leilani ryan business process change plan unit 5 final project 1326850482

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Business Process Change



GB560 Designing, Improving and Implementing Processes

Session # (5)

Leilani Ryan

Kaplan University

January 10, 2012

.Q#1 Provide the name of the organization (this must be a real organization and you may use the organization where you currently work; describe the organization’s size and summarize the primary mission of the organization. Don’t simply copy from the organization’s mission statement:

The organization is Jewell Osco stores, which are actually a part of the larger

organization which is Supervalu. There are 140,000 employees with the entire organization, and

the organization has union employees. There are 1,114 retail stores and 805 pharmacies, and

2,700 stores in the independent business segment. There are 1,280 hard-discount stores.

According to the focus of the customer retention project being conducted by The

Northern Illinois University College of Business Experiential Learning Center (ELC) the grocery

store wants to concentrate on retaining their thirty year customers as a primary grocery store for

most grocery shopping of the household. (niuelc.blogspot.com). This is only a part of their

overall mission which is to bring high quality items to the customer at an affordable price. The

non-brand option offers low price items but name brand items are carried in the store.

Q#2 From your research of the organization, identify a single Business Process Change that the organization will need to contemplate and undertake in the coming year. These changes can result from new technologies, economic issues, or changes in the marketplace.

It appears that the business needs to be more competitive in their price structure, and may

be losing market share due to the low cost items that are being purchased elsewhere, with items

left on the shelf longer than expected, giving the appearance to shoppers that their items are

overpriced. Every item at the store appears to be around $1 more than other stores, adding to

the cost of the entire grocery amount at checkout. The business process change that would need

to be used to address this issue would be information technology, perhaps a new inventory

system to monitor what is selling, along with some ways to analyze the prices of other stores

around the area to determine what the prices and sales are for the competition.

As a grocery shopper myself, we are forced to go to three different stores in the area with

the latest Jewell competitor now Super Walmart, which may also affect the price structure in

order to remain competitive. The quality is great at Jewell yet every item seems to be marked up

higher than what can be found at other stores such as a local store Butera, and Aldi, a discount

store, and neither were mentioned in their report for competitors in the Chicago area. If retention

is one of their goals, then information technology can help determine what percentage of

groceries are being purchased at the store of a household, and if the customers are new or long-

term customer based.

Q#3 Utilizing the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) outline briefly what changes need to be undertaken at each of the 5-stages (pages xxxiii-xxxiv).

Stage 1 (Level 1: Initial). One person may need to pull off the shelf outdated material to

make sure the customer does not notice it. The employee or manager may make it known how

outdated materials on the shelf appear. Most of the stage identifies the problem exists. For IT,

(the Information Technology department), perhaps just making sure the inventory is accounted

for and the price structure identified for each item.

Stage 2 (Level 2: Repeatable). Processes are established to make sure the inventory is

checked for outdated materials. Items are stacked on the shelves, pulled forward and other

methods to make sure the items that are oldest leave the store before newer items are sold.

Stage 3 (Level 3: Defined). Outdated materials removed and quantified, levels of stock

are adjusted for demand. Customers are kept track of in a database on what they are spending

and they track what percentage of their grocery bill the purchase represents.

Stage 4 (Level 4: Managed). Ways to adjust the pricing is looked at due to competition in the

area to see what can be done about moving the inventory so that it is not left aging on the

shelves. Determine what would be more attractive options, which items to omit or carry only in

small quantities.

Stage 5 (Level 5: Optimized). The items are ordered again in a system using point of service or

another system to make sure the shelves are stocked as items leave the store. This can be

addressed as part of their IT, Information Technology changes, which the company refers to, “As

part of our Business Transformation, we are augmenting our capabilities with new tools and

analytics to improve corporate decision-making and instore efficiency. (Supervalue 2011 Fact


Q#4 Evaluate Porter’s three-phase process (page 32, figure 2.1) for defining a company strategy and create a simple chart of the recommended change addressing issues in each phase.

