThe University of Texas at Austin, 1997

Beatriz Barciela DaleIndiana University-Bloomington, 1978

Anniedi B. EssienNew York University, 2010

Diane F. Frost-HillUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981

Rosalyn M. GreggUniversity of California, Berkeley, 1999

Lisa D. HaywoodUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988

Robert & Gaye G. HolmesThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992

Yvette M. IrvingUniversity of Virginia, 1995

Emeka D. IwuchukwuCarnegie Mellon University, 2008

Dr. Mae Colleen Thompson JonesUniversity of Southern California, 1973

Michael D. JonesThe University of Texas at Austin, 1995

Charles I. KosmontUniversity of Southern California, 1983

Juan R. LugoUniversity of Rochester, 1994

Sonya M. MillerUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999

Sylvia K. PaasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1999

Joseph PettitYale University, 2012

James R. RobinsonUniversity of Southern California, 1973

Rodney J. SandersCarnegie Mellon University, 2004

Patricia Schoen

Gregory and Althea S. SquireUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996

Robert A. TavarezThe University of Texas at Austin, 1993

Theodore Thomas

Israel D. VelaUniversity of Southern California, 1976

Kathy N. WallerUniversity of Rochester, 1983

Cheryl P. WrightUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984

SILVER CLUB$500-$999

Aole F. AnsariUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2002

Don BadieThe University of Texas at Austin, 1998

Chad BeaupierreNew York University, 2003

Ronald E. BerryWashington University in St. Louis, 1973

Daniel A. BradyUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979

Natascha J. CadetUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2000

Eugene CarrerasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1988

Austin L. CobbsIndiana University-Bloomington, 1978

Bruce E. CoxIndiana University-Bloomington, 1984

Jocelyn Evans & Timothy JonesWashington University in St. Louis, 1983

Darrell FarloughIndiana University-Bloomington, 1993

Ernest FergusonIndiana University-Bloomington, 1977

Eric D. FlaimNew York University, 2001

Eric FrandsonUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2002

Jose L. GarciaNew York University, 2006

Norma L. Garcia-KennedyUniversity of Rochester, 1979

Walter Antoine Gowens, MBA, CFP, EAIndiana University-Bloomington, 1977

Sarah J. GreenwaltYale University, 2014

Sherman W. HendersonUniversity of Virginia, 1995

Adrian HodgeCarnegie Mellon University, 2003

Edmond E. HughesIndiana University-Bloomington, 1991

Monica Jackson

Eric M. JoynerThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002

Crystal KingUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013

Kimberly Lopez WaltersThe University of Texas at Austin, 1994

Cheryl N. LorenzoUniversity of Southern California, 1998

Joaquin MarreroThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995

Christopher L. NicholasThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002

Bruce E. NwoguWashington University in St. Louis, 1999

Daniel A. PachecoWashington University in St. Louis, 1982

Daryl PeaglerNew York University, 2007

Daniel E. PerezWashington University in St. Louis, 2009

Gill S. RealonUniversity of Southern California, 1979

Joshua M. RoperUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2001

Kellee D. ScottUniversity of Southern California, 1997

Kathleen SheehanUniversity of Virginia, 2013

Chandra R. Stephens-AlbrightWashington University in St. Louis, 1987

Sandra A. TaylorUniversity of Rochester, 1982

Stephanie E. ToneyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004

Jonathan B. VaughtersThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1983

Maribelle VillasenorIndiana University-Bloomington, 2005

Raquel D. WallNew York University, 1993

Janice Wells-White

Glenn Wilen

Angela E. WilliamsNew York University, 1997

Thank You to Our Generous Donors










Tykeysha N. WilliamsUniversity of Southern California, 2003

David WootenUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1987


BRONZE CLUB$250-$499

Bernardo E. AcebalThe University of Texas at Austin, 1993

Jazmin AcunaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2014

Jon P. BatesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2006

Arthur H. BellUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1999

Carlos H. BenitezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1995

D. Renee R. Burton ArnoldThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988

Audrey L. CapersUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981

Armando ChapaIndiana University-Bloomington, 1995

Lisa C. Common McMillanUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1992

Michael CraigEmory University, 2011

Raegan S. DabneyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2003

Brad DavisIndiana University-Bloomington, 1985

Patricia DelgadilloUniversity of Southern California, 1997

Felicia A. EnuhaIndiana University-Bloomington, 2010

Carlos A. FalconNew York University, 2001

Diana C. FiskUniversity of Southern California, 1985

Gary M. GaminoThe University of Texas at Austin, 1990

Veronica E. Garza-YatesIndiana University-Bloomington, 2001

Rudy E. GrimaldoUniversity of Southern California, 2002

Reuben T. HarrisUniversity of Rochester, 1972

Stephen HarrisThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998

Ira S. HolmesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980

Sheldon B. HowellUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2004

Maria Woodruff W. JordanUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1991

William J. KeyIndiana University-Bloomington, 1976

Jeannette O. LawrenceThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991

David L. LeonardThe University of Texas at Austin, 1999

William C. Long IVIndiana University-Bloomington, 1992

Tony R. LyonsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985

Simeon McAleer

Kathleen J. MeyerThe University of Texas at Austin, 1998

Mark C. MonroeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1984

Felipe MoralesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1997

Maryam MosharrafThe University of Texas at Austin, 2009

Christopher S. NealUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1997

Caryn M. NightengaleDartmouth College, 2002

Leslie J. PearceThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990

Jorge C. PerezWashington University in St. Louis, 1991

Susan E. PerkinsNew York University, 1995

Lucille Vessel V. PointerUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974

