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English 4 LIFE …in Thailand






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Welcome to the English for LIFE series. We believe in teaching English for LIFE. Real language for real communication used in real life. We believe students learn best when they are relaxed, interested and motivated to learn. We believe they learn best through talking about topics they know and then learning English around those topics. We believe in teaching English for LIFE change and for a purpose. We use the world wide best seller – the Bible to practice excellent English that can also be understood in the student’s language.

In each lesson students will have many opportunities to practice their:

speaking skills

reading skills

listening skills

vocabulary building skills

We value multi-lingual English speakers using world English. All the best with your English teaching adventures.

Kim and Ashley HoodBangkok, Thailand, 2015.ozenglishcorner@gmail.com

You are free to use these lessons, change, adapt and copy them to suit your teaching context.

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New Year’s Goals1. What are your goals for this year? We can group our goals into: Physical: exercise. Mental: knowledge. Social: Family/ Friends, Spiritual: God

This year I want to (I hope to)

1. Exercise more2. Eat healthier foods3. Lose weight4. Spend more time with family and friends5. Quit smoking6. Get out of debt – make more money7. Go to the temple more times8. Learn something new9. Get more organized10. Make more merit 11. Learn more about God

3. What are your plans for this year? I hope to…….

4. Sometimes we need encouragement from other people to achieve our goals. Practice encouraging somebody who wants to do more exercise. (Slow motion 5 metres)

Person 2: (Doing stretch)Person 1: Wow, you are doing more exercise!Person: 2: I’m going to run 5 metresPerson 1: Ready, set, go!Person 2: (After 2 metres) I’m getting tiredPerson 1: Come on, you can do it.Person 2: I can’t Person 1: Yes you can. Keep going.Person 1: You have run 5 metres well done. Person 2: I did it!Person 1: You are amazing, I’m proud of you.Person 2: Thank you.

5. Role play encouraging somebody with your words

Person 1: I want to tell you somethingPerson 2: SurePerson 1: I just want to say, I’m glad you are my friend.

6. Sometimes if you help many people you are nominated to be person of the year for your country. For example, this week in Australia people will celebrate Australia day. One person will become ‘Australian of the Year, 2015’

a. What do you know about Australia? (In Thailand do you have a Thai national day? b. Do you have a Thai person of the year? c. Who would you nominate for this award?

d. Why would you choose this person?I would choose __________ because: He/She helps many people They are very successful They go the temple every day and make merit They are a famous….. singer / movie star / sportsperson / doctor / scientist…

Today’s Story: The Rich Young Ruler… A successful man who reached all of his goals…

Mark 10: 17-27

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As Jesus was walking down a road, a man ran up to

him. He knelt down, and asked, “Good teacher, what

can I do to have eternal life?”

Jesus replied, “Why do you call me good? Only God

is good. You know the commandments. ‘Do not

murder. Be faithful in marriage. Do not steal. Do not

tell lies about others. Do not cheat. Respect your

father and mother.’”

The man answered, “Teacher, I have obeyed all

these commandments since I was a young man.”

Jesus looked closely at the man. He loved him and

said, “There’s one thing you still need to do. Go sell

everything you own. Give the money to the poor, and

you will have riches in heaven. Then come with me.”

When the man heard Jesus say this, he went away

very sad because he was very rich. Jesus looked

around and said to his disciples, “It’s hard for rich

people to get into God’s kingdom!” The disciples were

shocked to hear this.

So Jesus told them again, “It’s really hard to get into

God’s kingdom! In fact, it’s easier for a camel to go

through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to

get into God’s kingdom.”

Jesus' disciples were even more amazed. They

asked each other, “How can anyone ever be saved?”

Jesus looked at them and said, “What is impossible

for people is impossible for God.”

17 ในขณะทพระองคเรมออกเดนทางนนกมชายหนมคนหนงวงเขามาคกเขาลงตอหนาพระองค แลวถามวา “อาจารยผ

ประเสรฐ ผมจะตองทำายงไงถงจะมชวตกบพระเจาตลอดไปครบ”18 พระเยซตอบวา “คณเรยกเราวาผประเสรฐทำาไม ไมมใครประเสรฐหรอก นอกจากพระเจาเทานน 19 คณกรกฎปฏบตดอยแลวน ทวาอยาฆาคน อยามช อยาขโมย อยาเปนพยานเทจ อยาโกง และใหเคารพนบถอพอแม [a]”20 คนหนมคนนนกวา “อาจารยครบ ผมรกษากฎทกขอนมาตงแตเดกแลวครบ”21 พระเยซมองเขาดวยความรกและพดวา “แตคณยงขาดอยอกอยางหนง คอใหไปขายทรพยสมบตทกอยางทคณมแลวเอาเงนไปแจกจายใหกบคนยากจน และคณกจะมทรพยสมบตอยในสวรรค แลวมาตดตามเรา”22 เมอไดยนพระเยซพดอยางน เขากเดนจากไปดวยความเศรา เพราะเขารำารวยมาก23 พระเยซมองไปรอบๆและพดกบพวกศษยวา “มนยากมากทคนรวยจะไดเขาไปในอาณาจกรของพระเจา”24 พวกศษยตางกงงทไดยนพระองคพดอยางนน แตพระเยซพดตอวา “ลกๆเอยรไหมวา อาณาจกรของพระเจานเขายากจรงๆ 25 จะใหอฐลอดรเขม กยงจะงายกวาทจะใหคนรวยเขาไปในอาณาจกรของพระเจา”26 พวกศษยกยงงงกนไปใหญและพดกนเองวา “ถาอยางนนใครจะไปรอดได”

27 พระเยซมองดพวกเขาแลวพดวา “สำาหรบมนษยกเปนไปไมไดเลย แตสำาหรบพระเจากเปนไปได เพราะทกสงทกอยางเปนไปไดสำาหรบพระเจา”

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Life Events

1. Have people guess 3 important dates in your life.  a. 29.03.1969. b. Sept 1980 c. 10th August 2002

I was born, I came to know God, My first son was born

2. Share more about your life using this grammatical pattern A: My name is _______________. I am ______________ I like _______________________________________ B: I was born in _________________ . I studied/worked______________________ C: Now I am ________________________________________________________ D. In the future I hope to______________________________________________

 3. Life can be like a roller coaster, Share about your feelings in the last 12 months of your life.

For example: a.  I was excited because I moved cities. b.  I felt sad because I missed my mother c.  I felt happy because I made a new friend d.  I felt depressed because I got very sick e. Now I feel excited because I found a great job.

  FeelingsExcited HappySo-so Sad DownDepressed


 (d) Share about your last 12 months with a partner.

I was _______________ because _______________________________.

I was ______________ because _______________________________

I was ______________ because _______________________________

Now I am _____________ because _________________________________________

(e) Now read the story of Tabitha and her life.


ACTS 9:36-41NEW L IVING TRANSLATION (NLT)36 There was a believer in Joppa named Tabitha. She was always doing kind things for others and helping the poor. 37 About this time she became ill and died. Her body was washed for burial and laid in an upstairs room. 38 But the believers had heard that Peter was nearby at Lydda, so

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they sent two men to beg him, “Please come as soon as possible!”

39 So Peter returned with them; and as soon as he arrived, they took him to the upstairs room. The room was filled with widows who were weeping and showing him the coats and other clothes Dorcas had made for them. 40 But Peter asked them all to leave the room; then he knelt and prayed. Turning to the body he said, “Get up, Tabitha.” And she opened her eyes! When she saw Peter, she sat up! 41 He gave her his hand and helped her up. Then he called in the widows and all the believers, and he presented her to them alive.

กจการของอครทต 9:36-41

36 ในเมองยฟฟามสาวกคนหนงชอทาบธา (ซงแปลวา โดรคส[a]) ซงประกอบคณงามความดและชวยเหลอผยากไรอยเสมอ 37 ระหวางนนนางลมปวยและเสยชวต รางของนางไดรบการชำาระและวางอยในหองชนบน 38 เมองลดดาอยใกลกบเมองยฟฟา ฉะนนเมอพวกสาวกไดขาววาเปโตรอยในเมองลดดาจงสงชายสองคนมาหาเขาและรบเราวา “ขอโปรดมาในทนท!”39 เปโตรมากบคนทงสอง เมอมาถงพวกเขากพาเปโตรขนไปยงหองชนบนนน บรรดาหญงมายมาหอมลอมเปโตร รองไห และใหเขาดเสอผาตางๆ ทโดรคสทำาใหขณะยงมชวตอย40 เปโตรใหคนทงปวงออกไปจากหองแลวคกเขาลงอธษฐาน เขาหนมาทางหญงผตายและกลาววา “ทาบธาเอย ลกขนเถด” นางกลมตา เมอเหนเปโตรนางกลกขนนง 41 เขาจงจบมอนางพยงใหยนขนแลวเรยกบรรดาผเชอและพวกหญงมายนนมามอบหญงซงเปนขนนนใหพวกเขา1. Re-tell the story

2. What do you like about this story?

3. What surprised you in this story?

4. What do you learn about people in this story?

5. What do you learn about God/Jesus?

6. Who can you share this story with?

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Teacher’s DayA. THE STUDENTS

(a) In this class today1. All students are ...2. Most students are ...3. Some students are ….4. A few students are ...5. No students are ...

(b) Which of the following phrases are correct?1. all people or all of people2. nearly people or nearly all people3. most people or most of people or most of the

people4. every people or every person in..

(c) When you are/were in school. Do/did you always…?1. do your homework2. clean the classroom’3. arrive on time4. wear your uniform5. help and be kind to other students6. say thank you to the teacher7. give an apple or gift for the teacher

B. THE TEACHER (d) Last Friday was Teacher’s day. What did you do on

this day?

(e) Share about your best teacher.

My best teacher is……… because he/she

1. gave no homework2. was funny3. helped me 4. was kind5. listened to me 6. was smart7. had interesting classes.8. other ….

C. Saying Thank You(f) Which of these famous teachers have influenced Thailand

and how? 1. Confucius2. The Kings (Rama) and family3. Gandhi4. Jesus5. Buddha6. Other...

(i) Share about at time at school/work when you felt

1. happy2. angry or upset (sad)3. lonely (Isolated) or not popular

D. THE WORLD (THE BIG CLASSROOM)(j) Today we are going to learn a story from the Bible of a

Teacher (Jesus) who helped some very sad and lonely people in many ways but only one of them said thank you.

Being Thankful Story

ใหร จกขอบคณ ลกา 17:11-1911 ในระหวางทางทไปเมองเยรซาเลม พระเยซผานไปตามเขตแดนของแควนกาลลกบแควนสะมาเรย 12 ทหมบานแหงหนง มชายสบคนทเปนโรคผวหนงรายแรง เขามาหาพระองค แตยนอยหางๆ 13 และรองตะโกนวา “เยซ นายทาน สงสารพวกเราดวยเถด”14 พระองคกมองพวกเขา แลวพดวา “ไปแสดงตวใหพวกนกบวช [a] ดส” ในระหวางทางทไปนน พวกเขากหายจาก

โรค 15 คนหนงในนน เมอเหนวาหายแลว กกลบมารองสรรเสรญพระเจาเสยงดง 16 เขากมลงกราบขอบคณอยทเทาของพระเยซ เขาเปนชาวสะมาเรย 17 พระเยซถามวา “มสบคนทหายจากโรคไมใชหรอ แลวอกเกาคนอยทไหน 18 ทำาไมมแตคนตางชาตคนนเทานนหรอ ทกลบมาสรรเสรญพระเจา” 19 แลวพระเยซกบอกเขาวา “ลกขนกลบไปไดแลว ความเชอของคณทำาใหหายจากโรคแลว”


11 On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus went along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men with leprosy[a] came toward him. They stood at a distance 13 and shouted, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!”14 Jesus looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.”[b]

On their way they were healed. 15 When one of them discovered that he was healed, he came back, shouting praises to God. 16 He bowed down at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. The man was from the country of Samaria.17 Jesus asked, “Weren’t ten men healed? Where are the other nine? 18 Why was this foreigner the only one who came back to thank God?” 19 Then Jesus told the man, “You may get up and go. Your faith has made you well.”

