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Post on 19-May-2015






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Brian Daley EC-001


Visual LEVEL1.1

Visual LEVEL1.2

Lesson 6: Basic Communication Skills

Visual LEVEL1.3


Visual LEVEL1.4

Exercise Results

What did I ask everyone to do?

What did you do?

What caused confusion?

Visual LEVEL1.5

Get Message to Intended Recipient



Minimum of FussOperating Skills

Communication Method


Skills of Receiving Party

Cooperation of Others

Adequate Resources

Visual LEVEL1.6

Why Are Emergency Communication Techniques Different?

Life and death communications are not part of our daily experience

Most of what we say and do each day does not have the potential to severely impact the lives and property of hundreds or thousands of people

In an emergency, any given message can have huge and often unintended consequences

An unclear message, or one that is modified, delayed, mis-delivered, or never delivered at all can have disastrous results

Visual LEVEL1.7






Source: “Listening: The Forgotten Skill”, Madelyn Burley-Allen

Visual LEVEL1.8

Why Is Listening Efficiency Low?


Mental Tangents

Don’t Want to Be There


Don’t Like the Speaker


Don’t Understand the TopicForming a Response

Too Interested in Physical Characteristics

Hearing what you want to hear

Visual LEVEL1.9

Listening..The Forgotten Skill

Listening is not the same as “hearing” You can have excellent hearing but still have

weak listening skills

Listening is a learned skill

What does ineffective listening cause?

Visual LEVEL1.10

Ineffective Listening


Loss of Important Information

Confused Instructions



Visual LEVEL1.11


Taking In Information


Acknowledge the Talker

Improve Communication

Invite Communication to Continue

Carry Idea Forward

Visual LEVEL1.12

Listening Exercise from NCS Class

An exercise to increase listening awareness.. For five minutes, list all the sounds you hear Do this 2-3 times a day in different

environments to sharpen your listening awareness

• Perhaps even add a radio or scanner and try to follow the traffic as well

• Listen to weak signals on Shortwave/HF/AM Broadcast Band

Visual LEVEL1.13

Microphone Techniques

Using your microphone correctly can make a big difference in intelligibility

Hold the mic close to your cheek, and just off to the side of your mouth

Talk across, rather than into, the microphone Reduce breath noises and "popping" sounds that can

mask your speech

"Voice operated transmission" (VOX) is not recommended for emergency communication

Visual LEVEL1.14


Normal, clear, calm voice

Shouting = over-modulation and distortion Will not increase volume at the

receiving end

Normal pace Rushing = slurred and unintelligible


Pronounce words carefully Making sure to enunciate each syllable

and sound

Visual LEVEL1.15

Repeater Use

Leave a little extra time between pressing the push-to-talk switch and speaking A variety of delays can occur within a system,

including CTCSS decode time, and transmitter rise time

Leaving extra time is also necessary on any system of linked repeaters Allow time for all the links to begin transmitting

Visual LEVEL1.16

After Transmission

Pause a little longer than usual between transmissions any time there is a possibility that other stations may

have emergency traffic to pass from time to time.

A count of "one, one thousand" is usually sufficient.

Visual LEVEL1.17

Brevity & Clarity

Only the information necessary to get the message across clearly and accurately

Extraneous information Distract the recipient Misinterpretation Confusion

Visual LEVEL1.18

Brevity & Clarity

If you are the message's author and can leave a word out without changing the meaning of a message, leave it out

If the description of an item will not add to the understanding of the subject of the message, leave it out

Avoid using contractions within your messages Words like "don't" and "isn't" are easily confused.

If someone else has drafted the message, work with the author to make it more concise

Visual LEVEL1.19

Brevity & Clarity

Listen to a scanner Police/fire radio dispatchers Air traffic controllers Transmissions sound crisp and professional

Do not editorialize, or engage in chitchat An emergency net is no place for

• "Hi Larry, long time no hear," • "Hey, you know that rig you were telling me about last

month...." • Or any other non-essential conversation.

Visual LEVEL1.20

Brevity & Clarity

Say exactly what you mean Using non-specific language can lead to

misunderstandings and confusion

Communicate one complete subject at a time

If you are sending a list of additional food supplies needed, keep it separate from a message asking for more sand bags. Chances are that the two requests will have to be

forwarded to different locations, and if combined one request will be lost

Visual LEVEL1.21

Plain Language

“Plain Language: Common terms and definitions that can be understood by individuals from all responder disciplines. The intent of plain language is to ensure the clear and accurate communication of information during an incident.”

• FY07 NIMS Compliance Metrics – Terms of Reference

Visual LEVEL1.22

Plain Language

Not everyone involved in an emergency communication situation will understand amateur slang and technical jargon

Exception Standard "pro-words" (often called "pro-signs")

used in Amateur traffic nets, such as "clear," "say again all after" and so on

All messages and communications during an emergency should be in plain language

Visual LEVEL1.23

Common Terminology

Is an ICS wide fundamental

Necessary for operations, planning, and standard

operating procedures (SOPs)

A common dialect for describing the “who, when, why, where, what, and how” of operations

Visual LEVEL1.24

Plain Language

Not all Plain Language has the same meaning For example:

• The California Highway Patrol requests “Backup” when they need another officer in an emergency. They request “Assistance” when they want a cover unit.