Simone L. PollardUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2000

Richard E. QuintanaUniversity of Southern California, 1987

Alejandro RomanThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002

Corey E. RosemondThe University of Texas at Austin, 1996

Christopher RutledgeUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2015

William C. SimmonsWashington University in St. Louis, 1973

Joseph C. SimpsonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2002

Manuel F. SiverioUniversity of Southern California, 1978

Carol L. StuckeyIndiana University-Bloomington, 1988

Alejandro SuescunWashington University in St. Louis, 2002

Albert E. TejidorUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1996

Gabriel ThoumiUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2008

Benny O. TorresThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003

Elester TownsendUniversity of Southern California, 1972

Jinea C. TurkThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008

John UribeIndiana University-Bloomington, 1994

Camela J. WilliamsUniversity of Southern California, 1982

Marla J. WilliamsUniversity of Rochester, 1978

Archie Willis IIIThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1981

Steven R. WolfeWashington University in St. Louis, 1984

Anthony WoodwardUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2011


Alexandra P. aIndiana University-Bloomington, 2003

Mikhael A. AbebeUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Maria L. AbreuUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Olga I. AbrosimovaCornell University, 2017

Aric A. AdamsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Dana M. AdamsUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Sheila S. AdebisiUniversity of Rochester, 1983

Adewale AdefemiUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Tayo Leo Adegboyega EdunDartmouth College, 2015

Ayinde A. AdemolaUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Ademola A. AdeogunCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Milagro AguinagaGeorgetown University, 2018

Arshan M. AhmadUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Abdulkabir O. AjiaCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Chrystel AkakpoUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Ayo J. AkinmejiCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Kwadwo Akwabi-AmeyawUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Angela A. AkwuleYale University, 2017

Sharef Al NajjarEmory University, 2018

Rahila Sana S. AliThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Armund R. AllenUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Olamide M. AlliUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Ariana AlmasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Moyo AlukoThe University of Texas at Austin, 2011

Josue AlvarezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Sophia M. AlvarezThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Monique A. AlvesDartmouth College, 2017

Chisom AmaechiYale University, 2018

Mensah S. Amen-RaNew York University, 2017

Derrick J. AmeyUniversity of Southern California, 2003

Rosemary AmponsahCornell University, 2018

David O. AmudaThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003

Jemima R. AndanGeorgetown University, 2018

Kelli N. AndersonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2007

Tiffany M. AndersonEmory University, 2018

Juan J. AndinoUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Ekenechukwu M. AneneUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Diego H. Angarita HorowitzThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Alejandro J. AngolaUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Guilherme AnnunciacaoUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Charles I. AnyikwaWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Alyssa ApolonioUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Farouk AppieduCornell University, 2016

Kylie A. AquinoUniversity of Virginia, 2017










Catherine L. ArandaUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Andrea ArceNew York University, 2014

Antonio A. ArellanoUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Alberto ArguelloUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Farhana N. ArifUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Chad L. AsatoDartmouth College, 2018

Jesse A. AvellanedaUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Elizabeth J. AvilaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Yewande AwopetuUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2010

Oladotun AwosemoUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Oyinkansola AyobiojoNew York University, 2018

Christopher BabickUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2005

Dipti BadrinathDartmouth College, 2018

Ghermayn BakerUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Carlos G. BalbinCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Aaron D. BaldwinThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Portia BallardUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Warren J. BallardGeorgetown University, 2017

Jaymon BallewUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Maxandre BalthazarUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Stephann E. balthazarCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Tirza M. BanuelosNew York University, 2018

Gabriela M. BarbaritoThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Zakia L. BarnesUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Christian Omar BarreraUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2004

Hadiatou BarryUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Alexis M. BasalduUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Diocelyn E. Batista RijoUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Steven BatistaCornell University, 2017

Grace S. BatisteYale University, 2018

Rawel R. BautistaUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Megan C. BaxterCornell University, 2017

Damian BayonaNew York University, 2015

Philip A. BeaUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Samuel BecerraUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Alexandria A. BeckerUniversity of Virginia, 2014

Rachel BeckerUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Afiya I. BediakoNew York University, 2018

Allen J. BediakoUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Ekow O. Bedu-AmissahUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014

Messai B. BelaynehUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Robert BelskyUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Vanessa Teran BeltranUniversity of Southern California, 2006

Gustavo R. BenejamIndiana University-Bloomington, 1981

Paloma Bengoechea RomeroUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Mark E. BennettIndiana University-Bloomington, 1994

Joshua E. BerringtonThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Saira BhimaniThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Sara BigelowNew York University, 2017

John S. BilalThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Shahidah BilalUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2013

Molly BirnbaumThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Kodjo BissahThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Courtney R. BlackUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Shana BlackWashington University in St. Louis, 2005

Alyssa M. BlaizeDartmouth College, 2017

Christopher G. BlankGeorgetown University, 2017

Cheyne R. BlochUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Gershon J. BlydenGeorgetown University, 2018

Alejandro J. BolivarWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Sheldon D. BondUniversity of Southern California, 2018

Daniel J. BonsomsYale University, 2018

Gilbert BonsuUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Andre BoschIndiana University-Bloomington, 2005

