lesson plan in english grade 5

Post on 24-Oct-2014






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Changing the Meaning of Words Caused by Shift in Stress

I. Learning Objective

Distinguish changes in meaning of words caused by shift in stress

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Changing in the Meaning of Words Caused by Shift in Stress

B. References: PELC II 1.121st Century English V pp. 4 - 5

C. Materials: flashcards

Value Focus: Cooperation and participation

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

Ask: How do you pronounce these words?(Flash the following words to the pupils.)

present contact object insultrecord

B. Development of the Lesson


Say: Listen as I read the sentence.

Sandra presents to her friends the presents she received last Christmas.

Analysis and Discussion

Ask:1. What words in the sentences are similar?2. How did I pronounce the first word? the second word?3. What syllable is stressed in the first word? How about in the second

word?4. Which word means “show” and is used as a verb?5. Which word means “gift” and is used as a noun?

Say: Note that these two words have the same spelling, but a change in the stress on the syllables changes their meaning. In the first word, the stress in the second syllable [prizént], makes the word a verb which means “to show.” When the stress shifts to the first syllable [pré sent], the word now becomes a noun which means “gift”.

Say: Repeat the following words after me. Tell the meaning of each word. Choose from the words inside the box.

Nouns Verbs __________ récord __________ recórd __________ éscort __________ escórt __________ óbject __________ objéct __________ ínsult __________ insúlt __________ cóntrast __________ contrást


If a word is pronounced strongly on the first syllable, the word is used as a noun.

If it is pronounced strongly on the second syllable, the word is used as a verb.

C. Post Activities


Exercise 1

Listen as I say the following words. Give the meaning of each

1. record 6. discount 11. repeat2. progress 7. contest 12. present3. desert 8. accent 13. object4. digést 9. decrease 14. subject5. increase 10. conduct 15. absent

a. account f. guard

b. write down g. offend

c. thing h. offense

d. disagree i. differentiate

e. lead j. difference

Exercise 2

Work with a partner. Take turns in pronouncing the words listed in the exercise. Tell your partner the meaning of each word.

Exercise 3

Listen as I read the pairs of sentences. Give the meanings of the similar words that are pronounced differently in each pair.

a. The rebel was tried for treason.b. The peasants will rebel against their landlord.a. His disruptive conduct brought him to the guidance office.b. The pupils conduct themselves well.a. The contrast between the yellow and violet flowers is striking.b. This cold weather contrasts with last week’s heat.a. You should record the figures neatly.b. The record shows that pupils who read well get high grades.a. The woman purposely insults the vendor.b. Her patronizing words were an insult to the masses.


Listen as I read the following sentences. Put a check before each sentence if the meaning of the stressed word fits the sentence. If it does not, write the word with the correct stress in the blank before the sentence.

_____ 1. Camels live in the désert. _____ 2. There was a big incréase in the supply of rice. _____ 3. Nobody contést the decision of the judges. _____ 4. He keeps a récord of all his findings. _____ 5. Does your mother pérmit you to join the tour?

Values Integration

Ask: Did you participate actively in our activities today? If not, what should you do next time?

IV. EvaluationListen carefully as I say the following words. Give the meaning of each word.

1. cóntrast 6. prógress2. insúlt 7. desért3. éscort 8. digést4. presént 9. accént5. discóunt 10. cónduct

V. Assignment

List down five words which have different meanings caused by shift in stress. Give the meanings of each word.

Identifying Figurative Language from a Poem Heard

I. Learning Objective

Identify figurative language from a poem heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Types of Figurative LanguageB. References: PELC II 3

Developing Reading Power Silver Secrets 100 Selected Poems for Young and Adults

C. Materials: charts of poems and verses

Value Focus: Love for animals

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Ask:1. What is figurative language?2. Why do most literary writers use figurative language in their writings?


Say:I have noticed that you are very interested to know more about figurative language. You will find it more enjoyable to read poems with figurative language.

B. Development of the Lesson

Presentation/Discussion and Analysis

Types of Figurative Language

Say: There are three types of figurative language.Study the following lines from some poems.These lines show one kind of figurative language.

The moon is like a flower.In heaven’s high bower.

My tree is like a duster reading high.Stretching forth to sweep the cloudy sky.

Say: The lines above show simile.

A simile states a comparison between two unlike objects but have something in common.

A simile contains the words like or as.

Ask: What two things are compared in the first example? What is common between the moon and a flower?

What two things are compared in the second example?What is common between a tree and a duster?

Say: Study another set of lines from some poems. These lines show another kind of figurative language.

A train is a dragon that roars through the dark.He wriggles his tail as he sends up a spark.

Who tossed those golden coins.The dandelions glittering on my lawn?

Say: The examples above show metaphor. Metaphor is a kind of figurative speech.It states a direct comparison of

two unlike things that have something in common. A metaphor does not use the words like or as.

What two things are compared in the first sample?In what way is a train like a dragon?

What two things are compared in the second sample?How is a dandelion like a golden coin?

Study the following lines from some poems. These lines show another kind of figurative language.

Slowly, silently now the moonWalks the night in her silver shoes;This way and that, she peers and seesSilver fruits upon silver trees.

The birds have washed their facesAnd cuddled in a rowUpon a little frosty bushThat twinkles in the snow.

Say: These lines show personification. Personification is the giving of human qualities to animals, objects or

ideas.Look at the first sample.What human qualities are given to the moon?

The moon can walk in her silver shoes and can peer and see.

What human qualities are given to the birds in the second example?

Washed their faces and cuddled in a row

Values Integration

The birds and spiders were described in the third poem as if they were human beings. How can you show your love and concern for the animals like them?


Simile states a comparison of two unlike objects but have something in common. It contains the words like or as.

Metaphor states a direct comparison of two unlike objects that have something in common. It does not use the words like or as.

Personification brings to life an inanimate object by giving it the qualities of a person.

C. Post Activities


Say: I will read some lines from famous poems. Clap your hands if the figurative language read is a simile; stump your feet if it is a metaphor and whistle if it is a personification.

1. The birds may stop their soulful singing,The phantom breeze may cease to sigh,The flowers sweet may lose their fragrance,But love can never die.

2. I wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,

3. Twinkle, twinkle, little starHow I wonder what you are;Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.

4. Maps are really magic wands,For home staying vagabonds.

5. A spider walked a tightrope thereAnd did not trip or fall.She even kept her balance wellWithout a parasol.


Listen to the lines taken from some poems. Go to line A if the figurative language is a simile, line B if it is a metaphor and line C if it is personification. Those whose answers are wrong will automatically be out of the game and those who will remain until the last number will be the winners.

1. I heard a mouseBitterly complainingIn a crack of moonlightAslant on the floor.

2. Mary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow.

3. They seem like animal eyes in the park That are stealthily searching for prey.

4. The river quiversAnd says to me:Up there childDeep down in youA hidden world.

Note: For additional exercises on figures of speech, visit this website-http:\\www.ac.uk/englishresources/workunits/klangmedia

IV. Evaluation

Underline the figurative language used in the lines of the poems. Write S if it is a simile, M if it is a metaphor, and P if it is personification.

_____ 1. There are no winged fairies, either only the water, laughing, rippling from the jumping pebbles in crazy, funny sizes.

_____ 2. Some words clink As ice in drink.

_____ 3. After the rain, the fireflies Coming out like a net To catch the night’s Darkness and the passing hour.

_____ 4. That when the sun or Koemigotuhl’s height Pours out its golden flood.

_____ 5. He is gone on the mountain, He is lost to the forest, Like a summer-dried fountain When our need was the sorest.

V. Assignment

Identify the following figurative language used in each sentence. Write simile, metaphor or personification before the number.

________ 1. His lips where as white as vinegar when he broke her mom’s favorite vase.

________ 2. The infant’s smile was a ray of sunshine to the whole family.________ 3. The moon faithfully controls the tide’s ebb and flow.________ 4. The contestant was a nervous butterfly on the stage.________ 5. Her hair shines like twinkling stars in the night.

Using Figurative Language to Describe People and Events

I. Learning Objectives

Use figurative language to describe people and events Give the meaning of the figurative language used Appreciate/Enrich God’s given talents

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Using Figurative Language to Describe People and Events

B. References: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading V, pp. 20 - 25

C. Materials: charts

Value Focus: Appreciation of God’s gifts

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Write S if it is simile, M if metaphor and P if personification.Say: Identify the figurative language in each sentence I will read.1. Linda’s hair is as black as charcoal.2. The king has a heart of steel.3. The song gently touched the orphan’s lonely heart.4. The wind sings a happy song with each blow.5. Michael Phelps, the Olympic winner, swims like a fish.

MotivationAsk: 1. In what ways can ideas be expressed? 2. What kinds of words do we use to express our ideas?

B. Development of the Lesson


Listen as I read the following sentences.1. His hands dangled a mile out of his sleeves.2. The line at the ticket window was a mile long.3. The parents waited centuries before they were attended to.4. Angel’s hair looked like the sun’s rays.5. Sharon has a postage stamp of a garden.

Analysis and Discussion

1. What is meant by “His hands dangled a mile out of his sleeves”? His shirt had long sleeves. He had very long arms. His arms were one mile long.

2. What do we mean when we say “The line at the ticket window was a mile long?”a. Many people lined up to buy ticket.b. The roll of tickets was long.c. The windows were a mile apart.

3. How long did the parents wait when we say “They waited for centuries before they were attended to?”a. They waited for two centuries.b. They were attended to for so many years.c. They waited for a long long time.

4. What is a “hair that looked like the sun’s ray?”

5. How will you describe Sharon’s garden if you say that she has a postage stamp of a garden?

6. What was used in describing people and events in the examples given? Figurative language was used in describing people and events


Figurative language describes things in new ways. This kind of language goes beyond what words actually mean.

Poets often use figurative language to suggest meanings. It could also be used to describe people and events.

Values Integration

All of us have God-given talents or gifts. What must we do with these God- given gifts?

C. Post Activities


A. Choose the meaning of the figurative language used in the following sentences that I will read for you.1. They always fill out numberless forms when applying for work.

a. There are many forms to distribute to persons looking for work.

b. The applications they fill out cannot be counted.c. Applicants are asked to give much information about


2. It took him hours to give the answer.a. He move slowly.b. It took him a long time to answer.c. He thought deeply before talking.

3. They set up a feast for a million months.a. There was a lot of food to eat.b. There were many guests.c. The feast fed a million guests.

4. The face of Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships.a. Her beauty caused a war.b. She caused ships to sink.c. She was a witch that destroyed a thousand ships.

B. Read each figurative language below and complete it by choosing the name of the appropriate animal in the box. Write only the letter of your answer.

1. His face is as white as ___________.2. Merzario is as active as ___________.3. Piolo roared like _________ when he discovered the loss.4. Snooky is as slow as ____________.

a. a lion c. a lamb

b. a turtle d. a bee


Read each figurative language below. Answer the questions that follow by encircling the letter of the correct answer.

1. The crowd croaked in unison. The people are compared toa. cats b. cocks c. frogs

2. The child is burning with fever. The child’s fever is likea. a brick fire b. a low flame c. a dying fire

3. Grandpa is a lion when he is angry. Grandpa probably a. screams b. roars c. sing

IV. Evaluation

Listen as I read each figurative language. Answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer on a piece of paper.