Chinese New Year NEW YEAR

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In many Asian countries, Lunar New Year is being celebrated. Before the New Year, many families clean the house to get rid of the old and get ready for the new.


(a) Do you like doing housework?1. Yes I do2. No I don’t3. Sometimes. It depends on what type of housework.

(b) In your house, who usually does the housework? Mother, Father, Children, other…

(c) Role play an angry Mum cleaning the house in groups of four

Mum: What a mess! Whose shoes are these?Child 1: They are mine. They are my shoesMum: Whose rubbish is this?Child 2: It’s not mine.Mum: Is that your dirty coffee cup?Husband: Yes it is, sorry.

(d) Mime the following actions and the students have to guess what action the mime artist is doing.

1. pick up the… mop the …

2. dust the … clean and

3. sweep…. scrub the ...

4. buy some … prepare the ...

5. set the … light the ...

6. blow up the ... put up the..

(e) Speaking Practice: one person delegating jobs preparing for a Chinese New Year celebration at somebody’s house.

Sue: Excuse me, can you help me prepare for the New Years’ festival?Everybody: Yeh, sure.Sue: Ann, can you sweep the kitchen?Ann: Ok. I can do that.Sue: Nang, can you buy all the ingredients to make dumplings? Nang: That’s fine by me.Sue: Mint, would you mind buying some firecrackers?Mint: No problems.Sue: Nong, I was wondering if you could put up the red banners? Nong: Sure, I can also buy some red envelopes. (f) What do you usually do during Chinese New Year? I usually…..

(g) Chinese New Year is not only about cleaning the house but cleaning out evil spirits. Do you know stories in your culture how people have tried to get rid of or appease evil spirits? For example. Thailand: Bird (Spirit) houses: Spirits kept from tormenting people or businesses by using spirit houses. Now read about the way a man got rid of his evil spirits.

Mark 5  A Man with Evil Spirits

5 Jesus and his disciples crossed Lake Galilee and came to shore near the town of Gerasa. 2 When he was getting out of the boat, a

man with an evil spirit quickly ran to him3 from the graveyard where he had been living. No one was able to tie the man up anymore, not even with a chain.4 He had often been put in chains and leg irons, but he broke the chains and smashed the leg irons. No one could control him. 5 Night and day he was in the graveyard or

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on the hills, yelling and cutting himself with stones.

6 When the man saw Jesus in the distance, he ran up to him and knelt down. 7 He shouted, “Jesus, Son of God in heaven, what do you want with me? Promise me in God’s name that you won’t torture me!” 8 The man said this because Jesus had already told the evil spirit to come out of him.9 Jesus asked, “What is your name?”The man answered, “My name is Lots, because I have ‘lots' of evil spirits.” 10 He then begged Jesus not to send them away.

11 Over on the hillside a large herd of pigs was feeding. 12 So the evil spirits begged Jesus, “Send us into those pigs! Let us go into them.” 13 Jesus let them go, and they went out of the man and into the pigs. The whole herd of about two thousand pigs rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.

14 The men taking care of the pigs ran to the town and the farms to spread the news. Then the people came out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had once been full of demons. He was sitting there with his clothes on and in his right mind, and they were terrified.16 Everyone who had seen what had happened told about the man and the pigs. 17 Then the people started begging Jesus to leave their part of the country.

18 When Jesus was getting into the boat, the man begged to go with him. 19 But Jesus would not let him. Instead, he said, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how good he has been to you.”20 The man went away into the region near the ten cities known as Decapolis[c] and began telling everyone how much Jesus had done for him. Everyone who heard what had happened was amazed.

1. Draw the story

1. Re-Tell the story to a partner using your pictures.

2. What do you like about this story?

3. What surprised you in this story?

4. What do you learn about people in this story?

5. What do you learn about Jesus in this story?

6. Who can you tell this story to?


พระเยซรกษาชายทถกผช วสง5 พวกเขามาถงอกฝงหนงของทะเลสาบ ซงเปนทอยของชาวเมองเกราซา 2 เมอพระเยซลงจากเรอกมชายคนหนงทถกผชวสงอยวงจากอโมงคฝงศพตรงเขามาหาพระองคทนท 3 ชายคนนอาศยอยตามอโมงคฝงศพ ไมมใครจบเขาไวได แมแตโซกลามไมอย 4 เพราะ

English 4 LIFE Page 10

เขาถกลามโซทมอและเทาอยบอยๆแตเขากกระชากมนขาดทกครง จนไมมใครควบคมเขาไดอกแลว 5 เขาจะเดนไปเดนมาตามอโมงคฝงศพและตามภเขาตางๆทงวนทงคน รองตะโกนอยางบาคลงและเอาหนกรดตามเนอตว6 เมอเขาเหนพระเยซแตไกลกวงเขามากมกราบพระองค 7 แลว

รองตะโกนสดเสยงวา “เยซ บตรของพระเจาสงสด มายงกบผมทำาไม ชวยสญญาตอพระเจาหนอยวาจะไมทรมานผม” 8 ผพด

อยางนเพราะพระเยซบอกมนวา “ไอผชว ออกจากคนนนซะ”

9 พระเยซถามมนวา “เองชออะไร” มนตอบวา “ชอกอง [a] ครบ

เพราะเรามกนหลายตนอยในรางน”10 มนไดออนวอนพระองค

ครงแลวครงเลา ไมใหพระองคไลมนไปจากบรเวณนน

11 มหมฝงใหญถกปลอยใหหากนอยตามไหลเขาแถวๆนน 12 พว

กผชวขอรองพระเยซวา “ชวยสงเราเขาไปในหมฝงนนเถอะ ขอใหเราไปสงพวกมนแทน” 13 พระองคกยอมใหพวกมนทำาอยางนน

พวกผชวจงออกจากรางชายคนนไปเขาสงฝงหมแทน หมทงฝงซงมประมาณสองพนตวกวงกรกนจากไหลเขาสงชนลงสทะเลสาบและจมนำาตายหมด

14 พวกคนเลยงหมวงเขาไปเลาเรองนใหคนในเมองและในชนบทฟง พวกเขาออกมาดวาเกดอะไรขน 15 เขาพากนมาหาพระเยซ

และเหนชายคนทเคยถกผชวสง นงอยทนน ใสเสอผาเรยบรอยและสงบสตด พวกเขากกลวมาก 16 คนทเหนเหตการณ ไดเลาใหพวกนนฟงวาเกดอะไรขนกบคนทถกผชวสงและกบฝงหม 17 พว


18 ในขณะทพระองคลงเรอ ชายคนทเคยถกผชวสงกขอตาม


19 พระองคไมยอมใหเขาไปดวย แตบอกเขาวา “กลบบานไปหา

ครอบครวส แลวเลาใหพวกเขาฟงวาองคเจาชวตทำาอะไรใหคณบาง และพระองคดกบคณขนาดไหน” 20 ชายคนนนจากไป และเรมเลาใหใครตอใครในแควนเดคาโปลศ [b] ฟงวา พระเยซไดทำา

อะไรใหกบเขาบาง และคนเหลานนกประหลาดใจอยางมาก

1. Draw the story

1. Re-Tell the story to a partner using your pictures.

2. What do you like about this story?

3. What surprised you in this story?

4. What do you learn about people in this story?

5. What do you learn about Jesus in this story?

6. Who can you tell this story to?

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Valentine’s Day – Love1. Match the words with the pictures

a. b. c. d. e. f.

1. balloons 2. ring 3. roses 4. bear 5. card 6. chocolates

2. Which gift would you like to receive on Valentine’s Day? I would like to receive ________

3. Speaking Practice:


A: Here are some flowers for you.

B: Wow, they are so beautiful!


A: Here is a card for you.

B: Thank you, you shouldn’t have. That is very kind of you.


A: Here is a _________________ for you.

B: Thank you. It is ___________________. or Here are some ____________________.

They are so ____________________.

beautiful…..delicious…..cute…. pretty

4. Love is defined in the bible (used in many weddings), 1 Corinthians 13 ….

Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or 5 rude.Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered.It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.6 Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.7 Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.8 Love never fails!

_______is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.

________ isn’t selfish or quick tempered.

________ doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.

______________rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.

_____________is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

_________ never fails!

6. Put your name in the blank ____________. Is it possible?

7. It is impossible to be perfect! But God knows it is impossible for us to be perfect so He showed amazing love : In the Bible it says:

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, whoever believes in him, shall not die but have eternal life. John 3:16

Happy St Patrick’s Day

a. Tuesday was St Patrick’s Day; Green is an important color for St Patrick’s Day. What is your favourite colour?

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My favourite colour is _____________


b. What colours best describe these feelings? 1. Happy2. Sad3. Surprised4. Life changing Chicago River is dyed green 5. Excited6. Depressed

c. Mark in with different colours major turning points in your life on this timeline

Born now

For example

1. In 2001, 2. 5 years ago, 3. When I was 12,4. When I was studying at school ...5. When I lived in Rayong.....

St Patricks Day

Patrick was born in England in the fourth century. When he was sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish robbers and taken to Ireland as a slave. He was put in prison for six years. In prison he was told by God in a dream to escape from prison to the coast, where he would find a ship and return to England. He became a Christian and his life changed. He returned to England and studied to be a priest. He spent 12 years studying. In 432, God called him back to Ireland to tell people about Jesus and his love. He used a shamrock to explain the Christian teaching of God to the Irish people. He helped change a nation that did not believe in God to a country that now has many schools and churches. He died on 17 March 461.

d. Show on the map the journey of Patricke. Read the story from the Bible. f. How is this story similar to St Patrick? What caused the change in their lives?


Sharing Possessions32 The group of followers all felt the same way about everything. None of them claimed that their possessions were their own, and they shared everything they had with each other. 33 In a powerful way the apostles told everyone that the Lord Jesus was now alive. God greatly blessed his followers,[d] 34 and no one went in need of anything. Everyone who owned land or houses would sell them and bring the money 35 to the apostles. Then they would give the money to anyone who needed it.

32 ผเชอทงปวงมความคดจตใจเปนหนงเดยวกนไมมใครอางวาทรพยสนทมอยเปนของตนเองแตพวกเขาแบงปนทกสงทตนม 33 โดยฤทธอำานาจอนยงใหญ เหลาอครทตเปนพยานอยางตอเนองถงการคนพระชนมขององคพระเยซเจาและพระคณมากลนมแกพวกเขาทกคน 34 ในหมพวกเขาไมมใครขดสนเพราะบางครงบางคราวผทมบานหรอทดนกนำาไปขายและนำาเงนทได 35 มาวางแทบเทาของอครทตจากนนจงแจกจายใหทกคนตามความจำาเปน (Acts 4)Do you want your life to change? How?

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Markets and Shopping

(a)  What is your favourite market or shopping centre?

My favourite market is _________________________. You can buy _______________.  

