lesson #38 the 2 nd article jesus’ redemption – my own

Post on 14-Jan-2016






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Lesson #38

The 2nd Article

Jesus’ Redemption – My Own

How does the redemption Jesus won become my own?

Two key truths to remember

John 19:30 “it is finished” “paid in full #1 Jesus’ work of redemption is complete.

Acts 16:31 & John 3:16 “believe…you will be saved” “whoever believes…will have eternal life” #2 Becomes ours by faith in Jesus.


Forgiveness of sinsForgiveness of sinsFreedom from the guilt of sinFreedom from the guilt of sinSalvation/Heaven/Eternal LifeSalvation/Heaven/Eternal Life

Why don’t all people benefit from Jesus’ saving work?

Luke 14:15-24 What did the people do with the invitation? Some refuse to believe

How do we come to trust in Jesus?Our Natural Condition

Ephesians 2:1 “dead in your transgressions” Dead in sin

Romans 8:7 “sinful mind is hostile to God” Enemy of God

1 Corinthians 2:14 “foolishness to him…cannot understand” Spiritually blind

1.What we are like by nature:

a.Dead in sin

b.Enemies of God

c.Blind to spiritual truth

How do we come to trust in Jesus?Our Natural Condition

What does our natural condition make impossible?

Matthew 13:14 “hearing but never understanding” “seeing but never perceiving” Don’t understand Jesus’ saving work

1 Corinthians 1:18 “message of the cross is foolishness” Foolishness

John 15:16 “you did not choose me” “I chose you” Never choose to believe


1.What we are like by nature:

a.Dead in sin

b.Enemies of God

c.Blind to spiritual truth

2. Therefore we cannot by our own thinking or choosing come to believe in Jesus as our Savior.

What does our natural condition make impossible?

How do we come to trust in Jesus?

Ephesians 2:8,9 “by grace” “not from yourself” “gift of God” God’s undeserved love

1 Corinthians 12:3 “Jesus is Lord” How? “except by the Holy Spirit” Only by the work of the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 2:8,9 “saved” through faith “through faith” Through faith

How do we come to trust in Jesus?

1 Corinthians 12:3 “Jesus is Lord” How? “except by the Holy Spirit” Only by the work of the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 2:8,9 “saved” through faith “through faith” Through faith

Romans 10:17 “faith comes by”? “hearing the message” what message? “word of Christ” Means of the gospel

Only by the gracious working of the Holy Spirit through the gospel do we come to trust in Jesus.

Holy Spirit?FAITH

How do we live in thanks to Jesus?

Isaiah 61:10 “clothed me in garments of salvation…righteousness” Wear Jesus’ righteousness

Titus 2:11-13 “say ‘no’ to ungodliness” Just say no to sin Want to do what God says

Psalm 100:2,4 “with gladness…thanksgiving…praise” Give thanks in gladness & joy

We show our thanks for Jesus’ righteousness by doing what God wants in joy & gladness

For Next Time

Memory Work Ephesians 2:1 (#1004) Ephesians 2:8,9 (#1244) 1 Corinthians 1:18 (#1007)

Definitions Jesus’ Exaltation Jesus’ Humiliation Redeem

For Next Time

Questions Why doesn’t everyone receive the salvation Jesus won for


What is our natural spiritual condition?

Why can’t a person come to believe in Jesus on their own?

How only can someone come to believe in Jesus?

How can you show your thanks for what Jesus has done?

Lesson 39

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