lesson plan math f3 2015

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015



    Week Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Strategy and Approach Descriptor  




    !&Lines and Ang'es ()

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - denti+y properties o+ang'es associatedith transversa'sand para''e' 'ines&

    - denti+y properties o+

    ang'es associateith para''e' 'ines&

    - ,ind the va'ue o+ anang'e in associatedith para''e' 'ines&

    - denti+y para''e' 'ines-based on theproperties o+ ang'esassociated ithtransversa's&

    - So'ving prob'emsinvo'ving ang'es

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i.  Associate transversa' andpara''e' 'ines ith*

    - .orresponding ang'es-  A'ternate ang'es- nterior ang'es

    ii.  Associate properties o+

    ang'es*- .orresponding ang'es are

    e/ua'&-  A'ternate ang'es are e/ua'&- 0he interior ang'es on the

    same side o+ transversa' aresupp'ementary&

    - 0he sum o+ interior ang'es is!%"1

    i. ,ind unknon ang'es&

    .D$O3- ideo50OD6.0O57'ay the introduction video+rom the .D$O37rompt pupi's +or moree8amp'es +rom rea' 'i+e.O509506se content segment o+ the.D$O3 to i''ustrate thebasic concept

    LL6S0A0O5''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urtherrein+orce the concept 'earnt A77L.A0O5S0eachers make use o+ theLines and Ang'es :enerator

    +ond in the activity segment topose /uestions&9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheckith the anser provided bythe Lines and Ang'es:enerator 9AL6A0O5S

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    associated ithtransversa'&

    ii. Determine i+ to 'ines arepara''e'ed&

    >o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourageparticipation&

    6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to userevision +ound under9nhancement to revise thebasic concept hen

    necessary&Week Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Strategy and Approach




    2&7o'ygons ()

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - Determine egu'ar7o'ygons&

    - Determine the a8eso+ symmetry in apo'ygon&

    - Sketching Draingegu'ar 7o'ygons&

    - .onstructing ane/ui'atera' triang'e&S/uare and aregu'ar he8agon&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i. Determine regu'ar po'ygonshaving e/ua' sides and a''interior ang'es are e/ua'&

    ii. Determine a'' regu'ar po'ygonshaving number o+ a8es o+symmetry&

    iii. Determine regu'ar po'ygons

    having e/ua' number o+ sides&

    i. .onstruct a po'ygon&ii. Determine hether po'ygons

    are regu'ar or irregu'ar&

    i. Determine the e8terior ang'e

    .D$O3- ideo50OD6.0O57'ay the introduction video+rom the .D$O37rompt pupi's +or moree8amp'es +rom rea' 'i+e.O509506se content segment o+ the.D$O3 to i''ustrate the

    basic conceptLL6S0A0O5''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urther

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    - denti+y interiorang'es and e8terior

    ang'es o+ a po'ygon&- Determine the si?eo+ an e8terior ang'egiven the interiorang'e&

    - Determine the sumo+ the interior ang'eo+ po'ygons&

    - Determine the sum

    o+ the e8terior ang'eo+ a po'ygon&

    - Determine the si?eo+ the interior ang'e-e8terior ang'e andthe number o+ sideso+ a regu'ar po'ygon&

    - So've prob'emsinvo'ving ang'es and

    and interior ang'es o+ apo'ygon are supp'ementary&

    ii. ,ind the va'ue o+ an e8terior

    ang'e hen the interior ang'eis given&iii. .a'cu'ate the va'ue o+ interior

    ang'e o+ a po'ygon&

    i. ,ind the sum o+ the e8teriorang'es o+ a po'ygon&

    i. ,ind the interior ang'e and

    e8terior ang'e o+ a regu'arpo'ygon hen number o+ sideso+ po'ygon is given&

    ii. .a'cu'ate the interior ang'e o+a regu'ar po'ygon ith n sides&

    nterior ang'e @ (n -2) x 180°  niii. ,ind the e8terior ang'e o+ a

    regu'ar po'ygon&98terior ang'e @ 360°  Number of sides

      @ 360°  n  = sum of exteriorangles  number of sides

    iv. .a'cu'ate the number o+ sideso+ a regu'ar po'ygon hen theinterior ang'es are given&

    rein+orce the concept 'earnt A77L.A0O5S0eachers make use o+ the

    7o'ygons :enerator +ond inthe activity segment to pose/uestions&9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheckith the anser provided bythe 7o'ygons :enerator 9AL6A0O5S>o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourage

    participation&6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to userevision +ound under9nhancement to revise the

    basic concept hennecessary&


  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    sides o+ a po'ygon&  n @ 360°  Exterior angle

