lesson 9 data collection 2013

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Lesson 9: Data Collection

Saturday, 20 April 13

Lesson 8: Dementia and Alzheimers DiseaseEXAM QUESTION

Explain what is found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients post-mortem.(4 marks)

Saturday, 20 April 13

Lesson 8: Dementia and Alzheimers DiseaseEXAM QUESTION

• Show high levels of the protein Amyloid which highly toxic – causes cell death and causes the development of the plaques and tangles (2 marks)

• Brains also have a massive lack of acetylcholine (an important neurotransmitter) (2 marks)

Explain what is found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients post-mortem.(4 marks)

Saturday, 20 April 13

Lesson 9: Data Collection


~ Define descriptive statistics ~ Define qualitative research~ Define quantitative research~ Distinguish between subject and objective data~ Describe the techniques of qualitative and quantitative data collection: case studies; observational studies; self-reports; questionnaires and interviews

Saturday, 20 April 13

Data Collection

Types of Data



Case StudiesInterview

QuestionnairesPsychological Tests



Saturday, 20 April 13

Types of Data

Saturday, 20 April 13

Qualitative: descriptions of characteristics

Quantitative: refers to measurements

Subjective: based on opinions

Objective: based on identifiable external criterion

Saturday, 20 April 13

Saturday, 20 April 13

What type of data was collected??

Qualitative or Quantitative?

Objective or Subjective?

Saturday, 20 April 13


Saturday, 20 April 13

Case Studies: detailed observations of an individual over a period of time

Observation: Naturalistic - observing voluntary behaviours in natural environment

Controlled - observing voluntary behaviours in structured environment

Questionnaires: collecting written responses from participants

Longitudinal: same participant over a long period of time

Saturday, 20 April 13

Provide an example of each

Ask around room

Saturday, 20 April 13

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