What is the company doing


Current strategy is just beginning

to explore IT strategies

Assumptions : We may not

understand all of the issues

What is happening in the


Identify issues: Economy,


Changes: Price Structure, buying habits, cost issues

What should the company do


Determine what sells, why it sells,

implement inventory analysis

Implement best ideas for change,

monitor and adjust results

The change process starts with identification of the issues that are in need of change, and

the assumptions here are that we may not understand all of the issues. What is driving the

changes in market share and why are so many items left to rot on the shelves? The changes

needed involve getting to know the price structure in each of the areas where the stores are not

running optimally, to find out what the items are that are not selling, take a look at the buying

habits of the customers which is being collected with point of sale information, but to go further

to understand why a customer would come to the store for only certain items and not other items.

Implementation will involve putting the best ideas in place, for example having a way to

track all inventory for outdated items, to keep the out dated items off the shelf for appearance

sake, and for best control of stock. The offering of items to the customers may need to be

adjusted to buy other items in bulk to bring prices down for the consumer. The results will be

monitored and adjusted based on findings and analysis of the information.

Q#5 Prepare two general process diagrams (see figure 9.2) for the Business Process Change you identified in question #2 in Unit 1.

5a. Diagram the current process steps taken by the organization for the process.

Current Process Steps

5b. Diagram any adaptations to the process steps after the change process is approved.

Q#6 Evaluate and address the importance of the existing and future diagrams and how they assist the organization in determining the validity of the suggested change (your response to this question should be 3-5 paragraphs in length).



y Check in

Spot check expiration dates



ed Checkout tracks outgoing stock



g Hand count



Most items scanned for tracking from entry to exit Reports generated Inventory control and count

Inventory handling

Review job descriptions to make sure inventory is a priorityCleaning and restocking

Job descriptions

Report generationWaste reduction Customer feedback

Inventory review

The existing steps do not encompass a good way to get the items off the shelves that are

not selling well, with customers noticing that the product is old or stale, or is close to the

expiration date, which makes the customer suspicious that this store is overpriced. The current

process of inventory is automated only to check what is leaving the store but is not taking into

account outdated or close to outdated stock. When a customer sees dust on boxes of hair dye, this

seems to be an indication that this is not an item that is often sold at this store, possibly because

there is not enough customers purchasing it. The items are spot checked for expiration when

there is restocking of the shelves, or items may be found at checkout or referred to management

by a customer. At checkout, there is a scanned loyalty card that is used to track customer

purchases but this does not track inventory that is contained in the store. Current process does

have an inventory performed hand count that is subject to human error, with vendors tracking

their own stock. (Harmon 2007).

The new process would begin to track the inventory coming from the vendors in more of

an automated process, which would allow a report to be generated to be able to see what is

selling in the store, along with help to position the inventory in the most optimal locations. The

marketing information shows that customers have remained loyal for many years so many of the

key places for items need to remain the same to help long-time customers. (www.phx.corporate-

ir.net ). The process will involve a small tag placement to code the stock which will show when

the product leaves the store. Another benefit to this is the items that are coded will also trigger an

alarm for shoplifting to prevent and address this problem for the stores. Initially the fresh items

will not be able to be coded in this way, and certain low cost items will not warrant the cost and

time involved in placement of the tags.

To begin the process, there will be an adjustment process that will involve a complete

inventory count within the store. (Harmon 2007). This information can be compared and

contrasted with what has sold in the last season, and a report can be run of sales for the past year

for a reference. Job descriptions will be reviewed to make sure that the accountability for the

inventory has been included, with a focus on the presentation of the inventory. The items needs

to be clean, pulled forward for presentation on the shelves and kept fully stocked, especially

when other stores in the area are doing a better job. At the beginning and end of a shift, all areas

are cleaned, outdated items are removed, and restocking is done. With constant attention to this,

the shelves stay full with current stock.

With the report of the items that leave the store, these are compared with the check in

times of the inventory, and suspected old stock is searched out and pulled from the shelves. By

taking a proactive approach, the chance of outdated stock becomes less likely. The items that are

pulled off the shelves may be donated if the items can still be used by non-profit beneficiaries

such as a food shelf or homeless shelter. Leftover meat items may be able to be used by animals,

and these areas will be addressed. Better buying based on turnover within the store will reduce

waste but there will be a learning curve and this can be a philanthropy point to show in our

annual report which shows goodwill in the community. (Californiawatch.org). The customer is

often pleased to hear their grocery store is doing good things for the community. The customer

may give feedback and management can review if this process is better for the customers who

purchase their groceries from the store.