(b) Put the 5 items in order from the lowest to highest price. the cheapest…cheaper than….the most expensive …. more expensive than..

1. … is the most expensive item2. … is the cheapest item3. … is more expensive than ..( )4. … is the cheaper than……

 (c) Role play a stall holder and a potential customer.

 Stall Holder: Hello, how are you today?Customer: Good thanksStall Holder: Where are you from?Customer: I’m from New ZealandStall Holder: Wow! New Zealand. I heard it is so beautiful. Stall Holder: This shirt is very good quality. 350 Baht for one or two for 650

Baht.Customer: Could you do me a special deal?Stall Holder: I can make you a special offer. I will sell you this shirt for 300 Baht,

that is my lowest price.Customer: I’ll take itStall Holder: How long will you stay in Bangkok?Customer: I will stay here for 2 weeksStall Holder: I hope you have a great stay.  

(d) Discuss why people go to shopping centres and markets:1. To socialize and meet people (Yes/no/sometimes)2. To buy things and eat something3. To do something – it is boring at home. 

(e) Why do people go to temples? Is it the same as going to shopping centres?

 (f) Read the story of what happened when Jesus went to a temple and found it was a

market place.  


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13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. 15 So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16 To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market!” 17 His disciples remembered that it is written: “Zeal for your house will consume me.”[a]

18 The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”

19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”

20 They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?” 21 But the temple he had spoken of was his body. 22 After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.

23 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name.[b]


1. What does this story tell us about God? พระธรรมตอนนบอกอะไรเราเกยวกบพระเจา?

2. What does this story tell us about people? พระธรรมตอนนบอกอะไรเราเกยวกบคน?

3. If this story is true, what behaviour should we change this week? หากเนอหาเรองนเปนจรง สงใดทเราควรจะเปลยนแปลงความประพฤตในสปดาหน

4. Who will you tell this story to this week? คณจะเลาเรองราวนแกใครในสปดาหน?


สงทพระเยซทำาในวหาร13 เมอใกลจะถงเทศกาลวนปลดปลอย พระเยซเดนทางขนไปเมองเยรซาเลม 14 ในบรเวณวหาร นน พระองคเหนคนขายวว แกะ และนกพราบ สำาหรบใชเปนเครองบชา และยงเหนพวกรบแลกเงน [a] นงอยทโตะของพวกเขาดวย 15 พระเยซเอา

เชอกมาทำาเปนแสแลวหวดไลคนพวกนน รวมทงแกะและววออกไปจากบรเวณวหาร พระองคยงเทเหรยญและควำาโตะของพวกรบแลกเงนดวย 16 พระองคบอกพวกคนขายนกพราบวา “ขนออกไปใหหมด อยามาทำาใหบานของพระบดาเรากลายเปนตลาด”

17 พวกศษยนกขนมาไดถงขอความทเขยนไวในพระคมภร วา

“การทเราทมเทใจใหกบบานของพระเจา จะเปนเหตทำาใหเราถกทำาลาย”

18 พวกยวทกทวงกบพระเยซวา “แกมสทธอะไรไปทำาอยางนน ทำาเรองอศจรรยพสจนตวเองส”19 พระเยซตอบวา “ทำาลายวหารนลงมาส แลวเราจะสรางมนขนมาใหมภายในสามวน”

20 พวกยวพดวา “วหารนกวาจะสรางเสรจตองใชเวลาถงสสบหกป แลวแกคดวาแกจะสรางขนใหมไดภายในสามวนหรอ” 21 แตวหารทพระองคกำาลงพดถงนน หมายถงรางกายของพระองคเอง 22 เมอพระเยซฟ นขนมาจากความตายแลว ศษยของพระองคถงนกขนไดวา พระองคเคยพดอยางน พวกเขากเลยเชอพระคมภร และเชอคำาพดของพระองค

23 ชวงทพระเยซอยในเมองเยรซาเลม เปนชวงฉลองเทศกาลวนปลดปลอย พระองคไดทำาเรองอศจรรยมากมาย ทำาใหมคนจำานวนมากมาไววางใจพระองค

English 4 LIFE Page 15


This weekend Easter will be celebrated around the world:

1. Vocabulary.

Match the words to the picutures Match the Easter activities




a. easter egg hunt

b. dying easter eggs

c. egg and spoon race

The Passion of Christ

Narrator: The soldiers took Jesus. They put a purple robe on Jesus, and on his head they placed a crown made of thorns. They made fun of Jesus and shouted:

Soldier 1:Hail! You king of the Jews!

Soldiers 2,3, 4: Long live the King of the Jews!

Narrator: The soldiers beat Jesus on the head with a stick. They spat on him and led him off to be nailed on a cross. A group of women followed Jesus crying. Jesus said to them:

Jesus: Women of Jerusalem! Don’t cry for me, but for yourselves and your children.

Narrator: Two other men, both of them criminals, were also led out to be put to death with Jesus. The soldiers took Jesus to a hill to be crucified. They crucified Jesus there, and the two criminals, one on his right and the other on his left. Jesus said:

Jesus: Forgive them Father! They don’t know what they are doing!

Narrator: The soldiers gambled for Jesus’ clothes among themselves by throwing dice. The crowd stood there watching while the soldiers mocked him.

Religious Leader 1: He saved others. Now he should save himself!

Religious Leader 2: If he is the Messiah—God’s chosen one—come down from the cross!

Soldier 4: Save yourself if you are the King of the Jews.

Narrator: One of the criminals hanging there threw insults at Jesus:

Criminal 1: Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!

Narrator: The other one, however, told the first one off.

Criminal 2: Don’t you fear God? Aren’t we getting the same punishment as this man? We got what we deserved, but he didn’t do anything wrong.

Narrator: Then criminal 2 turned to Jesus and said:

Criminal 2: Remember me when you come into power!

Narrator: Jesus said to him:

Jesus: I promise that today you will be with me in heaven.

Narrator: When Jesus was crucified, some women stood at a distance to watch because they were afraid the soldiers might arrest them, as they were family and friends of Jesus. They were upset and cried for Jesus. The sky turned dark and Jesus shouted:

Jesus: Father, I put myself in your hands!

Narrator: Then he died. A Roman soldier saw what happened and said:

Soldier 4: Jesus must really have been the Son of God!

Arrest: taken by police.Made Fun. To tease or make a joke in an unkind way.Messiah: God’s saviour for the worldCriminal: someone who has committed a crime.

Punishment: When someone is punished. Robe (noun): a long, loose piece of clothing.

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Beat (verb) to hit a person or animal hard many times.

This week is Songkran! Happy Songkran. Here are some Songkran English words.

Water guns

Water fight

Pouring water over older people’s hands

1. What will you do this Songkran? I will:

stay home go to my hometown have dinner with my family have dinner with my friends go travelling other…

2. Why is water so important for Songkran? Water is for :

cleaning away bad luck cleaning the person washing Buddha other…

3. There is a story about water, new life and cleansing in the Bible. It happened after Easter.

An angel said to Philip, “Go south along the desert road from Jerusalem to Gaza. So Philip went. An Ethiopian official was on the road. He was in a chariot. He was the chief treasurer for, the Queen of Ethiopia. The official had gone to Jerusalem to worship and was now on his way home. He was sitting in his chariot, reading the Bible.

The Spirit told Philip to go to the chariot. Philip ran up close and heard the man reading aloud from the book. Philip asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?”

The official answered, “How can I understand unless someone helps me?” He then he invited Philip to come up and sit beside him.

So Philip began at this place in the Scriptures and explained the good news about Jesus.

As they were going along the road, they came to a place where there was some water. The official said, “Look! Here is some

water. Why can’t I be baptized?” 38 He ordered the chariot to stop. Then they both went down into the water, and Philip baptized him.

ปกบขนท ชาวเอธโอเป ย26 ทตองคหนงขององคพระผเปนเจาสงฟลปวา “จงลงใต ไปยงถนนทเรยกวาทางกนดารซงเชอมระหวางกรงเยรซาเลมกบเมองกาซา” 27 ดงนนฟลปกออกเดนทางไป ในระหวางทางเขาพบขนทชาวเอธโอเปย เปนขนนางคนสำาคญดแลคลงทรพยของพระนางคานดาสราชนแหงเอธโอเปย ขนทผนไดมานมสการทเยรซาเลม 28 ระหวางเดนทางกลบบานเขานงอานหนงสอผเผยพระวจนะอสยาหอยในรถมา 29 พระวญญาณตรสบอกฟลปวา “จงเขาไปใกลๆ รถมานนเถด”30 แลวฟลปจงวงเขาไปใกลรถนน เขาไดยนเสยงคนอานหนงสอผเผยพระวจนะอสยาหกถามวา “ทานเขาใจสงททานอานหรอ?”31 ขนทนนตอบวา “ถาไมมใครอธบาย ขาพเจาจะเขาใจไดอยางไร?” ดงนนเขาจงเชญฟลปขนมานงดวยกน36 ขณะเดนทางไปตามถนน พวกเขามาพบแองนำา ขนทจงเอยวา “ดเถด ทนมนำา มอะไรขดของไมใหขาพเจารบบพตศมาเลา?” 38 และเขาสงใหหยดรถ จากนนฟลปกบขนทกลงไปในนำาและฟลปใหขนทรบบพตศมา 

English 4 LIFE Page 17

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Coronation DayVocabularygive me help kind handsomeclean food money choosetogether listen smile arriveheart intelligent tall judge

(a) Role play asking somebody to help you.

Person 1: Can you give me some food?Person 2: SurePerson 2: Can you give me some money?Person 1: Sorry!Person 1: Can you clean my car?Person 2: No way!Person 2: Can you help me with my homeworkPerson 1: Ok, I can. When should we meet?Person 2: Tomorrow at 5pm King Bhumibol Adulyadej Person 1: Where?Person 2: At BSCPerson 1: Ok, see you then.Person 2 Thank you for helping me.Person 1: No problem

(b) Role play asking another partner to help you.

Excuse me .....(name) Can you...

(c) When was the last time you helped somebody? For example:

1. homework. 2. clean 3. ride4. ride 5. listen 6. fun together7. food/money 8. smile 9. taught

(d) Who is the kindest person you have met? How did they help you? William Adams(e) Choose which of the following descriptions best describes a person who is very kind. 1. kind or cruel

2. generous or selfish3. proud or humble4. honest or dishonest

(f) Share about your future. In the future I want to be ... 1. kinder2. more generous

(g) King Bhumibol Adulyadej has helped many people in his life,. Last Tuesday was Coronation Day in

Thailand. Share what you know about King Bhumibol Adulyadej and how long has he been king.

(h) Share any stories of any unusual people from your culture who have helped many people. Japan:William Adams (The English Samurai 1600): Outside appearance-:Foreigner (Narban). Inside the heart: God’s love. A Japanese leader asked him what he believed, He said “I believe in God that made heaven and earth.”

(i) Do you know the story of how a boy named David was chosen to be king, not because of his age or appearance but by his heart?

