lesson 8_ the power of goal setting and life planning

Post on 28-Nov-2015






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Silva’s 6-Step Goal SettingFormulaEveryone knows about goal setting, but most of us d on’t know

how to do it right. Discover The Silva Method’s uni que 6-step

approach to goal setting, so you can finally reach for even your

most out-there dreams.

Learn the #1 Habit of Peak Performers

The power of goal setting is undisputed

– it is one of the most common

characteristics of successful individuals.

Read the biographies of some of

history’s most successful men and you

will find that they had concrete

dreams, visions or goals of what they

wished to achieve.

Desire – Belief – Expectancy

Jose Silva (/products/offer) teaches that when you set a goal you need to adopt

three qualities to help manifest the end result.


First, you must have a burning desire to achieve the goal.


Second,you must have a strong belief that the goal is possible and within reach.


Third, you must be in the state of expectancy – you must be expecting to see


Although Silva`s methods (/products/offer) may sound purely philosophical,

plenty of evidence exists in the scientific community to support this theory.

The placebo effect is probably the most well known example.

Doctors have found that patients can often cure themselves of illnesses when

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Lesson 8: The Power of Goal Setting and Life Planning http://www.silvalifesystem.com/online/lessons/8-goals

1 sur 8 10/12/2013 17:50

prescribed sugar pills and made to believe that these sugar pills are powerful


The placebo effect has also extended to cancer research, and doctors are

experimenting with getting patients to cure themselves of cancer naturally by

visualizing themselves healthy and cured.

Can the same psychological factors that cause the placebo effect be applied to

goal setting and thus help make a person or business more successful?

We believe it can.

Perhaps nothing lends credence to the idea of desire, belief and expectancy

more than the following story.

Learn the art of goal setting and thinking big » (/products/offer)

The Story of Sam

Sam was a poor kid who grew up in the heartland of America during the time of

the Great Depression.

Times were tough and the kid worked hard to help his parents make ends meet.

He would get up early in the morning to milk the cows and sell the milk to his 10

– 12 customers for 10 cents a gallon – a lot of cash in those days. He also went

door to door selling magazine subscriptions when he was barely eight years old.

Sam had one good thing going for him – a sharp streak of ambition. His mother

always told him that he should try to be the best he could at whatever he did. So

Sam always pursued everything that interested him w ith true passion.

Even as a kid growing up in Missouri, Sam was big on setting bold goals. He was

so ambitious that when he become a Boy Scout he took a bet with all the other

scouts in his unit that he would be the first amongst them to reach the rank of

Eagle Scout. Getting an Eagle Scout badge was no easy task and required a

scout to show extreme bravery. Most Eagle Scouts were years older than Sam.

Sam won the bet when as a 14-year-old, he saved a man from drowning in a


Little Sam went on to become the youngest Eagle Scout in the state of Missouri

at that time.

In high school Sam was elected President of the Student Body and was active in

a lot of other clubs too. Despite being only 5’9, Sam joined the basketball team

and was delighted when it won the State Championship. Sam also became a

quarterback on the football team ñ which went undefeated too.

“Thinking big just came naturally to him.”

Sam’s ambition and positive mental attitude stayed with

him as he graduated from high school. By the time Sam

got into college he was even entertaining thoughts of

someday becoming President of the United States.

Thinking big just came naturally to him.

Closer at hand, he decided he should try to be President

of the University student body first. So he ran for every

office that came along and by the time he graduated

college he had been elected president of the senior

men’s honor society, an officer in his fraternity, president

of his senior class and president of the Bible class. He was also captain and

president of Scabbard and Blade, the elite military organization of ROTC.

While doing all this he also ran his own newspaper business and was making

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Jack Canfield ,

2. Think Big

We create our own limitations. Most of us are guilty

of aiming too low rather than aiming too high. Sam

Walton dreamt big – even as a kid. With each

accomplishment his confidence grew, and his goals

became greater and greater. He did not set limits on


When you’re setting a goal, keep this in mind:

“A good goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot.”

Think of your current goals and test them against this rule. If your goals do not both scare

and excite you – try targeting something a little more challenging.

The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do

something, you can do it – as long as you really believe it 100 percent.

~ Arnold Schwarzenegger, world renown actor,sportsman and Governor of California

3. Don’t Let Defeat Get You Down

Sam liked to smile when he thinks of one of his early bosses at J.C. Penney who had told

him “I’d fire you if you weren’t such a good salesman; maybe you’re just not cut out for


He did not let other people’s negative ideas influence him. When he lost his first store he

overcame his depression, then packed is bags, moved to a new town and started again.

