lesson plan

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Lesson Plan (RPP) School : SMP N 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester : 7/ 1 (ganjil) Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutes Learning Objectives : • Students can interact by using the expression of greeting and self Introduction

• Students can express numbers correctly. Competency StandardsListening• Understanding the meaning of the conversation very transactional and interpersonal simple to interact with the immediate environment• Understanding the meaning of the verbal text is very simple short functional interact with the surroundingsSpeaking• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal conversation to interact with the surroundings• Revealing the meaning of the very simple verbal short functional to interact with the surroundingsReading Understanding the meaning of written text is very simple short functional associated with the surroundingsWritingRevealing the meaning of very simple and short functional to interact with the surroundings

Basic CompetenceListening• Responding to the meaning of the conversation transactional (to get Things Done) andinterpersonal (social) simply, accurately, smoothly, and accepted involving the expressions of: greeting people who are not /already known, introducing yourself / others• Responding to the meaning of expressions contained in the short functional textaccurately , simply, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in transactional (to get Things Done)and interpersonal (social) text using a variety of oral language accurately , simply, smoothly, and accepted .• Conducting interaction with the surroundings that involves expressioms :greeting people who are not / are well known, introduce yourself / others • Revealing the meaning of the ideas contained in the oral simple and short functional text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings

ReadingReading aloud meaningful words, phrases, and sentences with words, pressure andacceptable intonation associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in written simple and short functional text using a variety of very simple written language accurately, smoothly related to the surroundings

Indicators:• Identifying the greeting phrases, statements, serial number and level• Responding to the greeting, statement• Spelling alphabet• Listing the numbers correctly

Instructional Materials:Pupin SMP kelas 7 Effective Home Book 1A, Unit 1 Lesson 1

Learning Methods• Demonstrations • Questions and answers• Discussion • Exercise

Learning ActivitiesThe first meeting (Listening – Speaking) A) Pre activity• The teacher greets the students and then answered.• Students mimic the dialogue that was read by the teacher.• The teacher explains about the greeting that will be discussed.B) whilst Activities• The teacher began by reading the dialogue in the appendix.• The teacher asks the students a brief introduction to manipulate dialog then demonstrated to the class.C) Post Activities • After the students understand the material continued to the matter of numbers. Teacher askssome students to figure 1-20.• Proceed with numbers above 100 and appendix.

The second meeting ( Reading)A)Pre activity • The teacher asks a student to write his name on the board and spell letters per letter.• Proceed with the spelling from the beginning.B)Whilst activities • Students are required to read the dialogue and act similar.*Students are required to comprehend the reading text. • Students are required to read e identity of the himself or herself / friend.C)Post Activities • Students mimic the pronunciation of words in the pronunciation.• Singing the alphabet song.

The third meeting (Writing )

A)Pre activities • The teacher asks a student about an address.B)whilst activities • Students are asks to write self-identity.• Teachers explains the phrase stating residence.

C) Post Activity• Students write more about herself/himself Resources / Materials / Equipment• Effective engish Home Book 1A,

Matters of Scoring 1) Listening-Speaking• pronunciation • Attitude

2) Reading• Pronunciation alphabet

3) Writing• Grammar• Spelling, punctuation

Form of Test :• verbal / written test• teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , July 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115 200501 2009

Lesson Plan School : SMP N 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester : VII / 1

Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutesLearning Objectives:

• Students can interact with the surroundings by responding greetings, greeting other people.• Students can identify the date, month, year, and numbers.

Competency StandardsListening• Understanding the meaning of the very simple transactional and interpersonaltext to interact with the surroundings• Understanding the meaning of the very simple short functional interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing the meanings in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings • Revealing the meaning of the very simple short functional text to interact with the surrundings .

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple and short written functional text associated with the surroundings Writing\Revealing the meaning of the short and simple functional text to interact with the surroundings

Basic CompetenceListening• Responding to the meaning of the transactional (to get Things Done) andinterpersonal (social) simply accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving the expressions of : greeting people who are not /already known, introduce yourself / others• Responding to the meaning of the ideas contained in the short and simple functional

text accurately , smoothly , and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressig the meaning in transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately , fluently , and accepted • Conducting interaction with the surroundings that involves the expressions of :greeting people who are not / are well known, introducing yourself / others • Revealing the meaning of the ideas contained in the simple and short text of oral functional accurately, fluently , and accepted to interact with the surroundings

ReadingReading aloud meaningful words, phrases, and sentences with words, pressure andacceptable intonation associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very simple and short written functional text using a variety of very simple written language accurately, smoothly related to the surroundings e

Indicators• Identifying greetings, ordinal and cardinal numbers• Identifying the parts of the head• Saying the date, month, year• Completing the identity card

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Pupin Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas 7

Learning Methods• Demonstrations• Discussion• Questions and answers• Exercise

Learning ActivitiesFirst Meeting (Listening – Speaking)A) Pre activities• Teacher gives a greeting, answering students' greeting.• Teachers read a dialogue about the meeting of two children and students imitate.• The teacher describes the farewell greeting used .