1. The devil fish is the giant of the sea. The devil fish is a_______ creature.a. large b. black c. sea creatures

2. The butterfly’s wings are as fragile as eggshells. The wings are _______.a. white b. easily broken c. translucent

3. The hungry boy wolfed down his food. The boy ate like a wolf and that hea. smelled the food first before eating itb. ate in a big mouthful and swallowed without chewingc. drank water with his mouth full of food

4. Poets make pets of pretty, docile words. This meansa. poets can make the words do whatever they wantb. the vocabulary contains many words about animalsc. poets need to know few words only

5. The president said “The ship of state is heading into troubled waters.” The ship is compared to.a. Malacaňang b. the president’s healthc. the government

V. Assignment

Copy the sentences with figurative language and complete each by choosing the appropriate word in the box. Write only the letter of your answer.

1. The young man is as strong as ________.

2. The pupil was as quiet as _________.

3. The honor pupil is as proud as ________.

4. The fat girl walked like ________.

5. The dancer is as graceful as ________.

a. a mouse c. an ox e. a peacock

b. a duck d. a butterfly

Following a Series of Directions

I. Learning Objectives

Follow five-to six-step directions Perform a pantomime on a series of directions Observe care and accuracy in giving/following directions

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Following a Series of Directions (5 to 6 steps) Making Apple and Hazelnut Crunch

B. References: PELC II 2 Spoken English for Filipino Learners 5

C. Materials: cartolina, bond papers, pentel pen

Value Focus: Care and accuracy in giving and following directions

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

Phonics Drill

Tongue Twister


Show a picture of a girl or a boy cooking in the kitchen. Let the pupils tell something about the picture; Then ask them if they also cook at home. Ask if they follow the right procedure in cooking such as their favorite food.

Say: Let us see if you can follow the steps in cooking apple and

hazelnut crunch.

Sol sips soup from a small saucerFrom a small saucer Sol sips soupSol sips soup from the small saucer?

Yes, from a small saucer Sol sips soup.

Unlocking of Difficulties

Say the sentences. Then have pupils tell the meaning of the word in the sentence you will say twice (underlined word in the sentence).

1. I sliced the cake into three pieces. 2. The best way to purify water at home is to simmer it.3. Sprinkle water on the clothes before ironing it.

B. Development of the Lesson


Read the selection to the class.

First, we sliced the apples. Then, we simmered them in a saucepan until they were tender. Next, we added sugar and left the stew to cool. When it was cold, we stirred in yogurt. We then spooned the stewed apple into dishes and sprinkled each with crushed fruit and nut bars. Finally, we decorated each dish with apple slices.


1. What is the first step in making apple and hazelnut crunch?2. How long will you simmer the apple?3. After adding sugar, what will you do next?4. What will you do when the stewed apple becomes cold?5. What is the last step?6. Why do you think we should decorate the crunches with apple slices?

to scatter in small amountto boil slightlycut

Values Integration

What will you do when your parent gives you instructions on a task you need to do? Why is it important to follow the directions carefully?Generalization

Guide the pupils in arriving at the following tips in carrying out directions:

C. Post Activities


Advance game

Tell the pupils to form four lines with an equal number of members. Read the directions to the class. If the group followed the directions, they will step forward two times. The group who makes the most number of steps will be the winner.

1. Get a partner from your group, raise both of your right hands together, bow at the same time, and wave your hands.

2. Form a slanting line, put your left hand on the right shoulder of the classmate in front of you. Everybody bend your knees, raise your left hand, and make the peace sign.

3. Group yourselves into three. Those on both sides, hold your hands and enclose your classmate in the middle with your arms. Still holding together, raise your hands and “say open the basket.”

4. Boys, put your hands on your waist. Girls, hold your skirt. Point your right foot forward. Go to the original position. Turn around clockwise, then bow your head.


Dyad (Picture Dictation)

1. Group the pupils in twos. Each pair should have a piece of paper and a pencil/pen. Tell one pupil to face the board and the other one to face him/her. The one facing the board will read the direction while

1. Listen attentively to the one giving the directions.

2. Be sure you know the exact purpose of the directions.3. Be familiar with the instructions before you begin the first

step.4. Carry out exact steps in the exact order they are given.5. After completing a step, check back to see if

you have done everything correctly.6. Keep in mind what you are trying to accomplish.

the other one will carry out the directions. Post the work on the board.

2. Draw a big circle. Then draw a small hand at the right side below the circle. Connect the circle and the small hand with a straight line. Write the word HELLO in capital letters inside the circle. Put an exclamation point after the word.

3. Draw a small circle. Then, draw a bigger circle below it. Put a dot on the line at the lower part of the circle. From the point, draw a curved line. Draw two adjacent small semi-circles inside the small circle. Then, draw a small triangle at the center below the semi-circle.

IV. Evaluation

Read the following steps in cooking rice. Arrange them in their proper sequence by using numbers 1-6. Write the number in the blank before the statement.

How to Cook Rice____ Turn on the gas/electric stove.____ Put the rice in a cooking pot/container.____ Measure the desired amount of rice to be cooked.____ Place the cooking pot/container on the gas/electric stove.____ After several minutes, check to see if the rice is already cooked.____ Wash the rice.

V. Assignment

Copy a recipe from any Filipino cookbook or magazine. Be able to present it to the class and explain the procedure.

Giving Titles to Paragraphs/Stories Listened To

I. Learning Objectives

Give titles to paragraphs/stories listened to

Write titles of paragraphs correctly

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Giving Titles to Paragraphs/Stories Listened toWriting Titles of Paragraphs correctly“Nutrients in Food”

B. References: PELC Listening 5 Nutritional Guidelines for Filipinos p. 3 C. Materials: tape recorder

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


1. Call on a few pupils and let them write on the board the food they like to eat during recess.

2. Ask:a. What can you say about the food listed on the board?b. Which of these are nutritious foods?c. What makes them nutritious?

B. Development of the Lesson


1. Call on some pupils to read the paragraphs and instruct the others to listen attentively. Set the standards for listening.

2. Have the readers read the paragraph below.

Nutrients are chemical substances present in foods that keep the body healthy, supply materials for growth and repair of tissues, and provide energy for work and physical activities. The major nutrients include the macronutrients namely proteins, carbohydrates, and fats; micronutrients vitamins such as A, D, E, and K; the B complex, and Vitamin C. Minerals are calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, fluoride, and water.

Value Focus: Good health habits

Analysis and Discussion

1. Ask the following comprehension questions.

a. What does the paragraph say about nutrients?b. What are contained in the food nutrients?c. What are macronutrients? Where can we get them?d. What are micronutrients? Where do you find them?e. Why are these nutrients needed by the body?

2. Call on one pupil to identify the key sentence of the paragraph and then let him/her read it.

3. Ask:a. What is the paragraph all about?b. What do you think is the best title for the paragraph? c. Why do you say so?

Let one pupil write on the board the best title given by the pupils.

4. Ask: Was the title written correctly?

Values Integration

Ask: Do the foods you eat contain the nutrients we have studied? What should you remember when choosing the food you eat?Why should you eat these nutritious food or foods that are rich in nutrients? What do you think will happen if we lack the necessary food nutrients?


1. What is our basis for giving the best title to a paragraph? The best title is based on the topic or main idea of the paragraph.

2. How do we write titles? The first word of the title and the other important words should

begin with capital letters.

C. Post Activities


Using a tape recorder (if available), have your pupils listen to these paragraphs. Then ask them to give possible titles and choose the best one from the given titles. (If a tape recorder is not available, just call on a good reader to read the paragraphs aloud to the class.)

1. Rivers start as springs. Water from the rain and melting snow collect under the ground. Then it flows out at one spot called a spring. The water cuts a groove or bed in the ground.

2. How wonderful it would be to be able to float in the air at will! Instead of being in a hot car or a bus caught in a traffic jam, you could fly to a mountain where the air is cool and clear. Or you might want to fly in an air-conditioned mall, where you could stay cool for a few hours. You would be your own personal airplane and could go wherever you wanted to go.

3. Long ago, people considered a small amount of pepper valuable in some countries. Historical records tell of ransoms being paid with this seasoning.


Group the pupils into fours. Each group will choose a leader who will read aloud these paragraphs to the other members. Then Member 1 will give the key sentence. Member 2 will give the topic of the paragraph based on the given key sentence. Member 3 will give the best title to the paragraph read and then write it on a piece of paper to be checked by the other members.

1. Proteins are essential for the growth and repair of body tissues since they constitute the major part of the body’s building blocks. When dietary protein is deficient, there is failure of development in infants and children or loss of body tissues in adults.

2. My little brother is just learning how to walk by himself. Holding on the armrest of our sofa, he falls many times before making two steps. Nevertheless, the undaunted tot continues his efforts with added determination.

After the groups have done the activity, call on a member from each group to present their answers by writing their titles on the board and then explaining why they came up with such titles.

Note: For additional exercises, use ELSA 2004 tapes on “Giving Titles to Paragraphs.”

IV. Evaluation

Read the following paragraphs while pupils listen attentively. Then have them write a title for each paragraph on a piece of paper.

1. The human body needs more than 40 different nutrients for good health. No single food can provide all the nutrients in the amounts needed. Eat a variety of foods to provide all the nutrients required in the proper amount and balance.

2. Yesterday at twilight, a typhoon struck the island of Masbate. All night long the storm swept in from the sea. By morning, the island had been badly damaged. It will take months to rebuild what the typhoon destroyed.

3. I was ten years old when I won in one of the games during our town fiesta. When I was asked what prize I wanted from the displayed items, I chose the big drinking glass for Papa. I ran home calling his name. I was so happy to give him a gift.

V. Assignment

Listen to a news report on health or health habits over the radio or on TV newscasts. Write the titles of the given news.

Making a Story Grammar to Remember Detail

I. Learning Objectives

Note details in a selection listened to Make a story grammar to remember details

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Making a Story Grammar The Bridge of Love

B. References: PELC I 5Developing Reading Power 5, pp. 52 - 55

C. Materials: chart, flashcards, pictures, board

Value Focus: Keeping promises

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


(Picture talk - Dyad)

1. Group the class by twos or by pairs. Have one member of the pair face the board while the other member the other side of the board. Then on the board draw a picture of a bridge with a boy on one end of the bridge and a girl on the other end.

2. Have one member of the pair tell his/her partner what you drew on the board. His/her partner will then draw on the paper what his partner tells him, without looking at the teacher’s drawing on the board.

Unlocking of Difficulties

1. vast - very great or big in size 2. possession - ownership3. lovers - persons in love4. bridge - a structure carrying a pathway or a roadway over a

depression or obstacle5. minister - servant or agent6. smitten - attracted

B. Development of the LessonPresentation

Say: Today we are going to hear the story about the Bridge of Love.

The Bridge of Love

Have you ever looked into the night sky? Have you noticed a broadband of brightness across the entire sky? This band of stars is called the Milky Way. It contains over 100 billion stars including our sun. The Chinese say that if you look into the night sky on the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, you will see this bridge of stars very clearly.

A long time ago, there lived a king in the Land of Stars. He was powerful. He was the mightiest ruler in the vast expanse of the skies. But the Land of Stars was not his important treasure. His most precious possession was his own daughter.

The princess was beautiful and hardworking, loving and obedient to her father. And she did one thing nobody else could do. She could weave clouds on her loom every day. The clouds covered the sky and gave shelter to the people from the hot sun.It came to pass that a handsome prince from a neighboring space kingdom visited the king. He was smitten by the princess’ beauty. He saw how respectful and obedient the princess was to her father. They fell in love with each other.

The Prince asked the Princess’s hand in marriage. The King agreed on one condition. The princess must continue weaving clouds even after her marriage. And the Prince agreed.But the young lovers forgot their promise. The Princess spent days gathering heavenly flowers. She would dress herself with jewels of all kinds. The Prince enjoyed the company of his beautiful bride. They would play, travel, and enjoy food and music all day long. The Prince left his kingdom to his ministers. He spent all his time with his princess. And the Princess never wove clouds on her loom.

