lesson 1 does god exist? mity is on its own in determining

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Lesson 1 - Does God Exist? mity is on its own in determining how to live. Introduction

If God does exist and if His will can be known, then each person must choose whether to seek and obey God or whether to ignore God and face the consequences. Another study guide will deal with knowing God's will. This guide will lead you to answer the vital question: ―Does God exist?‖

Evidence from Science

REVELATION 4:11 ―You are worthy, O Lord, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.‖

ROMANS 1:20 ―For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,‖

1. The very first verse of the Bible says ―God created the heavens and the earth.‖ If God exists, what would one look for in the physical universe that would reveal a creator God? What attributes of man-made products reveal the products were made by man?

2. What kind of world would you expect if there were no Creator?

3. Is there scientific evidence that the universe has not always existed, but that it had a beginning?

4. In Genesis 1:12,21,25 God claims He made all plants and animals to reproduce after their own kind. Do plants and animals reproduce after their own kind or do living things breed new kinds of living things?


5. Is a preexisting living Being required to produce and give life to another life form?

HEBREWS 4:3 …‖the works were finished from the foundation of the world.‖

6. Would this be true if there was no God?

7. Does the law of the conservation of energy and matter uphold that statement fromHebrews 4:3?

JAMES 4:12 There is one Lawgiver….

8. Is there an alternate explanation for the existence of physical laws other than the existence of God?

9. Why do these laws remain in effect if there is no supernatural Being who sustains them?

PSALM 104:24 says God's works are done with wisdom.

10. Do you see wisdom in the workings of nature? If so, list some examples.

11. Can an impersonal force be ―wise‖?


PSALM 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, ―There is no God.‖

1. Why is atheism foolish?

2. What reasons could cause one to choose to be an atheist?

Evidence from History

Look up biblical prophecies attributed to God concerning, for example, Ashdod, Askelon, Babylon, Egypt, Ekron, Sidon, or Tyre. Then compare the prophecy with history as recorded in an encyclopedia or other source.

1. Were the prophecies accurate?

2. List the prophecies concerning the Messiah's first coming that were fulfilled by Jesus. List those not fulfilled.

3. Have any of man's predictions consistently been as accurate as God’s?


MATTHEW 21:22 ―And all things, whatsoever you ask in prayer, believing you will receive.‖


I JOHN 5:14-15 ―Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.‖ (15) ―And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.‖

1. Have you ever had a prayer answered?

JOHN 17:5 ―And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.‖

2. Was Jesus' prayer answered? Is there proof Jesus was resurrected?

3. Could the resurrection have occurred without God?


1. What does God say? Has He hid His existence from man?

2. What does the world say about God's existence? Is belief in God popular? Do people express good reasons for their belief or disbelief God exists?

3. What do you believe? Which of the following statements do you believe are true? Which ones are false?

Existence of matter requires a God to have created it.

Existence of physical laws requires a God who both ordained those laws and keeps them working.

The intricate order throughout the universe requires one God to have so designed the whole universe.

Atheism is irrational.

Fulfillment of prophecies attributed to God requires God's existence.

Answered prayer requires a God to hear and respond.


Lesson 2 - Which Religion Is the Right One?

Witho many religions in the world, does it really matter what you believe? Introduction

With so many religions in the world, does it really matter what you believe? A growing number of people believe that all religions in the world are essentially the same and that truth is universal. Many now believe that no matter what religion you practice, as long as you are a decent and moral person, you will be rewarded in the next life.

Is it okay just to be 'good' or is there a true way of life? If there is only one right religion, what happens to those who do not believe it? In this issue of Teen Bible Study Guide we will discuss what God says about true religion and His Church.

The True Way

John 14:6 ―Jesus said…'I am the way, the truth, and the life…'‖

John 18:37 ―…For this cause I [Jesus Christ] was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice.‖

John 17:17 ―Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.‖

1. Where does truth come from? John 12:49.

2. What was the truth Christ brought and about which He spoke so much?

3. To whom has God given His truth?

God's Truth and His Church

Matthew 16:16, 18 ―And Peter answered Him and said, 'You are Christ, the Son of the living God.‖ (18) ―And I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.‖

1. How many churches/denominations did Christ establish? I Corinthians 12:12-13

2. Is there only one true Church? I Corinthians 1:13; Mark 3:24-26

3. How does the Bible refer to God's Church? Acts 20-28; I Corinthians 10:32; Galatians 1:13, I Peter 2:9-10


How Do We Identify God's True Church?