1 ซามเอล 16 Thai New Contemporary Bible (TNCV)ซามเอลเจมตงดาวด16 องคพระผเปนเจา+ตรสกบซามเอลวา “เจาจะครำาครวญเรองทเราถอดซาอลออกจากตำาแหนงกษตรยอสราเอลไปอกนานเทาใด บดนจงเตมนำามนใหเตมเขาสตวและออกเดนทาง เราจะสงเจาไปพบเจสซแหงเบธเลเฮม เราไดเลอกบตรชายคนหนงของเขาใหเปนกษตรย”2 แตซามเอลกราบทลวา “ขาพระองคจะไปไดอยางไร? ซาอลจะรขาวและฆาขาพระองคเสย”องคพระผเปนเจา+ตรสวา “จงเอาววตวเมยไปดวยตวหนง และพดวา ‘ขาพเจามาเพอถวายเครองบชาแดองคพระผเปนเจา+’ 3 จงเชญเจสซไปรวมการถวายเครองบชา แลวเราจะบอกใหเจารวาจะตองทำาอะไรบาง เจาจงเจมตงคนทเราบอกไวสำาหรบเรา”4 ซามเอลกปฏบตตามพระดำารสสงขององคพระผเปนเจา+ เมอเขามาถงเบธเลเฮม บรรดาผอาวโสของเมองนนหวาดกลวจนตวสนและถามเขาวา “ทานมาอยางสนตหรอ?”5 ซามเอลตอบวา “ถกแลว เรามาอยางสนต มาเพอถวายเครองบชาแดองคพระผเปนเจา+ จงชำาระตวแลวมารวมถวายเครองบชาดวยกนเถด” แลวเขาประกอบพธชำาระใหแกเจสซกบบตรชายทงหลายของเขาและเชญคนเหลานนมารวมในการถวายเครองบชาดวย6 เมอพวกเขามาถง ซามเอลมองดเอลอบและคดในใจวา “ชายทยนอยตอหนาองคพระผเปนเจา+คนนแนทพระองคทรงเจมตงไว”7 แตองคพระผเปนเจา+ตรสกบซามเอลวา “อยาตดสนจากรปรางหนาตาหรอสวนสง เพราะเราไมไดเลอกคนน องคพระผเปนเจา+ไมไดมองอยางทมนษยมอง มนษยมองรปลกษณภายนอก แตองคพระผเปนเจา+มองดจตใจ”8 จากนนเจสซจงสงใหอาบนาดบมาอยตอหนาซามเอล แตซามเอลกลาววา “องคพระผเปนเจา+ไมไดเลอกคนน” 9 เจสซจงเรยกตวชมมาห แตซามเอลกลาววา “องคพระผเปนเจา+กไมไดเลอกคนน”10 เจสซใหบตรชายทงเจดคนมาอยตอหนาซามเอล แตซามเอลกลาววา “องคพระผเปนเจา+ไมไดเลอกคนเหลาน” 11 ดงนนซามเอลถามเจสซวา “ทานมลกชายเทานหรอ?”เจสซตอบวา “ยงมลกคนสดทองอกคนหนง แตเขาเลยงแกะอย”ซามเอลกลาววา “จงไปตามเขามา เราจะไมนงลง[a]จนกวาเขาจะมา”12 ฉะนนเจสซจงใหคนไปตามเขามา เขาเปนเดกหนมผวพรรณด รปรางหนาตาหลอเหลาแลวองคพระผเปนเจา+ตรสวา “คนนแหละ จงลกขน และเจมตงเขาเถด”13 ซามเอลจงหยบเขาสตวบรรจนำามนเจมดาวดตอหนาพๆ และพระวญญาณขององคพระผเปนเจา+เสดจลงมาสวมทบดาวดดวยฤทธานภาพตงแตวนนนเปนตนมา แลวซามเอลกกลบไปทรามาห

1 Samuel 16 Contemporary English Version (CEV)

16 1 One day he said, “Samuel, I’ve rejected Saul, and I refuse to let him be king any longer. Stop feeling sad about him. Put some olive oil[a] in a small container[b] and go visit a man named Jesse, who lives in Bethlehem. I’ve chosen one of his sons to be my king.”2 Samuel answered, “If I do that, Saul will find out and have me killed.”

“Take a calf with you,” the LORD replied. “Tell everyone that you’ve come to offer it as a sacrifice to me, 3 then invite Jesse to the sacrifice.[c] When I show you which one of his sons I have chosen, pour the olive oil on his head.”4 Samuel did what the LORD told him and went to Bethlehem. The town leaders went to meet him, but they were terribly afraid and asked, “Is this a friendly visit?”5 “Yes, it is!” Samuel answered. “I’ve come to offer a sacrifice to the LORD. Get yourselves ready[d] to take part in the sacrifice and come with me.” Samuel also invited Jesse and his sons to come to the sacrifice, and he got them ready to take part.6 When Jesse and his sons arrived, Samuel noticed Jesse’s oldest son, Eliab. “He has to be the one the LORD has chosen,” Samuel said to himself.7 But the LORD told him, “Samuel, don’t think Eliab is the one just because he’s tall and handsome. He isn’t the one I’ve chosen. People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts.”8 Jesse told his son Abinadab to go over to Samuel, but Samuel said, “No, theLORD hasn’t chosen him.”9 Next, Jesse sent his son Shammah to him, and Samuel said, “The LORD hasn’t chosen him either.”10 Jesse had all seven of his sons go over to Samuel. Finally, Samuel said, “Jesse, the LORD hasn’t chosen any of these young men. 11 Do you have any more sons?”

“Yes,” Jesse answered. “My youngest son David is out taking care of the sheep.”“Send for him!” Samuel said. “We won’t start the ceremony until he gets here.”12 Jesse sent for David. He was a healthy, good-looking boy with a sparkle in his eyes. As soon as David came, the LORD told Samuel, “He’s the one! Get up and pour the olive oil on his head.”[e]

13 Samuel poured the oil on David’s head while his brothers watched. At that moment, the Spirit of

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the LORD took control of David and stayed with him from then on.

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It’s the LawCARS AND DRIVING(a) Look at the cars and describe them.

1. Speedy and fast2. Cheap, cute and comfortable3. Spacious, luxurious, sporty, 4. Easy to drive, easy to park, 4WD.5. Economical on fuel, safe and reliable

(b) Describe what kind of car, motorcycle or bicycle you have and what is your dream car? 1. I have a …2. My dream car/bike is a/an …...

(c) Demonstrate your driving style with your toy car. 1. Slow and steady (Careful)2. Assertive3. Reckless and dangerous4. Fast (speedy)

(d) Which of these answers to the following questions is not correct?

Kim, do you have a driver’s licence?Possible Answers

a. Yes I have/No I don’t haveb. Yes I do/No I don’t

(e) Have you ever..1. got a perking ticket2. got a speeding fine.3. got a caught not wearing a helmet4. got a caught not wearing a seatbelt5. got a a yellow or red car playing football6. got a late library book fine7. stolen something or told a lie8. thought or said something bad.

(f) What are the rules for wearing seatbelts in your country?1. It’s compulsory (It’s the law) or its optional2. Front seat, back seat or both3. Child seat or lap belt

(g) In Thailand...1. Are you licensed to drive an automatic or manual car? 2. What are the speed limits?3. What do you do if you have an accident?4. What is the legal blood alcohol limit for driving?

(h) In Thailand, what happens to you if you do a serious crime?1. shown on television2. community service3. imprisonment4. death penalty

(i) Do you know any crazy laws in Thailand or another country?(j) What new law or penalty would you introduce to Thailand?

JOHN 8:1-11 (CEV)

8 Jesus walked out to the Mount of Olives. 2 Then early

the next morning he went to the temple. The people came to him, and he sat down[a] and started teaching them.

3 The Pharisees and the teachers of the Law of Moses brought in a woman who had been caught in bed with a man who wasn’t her husband. They made her stand in the middle of the crowd. 4 Then they said, “Teacher, this

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woman was caught sleeping with a man who isn’t her husband. 5 The Law of Moses teaches that a woman like this should be stoned to death! What do you say?”6 They asked Jesus this question, because they wanted to test him and bring some charge against him. But Jesus simply bent over and started writing on the ground with his finger.7 They kept on asking Jesus about the woman. Finally, he stood up and said, “If any of you have never sinned, then go ahead and throw the first stone at her!” 8 Once again he bent over and began writing on the ground. 9 The people left one by one, beginning with the oldest. Finally, Jesus and the woman were there alone.10 Jesus stood up and asked her, “Where is everyone? Isn’t there anyone left to accuse you?”11 “No sir,” the woman answered.Then Jesus told her, “I am not going to accuse you either. You may go now, but don’t sin anymore.”


8 แตพระเยซเสดจไปยงภเขามะกอกเทศ 2 พอรงสางพระองคทรงมาทลานพระวหารอก คนทงปวงพากนมาชมนมอยรอบพระองคและพระเยซประทบนงเพอสงสอนพวกเขา 3 เหลาธรรมาจารยและพวกฟารสนำาตวหญงคนหนงมา นางถกจบฐานลวงประเวณ พวกเขาใหนางยนอยตอหนาคนกลมนน 4 แลวทลพระเยซวา “ทานอาจารย หญงผนถกจบขณะลวงประเวณ 5 ในหนงสอบทบญญตโมเสสสงใหเราเอาหนขวางหญงททำาอยางน ทานจะวาอยางไร?”6 เขาใชคำาถามนเปนกบดกเพอหาเหตกลาวโทษพระองค

แตพระเยซทรงโนมพระกายลงและทรงใชนวพระหตถเขยนทพน 7 เมอพวกเขายงถามไมหยด พระองคกทรงยดพระกายขนแลวตรสกบพวกเขาวา “ถาผใดในพวกทานไมมบาป ใหผนนเอาหนขวางนางเปนคนแรก” 8 แลวทรงโนมพระกายลงเขยนทพนอก9 ถงตรงนพวกทไดยนกทยอยออกไปทละคน เรมจากคนเฒาคนแกจนเหลอแตพระเยซกบหญงคนนนซงยงคงยนอย 10 พระเยซกทรงยดพระกายขนตรสถามวา “หญงเอย พวกเขาไปไหนกนหมด? ไมมใครเอาโทษเจาเลยหรอ?”11 นางทลวา “ไมมเลย พระเจาขา”พระเยซประกาศวา “เรากไมเอาโทษเจาเชนกน บดนจงไปเถด และจงทงวถชวตทผดบาปของเจา”


1. INTRODUCING YOURSELF(a) Art Gallery Introductions. Draw a picture of your partner and

ask them:1. What is your name? His/Her name is __________________________

2. Where do you live? He/She lives in ___________________________

3. What do you do? She/He is a _______________________________

4. What is one thing surprising about you? One thing surprising about

_______ (name) is ____________________________________.

5. What is your favorite English word? His/Her favorite word is_________.

(b) Art Gallery Exhibition – Introductions. Introduce your picture to the group!

(c) Responding: Practice using the following responses.really tell me more wow

how interesting that’s interesting great

Loi Khratong Festival

This is the 1._____________. It is held 2._____________________. People make floating candles and put them on the3. _____. It is to ask forgiveness of sins.

3. Loi Khratong was this week. What did you do for Loi Khatong this year?

I went to the river I visited my parents

I went to a park I had dinner with my friends

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4. Loi Khratong festival is about forgiveness and love. One famous story that is about love and forgiveness is the story of a woman who was forgiven of all the bad things she did.

VOCABULARYPharisee: a religious leaderSinful: having done bad or wrong things against God.Prophet: someone sent by God to tell people what to do, or say what will happen in the future.Owe: to have to pay money back to someoneDebt: when you owe money to someone.Forgiven: to restore a relationship. Not to punish him or her for what they deserve.