The King was very angry. There were no more clouds to protect the people from the sun’s bright rays. People died from heat. There were no rains that watered the earth. Crops and animals died. With one wave of his hand, the King separated the lovers. He sent the prince to the northern skies. He sent the princess to the southern skies. The River of Stars separated them. The lovers were very, very,

very sad. They cried all hours of the day and flooded the earth with their cries.

The magpies, a kind of bird, pitied the lovers. On the seventh month in the Chinese calendar, all magpies in the world formed a bridge over the river. The lovers would meet and all the stars in the sky twinkled their brightness as the lovers enjoyed each other’s company.

Analysis and Discussion

1. How did the story open?a. It introduced at once the characters in the story.b. It gave the names of the characters in the storyc. It gave the exact time when the story happened.d. It gave a background information about the “bridge of stars.”

2. What characters does the story have?a. Unnamed human charactersb. Human characters with specific namesc. Particular human and animal charactersd. Unnamed human and animal characters

3. Which phrase names the setting of the story?a. bridge of starsb. the Land of the Stars c. vast expanse of the skiesd. band of brightness across the skies

4. Why did the king become angry at the newly-weds?a. The princess forgot to weave the cloudsb. The princess gathered heavenly flowers.c. The prince left his kingdom to his ministers.d. The prince did nothing but enjoy food and music with his bride.

5. How did the king punish the newly weds?a. He had the marriage annulled.b. He had the prince killed by wild animals.c. He separated the newly-weds with his magic wand.d. He took back the princess to the Land of the Stars.

Values Integration

Based on the story grammar, why did the king get very angry at the prince and the princess? Did they obey their king father? If you were the newly-weds, would you obey and respect your father? What must you remember when you make a promise?

Skills Focus

1. Have pupils use story grammar to remember the details in the story more easily.

Story grammar includes:1. Setting tells the place and time when the story happened and the

situation at the beginning.2. Characters are the people who act in the story.3. Plot tells the main event in the story4. Conclusion - the end of the story.

The Bridge of Love


The essential parts of a story are the following:

1. Setting refers to the time and place where the story happened2. Characters are the persons involved in the story3. Plot tells the main event in the story4. Climax is the highest point of interest or suspense in the story5. Conclusion is the ending of the story

Setting Plot Conclusion Characters

Land of Stars

TimeA long time


the Prince and the Princess got married

The king separated the newly-weds because they broke their promises

Prince Princess Kingmagpies

C. Post Activities


Make a story grammar using the semantic web.

The Bridge of Love

Enrichment Activities

Form four groups and let each group choose one story which they have read in class. Present the details of that story using a story grammar.

IV. Evaluation

The teacher reads the short story and ask the pupils to answer the questions that follow.

Mind Your Own Business

There was once a girl who wouldn’t mind her own business, but loved to poke her nose into everyone else’s! She really was most tiresome.

“You don’t do this right,” she would say to other children. “You don’t do that right!” And she would alter what they had done and make them very angry.

She would even make herself a nuisance to her teacher. “You’ve put that notice up about homework, Miss Brown. Oh, Miss Brown, wouldn’t it be better if we had painting on Thursday instead of Wednesday, then we’d have more time?”

“Katie, when I want you to run my school for me I’ll tell you!” Miss Brown would say. “When will you learn to mind your own business?”

“Katie always pokes her nose into everything,” said William. “When my mother sent you a note yesterday, Miss Brown, Katie

The Bridge of Love


Setting Plot Characters

opened it and read it before you did.”“Don’t tell tales,” said Katie at once. “Miss Brown, you don’t like

tale tellers, do you? You always say you don’t. Well, wouldn’t you scold William?” “I don’t like tale tellers, it’s true,” said Miss Brown. “But I dislike even more little girls who open notes meant for other people, Katie. One day you’ll get into serious trouble for interfering.”

Katie was in her worst interfering mood one day. She had told her mother that the flowers in the vase were not arranged at all nicely, and she had arranged them all over again. She told her father that there was a button loose on his mackintosh, and why didn’t he remember to get it sewn tightly?

She had made the cook very angry because she had gone into the kitchen to watch a cake being made, and had felt certain she could do it better. So she had done a little mixing herself, and had upset the bowl of flour, milk, sugar, and eggs all over the table.

She just can’t help poking her nose into everything,” grumbled the cook. “Somebody has got to do something about her!”

A. Underline the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the name of the main character in the story?a. Miss Brown c. William b. Katie d. the cook

2. What did Katie do with William’s mother’s note for Miss Brown?a. threw the note c. a and b onlyb. tore the note d. opened the note

3. What were the three worst acts Katie did?a. Changed the flower arrangement, loosened the button of his

father’s mackintosh, and did a little mixing of the butter the cook is preparing.

b. Told tales to her teacher, quarreled with William, and opened the notes for Miss Brown.

c. Argued with her teacher, did things that made her classmates angry and argue with William’s mother.

d. All of the above

4. Choose the exact word that describes Katie inside her classroom.a. behaved c. nuisanceb. tiresome d. quarrelsome

5. What did Miss Brown tell Katie for not minding her own business?a. One day you’ll get punished.b. One day you’ll get into serious trouble.c. Someday no one will ever like you anymore.d. You will regret your misbehavior.

B. Present the details in the story using story grammar.

V. Assignment

Present the details of your favorite fairy tale using story grammar. Write your story grammar on a ¼ sheet manila paper and be ready to present it in class the following day.

Sequencing Events in a Story Listened To

I. Learning Objective

Sequence events in a story listened to

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Sequencing Events In a Story Listened ToB. References: PELC I 7

Teacher-made materialsC. Materials: pictures, strips of cartolina, chart, diary

Value Focus: Cooperation

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


1. Show a diary to pupilsAsk: Do you have a diary?

2. What do you write in your diary?

Use semantic web to find out what the pupils know about a diary

personal event


date experience

(Note: Teacher informs the pupils that they will go back to this later to see if their answers are found in the selection.)

Unlocking of Difficulties

Encircle the letter of the meaning of the underlined words.

1. The school’s foundation day is a great event for them to remember.a. institution b. celebration c. collection

2. The principal orders the teachers to submit their annual report.a. monthly

b. yearlyc. weekly

3. The teachers were overwhelmed at their presentation in the program.a. surprisedb. botheredc. impressed

B. Development of the lesson

PresentationSay:Today, you are will learn the content of a diary. Listen as I read a sample entry in a diary.

Use a diary and read the sample entry as you would a big book.

Strategy: (Storytelling and Directed Reading-Thinking activity. Teacher may ask questions while reading the content of the diary leading to the next event or sequence of the story.)

Carol’s Diary

On March 3, 2003, a great event took place in our school. It was the start of our annual foundation week. Many contests and games were held and big prizes were at stake. My friends and I bagged the first place in the MTAP competition for grade V pupils. We were very happy and our teachers congratulated us for being the winner.

The next day I led the program intended for our teachers and principal. The pupil-participants of the program showed their best in singing, dancing, and even acting. It was a tiresome afternoon but an exciting day.

On the third day, we heard mass in our school’s chapel and in the afternoon a sportsfest was held. Being with my friends and classmates, while participating in all the sports events is an experience. We joined the relay contest, volleyball, and badminton games.

We also launched the school project dubbed as “May Pera sa Basura” a day before the end of the week-long celebration. We also served the community through tree planting and cleaning the environment.

Finally, the much awaited moment for us was the fifth day of the celebration, the awarding ceremony was held and we received our awards and prizes. I felt so happy and relaxed during the afternoon for I could already rest. I thanked God because I learned many things.

Analysis and Discussion

Use timeline in the discussion.

Ask the pupils to write the answers in the space provided for.

Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5

Alternative Activities

Story GridLadder story


1. Prepare a story grid. The number of squares in the grid should correspond to the number of events/scenes from the story.

2. The teacher may write the events on a strip of paper and jumble on them. Let the pupils arrange the events using the grid.

(Group activity: Let the leader present the work of the group for presentation and checkings)This can be done also as an enrichment activity. The teacher may ask the pupils to write the events in the grid using their own words.

3. The teacher should give precise instruction and set the time frame before the activity.

Story Grid

Read the following events. Number them in the order of their occurrence in the story and put your answer in the grid.

____ They launched the income generating project of the school known as “Pera sa Basura.”

____ Carol and her friends heard mass in the morning and participated in the sportsfest.

____ A special program was given for school’s teachers and principal.

____ The winners in different contests including Carol received the award from the school’s principal.

____ Carol’s team bagged the first place in the MTAP Team competition.

____ St. Bridget Elementary School 15th foundation week started on March 3, 2003.

Story ladder / Use the same procedure as the story grid.

Ask pupils the following:1. What do people usually write in their diaries? (personal event and

experience with specific date)2. How do you sequence or arrange the events in a story?3. What clue words/word signals did you find in the story?

Values Integration

1. What great event have you participated in? How did you feel? Why? 2. Your team aims to win the volleyball game? What will you do?


To sequence or arrange events of a story-

Look for the main topics. List and identify the orders of events in chronological order. Look for the transitional or clue words to arrange the events of the

story in the sentence.

C. Post Activities


Scene Brochure Technique


1. Work with a group. The group will choose five significant events from Carol’s Diary which they feel and think significant.

2. Get six pieces of paper and sketch the significant events. Write a title on the first page.

3. Tape the six pieces of paper together at the sides.4. Write a brief statement of each event on the appropriate page.5. Present the finished Scene Brochure to the class.






IV. Evaluation

Activity A

Listen to the short selection below, then arrange the events listed as they happened in the story. Number them, 1 - 5

Mother took us to Bicol last vacation. We went to see many beautiful spots. I saw beautiful Mt. Mayon for the first time. We went to Mayon rest house way up the volcano. We visited the ruins of the old church buried at its foot. I didn’t wonder why mother is so proud of her home province.

_____ We went to Mayon rest house way up the volcano. _____ We visited the ruins of the old church buried at its foot. _____ I saw Mt. Mayon for the first time. _____ Mother took us to Bicol last summer. _____ Mother is very proud of her home province.

Activity B

Listen to the paragraph and understand it carefully. Arrange the sentences below as they happened in the story. Number them from 1 – 4.

An Ant once fell from the brink of a brook when a dove accidentally stepped on it. The ant floated hopelessly, for to it the little brook was an ocean. The dove saw the poor ant, so the dove took a blade of grass and threw it towards the ant. The ant drifted ashore on the leaf.

One day a naughty lad armed with a bow and arrow happened to pass by. Seeing the pretty dove, he set his arrow on his bow and aimed at the dove. The timely bite of the ant on the lad’s heel saved the dove from being slaughtered.

_____ The ant drifted ashore on the leaf._____ A naughty lad armed with a bow and arrow aimed at the dove._____ An ant bit the heel of the lad so the dove was saved._____ The dove saw the poor ant, took a blade of grass and threw it

towards the ant.


Activity A

Arrange the sentences below to show wholeness of the story.Write the letters A - F in the blank to show sequence of the story.

_____ A brave man hurriedly ran inside the burning house._____ The man came out carrying the child in his arm._____ The people were running here and there carrying bundles of clothes._____ The mother ran and cried, “Thank you! You saved my child.”_____ A child was left inside a burning house._____ The people clapped and shouted, “You are a hero!”

Activity B

The paragraphs below make up a complete story. Read each of them carefully. Then number the paragraphs from 1 - 6 as they should appear in the story.

All day, Ilang-ilang stayed in the spot. Sampaguita stayed up in the tree. How happy they seem to be.

