lesson from animals about unity 080608

Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Could this story

Contain a message for


the body of Christ ?

On May 4, 2007, an EF-5 tornado (the first F-5 since May 3, 1999, Moore, OK) wiped out about 95% of Greensburg, KS, pop. 1600.

Greenburg High School -before & after

The story begins with the rescuers finding this poor little guy they named Ralphie. Someone had already taken Ralphie under their wing, but they weren't equipped to adopt him.

Ralphie, scared and starved, joined his rescuers...

One wouldn't think anything could live through this, but they would be wrong.

This little lady also survived that wreckage.

Here she is-- just placed in the car-- scared, but safe.

and then...they are no longer alone!

Instant friends, bonded by a common need, they comforted each other while in the car.

Add two more beagles found after that... the more, the merrier!

Oh no! A new member of the congregation, and it's a...a... CAT! But, they're different. They speak in an unknown meow. They don't look like us. They don't smell like us. They don't want to be immersed in water!! What will we do? Are they worthy? How is this going to work?? -

It's going to work just fine, thank you very much!

No time for fights around the food dish! Not after what they've been through.

It's just good to be alive and be with others.

These animals have found a new basis for unity that is more important than bickering – it's called survival after a cataclysmic disaster !

“what may be known about God is plain....because God has made it plain....since the creation of the world.... clearly seen, being understood from what has been made....” Romans 1:19-20

Could part of God's creation be presenting a lesson to us?

Another catcoming in !

What will it take for Christians to be unified in the body of Christ? Can we learn from God's revealed Word? Can we learn anything from God's creation?

When will Christians stop fighting around the food dish?

Will God have to send a cataclysmic disaster to teach Christians about unity, as they have to bond together in order to survive?

“If you continue to abuse My grace by using your circumstances as freedom to divide the body of Christ, then I will change your circumstances.” (a word of prophecy on Sunday, July 27, 2008 @9:45am)

Romans 15

(5) May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, (6) so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (7) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.

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