lesson 6 cone of experience

Post on 24-May-2015






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Educational Technology


  • 1. Edgar Dale (April 27, 1900 March 8, 1985) was a U.S. educationist who developed the famous Cone of Experience. He made several contributions to audio and visual instruction, including a methodology for analyzing the content of motion pictures.

2. The cone of experience is a visual analogy, a device that presents band of experience arranged according to the degree of abstraction. The base part is the concrete and the pinnacle part is the abstract.. Sensory experiences are mixed and interrelated, But there should be a balance between concrete and abstract and an adequate foundation of concrete is needed in teaching directly the symbolic level. . 3. Enactive direct experiences Direct, Purposeful Contrived Dramatized Iconic pictorial experiences Demonstrations Study trips Exhibits Educational television Motion pictures Recordings, radio, still pictures Symbolic highly abstract experiences Visual symbols Verbal symbols 4. The cone is based on the relationships of various educational experiences to reality (real life), and the bottom level of the cone, "direct purposeful experiences," represents reality or the closest things to real, everyday life. The opportunity for a learner to use a variety or several senses (sight, smell, hearing, touching, movement) is considered in the cone. 5. First-hand experiences Learner has some control over the outcome Incorporates the use of all five senses Difficulty when not enough previous experience or exposure to a concept Every level of the Cone uses abstract thinking in come way 6. All teaching/learning must move from the bottom to the top of the Cone. One kind of experience on the Cone is more useful than another More emphasis should be put on the bottom levels of the Cone The upper level of the Cone is for older students while the lower levels are for younger students It overemphasizes the use of instructional media 7. Tell me and Ill forget, Show me and I may Remember , Involve me and Ill understand. - Dales Cone 8. These are the rich experiences that our senses bring. We construct the ideas , the generalizations that give meaning and order to our lives. -These are the concrete and first hand experiences that make up the foundation of our learning. They are the sensory experiences. 9. They are experiences that are internalized in the sense that these experiences involve the asking of questions that have significance in the life of the person undergoing the direct experience. Besides, these experiences are undergone in relation to a purpose . Purposeful because the experiences are not purely mechanical. They are not a matter of going through the motion. 10. First, let us give our students opportunities top learn by doing. Let us immerse our students in the world of experiences. Second, let us make use of the real things as instructional materials for as long as we can. 11. Third, let us help the students develop the 5 senses to the full, to heighten their sensitivity to the world. Fourth, let us guide the students so that they can draw meaning from their firsthand experiences and elevate their level of thinking. 12. Advantages We can gain knowledge through experience. Serves as the foundation of concept formation. Disadvantages There would be a possible wrong interpretation of that experience that will lead to inappropriate knowledge. When misguided or misinterpreted, it could possibly caused confusion. 13. JOANNE FATALLA EVELYN ICBAN

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