The two friends were together again. This time they were happy. They were where they ought to be.

Ilang-ilang wanted to go back to her place. She could not stand the dust near the ground. Sampaguita felt lonely up in the tree. She, too wanted to go back to her pot. So they jumped back to their own places.

Once upon a time, Ilang-ilang and Sampaguita agreed to exchange places. Ilang-ilang felt sad because nobody noticed her up in the tree. Sampaguita did not like so much the dust near the ground. Down jumped Ilang-ilang in the pot. Up went Sampaguita to the tallest branch in the tree.

Aling Nena came back to pick the little white flowers. Then she picked a few Ilang-ilang blossoms. She made garlands. She hung a cluster of Ilang-ilang to every garland.

Then Aling Nena came to sweep the ground. Ilang-ilang did not like the dust.

V. Assignment

Arrange the sentences in correct order to form a good story. Use numbers 1 - 5.

_____A. After that, go to your parents’ room._____B. First, wake up early._____C. Then fry some bacon and egg._____D. Next, go to the kitchen._____E. After a few minutes, sing Happy Birthday.

Inferring Mood of Character Based on Action/Utterances/Intonation

I. Learning Objectives

Infer the mood of a character based on action/utterances/intonation Move body parts to show mood or emotion

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Inferring Mood of Characters Based on Action/Utterances/Intonation

B. References: PELC Listening 8“Two Friends,” One World on the Horizon 3 pp. 55 - 56

C. Materials: cap, strips of cartolina where different moods are written

Value Focus: Kindness to people with special needs

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Ask: Do you know someone who is blind?How do you feel for him?If you had a blind friend, what will you tell her? Why?Tell the pupils that they are going to listen to the story of Antonio who is blind.

Unlocking Difficulties

Present the following sentences. Let the pupils give the meaning of the underlined words through context clues.

1. There was heavy traffic and the cars were honking so loud.2. Handle brittle objects carefully because they break easily.3. When polvoron crumbles it becomes powdery in form.

B. Development of the Lesson


Read “Antonio’s Story” to the pupils.

Antonio’s Story

I have a friend who lives in another world. Her name is Francisca. The world she lives in is full of light. We meet each other on Saturday afternoons.

Every Saturday afternoon, my mama takes my hand and we leave the house. We walk past other houses where people are talking, and past one street where there are cars honking. At last, when we hear the noise of children playing and mothers talking to other mothers, I know we are at the park.

Every Saturday afternoon, here, in this place of happy voices, I meet Francisca who always shouts in her happy voice, “Hello, Antonio! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

And so, Francisca runs to Mama and says hello and takes my hand. Her fingers are small but they are strong.

She takes my hand and we walk. As we walk, she talks and tells me everything she sees along the way:

“Now we are walking near the tree I told you about. Let’s call it our mango tree. It is taller than you and me and your mama and my papa even if we all stand on each other’s shoulders. Its leaves are shaped like knives. Here, feel one. You know it is dry because it is brittle and crumbles easily.

“The tree’s body or its trunk is big, thick, and rough. Here, touch it! This is the tree that makes wonderful mangoes, all sweet and smooth and golden.”

I smile and say, “I know what a mango tastes like.”Francisca laughs and says, “The way a mango makes your tongue

feel is the way light makes me feel.”Sometimes, when Francisca tells me such things, I feel sad because

I cannot see. My eyes feel nothing except my tears.When Francisca sees tears sliding down my cheeks, she holds me

tight with her strong fingers and says, “Don’t cry. My eyes are big enough for the two of us.”

And she leads my fingers to her eyes and says:“Look Antonio:Red is the color of the sky when the day and the night meet.Blue is the color of the sea where the cold fishes play.Yellow is the color of the sun that makes your cheeks burn, that

dries your tears; the same color as the mango that makes your lips sticky and your tongue happy.

Green is the color of the leaves that whisper when the wind blows.And the wind that makes us laugh, that moves our hair, that

makes our clothes fly, not even I can see.See?”And I laugh to hear funny colors, and soon I forget that I am blind

and that she lives in another world.This is my friend Francisca who is more important to me than

having my own eyes.

Analysis and Discussion

Ask the pupils the following questions:1. Who is Antonio’s friend? Francisca2. Is she blind like Antonio? No3. When do they meet? every Saturday afternoon4. Where do they meet? at the park5. What would Francisca do whenever she sees Antonio coming?

shouts in her high voice (write the answer on the board)6. What would she say? “Hello, Antonio! Let’s go! Let’s go!” (write the

answer on the board)7. What emotion or mood do the words and action of Francisca

indicate? excitement, eagerness (write the answer on the board)8. What would they do in the park? walk around the park and

Francisca would describe everything she sees to Antonio9. How would they walk around the park? hold hands and talk about

things Francisca see (Write the answer on the board)10. What emotion do these actions indicate? friendliness (Write the

answer on the board)11. Which action of Antonio tells us that sometimes he feels sad about

being blind? when he cries12. What does Francisca do when she sees him crying? hold him tight

and tell him that her eyes are big enough for the two of them13. What could Francisca’s mood/feeling be as she holds Antonio’s hand

and tells him about her eyes? Compassion14. Could you say that Antonio and Francisca are close friends? Why?

Yes, they are close because they like to spend time together, talk about things, and console each other when one is lonely.

15. How would you feel if you have a blind friend or a blind member in the family? Answers may varySample: I would be very happy to help him/her.

I would feel pity for him/her.

Values Integration

Ask: If you had a friend like Antonio, how should you treat him/her? Treat him/her as normal people with kindness and compassion. As young boys and girls, how can you show kindness to blind or other people with special needs?


Ask pupils these questions.1. What helped us in guessing Antonio’s and Francisca’s mood?

Point to the moods written on the board: Their actions and what they say

2. So how can we tell the mood of a person or a character in a story? (Through his/her actions and utterances/statements)

C. Post Activities


Divide the pupils into four groups. Distribute to each group, strips of cartolina with a mood written on each strip. (Have a list of suggested moods) (Happy, sad, afraid, disappointed, surprised)

Tell one member from each group to get a strip of cartolina without showing what was written on it to their group members.

Tell those members who got the strips to describe the mood written on the strip while the rest of the group members guess what that mood is. Each member takes turn in giving their answer.


Identify the mood of the person in each situation that I will read to you.

1. Tina saw the thin ragged beggar and gave him/her last peso. 2. Clara groped in the dark. She touched something slimy and hairy.

She shrieked and could not move.3. Ana felt like walking on air and that everybody loved her as she went

up the stage to receive her trophy from the judges.4. Tony was going to the city for the first time. He couldn’t sit tight. He

pointed at the new things he saw.5. Aling Pinang looked at her colorful garden. Her plants were all

flowering and it was a sight to see.

IV. Evaluation

Infer the general mood of the situations that I will read to you. Choose your answer from the words written on the board.

1. “It breaks my heart to see you very ill,” said Auring to her sick daughter.

2. Mang Pedro raised a wooden stick and shouted at the two boys to get out of his garden.

3. Yoly’s brother was playing with other children in the park. After a while she could not see him anymore. She tried to look for him everywhere but she could not find him.

4. Lightning flashed followed by a terrible thunder. Sara closed her eyes and covered her ears as she sat on the chair.

5. Ramon had always topped his class since grade one. Now, mother was expecting another gold medal. Awarding day came but Ramon was not called.

V. Assignment

anger sadness disappointmentworry fear

Infer the mood of the person who said each sentence.

1. “Today is the day I’ve been waiting for.” (excitement)2. “I hate you so much!” (anger )3. “We won! We won the game!” ( happiness )4. ‘Your dress is so pretty.” (admiration)5. “I can’t thank you enough for the help you’ve given me.” (gratitude)

Giving Justification to a Possible Ending to a Story or Selection Listened To

I. Learning Objective

Give justification to a possible ending to a story or selection heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Giving Justification to a Possible Ending to a Story

Listened To B. References: PELC I 8

Reading Remedial Measures (A thesis) Lesson Plan in Gr. 5 RBEC

C. Materials: manila paper, paper sheet

Value Focus: Cooperation

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities

RecallHave pupils select the possible outcome to each situation.

1. It was the day of the fiesta. Mrs. Manansala gave balloons as prizes in the painting contest. Lita painted a picture of a dog riding a bicycle.What will Mrs. Manansala say?a. “Lita better paint another picture.”b. “Why did you paint a dog?”c. “Who drew that for you?”d. “You win a prize! Here’s a balloon for you.”

2. Friday is a special day in school. Many children brought their pets to school for the pet show. Romy brought his kitten. Amy brought her puppy. The others brought their pets, too. Mrs. Reyes said, “We will have more pet shows next year.”Why will there be more pet shows next year?a. The children enjoyed the activity.b. Only few pets were shown.c. Friday is always a special day.d. The school should have more activities for children.

3. Jojo looked at Brownie’s litter of puppies. His Aunt said he could choose one for his own. Which would he choose?a. The thin black puppyb. The all-black puppy with a crooked legc. The active and cute brown-spotted puppy d. The white puppy just lying down in a corner


Ask: Do you have pets at home? What particular pet are you fond of?

B. Development of the Lesson


Read the story to the pupils.

Noel’s Pet Bird

Noel’s pet bird was free to fly around the house. But its frequent visits were made in the kitchen much to the annoyance of their helper. It would fly straight to the table where it would pick something to eat.

One warm day, the bird was attracted to a sticky fly paper. It’s bill touched the paper and got stuck. The bird raised its foot to let itself loose, but its foot got stuck, too. Soon, both its feet were stuck tight on the fly paper. No amount of pulling, struggling, and bird noise helped the bird in its misfortune. It flew to a brook nearby with the fly paper dangling from its feet.

Analysis and Discussion

Ask pupils to answer these questions.1. What was Noel’s pet?2. Where was its frequent visits?3. What would it pick on the table?4. What attracted the bird one warm day?5. What happened to the bird after it got stuck?

Ask: Do you think the bird was able to finally remove the sticky paper from its feet? Why?

Say: Listen to this situation. Give the possible ending and your reasons for such ending.

An old man was crawling around on the floor in the darkened movie theater. The people around him were very much annoyed. “What did you lose?” asked a woman. “My handkerchief,” answered the old man. “And you’re troubling every one just to find your handkerchief?” “I had five one-hundred peso bills in it,” was the man’s reply.


What do you consider when giving endings to stories or selection heard? Consider the events that happened in the story.

Values Integration

In a group work, what should you process to arrive at a possible outcome?

C. Post Activities


Listen to the stories. Pick out the possible ending from the given choices. Justify your choice.

1. You and your friend are walking home from school. Suddenly, a fast driving jeepney runs over a kitten on the street.a. You’ll report the event to the police.b. You’ll kick the kitten aside and walk on.c. You’ll express your shock, talk about it, and walk on.

2. Your family arrived home late from a party. You switched the lights on but no light came.a. Your father will build a bonfire.b. Your mother will scream with fright. c. Your mother will exclaim, “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

3. The glass is full to the brim. You put an ice cube.a. The glass will crack.b. The liquid will overflow.c. The ice will sink to the bottom of the glass.


Divide the class into four groups. Use the PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) technique, a decision-making strategy devised by Edward de Bono. Pupils silently list positive, negative, and other aspects of a problem. Aspects are shared as a group list. All alternatives are considered before a decision is made. Give each group a copy of the story. Let them give the possible ending to the story. Ask one to read for the group.The Newcomer

As soon as Joselito stepped out of the tricycle, he was left alone. All the children rushed to join their old friends and classmates. “Hello!” the girls shouted. “Hi!” Pat answered. “Hi Cindy! Did Nancy spend her vacation with you?”