Perhaps if Sam had not lost his first store and been forced to start new in Bentonville

Wal-Mart would not have been founded. Defeat, when viewed from a greater perspective,

is often simply a mechanism of setting us on the right path or teaching us a valuable


4. Desire – Belief – Expectancy

Your goals must meet the criteria of Desire, Belief and Expectancy.

The goal must be something you strongly desire. The greater your desire the stronger

your will to pursue the goal. Napoleon Hill said “If your desires are strong enough you will

appear to possess super-human powers to achieve.”

Next, the goal must be something you believe is in the realm of the possible. This

depends on your belief system. As you accomplish more in life your self-belief grows. This

increases your confidence and fuels you to accomplish even bigger things.

Finally, you must expect the end result to occur.

Sam Walton said

I expect to win. I go into tough challenges always planning to come out

victorious. It never occurred to me that I might lose, it was almost as if I had a

right to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Expectancy is harder to create. But the tool of creative visualization helps tremendo

Your subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a real experience and an imagined

experience. By frequently visualizing the end result you desire you cause your

subconscious to accept it to be real. This causes the mind to draw that situation int

life. Perhaps, no one has summarized this point more clearly than Gandhi when he said

“The man I want to become, if I believe myself to be, I will become”

“Attracting love into my life and helping me lose weight”

Lesson 1 – Intro »

Lesson 2 – Meditation »

Lesson 3 – Enhancing Creativity »

Lesson 4 – Creative Visualization »

Lesson 5 – Accelerate Healing »

Lesson 6 – Jose Silva »

Lesson 7 – Esp »

Lesson 8 – Goals »

Lesson 8: The Power of Goal Setting and Life Planning http://www.silvalifesystem.com/online/lessons/8-goals

2 sur 8 10/12/2013 17:50

$4,000 to $6,000 a year which was at the end of the Depression Era fairly

serious cash. “[Sam] was a little scatterbrained at times,” said the circulation

manager of one of the newspapers Sam delivered while in College, “he would

have so many things going on, he’d almost forget one. But boy, when he focused

on something, that was it.”

Sam graduated from college with a business degree and took a job at a J. C.

Penney store as a management trainee for $75 a month.

But Sam wasn’t satisfied being a management trainee and soon started looking

for other opportunities.

At the age of 27, with a loan from his father-in-law he bought a little discount

store in Newport, Arkansas.

Despite initial poor sales and heavy competition from more spacious stores

across the street, Sam set a goal ìI wanted my little Newport variety store to be

the best, most profitable variety store in Arkansas within 5 years.

Sam worked hard for five years and hit his goal. He soon had the largest variety

store in Arkansas. But he didn’t have much time to enjoy his success.

Soon his world came crashing down.

Sam’s lease expired and the owner of his building refused to renew the lease. He

knew Sam had nowhere else to go and decided he wanted to take over the store

to pass on to his son.

“I felt sick to the stomach,” said Sam, “I could not believe thiswas happening to me. It really was like a nightmare.”

But Sam wasn’t the type of man to resign so easily.

He and his family moved to a different town. There, in Bentonville, Arkansas, he

opened a new store. He remembered overhearing some people comment on his

new venture, “Well we’ll give this guy sixty days, maybe ninety. He won’t last that


Well, Sam lasted more than 90 days. And his new store

became a success. Soon he began expanding his

business and opening other stores throughout the state.

In 1962 at the age of 44 he opened his most ambitious

store yet. He called it Wal-Mart.

The rest is history.

In 1985 Forbes magazine called Sam Walton the richest

man in America. The kid who had to walk door-to-door

selling milk and newspapers had founded what today is

the largest company in the world. Wal-Mart made millionaires out of thousands of

stockholders, provided jobs for millions of Americans and helped increase the

quality of life in many developing countries by reducing the cost of goods.

In 1992, Sam Walton received the Presidential Medal of Honor – the highest

civilian award that can be bestowed on an American citizen.

From childhood till the time he died in 1992, Sam Walton had been successful in

everything he undertook. It’s hard to place a finger on what qualities make

people like Sam Walton successful in so many different endeavors. But in his

autobiography he talks about why he believes he was so lucky.

“I don’t know what causes a person to be ambitious,” Sam later said, “but it is a

fact that I have been over blessed with drive and ambition from the time I hit the


motivational speaker and co-creator of the Chicken Soup

for the Soul

Has my vote

Anything with the name of Jose Silva as theauthor has my vote before I open to page one.Read it with a pen for underlining.

