leila dregger: tamera. a model for the future - flyer

Post on 08-Apr-2015






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The book describes the major departments of the peace research center Tamera in Portugal: solar technology, permaculture and water landscape and the peace education and Global Campus. Tamera is going to be a comprehensive pilot model for a peace-culture: a structurally non-violent, coherent and ecologically sane alternative for contemporary human society - locally significant and globally applicable. The model focuses on the key issues of energy, water, food, social sustainability, authentic spirituality and cooperation with the divine.


The Author: Born 1959 in Cologne, Germany. Journalist, former editor of the magazine “The female voice”, author of the women’s book (in German) “Ich bin noch nicht in Frieden” (“I’m not yet in peace.”) The project closest to her heart is the establishment of a School for Peace Journalism.She has been working since 2008 with Sepp Holzer to publish his future-oriented ideas and concepts, such as the development of water landscapes to stop the increasing desertification of the Earth, or his new Techniques for agriculture and gardening: Holzer Permaculture.

Preview: Sepp Holzer, Leila Dregger: Desert or Paradise?Holzer Permaculture in Southern Europe. (Due to be published at the end of 2010/start of 2011)

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„If we want to sur-vive the ecological and social crises we have caused we will probably be forced to give ourselves into com-pletely new dra-matic community undertakings.“Lynn Margulis, Biologist

Leila Dregger TameraA Model for the Future.

136 pages, Hb., 206 4-colour illustrations, 28 x 21 cm ISBN: 978-3-927266-27-8 € 19,80, US-$ 24,80, £ 18.95, SFr 26,80

If we want peace on Earth, we have to find out what peace really means. What could a world look like in which all people have enough food, in which rivers filled with clear water can freely meander, in which children trust adults again and where conflicts no longer lead to violence but are instead solved with intelligence and compassion?More than thirty years ago, a team of pio-neers around the psychoanalyst Dr. Dieter Duhm, the theologist Sabine Lichtenfels and the physicist Charly Rainer Ehrenpreis had the idea to develop a model for the fu-ture where these questions are answered as demonstratively, practically and convin-cingly as possible. In a comprehensive model, such ques-tions, and many more, are connected with each other and are solved by perceiving the whole, as it was specifically the fragmenta-tion of life into separate areas which led the whole system into the state it is in today. A comprehensive model which reconnects separated areas with each other activates the little-researched powers of self-organization, synergy and the resilience of biotopes. These

powers are needed to lift the whole system to a higher level of order.Tamera Peace Research Village, in Portu-gal, with its international network, deve-loped from this idea. Outside of the huge central laboratories, universities and cities, researchers of the future are practically applying their developments in places like Tamera. Compassion, responsibility for the whole and mutual support are the basic ethi-cal guidlines for living together in Tamera.This book provides an insight into the cur-rent state of the work of Tamera in three core areas: permaculture and water landscape, so-lar technology and peace-education.


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