leoct study guide power point study guide written by: mrs. burgstiner power point of study guide by:...

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LEOCT Study Guide Power Point

Study Guide Written by: Mrs. Burgstiner

Power Point of Study Guide By:Marisa Griffiths

HS-HIS-1: Academic Foundations Chapters 10 & 11

1) What are the signs and symptoms of a stroke? List 6

A) Loss of consciousness

B) Weakness or paralysis on one side of the body

C) Dizziness

D) Dysphagia

E) Mental Confusion

F) Aphasia

2) List six changes of the Integumentary system that takes place

in the elderly.A) Skin becomes less elastic and dry

B) Senile Lentigines Appear

C) Lines and wrinkles develop

D) Nails become thick, tough, and brittle

E) Hair loss occurs

F) Hair looses shine and color

3) Describe and list reasons for using correct body mechanics when lifting or pushing a heavy object. State

what muscles you use and where you bend from to perform correct body mechanics.

A) Muscles work best when used correctlyB) It makes lifting, pulling, and pushing easierC) Prevents unnecessary fatigue and strain,

saves energy D) Prevents injury to yourself and othersE) You use your shoulders, upper arms, hips,

and thighsF) You should bend at the hips and knees

4) How would you convert a client’s height form feet to inches if the

patients’ high is 6’1” (12 in. in a foot)

A) Multiply 6 x 12 and add 1 inch

B) Answer would be: A) 73”

HS-HIS-2: Safety Applications Chapter 11

4) What are Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and who must provide them?

A) Information sheets on hazardous materials

B) Manufactures must provide to employers and employers must provide to employees

5) Why do you place a victim in the recovery position after completing successful CPR?

A) Prevents the victim from choking on emesis (vomit), mucus, and keeps their own tongue from falling back and closing off the airway

B) Maintains alignment of the back

C) Allows rescuer to observe and maintain access to the victim

6) List five causes of fires and circle two that are the most prevalent causes

A) Carelessness with smoking

B) Carelessness with matches

C) Misuse of electricity

D) Improper rubbish disposal

E) Arson

F) Defects in heating systems

G) Spontaneous ignition

7) What three things are needed to start a fire?

A) Oxygen

B) Fuel

C) Heat

8) What is the most important thing you can do if you find broken equipment in the lab,

classroom, or hospital?

A) Report it to a supervisor immediately

9) When working in the lab, you get a particle in your eye what should you do?

A) Report it to your supervisor immediately and get help to remove it

10) List the four main reasons for using correct body mechanics in the classroom,

lab and health care settings.

A) Muscles work best

B) Makes lifting, pulling, and pushing easier

C) Prevents unnecessary strain and fatigue, saves energy

D) Prevents injury to self and others

11) Define Ergonomics

A) An applied science used to promote the safety and well-being of a person by adapting the environment and using technique to prevent injury

HS-HIS-3: Healthcare Delivery Systems Chapter 1

10) Why is it important for scientists to study the history of healthcare and what innovation or

improvements have come about in healthcare due to these studies?

A) So they can keep up with the latest updates and advances

B) To understand the principles of medicine and learn about new technology to make health care more efficient

11) What are the Ancient Romans famous for that was important to


A) They began public health and sanitation systems

12) List two things Benjamin Franklin invented and is famous for, and circle the

one that has to do with healthcare.

A) Discovered how to harness electricity

B) Invented Bifocals

13) List three important considerations in recent years to help cut healthcare cost or

for cost containment

A) Combination of services

B) Outpatient services

C) Mass or bulk purchasing

D) Home Health Care

14) Your hospital bill is $29,000, your insurance company will pay 75% and you must pay 25%.

How much will you insurance company pay? How much will you have to pay?

A) Cost to insurance company: $22,125

B) Cost to you is: $7,375

HS-HIS-4: Teamwork and Leadership

15) If you are planning to be a nurse or doctor and you are not sure what classes to

take who are two of the most important people to talk to?

A) Counselor

B) Health Care Science Teacher

16) Which of these healthcare professions can not own and

operate a business?A) Physician

B) Nursing Assistant

C) Dentist

D) Nurse Practitioner

17) List three reasons why setting goals and accepting change is important in the

healthcare field.A) Its essential in time management

B) It allows direction in your life

C) Leads to a sense of self importance when completed

18) List three things that are important during an interview

A) Appearance

B) Honesty

C) Respectful and confident attitude

19) List at least three healthcare careers that must have a license to


A) Physician

B) Nurses

C) Nurse Practitioner's

D) Dentist

20) What degree do you receive after four years or possibly more of college


A) Bachelor's Degree

21) In order to obtain a license to practice all physicians and nurses must

sit a _____ exam and pass

A) State Board

22) What is a multi-skilled worker in the healthcare field?