The Story – Luke 7:36 – 50 (CEV)Narrator: A Pharisee invited Jesus to have dinner with him. So

Jesus went to the Pharisee’s home to get ready for him. When a sinful woman in that town found out that Jesus was there, she bought an expensive bottle of perfume. Then she came and stood before Jesus. She cried and started washing his feet with her tears and drying them with her hair. The woman kissed his feet and poured the perfume on them. The Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw this and said to himself:

Simon: If this man really were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him! He would know that she is a sinner.

Narrator: Jesus said to Simon, the Pharisee: Jesus: Simon, I have something to say to you. Simon: Teacher, what is it?

Jesus: Two people were in debt to a money lender. One of them owed him 500 silver coins, and the other owed him 50. Since neither of them could pay him back, the moneylender said that they didn't have to pay him anything. Which one of them will like him more?

Simon: I suppose it would be the one who had owed more and didn’t have to pay it back.

Jesus: You are right.Narrator: Jesus turned towards the woman and said to


Jesus: Have you noticed this woman? When I came into your home, you didn’t give me any water so I could wash my feet. But she has washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but from the time I came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You didn’t even pour olive oil on my head, but she has poured expensive perfume on my feet. So I tell that all her sins are forgiven, and that is why she has shown great love. But anyone who has been forgiven for only a little will show only a little love.

Narrator: Then Jesus said to the woman.

Jesus: Your sins are forgiven.Narrator: Some other guests started saying to one another:Guest: Who is this who dares to forgive sins?Narrator: But Jesus told the woman:

Jesus: Because of your faith, you are now saved. May God give you peace.


ฟารสคนหนงช อซโมน36 มฟารสคนหนงเชญพระเยซมากนอาหารกบเขา พระองคกเลยมาทบานของเขาและนงเอนกายอยทโตะอาหาร37 เมอมผหญงคนหนง ทเปนทรกนไปทวในเมองนนวาเปนคนบาป นางไดยนวาพระเยซกำาลงกนอาหารอยทบานของฟารสคนนน นางกถอนำาหอมในขวดสวยหรมาดวย 38 นางเขาไปยนอยขางหลงใกลเทาของพระเยซ แลวรองไหจนเทาของพระองคเปยกชมไปดวยนำาตา แลวเอาผมของนางเชด และกมลงจบเทาของพระองค พรอมทงเทนำาหอมลงบนเทาทงสองขางของพระองค 39 เมอฟารสคนทเชญพระเยซเหนกคดในใจวา “ถาชายคนนเปนผพดแทนพระเจาจรง เขาจะตองรวา หญงทแตะตองตวเขานเปนใคร และเปนหญงประเภทไหน เขาจะตองรวานางเปนคนบาป”40 พระเยซพดวา “ซโมน เราจะบอกอะไรใหนะ”และซโมนกตอบวา “วามาเลยครบ อาจารย”41 พระเยซพดวา “มคนปลอยเงนกคนหนง มลกหนอยสองคน คนหนงเปนหนอยหารอยเหรยญเงน [a] และอกคนหนงเปนหนอยหาสบเหรยญ

เงน 42 แตทงสองไมมเงนใชหน เจาหนกเลยยกหนใหทงสองคน คณคดวาคนไหนจะรกเจาหนคนนมากกวากน”43 ซโมนตอบวา “คนแรกทมหนมากกวาครบ”

พระองคกตอบวา “ถกตอง”44 แลวพระเยซหนไปมองหญงคนนน และพดกบซโมนวา “เหนหญงคนนไหม เรามาบานคณ คณกไมไดเอานำามาลางเทาเรา แตเธอกลบใชนำาตาลางเทาเรา และเอาผมของเธอเชดจนแหง 45 คณไมไดจบตอนรบเรา แตเธอไมไดหยดจบเทาเราเลยตงแตเขามา 46 คณไมไดเอานำามนใสหวของเรา แตเธอเอานำาหอมเทใสเทาของเรา 47 เราจะบอกใหรวา ทเธอแสดงความรกมากขนาดน กเพราะเธอไดรบการยกโทษจากบาปมากมายนนเอง สวนคนอนทไดรบการยกโทษนอย กมความรกนอย”48 พระเยซพดกบนางวา “บาปของคณไดรบการยกโทษแลว” คนทนงดมกนกบพระองคกพดกนวา49 “คนนคดวาเขาเปนใครกน ถงไดเทยวยกโทษบาปใหใครตอใคร”50 พระเยซพดกบหญงคนนวา “ความเชอของคณทำาใหคณรอดแลว ไปเปนสขเถด”

English 4 LIFE Page 23

No cure – we need a miracle!1. How are you? I’m

fine a little tired great feeling a little sick

2. The teacher will give you a word. You have to act out the word and the rest of your group has to guess what word it is:The words will be any of these:I have ….1. a fever2. a backache

5. a temperature6. a stomach ache

3. a sore throat4. a blocked nose

7. a headache8. a cold

3. Match the pictures with the instructions:

1. Drink water 2. Eat rice soup 3. Take a tablet 4. Take a rest

4. What do you do when you have:

5. Sometimes there is no cure for when we are sick. Many people are worried about the Ebola virus. What are the symptoms?

fever internal bleeding body aches and pains diarrhoea and vomiting stomach ache

6. Which countries were affected?

Note the countries affected by the virus

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the flu I drink water. I eat rice soup. I take a tablet. I try and rest.

a headache

a fever

a backache

7. How many people died?

8. Ebola conversation

A: Hi _______ (name). Have you heard about the Ebola Virus?

B: Yes. It is terrible. Do you know what countries are affected?

A: Well so far ____________________ and ____(countries) have been affected. Do you know what the symptoms are?

B: Yes. I heard if you have a fever, ______________and ______________ (symptoms). Do you know if there is a cure?A: No. There is no cure.B: We need a miracle!A: We sure do.

9. Have you ever been really sick?

Yes I have or No I haven’t

10. What did you have? I had ____________

11. What were the symptoms?I had a headache and high fever…..

One Woman Who Needed a Cure

Our story today is about a woman who was sick, very sick. She had a bleeding problem. There was no cure. She needed a miracle.

Act out the story. You will need:Narrator 1, Narrator 2 , Jesus, Crowd , Disciples, the womanThe Woman with the Bleeding ProblemNarrator 1: Many people followed Jesus and kept crowding around. In the crowd was a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years. She had gone to many doctors, and they had not done anything except cause her a lot of pain. She

had paid them all the money she had. But instead of getting better, she only got worse.The woman had heard about Jesus, so she came up behind him in the crowd and barely touched his clothes. She had said to herself, Woman: “If I can just touch his clothes, I will get well.”Narrator 2: As soon as she touched them, her bleeding stopped, and she knew she was well. At that moment Jesus felt power go out from him. He turned to the crowd and asked, Jesus: “Who touched my clothes?”Narrator 1: His disciples said to him, Disciples: “Look at all these people crowding around you! How can you ask who touched you?”Narrator 2: But Jesus turned to see who had touched him.Jesus: Who touched me?Narrator 1: The woman knew what had happened to her. She came shaking with fear and knelt down in front of Jesus. Then she told him the whole story.Narrator 2: Jesus said to the woman, Jesus: Daughter “You are now well because of your faith. May God give you peace! You are healed, and you will no longer be in pain.”

ผคนคบคงตามมาเบยดเสยดกนอยรอบพระองค 25 ทนนมหญงคนหนงตกเลอดเรอรงมาสบสองปแลว 26 นางทกขทรมานมาก เสยเงนหาหมอมาหลายคนจนหมดตว แตแทนทจะดขนอาการกลบทรดลง 27 เมอนางไดยนเรองพระเยซจงเดนปะปนกบฝงชนตามมาขางหลงพระองคและแตะฉลองพระองค28 เพราะนางคดวา “ขอเพยงไดแตะฉลองพระองคเทานนเรากจะหายโรค”29 ทนใดนนเองเลอดกหยดไหลและนางรสกวาตนหายโรคแลว30 พระเยซทรงทราบทนทวาฤทธซานออกจากพระองค พระองคจงทรงหนกลบมาทางฝงชนและตรสถามวา “ใครแตะตองเสอผาของเรา?”31 เหลาสาวกทลวา “พระองคทรงเหนอยแลววาผคนเบยดเสยดพระองคกนแนนแลวพระองคยงจะทรงถามอกหรอวา ‘ใครมาแตะตองเรา?’ ”32 แตพระเยซยงทอดพระเนตรไปรอบๆ ดวาใครเปนผทำาเชนนน 33 หญงนนซงรดวาเกดอะไรขนกบนางกกลวจนตวสน เขามาหมอบลงแทบพระบาท แลวกราบทลความจรงทงหมด 34 พระองคตรสกบนางวา “หญงเอย ความเชอของเจาทำาใหเจาหายโรค จงกลบไปดวยสนตสขและพนจากความทกขทรมานเถด”

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Random Acts of KindnessThe new Thai Life ad.

1. Helping othersA: Excuse me, can I help you?B: Oh, thank you.

A: Can I carry your bags?A: Can I buy you dinner?A: Can I show you around?A: Can I give you a lift?A: Can I take you to the hospital?

B: Oh, that would be great. Thank you for helping me.

2. Asking for help

A: Excuse me, can you help me?B: Yes, sure.

A: Can you tell me where the BTS station is?B: Yes sure, it is over there

Today’s Lesson…Helping peopleToday’s story is about helping people. Today you get to be actors and actresses – a great way to practice your reading and expression!


Jesus told some great stories. Stories that teach about life. Today’s story is about two cultures – the Jews and the Samaritans. Because of history, some Jews didn’t like Samaritans.

VocabularyEthnic: a particular group of peopleBitterness: angry and upset because something happened that you cannot forgive.Desolate: a desolate place is empty and makes you feel sad.Steep: a hill or slope that goes up or down very quickly.Trap: to trick someone into something.Soul: the part of the person, which is not their body, which continues to exist after they die.Robber: someone who steals.Stripped: to take someone’s clothes off.Beat: to hit someone very hard, many times.Eternal: lasts foreverPity: a feeling of sympathy for someonePoured: to make liquid flowWounds: An injury

Acts of KindnessThe Story – Luke 10: 25-37The Story (Choose 9 people to act out the following parts: Narrator, Jesus, Lawyer, Traveler, Robber, Samaritan, Priest, Levite, Hotel manager.

1. Read through once. Check for new vocabulary and understanding.

2. Read the story again this time acting out the story to check for understanding and practice your listening skills.

3. Interview (see discussion section for interview questions)

Narrator: One day a lawyer wanted to know who his neighbour was (the people he should love). Jesus told this story to him.

Jesus: There was once a traveler who was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when robbers attacked him, stripped him, and beat him up, leaving him half dead. It so happened that a priest was going down that road; but when he saw the man, he walked on by, on the other side of the road. In the same way a Levite came along, went over and looked at the man, and then walked on by, on the other side. But a Samaritan man who was travelling that way came upon the man, and when he saw him, his heart was filled with pity. He went over to him, poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them; then he put the man on his own donkey and took him to a hotel, where he took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the Hotel manager.

Samaritan: Take care of him and when I come back this way, I will pay whatever else you spend on him.

Narrator: And Jesus concluded:

Jesus: In your opinion, which one of these three people acted like a neighbour towards the man attacked by the robbers?

Narrator: The lawyer answered:

Lawyer: The one who was kind to him.

Jesus: You go and do the same.


The teacher will now interview each person.1. (to the Priest) Why didn’t you stop to help the traveler?

2. (to the Levite): Why didn’t you stop?

3. (to the Samaritan): Why did you stop?

Discussion: (in pairs) 1. What do you like about this story?