Dr. Wayne Dyer ,Self-improvement guru and bestselling author

of Real Magic

Helps The Entire Learning Process

I am interested in Jose Silva’s system because Ifeel it helps the entire learning process. TheSilva Method™ is what I want for all the people Iknow and with whom I work.

Dord Fitz ,founder of Dord Fitz Art Center and NASA

guest speaker

Changed My Life… Nothing Has BeenThe Same Since

In 1972 I changed my life. I went to a class tolearn The Silva Method™ and nothing has beenthe same since. I credit that as one of the mostimportant things I have ever done in my life.Above all, it helped me learn how to use more ofmy mind for a positive, special life.

Neal Boortz ,Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, The Neal

Boortz Show from Atlanta, Georgia

Helped Bestselling Author RichardBach Finish His Masterpiece

Richard Bach, Silva Mind Control graduate andauthor of one of the “hottest” books ever written,Jonathan Livingston Seagull, explains: “Creativevisualization is really what’s behind The SilvaMethod™; that is, whatever you can visualize,you can actualize” That is putting it squarely onthe line. It is putting teeth into the old saw, “Whatman can conceive, he can achieve.” If youconceive of “a good day,”… Need I finish thesentence? Everything works better when youwork; but objective work, as productive as it is, isnot the only work you must do. You must also dosubjective work using ten cycles per second toresonate with other minds and to get everythingto work still better.

Richard Bach ,author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” from

United States

It Brings Good Energy To Me!!!

My experience has been wonderful. When she

“I began to see improvement physically. My joint pain disappeared and

my energy level was up.I also began to attract people – especially men,

in a way that I never before experienced. I also had people say to meI

looked 10 years younger and wanted to know what I did.I lost weight.”

Mary from CA ,

Start achieving your big goals with Silva Life System » (/products/offer)

Silva conference in Hungary

The Life Planning Process

Now that you understand the principles behind goal setting, it’s time to put together

everything you’ve learned so far.

We’re going to show you a simple yet powerful technique you can use to create a life plan

around your goals.

Step 1 – Identify What’s Important to You

Think of the various aspects of your life. Health, Family, Friends, Career, Spirituality,

Finances, Charity, Education…etc.

Identify which of these focus areas are the most important to you. Perhaps your main

concerns are Family, Spirituality and Career. Come up with a list and rank each area in

order of importance.

Step 2 – Set Long Term Goals in Each Area

Come up with a vision of where you’d like to be five to ten

years from today in each of these areas.

Maybe your career vision is to be running your own

business. Your family vision may be to take your spouse

and children on a trip to Australia. Your financial vision

may be to have $250,000 in the bank.

Think of what you want. Remember the rule – a good goal should scare you a little and

excite you a lot.

By thinking of where you want to be five or ten years down the road, you have created a

long term vision.

Lesson 8: The Power of Goal Setting and Life Planning http://www.silvalifesystem.com/online/lessons/8-goals

3 sur 8 10/12/2013 17:50

He added, “I expect to win. I go into tough challenges always planning to come

out victorious. It never occurred to me that I might lose, it was almost as if I had a

right to win. Thinking like that often seems to turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

Start your unique journey with The Silva Life System »(/products/offer)

There are several lessons to be learned from this story.

1. Define Clear, Concrete Goals of What You Want toAccomplish

Sam motivated himself by knowing what he wanted and setting a concrete goal

within a time-frame. When he opened his first store, he decided that he wanted

his store to be “the best, most profitable variety store in Arkansas within 5 years.”

(Laura) guides me through and takes me sodeep into relaxation I come out of it totallyenergized and my head is crystal clear. God, Ilove it. It brings good energy to me that lasts along time. I also liked the exercise finding my lifepurpose. That was totally amazing for me. Thankyou so much…

Jenny Cook ,California, US

Will Completely Change Your Life inSo Many Ways

Based on Jose Silva’s years of research, thisphenomenal audio series will completely changeyour life in so many positive, empowering ways.Instead of listening to talk radio while you driveto and from work every day, you can beprogramming your mind to achieve anything youdesire…no kidding!

Christine Lyn Harvey ,Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, New Living


In a few weeks of programming I wasable to hit my sales quota by 200%

The Silva Method (/products/offer) has by farbeen one of the most influential personaldevelopment programs I have done. In a fewweeks of programming I was able to hit my salesquota by 200%. I’ve used it from everything tofinding my watch to attracting a boyfriend. Yes, Ieven used it on men. It’s amazing how much youcan do with your mind if you know what to do. Istrongly recommend everyone apply thismethod. It absolutely works. We all owe it toourselves to make our lives better and better.