Q#7 Assess one specific activity to be performed within the process change. From the assessment, identify the task being evaluated. Where would that activity be performed within the organization? Who would perform the task and who would manage, measure, and evaluate task completion? Make sure you separate out the information requested (don’t place the information in a large block paragraph).

Task: The activity that would need to be a key part of the process change is the duty of

restocking the shelves, since part of this activity will involve making sure outdated stock, one of

our main concerns, is taken off the shelf. As part of the stocking process, the inventory needs to

be quickly scanned in and entered into the computer system for tracking before it is placed on the

shelves so the items must be tagged, a brief entry, and scanned so that it is in the system at

purchase. (Harmon 2007).

Location: This activity is performed both in the back room for the scanning and entry

process, and on the shelf that is directly accessed by the customer. (Harmon 2007).

Personnel: The stock person performs the task of scanning and entry in order to get the

items on the shelves, and at the same time needs to be aware and constantly checking the

expiration dates of stock, making the oldest items pulled to the front, and newer items in the back

to make sure there is less outdated stock. (Harmon 2007).

Evaluation: The store manager will generate a report that reflects expiring stock to

actively search for items to be pulled from the shelves. On a daily basis, a report is generated of

outdated items that are on the shelf and need to be removed. Failure to comply with the

information of the generated reports will show on later reports, so the efficiency of stock

employees is apparent and failures will be discovered. (Harmon 2007).

There is a great deal of energy to prepare the stock for store placement and reports are

generated to see how much stock should be added based on sales but the delivery of the stock

will require new inventory to get priority, with items that are in greatest need of restocking first

on the list, to prevent customers from the disappointment in their shopping experience, since not

having the items that are needed will drive customers away from a store. The items that have a

short shelf life are also given a high priority. (Harmon 2007).

Management will evaluate the stocking staff based on the goal which is to not have any

items that are past the due date that can be found by a customer. The supervision will be to spot

check the shelves to ensure compliance by the stockers. Performance objectives will be on a

store wide basis, with everyone accountable for store presentation. Monthly inventory will also

show the items on the shelves, which includes the expiration dates and problems are then

identified, with monthly objectives measured by percentage of stock that is acceptable to be

expired on the shelf, with a goal of 99% current, with the items pulled prior to the count.

Management will also do a report of how much waste there is of outdated stock and will find

appropriate methods of disposal to evaluate if the stock is being displayed appropriately so there

is not as much waste and will evaluate the amount of stock that is needed for sale. The report of

delivered items and what needs to be placed on the shelves will be an important part of inventory

and staff management. (Harmon 2007).

Q#8 Delineate and describe the differences between measuring human performance and task completion.

There is difference between measuring the human performance and the completion of the

task because while the overall goal has been described, the staff person is accountable to perform

the task itself, and if the person is found to not perform the tasks, this is an individual

performance issue rather than reviewing the process as an overall objective. The stock person

has other duties, mainly to put items on the shelves but needs to keep this important part of their

job in mind. (Harmon 2007).

The manager can determine if the current process is working based on the numbers at the

end of the month. If there appears to be more than normal expired inventory, the manager can

determine if there is a problem with the process or find out if there is an individual not

performing well. Should the supervisor have them do the spot checking of inventory before any

shelves are restocked, or depend on the individual to check as they go along? If a manager goes

behind a worker who has expired inventory left on the shelf there would be a performance issue

rather than finding that because of the workload that overall all workers were forgetting to check

as they went along. (Harmon 2007).

Q#9 Explore Six Sigma as a method used to evaluate, measure, and encourage continuous improvement. From this exploration create a fishbone diagram that addresses one risk, a potential defect, or a problem that may result from the change which may impact goal attainment.

Six Sigma is used as a way to analyze a problem in the organization, and in this case

overall the problem is the inventory being outdated and found on the shelves. Through a new

system, this should be resolved with inventory that can be tracked, reports that can be generated

to show items left on shelves and items that are needed to be stocked on the shelves, to make the

stocking system timely and relevant. There is a three step process of analyzing the problem with

Six Sigma, (Harmon 2007) with:

(1) The “open stage as more of a brainstorming session (Harmon 2007)”, to find the causes of

the problem, which refers to why can we find outdated stock on the shelves?

