lesson #16

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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Lesson #16. Exodus (n). A departure, usually of large numbers of people. Exotic (adj.). Foreign; unfamiliar or unusual - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Lesson #16

Exodus (n)

• A departure, usually of large numbers of people.

Exotic (adj.)

• Foreign; unfamiliar or unusual

• RambutanNative to Malay Archipelago, Southeast AsiaComing from an evergreen tree, the Rambutan fruit resembles the Lychees, have a leathery red skin and are covered with spines. Rambutan is a popular garden fruit tree and one of the most famous in Southeast Asia. The fruit is sweet and juicy, being commonly found in jams or available canned.

Expedient (adj.) (n)

• Adj.-Advantageous to one’s interest or purpose.

• Noun- An emergency course of action; a means to an end.

Exploit (v) (n)

• Verb- To use to the greatest possible advantage, often selfishly.

• Noun- A brilliant or heroic deed.

• The Center for Science in the Public Interest has alleged that fast-food giant McDonald’s exploits kids by using toys and has threatened to sue the company if it does not stop using Happy Meal toys for promotional within 30 days. (June 26, 2010)Read more: CSPI Says McDonald’s Uses Toys to Exploit Kids http://www.medindia.net/news/CSPI-Says-McDonalds-Uses-Toys-to-Exploit-Kids-70521-1.htm#ixzz10uxRihTB

Expound (v)

• To explain in detail.

Fabricate (v)

• To assemble or construct from separate parts.

• To make up with the intention of deceiving.

Facetious (adj.)

• Not meant seriously; playful or humorous.

Facsimile (n) (adj.)

• Noun- An exact copy.• Adj.- Reproduced


Fallacy (n)

• Faulty reasoning; an error in logic.

• A false or mistaken idea.

Fathom (n) (v)

• Noun- A unit of length equal to six feet and used mostly in marine depths.

• Verb- To get to the bottom of; to understand

• Shipwreck of the ship Sweepstakes (built in 1867) in Big Tub Harbour, Fathom Five National Marine Park, Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada

Fatuous (adj.)

• Unconsciously foolish, stupid, or absurd.

Feasible (adj.)

• Possible; both doable and workable.

Feign (v)

• To pretend or give a false appearance of.

Felicitous (adj.)

• Agreeably suited to the purpose or occasion; gracefully expressed.

Fetish (n)

• An object believed among primitive peoples to have magical powers.

• An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence.

• Shamanic Spirit Guardian from the UK

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