Rola Diab ,from Chicago, IL

Step 3 – Decide What You Need to Do This Year to Achieve YourLong Term Vision

So you want to have $250,000 in savings in the bank by 2009. What do you need to do

this year to hit this goal? Perhaps you would need to take a course on investing, get a

better paying job, or start looking for new business opportunities.

Do this with each long-term goal. This exercise helps you focus on both long and

short-term planning.

Many people tend to plan for only the short-term and lose sight of their long-term vision.

Others only set long-terms goals but then forget what they need to do right now to achieve

these long-terms goals.

To be effective at goal setting you need to have a long-term vision and short-term plans to

get to this vision.

Step 4 – Put it All Down on Paper

We have provided a simple method called the Life Planning Chart to help you. You can

see a copy of such a chart below.

The first horizontal bar represents time. The first vertical bar represents each focus area –

in the chart below the focus areas are Family, Health, Career, Artistic, and Financial.

Now divide the sheet in half. Use the first half to write down your short term goals – goals

to accomplish this year. Notice that each goal corresponds to a time frame.

The second half is used to list your longer terms goals – what you wish to accomplish next

year and then each subsequent year for the next five years.

If you have trouble seeing the image above you can open an enlarged version by going to

this page (/products/offer).

You start by first looking at your long-terms goals. Write down your long term vision for

each focus area in the appropriate row and column.

Next ask yourself the question:

“What do I need to do this year to make sure I’m on track for mylong term vision?”

Write down your short-term goals in the appropriate row and column.

This document should be flexible. Go ahead and add new goals when you think of them.

You can also remove older goals if your plans change.

Note: You can download a blank chart for you to print and use on this page (/products

Lesson 8: The Power of Goal Setting and Life Planning http://www.silvalifesystem.com/online/lessons/8-goals

4 sur 8 10/12/2013 17:50


Step 5 – Begin the Process of Creative Visualization

You should place Life Planning Chart in a location where you’re likely to view it daily. It

could be in an office drawer you open daily, as a file on your computer desktop or in a

frame on your wall.

When you meditate daily using the Silva System (/products/offer), spend a few minutes

visualizing yourself achieving each goal. You could also create an affirmation for each

focus area. (Refer to Lesson 4 of this Program).

Step 6 – Begin taking Action towards Your Goals

You now have your long-term vision. You have the steps you need to do this year to

achieve that vision. Now put your plan in action.

Take a step, even the smallest step towards that goal. When you take your first step you

set the wheels in motion for your mind to manifest your dreams into reality.

Make it a point to start your life planning process as soon as you can and to practice goal

setting and creative visualization on a daily basis.

Sooner rather than later, you will be able to have it all, health, happiness, wealth and

much more.

It’s never too late to begin creating the life of your dreams.

Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history.

Give me a man without a goal and I’ll give you a stock clerk.

~ J.C. Penney, Founder of the J.C. Penney stores

Sources for this Lesson:

Sam Walton and John Huey, “Made in America: My Story,” (New York: Doubleday,

1992), pp. 3-46.


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Add a comment559 comments

Katherine Butler Johnson · Chambersburg

My mother went somewhere to take Silva training...We didn't know what for but she brought home a bumper sticker that I put on my bedroom door. Yearslater we found out that she at 35, had cervical cancer but had no surgery, no chemo, no radiation...it was gone....they she at age 48, had breast cancer,but she had no surgery, no chemo, no radiation, no cancer...but it was gone....then she at age 60, had colon cancer, again no surgery, no chemo, noradiation..its gone...she just celebrated the birth of her 17th great grandchild...she is still here at age 80....I know it was the training!

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · April 7, 2012 at 4:35am

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Cedar Cat · · Top Commenter · Wise Woman Center

Rose, my friend O was diagnosed with Terminal Stage 4 muscle cancer in 2009 with an 11 cm tumor in her chest, the tumor actually piercedher heart. She also had metastisis on both adrenals, one the size of a tennis ball...She did the chemo and 33 radiation treatments as well as anumber of nourishing herbs and foods. She also did work with healing stones and oils, reiki, and the hydrogen peroxide therapy, as well asNAC. Please contact me if you want to learn more from my experience as an herbalist intimately involved in another's dance with cancer.

