legal rules of the road and what you need to know

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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SB5 REFERENDUM PETITION. LEGAL RULES OF THE ROAD and what you need to know. Ohio association of professional fire fighters ___________________________________________________________________________. Who Can Circulate?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Who Can Circulate?Who Can Circulate?

Ohio association of professional fire fighters___________________________________________________________________________

Statement of Circulator Statement of Circulator PagePage

You must properly complete You must properly complete the the Statement of Solicitor Page.Statement of Solicitor Page.

Print your name clearly.Print your name clearly.

Write in exact number of signatures Write in exact number of signatures on the petition. on the petition.

This must be accurate!This must be accurate!

Statement of Circulator Statement of Circulator PagePage

If paid for the hours you circulate the If paid for the hours you circulate the petition, must enter the name & petition, must enter the name &

address of your employer.address of your employer.     If volunteering & not paid to circulate If volunteering & not paid to circulate

petitions leave blank.petitions leave blank.

Statement of Circulator Statement of Circulator PagePage

Who Can Sign The Who Can Sign The Petition?Petition?

Only registered Ohio voters may sign the petition.

Signers can register to vote and then sign the petition.

Registration forms must besubmitted within 10 days.

Who Can Sign The Who Can Sign The Petition?Petition?

Voters must be registered in the county for the petition they sign.

Circulators may not sign their own petition (such signatures will not be valid).

Filling Out Petitions Filling Out Petitions ProperlyProperly

Each signature must be witnessed by the circulator.

Cannot sign for someone else (spouse cannot sign for spouse).

Ask every person to sign and print their name legibly.

Filling Out Petitions Filling Out Petitions ProperlyProperly

Signer should complete all fields other than “Ward/Precinct”

Ward/Precinct information is NOT REQUIRED and if incorrect could void that signature.

Circulators may fill in appropriate information, other than signature.

Filling Out Petitions Filling Out Petitions ProperlyProperly

Signer’s address must be where he/she is registered to vote.

No P.O. Boxes

Signature must be in ink (preferably blue or black).

Signature PageSignature Page

Statement of Circulator Statement of Circulator PagePage

What Invalidates A Petition?What Invalidates A Petition?

If circulator statement is not properly filled out.

If circulator statement has an inaccurate number of net signatures.

What Invalidates A Petition?What Invalidates A Petition?

If 2 or more signatures are

signed by the same person.

If the circulator is convicted of a felony and is still on probation.

Petition Check-Out Petition Check-Out PagePage

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