John 8:31-32 ―Then Jesus said.. 'If you abide in My word, you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.'‖

John 10:27 ―My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.‖

1. What are the identifying signs of those people who ―follow‖ Christ's word?

2. How do we know that we are a part of God's true church? Romans 8:14,16

3. How do those in the church act towards one another? John 13:35

Why Doesn't the World Believe in the Truth Christ Brought?

Matthew 24:4-5 ―For many will come in my name saying, 'I am the Christ, and will deceive many',‖

Revelation 12:9 ―…Satan, who deceives the whole world…‖

II Corinthians 4:3-4 ―But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, (4) whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is in the image of God, should shine upon them.‖

John 1:5 ―And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not comprehend it.‖

1. Is it possible that some of God's chosen people might be in other religions?

2. What about other ―Christian‖ denominations who are right in certain areas of doctrine?

3. What about those individuals who are very ―good‖ people, who do more good deeds perhaps than many in the church?

4. What will happen to people of other religions during the time of judgment since most are very sincere in thinking they are obeying God? John 12:44-50, II Peter 3:9.


1. What does God teach about His true Church (for His people today)?

2. What does society teach about true religion and how to pick a church?

3. What are your beliefs concerning the true Church?


Lesson 3 - Comparing World Religions

rder to aous beliefs of others. Introduction

There are five major religious faiths in the world today. Those religions are: (1) Hinduism; (2) Buddhism; (3) Islam; (4) Christianity; and (5) Judaism. In this issue of Teen Bible Study Guide, we will discuss how the world’s predominant religious beliefs are compared to the United Church of God fundamental beliefs .

Basic Religious Tenets

1. What is a religion?

Religion is defined generally as a relationship of devotion or fear of a God or gods. Fundamentally, religion includes a belief system of holy, divine, or sacred objects and beings. Almost all religions include a community of believers held together by common practices and ethical codes.

2. What are the basic common practices/ethical codes which hold our Church as a community of believers together?


Hinduism is the major religion of India. There alone over half a billion people are classified as Hindu. It has developed over 4,000 years making it one of the world’s oldest surviving religious belief systems. Unlike most Western religions, it has no known single founder or creed. However, all believers are committed to pursuing an ideal way of life, known as dharma.

Hindu society is broken into four classes, or castes. Each class has distinct duties and roles. The lowest class are the untouchables, who are considered inferior human beings. According to Hinduism, all moral beings are required to abide by honesty, courage, service, faith, self-control, purity, and nonviolence.

One of the identifying features of Hinduism is a belief in the transmigration of the souls, or reincarnation. They believe the soul undergoes a cycle of rebirth and passes from body to body. The body the soul moves into is determined by the goodness of a person’s actions, known as karma. Hindus also believe in a multitude of gods who abide in the universe. In addition, everything is sacred in a Hindu’s eyes. Therefore almost anything can be worthy of devotion.

- Briefly identify the major similarities and differences in Hinduism and our beliefs .



Buddhism was founded in northern India about 500 B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama, the buddha. There are currently more than 300 million Buddhists in the world. Most Buddhists, however, have incorporated practices from other religions, especially Shintoism, Confucianism, Taoism, and Hinduism.

Buddha taught that there were Four Noble Truths. First, all beings are caught up in maze of suffering. Second, the chain of suffering is caused by one’s actions. Third, the suffering can be stopped. Fourth, ethical and disciplinary practices provide a way for the suffering to cease. By good acts, meditation, and developing enlightened wisdom, Buddhists believe they can achieve a rebirth in the heavens. This final goal of enlightenment is known as nirvana.

- Briefly identify the major similarities and differences in Buddhism and our beliefs .


Islam is one of the world’s fastest growing religions. Almost 1 billion people practice Islam with nearly 25 million converts per year. The term Islam is based on the Arabic word ―al-am‖, meaning an unreserved committing of oneself to God. Those who commit themselves to Islam are called Muslims.