No one called out, “Hi, Joselito!” Joselito stood under a shady tree holding his lunch box firmly. He looked around. There was no one he could call by name. He looked around again only to find strange faces.

IV. Evaluation

Listen to the story. Then write an ending. Explain why you chose that ending.

When the ape in the zoo died, the zookeeper simply hired a man to dress up in an ape costume. The man was happy in his work, sitting in his cage, eating peanuts and swinging on the tree. But one day, he swung too far and landed in the lion’s den. As the lion came trotling over, the ape man cried, “Oh this is the end of me.”

“Stop talking!” said the lion, “if anybody hears you, we’ll both be out of job!”

What do you think happened next? Why?

V. Assignment

Write a possible ending to this situation.

Vicky is beautiful, talented, and bright. She was voted “most likely to succeed” in college. She got a promising job in a big specialty store after graduation. Then after two years without promotion, she was fired.

What do you think happened to Vicky afterwards? Why do you say so?

Identifying Conclusions to Situations/News/Oral Reports Heard

I. Learning Objective

Identify conclusions to situations/news/oral reports heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Identifying Conclusions to Situations/News/ Oral Reports Heard

B. References: PELC Listening 10Dream ChasersDeveloping My English Powers p. 88

C. Materials: news clippings, pictures, charts

Value Focus: Obedience

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Read short stories on paragraph and have pupils give possible endings to the stories.


Do this action song with pupils:

Every single cell in my body is well (2x)Thank you Lord I feel so goodEvery single cell in my body is well (3x)

B. Development of the Lesson


Read the situation to the pupils aloud.

The LRT is considered safe to ride but as the saying goes, “Accidents happen when least expected.” Most often the commuters themselves fail to follow regulations or heed warnings. Their being unmindful of the precautions causes them harm or even death.Analysis and Discussion

Have pupils answer the following in sentence or paragraph forms to be able to draw conclusions.1. What kinds of accidents usually happen to commuters of LRT?

(stampede, got caught by a closing door)

2. How can we avoid getting hurt or meeting an accident on the LRT?

(follow rules and regulations being imposed)3. What safety precautions should we observe?

Do not lean on the door, do not push one another. Wait for your turn at the ticket booth.

Values Integration

Why should we always obey rules, regulations and precautions posted in buildings, halls, public places, and vehicles?


A conclusion is a statement readers make after reading a passage or a story. To draw a conclusion, use story clues and your experience to figure out things that were not stated in the story.

C. Post Activities


Group the class into four. Each group will be given a paragraph which tells a story. From the story, the group will give their conclusion based on the given situation.

Group 1 Story 1:

Ramon was very active in class. He talked to his seatmates. He walked around. He teased the girls. Then, his teacher called him to the table. When he returned to his seat, he was very quiet.Draw a conclusion from that incident.What do you think was the dialog between the teacher and Ramon? The teacher scolded Ramon. The teacher told Ramon about his misbehavior.

Group 2 Story 2:

It was noon. It was hot inside the bus, and the road was dusty. Mother fanned herself with her handkerchief. She felt thirsty. Then the conductor shouted, “Olongapo City! Olongapo City!” Mother smiled happily.

Draw a conclusion from Mother’s reaction.Why did Mother suddenly feel happy? Mother reached her destination.

Group 3 Story 3:

One day, Rosita saw a little kitten on the ground near their stairs. “You poor little kitten,” she said. “how thin you are!” And she turned to go up. Then, Bongbong came shouting and kicking the kitten away.

Draw a conclusion from this incident.What is likely to happen between Rosita and Bongbong? They will quarrel with each other.

Group 4 Story 4:

Terry and Menchu were making lemonade. Terry wanted the sugar bowl on the shelf. She reached for it but she could not get it. Menchu tried it, too, but the shelf was too high. Then Terry cried out, “Mother!”

Draw a conclusion from this situation.What do you think Terry cried out for? She was trying to ask for Mother’s help.

Group Presentation

Each group will present the output and they will also give an ending to the story.


Ask some pupils to read the selection aloud by paragraph. Let them identify the story clues before they give their conclusion.


1. What do you think happened to the adobo? Maybe Jojo and Katia ate the adobo.

2. Experience clues: ____________________________

3. Now, why do you think the pot full of adobo was just half-filled? Maybe, Jojo, Katia and Father ate the adobo.

4. Experience clues: ___________________________________

5. Who ate the adobo?

The pet dog.

6. Experience clues: ___________________________________

“Silence means yes.”

Just then, Jojo and Katia’s father came in. “Hi,” he said with a smile, and walked to the stove. He took a spoon and dipped it into the adobo. “Mmmm. I love adobo.”

Mrs. Lazaro smiled. “Well, Roberto, were you the one who ate the adobo? “Me?” Mr. Lazaro' said in surprise. “I just walked into the door. But I think I know who did.” he said, pointing under the table. There was Putol, the Lazaro’s pet dog, with pieces of cooked potato all around him.

Mrs. Lazaro frowned at the children and pointed to the stove. “Look at that! The whole pot of adobo was full, but now almost half of it has been eaten.”

Jojo and Katia kept their eyes firmly glued to the floor. They didn’t say a word.

IV. Evaluation

Oral – Aural

Listen to the selection. Identify the story clues that will help you give the conclusion.

1. What do you think is outside the tent? _________________________________________________

2. How do you think the boys feel about what is happening?

3. Would you change your first conclusion, for number 1, at this point? Why?

4. What do you think is happening outside the tent?

Mark started to get out of the sleeping bag. “I think we better make a run for the house. I mean, maybe it’s a tikbalang,” he whispered.

Just then, they heard a giggle from outside the tent. The boys looked at each other in surprise. “Wait till we find out who is doing this!” Mark hissed in a laugh.

Randy and Mark pitched their tent. It was close to midnight, but they were enjoying their “camping trip.” Of course, they weren’t far from civilization. In fact they were only a few hundred meters from Mark’s house. Still, in the dark, it felt as if they were all alone in the wilderness.

Suddenly, their talking was interrupted by the sound of crunching leaves. Then they could hear and feel something bumping into their tent. The boys looked into each other in surprise and tried to remain perfectly quiet.

“Should I look outside?” Randy, asked in a whisper.“I don’t know,” came his friends reply. “Let’s listen a bit longer.The boys listened quietly for a few moments longer. They could hear

deep breathes - a kind of panting sound. They could also hear the sound of heavy footsteps.

“It’s sniffing the tent!” Mark whispered in alarm. “Maybe it’s looking for food.” “I knew we should have turned our lantern on,” Randy said, his voice beginning to sound upset. “That bright light would have kept anything away-except moths!”

V. Assignment

Read the stories below. Answer the question that follows each. Write the ending of the story.

Question: Why do you think Rey’s mother felt glad?

Question: Why was Nilo sad?

Identifying Cause and Effect Relationship

Rey’s fever was very high that evening. Mama put an ice cap on his forehead. She patted alcohol on his body. She prayed. The next morning, Rey opened his eyes and looked at Mama. She felt his neck and smiled joyfully.

The Christmas tree glittered with bright balls and electric lights. The gifts under the tree were tied with colored ribbon. Nilo touched a big box wrapped in a yellow and blue paper. “I bet this is a volleyball for me,” he thought.

It was Christmas day and Nilo was sad.

I. Learning Objective

Identify cause and effect relationship in a situation heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Identifying Cause and Effect Relationship in a Situation Heard

B. References: PELC Listening 11Integrated Learning in English 5 pp. 73 - 75 C 2000

C. Materials: charts, pictures

Value Focus: Taking good care of and preserving the environment

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Review lessons on making conclusions from oral report heard.


Ask:Have you been to Payatas? Have you seen polluted seas and rivers?How do you describe these places?What do you think caused the pollution in these places?What is the effect of pollution?

B. Development of the Lesson


Listen carefully as I read the following situations:1. Dynamite and cyanide fishing destroy marine resources.2. The air is so polluted that there are many people succumbing to

respiratory diseases like asthma.3. Oil spills and toxic waste pollute the seas so the fish are dying.4. A very long summer may cause the pond to dry up and cause

organisms such as tadpoles, fish, and water plants to die.5. Rapid population growth can result to food and water shortage,

housing, and health problems.

Analysis and Discussion

Say: Let us analyze the given sentences. Ask: In the first sentence, what is the cause? What is the effect?Say: Write them on the board separating the cause from the effect.

(Let pupils write the cause and effect on the board.)Ask: What is the cause, what is the effect?

(Do the same for the other sentences.)

Values Integration

As a pupil, how can you help preserve our environment? If you see your neighbor throwing garbage into the river, what will you do?


Cause is the reason while effect is the result. For every cause, there is always a resulting effect.

C. Post Activity


Dyad:Ask the pupils to choose a partner. Each pupil should think of a situation that shows cause and effect relationship. They will agree on who will give the cause and who will give the effect.


Group the class into two and let them make a dialogue with cause and effect relationship. Let them dramatize or role-play the situation.

IV. Evaluation

Listen to the following situations. Be able to answer the questions that follow.1. The lovely Japanese felt happy and honored because her husband

was asked to serve the emperor.a. What caused the wife to be happy and honored?b. What was the effect of the emperor’s assignment on the

wife?2. The little girl was glad about her father’s trip to Tokyo as he will tell

interesting stories and bring presents for her when he arrives.a. Why was the little girl happy?b. What would be the effect of her father’s return?

3. The Japanese sacrificed walking on foot to Tokyo because there were no railways yet.

a. Why did the husband walk on foot?b. What was the effect of the unavailability of the means of

transportation then?4. The lovely wife was surprised to see a beautiful lady in the mirror

smiling at her wearing the same dress as hers.a. What was the effect of what the wife saw in the mirror?b. What caused her to be surprised?

5. Mrs. Garperio was very elated because all her students understood the lesson on cause and effect relationship.a. What caused Mrs. Garperio’s happiness?b. What was the effect of Mrs. Garperio’s pupils’ understanding

of the lesson?

V. Assignment

Write a possible cause/effect for the following situations:

1. I have a sprained ankle.2. Mother scolded me.3. Nikka studies her lessons well.4. We should exercise regularly.5. Darlene has stomachache.

Getting Information from News Heard

I. Learning Objective

Get information from a news report heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Getting Information from News Heard B. References: PELC I 13

Learning Effective English 5“Enrolment Issues Tackled”Manila Bulletin, May 25, 2007, p.5

C. Materials: newspaper, cartolina, pentel pen

Value Focus: Leadership and dependability

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Directions: Arrange the sentences to develop a good paragraph. Put its corresponding number in the blank before it. Rewrite into a paragraph.

___________ They are all alike in some ways but different in many ways.

___________ The world we live in is inhabited by millions and millions of people.

___________ Americans are white, Africans are dark, while Filipinos are brown.

___________ Spanish love bullfights, Americans value sports, but Filipinos enjoy fiestas.


How would you keep abreast of the time? What should you do to be able to know the different events that happen in our place and our country?

Unlocking of Difficulties

Fill in the boxes with the correct answer from the words written on the board.

1. Lessen in value or importance

2. Worsening of a situation

3. First person to do something

4. Make sure

5. Business to be dealt with

B. Development of the Lesson


Read the news report to the class.

agenda ensure depreciation deterioration pioneer

Analysis and Discussion

Have pupils answer the questions.

1. Who is Wenceslao “Peewee” Trinidad?2. When did he order the city school board to convene?3. What are the agenda of the conversation?4. Why does school need more attention than the previous year?5. What other factors should be addressed by the City School Board?6. What is one of the major thrusts of his administration?7. What projects did he give in the City of Pasay?8. According to Trinidad, how would he ensure the delivery of services

to the pupils?