(2) The “narrow stage narrows down the causes (Harmon 2007)”, in this case we narrowed it

down to the stocking position and handling of inventory.

(3) With the “final close stage, this is when the methods are determined for the handling of the

problem (Harmon 2007)”, and how to gauge the results. This is also a way to measure which

"causes in fact are showing the most deviation from the mean. (Harmon 2007)."

When a company uses Six Sigma, a method which involves continuous change in the

organization, (Harmon 2007), the company encourages and allows resources within that allow

continuous change to occur to improve the product or service, keeping in mind what is important

to the customer. One problem that can occur in the new process of tagging the stock, getting the

information into the computer, and onto the shelves would be the delay in getting the stock onto

the shelves so this process is going to also affect the stock personnel. There will be a time delay,

and an importance given to getting the inventory onto the shelves. The solution will be to make

the process run as smooth as possible, likely adjusting staff levels through the process to make

the process as smooth as possible. The use of technology to run a report of what is needed to be

stocked on the shelves is a tool that can be used to prioritize the workload. (Harmon 2007).

The copy of the fishbone diagram, cause and effect is a separate template attachment.


Q#10 Address the value of your fishbone diagram as a visual representation.

The fishbone diagram appeared to be a place to gather thoughts and to make sure all of the

aspects of the change were addressed in the planning stages, and to think of what types of

problems would be encountered when making the change. (Harmon 2007). The restocking

process is going to be more complicated when the items need to be scanned and entered into a

computer before being placed on the shelves and the job may need to be separated due to the

additional equipment. By putting the information in this format it made potential problems

clearer. (Harmon 2007). For example, upon analysis, the managerial staff may determine that

perhaps a managerial assistant could be hired or a separate entry position to cover the delivery

times by truck. Teamwork would need to be different to get the stock out to the floor in a timely

basis. The importance of the overall look of the store, the absence of outdated stock and keeping

the items fresh will be noticed by the customer.

Six Sigma is a method that requires changes to be made only that affect what is important

to the customer. For example, the grocery staff may want to make sure there are items in the

store that hardly anyone has heard of, but if the customer is not interested in these items, putting

this as a priority does not make sense. If there were a group in the area or a number of customers

asking for an item, such as cactus in the produce section, it would make sense to stock this item

if customers would purchase the product.

Q#11 Discover and describe at least 3 key performance indicators (KPI) for the suggested process change that must be continuously measured to ensure success.

The key performance indicators or KPI refer to the items that the company has found to be

of greatest importance and should be measured. These indicators are decided by management to

be the ones that will be measured and need to be carefully decide upon because what is measured

is what the employees will strive to meet. (Harmon 2007).

To do this, Jewell had to go back to the goal at the time which is to make sure the store

overall has fresh and timely product with no expired product on the shelves. The first key

performance indicator then would be in the form of Overall Store Quality, then the Efficiency of

the stock delivery, and Product Sales prior to expiration.

KPI#1 Overall Store Quality: This is customer driven and will be measured through

customer feedback and management inspection. The product must be fresh and it needs to

be current on the shelves. The produce needs to be displayed in an attractive manner.

Placement of product needs to be arranged so that the first product in the store is the first

out of the store rather than allowing customers to take the newest product first, leaving

older product.

The look of the store in the eyes of the customer is what management is measuring,

subject to inspection and survey of customers. Complaints are a serious matter and

management is accountable to investigate and repair problems that are uncovered to make

the store appear in the best quality. Customers have the option to go to lower priced stores

and the impression of getting more for their money is included in overall impression of the

quality. Clean store windows, bathrooms, isles, and shelves are important and supervision

is accountable for this measure.

KPI#2 Efficiency of the stock delivery: The products that are brought out at appropriate

intervals are going to make the stock delivery process work better, and measurements of

time to restock the shelves and to take expiring product from the shelves will support this

effort. The measurements on the reports will show how smoothly the process is working

and will reflect in the reports that are run.

Management will be accountable to supervise and problem solve to increase the

efficiency of the stock delivery process and will include staff in the discovery process, and

will explore ways to increase the efficiency. Frequency of restocking efforts, timing of

delivery and storage and shelf life are all considered. The amount of items ordered will

also be considered to eliminate waste and inefficiency of product placement.