Islam was founded in Arabia during the 7th Century by prophet Muhammad. Muhammad received divine revelations from Allah, via the angel Gabriel, and recorded them in the sacred book of Islam, the Koran. Although Islam’s origins date back to the lifetime of Muhammad, Muslims regard their religion as a timeless religion of eternal truth. The line of prophets recorded by the Koran include Muhammad, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus. Muhammad is viewed as the ultimate restorer of the original religion of the patriarch Abraham. Islam also recognizes the Torah, the Psalms, and Gospel of Jesus.

Muslims trust and worship ―the one and only God, Allah.‖ Islam encompasses a way of life, a code of ethics, a culture, and a system of laws. The ―five pillars‖ of the Islam faith are: (1) faith in God and the apostleship of Muhammad; (2) five daily prayers facing Mecca; (3) almsgiving; (4) fasting during Ramadan; and (5) a pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims believe faith and works go together. On the Last Day, of which only God knows the hour, everyone will have to account for his deeds.

- Briefly identify the major similarities and differences in Islam and our beliefs .


Christianity is the religion of over a billion people whose belief system centers on Jesus Christ and the instructions of the Bible. To Christians, Christ was the Messiah promised by God in the Old Testament. Through Christ, sinners who believe in Him can be saved and receive eternal life.

Throughout the ages many doctrinal splits have occurred within Christianity. The Catholic Church dominated Christianity during the early centuries. However, the Reformation of the 16th century divided the Christian world. The Protestant movements which emerged now include Lutheran, Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, and other Evangelical denominations.


In the 20th Century, a strong Ecumenical Movement is attempting to work for total Christian unity across sects by stressing common ground among Christians. However, major differences in belief exist between Christian groups. Some do not believe in the second coming of Christ. Many believe the Kingdom of God is presently among the faithful. Most profess the doctrine of heaven and hell along with the three person godhead of the Trinity. Also, the majority of Christians keep Sunday as a day of worship and observe Easter and Christmas as celebrations of Christ’s resurrection and birth.

- Briefly identify the major similarities and differences in mainstream Christianity and our beliefs .


Judaism claims over 14 million adherents around the world. It is the oldest religion in the Western world and is a common thread between Muslims and Christians. The basic source for Jewish belief is the Old Testament and specifically the first five books, known as the Torah or Pentateuch.

Jews believe their religion is valid for all time. According to the Old Testament, God or Yahweh, revealed his plan to the patriarchs. God entered into a special covenant with the ancient Israelites so that they could be an example to humanity of God’s way of life. Judaism consists of a system of laws which includes adherence to dietary restrictions, monotheistic worship, a Saturday Sabbath, and observation of annual holy day festivals. The Jews believe in a prophesied Messiah, but most reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Jews have been severely persecuted throughout history for these beliefs.

- Briefly identify the major similarities and differences in Judaism and our beliefs .

Discussion Questions

Mark 12:29-31 ―You shall love your neighbor as yourself.‖

Luke 6:31 ―As you want men to do to you, do to them likewise.‖

1. What experiences have you had with friends of other religions?

2. How should we respond to people who have different religious beliefs?

3. How does God feel about us investigating other religions?

I Thessalonians 5:21 ―Prove all things, hold fast what is good.‖

Romans 12:2 ―…prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.‖

Deuteronomy 28:14 ―You shall not turn aside…to go after other gods to serve them.‖

4. Does investigating other religions show a lack of faith? Is it a part of proving what we believe?

Revelations 12:9 Satan has deceived the whole world.


II Peter 3:9 God wants none to perish.

Acts 24:15 ―There will be a resurrection, both of the just and the unjust.‖

5. How does God view people from other religions?

Another Perspective

In the past, we have been described as a cult within Christianity. Is the United Church of God a cult?

A cult is defined simply as a group of religious people whose beliefs are founded on a single human leader. From that perspective, four of the world’s major religions are technically cults:

Buddha—founded Buddhism Muhammad—founded Islam Abraham—founded Judaism Christ—founded Christianity


1. What does God teach about other religions (for His people today)?

2. What does society teach/believe about other religions?

3. What are your beliefs concerning other religions?


Lesson 4 - The Authority of the Bible Is the Bible the true word of God?