2. Often, neighbors know and help each other. Do you know your neighbors?

3. What is one act of kindness you could do this week?

Monsoon Introduction(1.) Write down three numbers that say something about

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yourself and let your partner guess what they stand for. For example, 42, 3, 6“You are 42 years old” (Correct)

Weather Forecast

(2.) Role play this conversation about weather

Person 1: I want to go swimming today, what is the weather like outside, is it cloudy?

Person 2: It is a clear, blue-sky day. Person 1: What is the forecast for tomorrow?Person 2: Hot and humid in the morning, raining in the

afternoon and clearing at night.

(3) Change partners and group these verbs and phrases into lightest (l) type of rain and heaviest (h) type of rain.1. spitting (l)2. pouring3. raining cats and dogs 4. raining heavily (h)5. sprinkling6. bucketing down7. sleeting8. drizzling

(4) What do you like to do on rainy days? (discuss in pairs)On rainy days I like to… 1. go to the cinema. It’s very relaxing.2. sit by an open fire. It’s very romantic.3. play football. It’s very exciting.4. sit in a coffee shop. It’s very cosy.5. read a book. It’s very enjoyable.

(5.) It is now the monsoon season in Thailand. During this season, many provinces flood. The last big flood was in 2011. How did the flood affect you in 2011? my street was flooded my house was flooded my work was flooded my school was flooded I was not affected – I was okay

(h) Do you know any flood stories from your culture? For example

China: Dà-Yǔ (b 2059 BC) Korea: Gang Gam-chan: Thailand: Earth Goddess wrung her hairWorld: Noah’s Ark: (evil, boat, flood, rainbow. See Chinese character for ship :

Noah, Flood Story:1. Have you seen the Noah movie?

2. We are going to read, draw and re-tell the real Noah story from the Bible.

Genesis 8

This is the story of Noah. Noah was the only person who lived right and obeyed God He had three sons. God knew that all the people were terrible, cruel and violent. So he told Noah, “The people are so bad. I am going to destroy the whole earth and all its people. Build a big boat – ark. Get all animals, birds – male and female. I do not want them killed. Store up enough food for the animals and your family. Seven days later, I will send rain that will last for forty days and nights and everything will be destroyed.”

Noah did everything God told him. He filled the boat with 2 of every kind of animals. Then he and his family went into the boat. Seven days later, a flood began to cover the earth. They sky opened and it poured down for forty days and nights.

God did not forget Noah and his family and the animals with him in the boat. So God made the wind to blow, and the water started going down. Forty days later, Noah opened a window to send out a dove but it could not find any land. Seven days later he sent out the dove again and this time it came back with a leaf in its mouth. Seven days later he sent out the dove again and this time it did not come back. God said to Noah, “You, your wife and your sons and daughters-in-law may leave the boat.”

God put a rainbow in the sky as a promise that never again would he destroy the earth with a flood.

ปฐมกาล 8 Thai New Contemporary Bible (TNCV)8 แตพระเจาทรงระลกถงโนอาหและสตวปากบสตวใชงานทกชนดทอยกบเขาในเรอ พระองคทรงบนดาลใหกระแสลมพดเหนอแผนดน แลวนำากลดลง 2 ตานำาบาดาลและประตนำาแหงฟาสวรรคกถกปดและฝนกหยดตกจากฟา 3 นำาจงลดลงเรอยๆ จนกระทง 150 วนผานไป 4 และในวนทสบเจดของเดอนทเจด เรอกมาคางอยบนเทอกเขาอารารต 5 นำาลด

English 4 LIFE Page 27

ลงเรอยๆ จนกระทงวนทหนงของเดอนทสบ ยอดเขาอนๆ กปรากฏใหเหน

6 หลงจากนนอกสสบวน โนอาหเปดหนาตางเรอ 7 และปลอยกาตวหนงออกไป มนบนวนเวยนไปมาจนถงเวลาทนำาแหงไปจากแผนดนโลก 8 เขาจงปลอยนกพราบออกไปตวหนงเพอดวานำาลดจนถงผวดนแลวหรอไม 9 แตนกพราบไมพบททจะเกาะเพราะวาระดบนำายงสงอย จงกลบมาหาโนอาหทเรอ โนอาหกยนมอออกรบนกพราบเขามาในเรอดงเดม 10 เขาคอยอกเจดวน แลวปลอยนกพราบออกไปจากเรออกครงหนง 11 เมอนกพราบกลบมาหาเขาในตอนเยน มนคาบใบมะกอกเขยวสดมาดวย โนอาหจงรวานำาลดลงจากแผนดนแลว 12 เขาคอยอกเจดวนแลวปลอยนกพราบออกไปอก แตคราวนมนไมไดกลบมาหาเขา

13 เมอวนทหนงของเดอนทหนงในปทโนอาหมอาย 601 ป นำากแหง โนอาหเปดหลงคาเรอออกมาดกเหนวาพนดนแหงแลว 14 พอถงวนทยสบเจดเดอนทสอง แผนดนกแหงสนท

15 แลวพระเจาตรสกบโนอาหวา 16 “เจา ภรรยาของเจา บรรดาบตรชายและบตรสะใภของเจา จงออกจากเรอ 17 จงนำาสงมชวตทกชนดทอยกบเจาออกมาดวย ทงนก สตวตางๆ สตวทเลอยคลาน เพอพวกมนจะไดออกลกออกหลานและทวจำานวนขนในโลก”18 ดงนนโนอาหจงออกมาพรอมกบบตรชาย รวมทงภรรยาและบตรสะใภของเขา 19 สตวทงปวง สตวทเลอยคลานทงปวง นกทงปวง คอสงมชวตทงหมดบนโลกตางทยอยออกจากเรอทละชนด

20 หลงจากนนโนอาหสรางแทนบชาแดองคพระผเปนเจา+ และถวายสตวและนกทไมเปนมลทนจำานวนหนงเปนเครองเผาบชาบนแทนนน 21 องคพระผเปนเจา+ทรงไดกลนอนเปนทพอพระทยและทรงดำารวา “เราจะไมสาปแชงแผนดนเพราะมนษยอกตอไป ถงแมวา[a]จตใจของมนษยจะโนมเอยงไปในทางชวตงแตวยเดก แตเราจะไมทำาลายลางสงมชวตทงปวงอยางทเราไดทำาในคราวนอก”

22  ตราบใดทโลกยงคงอย ตราบนนจะมฤดหวานและฤดเกบเกยว





1. Draw the story

1. What does this story tell us about God? พระธรรมตอนนบอกอะไรเราเกยวกบพระเจา?

2. What does this story tell us about people? พระธรรมตอนนบอกอะไรเราเกยวกบคน?

3. If this story is true, what behaviour should we change this week? หากเนอหาเรองนเปนจรง สงใดทเราควรจะเปลยนแปลงความประพฤตในสปดาหน

4. Who will you tell this story to this week? คณ


English 4 LIFE Page 28

En Vegetarian Festival

IntroductionThe vegetarian festival was on last week.

(1.) What vegetarian dish do you like?

I like to eat___________________

(2) Thailand is famous for its food. What are the most famous dishes of Thailand? Pad Thai Tom Yum Gun Som Tum Green Curry

(3). Different parts of Thailand have special food. Name the special food for each part of Thailand.

Issaan is famous for……

Northern Thailand is famous for……

Central Thailand is famous for….

Southern Thailand is famous for…..

(4) Can you describe how to Som Tum?

Kim: Hi Oh. Can you teach me how to make Som Tum?

Oh: Yes, sure Kim. First you need green papaya, chilies, lime, garlic, fish sauce, tomatoes, palm sugar and nuts.

Kim: How many chilies should I use? I only like it a little spicy.

Oh: Oh you should only use one chili.

Kim. Okay. I have everything. What do I do next?

Oh: Then you need to shred the papaya. After that you need to pound the garlic, sugar and chili. Next you add the peanuts until they are crushed. Then add the sliced tomatoes and gently crush them.

Kim: Do I then add the fish sauce, lime juice and papaya?

Oh: Yes you got it! You mix them together, serve on a plate and enjoy!

Now you will read a story about a man who only ate locusts and honey!

The Story of John the Baptist

John the Baptist started preaching in the desert. 2 He said, “Turn back to God! The kingdom of heaven will soon be


4 John wore clothes made of camel’s hair. He had a leather belt around his waist and ate grasshoppers and wild honey. 5 From Jerusalem and all Judea and from the

Jordan River Valley crowds of people went to John. 6 They told how sorry they were for their sins, and he baptized them in the river.

The Baptism of Jesus13 Jesus left Galilee and went to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14 But John kept saying “I should be baptized by you. Why have you come to me, Jesus?”15 Jesus answered, “For now this is how it should be, because we must do all that God wants us to do.” Then John agreed.

16 So Jesus was baptized. And as soon as he came out of the water, the sky opened, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down on him like a dove. 17 Then a voice from heaven said, “This is my own dear Son, and I am pleased with him.”

มทธว 3 Thai New Contemporary Bible (TNCV)

ยอหนผใหบพตศมาเตรยมทาง3 ครงนนยอหนผใหบพตศมาไดมาเทศนาในถนกนดารแหงแควนยเดย 2 และกลาววา “จงกลบใจใหมเพราะอาณาจกรสวรรคมาใกลแลว” 3 ยอหนผนแหละทถกกลาวถงผานทางผเผยพระวจนะอสยาหวา“เสยงของผหนงรองในถนกนดารวา4 เสอผาของยอหนทำาจากขนอฐ เขาคาดเอวดวยเขมขดหนง อาหารของเขาคอตกแตนกบนำาผงปา 5 ประชาชนจากกรงเยรซาเลม ทวแควนยเดยและทวแถบแมนำาจอรแดนพากนมาหาเขา 6 เมอพวกเขาสารภาพบาปทงหลายของตนแลว ยอหนกใหพวกเขารบบพตศมาในแมนำาจอรแดนพระเยซทรงรบบพตศมา13 แลวพระเยซเสดจจากแควนกาลลมายงแมนำาจอรแดนเพอรบบพตศมาจากยอหน 14 แตยอหนพยายามทลทดทานวา “ขาพระองคตางหากทตองขอรบบพตศมาจากพระองค ควรหรอทพระองคเสดจมาหาขาพระองค?”15 พระเยซตรสตอบวา “ขณะนใหเปนไปตามนนเถด สมควรแลวทพวกเราจะทำาเชนนเพอใหความชอบธรรมทกประการสำาเรจครบถวน” แลวยอหนจงยอมทำาตาม16 เมอพระเยซทรงรบบพตศมาแลว ทนททพระองคเสดจขนจากนำา ฟาสวรรคกเปดออก และพระองคทรงเหนพระวญญาณของพระเจาดจนกพราบลงมาประทบอยกบพระองค 17 และมพระสรเสยงตรสจากฟาสวรรควา “นเปนลกของเรา ผทเรารก เราพอใจเขายงนก”

English 4 LIFE Page 29


AEC 2015, as known as ASEAN Economic Community 2015, is a uniting of 10 ASEAN countries, which are Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, and Brunei. AEC 2015 will bring a new era of economical cooperation to all 10 countries. Investors can invest anywhere in these countries. Workers can go work anywhere in these countries also with no tight restriction like before. Competition will get fiercer for those who are not well-prepared. All 10 countries agree to use English as the language for business.

ASEAN Quiz ASEAN Debate:

1. What is the colour of a five-pointed star on the flag of Myanmar?


2. What is the capital of the Philippines?

Phnom PenhJakartaManilaKuala Lumpur

3. Which one is not the currency of ASEAN?


What is the currency of Brunei Darussalam?