Bright K. BotchwayCornell University, 2018

Jaime A. BoteroUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Allyson C. BoudreauxEmory University, 2018

Lauren M. BowddenUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Shella L. BowlinIndiana University-Bloomington, 2003

Julian N. BoydThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Kendall N. BoydYale University, 2017

Colleen P. BoyleCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Patricia L. BradbyThe University of Texas at Austin, 2015

Krystal Bradford University of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Alexander M. BramletCornell University, 2018

James A. BrammahCornell University, 2018

Rodney G. BranchThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994

Simone K. BrathwaiteEmory University, 2017

Marlon BreveUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Ian W. BridgesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Kyle A. BriscoeUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Antonio BrkovicWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Timothy D. BrookinsUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Fabienne C. Brookman-AmissahNew York University, 2017

Daryl A. BrownUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Margaret E. BrownDartmouth College, 2017

Orville M. BrownUniversity of Rochester, 2018

James Brown-WilliamsCornell University, 2017

Fabiola D. BrunyThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Julius M. BryantEmory University, 2017

Marc BuenaventuraUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Donald L. BullockUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Alicia C. BurksNew York University, 2017

Nicole E. BurnsDartmouth College, 2017

Amanda BustosUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Lionel ButlerUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974

Karina CabanillasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Jose E. CabreraUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1999

Juan J. CabreraNew York University, 2018

Ignacio J. Cabrera-OstertagDartmouth College, 2018

Alexander C. CainUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Roshunda J. CalhounDartmouth College, 2017

David G. CallejasUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2015

Reyna D. CampsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Samuel M. CanasThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Maya A. CapersUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2003

Grady A. CapobiancoUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Bill CarcacheUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2000

Yoshira Cardenas LiceaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Jorge L. CardonaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996

Oriana CarrasquelEmory University, 2017

Luis G. Carrion AlfaroEmory University, 2018

Mario J. CarrollUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Lauren E. CarsonEmory University, 2017

Yvonne A. Carter BridgesWashington University in St. Louis, 1975

Vera E. CarterWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Thank You to Our Generous Donors










Dominic V. CasamentoNew York University, 2018

Juan M. CasanovaUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Charles CaseWashington University in St. Louis, 1974

Elliott E. CastilloUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Guy L. CatlettEmory University, 2017

Christian CatronThe University of Texas at Austin, 2011

Sarah J. CedenoYale University, 2018

Anthony J. CerratoDartmouth College, 2018

Patricia C. ChambersUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1996

Jean-Marc ChanoineUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Hashima CharlesUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Monica G. ChartierThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Shivani ChatterjeeYale University, 2018

Fabrizzio O. ChavesCornell University, 2017

Joseph T. ChavesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Jonathan N. ChavisUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Tonya Widemon CheekIndiana University-Bloomington, 1980

Vanessa Y. CherisUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Kingsley ChikataEmory University, 2018

Kathryn R. ChildsIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Lizeth ChiprezUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Om D. ChitaleUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Betty ChiuGeorgetown University, 2017

Sadhana ChunduriThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Angel ChungEmory University, 2017

Carolyn ChuongUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Jasmin T. ChurchUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Walter Cisneros MoralesUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Camille D. ClarkUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Shamir M. ClaytonUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Brace ClementUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2013

Lucie H. CoatesCornell University, 2018

Adriane ColdmanIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Jane ColeEmory University, 2017

Leadi ColeUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Kyle ColemanUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Nomble M. ColemanGeorgetown University, 2018

Fabian CollazoUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Nora K. CollinsUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Ramon E. Colon NavarroNew York University, 1991

Yempabou J. CombariDartmouth College, 2018

Amy C. ComptonCornell University, 2017

Chantel ContasteUniversity of Southern California, 2013

Brian A. CookDartmouth College, 2017

Jesus M. CorralUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Annette M. CortezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2002

Leonardo CortezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Shenique CostonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2011

Kevin W. CottleUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Cristina M. CouriUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Samuel F. CourtneyDartmouth College, 2017

Lisa M. CoverIndiana University-Bloomington, 2000

Stan R. CraftIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Darrell C. CraigThe University of Texas at Austin, 1994

Danielle CraytonThe University of Texas at Austin, 2010

Julius T. CrouchWashington University in St. Louis, 1996

Albert CruzGeorgetown University, 2018

David CurleyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014

Bryant DaleyUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Elaine DangYale University, 2017

Curtis L. Davis Jr.The University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Julie B. DavisUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Reginald F. DavisUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Ryan D. DavisUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Lauren E. DawsonEmory University, 2017

Guilherme M. de AraujoEmory University, 2018

Ivan I. De La TorreCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Jose E. DeAndaYale University, 2017

Remberto Del RealUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2003

Jennifer DelaneyCornell University, 2013

Barbara DeLeonThe University of Texas at Austin, 1990

Jacqueline V. DelgadoUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Liliana Delgado

The University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Marco DeLuccaUniversity of Virginia, 2006

Troy R. DemmerCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Tejal M. DesaiGeorgetown University, 2017

St.Jules DesirUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Michael L. DeVaughnIndiana University-Bloomington, 1990

Awa DiawIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Edgar J. DiazIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Andoni J. DieguezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

David A. DistantUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Sabrina DobbsCornell University, 2012

Kaitlin E. DonovanUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Devery R. DoranThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Folake DosuUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Lauren N. D’SouzaCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

David DuarteUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2012

Carl J. DubashUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Melanie K. DuchNew York University, 2017

Hugh DuffyUniversity of Rochester, 1987

Lauren DugardUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Kenneth J. DuncanUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1993

Sharifa A. DunnUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Gregory J. EarnestUniversity of Southern California, 2018

Brandi E. EctorWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Dawn L. Edgerton-CameronUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2008

Justin A. EdmondsonUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Jennifer M. EdwardsUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Adefemi Egbebi Carnegie Mellon University, 2018

Lucia EhimikaUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Tiffany ElderThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003

David R. EllisUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Lauren K. ElsteinUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Margaret-Nnenna ElumogoNew York University, 2018

Ugorji A. EmenikeUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Kenny M. EneboeCornell University, 2017

Feruz A. ErizkuYale University, 2017










Fernando A. EscobarUniversity of Virginia, 2008

Alexandra G. Espinoza De FrancoUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Alvaro I. Espinoza OsnayaGeorgetown University, 2017

Alice A. EsslingerNew York University, 2018

Adriel R. EstradaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2016

Antonio EvansUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Kendall ExumeEmory University, 2017

Chioma EzeThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Omar A. EzzUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Christine C. EzzellUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Oladipo FadiranUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Simi T. FafoworaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Ciara S. FambleNew York University, 2018

Angelica M. FebrilletUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Tenaj R. FergusonThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

David FernandezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Jason A. FernandezThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Nathan FernandoUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2012

Niyago L. FieldsCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Jimmy A. FigueroaUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Jim P. FinnertyUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Bruce & Diane FishsteinUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1987

Fred E. FletcherUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Azucena B. FloresUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Benjamin C. FongUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Clarence A. ForbesNew York University, 2017

Briana M. FordCornell University, 2017

Camille V. FordeUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Julian ForeroUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Warren R. FosterUniversity of Southern California, 1971

Jessica L. FowlerUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Jimmy E. FowoseDartmouth College, 2017

Kathryn W. FoxUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Jameel D. FrancisCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Timalyn E. FranklinNew York University, 2001

Shante L. FrazierNew York University, 2018

Keisha V. FreemanUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001

Leigh FritzDartmouth College, 2012

Kelly D. FryerIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Christopher D. FunderburgUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2003

Adrian GalarzaCarnegie Mellon University, 2014

Gavin F. GallowayUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Alexandra GamezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Daniel N. GarayUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Enrique GarciaUniversity of Southern California, 2010

Jose L. GarciaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Khalfani M. GarciaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2008

Louis L. GarciaIndiana University-Bloomington, 1972

Oscar J. GarciaCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Zachary D. GarrettUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Paul GartlanGeorgetown University, 2018

David L. GarzaThe University of Texas at Austin, 1995

Elva D. GarzaIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Shayna E. GaspardEmory University, 2008

Carla Grundy GathersNew York University, 2002

Michelle M. GavilanesUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Silva A. GentchevThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Christopher GenteelUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2008

Heran GetachewNew York University, 2017

Tocoa J. GeterEmory University, 2018

Antonia M. GibbsUniversity of Southern California, 1981

Shawnika D. GigerThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Elizabeth MachadoThe University of Texas at Austin, 1990

Elena S. GiraltNew York University, 2018

Jassum N. GlosterCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Bianca J. GoinsDartmouth College, 2018

John P. GoinsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Paula F. GomesThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Luis GomezEmory University, 2017

Elmer G. Gonzalez LopezCornell University, 2018

Victoria A. GonzalezWashington University in St. Louis, 1990

Cecily I. GordonCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Jodine K. GordonDartmouth College, 2018

Katrina A. GordonUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Jamal A. GorrickCornell University, 2018

Giselle M. GorskyUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Rasanah GossYale University, 2011

Stephanie E. GrahamThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Leonard GrantCarnegie Mellon University, 2011

Michela K. GrantUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Stanley R. GraysonNew York University, 2018

Joshua J. GriffinNew York University, 2017

David C. GuerraUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Amari V. GuisingerUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Erin N. GumsUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Cosette GutierrezIndiana University-Bloomington, 1995

Daniel A. GutierrezUniversity of Rochester, 2000

Marco A. GutierrezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Robert GutierrezUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Wyatt H. GutierrezWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Diego I. HahnUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Lucy HakobyanUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Jamal HalepotaUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Sabrina M. HamiltonIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Michelle L. HammerUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Stacey S. HanNew York University, 2017

Ranitea HarispuruGeorgetown University, 2017

Chase D. HarmonYale University, 2017

Sarah Y. HaroonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Edward HarperUniversity of Southern California, 2012

Courtney D. HarrisUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Eric HarrisEmory University, 2017

Jenelle L. HarrisUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Jordan A. HarrisNew York University, 2018

Kate HarrisNew York University, 2011

Ronald HarrisWashington University in St. Louis, 1988

Delmar A. HarrisonThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Kate K. HauserDartmouth College, 2017

DeAngela HayesWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Sandra HeidrichUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2015

Rudiger HellbergerCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Darien HenryEmory University, 2011

Joshua M. HenryDartmouth College, 2018

Omar H. HenryThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Trevor C. HenryEmory University, 2017

Cecilia C. Hernandez RojasNew York University, 2018

Michelle Hernandez RosaUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Thank You to Our Generous Donors










Antonio J. HernandezUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Brian P. HernandezNew York University, 2018