―I believe God exists, but how do I know that the Bible was inspired by God?‖ is a good question. It comes from a spiritually maturing mind that is seriously and sincerely seeking to know the answer. For such seekers, this Bible study guide outline was prepared.

JOHN 17:17 ―Your [God, the Father's] word is truth.‖

II TIMOTHY 3:16 ―All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ….‖

1. If the Bible is the word of God, then its statements must be true. Do you agree?

2. If one can find a verse that is not true, then it must not be inspired by God. Do you agree?

Scientifically Accurate

1. When was the Bible written? Has scientific knowledge increased in the last century and proven false earlier theories and concepts? Find out when the following scriptures were written and when scientists came to the same conclusion.

a. The earth is round. Isaiah 40:22

b. The Water Cycle. Job 36:27-28; Ecclesiastes 1:6-7; 11:3; Amos 9:6


c. There are warm and cold ocean currents. Psalms 8:8

d. The earth is held in place by an invisible force. Job 26:7

e. Human blood is the same among all races and nations. Acts 17:26

f. Quarantining patients with contagious disease is a vital practice. Leviticus 13:46

g. Sanitary disposal of human waste. Deuteronomy 23:12-13.

2. How do you explain that these Bible writers were able to record accurate scientific knowledge centuries before man discovered the facts for himself?

3. Do biblical statements conflict with known facts of science?

Historically Accurate

1. Has archaeology been successful for confirming the biblical record?

2. Other cultures have legends and historical records similar to the biblical account of stories concerning all mankind (for example, creation, Noachian flood, Tower of Babel). What does this fact imply about the Bible’s veracity?

Prophetically Accurate

II PETER 1:21 …for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

1. Do men make specific predictions about the future? How often has any man's prophecies been right? Is only God powerful enough to make His prophecies always come true?

2. Did the Bible prophesy events that have occurred? Was the prophecy written after the event, as some charge? Was the prophecy written shortly before the event showing that the writer may have only been making an educated guess about the future?

3. Compare the following prophecies with history:

a. Kingdom of Edom and its capitol, Petra — Isaiah 34; Jeremiah 49; Ezekiel 25,35

b. Cities of Ashkelon and Gaza — Jeremiah 47; Amos 1; Zephaniah 2; Zechariah 9

c. City of Samaria — Hosea 13; Micah 1

What is the probability that each of these prophecies was fulfilled entirely by chance?


LUKE 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He [Jesus] expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.

4. Did Jesus fulfill all the prophecies concerning the Messiah?


JOHN 10:35 … the Scripture cannot be broken

1. How many men were used to write the Bible? Over how many years were the books of the Bible written?

2. Are there supposed contradictions in the Bible? List some. Can they be explained reasonably?


I THESSALONIANS 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good.

1. How can one ―test‖ the Bible?


2. Is this statement true or false: If the Bible is truly the words of God, then applying its commands and exhortations in one's life should prove wise. Compare with Proverbs 2:6. Read Psalms 19:6-11 and Psalms 119:1, 93, 98-100, 105, 129-130, 138, 165 and comment.

3. Are there plausible explanations for Biblical laws?

4. What have you experienced as a result of obedience to God's commands as recorded in the Bible?


1. What does God say about the Bible?

2. Does God claim to have inspired every word of it? Does God want us to try applying its teachings?

3. What do people in the world say about the Bible's veracity? Is there a consensus that it is the ―Word of God‖?

4. Do your peers think the stories of the Bible are myths? Do they think biblical commands are outdated?

5. What do you believe? Are you personally convicted that the Bible is the ―Word of God‖? Why or why not?


Lesson 5 - The Canonization of the Bible en at to man or are there other books?


When one wholeheartedly begins to seek God and desires to obey His Word, the question that frequently comes to mind is, ―Does the Bible contain all of God's revelation to man or are there other books?‖ Some Bibles have 66 books and others have 7 additional books, so how does a person know exactly which books make up God's Word? This study guide will help you investigate and answer suchquestions which have to do with the canonization of the Bible.