KPI#3 Product Sales prior to expiration: The product sales should increase as timely

products and improved, store quality improves and handling times are implemented. This

measurement will be an important indicator of the process, and customers that only have

the appropriately timed products will not be able to get around the older product for newer

expiration dates. The measurement will also take into account the amount of waste, and the

improved system should alleviate the amount of food and product that has to be disposed

of, and the best ways of disposal will also be explored.

This measurement also goes along with concern for the amount of product

ordered for the store, with each store accountable for the items it needs. The distribution

methods may need to be redistributed perhaps with several stores going in on orders for

some products to make the inventory more efficient, preventing the need to order extra

stock to get a discount or due to minimal orders or other constraints.

Q#12 Conduct research (using the Kaplan Library or the Internet) to compare and contrast Six Sigma, the Balanced Scorecard, and ISO9000/9001 as different methods of preparing performance and completion metrics. Metrics are performance markers, utilized at different intervals during the process timeline, to measure adherence to schedule and attainment of goals.

Six Sigma, Balanced Scorecard and ISO9000/9001 are all ways to measure the

production of a company, and a BPM (Business Process Management) group may

incorporate a little bit of each. Both the Balanced Scorecard and the Six Sigma approach

support continuous change. The Balanced Scorecard was developed to allow the

company to track both production and operational metrics, and may be used for some

companies as a tool for performance reviews. The ISO 9000/9001 is a standardized

approach to follow the quality policy established with ISO9000/9001 and is good for a

company that has reason to be able to show how it complies with the standards of the ISO

for quality and it lends a great deal of credibility to a company.

Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a good way to allow the managers to gain the skills

needed to allow them to be able to continuously improve their processes

(www.isixsigma.com ), With Six Sigma, “Use of metrics unlike anything ever used

before. These metrics not only tie in customer Critical to Quality (CTQ) needs with what

is measured by the company, but they also allow processes within the company to be

compared with each other using a single scale called DPMO (Defects Per Million

Opportunities) isixsigma.com.” There are six standard deviations that are measured.


Balanced Scorecard: The Balanced Scorecard allows for a customized approach

to be developed within a company, with the metrics developed by those familiar with the

business operations. (www.balancedscrorecard.org). The business can decide what to

measure and needs to caution what it is measuring, since using the quote “You measure

what you get. Harmon 2007,” the employees and management are going to focus on what

is being measured and it could affect other areas. There are four areas that apply for a

balanced approach in this method, with business process perspective, customer

perspective, financial perspective, and learning and growth perspective.

For example, if the operations manager puts out a measure of a standard of twelve

transaction per hour, and an employee is capable of more than that there is a chance that

the employee will not exceed the twelve per hour since this may raise expectations. If the

employees did not have a constant awareness of their production and if they did not know

of an expectation of a quota, there is a chance that production would increase or decrease

based on what is being measured but with the twelve per hour standard there is a chance

that the company will get at least close to that on transactions.

ISO9000/9001: ISO9000/9001 follows the International Organization for

Standardization (ISO) which states that “A desired result is achieved more efficiently

when activities and related activities are managed as a process. www.iso.org .” The key

with ISO is standardization of process to make products that are of quality and by using

standards which ensure quality and the ISO certification which is of an international

scope. ISO follows important quality standards for safety and consumer products that are

manufactured and is an important quality standard for government and private industries.

A company goes through a process to become ISO certified and needs to maintain

its quality standards. The ISO Standards contribute to the ability to make items more

universal, with their example of screw threads, which ensures safety and ability to

interchange parts and to introduce universal standards. The standards apply to a variety

of products and processes, for example warning labels on products and standards for

measurements to allow for disabilities, which allows a coordinated effort to allow

consistency to happen. This organization offers a great deal of support for its members.


Q#13 Recommend one of the three methods evaluated in question #12 as the best one for your change process. Be sure to thoroughly support and defend your recommendation.

Jewell would work best with the Balanced Scorecard approach, since the company needs

to begin to customize its process by starting with changes as needed. There is a need for a person

that is familiar with the way things are currently run to facilitate the change process, in order to

allow the changes to be made in order of importance to the company, with the goal in mind of

the delivery of the groceries to the store for the benefit of the customer. There is no need for

elaborate measurements other than the reports that are going to be run, and improvements are to

be expected. More reports to track incremental changes would not be beneficial in this case.