Eric HernandezDartmouth College, 2018

Thais HernandezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Ashlyee A. HickmanUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Kristen A. HicksIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Austin M. HillGeorgetown University, 2018

Carlos A. G. HillThe University of Texas at Austin, 2013

Cody R. HillThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Stephen B. HillEmory University, 2017

Matthew I. HillmanUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Britney P. HinesThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Andrew HinksonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Kai F. HinsonUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Kiara M. HintonEmory University, 2017

Jeremy D. HobbsUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Taylor E. HobsonUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Darias D. HollowayEmory University, 2018

Brandon M. HomerUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Starling G. HooksNew York University, 2017

Christopher C. HooperCornell University, 2018

Grant W. HopeThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Afiya S. hostenEmory University, 2017

Alanna HouckCarnegie Mellon University, 2013

Sandy Hairston

Tanisha N. HowellUniversity of Rochester, 2017

David HuUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Qingwei HuThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Jieyun HuaEmory University, 2017

Max J. HucUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Raven HudsonUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Margo I. Hufstetler GonzalezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Andrew HuggettNew York University, 2012

Matthew HuiUniversity of Southern California, 2018

Stephanie HuizaEmory University, 2017

Brenna HumphriesWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Danielle HuntIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Eric L. HuntWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Valerie R. HuntIndiana University-Bloomington, 2003

Jeremy HunterCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Lee A. HunterNew York University, 2009

Denise HwangUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Irene I. IbidapoUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Ryan S. ImamuraUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Dana S. InfanteEmory University, 2017

Frank IngramThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993

Bianca A. IrizarryEmory University, 2017

Abdul-Azeez O. IsiaqUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Christopher R. JacksonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Rudolph S. JacksonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974

Torrell D. JacksonCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Keara K. JamesEmory University, 2017

Daniel JansenEmory University, 2013

Charisse JaquesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1999

Ted K. JarboYale University, 2017

Abubakarr S. Jarr-KoromaEmory University, 2017

Tite Jean-PierreUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Joshua J. JefferiesCornell University, 2017

Alexis M. JeffriesUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Jessica L. JenningsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Dayne A. Jervis Dartmouth College, 2017

Eyasu S. JibituUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Ashley M. JohnsonEmory University, 2017

Bryan L. JohnsonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2002

Daniel F. JohnsonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Monika R. JohnsonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Sara L. JohnsonCornell University, 2018

Chelsea R. JonesThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Dwane O. JonesNew York University, 2017

Kevin C. JonesUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Kirk A. JonesThe University of Texas at Austin, 1991

Ruby M. JonesIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Sandra W. JonesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972

William A. Jones IIIUniversity of Southern California, 1977

Sophia A. KaadyUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Sweena KahnThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Cathaleen KaiyoorawongsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Aditya R. KancharlaThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

kenji V. kanekoUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Megha M. KansraUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Amy KaoYale University, 2017

Norman J. KaufmannGeorgetown University, 2017

Lydia KearneyUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Sasha Y. KelemenUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Pragati KharaUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Ruth A. KidaneYale University, 2018

Kenneth R. KimbroughUniversity of Rochester, 1972

Anthony C. KingUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

David E. KirbyUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1994

Candace L. KirkseyNew York University, 2018

Elizabeth C. KnightUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Matthew C. KoizimYale University, 2018

Kristopher M. KorteUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Sylvain R. KouamouUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Andrew L. KrowneUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2014

Erin L. KruegerUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Zhanrui KuangYale University, 2018

Maya I. KushmaulYale University, 2018

Roshaun O. LaforceUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Simone LaHoodUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Dora LamUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2010

Lydia A. LambrightEmory University, 2017

Katherine G. LandrieuNew York University, 2018

Andrew W. LangevineThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Richard L. LaroueUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Blakey LarsenUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Bernier LauredanYale University, 2017

Sade M. LawrenceDartmouth College, 2018

Marcel M. LawsonDartmouth College, 2018

Christina LeeUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Courtney A. LeeWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Freya LeeUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Laura E. LeeUniversity of Southern California, 2018

Tiffany R. LeeUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Alan LefebvreThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012

Pulton LeungEmory University, 2018

Giselle-Anne M. LewarsCornell University, 2018

Vance C. LewisYale University, 2018

Melvyn A. Li Wan PoCornell University, 2017

Carlene LirianoYale University, 2018

Shannon M. Little-JacksonThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Micah D. LockhartThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018










Larry D. LoganUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979

Bernadette L. LongUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012

David R. LopezDartmouth College, 2018

Terrance L. LoveladyUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Whitnie A. LowThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2015

Hector R. LuceroUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Ellis S. LukUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Francisco LunaCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Paula N. LuuUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Matthew Lyde-CajusteThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Calvin B. MackNew York University, 2017

Laasya L. MadduriCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Carolina MadridUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Dan MagniaDartmouth College, 2010

Om Prakash S. MahalingamIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Kyra MahoneyUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Preeta MaitraThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Sumedha MakkerIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Lady M. MaldonadoIndiana University-Bloomington, 2005

Chandler D. MaloneWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Josephine I. ManlangitThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Bravitt J. ManleyThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Carol ManninoNew York University, 2003

Merry C. MansonWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Aileen B. Maria-RitchieUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Christina E. MarkleUniversity of Southern California, 2017