Old Testament

ROMANS 3:1-4 ―What advantage then has the Jew…‖

1. What are the ―oracles of God‖?

2. Who was to keep and maintain them?

3. Has God promised that those oracles would be faithfully preserved?

4. What have the Jews done to carefully transcribe the scriptures?

5. Did Jesus assert that the words of the law had still been faithfully preserved in His lifetime? Read Matthew 5:18.


II TIMOTHY 3:15-17 …from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures….

6. What was considered scripture when Paul wrote to Timothy?

7. Why were the books of the Bible preserved? Could man learn this knowledge on his own?

II PETER 1:21 ―…for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.‖

8. Who authored the scriptures? Could any man claim inspiration?

New Testament

ACTS 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine ….

1. Jesus' disciples wrote most New Testament books. Why would at least some of their writings be canonized?

2. Luke was not a disciple. Why would his gospel and Acts be accepted as scripture? Did he accompany an apostle?

3. Did James and Jude know Jesus well, and, therefore be able to write authoritatively?

II PETER 3:15-16 ―[Paul] has written to you …some things hard to understand, which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.‖

4. Were Paul's writings considered Scripture while Peter was still alive?

I TIMOTHY 5:18 For the Scripture says… ―The laborer is worthy of his wages.‖

5. What is the source for Paul's quote?

6. Were the words of Jesus to be preserved? Read Matthew 24:35.

II PETER1:12,15 Therefore I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things [regarding entering Christ's Kingdom], though you know them, and are established in the present truth. (15) Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease.

7. How could Peter ensure that we would ―always have a reminder of these things‖ after his death?

8. Was Revelation to be the last book? Read Revelation 22:18-19 and comment.


“Lost Books” and Other Books

II THESSALONIANS 2:1-2 Now, brethren… we ask you, (2) not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit, or by word, or by letter, as if from us…

1. Did Paul predict there would be false writings?

2. Why would Paul deem it necessary to often call readers to note his handwriting?

(I Corinthians 16:21, Galatians 6:11, Colossians 4:18, IIThessalonians 3:17)

3. Other books are mentioned in scripture (Numbers 21:14, II Samuel 1:18, I Kings 11:41, I Chronicles 29:29, II Chronicles 9:29). Why would these works not be preserved? Consider the purpose of Scripture when answering.

4. The ―lost books of the Bible,‖ or ―Pseudepigrapha,‖ claim authorship by well-known Bible characters. Why were these writings not canonized? Was their authorship credible? Do they teach heresy? Why would they not be universally accepted?


1. What does God say about the canonization of the Bible? Has He promised to preserve His Word through the ages? Is God, in the final analysis, the One who determines what works are canonized?

2. What are some of the beliefs in the world concerning which books are inspired?

3. Do you believe the Bible contains exactly the right books? List the criteria you think should be used to determine inspiration


Lesson 6 - Jesus - Man or God? We need to know without a doubt, who Jesus Christ was.


Just who was Jesus? Was He God or was He a man? Was He human or was He divine? If someone were to ask you these questions, how would you answer, and better yet, how would you prove it? Most of professing Christianity and theologians have struggled over this question for millennia and are confused about the answer. We should not be in confusion. We need to know, without a doubt, who and what Jesus was. Let’s see what the scriptures say about Christ - was He God or human.

Jesus Divine

JOHN 1:1-3, 14-15 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father …. (15) John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, ―This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me.'‖

1. Who is the ―Word‖? By what other name is He known? Read verses 29-30.

2. According to this passage, who created all things?

3. What other scripture tells us who created all things in the beginning? What conclusion must one come to if these two scriptures claim that this Personage created all things?

4. How is it possible for one to come after a certain person and yet to have been before that same person? That is what John claims in verse 15.

COMMENT: John shows that the Word, the God of the Old Testament, became Jesus of Nazareth. That is, the Word, Jesus, was God, in the flesh. That is the point that John is making here.

JOHN 9:35-38 Jesus heard that they had cast him out; and when He had found him, He said to him, ―Do you believe in the Son of God?‖ He answered and said, who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?‖ And Jesus said to him, ―you have both seen Him and it is He who is talking with you.‖ Then he said, ―Lord, I believe!‖ And he worshiped Him.

5. Why would Jesus allow this man to worship Him? Who only are we to worship?


Who only is worthy of worship?

NOTE: There are plenty of examples in the Bible that show even an angel of highest rank would not let man worship him.