      @ 360°  180° – interior angle

    Week Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Strategy and Approach




    =&.irc'es ()

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - denti+y properties o+circ'es invo'vingsymmetry- chordsand arcs&

    - denti+y properties o+ang'es in a circ'e

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& Determine the diameter o+ acirc'e as an a8is o+ symmetry&0he properties o+ chords&

    ii& So've prob'ems invo'vingsymmetry- chords and arc o+


    i& Determine ang'es subtendedby an arc&

    ii& Determine ang'es subtendedat the circum+erence by thesame arc&

    iii& Determine ang'es subtendedat the circum+erence o+ thecentre by arcs o+ the same'ength&

    iv& Determine re'ationshipbeteen ang'e at the centreand ang'e at thecircum+erence hich aresubtended by the same arc&

    v& Determine the si?e o+ an ang'esubtended at thecircum+erence in a semicirc'e&

    .D$O3- ideo50OD6.0O57'ay the introduction video+rom the .D$O37rompt pupi's +or moree8amp'es +rom rea' 'i+e.O50950

    6se content segment o+ the.D$O3 to i''ustrate thebasic conceptLL6S0A0O5''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urtherrein+orce the concept 'earnt

     A77L.A0O5S0eachers make use o+ the.irc'es :enerator +ond in theactivity segment to pose/uestions&9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheck

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    - .yc'ic uadri'atera's

    vi& So've prob'ems invo'vingsubtended ang'es at thecentre and circum+erence&

    i& denti+y cyc'ic /uadri'atera's&ii& denti+y the interior opposite

    ang'es o+ cyc'ic /uadri'atera's&iii& denti+y the re'ationship

    beteen interior oppositeang'es o+ a cyc'ic/uadri'atera'&

    iv& denti+y the e8terior ang'e andits corresponding interioropposite ang'e o+ a cyc'ic

    /uadri'atera'&v& denti+y the re'ationshipbeteen the e8terior ang'esand their correspondinginterior opposite ang'es o+ acyc'ic /uadri'atera'&

    vi& So've prob'ems invo'vingcirc'es&

    ith the anser provided bythe .irc'es :enerator 9AL6A0O5S

    >o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourageparticipation&6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to use

    revision +ound under9nhancement to revise thebasic concept hennecessary&

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    - 3ode- 3edian and3ean&

    i& Determine the mode +or a seto+ data&

    ii& Determine the mode and itscorresponding +re/uency +rom7ictograms-

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015



    Week Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Strategy and Approach





    Students i'' be taughtto*- ndices&

    - Simp'i+ication o+numbers in nde85otation&

    - Division o+ 5umbersin ndices ,orm&

    - nde8 98pressionsose to a 7oer&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& 98press repeatedmu'tip'ication as an  and viceversa&

    ii& 98press numbers in inde8notation&

    i& eri+y a x a! = a " #ii& Simp'i+y mu'tip'ication o+

    5umbers or A'gebraic 0erms

    in nde8 5otation ith theSame

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    operations +or inde8e8pressions ith positive-negative and +ractiona'

    indices&Week Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Strategy and Approach




    #& A'gebraic98pressions()

    Students i'' be taughtto*- 98panding

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015







    Students i'' be taught


    - ecogni?e ariab'esand .onstants&

    - ecogni?e ,ormu'a&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& Determine i+ a uantity is aariab'e or .onstant&

    ii& Determine and represent avariab'e&

    iii& Determine the possib'e va'ueso+ a variab'e&

    i& Write a +ormu'a based onstatements and situations&

    ii& denti+y the Subject o+ a given

    +ormu'a&iii& 98press a speci+ied variab'eas the subject o+ a +ormu'a&

    iv& ,ind the va'ue o+ a variab'e&v& So've prob'ems invo'ving


    the A'gebraic 98pressions,ormu'a :enerator 9AL6A0O5S

    >o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourageparticipation&6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to use