Faith: To believe in someone or something.United: joined together.

1. Break your group into two teams.

“ASEAN is a good for Thailand.”

Team 1, you have to agree with this statement. Together discuss reasons why multiculturalism is good.

For example: I think ASEAN is good because we can learn about other cultures…

Team 2: Discuss reasons why it is bad.

For example, I think ASEAN is bad because people from different cultures are too different and history shows that people from different cultures cannot live together peacefully… Then present your ideas to the whole group. The teacher will facilitate the debate.

2. Is multiculturalism possible in today’s world? Why or why not? Discuss in pairs.

3 . Sometimes one culture thinks it is better than other cultures. 2000 years ago, some Jewish people thought they were more special than other cultures around them. In response to this Paul, a Jewish Christian wrote in the Bible (Galatians 3:28):

“It is through faith we are all God’s children, united by Christ. So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles (people from other cultures) between slaves and free people, between men and women; we are all one in Jesus Christ.

28 ไมมยวหรอกรก ทาสหรอไท ชายหรอหญง เพราะพวกทานทงปวงเปนหนงเดยวในพระเยซครสต

4. What was Paul telling the Jewish and Gentile Christians?

What can people from different cultures have in common and how?

English 4 LIFE Page 30

Halloween – Ghosts and Evil Spirits

In a few weeks it is Halloween. The shops are selling many bats, witches, jack-o-lanterns…..So today’s topic is about Halloween and Evil Spirits.

1. Match the words with the pictures:

bats black cat zombies jack-o-lanternwitch ghost

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

2. Introduce yourselves and name one thing you are afraid of.

For example, I am afraid of…….spiders, snakes, ghosts, heights, English!

3. Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? In pairs.Yes I like horror moviesNo I don’t like horror movies, I like action movies.

4. What are the names of some ghosts in Thailand?

The names of ghosts in Thailand are__________

5. How do people try and stop ghosts or evil spirits? By wearing an amulet By having a lucky charm By going to the temple By having a Monk come and chant By praying to God Other….

6. Have you ever seen a ghost? Yes, I have. No I haven’t

7. Today’s story comes from the Bible (Mark 1:21-28). It is a story about a man with an evil spirit.a. First Read the story in Thaib. Draw the Storyc. Re-tell the Storyd. Read the Story in Englishe. Check words you don’t know and Act out the story

มาระโก 1:21-28 Thai New Contemporary Bible พระเยซทรงขบไลวญญาณชว

21 พระเยซกบสาวกมายงเมองคาเปอรนาอม เมอถงวนสะบาโตพระองคทรงเขาไปในธรรมศาลาและทรงเรมเทศนาสงสอน 22 ประชาชนลวนทงในคำาสอนของพระองคยงนก เพราะพระองคทรงสอนพวกเขาอยางผมสทธอำานาจ ผดกบพวกธรรมาจารย 23 ขณะนนชายคนหนงในธรรมศาลาซงถกวญญาณชว[a]ตนหนงเขาสงไดรองขนมาวา 24 “พระเยซแหงนาซาเรธ ทานตองการอะไรจากพวกเรา? ทานมาเพอทำาลายพวกเราหรอ? ขารวาทานเปนใคร ทานคอองคบรสทธของพระเจา!” 25 พระเยซตรสสงอยางเฉยบขาดวา “เงยบ! ออกมาจากเขาเดยวน!”26 วญญาณชวกทำาใหคนนนชกอยางรนแรง แลวกรดรองและออกมาจากเขา

27 ประชาชนลวนประหลาดใจจนพดกนวา “อะไรกนน? เปนคำาสอนใหม ทงยงมสทธอำานาจ! พระองคถงขนาดสงวญญาณชวและมนกทำาตามคำาสง”28 กตตศพทของพระองคจงเลองลอไปทวแควนกาลลอยางรวดเรว

Act the Story: Narrator, Man, Jesus, Person 1 and Person 2Narrator: Jesus and his disciples came to a town. Jesus went into the temple and began to teach. The people who heard him were amazed at the way he taught, for he wasn’t like the other religious teachers; instead he taught with authority. Just then a man with an evil spirit in him came into the temple and screamed:

Man: What do you want with us, Jesus? Are you here to destroy us? I know who you are – you are God’s holy messenger!Narrator: Jesus ordered the spirit:

Jesus: Be quiet, and come out of the man!

Narrator: The evil spirit shook the man hard, gave a loud scream, and came out of him. The people were all so amazed they started saying to one another:

Person 1: What is this?Person 2: Is it some kind of new teaching?Person 1: This man has authority to give orders to the evil spirits.Person 2: And they obey him!

Narrator: And so the news about Jesus spread quickly everywhere.

VocabularyDisciples: Followers of Jesus.Jewish: a Hebrew person. The main area where they live is in Israel.Authority: the power to influence people Evil spirit: a wicked or harmful being.Shook: to move something with short quick movements from side to side or up and downObey: to do what one is told.

English 4 LIFE Page 31

Coffee Shop (b) What’s your favorite drink? (c) Role play in pairs at a coffee shop.

Barista: Here is your coffee? (Here are your coffees)

Customer 1: Hmm! It tastes delicious!Customer 2: This coffee is just right!Customer 3: This coffee is too sweet


The Lost Coin

Learn the story of the lost silver coin where many things were discovered (30-33AD)? Vocabulary: had, lost, looked , everywhere, found, called, rejoice

8 Jesus told the people another story:

What will a woman do if she has ten silver coins

English 4 LIFE Page 32

Coffee Shop (b) What’s your favorite drink? (c) Role play in pairs at a coffee shop.

Barista: Here is your coffee? (Here are your coffees)

Customer 1: Hmm! It tastes delicious!Customer 2: This coffee is just right!Customer 3: This coffee is too sweet


The Lost Coin

Learn the story of the lost silver coin where many things were discovered (30-33AD)? Vocabulary: had, lost, looked , everywhere, found, called, rejoice

8 Jesus told the people another story:

What will a woman do if she has ten silver coins


(a) Describe your pet.

Person 1: Do you have a pet?Person 2: I have a ..(bird/cat)

His/her name is ….He/she is very cute, cuddly, playful, hairy, fluffy, naughty and adorable

(b) What are the most common pets in your country? What is the most unusual pet you have seen? (hind legs, fur, eyes, tail)

(c) Mark in and practice the intonations to these statement/questions.

1. What is your favourite bird? (Wh question-falling intonation)2. Do you like birds? (Yes/No question–rising intonation)3. My bird likes eating seeds, worms and bread (List– rising,

rising, falling intonation)4. I want to be a vet. (Information statement, falling intonation)5. Do you like ravens? (Yes/no question) 6. I go bird watching to help reduce my stress (statement)

(d) Hum these intonations to your partner and see if they can guess which one you are humming.

(e) Some people reduce their stress by playing with pets or doing gardening. What do you do to gain relief from stress?

1. I occasionally …( )2. I sometimes .. ( )3. I usually.. ( )4. I always …( )

(f) Do you have a national ’symbolic’ flower, bird or animal?

(g) Where are the main wildflower areas in your country?

(h) What flower are you like? For example1. I am like a red rose because I am special2. I am like a lily because I am specially made

(i) People can reduce their worries by thinking about what was written in 30-33AD about birds (ravens). Discuss the following information.

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23 For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 4 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?

อยาวตกกงวล22 แลวพระเยซตรสกบเหลาสาวกวา เพราะฉะนนเราบอกทานวา“ อยาวตกกงวลเกยวกบชวตของทานวาจะเอาอะไรกน หรอพะวงเกยวกบรางกายของทานวาจะเอาอะไรนงหม 23 ชวตมคายงกวาอาหาร และรางกายมคายงกวาเครองนงหม 24 จงพจารณาดนกกา มนไมไดหวาน ไมไดเกยว ไมมทเกบของ ไมมยงฉาง กระนนพระเจากทรงเลยงดนกกาเหลาน และทานกมคายงกวานกมากนก! 25 ใครบางในพวกทานทกงวลแลวตออายตวเองใหยนยาวออกไปอกสกชวโมงหนงได?[a] 26 ในเมอเรองเลกนอยแคนทานยงทำาไมได แลวทานจะกงวลเรองอนๆ ไปทำาไม?

English 4 LIFE Page 33

To Be or Not to BeFASHION (a) Stand back to back and describe what your partner is


Today you are wearing blue jeans, white top…

(b) (Teacher has pre-arranged this drama) Describe to the policeman what the ‘dressed up’ robber was wearing when he/she came into the room and stole the teacher’s bag.

(c) Change partners and describe your partner’s dress style.

Person 1: Wow! I love your …… You look…( ) 1. great, wonderful, beautiful2. very fashionable, very suave3. very trendy or very chic 4. sporty, stunning, cool or casual

(d) What’s your favourite colour and material for clothes?

I like wearing …( ) (Discuss in pairs) For example1. denim2. silk3. bright colours or winter colours4. anything light5. 100 per cent cotton

(e) Give some compliments to your partner.

1. I love your … (shirt, jewelry, earrings)2. I really like your (top, lipstick, make up)3. Those … (colours) really suit you.4. That … (jumper) looks good on you5. You look great in … (purple or denim)

(f) This month people are wearing purple in Thailand, can you explain the meaning of different colours in Thailand?

(g) Do you sometimes wear..?1. a school or work uniform2. a sports outfit3. traditional clothes4. clothes or a mask for cultural performances


(h) Share about the costumes, make up and masks used in cultural performances and arts in your country. For example:

Thailand: Khon, a story of the triumph of good over evil.


(i) What is your view on people’s role in life?1. Just try your best. 2. Just let things be.3. Life is a recycling process. 4. Belief in a higher being.

(j) Have you ever experienced God “a higher being” in your life?

1. dream2. angel or person3. read, heard, touch or saw4. sunset5. other

Acts 16:11-15: Lydia Becomes a Follower of the Lord 50AD

1. went2. arrive3. stayed4. thought5. sat down6. talked7. came8. sold9. worshipped

10. believed11. explained12. willing to accept13. baptized14. begged15. faith 11 We went from Troas to Samothrace, and the next day we arrived in Neapolis. 12 From there we went to Philippi, which is a Roman colony in the first district of Macedonia.[a] We stayed several days in Philippi. 13 Then on the Sabbath we went outside the city gate to a place by the river, where we thought there would be a Jewish meeting place for prayer. We sat down and talked with the women who came. 14 One of them was Lydia, who was from the city of Thyatira and sold expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of the Lord God, and he made her willing to accept what Paul was saying. 15 Then after she and her family were baptized, she kept on begging us, “If you think I really do have faith in the Lord, come stay in my home.” Finally, we accepted her invitation.