LUKE 9:47 And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a little child and set him by Him….

6. Is it possible for a human to read the thoughts of others? Who can?

JOHN 8:56-58 ―your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad.‖ Then the Jews said to Him, ―You are not yet fifty years old and have you seen Abraham?‖ Jesus said to them, Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.‖

7. What did Jesus mean by ―I AM‖?

8. Who did Jesus Himself claim to be?

9. What were the Jews reaction? Read verse 59. Why did they react that way?

Jesus Human

1. I think we can all agree that the Bible teaches that Jesus was God. But, God is immortal (I Tim. 6:16), yet Jesus died. How is it possible that Jesus died if He was divine?

Hebrews 4:14-15 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

2. Jesus was tempted. Can God be tempted? Read James 1:13 and comment.

3. How can Jesus be divine and still be tempted? What does Jesus' weaknesses reveal about His nature?

4. Did Satan tempt Jesus? Read Matthew 4.

COMMENT: Satan tried to get to Jesus just as he got to Adam, by appealing to His pride, vanity and lusts of the human flesh. Satan tried to get Jesus to do the same as Adam: to go it alone apart from God. Adam decided for Himself what was good and what was evil, and separated himself from his relationship with God. Think of this, if Jesus could not have sinned, if it was impossible for Him to sin, would Satan have wasted his time trying to tempt him to sin? Jesus could have sinned, but He didn't, and the whole world owes Him for that. We have been redeemed, been bought and paid for, and, therefore we owe our lives to Jesus.

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us….

5. What does this passage teach us about the nature of Jesus?


6. Why was it necessary for God to come in human flesh? Consider Hebrews 2:9.

Comment: If Christ were flesh only, His death would have only saved Himself. But because He was God in the flesh, His life was worth more than all of mankind put together, because He created them. Therefore, His life and death that He gave for us paid the penalty for all of man's sins. But if Christ was God only, He could not have died. He was flesh and blood just as we are flesh and blood. What a tremendous act of love from our Creator to us: To become God in the flesh, human and divine to save us from the penalty of our sins, which is death.


So who was Jesus? Jesus was both Man and God. That's what the Bible teaches; that's what the apostles taught; that's what Jesus taught; and that's what the church teaches today. Jesus was both man and God so that He could be a perfect sacrifice to save all of mankind from the penalty of death. There is no confusion about that.


Lesson 7 - The Holy Spirit , is called the Holy Spirit


While in school, have you ever come up against a subject that was difficult for you to understand? Did it seem that matter how hard you studied to understand, it just wouldn't sink in? If you have ever been in such a circumstance, you can appreciate the value of having someone to help you understand.

God, our Creator, realizes that we all face circumstances which are difficult and at times overwhelming for us. Throughout our lives, challenges will arise that will appear insurmountable. Knowing our weaknesses and limitations, God offers each of us a ―helper‖ for these kinds of situations. This ―helper‖ is called the Holy Spirit.

When the term ―Holy Spirit‖ is used, do you understand what is meant? In this issue of Teen Bible Study, we will discuss what the Holy Spirit is and its importance to each of us.


What Is the Holy Spirit?

JOHN 4:24: ―God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.‖ 1. What does the word ―spirit‖ tell us?

COMMENT: Spirit describes the very essence of God. Just as God is invisible so is the Holy Spirit. The word ―spirit‖ is translated from the Greek word for wind (pneuma) which conveys to us something we cannot see and, like the wind, is a powerful force.

Pneuma can also be translated as ―breath‖ (Revelation 11:11). As breath is essential to physical life, so is God's Spirit to spiritual life.

REVELATION 15:4: ―Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy.‖ 2. What does the word ―holy‖ mean?

3. What is holy besides God? Compare Exodus 15:11 and 1 Samuel 2:2.

COMMENT: God is spirit and He alone is holy. The term ―Holy Spirit‖ then is an invisible power like the wind that is holy because it comes from God (John 15:26). ―Comforter‖ is another name for God's Holy Spirit.

PSALM 139:7-8: ‖ Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.‖ 4. Where do we find God's Spirit?

COMMENT: Through the Holy Spirit, God is everywhere in the universe.

Is the Holy Spirit A Person?