William O. MarksUniversity of Southern California, 1971

Aubrey L. MartinWashington University in St. Louis, 1982

Alison J. MartinezEmory University, 2018

Jorge L. MartinezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Karla V. MartinezYale University, 2017

Steven MartinezCornell University, 2018

Gerald H. MasonCornell University, 2017

Kevin MasonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2003

Anik MathurUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Melissa MauterYale University, 2017

Gaelle Sonya Mawadjou TchokouaUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Cleyana Z. MayweatherEmory University, 2017

Samuel T. MazeUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Daryl S. McadooUniversity of Southern California, 2018

Sydney A. McClureUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014

Denise Sturrup McDonaldUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993

Timothy J. McDowellDartmouth College, 2017

Brett J. McFarlandThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Katherine A. McFarlandUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Donnell H. McGheeEmory University, 2017

Katrina McGheeThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010

Ayana M. McginnisEmory University, 2018

Selena H. MclaurinEmory University, 2017

James R. McPhersonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980

Terence M. McPhersonUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Landon B. MedlockUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Joseph MehariNew York University, 2017

Jocelyn H. MelchorCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Catherine D. MelsheimerUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Khandyce MenardIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Shannelie M. Mendez CarloThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Yuliana MendezUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Steve E. MendozaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Steven H. MenendezUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Pascal MensahDartmouth College, 2018

Andres D. MercadoIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Daniel MercadoCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Aditya M. MerchantUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Zunail A. MerediaCornell University, 2018

Ashley MerrittUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2006

Jaquann MerriweatherIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Jamyle M. MichaelUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Tazia M. MiddletonUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Angela J. MilesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1988

Aisha K. MillerUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Glenn MillerUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1972

Julian J. MillerNew York University, 2018

David J. MitchellNew York University, 1998

Eugene A. MitchellNew York University, 2001

Mike MitchellIndiana University-Bloomington, 2013

Vincent MoitaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Danielle Moita-RoblesThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Jean M. MontanoThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Christopher D. MontiUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Kimberly L. MooreUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Tyler MooreThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Elissa MoralesUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Harold J. MoralesThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

James F. MoralesThe University of Texas at Austin, 1989

Juan A. MoralesUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Rene MorencyWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Alonso MorenoUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Jose P. MorenoYale University, 2017

Leslie A. MortonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Paula Moscoso MirskyWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Marissa L. MoundsEmory University, 2010

Barret P. MuellerGeorgetown University, 2018

Sekou S. S. MuhammadUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Stacey MukasaCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Alexander G. MullinGeorgetown University, 2017

Hazzen O. MunozUniversity of Virginia, 2004

Sergio MunozYale University, 2018

Candace I. MunroeNew York University, 2017

Angelica G. MurilloUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Matthew A. MuronIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Jonathan L. MurrellDartmouth College, 2009

Lewis H. MyersThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974

Sashidhar K. MylavarapuDartmouth College, 2018

Christina F. NaguiatIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Shota A. NakayamaUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Disan W. NamudeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Angela M. NapitUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Benjamin H. NassebyCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Erika M. NathanUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Yazmin NavaIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Maria D. NaviaThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Pauline N. NdambukiYale University, 2018

Thank You to Our Generous Donors










Alyssa N. NeblettThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Cambrie M. NelsonWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Courtney A. NelthroppUniversity of Southern California, 1971

Mark E. NeufeldEmory University, 2018

Catianne S. NganteCornell University, 2018

Lilian NgobiCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Dat K. NguyenThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Iris NguyenUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Shen NiUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Errol L. NisbethUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Buddy C. NjereThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Florence NoelUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

William NoimanDartmouth College, 2017

Jordan NolanThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Theodore NorthropGeorgetown University, 2018

Edward L. NorwoodUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Michael Noumbissi WawoueUniversity of Virginia, 2018

LeVert A. NovakThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Alex P. NovelliWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Valentine C. NsoforUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Jessica L. NunezDartmouth College, 2018

Chijioge NwoguThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Brian V. NwokediUniversity of Virginia, 2012

Chidi I. NwosuUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Howard OUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Laju ObasajuUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Joel J. ObasekiThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Ijeamaka G. ObasiNew York University, 2018

Jideofor V. ObazeUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Ijeoma ObiorahUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Francine O’BumCornell University, 2017

Salvador OcampoEmory University, 2017

Philip OdusoteUniversity of Rochester, 2014

Ade A. OdutayoCarnegie Mellon University, 2014

David Ofosu-AppiahUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Chima OgbuokiriNew York University, 2010

Frank E. OglesbyWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Jessica OgonorCornell University, 2017

Olabode Ogundare University of Rochester, 2018

Oluwatobi OgundipeUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Joel F. OjedaYale University, 2017

Olufemi S. OkeNew York University, 2018

Ejededawe O. OkogboUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Atim D. OkornUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Olalekan O. OlanisaEmory University, 2017

James OlavarriaIndiana University-Bloomington, 1986

Xavier E. OlaveThe University of Texas at Austin, 2004

Felipe OliveriaNew York University, 2018

Victor OlowuThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Ibukun T. OlubanjoThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Chinaecherem OmenyinmaUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Nekisha R. OmotolaWashington University in St. Louis, 2004

Alison OngvorapongCornell University, 2017

Emmanuel OnyenyiliDartmouth College, 2018

Ohene Y. Opong-OwusuUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Alex Q. OrozcoNew York University, 2005

