letter from the president - foundry united methodist church board report3.pdf · opportunities and...

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Annual Report of the

Management Board 2013

Letter from the PresidentThis first annual report is respectfully submitted to the Church Conference on behalf of the Foundry United Methodist Church Management Board for the year.

This has been a year of transition from a governing structure of six councils of nine members each to a single nine member board that supervises the Senior Pastor. Under the current structure the Management Board has fiduciary responsibility for congregational assets; is responsible for providing strategic leadership which includes discerning and articulating the goals, vision and core values of the congregation; monitoring accountability systems; and seeking opportunities and identifying potential problems for the congregation. The traditional duties of the Staff-Parish-Relations Committee, Finance Committee, Trustees and other functions are folded into the Board’s duties.

This first year we organized the Board into standing committees whose very diligent work is reported on the following pages. One of our proudest achievements is settling on a set of core values after receipt of input from the congregation

during the Leader’s retreat. We also are pleased to report that financial accountability is substantially improved with the 2010 and 2011 financial audits completed, and the 2012 audit slated for completion by mid-summer. Regularized financial reporting will commence next month which, together with the audits, will allow the Board and Staff to better manage resources as well as provide critical support to Mission Possible regarding financing a loan for our building renovations. The 2012 financial statements were not ready in time for publication, but we have included a copy of the budget for your review.

We take to heart the “Propel” sermon series, emphasizing that

each of us is called to be a minister. We hope in the next year to gauge the impact of this effort to engage more of us in the work of ministry to others. We hope that those of you who have not been involved in mission, study, worship or other aspects of Foundry will seek an opportunity to get involved in the coming year. The leadership retreat in February 2013 drew a large attendance, and we hope attendees got the message that Foundry is at its best when all its congregants are leaders. This report highlights some of that great work . Equipping Staff and congregation members to lead will be a major emphasis for the Board’s second year of work

The other major emphasis will be increasing Foundry’s membership by inviting and responding to the vibrant community that surrounds us.

Maintaining a robust urban church is a challenge and many across the nation look to Foundry as a model of effectiveness and inclusion. We intend to take opportunities to strengthen our advocacy, and the role of families and youth, so that we continue to be relevant and offer a Christ-centered place for worship and fellowship.

An important emphasis for the coming year will be working with Bishop Matthews and our new District Superintendent Daniels to identify competencies required of the new Senior Pastor that the Bishop will appoint to replace Rev. Snyder upon his retirement effective July 1, 2014. We respectfully requested that the Bishop find us a pastor who is an excellent preacher, one who has the ability to establish a rapport

with Foundry’s diverse congregation, and one who values inclusion and is supportive of marriage equality. The Bishop has assured us that he understands our need for an LGBTQ-friendly pastor. We will update you on this process and engage with you during a Holy Conversation in September 2013.

As we look forward to our Bicentennial in 2014, we encourage you to contact us with questions and concerns, but more importantly, to get involved and make a difference. Love God. Love Each Other. Change the World.

Much love, Jill M. BarkerPresident, Management Board


Board MembersJill Barker, President

Tara Holeman, Vice President

Dan Vock, Secretary

Clareice Chaney, Treasurer

Louise Franklin

William (Bill) McLeod

Jane Northern

Larry Slagle

Nicole Woo

During the past year, one major effort was updating our values to better encapsulate what Foundry stands for. These will be used as a guide in any decision related to how Foundry carries out its ministry and mission and are enumerated below:

We believe in Jesus Christ. Everything we do begins with Christ. We remember how he ministered to the poor, fed the hungry, healed the sick, befriended sinners, welcomed the shunned and sacrificed himself to save us. He rose from the dead and gives us hope.

We honor humanity as well as divinity. We believe all people are children of God, and we treat them that way.

We serve God by serving others. We remember the second of Christ’s greatest commandments is to love each other. We make personal commitments to working with people in our neighborhood and around the world.