    revision +ound under9nhancement to revise thebasic concept hennecessary&

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    - ,ind the vo'ume o+

    right pyramids andright circu'ar cones&

    - 7er+orm the vo'umeo+ a sphere&

    base o+ a right circu'arcy'inder&

    v& .a'cu'ate the vo'ume o+ a right

    prism&vi& .a'cu'ate the height o+ a rightprism&

    vii& .a'cu'ate the base area o+ aright prism&

    viii& .hange units +or vo'ume&i8& So've prob'ems invo'ving

    vo'ume o+ right cy'inders andright prisms&

    i& Derive the +ormu'a +or the

    vo'ume o+ right pyramids andcones&ii& .a'cu'ate the vo'ume o+ a right

    pyramid&iii& .a'cu'ate the height o+ a right

    pyramid&iv& .a'cu'ate the area o+ the base

    o+ a right pyramid&v& .a'cu'ate the vo'ume o+ right

    cone&vi& .a'cu'ate the height o+ a right

    cone&vii& .a'cu'ate the radius o+ thebase o+ a right cone&

    viii& So've prob'ems invo'vingvo'ume o+ right pyramids andright cones&

    i& .a'cu'ate the vo'ume o+ asphere&

    LL6S0A0O5''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-

    represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urtherrein+orce the concept 'earnt A77L.A0O5S0eachers make use o+ theSo'id :eometry Sca'eDraing :enerator +ond in theactivity segment to pose/uestions&

    9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheckith the anser provided bythe So'id :eometry Sca'eDraing :enerator 9AL6A0O5S>o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourageparticipation&6se the e8tension segment o+ 

    the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to userevision +ound under9nhancement to revise the

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015







    - 7er+orm .ompositeso'ids

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - ecogni?e Sca'e


    ii& .a'cu'ate the radius o+ asphere&

    iii& So've prob'ems invo'ving


    i& .a'cu'ate vo'ume o+composite so'ids&

    ii& So've prob'ems invo'vingvo'ume o+ composite so'ids&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& Sketch shapes&ii& Dra geometric shapes

    according to sca'e !* n&iii& Dra composite shapesaccording to sca'es&

    iv& Dra composite shapesaccording to given sca'es ongrids o+ di++erent si?es&

    v& edra shapes on grids o+di++erent si?es&

    vi& So've prob'ems invo'vingsca'e draings&

    basic concept hennecessary&

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015





    !!&Linear9/uations ()

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - ecogni?e Linear9/uations in tovariab'es&

    - So've Simu'taneousLinear 9/uations into variab'es&

    ii& ,ind the sca'e +actor&iii& Determine the centre o+


    iv& Determine the properties o+en'argement&v& .a'cu'ate the sca'e +actor and

    'ength o+ the sides o+ animage or object&

    vi& Determine the re'ationshipbeteen the area o+ the imageand its object&

    vii& .a'cu'ate the area o+ animage or object and sca'e+actor&

    viii& So've prob'ems invo'vingen'argement

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& denti+y 'inear e/uations in tovariab'es&

    ii& Derive a 'inear e/uation in tovariab'es&

    iii& Determine the va'ue o+ a

    variab'e&iv& Determine a possib'e so'ution+or a 'inear e/uation in tovariab'es&

    i& denti+y simu'taneous 'ineare/uations&

    ii& So've simu'taneous 'ineare/uations in to variab'es&

    .D$O3 to i''ustrate thebasic conceptLL6S0A0O5

    ''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urtherrein+orce the concept 'earnt A77L.A0O5S0eachers make use o+ the0rans+ormations Linear9/uations :enerator +ond in

    the activity segment to pose/uestions&9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheckith the anser provided bythe 0rans+ormations Linear9/uations :enerator 9AL6A0O5S>o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourage

    participation&6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to use

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    iii& So've prob'ems invo'vingsimu'taneous 'inear e/uationsin to variab'es&

    revision +ound under9nhancement to revise thebasic concept hennecessary&

    Week Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Strategy and Approach





    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - Write ine/ua'ities&

    - ecogni?e 'inearine/ua'ities in oneunknon&

    - 7er+orm operations

    I- J- 8 and K on a'inear ine/ua'ity&

    - denti+ysimu'taneous 'inearine/ua'ities in onevariab'e&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& 6nderstand re'ationship o+ theHgreater thanE and H'ess thanE&

    ii& 98press the re'ationshipbeteen to numbers&

    iii& Determine the re'ationship o+Hgreater than or e/ua' toE and

    H'ess than or e/ua' toE&

    i& denti+y 'inear ine/ua'ities&ii& Determine possib'e so'utions

    +or an unknon&iii& epresent a 'inear e/uation

    on a number 'ine and viceversa&

    iv& ,orm a 'inear ine/ua'ity&

    i& Add or subtract on a 'inear

    ine/ua'ity&ii& 3u'tip'y and divide on a 'inearine/ua'ity&

    iii& ,orm 'inear ine/ua'ities&

    i& epresent the common va'ueso+ to 'inear ine/ua'ities on anumber 'ine&

    .D$O3- ideo50OD6.0O57'ay the introduction video+rom the .D$O37rompt pupi's +or moree8amp'es +rom rea' 'i+e.O509506se content segment o+ the