B) Whilst Activities• Students are asked to view pictures and then practice filling dialog on how to greet someone.

C) Post Activities • Students are required to make a kind of conversation.Second Meeting (Reading)

A) Pre Activities • Students mention the parts of the head and answer questions.

B) Whilst Activities • Teacher introduces the dialogue of others..• Students repeat after the teacher who reads the ordinal and cardinal numbers, date, month, year*.Students comprehend the dialogue

C) Post Activities*Students are asked to find out another similar dialogue • Students repeat after the teacher who read with correct pronunciation.• Students are required to distinguish the pronunciation of words that are similar to fill in tables and the teacher read the word in the appendix.• Students play on Let's Have Fun with puzzles.

Third Meeting (Writing)A) Pre Activities • Students are asked to mention the names of months.B) Whilst Activities • Students are asked to fill out self-identity card / other people

*Students complete a dialogue

B) Post Activities Teacher guides the students to make a similar dialogue

Resources / Materials / Equipment• Effective Engish 1A,Pupin SMP kelas 7 • Pictures / sculpture of head• The chart of numbers

Matters ofScoring

1) Listening-Speaking• The use of phrases and pronunciation• Attitude

2) Reading• The accuracy of the names of the months

3) Writing• Writing• The accuracy of the identity card charging

Kind f Test • teacher assessment• written test

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010

Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009

Lesson Plan

School : SMP Negeri 24 Subject : English Class / Semester : 7/1 (ganjil) Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutes

Learning Objectives: • Students can interact with the environment to respond the requests for information, give information.• Students can create a family tree.

Competency StandardsListening• Understanding the meaning of the very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings • Understanding the meaning of the very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings.

Speaking• Expressing meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings • Revealing the meaning of the very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short written functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of the simple short written functional to interact with the surrounding

Basic CompetenceListening• Responding to the meaning of the transactional (to get Things Done) andinterpersonal (social) that use various expressions simply , accurately , smoothly , and accepted

to interact with the surroundings involving expressions : asking and giving informations• Responding to the meaning of the expressions contained in the short simple functional text accurately , smoothly , and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) text using a variety of oral language accurately is , smoothly , and accepted.• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately , smoothly and accepted to interact with the

surroundings involving the expressions of : asking and giving information• Revealing the meaning very short and simple functional oral text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings

ReadingReading aloud meaningful words, phrases, and sentences with words, pressure andacceptable intonation associated with the surroundings

WritingExpressing rhetorical step in a very short and simple written functional text by using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly to interact with the surroundings

Indicators• Using question word 'WHO'• Answering questions in which the question word is 'WHO'• Reading and answering the questions about family tree

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Pupin SMP kelas 7 Learning Methods• Demonstrations• Discussion• Questions and answers• Exercise

Learning ActivitiesThe first meeting (Listening – Speaking)A) Pre activities • Teachers give greetings and answering students' greeting.• Teachers read the dialog using the 'WHO' and students imitate.

B) Whilst Activities

• Students are asked to fill in the blanks in a dialogue • Students are asked to make the dialog using the 'WHO'.• Teachers read a dialogue about how to introduce other people and students imitate.• Students are asked to complete the related dialogue.• Students are required to make a conversation about how to ask someone.

2) Reading• Students are required to play a role a dialogue about the family.• Students are asked to answer questions about the dialogue.• The teacher read out the important words and the students imitate.

3) Writing• Students are asked to create a family tree of each family.• Students are asked to find meaning in family terms in the dictionary.

C) Post Activities • Students imitate the teacher read the pronunciation and distinguish words• Students are invited to sing the song Mother How Are You Today?