A) This is a new trend in the healthcare field, where a HCW is trained to do more than one skill.

B) Used in hospitals and clinics in rural areas

C) Used for cost containment

D) Due to high health care costs

E) And now the economy

HS-HIS-5: Introduction To Healthcare Communication

23) Your insurance company has you on a healthcare plan of 88/22, how much does

the insurance company pay? How much or what percent do you pay?

A) Insurance pays: 88%

B) You pay: 22%

24) What does it mean to have discretion as a healthcare worker?

A) It means to use good judgment in what you say and do

25) What does empathy mean and why is it important for a healthcare worker?

A) It means being able to identify with and understand another person’s feelings, situation, and motives

B) It is important in providing holistic health care

26) What does it mean to take responsibility for you actions as a


A) It means you are willing to be held accountable for your actions

27) Define Communication: then tell why it is important for a HCW

A) It is the exchange of ideas, thoughts, and information

B) It is important part of team work

28) List the three essential elements that must be present for communication

to take place

A) Sender

B) Message

C) Receiver

29) Listening skills are very important for a healthcare provider. List five techniques that

can be used to improve listening skills

A) Show interest and concern

B) Be alert, maintain eye contact

C) Avoid interrupting

D) Pay attention

E) Eliminate Distractions

HS-HIS-6: Cultural Diversity Chapter 9

30) If a medical assistant is asked a question by a patient before surgery concerning jewelry and they do not know the answer, the best thing for them to

do is:

A) Ask a supervisor

31) List four ways to show respect for different cultures beliefs in health care

A) Provide support for spiritual and religious practices

B) Respect religious symbols and books

C) Allow privacy during clergy visits

D) Refrain from imposing your own belief

32) Define a nuclear family

A) It is a family consisting of a mother, a father, and the children

33) What are the four basic characteristics of all cultures?

A) Culture is shared

B) Culture is learned

C) Culture is social in nature

D) Culture is dynamic and changing constantly

34) Some religions do not allow their members to have blood products,

which ones are they:

A) Christian Scientist

B) Jehovah Witness

35) You do not have to believe the same as you patient but you must respect their

beliefs, list four ways to do this.

A) Appreciate differences

B) Ask questions

C) Evaluate all information before forming an opinion

D) Avoid prejudice

36) If a pt has limited abilities to communicate due to speaking another language and they must have a surgical procedure what must a HCW do when

asking them to sign the permission form?

A) Locate a translator and get them to explain the procedure in a manner they understand

HS-HIS-7: Life Changes – The Process of Change Chapter 7 & 10

36) What truth do you know about a pregnant mother and drinking alcohol?

A) That any amount of alcohol can be transferred to the child and even a small amount of alcohol can be harmful to the baby

37) What two physical changes occur during pre-adolescence ages 6-12 in both male or

female? A) Primary teeth are lost

B) Eyes are well developed

38) List six signs of aging that are common and normal and occur as we age.

A) Skin becomes dry, wrinkled, and thinner

B) Muscles lose tone, volume, and strength

C) Bones become brittle and more likely to break

D) Hair becomes thin and loses shine

E) Blood flow decreases

F) Memory loss occurs

39) List the four main infant reflexes and what each is:

A) Moro (startle) reflex: reaction to sudden movement

B) Rooting: touch on the cheek makes them turn their head

C) Sucking reflex

D) Grasping reflex

40) List and define Maslow’s five hierarchies of needs from top to bottom

A) Self-Actualization: Achieving one’s full potential

B) Esteem: Satisfaction with one’s self

C) Love and Affection: Feeling a warm and tender feeling for another person

D) Safety and Security: The need to be free from fear and to feel secure in the environment

E) Physiological Needs: Basic need every human needs to sustain life

41) List the four main types of growth and development

A) Physical

B) Mental

C) Social

D) Emotional

HS-HIS-8: Ethical Responsibilities Chapter 4

42) Define ethics:

A) A set of principles relating to what is morally right and wrong

43) Give an example of an ethical issue

A) Euthanasia

B) Abortion

C) Animal testing

D) Cloning

E) Medical Marijuana

44) Give three reasons why it is important for a healthcare worker to obey Georgia State Laws and Professional Standards:

• A. Protect yourself

• B. Protect your employer

• C. Protect your patient

• D. Health care workers must obey the laws

45) If you see someone doing something unethical or illegal in the healthcare

profession what should you do?

A) Report it immediately to your supervisor or the authorities

46) Why is it important to maintain confidentiality in the healthcare field?