Values Integration

What kind of leader is Mayor Trinidad?If you were an officer in your class, what would you do to prove that you are a good leader?

Enrollment Issues Tackled

Pasay City Mayor-elect Wensceslao “Peewee” Trinidad ordered the City School Board to convene and discuss problems of enrollment with parents.

Among the agenda is the inventory of various school facilities such as classrooms and, appointment of teachers.

Trinidad reminded the school officials that this school year needs more attention than the previous years because of the significant increase in the number of students enrolled in the city’s different schools.

“Other factors like the depreciation or deterioration of old school facilities and children’s requirements for their school works must also be addressed,” the mayor said.

Trinidad said that educating the youth and ensuring that children of all ages will receive proper learning is one of the major thrusts of his administration.

It would be recalled that Trinidad also pioneered the construction of two major high schools in the city–the Kalayaan National High School (KNHS) and the Pasay City Science High School (PCSHS).

Trinidad vowed to devote more time and resources in ensuring the delivery of services of the people. (James I. Catapusan and Jean Fernando)


We must listen very carefully to the news we hear to be able to get the correct information.

C. Post Activities


Small Group Dynamics: Form groups of four pupils each. Each group will do the given


Situation: Your younger sister will enroll in Grade I this school year. The

following is a flash report about the enrolment of Grade I entrants. What information do you need to get from the news report so your can enroll your sister? Write the information on your paper.

Provide the groups with different news report. Let the leaders read it for their group. The members will list down at least four information from the report.


Inquiries and Information in Scribbles

Divide the class into two groups. Tell Group A to jot down questions about the news report. Group B will jot down the answers. The teacher will read the news report aloud. The leader of each group will report their work after the activity.

“All Grade I enrollees will have their enrolment on May 20 - 25. On the first two days of enrolment, the Grade I teachers will administer the School Reading Assessment from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. The last three days will be spent for the registration of those who took the School Reading Assessment.”

News report:

Inquiry in Scribbles Information in Scribbles

News casting

Divide the class into three groups. Give each group a brief news report. One member of the group will act as reporter while the other members will get information from the news report. Then they will read it to the class.

IV. Evaluation

Listen to the news report and answer the questions that follow.


The Department of Agriculture has adopted the lowly malunggay as the chief vegetable of every house.

Under the program dubbed as “Utanon Kada Balay,” the DA CARAGA Region is eyeing to distribute 300,000 malunggay seedlings to 100,000 families before the end of the school year to help the growing problem of malnutrition in the Region.

First Pinays on Everest to Return Home. A Warm, rewarding welcome awaits.

THE THREE FILIPINO CLIMBERS – the first women in the world to complete a traverse climb of Mt. Everest and the first women from Southeast Asia to reach the peak–will receive more than funfare and admiration when they arrive in Manila on May 31.

Rank promotions await Noelle Wenceslao, Carina Dayondon, Janet Belarmino, and their companions at the Philippine coastguard, according to the agency’s spokesperson Lt. Armand Balito.

The three women will be promoted to Petty Officer 3rd class from Seawoman 1st class. According to Balito.

1. Who were the first Filipino women to reach the peak of Mt. Everest?2. When will they arrive?3. What awaits the three Filipino Women?4. To what rank will they be promoted?5. Who is the spokesperson of the Philippine coastguard agency that made

announcement about their reward?

V. Assignment

Listen to any news report over the radio and write down information you get from one of the reports you have heard.

Getting and Reporting Information from Radio/Television News Broadcast

I. Learning Objectives

Get information from radio/television news broadcast Report information from radio/television news broadcast

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Getting and Reporting Information from Radio/TV News Broadcast

B. References: Reading Links 5Phil. Daily InquirerVol. 22 No. 88, March 6, 2007 pp. A1 & A9The Phil. Star Vol. XXI, No. 194, February 7, 2007 pp. 1 & 6

C. Materials: clippings of the news story enlarged copy of “Loop-the_Word”charts of various clues needed for getting information from news broadcast

Value Focus: Appreciation and respect for others

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


It’s raining very hard and there is strong winds. What will you do to find out if classes are suspended?

Unlocking of Difficulties

Ask pupils to find six words from the puzzle that are written vertically, horizontally, diagonally or even backwards. Tell pupils to loop the words found in the puzzle.














(For teacher’s use: The words to be looped are: components, comparable, validated, ignores synthetic, folkloric)

Directions: Write in the blank the appropriate word that corresponds or related to a phrase or clause below. Choose from the looped words.

a. __________ one of the parts which a thing or object is made of or composed of.

b. __________ takes no notice of; pays no attention to.c. __________ proven, tested.d. __________ similar, having the same qualities.e. __________ artificially produced material or substancef. __________ pertaining to or related to beliefs of or


B. Development of the Lesson


Role Playing. Ask a volunteer pupil who is very good in pronunciation to act as newscaster.

Say: Children, we will be listening to a portion of news report. Be sure you listen carefully and take down important notes. Using the clues written on the chart.

Bittersweet news: ‘Ampalaya’ is back By: Edson C. Tandoc Jr.

Pharmaceutical Industry The reclassification came amid a strong lobby by the pharmaceutical industry against ampalaya supplements, which had reportedly eaten into the sales of the industry’s expensive drugs against the diabetes. “Perhaps during that time there were no clear bases to consider the ampalaya a medicinal plant, except for some anecdotal reports,” Duque said . Last year, Nelia Maramba, chair of the National Integrated Research Project (NIRP) on Medicinal Plants, completed a study showing that ampalaya leaves were comparable to synthetic drugs for diabetes, according to Galindez. That was the study that convinced the Department of Health to give back to the ampalaya-or at least its leaves-what it had lost, he said. Galindez pointed out that the Maramba study only covered leaves of the Makiling variety and not the vegetable itself.

Preventive Duque encouraged people, especially those at risk, like those who had elatives suffering from diabetes, or were overweight, to include ampalaya in their diet for its nutritional benefits. “Including ampalaya in our diet will be preventive measure for the possible occurrence of increasing bad sugar,” the health secretary said. This should not give “false hopes” to patients, however. The ampalaya-based tablets, once they are out in the market, should be taken according to a doctor’s prescription, officials said.

IT’S BITTERSWEET NEWS FOR AMPALAYA (bitter gourd) lovers The vegetable has regained the spot it lost three years ago on the government list of scientifically recognized medicinal plants, following studies showing it has components that lower blood sugar levels. But in the machine, the recognition only applies to its leaves. Health Secretary Francisco Duque III has issued a circular reinstating the ampalaya as a “scientifically validated herbal medicinal plant” because of recent evidence on the efficacy of ampalaya against diabetes mellitus.” The recognition should be enough to encourage growers to the vegetable, Duque said yesterday at a press conference. This early, five companies producing ampalaya-based food supplements have expressed interest in manufacturing pills made from ampalaya leaves. It will be the first ampalaya-based pill for type 2 diabetes to be locally produced and sold in the market, said Cirilo Galindez, acting director general of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC). In type 2 diabetes, the most prevalent strain, the body does not produce enough insulin, or it ignores the insulin, or it ignores the insulin produced

Ten Medicinal Plants Ampalaya was on the list of 10 recognized medicinal plants, called “Sampung Halamang Gamot,” drafted in 1995 during the term of Health Secretary Hilarion Ramiro. Pills were made from five of the 10 recognized medicinal plants: lagundi, sambong, tsaang gubat, akapulko, and and yerba Buena, according to PITAHC. Also in the list are bayabas (guava), bawang (garlic), ulasimang bato and niyug-niyugan. The list was promoted all over the country and was included in the curriculum of medical schools. But in 2003, as ampalaya-based food supplements grew popular, former Health Secretary Manuel Dayrit reclassified the ampalaya as “folkloric”.

Lito Abelarde, chair of Herbal Industries of the Philippines, expects the ampalaya-based tablet to be out in the market within the year. Abelarde said the group was ready to start manufacturing the tablets as soon as permits were granted to its members.

Curriculum Duque said the Department of Education should include in the medical curriculum the reclassified status ampalaya. Former Health Secretary Jaime Galvez Tan said the study on ampalaya leaves took decades and P20 million to complete. It will take perhaps almost period and amount of money to confirm the therapeutic properties of the vegetable itself, he said.

Source: Phil Daily Inquirer. March 6, 2007 pp. A1 & A9

Let’s switch on our TV sets. (Assigned pupil gives the news broadcast.)


English name of ampalaya What its components can do to the body Part of the plants to be used Health Secretary who should formulate a circular about the

effectiveness of ampalaya Disease it can help prevent Hormone that diabetics do not produce 10 recognized medicinal plants Variety when former health secretary Manuel Dayrit said that

medicinal use of ampalaya was folkloric Made a study proving use of ampalaya comparable to synthetic

drugs for diabetes

Analysis and Discussion

Now, let’s talk about the news you have just heard. Use the information you got down to answer these questions.

What is the main topic of the article? What is the English name of ampalaya? What can the components of ampalaya or bitter gourd do to the

body? What variety of ampalaya as proven to have beneficial effect? What part of it can be used? How will the ampalaya help people with diabetes? What can be manufactured from the leaves of ampalaya? Name the 10 recognized plants. When and why was ampalaya removed from the list of recognized

plants? Who made the study which proved that the Makiling variety of

ampalaya has medicinal value?

Practice: Using the important informations you have gathered, write your own news story of what you have heard.

Remember your work will be rated based on the following:

1. Completeness/Accuracy 402. Grammar 303. Organization 30

100 %

Values Integration

If one of your family members is overweight or suffering from diabetes, would you recommend ampalaya pills? Why?

What will you do if he/she refuses to take the pills? Why?

Say: Children, you will now write your own news similar to the news story presented by our TV newscaster. You will be writing a report regarding the news you have just heard. This is what we now call as news story.

Let’s read first the guidelines in writing a news story.


What is a news story? In what parts of the newspaper can we find a news story? What is the lead? What can be answered by the lead? What are the parts of a news story? What should you do to be able to report a certain news


C. Post Activities


(The teacher or the trained pupil acts as newscaster.)

Listen to the newscaster and write down information to be gathered as to:

1. Title of news story2. Weather forecast of PAGASA3. Direction of wind change4. Temperature in most places5. Recorded hottest temperature

Guidelines in writing news story:

1. The title tells what the story is about.2. Every good news story starts with a lead or the first paragraph.

The lead answers some or all of the five W’s: who, what, where, when and why.

3. Sometimes the lead tells everything you want to know about the news. It leads you to read on to find out more informations about the news. These additional informations are found in the body of the news report.

4. Every news story must have a lead, body, and ending.

Warmer Days Ahead! – PAGASA

After the brief spell of cool weather, jackets and sweaters are headed back to the closet.

The temperature will rise in the coming days as the winds shift and the northeast monsoon starts to weaken, the weather bureau said yesterday.

Greg de Vera, weather forecaster of the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), explained that wind direction changed from northeasterly, which brings colder temperature, to easterly, where the wind coming from the Pacific Ocean is warmer.

The temperature in Metro Manila yesterday morning reached 22.4 degrees Celsius and rose to 29.8 degrees Celsius at around 1:50 p.m. However, De Vera said the northeast monsoon would still affect the current temperature but would not likely be lower than 20 degrees Celsius.

PAGASA, on Feb. 4, recorded the lowest temperature in Metro Manila this year at 17.1 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, in Baguio City, the temperature went down to nine degrees Celsius last Jan. 31.

PAGASA said this year would be generally cooler than the last year. The average air temperature for January is slightly warmer than normal though in most parts of the country. This month the temperature forecast ranges from 19 to 32 degrees Celsius.