We celebrate diversity. We make especially sure that people who feel excluded elsewhere are welcomed and invited to be an integral part of our congregation. We worship joyfully. We sing and pray and study with passion and intellect and energy. We are an Easter people, and we are glad.

We welcome the hard work of prophecy. Our close proximity to power gives us the chance to speak for the powerless. We are mindful that prophets examine themselves closely before sharing their message with the world.

We believe our minds are great gifts from God. We are intellectually honest and curious. We view science, scholarship and other religious traditions as tools to discover the wonder of God’s Word and creation.

We cherish God’s gifts. God blesses us with time, talent, money, opportunity and the Earth we now call home. We strive to be responsible stewards of God’s great bounty.



Personnel Committee ReportThe Personnel Committee is a staff arm of Foundry’s Management Board. Its members are Larry Slagle (Board member), Nicole Woo (Borad member), Twila Glenn, Lynn Kim, and Sharon O’Donoghue. The Committee takes on much of the personnel-related work of the Board and forwards its findings and recommendations to the Board for approval. According to the Committee Charter, the Personnel Committee is responsible for succession planning, annual evaluations of Foundry’s Senior Pastor, assuring current position descriptions and evaluations of paid staff, maintaining Foundry’s personnel manual, and recommending candidates for ministry. Since the Management Board began its work last July, it has recruited off-Board congregants to serve on the Personnel Committee. In its several months of existence, the Committee has studied best practices in succession planning, reviewed and recommended candidates for ministry, initiated a personnel manual update with Foundry’s COO, evaluated our Senior Pastor’s performance, and studied staff structures in large churches. The Personnel Committee is glad to have met with and recommended 5 excellent candidates for ministry: Deryl Davis and Laura Downton-Markle (continuing candidacies), Leo Yates (resuming after a break for graduate school), and T. C. Morrow and Melanie Ollett (new candidates). In the coming year, the Committee’s pending business will include: (1)formulating next steps in the Senior Pastor transition; (2) developing a profile of our congregation and Foundry’s culture for our District Superintendent and the Bishop to use in their search for our next Senior Pastor; (3) identifying desired competencies of our next Senior Pastor;

(4) reviewing staff position descriptions and performance plans; (5) developing guidelines for paid staff to work remotely; and (6) reviewing our Safe Sanctuary Policy for adequacy and compliance with conference requirements.


Ministry in action...Paul Mulligan sits in the balcony each week with his wife. They are faithful Foundry members, proud parents and grandparents. Paul stepped up to teach a class on “Jesus miracles” this spring. It was a small group of people. Paul faithfully taught each week. He also made time to attend the storyteller class and to participate in the showcase. Paul is very soft-spoken and does not normally take on leadership roles, but after a meeting over tea, he was willing to become further involved.

Governance Committee ReportThe charter of the Governance Committee is to enhance Management Board members’ effectiveness. This includes reviewing the policies of the Board and ensuring proper succession via the Board nomination process. The members of the governance committee are Tara Holeman (Chair and Board member), James Abbott, Scott Avelino and Jill Barker (Board member). The Governance Committee is open to all Foundry members and it encourages anyone with governance experience to consider joining the committee for a one-year term, which is renewable.

The committee identified several policy needs at Foundry. These are all policies that still need to be drafted and ratified by the Board. The committee would like to have Foundry staff involvement in a few key areas; hence, due to other projects within this year, the policy drafting is pushed to the next term. It will include, in order of priority:

1. Code of Conduct and related elements a. Whistleblower b. Conflict of interest c. Confidentiality d. Reporting requirements to church and government e. Compliance (legal and COC compliance), including training and enforcement2. Facility safety, usage, and emergency preparation3. IT and IT security4. Establishment of a periodic policy review process

The governance committee convened the nominations committee to manage the process of nominating candidates for three Board seats for the 2013-2014 term and to carry out the work of nominating Annual Conference delegates and alternates. Annual Conference delegates from 2013 to 2016: Ann Brown Birkel, Tracy Collins, James Early, Jan Lawrence & TC Morrow. Alternates: Paula Blair and Twila Glenn.