    .D$O3 to i''ustrate thebasic conceptLL6S0A0O5''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urtherrein+orce the concept 'earnt A77L.A0O5S

    0eachers make use o+ theLinear ne/ua'ities  :raph o+ ,unctions:enerator +ond in the activitysegment to pose /uestions&9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheck


  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    !=&:raph o+,unctions

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - Derive ,unctions&

    - Derive :raph o+,unctions&

    ii& Determine the e/uiva'entine/ua'ities +or to 'inearine/ua'ities&

    iii& So've to simu'taneous 'inearine/ua'ities&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& 6nderstand re'ationshipbeteen to variab'es&

    ii& Determine dependent variab'eand independent variab'e&

    iii& .a'cu'ate the va'ue o+ adependent variab'e&

    i& .onstruct a tab'e o+ va'ues&ii& Dra a graph o+ +unctions&iii& Determine the va'ues o+

    variab'es +rom a graph&iv& So've prob'ems invo'ving

    graphs o+ +unctions&

    ith the anser provided bythe Linear ne/ua'ities  :raph o+ ,unctions:enerator 9AL6A0O5S>o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourageparticipation&6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to userevision +ound under9nhancement to revise thebasic concept hennecessary&

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015






    - ecogni?e averagespeed&

    - ecogni?eacce'eration&

    Students i'' be taughtto*

    - ecogni?e tangento+ an acute ang'e ina right$ang'edtriang'e&

    - ecogni?e sine o+ anacute ang'e in aright$ang'ed triang'e&

    speed&ii& .a'cu'ate and interpret speed&iii& .a'cu'ate distance and time

    +or speed&iv& .hange the units o+ speed&v& Di++erentiate beteen uni+orm

    speed and non$uni+orm speed&

    i& .a'cu'ate the average speed&ii& .a'cu'ate the distance and the

    time +or average speed&iii& So've prob'ems invo'ving

    speed and average speed&

    i& denti+y to /ua'ities +oracce'eration&

    ii& .a'cu'ate and interpretacce'eration&

    Students i'' be ab'e to*

    i& denti+y the hypotenuse-opposite side and adjacentside&

    ii& Determine the tangent o+ anang'e&

    iii& .a'cu'ate the tangent o+ anang'e&

    iv& .a'cu'ate the 'ength o+ sideso+ a triang'e&

    i& Determine the sine o+ anang'e&

    ii& .a'cu'ate the side o+ an ang'e&

    ''ustrate students ho toper+orm computations-represent o+ so'ving prob'ems&0ry ith di++erent e8amp'es95,O.939509va'uate segment to +urtherrein+orce the concept 'earnt A77L.A0O5S0eachers make use o+ theatios- ates and7roportions 0rigonometry:enerator +ond in the activitysegment to pose /uestions&9;7LOA0O5S9ncourage students to posethe ansers and crosscheckith the anser provided bythe atios- ates and7roportions 0rigonometry:enerator 9AL6A0O5S>o'd .ompetition inc'assroom to encourageparticipation&6se the e8tension segment o+ the .D$om as an e8amp'e+or students to try the/uestions&7rint out orksheets +oundunder 9va'uation +or the c'assto practice&9ncourage students to userevision +ound under9nhancement to revise the

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    - ecogni?e cosine o+an acute ang'e in aright$ang'ed triang'e&

    - denti+y using theva'ues o+ tangent-sine and cosine toso've prob'ems&

    iii& .a'cu'ate the 'ength o+ sideso+ a triang'e&

    i& Determine cosine o+ an ang'e&ii& .a'cu'ate the cosine o+ an

    ang'e&iii& .a'cu'ate 'ength o+ sides o+ a


    i& .a'cu'ate the va'ues o+ othertrigonometrica''y ratios- giventhe va'ue o+ onetrigonometrica''y ratio&

    ii& .hange measurement units o+ ang'es&

    iii& ,ind the va'ues o+ tangent-sine and cosine o+ ="1- 4C1and #"1 ithout using ascienti+ic ca'cu'ator&

    iv& ,ind the va'ues o+ tangent-sine and cosine using ascienti+ic ca'cu'ator&

    v& ,ind the ang'es using ascienti+ic ca'cu'ator 

    vi& So've prob'ems invo'vingtrigonometrica''y ratio&

    basic concept hennecessary&

  • 8/20/2019 Lesson Plan Math f3 2015


    $ 9SO5 $ 9SO5 $ 9SO5



    (23/8-27/8)PT3 TRIAL EXAM


    PT3 EXAM

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