JOHN 17:1: ―Jesus spoke these words, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and said: ―Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You….‖

1. To whom did Christ pray?

2. To whom did Christ teach the disciples to pray? Read Matthew 6:6-9.

COMMENT: Jesus never gave any indication that His disciples should pray to the Holy Spirit. However, we are told to ask the Father in Jesus' name (John 15:16; 16:23).

MATTHEW 1:20: ―But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, 'Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.'‖

3. How was Jesus conceived in His mother's womb?


4. Does Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit as His father? Consider John 8:19.

COMMENT: It was through the Holy Spirit that Christ was conceived in Mary's womb. Yet He does not refer to the Holy Spirit as His Father. Clearly, the Holy Spirit is not a person but the power God the Father uses to accomplish His will.

GALATIANS 1:1: ―Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead)….‖

5. For whom did Paul serve as an Apostle?

6. As Paul sent greetings to the churches of God did he mention the Holy Spirit? Read the opening verses to Paul's epistles, such as, 1 Corinthians 1:3 and Ephesians 1:2. Why is there no mention of the Holy Spirit?

COMMENT: Paul offers greetings from God the Father and Jesus Christ to the churches in each of his letters. He never offers greetings from the Holy Spirit. These examples help us to see that the Holy Spirit is not a person.

The Holy Spirit, the Power of God

GENESIS 1:2: ―The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.‖

1. In what condition do we find the earth in Genesis 1:2?

2. What do we find above the waters?

3. What did God accomplish through the Holy Spirit? Read also Jeremiah 32:17 andPsalms 104:30. 4. How did God use His Spirit of power to bring various creations into existence? ConsiderPsalms 148:1-5 and Psalms 33:6-9, then answer.

COMMENT: The Bible tells us that God created all things including the earth through the Holy Spirit. The Spirit proceeds from God and fills the entire universe, much like air is present everywhere on earth. God's Spirit is the instrument or means by which God creates.

Does Man Need God's Spirit?

ROMANS 8:7: ―Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be.‖

1. We have noted that God is holy, but what is man's nature?

2. What is his heart like? Consider Jeremiah 17:9 before answering.


3. What does God want man to become? Read Leviticus 11:44-45 and Matthew 5:48.

4. Can man become holy on his own? How does Paul's experience as recorded in Romans 7:22-24 reveal the answer?

COMMENT: These verses show us that humans who want to do good face battles between good and evil. It seems that even when we want to do what is right, it proves an impossible task. The Apostle Paul poses the question, ―How can I overcome my nature and become holy and pleasing to God?‖

5. How does anything become holy? Can even dirt be holy? What does Moses' experience in Exodus 3:4-5 reveal?

COMMENT: The ground on which Moses stood was not holy apart from God. It was God's presence on that ground and His presence alone that can make anything holy.

6. How can a person overcome his nature which is most often at odds with God? What was Paul's answer in Romans 7:25?

7. How does Christ help us win in this battle? Read the next verse which is Romans 8:1.

COMMENT: We are able to overcome our nature by Christ living in us through the Holy Spirit. Clearly, man cannot become holy, as God is holy, without help. It is God in us that make us holy.

Help for Mankind: Power from God

LUKE 24:49: ―Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.‖

ACTS 1:8: ―But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you….‖

1. What promise did God give to His people?

2. What is the source of the power?

ACTS 2:38-39: ―Then Peter said to them, 'Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.'‖ 3. How can we receive God's Holy Spirit?

4. Do we earn God's Spirit or is it a gift?

5. Is the Holy Spirit available to you as a young person?


What Are the Benefits of God's Spirit?

2 PETER 1:3-4: ―as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.‖

1. How beneficial is the Holy Spirit to those who receive it?

2. Are we God's people without the Holy Spirit dwelling in us? Read Romans 8:9, 16-17.

3. Besides power, what does the Holy Spirit impart to Christians? See 2 Timothy 1:7.

4. How is it possible for Christians to do what God asks them to do? Consider Romans 15:19. 5. From where does the ability to understand spiritual things come? Read John 16:12-13and 1 Corinthians 2:9-14.