กจการของอครทต 16:11-40 ลเดยมาเปนลกศษยขององคเจาชวต

11 จากเมองโตรอส พวกเรานงเรอตรงไปทเกาะสาโมธรส พอวนถดมา พวกเรากนงเรอตอไปทเมองเนอาโปลส 12 จากทนน พวกเราเดนทางไปทเมองฟลปป ซงเปนเมองสำาคญอนดบหนงในแถบนนของแควนมาซโดเนย และเปนเมองขนของโรม พวกเราใชเวลาอยในเมองนหลายวน

13 เมอถงวนหยดทางศาสนา พวกเราออกนอกประตเมองไปทแมนำา เราคดวาทนนคงมทสำาหรบอธษฐาน พวกเรานงลงพดคยกบพวกผหญงทมาชมนมกนอยทนน 14 มผหญงคนหนงทนน ชอลเดย เปนคนขายผาสมวงมาจากเมองธยาทรา เธอเปนคนทนบถอพระเจา เมอเธอกำาลงฟงพวกเราอยนน องคเจาชวตกไดเปดใจของเธอใหตงใจฟงในสงทเปาโลกำาลงพด 15 หลงจากทเธอและคนในบานทงหมดเขาพธจมนำา แลว เธอขอรองพวกเราวา “ถาพวกทานถอวา ดฉนมความเชอในองคเจาชวตจรง กขอใหมาพกทบานของดฉนดวยเถด ” แลวเธอคะยนคะยอใหพวกเราไป

1. What does this story tell us about God? พระธรรมตอนนบอกอะไรเราเกยวกบพระเจา? 2. What does this story tell us about people? พระธรรมตอนนบอกอะไรเราเกยวกบคน? 3. If this story is true, what behaviour should we change this week? หากเนอหาเรองนเปนจรง สงใดทเราควรจะเปลยนแปลงความ

The King’s BirthdayThis week it is the King’s birthday, it is also father’s day in Thailand. 1. What will you be doing on the King’s birthday?

I will spend time with my family I will have lunch with my family I will give my father a gift I will go upcountry I will visit a park I will see the lights

2. The King’s birthday is also father’s day. Draw a picture of a typical father in Thailand. What words can you use to describe fathers?

o Gentleo Kindo Stricto Stubborno Proud

o Strongo Smarto Leadero Hard-workingo Wise

3. What are popular father’s day gifts?

o some snackso a shirto a book

o a cardo buy lunch/dinner

King’s Birthday Role-play:A: Hi ______________ What are you doing for the Kings birthday on Friday?

B: Hi ______________. I will visit my family in Lop Buri.

A: Will you see the sunflowers?

B: No, but I will take my father out for lunch. What are you doing?

A: My father lives in Chiang Rai, so I will call him, go shopping and then go and see the lights at night.

Christmas Story Continued…The Christmas story is also about some Kings and gifts they gave to a baby King, Jesus.

Act out the Story!The Wise Men Mat 2:1-11 (CEV)

You will need: Narrator 1 and Narrator 2, Wisemen 1, 2 and 3, King Herod, and the Chief Priest.

Narrator 1: When Jesus was born in the village of Bethlehem in Judea, Herod was King. During this time some wise men from the East came to Jerusalem and said,

Wisemen 1,2,3: “Where is the child born to be king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”

Narrator 2: When King Herod heard about this, he was worried. Herod brought together the chief priests and asked them:

King Herod: Where will the Messiah be born?”

Chief Priest: “He will be born in Bethlehem, just as the prophet wrote, ‘Bethlehem in the land of Judea, You are very important among the towns of Judea. From your town will come a leader, who will be like a shepherd for my people Israel.’”

Narrator 1: Herod secretly called in the wise men and asked them when they had first seen the star, and told them:

King Herod: “Go to Bethlehem and look carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, let me know. I want to go and worship him too.”

Narrator 2: The wise men listened to what the king said and then left. And the star they had seen in the east went on ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. They were excited to see the star.

Narrator 1: When the men went into the house and saw the baby with Mary, his mother, they knelt down and worshipped him. They took out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh and gave them to him.

Narrator 2: Later they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, as he wanted to kill the child, and they went back home by another road.

Wise: a wise person is able to use their knowledge and experience to make good decisions and give good advice.King Herod: King of the Jews. He was a cruel King. He executed one of his wives and two of his sons. After Jesus was born, he ordered all male babies under 2 years old in Bethlehem to be killed. Worship: to show respect to God by praising him.Chief Priests: The leading priests.Messiah: the promised saviour of God. Prophet: someone sent by God to tell people what to do or say what will happen in the future.Knelt: to kneel down.

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2 พระเยซ เกดทหมบานเบธเลเฮมในแควนยเดย ในสมยของกษตรยเฮโรด ตอมามพวกโหราจารยเดนทางมาจากทศตะวนออกเขามาทเมองเยรซาเลม 2 มาถามวา “รหรอเปลาวาเดกคนนนทเกดมาเปนกษตรยของชาวยวอยทไหน พวกเราเหนดวงดาวของพระองคขนอยทางทศตะวนออก จงเดนทางมาเพอนมสการพระองค” 3 เมอกษตรยเฮโรดไดยนกวนวายใจมาก รวมถงชาวเมองเยรซาเลมทกคนดวย 4 กษตรยเฮโรดจงเรยกใหพวกหวหนานกบวช และพวกครสอนกฎปฏบตทกคนมาประชมกน และถามวา “พระครสต ควรจะเกดทไหน” 5 พวกเขาตอบวา “ทเบธเลเฮม ในแควนยเดยครบทาน เพราะผพดแทนพระเจา เขยนไววา6 ‘หมบานเบธเลเฮมในแผนดนยดาห    พวกเจาไมใชแคหมบานกระจอกๆหมบานหนงในแผนดนยดาหเพราะจะมผนำาคนหนงออกมาจากพวกเจา    เปนผทจะมาเลยงดอสราเอล ประชาชนของเรา’”7 กษตรยเฮโรด จงเชญพวกโหราจารยมาพบอยางลบๆและถามพวกเขาวาไดเหนดาวดวงนนครงแรกเมอไหร 8 แลวกษตรยเฮโรดสงพวกโหราจารยไปทหมบานเบธเลเฮม และสงวา “ไปตามหาเดกคนนน เจอเมอไหรใหรบกลบมาบอก เราจะไดไปนมสการเดกคนนนดวย”9 เมอกษตรยเฮโรดสงเสรจแลว พวกโหราจารยกตามดาวดวงนนทพวกเขาเหนขนอยทางทศตะวนออกไป ดาวดวงนนนำาพวกเขาไปหยดอยเหนอททเดกชายคนนนอย10 เมอพวกโหราจารยเหนอยางนนกดใจมาก 11 จงพากนเขาไปในบาน และพบเดกชายกบมารยแมของเดก พวกเขาจงกราบนมสการเดกนน พรอมกบเอาทองคำา กำายาน และมดยอบ [a] ออกมาใหเปนของขวญกบเดกชาย

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Christmas ReviewLast week we talked about birthday celebrations. Can you match the party items?

This is a ____________

These are _________

Look at the Christmas decorations. Try and name them. This is a ________________.

These are _______________

Christmas Tree Star Angel Presents

The Christmas story is about the birth of Jesus.

1. Where were you born?

I was born in __________________

2. Talk about your hometown. My hometown is:

a. crowded b. not crowdeda. big b. smalla. beautiful b. uglya far from Bangkok b near Bangkoka. flat b. hilly a. busy b. not busy

3 .What is your hometown famous for?

My hometown is famous for:

Food: ______________________________

Attractions: __________________________

Nature _____________________________

Culture: _____________________________Home Town Talk:

Hello, my name is _________________. My home town is

________________. It is very__________________. It is

famous for_______________________________

Vocabulary for the Story:Wrapped:Cloth: Feeding Box: Guest RoomsFields:Shepherd:

Christmas StoryChristmas is the story of God’s love. The Christmas story is about the birth of Jesus. His birth is very special as Mary became pregnant through God’s Holy Spirit. Today we are going to read about the birth of Jesus.

You need: Narrator 1, Narrator 2, Angel 1, 2 and 3, Shepherds 1 & 2.

Jesus is born Luke 2:1-20 (DB)

Narrator 1: Joseph and Mary went to their hometown, Bethlehem. Mary gave birth to a baby boy. She wrapped him in cloth and laid him in a box where cattle are fed, on a bed of hay. She put him there because the guest rooms were full.

Narrator 2: That night in the fields near Bethlehem some shepherds were watching their sheep. An angel came down to them from God, and the brightness of the Lord’s glory flashed around them. The shepherds were very afraid. The angel said to them:

Angel 1: Don’t be afraid. I have good news for you, that will make everyone happy. Today your Saviour was born in Bethlehem. He will save people from their sins. You will know who he is, because you will find him dressed in cloth and lying on a bed of hay in a feeding box.

Narrator1: Suddenly a great number of angels appeared, praising God:

Angels 1,2,3: Praise God in heaven and peace on earth to everyone who pleases God.

Narrator 2: When the angels had left them and gone back to heaven, the shepherds said to one another:

Shepherds1& 2: Let’s go to Bethlehem!

Shepherd 1: and see what they angels …

Shepherd 2: …told us about.

Narrator 1: So they went running and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying on a bed of hay. Everyone was surprised when they heard what the shepherds told them.

Narrator 2: Mary was thinking about all these things, trying to understand them. The Shepherds went back praising and thanking God for everything they had seen and heard.

Interview:1. Mary, why is Jesus special? He is special because…..2. Joseph: Why did you name the baby Jesus?We named him Jesus because…3. Shepherds: Why did you go to Bethlehem?We went to Bethlehem because…

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ลกา 2:1-20Thai New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version (ERV-TH)


6 ในระหวางทพวกเขาอยทนนกถงกำาหนดทมารยจะคลอดลก 7 มารยคลอดลกเปนผชาย นางจงเอาผาออมพนเดกทารกนนวางไวบนรางหญา เพราะไมมทไหนวางใหพวกเขาพกเลย

พวกคนเลยงแกะ ไดยนขาวเกยวกบพระเยซ8 ททงหญานอกหมบาน มคนเลยงแกะทกำาลงดแลฝงแกะอยในตอนกลางคน 9 ทตสวรรคองคหนงขององคเจาชวตมาปรากฏตวใหพวกเขาเหน และรศมขององคเจาชวตสองสวางลอมรอบพวกเขา พวกเขาตกใจกลวมาก 10 แตทตสวรรคพดวา “ไมตองกลว เรามขาวดมาบอก เปนขาวทจะทำาใหทกคนดใจ 11 เพราะวนน พระผชวยใหรอดมาเกดแลวทเมองของดาวด พระองคคอพระครสต องคเจาชวต 12 สงทจะบอกใหเจารวาเปนพระองคคอ เจาจะพบเดกทารกทนอนอยในรางหญาและมผาออมหอตวไว”13 ในทนใดนน กมทตสวรรคหมใหญลงมาจากสวรรค มารวมกบทตสวรรคองคแรกนน และพากนรองสรรเสรญพระเจาวา14 “สรรเสรญพระเจาบนสวรรคสงสด    และขอใหคนททำาใหพระเจาพอใจ ไดรบสนตสขในโลกน”

15 เมอทตสวรรคกลบสสวรรคแลว คนเลยงแกะกพดกนวา “ไปเมองเบธเลเฮมกนเถอะ จะไดไปดสงทองคเจาชวตบอกกบพวกเรา”

16 พวกเขารบไป และไดพบมารยกบโยเซฟพรอมกบเดกทารกนอนอยในรางหญา 17 เมอเหนเดกทารกแลว พวกเขากเลาใหคนทอยทนนฟงวาทตสวรรคพดอะไรเกยวกบเดกคนน 18 เมอพวกเขาไดยนอยางนน กประหลาดใจมาก 19 แตมารยกเกบเรองนไวในใจและนกถงเรองนอยเสมอๆ 20 เมอคนเลยงแกะกลบไปแลว พวกเขากยกยองสรรเสรญพระเจาสำาหรบสงทพวกเขาไดยนและไดเหนมา ซงเกดขนจรงตามททตสวรรคไดบอกไว

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