The nominations committee created an application form and solicited nominations for an open election that took place in June and was ratified at the Church Conference on June 23, 2013. The Board approved the slate of nominations and charged the committee with overseeing the elections including preparing ballots, counting votes and other related duties.

All Foundry members are invited to vote and attend the Church Conference.


Ministry in action...Maya Bravo is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. She participates in the children’s ministry. Maya also occasionally volunteers along with her dad, Noel, in playing music for the 9:30 service. Noel plays the guitar and Maya plays the drums. Maya’s confidence and enthusiasm when playing are delightful.


Facilities & Operations Committee ReportWe want to acknowledge the leadership of Al Hammer who heads up this committee with his daily attention to the facility and expertise. Foundry is comprised of three distinct buildings that are connected into one facility -- and it is in need of great repair.

This past fall, Hurricane Sandy took the louvers down from the north side of our bell tower, and we are pleased to report that the tower louvers have been restored and are back in place protecting the Foundry bells. Our landscaping around the church is being maintained by Phil Carney, who creatively plants exotic species in unusual spaces for a dramatic effect.

For this coming year, security for the building is a priority. A better system is needed for all the access points. The day laborers and homeless who sleep on our steps are continuing to be monitored. We have reached out to a homeless nonprofit, Neighbors Consejo, to check on the needs of these day laborers who go off to work every day. Finally, parking is an ever present issue. We will be working with our ANC commissioners to ease parking enforcement on Sunday mornings and encourage members to take advantage of the parking garage nearby on P Street.

Bicentennial Committee

Paula Blair has taken the lead on this energetic committee that continues to grow. The Bicentennial Committee has been working over the last year to ramp up efforts for next year’s celebration. Many of you bought the beautiful stained glass window ornaments over the holidays, as well as cards, hats, t-shirts, and calendars. We hope to expand this memorabilia collection with another ornament for 2013. A

Ministry in action...Alicia Gutierrez is an active member of the SNF community and occasionally attends 11AM worship. Alicia was so moved by Dean’s Pentecost/Confirmation Sunday sermon, especially his call for members to get involved in Foundry’s youth ministry, that she inquired about how to participate. Alicia will be a part of the Harvest of Hope junior high mission trip this summer.


video history project of key ministers and long-time members is in the works. A history brochure of the church has been published. And tours of the facility have resumed.

There are big plans for 2014, so if you are willingto dress in costume, march in a parade, build a float, reenact the burning of Washington, or sell some hats on line, you are invited to join this fun committee.

Mission Possible

We want to acknowledge Oni Blair and Paul Hazen for their leadership on the Capital Campaign. There are so many volunteers participating in subcommittees that it is not possible to mention them all in this report – but thank you all for your amazing and fearless work!

As of May 31, 2013, 309 households have pledged for Mission Possible $3,080,245 of our $4.5 million goal. And Foundry has $758,671 of those gifts in hand so far. All Mission Possible contributions are deposited into a separate Foundry bank account at Premier Bank of DC from which expenses, such as architectural, consultant fees, and communication costs, have been paid and from which future expenditures will be covered.

In addition, please visit the Mission Possible section of Foundry’s website, which has a regularly updated Q&A section, links to plans for renovation, and videos and transcripts of Foundry members speaking about the importance of Mission Possible to them and to our community. Please engage in this tangible way of honoring our past and building our future. And if you have not made a commitment to the success of the next 100 years of Foundry, please pledge today.

Ministry in action...Kate Mullins, a graduating high school senior is not only a Foundry member, but an outstanding leader within the community. While juggling a demanding academic, basketball, drama/theater and social schedule, Kate makes coordinating the acolytes a priority each week. Over the last two years, Kate has literally passed the torch by teaching the incoming junior high youth the importance of acolyting and what it means to bear the cross and the flame. Kate realizes that this ministry is not only a duty, but also her way of helping to lead others into worship and community with Christ.