6. Where can we find help in our weaknesses? Read Romans 8:26.

7. What fruits does God's Spirit produce in our lives? List those found in Galatians 5:22-23.


1. How is God omnipresent (everywhere at all times)?

2. What are some things God has done by the power of the Holy Spirit?

3. By what power can we become holy?

4. How does one receive the Holy Spirit?

5. Is the Holy Spirit best described as a person or a force? What evidence can you give for your answer?


Lesson 8 - Does Satan Exist? ? If God is perfectly good, how could He create the devil? And why?


Sometimes the world we live in seems frightening, confusing, hostile and dangerous. Is it possible that Satan the Devil really exists and that he has something to do with the conditions we see around us? Is Satan relevant to your life? The Bible teaches us about God’s promises, plan and purpose. It also teaches us about Satan – where he came from, what he is doing, how we can avoid being drawn into his deception and what his ultimate fate will be. Use this lesson to discover the answers.

Did God create Satan?

Ezekiel 28:11-15: Moreover the word of the LORD came to me, saying, ―Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: ―You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering….The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. ―You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you.‖

1. Who was in the Garden of Eden? Of those in the Garden, which one does Ezekiel 28 seem to be describing? (Review Genesis 2-3.)

2. What kind of a being is a ―cherub‖ ?

3. The individual described in Ezekiel 28 is a created being not an eternal being. What kinds of qualities was he created with?

4. What did he decide to be like? What is iniquity?

5. Please read Isaiah 14:12-14. What did Lucifer decide to do?

COMMENT: Lucifer was a powerful and beautiful angelic being, created by God and serving at His throne. The Bible doesn't reveal when he was created, but it was well before God created Adam and Eve. Lucifer was perfect when he was created and continued to be perfect in all his ways until he sinned by rebelling against and trying to exalt himself above God. The name Lucifer means ―morning star, or light bearer.‖ God apparently created Lucifer to serve mankind by bringing light and truth to the world. Instead, he chose to become ―Satan‖ which means ―adversary‖ – the enemy of God. His self-appointed purpose is to oppose God, to bring confusion and destruction to mankind and to thwart God’s plan.


Satan’s influence begins

John 8:44: ―You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.‖

1. How does Jesus describe Satan?

2. What does it mean that these Jews were ―of their father the devil‖?

3. What lies did the serpent (Satan) tell Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? (ReadGenesis 3:1-5.) Did Satan murder Adam and Eve? If so, how?

Satan’s influence today

Revelation 12:9: So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

1. How has Satan affected the world?

2. What characteristics does Satan have and what methods does he use that makes him so convincing and deceptive? (Read 2 Corinthians 11:14. Remember what the name ―Lucifer‖ means?)

3. What lies does Satan ―tell‖ society today? (Hint: Think about people’s view of the purpose of life, moral standards, values and lifestyles. What do people believe and practice? How does that compare to what you are learning about God’s way?)

4. What do you think is the biggest lie Satan has told in today’s world?

5. What methods does he use to tell his lies? (Hint: Consider science, education, entertainment, religion…)


COMMENT: God created Lucifer, the light bringer. Lucifer ―created‖ (became) Satan, the adversary. Satan started telling his lies to the first man and woman and hasn’t stopped since. For now, God is allowing Satan to influence and confuse people by making evil appear to be good and wrong appear to be right.

Could Satan influence you?

1 Peter 5:8: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

2. What precautions would you take if we were literally being stalked by a hungry lion?

3. What did Jesus say we should do to avoid Satan’s influence in our lives? Read Matthew 6:13 and comment.

4. Read Ephesians 6:10-18. How would each piece of this armor protect a person from Satan?

COMMENT: You have many choices in your life, some trivial and some extremely important. How can you be sure you aren’t being deceived and led astray? How can you know you’re learning true and right values instead of false ones? Even though Satan is much stronger than we are and is a very convincing liar and deceiver, we can avoid his influence. We must live carefully, thoughtfully applying God’s truth to the situations we encounter and decisions we make. And, most importantly, we must ask God for protection, perception and strength.

Satan’s fate

1. Read Revelation 20:1-3. What will happen to Satan when Jesus returns to earth?

2. Satan will be released for a short time after the millennium, but what is his ultimate fate? Read Matthew 25:41 and comment.


1. Why do you need to know about Satan?

2. What do you need to know about Satan?

3. How can you resist Satan’s powerful temptations?

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