Reply · · Like · July 20, 2012 at 11:37pm



Rose Snape · Works at Polypipe

Hi katie,Your story touched me because my own mother has just found out that she has cancer for the second time and its truly heartbreaking to evenimagine my life without her, she's the only person that I can rely on to be there for me no matter what. I could'nt get through life without her. Iam desperate to do whatever I can to help make her well again. She's an amazing person who has never had much herself but nevercomplains and just wants the very best for others and I love her so much. I hope that by turning to Silver I can find the way to healing her sothat she can live hapily for many years to come with all her loved ones around her, she deserves this more than anyone else I know includingmyself. Please help make this possible if you can

Yours sinserelyVicki x

Reply · · Like · July 23, 2012 at 1:35pm12

kambharaj (signed in using yahoo)

Hello Katie, your story about your mother is very amazing and inspirational, please can you share more.

Reply · · Like · August 20, 2012 at 11:32am7

Jo Moreno · Works at Avis,Chs apo

I frist heard about this from my grand mother when I was a little girl.I didn't know the name of it.She told me to say every day[ EVERY DAY IN EVERYWAY I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER}.Much of what she said I see in this method.She only had a 4th grade education.She taught her self and wasa very smart lady.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · September 11, 2011 at 8:17pm

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Adele Bantle · · Top Commenter · Univiesity Of Metaphysics · 321 subscribers

You lucky lady, having such a far sighted grandmother. We have so much information at our fingertips, it is sometimes easy to forget that ourancestors had just the same intelligence but perhaps less of the resources available!

Reply · · Like · December 10, 2011 at 9:41am



Melanie Joy Vertalino · Top Commenter · Certified Law of Attraction/Life Coach at Quantum Success Life Coach at QSCA Christy Whitman


Jo, my mom use to say those EXACT words everyday too. She told me they were from Florence Schovel Schinns book, which I believe wascalled "The Game of Life and How to Play it." She said that was the first impressionable book she read. It was nice to read what you wrote. Ikind of felt like she was with me again, just reading your words. So, thank you.

Reply · · Like · July 17, 2012 at 9:27am19

Geri Greene · · Top Commenter

Melanie Joy Vertalino I HAVE that book, and like to many others, I am going to locate it and dust it off!

Reply · · Like · November 25, 2012 at 9:01pm



Elizabeth Amos Sayers · State Enrolled Nurse at Barwon Health

To actally know that we can control our minds, and are not at the mercy of our random thoughts is absolutely life changing! Amazing and awesome stuff!:)

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · March 27, 2011 at 8:54am79

Febrianto Hidayat · · Manajer at U.D. Trah Sejati

Absolutely, Conquering yourself is the most grand victory.

Be kind because everyone you meet is facing a greater struggle.

With the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.

Kindness unites people who love each other even though they are in good scolding and hate.

Reply · · Like · March 28, 2011 at 3:29pm



Denise Baptiste · Eldo senior comp.

you are absolutely right everyone are facing their own fears and struggles but of couse with lots of love and silva centering of our mind we canovercome anything and everything if and only "if " we put our mind to do so.

Reply · · Like · April 13, 2011 at 2:03am19

TeIvan TeMauko · Club No.1 - Jedinica

im new but i think that "s the stuff im looking for :)

Reply · · Like · August 29, 2011 at 9:42am4

Marilyn King

Awesome Silva Method, you can achieve your goals. I enjoy affirmations, repeating in a positive way what you are and who you are in Christ Jesus,reminding yourself that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Not "I want to be...." but "I am...." in the present. See yourself move in the direction of yourgoals for life. Ministry or what ever you desire to do or become in your career...

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · April 6, 2011 at 7:22pm54

Lesson 8: The Power of Goal Setting and Life Planning http://www.silvalifesystem.com/online/lessons/8-goals

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Comments (7)Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity

· 106 weeks ago

Thanks a lot. I've noted the stuff & soon experiace the fragrance!

· 136 weeks ago

tExciting enough.I'm trying to set goals for my life now,and plans to get them.Thanks a lot.


· 145 weeks ago

Those very Outstanding Goal Setting I have ever done throughout my life,some goals are achieved,some disturbed and changed


some remain adream.Thank you Laura to remind me.

· 152 weeks ago

Thanks a lot Laura for such a good lesson

· 155 weeks ago

Thanks Laura for your great effort and willingness to share this special gift....

I have tried out some of your pints and i was amzed of great changes in my

own life already.......

· 155 weeks ago

thanks alot for such a motivating comment GOD BLESS YOU AND CONTINUE PASSING SUCH GOOD INFORMATION TO ME.

· 162 weeks ago

Tanks Laura very grateful with you for teaching us this awsome goal setting method



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