Juan OrozcoWashington University in St. Louis, 2006

Gabriel A. Ortiz BarroetaWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

John P. OrtizEmory University, 2018

Roberto C. OrtizWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Daniel OsorioUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Tiffany P. OtoyaNew York University, 2018

Jonathan O. OwheGeorgetown University, 2017

Ola OyetayoYale University, 2017

Tina C. Ozturk (Yuille)Washington University in St. Louis, 2004

Elizabeth R. PadillaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Michael M. PadroUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Neela PalYale University, 2013

Cazzie M. Palacios BrownUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Jason C. PalaciosUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Pamela J. PalaciosThe University of Texas at Austin, 2005

Jose R. PallaresUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Jorge J. PanequeIndiana University-Bloomington, 1984

Phillip ParadiseThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Vivian ParedesIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Jaimie Y. ParkCornell University, 2017

Kirk and Crystal M. ParkerThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992

Sal S. ParsaUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Agatha A. PattersonUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Imani PaulWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Robert S. PaulsenThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Jennifer N. PaxtonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

William PayneCornell University, 2018

Raquel S. PedrozoGeorgetown University, 2018

Clarissa PenaNew York University, 2018

Samantha A. PenabadUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Adriana PenalbaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Samuel PeprahYale University, 2018

Enrique J. PerezYale University, 2014

Alma V. Perez-LugoUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996

Jamie C. PerkinsEmory University, 2017

Linda D. PermenterThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Eric N. PerrinUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Raymond PersaudEmory University, 2017

Preston PetenIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Yvener J. PetitUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Rachel J. PhillipsDartmouth College, 2018

Austin R. PiechCornell University, 2018

Eric J. Pierre-LouisUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Lev PogosovUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Fabian A. PoliakUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Kin W. PoonCornell University, 2018

Jamal A. PopeIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Joseph M. PratsNew York University, 2018

Greg J. PriceCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Holly M. PriceUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Danielle N. PurkissNew York University, 2017

Luis D. QuinonezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Deepa K. RajuEmory University, 2018

Wade A. Rakes, IIUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2011

Bryant R. RamirezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Jose RamirezThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Magali D. RamirezUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Christopher S. RamosUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Delano F. RandolphUniversity of Rochester, 1990

Kavita RangaswamyThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017










Rhonda K. RaphaelUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Hassan RashidUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Alice E. RaymondUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Paul RaymondYale University, 2017

Martin R. ReavisUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Keturah T. ReedThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Lee L. RenschEmory University, 2017

Cisco D. ReyCornell University, 2018

Emily L. ReynaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2008

Damali M. RhettDartmouth College, 2006

Tara E. RhettUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Leo H. RhodesIndiana University-Bloomington, 2007

Sean RiceDartmouth College, 2018

Melanie R. RichardsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Chase RichardsonEmory University, 2018

Nicole RichardsonEmory University, 2017

Warren A. RickardsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Kadeem G. RickettsWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

John D. RiosUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Beatriz V. Rivera GierboliniUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991

Kristine T. RiveraYale University, 2017

Linda G. RoachThe University of Texas at Austin, 1990

Joseph H. RobeleUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

Anthony C. RobertsUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Ernestine D. RobertsonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979

Christian RobinsonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2011

Donald C. RobinsonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1990

Gillian M. RobinsonEmory University, 2018

Selena M. RobinsonUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Leonel RoblesThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Mikaela A. RodkinUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Adrian RodriguesUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Daniel RodriguezUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Elena M. M. RodriguezUniversity of Southern California, 1983

Fernando M. RodriguezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Joshua M. RodriguezDartmouth College, 2010

Luis R. RodriguezNew York University, 1990

Nicholas F. RodriguezYale University, 2018

Meredith T. RolenUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2018

MacCalvin C. RomainUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

David RomanIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

C. Natalia RoquesThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009

Elizabeth RosenbergYale University, 2017

Armando Z. RossoUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Giulio C. RottaroYale University, 2017

Elida RuizGeorgetown University, 2018

Julian RuizWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Marcus RumbersCornell University, 2018

Rolf Russart

Derek W. RussellThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Hope J. RutanhiraDartmouth College, 2018

Aisha S. SaberGeorgetown University, 2017

Yousaf M. SajidUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Merlin L. SalamancaCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Azeez SalamiNew York University, 2017

Natalia SandersThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Michele F. SandidgeCornell University, 2018

Carlos A. Santa MariaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Tajudeen B. SanusiThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Mario M. SaraviaCornell University, 2017

Cynthia C. Saunders-CheathamThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993

Dekonti P. SayehCarnegie Mellon University, 2018

Zina D. ScheuermanWashington University in St. Louis, 2004

Karin SchmidtUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Brendan M. ScolariThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Brandon S. ScottUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Avery ScurlockUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Anna SelserEmory University, 2017

Salonee V. ShahUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Brittany A. ShannonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Jenika G. ShannonUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Aruna ShastryUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Isabel L. SheltonThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

AlyNawaz A. SheraliGeorgetown University, 2018

James D. SherardIndiana University-Bloomington, 1977

Brandon D. ShieldsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Evan A. ShieldsThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Dominique A. ShipleyUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Joanna M. ShujmanUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Eugene E. ShyuCornell University, 2017

Donald G. SimmonsThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Alexan A. SimonNew York University, 2017