In highland and mountainous areas in Luzon, the average temperature will be 12 to 23 degrees Celsius, while in the Visayas, it will be 22 to 31 degrees Celsius. The lowland areas of Mindanao could expect a temperature to 22 to 33 degrees Celsius. It would be slightly lower in the mountainous areas at 13 to 18 degrees Celsius.

De Vera said that from March to May the expected maximum temperature is from 30 to 33 degrees Celsius.

PAGASA’s climatological record shows that the all-time lowest temperature in Metro Manila was recorded on Feb. 4, 1987, and on Dec. 30, 1988 at 15.1 degrees Celsius. In port area in Manila, the lowest temperature was felt on Jan. 11, 1914 at 14.5 degrees Celsius, and at 14.6 degrees Celsius at the International Airport (NAIA) in Pasay City on Feb. 2, 1982.

The highest temperature recorded in the Philippines, however, was at 42.2 degrees Celsius in Tuguegarao City, on May 11, 1969.

- Helen Flores


Write a short news story using the following information:

English Quiz 7:30-8:00 – Registration of coaches/ Silang East Elem. School Aug. 30 - 31, 2007 9:00-11:00 – Written examinationGrade V or VI pupil 1:00-3:00 – Oral examination 1. contestant per school winner will represent his/he district

in the Division Quiz


Group pupils into five. Let each group choose any one of these topics.1. School activity2. Sports event3. Outreach program4. Community activity

After choosing a topic, the group will make a news report about it. The group will then present its news report by letting one member act as newscaster and the others as news reporter

IV. Evaluation

(Teacher acts as the newscaster)

Listen to the teacher-newscaster and list down five information from the news which you have heard. Make a report based on the information you have gathered.

To bolster outstanding pioneering scientific work and increase scientific productivity in the country, the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) is recognizing this year’s ten outstanding young scientist.

The outstanding young scientist is given to young Filipino scientists, less than 40 years old and have made significant contributions of the advancement of Science and Technology in the country as well as to the economy. Each awardees is given a trophy and P30,000.00.

Among this year’s outstanding scientist are Dr. Albert Gapud of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Ohysics. Dr. Edward Baroga of the College of Veterinary Mdecine, Dr. Lemuel Aragones of the Institute of Biologogical Sciences, Dr. Conrado Balatero and Dr. Simeona Siar, both from te Institute of Plant Breeding. All come from U.P Los Banos.

These are the other awardees: Dr. Christina Binag of U.S.T., Dr. Dindo Campilan of the International Potato Center, Dr. Patricio Palmer of the West Visayan State University and Dr. John Vergara of Ateneo de Manila.

V. Assignment

Listen to any TV or radio newscast. Get the title of the news story/report.Write down important information. Pretend you are a beat reporter and be able to report your own news story to the class.

Distinguishing Facts from Opinions Heard

I. Learning Objective

Distinguish facts from opinions heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Distinguish Facts from Opinions Heard B. References: PELC II 12

Developing My English Power 5 pp. 97 - 100

C. Materials: chart, pictures

Value Focus : Love for animals

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activity

Review (Cause and Effect Relationship)

Give one effect for the following causes. State it in sentence form. 1. overpopulation 2. poor education3. malnutrition4. poverty5. pollution


Game: Pick out a strip (rolled with ribbon) with a statement stating a fact or an opinion inside a box. Those who picked an opinion should go to the left side; those who picked a fact should go to the right side. Pupils who did not get the correct answer will recite a poem or render a song or a dance number.

B. Development of the Lesson


Listen to the following paragraphs.

Boats never sink. Ice is cold. Three is not a number between two and four. All people can read. A kitten grew up to be a cat. You should brush your teeth. A baby cannot count one to ten. Rich people are happy. Water is important to humans.

1. Jose works with animals. In fact, he spends every spare moment in a neighborhood pet store. After school, he helps feed the animals and clean their cages. He spends a lot of time training the animals so that they would get along well with people.

2. Jose believes that being a veterinarian and working with animals would be a wonderful thing for him to do when he grows up. He thinks that he will become an excellent veterinary doctor in the future.

Analysis and Discussion

Ask:1. Which paragraph expresses truth or facts?

The sentences in paragraph a express facts. These can be proven true and can be checked.

2. Which paragraph expresses a view or a belief? The sentences in b express opinion. They tell what someone

thinks or believes.

Values Integration

You notice that one of your friends throws stones at your neighbor’s dog. What would you do? Why?

As young boys and girls, how can you show a care for pets and other animals. Why should we take care of our pets and other animals?


Differentiate a fact from an opinion. A fact is a statement through which experience and

experiments have proven to be true.

An opinion is a view or guess which may or may not be true. Clue words like think, believe, feel, must be, must, and probably, seems, and often signal opinion.

C. Post Activities


Raise one finger if the sentence is an opinion and two fingers if it expresses a fact.

1. I love water.2. Drink about 6-8 glasses each day to be healthy and strong.3. Animals need food in order to survive.4. Ilocanos are thrifty people.5. Clean water is pure water.6. The earth revolves around the sun once in every 365¼ days or one

year.7. Kidney transplant always saves lives.


Teacher reads the sentences. If the teacher reads a sentence that states a fact, write an opinion about. If he/she reads an opinion, write a fact about it. State your fact or opinion in a sentence.

1. A forest is the best place to relax.2. Forests protect our wildlife; they are homes to animals and birds.3. Trees prevent flood that can kill people and crops.4. From these forests come wood for houses, telephone posts, electric

light poles, and many other things.5. Forest fires can be prevented.6. Christmas is the best time of the year.7. Paper lanterns are symbols of Christmas in the Philippines.8. It is easier to wrap a big gift than a small one.9. January 15 is not a holiday in the Philippines.

10. We celebrate New Year every first day of January.

IV. Evaluation

Listen again as I read the short selection and the sentences that follow. Draw a star if the sentence is a fact and a moon if it is an opinion.

1. Teodoro Valencia was the park commissioner in charge of Rizal Park.

2. Rizal Park is one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world.

3. It has a spacious playground, smooth skating rink and inviting bicycle lanes.

4. Families enjoy having picnics on the clean, thick grass.5. Teenagers watch carps swimming in circular ponds; they stroll

around on paths lined with hedges.

V. Assignment

Write five statements describing the Filipinos under the following headings.

Fact Opinion

He was Teodoro F. Valencia, the park commissioner himself. He was in charge of Rizal Park and it was he who managed to make the park one of the most beautiful parks of its kind in the world. He wanted to make children happy. That is why Rizal Park has playground for children, a skating rink, and bicycle lanes. Families have picnics on the grass under flowering trees and palms. Teenagers sit on the benches or stroll around fountains and along flowering hedges or watch carp and goldfish swim gaily in ponds. A planetarium stands beside a library rich in magazines and books for young and old.

Retelling Best-liked Parts of the Story Heard

I. Learning Objective

Retell best-liked parts of story heard

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Retelling Best Liked Parts of a Story HeardWriting a Dialog

B. References: English Read 5 C. Materials: chart

Printout of announcementsketches of various scenes from the story

Value Focus: Respect for others, honesty patience

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Show the children this announcement

1. What is the announcement about?2. What will be given if the dog will be returned?3. If you are the one who found the dog, will you return the dog? Why?

Unlocking of Difficulties

Using contextual clue

Give the synonym of the underlined word in each sentence. Choose from the words inside the box before the sentences.

1. In Singapore, a person who is found guilty is whipped as punishment.

2. One must always fulfill his promise.3. The clever boy was able to escape from his friends.4. The king bade his soldiers to guard the castle.

B. Development of the Lesson

do smart commandedbeaten

LOSTA male golden retriever was discovered missing since August 18, 2007. It responds to the name “Summer.” If found, please contact owner Kaila Dimag at this number: 09183036135. Reward will be given to anybody who will return the dog.


Say: Today I will tell you a story about a clever soldier. Be sure you follow our standards in listening to a story.Be ready to retell the part of the story you like best.

(Teacher reads the story “The Clever Soldier” to the class using the pictures)

The Clever Soldier

One day the Emperor of China lost his gold ring while riding through the streets of his kingdom. He then called all his messengers and told them to announce that anyone who found it would have anything he asked for.

A few days later, a poor soldier found the ring while he was walking on the street. As he kicked off dust with his feet, he saw the ring by the wayside. Excitedly, he walked to the palace gate. Before he could enter, the gatekeeper stopped him. When the soldier told him about the ring, the gatekeeper made the soldier promise that they will divide between them the money the Emperor would give as his reward.

“I promise,” said the soldier. “But write down what you want on a piece of paper.” The Gatekeeper did and gave the piece of paper to the soldier.

The soldier was soon on his way to the palace. He met the doorkeeper who asked him to share with him one half of his reward. Again the soldier asked the keeper to write down his wish. He kept the piece of paper with the first one in his pocket.

The emperor was very much pleased to get his ring back. “I will give you a thousand pieces of gold as your reward,” he said.

The soldier, however, asked to be whipped a hundred times instead. He removed his coat and shirt, ready to be whipped a hundred times. As he did so, the two pieces of paper dropped on the floor.

The Emperor said, “Why do you ask to be whipped? You have done nothing wrong.” When he saw the pieces of paper he asked about them. The soldier replied, “O, Son of Heaven, on these two pieces are written the promises two of your men asked me to make. These are written by their own hands. I must fulfill my promise. I must give half of what I get to the Gatekeeper and the other half to the keeper of the door.

The Emperor read the words on the paper. Then he smiled and said, “You are a clever man. Now, I know that some of my men take money from the poor.. I must teach these two men a lesson.”

He bade the men to appear before him. He asked them about what they did to the soldier. Seeing the pieces of paper in the Emperor’s hand, they admitted their guilt. The Emperor then told each of them to get me half of what the soldier asked for.

Poor men! The gatekeeper got one-half of the hundred lashes and the keeper of the door, the other half. They were so hurt they could hardly walk away.

“For giving me back my ring and showing me how some of trusted men treat the poor, I will give you a thousand pieces of gold.” He gave the soldier a silken bag containing his reward. “Now, go in peace and make good use of your reward.” The clever soldier thanked the Emperor and walked away a rich man.

Analysis and Discussion

Have pupils answer the questions.1. Where did the story happen?2. Who are the characters in the story?3. What traits of the soldier are worth imitating? Why?4. What did the gatekeeper and the doorkeeper made the soldier

promise?5. What reward did the king give the poor soldier?6. Why do you think did the poor soldier ask the gatekeeper and the

door keeper to write what they were asking from him?7. What will prove that the soldier is clever?8. How did the king discover that his trusted men were taking money

from the poor?

Say: There are parts of the story that you particularly like. Retell the parts that you like best. Use proper intonations and gestures.

Ask: Why did you like that part?

Values Integration

If you were the soldier, would you also return the ring? Why?If you were the king, will you whip your men for what they did? Why?Which of characters in our story should we imitate? Why? What moral lesson have you learned from the story you heard?

C. Post Activities


From triads. Have each triad choose a scene and write a dialogue about that scene. One will act as the narrator and the two other the characters in that scene.

The dialogue will have the part of the Narrator, and 2 other persons on the scene.


Say: Think of your favorite fairy tale. Retell the part that you like best to your partner.Have pupils form dyads.

IV. Evaluation

Let pupils recall one story they have read in Grade IV. Let them choose the part they liked best and write a short description of that part. Tell them they must be ready to share that part of the story to the class.

V. Assignment

Draw a comic strip of the scene you liked best in the story “The Clever Soldier”.