Resources / Materials / EquipmentEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 2 Lesson 1: He is My Father

Matters f Scoring 1) Listening-Speaking• The use of phrases and pronunciation• Attitude

2) Reading• Ability to answer questions• Pronunciation of terms in the family

3) Writing• Writing with the right terms• Writing

Forms of TEST • oral / written test• teacher assessment

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009



School : SMP Negeri 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester : VII / 1 Meeting / Lesson: 10 - 12 /Is this a Blanket? Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutes

Learning Objectives: • Students can interact with the surrundings to respond, request, and provide information.• Students can identify objects in the house.

Competency StandardsListening• Understanding the meaning of the very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings • Understanding the meaning of very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings .

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings • Revealing the meaning of very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short written functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of the very simple and short functional text to interact with the surroundings

Basic CompetenceListening• Responding to the meaning of the transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) text simply accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving speech the expressions of : asking and giving information• Responding to the meaning of simple and short functional text accurately simply, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing the meanings in simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately , smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expressions : asking and giving information• Revealing the meaning of very short simple oral functional text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings

ReadingResponding to the meaning of the very simple short written functional text accurately, smoothly, and accepted related to the surroundings

WritingExpressing rhetorical step in a very short and simple written functional text by using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Indicators• Identifying and responding to asking for information• Determining the location of objects• Matching pictures with a statement• Mentioning the objects in the house

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 2 Lesson 2: Is This a Blanket?

Learning Methods• Demonstrations • Questions and answers• Discussion • Exercise

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre Activities :• Teachers and students respond to the greetings.• The teacher begins by reading the dialogue about a car.

B) Whilst Activities1) Listening-Speaking• Students complete the conversation for the use of the phrase.• Teachers read again a dialogue and the students imitate.• Students are then asked to fill the blanks in a dialogue about asking for information• The teacher asks a student to put the book on the table.• Teacher asks students to name the location of the object.• Teachers explain in, on, under, in front of, behind, Between.

2) Reading• The teacher asks a student to clear the board.• The teacher uses the activity above as example of activity.• The teacher points to one of his students to read the descriptive textabout a family.• Students were asked to name objects that exist at home.

3) Writing

• Students match pictures with the statement .• Teacher asks students to create descriptive paragraphs about something.• Students match the statement with a picture of existing activities.• Students are asked to write down the names of objects in the house.

C) Post Activities • Students imitate the teacher read out with correct pronunciation .• Singing a song I Have a Pencil.Resources / Materials / Equipment• Effective Home Book 1A, Unit 2 Lesson 2: Is This a Blanket?• Photos, pictures or objects in the house

Matters of Scoring 1. Listening-Speaking• Use / pronunciation of the phrase• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation• Reading text

3. Writing• Writing

Forms of scoring • Oral / written test• teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009

Lesson Plan

School : SMP Negeri 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester: VII / 1 Meeting / Lesson: 13 - 16/This is a History Lesson Time allocation : 8 × 40 minutesLearning Objectives: • Students can interact with the surroundings with prohibitions, commands, expressions of forgiveness.• Students can create and a library card and timetable of studying

Competency StandardsListening• Understanding the meaning of very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings • Understanding the meaning of very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings. • Revealing the meaning of very simple short functional to interact with the surroundings

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of very simple short functional texts to interact with the surroundings

Basic Competence

Listening• Responding to the meaning of simple transactional (to get Things Done) andinterpersonal (social)text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expressions of : command or prohibition and apology, saying thank you, politeness• Understand the meaning of very simple short functional text accurately , smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings .

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done)and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately, and acceptable• Conducting interaction with the surroundings that involves expressions of: commands or prohibition • Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done)and interpersonal (social) text using a variety of oral language accurately , smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expressions of : thank you apology, expressing politeness• Revealing the meaning of a very short simple oral text accurately, smoothly, and accepted interact with the surroundings


Responding to the meaning of the very simple short written functional accurately, fluently and accepted that relates to the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very simple short functional text using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly and accepted for interacting with the surroundings .

Indicators• Identifying the commands, prohibitions, politeness, apology• Responding to expressions of prohibition, orders, apology• Reading the timetable

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 3 Lesson 1: This is a History Lesson.

Learning Methods• Demonstrations • Questions and answers• Discussion • Exercise

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre activity• Teachers give greetings and answering students' greeting.• The teacher asks a student to go in front of the class and make this activity as an example of the expression of command.

B) Whilst Activities1) Listening-Speaking• Teachers and students read and the students repeat .• The teacher explains the expression and the response of commands and prohibitions.• Teacher adds an explanation for expression of politeness, .... please!• Students are required to practice the dialogue of command / prohibition.• The teacher begins to explain the use of the expression of apology and the circumstances.