“The balanced scorecard includes financial measures that tell the results of actions

already taken. And it complements the financial measures with operational measures on

customer satisfaction, internal processes, and the organization’s innovation and improvement

activities—operational measures that are the drivers of future financial performance.

www.balancedscorecard.org. ”

Change Management Plan Steps


Overall store presentation review.Inventory review.


Identify the tasks.Job descriptions and procedures reviewed.Explore ways to monitor the product. using IT reports.Find new ways to identify the inventory. Document the current processes.


Begin making changes in inventory. Implement inventory changes.Implement scanning procedure. Change restocking procedures.

DefineNew database IT tools.Job descriptions defined.Inventory process improved.


Inventory levels monitored and adjusted.Store management and display. Current workflows and processes.

Change Management Plan Steps:

1. Identify the problem that requires change. 2. Break down the tasks. 3. Implementation of initial changes.4. Define the process and new workflows. 5. Monitor and make adjustments.


This is a summary of the change process proposed for Jewell Stores in order to eliminate

some of their problems with outdated inventory and general store appearance. As a result of

using a team that functions as a committee review or business process change management team

which requires use of input from all areas of the company including front line staff the store

should enjoy some relief from these problems and perhaps change some of their customers

thoughts that Jewell is overpriced and shopping should be in other stores for the majority of

their items which appears to be a trend.


The change process begins with an awareness and identification of the problem that has

been discovered. There is an initial review of the overall store presentation and appearance, and

the inventory process. The part of the problem is that inventory has been detected expired on the

shelves and the solution to this may include a better inventory and distribution process,

improvement in job duties and clarification of job duties.


The tasks are identified to see what the current job duties are involved and to redefined

and change as needed to help determine what is contributing to the problems in the store. The

job descriptions and procedures are identified and reviewed. The breakdown in the way the

inventory comes in to the store and distributed is broken down into steps, and the decision to

implement a scanning procedure for most inventory and the steps to make that work is explored

and decided upon. There is a creation of inventory reports to monitor and control the inventory

and what these need to accomplish and the IT department is consulted.


The changes are implemented and the use of a report for the inventory distributions and

product tracking is implemented, aided by the IT department which allows new ways to monitor

the product inventory. The new scanning procedure implemented for inventory to better track

what has been sold, how the product is restocked and how quickly the inventory is unloaded.

Reports generated from this information eliminate expired product being left on the shelf with a

proactive approach to searching for outdated product, and placement of product on the shelves is

timed to eliminate waste.


The job descriptions are defined. The use of the reports and what they are accomplishing

is defined using the expertise of the information technology division of the company. The job

processes are scrutinized and defined and rewritten as needed.


As a result, the monitoring process finds inventory levels monitored and adjusted. There

is continual monitoring of the store display indicating improvement which will be ongoing. The

current workflows and processes continue to be critically assessed for improvement and are

adjusted as needed.


California watch retrieved December 10, 2011: http://californiawatch.org/health-and-welfare/food-waste-remains-persistent-problem-


Harmon, P. (2007).  Business Process Change: A Guide for Business Managers and BPM and Six Sigma Professionals, (Second Edition).  Morgan Kaufman Publishers, an imprint of Elsvier Publishing.

International Organization for Standardization (ISO) retrieved December 30, 2011:http://www.iso.org

Kaplan, R. & Norton, D. (2005) The Balanced Scorecard Measures that Drive Performance. Harvard Business Review.

The Basics of ISO 9001: An Outline for a Quality Management System retrieved December 29, 2011:


Northern Illinois University College of Business Experiential Learning Center retrieved December 3, 2011:


Six Sigma retrieved December 30, 2011:http://www.isixsigma.com/new-to-six-sigma/how-is-six-sigma-different/what-makes-six-sigma-work/

Six Sigma retrieved December 17, 2011:http://www.isixsigma.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1416:the-cause-and-effect-aka-fishbone-diagram&Itemid=155

Supervalu 2011 Fact Book retrieved December 3, 2011:http://phx.corporate-ir.net/External.File?item=UGFyZW50SUQ9MTAxODQ5fENoaWxkSUQ9LTF8VHlwZT0z&t=1

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