Scenes: The poor soldier and the Gatekeeper.The poor soldier and the doorkeeper.The poor soldier and the king.

Evaluating and Making Judgment on Oral Texts

I. Learning Objective

Evaluate and make judgments on texts presented

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Evaluating and Making Judgment on Oral TextsB. References: PELC

Golden Voyages 1983 p.83Newspaper (Editorial)The Parable of the Barrio pp.9-10

C. Materials: charts, organizer, newspaper

Value Focus: Taking good care of the environment

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Ask: Have you read the newspaper today?Let’s play the game: “Give Me” and “Tell Me.”Ex. Give me the editorial part of the newspaperTell me about it.

Unlocking of Difficulties Configuration Technique

Have the pupils identify the words being defined by using configuration boxes as clues. Choose the answers from the words in the box.

violent or cruel act

reducing the severity of something

tragedy outrage destruction



total ruin or damage

B. Development of the Lesson


Listen to the editorial and be ready to answer the questions about it.

Analysis and Discussion

Answers to the following questions may vary. There are possible answers given.

1. Do you think our DENR officials have not done their duties and responsibilities in safeguarding our environment? Why?Ans. I think DENR officials have not done their duties and responsibilities because we, see our mountains without trees already. We still see many illegal loggers.

2. Is it really illegal logging that caused the tragedy in Ormoc and Luzon? Why?Ans. Yes, because there were no more trees that controlled the flash flood.


We saw hundreds of bodies left decaying, unburied, and dirtied by destructive mudslides and collapsed buildings brought about by a torrent of rain.

Because of lack of official preparedness, the absence of life-saving instruments, and the national outrage over human greed taking over our forests, nature does not make an accounting. Innocent lives pay dearly for the balance.

The call for a “total log ban” is a classic example of the “much too late the hero” attitude among our government officials. Prevention and mitigation are almost impossible when taken in the context of the Philippines being a typhoon zone.

Our government agencies say they do not have enough personnel to guard our environment or “we do not have enough funds to do our jobs effectively,” simply putting the blame on thin air.

The palace says it is illegal logging while a department executive says it was nature that caused the tragedy.

3. Do you think the fund intended to guard our government served its purpose well? Why?Ans. No, the fund may have gone to corrupt officials. If it serves its purpose well, there would be no tragedy as what happened in Ormoc.

4. Do you think the tragic events in Ormoc and Luzon will happen again in the future? Why?Ans. No, if everybody will help plant trees. Yes, if we will do not preserve and conserve forests.

Values Integration

As young boys and girls, how could you help prevent flood in your locality?


How can one make a good judgment? Good judgment always comes from carefully evaluated ideas and


C. Post Activities


Form pupils into groups. Ask each group to select the best reader to act as newscaster to read any editorial news available. Let the others evaluate and judge the content of what the member read.


Listen to the paragraphs. Then answer the questions after each. Write the letter of the correct answer on your paper.

1. When Hector came home from school at 3:30, his sister Flora wasn’t home. Flora usually comes home before him. Hector decided to check the closet. He saw Flora’s coat hanging there. Her schoolbooks were on the kitchen table. Then he looked in the closet a second time. Flora’s jacket, sneakers, and baseball mitt were gone. Now he knew where his sister was.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn about where Flora was? ____ a. Flora was still in school.____ b. Flora was playing ball.____ c. Flora was at her sewing club.

2. Snakes are very interesting. The shortest snakes are called “thread snakes.” They are eleven centimeters long. Thread snakes are harmless and have no poison. On the other hand, the anaconda is a dangerous and powerful snake. One anaconda grew to be sixteen meters long and weighed almost forty-five kilos.

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn about snakes?

____ a. Snakes eat only vegetables.____ b. Not all snakes are dangerous.____ c. Small snakes are not as dangerous as big snakes

IV. Evaluation

Listen to the Parable of the Professionals. Be able to evaluate and make judgment.


As was his habit, St. Peter sat at the entrance of heaven. He liked to interview each arrival from earthly life. He was particularly interested in knowing what the person had done for a living. This would give him an idea of good deeds done as a basis for deciding whether to allow him entrance or to remand him to the lower section where the flames burned all day long.

The new batch consisted mostly of professionals. The first man approached St. Peter with confidence.

“What did you do on earth? And why should I accept you into heaven?” asked St. Peter.

“I was a doctor. I attended to the sick and wounded. I also prevented disease by making people healthy through immunization and other public health measures. I always responded to the call of the people.”

“Enter heaven,” St. Peter intoned solemnly. “Next, please. What did you do on earth, and why should I accept you into heaven?”

“I was a lawyer and I defended the accused and the condemned. I was a guardian of truth and a champion of law and order. I guided and counseled people to settle disputes. I was always at the service of the people.”

“Proceed to the gate,” the Saint commanded. “Next please. What did you do on earth? Why should I accept you into heaven”

“I was an engineer on earth. I constructed houses for people to live in. I built skyscrapers for offices and other needs of the people. I

spanned rivers by constructing bridges. Man has made advances through my endeavors. I was always an active partner in the progress of the people.”

“Go past the gates into heaven. Next please,” said St. Peter.“And what have you to say for yourself?”“I was a teacher, and I taught all my school children to be God-loving,

good and upright citizens”. Here are a halo and a pair of wings.” said St. Peter to the elated teacher.

1. Where do you think St. Peter was?Answer: St. Peter was in heaven.

2. Why do you think he liked to interview each arrival from earth life?Answer: He interviewed each arrival because he was interested in knowing what the person had done on earth.

3. Where did St. Peter send professionals to?Answer: They go in heaven.

4. Who do you think was the best among the professionals?Answer: The best among the professionals was the teacher.

5. Why do you think St. Peter gives teacher a halo and a pair of wings?Answer: St. Peter gave him halo and a pair of wings because he/she was the best among the professionals. Because he/she was a teacher and taught all of the other


V. Assignment

Listen to a news report. Be able to evaluate and make a sound judgment regarding it.

Giving Justifications to a Possible Ending

I. Learning Objective

Give justification to a possible ending

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Giving Justifications to a Possible Ending

B. References: PELC SpeakingDream Chasers Workbook pp. 91 & 101 The Philippine Star, Feb. 7, 2007

C. Materials: Pictures, charts

Value Focus: Concern for the environment

III. Procedure

A. Preparatory Activities


Fact or OpinionRaise your left hand if the sentence gives an opinion. Raise your right hand if it is a fact.

1. Tuberculosis is a communicable disease.2. Trees prevent flood.3. An intelligent person will always succeed in life.4. If you talk more, you’ll make more mistakes.


Ask: How do you compare air in the provinces to the air in cities? Are they the same? Where do you prefer to stay? Why?

B. Development of the Lesson


Let the pupils read the selection orally.

Air Pollution

Kerosene, insecticides, detergents, and disinfectants are some of the substances we use at home. We use kerosene as fuel; we spray insecticides to get rid of harmful insects. We use detergent for washing clothes and clean our homes. We use disinfectants to treat wounds. While these substances are useful, they can also be harmful to us and the environment if not used properly.

Gasoline is fuel. As a fuel, it burns to make motor vehicles run. When gasoline burns, a chemical change happens. The chemical energy in gasoline is changed into mechanical energy that makes the vehicles move. The products of this chemical change are heat and smoke that pollute the environment.

Other fuels that burn are paper, wood, and plastics. They give off smoke when burned. Smoke pollutes the air.

Air carries with it tiny particles of dust. Some of these particles are black. These are the particles that go with the smoke from buses, jeepneys, and factories. These particles mix with air and pollute it.

When insecticide is sprayed, the substances in it that kill insects and pests mix with the air around. Air becomes polluted by these harmful substances.

Analysis and Discussion

Ask the pupils the following:1. What is the use of kerosene? insecticides? 2. Are they useful to us? Can they be harmful too? In what way?

Explain.3. Is it safe to burn your garbage? Why? 4. Why does smoke pollute the air we breathe? 5. What do you think will happen if a person is exposed to dust and

dirt every day?

Values Integration

As a student, how can you minimize if not totally control air pollution? What other ways can help prevent air pollution? Why should we always keep our environment clean?


Good judgment always comes from carefully evaluated ideas and information.

C. Post Activities


Group pupils by five. Let them choose their leader. The leader will act as a newscaster in reading the news report.

Ex-coup plotter’s daughter arrested

Two daughters of well-off families were nabbed by police in Manila the other night for marijuana possession. The suspects- were identified as Maria Penelope Robles, 21, daughter of retired army colonel Rex Robles, who is one of the founders of Rebolusyong Alyansa Makabansa, and Kris Yvette Medina, 20, daughter of a dean in an exclusive school.

They were flagged down by a police car near the corner of Estrada Street in Ermita when they ignored a traffic light and almost hit another vehicle.

The officers found a plastic bag containing marijuana on the car’s floor during a routine inspection, according to Senior Inspector Wilfredo Estrella, Chief of the Manila Police District’s mobile unit.

The younger Robles allegedly tried to intimidate the arresting officers by dropping her father’s name.

- Nestor Etolle The Philippine Star, Feb. 7, 2007

1. What caused the arrest of Maria Penelope Robles and Kris Yvette Medina?

2. Do you think they must be apprehended? Why?3. If you were the son/daughter of a wealthy and powerful politician,

would you do the same? Why?


Have pupils form dyads. Let them face each other. One will read orally while the other listen to be able to guess the ending. He/she should justify his/her answer.

Katrina lived in an apartment. There was a small park with grass and trees in front of the building.

One rainy morning when Katrina was waiting for the school bus, she saw a little kitten. It was wet so that all its fur stuck to its skin and showed how thin it was.

Katrina was sorry for the little kitten. She worried that it had lost its mother. She did not want it to go hungry.

What do you think did Katrina do?

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Listen to the situations carefully. Tell what could likely be th ending to each situation. Write the letter of your answer on a piece of paper. Justify your answer.

1. A band was playing in the plaza one early morning. Many people were there. All of them were well dressed. They were standing around the flagpole. Two of them were holding the string of the big flag.a. The flag will be raised.b. The flag will be changed.c. The flag will be lowered.

2. Mildred is putting on a beautiful long gown. Her mother is helping her. There is a crown on the table. There are decorated candles, too. Downstairs, Mildred’s father and brothers are decorating an arch. What do you think is going to happen?a. Mildred is going to a wedding.b. Mildred is going to have her picture taken.c. Mildred is going to join a Santacruzan.

3. Noel is saying goodbye to his mother and father. He is in a uniform and a neckerchief. He carries a knapsack on his back. In a bus on the street, other boys of his age are waiting for him. Everybody is in uniform like Noel. What do you think is going to happen?a. The boys are going to play in the school.b. The boys are going camping.c. The boys are going to the market.

4. Michael sees some ripe guavas up a tree. He looks around for something. He does not see any pole. He looks at the tree. It seems strong enough. What do you think will Michael do?a. Michael will climb the tree to pick the guavas.b. Michael will wait for the guavas to fall.c. Michael will ask his younger sister to pick the guavas.

5. Nena is alone at home. It is past six o’clock. Her mother has not arrived home from the office. “The traffic must be heavy,” Nena thought. “Mother will be tired and hungry”. Nena goes to the kitchen. What do you think will Nena do?a. Nena will eat alone.b. Nena will cook rice.c. Nena will ask a neighbor to cook their food.

V. Assignment

Copy the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

“I am old and no longer have the strength I once did. Since I was younger than you, I have spent my days laboring to ensure peace and justice in my kingdom. You have grown up into fine women. Each of you is capable of ruling this land. It is time for me to step aside.”

1. What do you think will be the ending of the story?2. Do you think the queen made a right decision? Why?

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