2) Reading• Students are required to read the descriptive text about the library.• Students are asked to read the descriptive text about the history lesson.

3) Writing• Students are asked to answer questions about the library text.• Students are asked to design a library card.• Teacher asks students to make timetable of studying .C) Post Activity • Teacher asks students to imitate the pronunciation of word after the teacher

• Singing a song called Auld Lang Syne.

Resources / Materials / Equipment• Effective Home Book 1A, Unit 3 Lesson 1: This is a History Lesson• Schedule a lesson

Matters of scoring 1. Listening-Speaking• Use / pronunciation of the phrase• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation• Reading text

3. Writing• Writing• WritingForms of test • oral / written test • teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009


School : SMP N 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester : VII / 1 Meeting / Lesson : 17 - 19 / I Have a Pencil Allocated time : 6 x 40 minutes Learning Objectives: • Students can interact with the surroundings to respond and say thank you. • Students can identify the time.

Competency StandardsListeningUnderstanding the meaning of short simple oral functional texts to interact with the surroundings

SpeakingRevealing the meaning of very simple short functional text for interacting with the surroundings ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of the short simple functional text to interact with the surroundings

Basic CompetenceListeningUnderstanding the meaning short simple functiona text accurately , smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings SpeakingRevealing the meaning of short functional oral text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings .

ReadingResponding to the meaning in very simple short written text functional text accurately, smoothly and accepted that relates to the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very simple short written functional text using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly and accepted for interacting with the surroundings Indicators• Identifying time / hour, possession • Responding to and use the expression of gratitude• Expressing a color and habit• Reading and writing timeInstructional Materials

Effective Home Book 1A, Unit 3 Lesson 2: I Have a PencilLearning Method:• Discussion • Exercise• Questions and answers

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre activity• Teachers give greetings and answering students' greeting.• The teacher asks about the time (What time is it?) And the student replied.

B) Whilst Activities1) Listening-Speaking• The teacher explains about the time / hour.• Students are asked to act out a dialogue with a guide book about objects, colors, possession .• Students are required to complete a dialogue based on the image.

2) Reading• Teacher asks students to read the letter in the book.• Teacher asks students to write a letter to friends and read to the class.

3) Writing• Students are asked to answer questions based on the contents of the letter.• Students are required to complete a paragraph .

C) Activity End• Students imitate the pronunciation of which was read by teachers .• Let's Have Fun activities, sang songs of The Leaves Are Green.

Resources / Materials / Equipment• Effective Home Book 1A, Unit 3, Lesson 2: I Have a Pencil?• clock in the classroom

Matters of Scoring 1. Listening-Speaking• Use / pronunciation of the phrase• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation • Reading text3. Writing• Writing

Form of Test • oral/ written test • teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009


School : SMP Negeri 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester : VII / 1 Meeting / Lesson: 20 - 23/This Tie ... Looks Old Time allocation : 8 × 40 minutesLearning Objectives:

• Students can interact with the surroundings to express the need (need, Want).• Students can create a shopping list.

Competency StandardsListeningUnderstanding the meaning of very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings

SpeakingRevealing the meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short written functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of the simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings

Basic CompetenceListening• Responding to the meaning of simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) text accurately, smoothly, accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expression of : asking for information• Responding to the meaning of very simple short functional text accurately , smoothly , and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately , fluently and acceptedl to interact with the surroundings involving expression : asking and giving information

ReadingResponding to the meaning in very simple short functional text accurately, fluently and accepted that relates to the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very short written functional text using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly and accepted for interacting with the surroundings

Indicators • Identifying the phrase of requiring something (need, Want)• Acting out a dialogue about the need of something and the response appears• Determining the appropriate theme with a dialogue• Classify objects according to its class

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 4 Lesson 1: This Tie Looks Old ...

Learning Methods • Demonstrations

• Questions and answers• Discussion

• Exercise

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre activities• Teachers give greetings and answering students' greeting.• Teachers and students read the dialogue .

B) Whilst Activities1) Listening-Speaking• The teacher explains about the verbs Need and Want and its usage.• Teachers read the dialogue and the students were asked to imitate.• Students make a similar dialogue with different objects.

2) Reading

• The teacher ask the students to act out the dialog titled Shopping.• Students determine the theme of dialogue between Sofia with Shopkeeper.