Marcus G. SimpsonCornell University, 2017

Treadwell D. SingfieldUniversity of Rochester, 2018

Sushanta SinghaWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Pooja SinhaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Jenelle E. SirleafUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Erica P. SmithIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Imani SmithWashington University in St. Louis, 2017

Jennifer A. SmithUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1991

Jesse R. SmithThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009

Marissa K. SmithUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Sabrina SmithUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2011

Kimberly A. SneadUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1997

Timothy M. SneadUniversity of California, Berkeley, 1998

Michael J. SolarzUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Marco S. SommervilleThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Chen SongUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Cristhian F. Soto ArevaloGeorgetown University, 2018

Desmond C. SpencerThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Bengardy St. GerardThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Maurice D. StanferIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Rhonda D. StarghillUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2000

Sydney L. StarkeCornell University, 2018

Luis I. SteinNew York University, 2018

Zena S. StephensUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2017

Benjamin StevensDartmouth College, 2017

Athena StevensonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Lisa H. StevensonWashington University in St. Louis, 1987

Charles F. StewartEmory University, 2017

Jeffrey W. StovallUniversity of Virginia, 2000

Solan A. StricklingUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Erika N. StudtGeorgetown University, 2018

Shantel C. SullivanNew York University, 2018

Sean A. SwiftUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Michael TabbThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Thank You to Our Generous Donors










Jennifer N. TakUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Andrea TapiaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Hannah E. TarrienEmory University, 2017

Derrick S. TarverUniversity of Rochester, 1995

Courtney R. TatumUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Angela TawfilisUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Kelvin J. TaylorWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Henry TembonNew York University, 2018

Vincent M. TenorioYale University, 2018

Michael A. TensleyDartmouth College, 2018

Brittany-Arpel S. ThomasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Colleen A. ThomasUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Kyndal R. ThomasEmory University, 2017

Charles ThompsonUniversity of Southern California, 1974

Elen P. ThompsonEmory University, 2017

Kevin R. ThompsonUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Juan C. ThurmanThe University of Texas at Austin, 2005

Jennifer P. TidwellUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987

Daniel TifftUniversity of Virginia, 2012

Ashley TisdaleThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Ashley L. TolbertUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Trenton J. TolbertEmory University, 2018

Patricia TopeteUniversity of Southern California, 2013

Orlando A. Torres-OlivieriThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Chelsea C. TrotterIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Emily TsayUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Anthony J. TufanoCornell University, 2018

Ufot F. UmanaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Devin P. UnderhillUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Albert P. UrestiUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison, 2002

Arturo F. UruetaUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Manuel F. VacasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Nikole R. VargasUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Maja VarnerUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2017

Margarita VasquezUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Robert T. VasquezUniversity of Southern California, 1976

Karen L. VelasquezGeorgetown University, 2017

Cristina VelezUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Andrew W. VittetoeCornell University, 2017

Britta E. VolzUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Maggy WahbaYale University, 2018

Jarrett M. WalkerUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Stacyann P. WalkerUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Allyson R. WardUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 1990

Collin B. WatsonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017

Felix K. WatsonUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2018

Christopher WearnYale University, 2017

Willie H. WeathersThe University of Texas at Austin, 1992

Justin W. WedellUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Suezette D. WeirYale University, 2017

Victoria L. WeissDartmouth College, 2004

John H. WenstrandGeorgetown University, 2018

Leketa D. WesleyUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Gina M. WestUniversity of Southern California, 1989

Megan C. WestUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Bradford H. WhiteUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Brandon A. WhiteUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Jonathan W. WhiteUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2002

Noelle M. WhiteUniversity of Southern California, 2017

Shelton R. WhitleyThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Tyler N. WhitsettIndiana University-Bloomington, 2018

Victoria Y. WhittakerUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Charisse D. WilkinsUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2018

Adrian M. WilliamsUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Alana M. WilliamsThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Beth WilliamsUniversity of California, Berkeley, 2018

Bianca M. WilliamsDartmouth College, 2018

Collin M. WilliamsUniversity of Virginia, 2018

Derek I. WilliamsThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Huddie A. WilliamsUniversity of Virginia, 2017

Olivia WilliamsWashington University in St. Louis, 2018

Bill WilliamsUniversity of Rochester, 1977

Adam T. WilliamsonIndiana University-Bloomington, 2017

Goreleigh F. WillisCornell University, 2014

Caleb WilsonUniversity of California, Los Angeles, 2017

Jason M. WilsonUniversity of Rochester, 2017

Justin A. WilsonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

MaShon M. WilsonThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2018

Jerry J. WonUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Launa L. WoodThe University of Texas at Austin, 2017

Armauni C. Wright-BarsamianDartmouth College, 2018

gratitudeJacklyn WynnUniversity of Rochester, 1979

Shari K. WynnThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995

Erin K. YasukawaUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Rick E. YbarraThe University of Texas at Austin, 2004

Denise M. YepezGeorgetown University, 2017

Dana M. YeraceUniversity of Michigan- Ann Arbor, 2017

Tobby D. YiYale University, 2018

Jerome A. YoungWashington University in St. Louis, 2004

Alyson J. ZandtYale University, 2018

Travis J. ZorrillaThe University of Texas at Austin, 2018

Victoria Eloise ZunhigaNew York University, 2017

Jeffrey R. ZunigaCarnegie Mellon University, 2017

Rugare ZvomaNew York University, 2017

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