• A. HIPAA Laws

• B. Torts governing Health Care Records and Privileged Communication

• C. It is a legal violation and you could be sued and lose your license

47) List 4 things a health care worker must do to maintain a pts confidentiality with their

personal information and records

A) Limit personnel allowed to access the records

B) Use codes on computers to limit access

C) Require passwords

D) Constant monitoring of computer use

HS-HIS-9: Legal Responsibilities: Chapter 4

46) What does OBRA stand for and what does it regulate and do?

A) Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

B) The rights of pts in long term care facilities

47) Define the tort: Invasion of Privacy

A) Unnecessary exposure of an individual or revealing personal information

48) If a pt is diagnosed with a terminal illness they may obtain a living will,

what is a living will?

A)A Living Will is one of the two Advanced Directives, the other being a Durable Power of Attorney that a person can make to have control of their healthcare in the event of a terminal illness, accident, or pending death

B) A Living Will is a Legal document stating a person’s desires on what measures should or should not be taken to prolong life when his or her condition is terminal.

49) Guidelines that healthcare workers are suppose to follow in each institution they

might work are called ____ and ____

A) Policies

B) Procedures

50) What are the two main advanced directives used in healthcare when someone

is terminally ill or undergoing extensive medical treatment?

A) Living will

B) Durable Power of Attorney

HS-HIS-10: Health Maintenance Practices

51) List three examples of mental development

A) Problem Solving

B) Making judgments

C) Math, Puzzle, or Mental Problems

52) List four disorders and problems associated with adolescence

A) anorexia

B) Bulimia

C) Chemical Abuse

D) Suicide

53) List the five stages of death and dying

A) Denial

B) Anger

C) Bargaining

D) Depression

E) Acceptance

54) List the four different types of precautions and give the difference between each that are necessary to protect yourself

as a healthcare provider:

A) Standard: used with every pt

A) PPEs, don’t recap needles, dispose of body fluids appropriately

B) Airborne: Diseases that are transmitted through the air

A) Wear a HEPPA Mask

C) Droplet: Diseases that are transmitted through moisture droplets

A) Stay within 3 ft of client

D) Contact: diseases spread through contact with pt

A) Wear gloves

54) List four major conditions of the musculoskeletal system caused by


A) Muscles lose tone and strength

B) Osteoporosis - Bones become brittle

C) Arthritis occurs

D) Lose a sense of balance

HS-HIS-11: Concepts of Microbiology

55) What is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself as a HCW and to

help break the chain of infection

A) Wash your hands

56) What is it called when you go into the hospital without an infection and then you

get one while in the hospital?

A) Nosocomial

56) To prevent and teat infections it is important to always look for a way to

____ the _____

A) Break

B) Chain of infection

HS-HIS-12: Medical Terminology and Abbreviations Chapter 5

57) Give the meaning for these abbreviations

A) po: by mouth

B) Ac: before meals

C) ADL: activities of daily living

D) DOA: dead on arrival

E) NPO: nothing by mouth

F) Pt: Prothombin Time

G) ENT: Ear, Nose, and Throat

58) Give the meaning for these medical terms

A) Urinate: Void

B) Void: Urinate

C) Specimen: spec

D) Hepatomegaly: enlarged liver

E) Appendicitis: Inflammation of the appendix

F) Tonsillectomy: Surgical Removal of the Tonsils

HS-HIS-13: Community Safety (First Aid and CPR)

59) Which is most important the compressions or breaths when doing


A) Compressions

60) It is important to press hard and fast what is the rate per minute?

A) 100 compressions per minute

61) If you are alone what is the ratio of compressions to breaths when

performing CPR?

A) 30 compressions / 2 breaths

62) List four special considerations to remember when applying AED pads

• Do not use if victim is less than 1 year• If victim has a hairy chest you one set of

pads to remove and apply a new set or shave

• If victim is in water or has water on chest, remove from water and dry chest

• If victim has a medicine patch on side of chest meant for pad remove and wipe before applying pad

63) The most important thing to remember in all emergencies is to

remain _____

A) Calm

64) If you come upon a victim with bleeding you can see you should do

what?A) Stop the bleeding by applying pressure

What is the only level of aseptic control that destroys/kills all microorganisms including spores

and viruses?

A. Sterilization

List 3 ways to break the “Chain of Infection” at the Susceptible Host Link.

• A. Treatment of underlying disease• B. Recognition of high-risk pts

– Receiving Chemotherapy/Radiation– Organ Transplant– Bone marrow Transplant

• C. Immunizations to Prevent Disease– Measles, Mumps, Rubella– Hepatitis B– Polio, etc.

Why were the Ancient Romans the first to organize healthcare in ancient Italy?

Because they needed to provide care for injured soldiers.

What is the health insurance plan called that provides for workers injured on the job?

• Workmen’s Compensation

What was used to treat insanity, epilepsy, and HA in ancient times?

• Trepanning

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