3) Writing• Students are required to answer questions based on dialogue entitled Shopping.• Students classify words that exist in “ clothes”

.C) Post Activities • Students are asked to imitate the pronunciation of words that pronounced by the teachers .• Relaxation in Let's Have Fun, classify objects.

Resources / Materials / EquipmentEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 4 Lesson 1: This Tie Looks Old ...

Matters of Scoring 1. Listening-Speaking• Use / pronunciation of the phrase• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation• Reading text

3. Writing• Writing

Forms of test • oral/ written test • teacher observation......

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009


School : SMP Negeri 24 Pontianak . Subject : English Class / Semester: VII / 1 Lesson : / I Want an Onion Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutesLearning Objectives: • Students can interact with the surroundings to give the reason, to express ownership, and ability.• Students can write down recipes.

Competency StandardsListeningUnderstanding the meaning of the simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings

SpeakingRevealing the meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short written functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of the very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings

Basic Competence

ListeningResponding to the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal(Socializing) that uses a variety of oral language accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving the expresssions of : asking for information, giving an explanation and asking questions of ownership

SpeakingRevealing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) andinterpersonal (social)text using a variety of oral language accurately , and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving the expressions : asking and giving information, reasons,ownership and the ability

ReadingResponding to the meaning in very simple short written functional text accurately, smoothly and accepted that relates to the surrounding

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very short simple written functional text by using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Indicators • Identifying and responding to the expression of asking for help • Using conjunctions Because• Identifying an expression of ownership• Identifying and using the expression of capabilities• Writing a prescription

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 4 Lesson 2: I Want an Onion

Learning Methods• Demonstrations• Discussion• Questions and answers• Exercise

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre activities • Teachers read the dialogue that exists and the students imitate the correct pronunciation .• The teacher asks the students to act out the dialogue.

B) Whilst Activities1) Listening-Speaking• The teacher asks each student to complete the dialog.• Students make a dialogue using the excuse.• Then the teacher explains the conjunctions Because in its use.• Students uses conjunctions in the dialogue.• Students conduct a conversation from a text.• Teachers read the dialogue on ownership and the students imitate.• The teacher explains the word “have” for the expression of ownership.• Students complete the dialogue about ownership.• The teacher explains about whose and responds.• The teacher pointed to the students to do something using “ CAN” ...• The teacher explains the word “ can” to express ability.

2) Reading• Students are asked to read a recipe of “ Jakarta Curry and Coconut Rice”.• Students mention the ingredients and the process of making it .

3) Writing• Students are asked to answer questions based on a recipe.• Students are required to make a simple recipe.

C) Post Activities • Students are asked to imitate the pronunciation of words read by teacher in pronunciation and distinguish it.• The teacher asks the students to do the crossword puzzle in the Let's Have Fun.

Resources / Materials / Equipment• Effective Home Book 1A, Unit 4 Lesson 2: I Want an Onion• Newspapers / magazines in English

Matters of Scoring

1. Listening-Speaking• Using pronunciation of the phrase• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation• Reading text

2. Writing• Spelling• Writing

Forms of Test• Oral/ written test• teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009

Lesson Plan

School : SMP Negeri 24 Pontianak Subject : English Class / Semester : VII / 1 Lesson : Are You a Doctor? Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutesLearning Objectives:

Students can interact with the surroundings to make the positive / negative and interrogative sentences

Students can create a description of something.Competency StandardsListeningUnderstanding the meaning of very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings

SpeakingRevealing the meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings.

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short written functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of very simple short written functional text to interact with the surroundings.

Basic CompetenceListeningResponding to the meaning in simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal(Socializing) text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expressions : giving and asking for information, making a positive negative, interrogative sentences

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social)text using a variety of oral language accurately , and accepted • Express meaning in ver simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) text using a variety of oral language accurately , smoothly , and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expressions of : asking and giving information, making a positive negative, and interrogative sentences

ReadingResponding to the meaning in the very simple short written functional text accurately, fluently and accepted that relates to the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very simple short written functional text using a variety of written language accurately, smoothly and accepted to interact with the surroundings .

Indicators• Identifying and responding to expressions of asking for information about work• Identifying the names of job• Completing a descriptive paragraph

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 5 Lesson 1: Are you a Doctor?

Learning Methods• Demonstrations• Discussion• Questions and answers• Exercise

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre activity• Teachers go to give greeting and answering students' greeting.• The teacher asked a student about what his father's job.

