lesson plan 30 03 10

Post on 27-Apr-2015






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Michael Killin Date

23/03/10 Course


Course Code

5ESLNFDJU1 Lessontitle/topic

Explanatory/Informative text types

Room No


Length of lesson

150 Learners on register(M/F)*


Completed risk assessment number

Lesson Outcomes“By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to”

Identify the main features of an explanatory and informative text.

Rt/E3.2/L1.2/L2.2 Find the features of explanatory/informative text types in

different texts. Rt/E3.2/L1.2/L2.2 Construct a plan/draft for a written task.

Wt/E3.1/L1.1/L2.1 Produce and proofread an explanatory/informative text.


1. Being Healthy

2. Staying Safe

3. Enjoying and Achieving

4. Making a Positive Contribution

5. Economic Well Being

Special points to note(e.g. learner abilities/learning styles/seating arrangements /health and safety/LSA deployment) (gender balance, ethnic composition, learner support needs)* A group of access to Health and Social Care students assessed at L1/L2 and needing to achieve a national test in order to progress to level 3 and go on to university. They are therefore taking this qualification alongside their main course and the group is much larger than an essential skills literacy group would usually be. Care needs to be taken when moving around during group activities that all items are stored under the desk.  Many have returned to education after several years’ break and lack confidence and social skills. Rules have had to be established concerning listening when others are speaking and not talking over people. These rules have to be constantly reinforced. Students tend to sit together in friendship groups and many are reluctant to work outside of these groups. Students are, however, encouraged to work with a variety of people during both group and pair work. One learner VF is very loud and can distract others in the group. MC and TB’s attitude is sometimes quite defensive and they are lacking in confidence and motivation. A classroom assistant has now been assigned to help to encourage them and help them to focus and raise confidence and motivation levels.

There are 11 second language speakers in the class ranging  from Africa, Portugal, Somalia, Jamaica and India and the classroom assistant and teacher have to be quite flexible to also help these students when necessary. I am concerned that SK, IM and DN may need transferring to an ESOL course and LR to an entry level literacy class. This is being discussed with their personal tutor. TL is also working at a lower level. RF and TD work very quickly and need extension activities available at all times to stretch their ability.  SV, DN, IM and AN have been referred for dyslexia

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assessment but the indicators may have been high due to English being their second language. ALS will be put in the appropriate. As students are working from L1 to L2 all resources are differentiated to allow for this and are aimed at a variety of cultures.

There is a higher proportion of females to males in class but where possible resources are gender neutral, questions are directed equally and gender mix is encouraged during pair/group work. There is also a range of learning styles within the group and activities are planned to address these. Some learning styles are yet to be established as all learners have not fully completed pro-monitor due to difficulties with passwords. These will be completed by half term.  Due to the nature of the group timings sometimes vary where further clarification, explanation or exposition is required.Lesson content and activities: (Include Key/Basic Skills + ref. Numbers, together with evidence of incorporating the safe learner concept and every child matters) Time

Content of Lesson

Learner Activity Differentiation Activities

Basic/Key Skills ref





RegisterState objectivesCollect homework, if done.

Handout marked exams and review individual progress.

Explain ‘explanatory and informative sorting activity’.Monitor student progress and prompt when necessary.

Elicit answers from

Respond to tutor prompts.

Read the exams completed in the last class and identify areas of weakness for development.

Listen and respond to tutor prompts. Sort the cards into two categories – features of informative or explanatory texts.

Listen and respond to tutor prompts. Answer questions

Peer supportTeacher promptLSA to support lower level students.

LSA to prompt students and explain any mistakes made.

LSA to prompt lower level students and clarify on instructions / terminology. Lower level students to sort less text type features.

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students and explain each feature using examples on the board.Handout texts.


Explain the ‘circular complete sentence’ activity.

Elicit students’ opinions on the activity and explain that they must now evaluate the written pieces. Elicit responses and discussion on the task.Handout evaluation sheets.

Explain the ‘writing’ activity and display possible topics to be used on board.

Review what students have learnt and explain that they must

when nominated about the features of the two text types. Use the handouts to determine which features belong to which text type.

Listen to instructions and clarify as necessary. Compose a sentence continuing on from a specific topic using an allocated text type. Complete a new sentence when the worksheet has been passed on.

Listen and respond to tutor prompts. Complete the evaluation checklist and write down examples of each text type feature. Feedback to class and discuss any corrections that had to be made and why.

Listen and respond to tutor prompts. Plan a written explanatory/informative topic by composing a mind map (possible topics to be displayed on the board). Compose a text using ideas expressed in the mind map using the features of the chosen text type.

Listen and respond to tutor prompts. Answer directed

LSA to prompt lower level students if necessary.

LSA to clarify instructions and to monitor student progress.

LSA to clarify instructions and to monitor student progress.

LSA to clarify instructions and to monitor student progress.

LSA to clarify instructions and to monitor student

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continue the written task at home.


questions when nominated. Continue the written task for homework and ensure a final proofread copy is produced.


Assessment opportunities (linked to lesson outcomes)

Forward planning/tasks set for the learners

Completed example of text purposes lists/peer/group checkedDifferentiated features match exercise/peer/group checkedCompleted text features example exercise/group checkedCompleted text composition/peer checked/self evaluated/teacher evaluatedSession evaluation/teacher/students

Complete text of choice.

Reflection and evaluation (How did it go? How can it be made better?) (Were different groups of learners engaged?)

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