Finance Committee ReportThe finance committee functions primarily to provide financial oversight to Foundry. The members are Clareice Chaney (Board member who serves as Foundry’s Treasurer), Karin Berry, Jack Davis, Matt Hansen, Louise Franklin (Board member) and Jane Northern (Board member). Typical areas of focus include approving the budget; financial planning and reporting; the creation and monitoring of internal controls and accountability policies; overseeing Foundry’s financial and legal obligations; setting up appropriate checks and balances to prevent errors, fraud, and abuse; tracking compliance with regulations and guidelines and requirements set by our funders.

In the past year, the committee in conjunction with the staff has established procedures and controls for processing offerings, memorial gifts and bequests; ensured that good controls and procedures for check signatures, credit cards, and payment requisitions exist and are being followed; completed the 2010 and 2011 audits with the 2012 expected in July 2013; and followed a standard budget development and approval process.

Foundry is an extremely generous congregation as is reflected in the giving trends summarized below:

Ministry in action...The largest Great Day of Service in Foundry’s history took place on March 24, 2013. Partnering with Stop Hunger Now, over 165 volunteers packed over 10,000 meals to help end world hunger. Individuals of all ages stepped up to the call for service and made this GDOS truly spectactular.


2013 Approved Budget

For this year’s budget, significant cuts were made in order to more realistically reflect income projections. If revenues have been accurately forecast and expenses are realized, the budget will be balanced if $100,000 is used from Operating Reserves.



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Ministry in action...Paul Isakson recently joined the Foundry Choir after attending Foundry’s 2013 Leader’s Day. He began discussions with Director of Music Ministries, Stanley Thurston, at the Leaders’ Day workshop, and decided to join the choir immediately. He sings in the bass section and has been faithful in attending Sunday morning worship services and choir rehearsals. Aside from traveling on the recent Memorial Day weekend, which is understandable, Paul has had perfect attendance since joining the choir. When noticing Paul was absent, choir member Pam Wanamaker exclaimed “Where is Paul? He’s never absent!” Paul loves to sing and he loves being a part of the Foundry family. He recently happily purchased his first tuxedo to sing at the 2013 Concert for Life. He has an infectious smile and a bright outlook on life, which is exhibited in his positive spirit. Paul is a valued addition to the music ministry at Foundry. Welcome Paul.

Finance Committee Report Continued...On-Going Concern

Change can be difficult and while all issues have been resolved, it took nearly a year to implement the new financial accounting system.

This delayed reporting capability, budgeting and conducting audits. To mitigate the effects of the delay and provide a temporary internal auditing function, board members have been conducting spot checks of various bank accounts and reconciling transactions with the tally sheets for all offerings received. Other spot checks include careful review of credit card invoices/reimbursements, monthly review of bank reconciliations, and monitoring of quarterly pledge statements. These checks have given added peace of mind to all involved and will continue until the 2012 audit is completed.

Future Plans

In the upcoming year, the finance committee plans to have all audits completed, finalize the policies/procedures manual; set up Policy and Internal Audit sub-committees; approve a version of the Endowment Proposal, and terminate spot checks once the 2012 audit is complete.


Ministry in action...

Teachers and students in

Foundry’s English as a Second

Language classes celebrate th


end of every semester with a

small party. The students can

vary in age from 18 to 80,

and they’re from all corners

of the globe. The teachers, too,

are a mix of Foundry regulars,

long-time friends and inspired

neighbors. Students bring

their children and family; our

volunteers often bring their

friends. Everyone sits together

while they eat Salvadoran food

and homemade desserts. There

is a lot of joking in broken

Spanish, English or exaggerated

gestures. Occasionally, there is

even dancing. But after months

of hard work by students and

teachers on up to three nights

a week, the party reminds

us why the program is so

important: With teaching and

friendship, we share God’s love

and welcome all of his people,

in any language we can.

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