B) Whilst Activities

1) Listening-Speaking• Teachers read the dialogue and the students listen to and imitate dialogue.• The teacher describes the structure of the sentence that expresses employment, positive sentences and negative sentences and phrases for expressing one's denial.• Teachers read a statement in the appendix and the students respond based on the existing statement.• Students are required to make that kind of dialogue.• When finished, students were asked to act out the dialogue that has been made.• Teachers and students read the dialogue act out the dialogue.• The teacher asks the students to complete the dialogue about expressing denial.• Students are required to make that kind of dialogue.• Some students ask classmates about favorite job and why they like .• Students are required to practice the dialogue .

2) Reading• Students are required to read the conversation about family members’ jobs • Students are required to answer reading text questions.

3) Writing• Students are required to complete the text .• Students write about the reasons for favorite jobs.• Teacher asks students to answer the reading text questions.

C) Post Activities • Teacher asks students to pronounce the words in good pronunciation.• Students distinguish the pronunciation of words that are similar in pronunciation.• Teacher sings the song I Have a Dream with students.

Resources / Materials / EquipmentEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 5 Lesson 1: Are You a Doctor?

Matters of Scoring 1. Listening-Speaking• Using / pronouncing the phrases• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation• Reading text

3. Writing• Writing• Grammar

Forms of Test • Oral / written test• teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009


School : SMP Negeri 24 Pontianak Lesson : English Class / Semester: VII / 1 Lesson : I'm Not a Soldier Allocated time : 6 × 40 minutes

Learning Objectives:• Students can interact with the surroundings in providing positive and negative responses.• Students can write a paragraph of recount.

Competency Standards:Listening• Understanding the meaning of very simple transactional and interpersonal to interact with the surroundings • Understand the meaning of very simple short functional tointeract with the surroundings

Speaking• Expressing meaning in very simple transactional and interpersonal text to interact with the surroundings• Revealing the meaning of very simple short functional text to interact with the surroundings

ReadingUnderstanding the meaning of very simple short written functional text associated with the surroundings

WritingRevealing the meaning of the simple short functional text tointeract with the surroundings

Basic CompetenceListening• Responding to the meaning of the simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings that involves the expressions:giving and asking for information, making a positive negative, and interrogative statements .• Responding to the meaning of the ideas contained in very simple short functional text accurately , smoothly , and accepted to interact with the surroundings.

Speaking• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately , and acceptable• Expressing the meaning in very simple transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) using a variety of oral language accurately , smoothly , and accepted to interact with the surroundings involving expression of : asking and giving information , making a positive , negative , and interrogative statemen• Revealing the meaning of the expressions in a very short functional oral text accurately, smoothly, and accepted to interact with the surroundings .

ReadingResponding to the meaning in very simple short written functional text accurately, fluently and accepted that relates to the surroundings .

WritingRevealing the meaning of ideas in very simple short written functional text by using a variety of language accurately, fluently and accepted to interact with the surroundings

Indicators • Expressing positive and negative responses• Responding and asking for information• Giving information• Writing a short description• Writing a recount

Instructional MaterialsEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 5 Lesson 2: I'm Not a Soldier

Learning Methods• Demonstrations • Questions and answers• Discussion • Exercise

Learning ActivitiesA) Pre activities • Teacher greets students and answer greetings.• Teachers read a dialogue and student reads after the teacher .

B) Whilst Activities1) Listening-Speaking• The teacher explains how to respond to the statement, Do you?, Is she?• Students complete the dialogue to respond to the statement.• Students fill out the appropriate sentence with the response.• Students make a short dialogue about responding to the statement.• Students are required to make the other dialogue about the profession.• Students guess the profession in accordance with the spoken word.

2) Reading• Students are required to read the text.• Students read the sample text of recount entitled “A Traffic Accident” .

3) Writing• Students are required to answer the reading text questions.• Teacher asks students to write a paragraph of recount.• Students are required to complete the sentence .

C)Post Activities • The teacher asks the students to imitate the pronunciation of words in the pronunciation and distinguish.• Giving relaxation to the class by singing the song” Yesterday”.Resources / Materials / EquipmentEffective Home Book 1A, Unit 5 Lesson 2: I'm Not a Soldier

Matters of Scoring

1. Listening-Speaking• Use / pronunciation of the phrase• Attitude

2. Reading• Intonation • Reading text

3. Writing• Writing • Grammar

• oral / written test • teacher observation

Acknowledged by Pontianak , August 2010 Superintendent Teacher

Dra. Subandriati . Fuji Andayani NIP. 19631201 198411 2003 NIP.19701115200501 2009

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