• The Los Angeles County Sheriff uses the same two words, but uses them in the exact opposite meaning.

Visual LEVEL1.25

Be Careful

Avoid words or phrases that carry strong emotions. Most emergency situations are

emotionally charged already, and you do not need to add to the problem.

• "horrific damage and people torn to bits"

• "significant physical damage and serious personal injuries"

Visual LEVEL1.26


Certain words in a message may not be immediately understood The best way to be sure it is understood

correctly is to spell it… but… Spell the word using letters, it might still be


Use phonetics anytime a word has an unusual or difficult spelling, or may be easily misunderstood

Visual LEVEL1.27


Standard practice is to first say the word, say "I spell," then spell the word phonetically Lets the receiving station know you are about to spell

the word he just heard

Phonetic alphabets Most hams and some public safety agencies use the

ITU Phonetic Alphabet Others use military alphabets or the APCO alphabet Make up your own phonetics has no place in

emergency communication

Visual LEVEL1.28

ITU Phonetic Alphabet

A - alfa (AL-fa) B - bravo (BRAH-voh) C - charlie (CHAR-lee) D - delta (DELL-tah) E - echo (ECK-oh) F - foxtrot (FOKS-trot) G - golf (GOLF) H - hotel (HOH-tell) I - india (IN-dee-ah) J - juliet (JU-lee-ett) K - kilo (KEY-loh) L - lima (LEE-mah) M - mike (MIKE)

N - november (no-VEM-ber) O - oscar (OSS-cah) P - papa (PAH-PAH) Q - quebec (kay-BECK) R - romeo (ROW-me-oh) S - sierra (SEE-air-rah) T - tango (TANG-go) U - uniform (YOU-ni-form) V - victor (VIK-tor) W - whiskey (WISS-key) X - x-ray (ECKS-ray) Y - yankee (YANG-key) Z - zulu (ZOO-loo)

Visual LEVEL1.29


Numbers are somewhat easier to understand

Most can be made clearer by simply "over-enunciating“

One: "Wun" Two: "TOOO" Three: "THUH-ree" Four: "FOH-wer" Five: "FY-ive" Six: "Sicks" Seven: "SEV-vin" Eight: "Ate" Nine: "NINE-er Zero: "ZEE-row"

Visual LEVEL1.30

APCO Phonetic Alphabet

A - adam B - boy C - charlie D - delta (DELL-tah) E - echo (ECK-oh) F - foxtrot (FOKS-trot) G - golf (GOLF) H - hotel (HOH-tell) I - india (IN-dee-ah) J - juliet (JU-lee-ett) K - kilo (KEY-loh) L - lima (LEE-mah) M - mike (MIKE)

N - november (no-VEM-ber) O - oscar (OSS-cah) P - papa (PAH-PAH) Q - quebec (kay-BECK) R - romeo (ROW-me-oh) S - sierra (SEE-air-rah) T - tango (TANG-go) U - uniform (YOU-ni-form) V - victor (VIK-tor) W - whiskey (WISS-key) X - x-ray (ECKS-ray) Y - yankee (YANG-key) Z - zulu (ZOO-loo)

Visual LEVEL1.31


Procedural terms with specific meanings Save time Everyone understands precisely what is being said

Some pro-words are used in general communication, others while sending and receiving formal messages

Visual LEVEL1.32


Voice MorseDigital*

Meaning and function

Clear SK End of contact. In CW, SK is sent before final identification

Over K Used to let any station know to respond

Go ahead KN Used to let a specific station know to respond

Out CL Leaving the air, will not be listening

Stand by AS A temporary interruption of the contact

Roger R Indicates that a transmission has been received correctly and in full

* Two letters are sent as one character in CW                            Source: ARES Field Resources Manual

Visual LEVEL1.33

Tactical Call Signs

The tactical call sign allows you to contact a station without knowing the FCC call sign of the operator Identify the station's location or its purpose during an

event, regardless of who is operating the station Have a meaning that matches the way in which the

served agency identifies the location or function

Should be used for all emergency nets and public service events if there are more than just a few participants Net Control Station (NCS) may assign the tactical call

sign as each location is "opened"

Visual LEVEL1.34

Tactical Call Signs

Emergency communications use tactical call signs exclusively to call other stations You don’t contact another station on an

emergency net by using their amateur call sign If you have a reason to call them on the net,

they have either a DESIGNATOR (if a mobile station) or a LOCATION (if a fixed station) and a FUNCTION!

Visual LEVEL1.35

Example Tactical Call Signs

State EOC Net Firebase 1

Canyon Shelter

HarborviewSAG 3Rest 1

Visual LEVEL1.36

Example Tactical Call Signs

Road Rally Operations on-site at: “MOUNTAIN TOP”. This is the TACTICAL call sign for the over event Net Control

Station. “SERVICE” TACTICAL call sign for vehicle maintenance area during rallies. “CHAIRMAN” TACTICAL call sign for event leader from the rally organization. “START” TACTICAL call sign for the initial ‘start point’ for a specific stage in a rally. “MID-POINT” TACTICAL call sign for the midway point for a specific rally stage. “SPECTATOR” TACTICAL call sign for a specific spectator point during a rally stage. “FINISH” TACTICAL call sign for the end or ‘finish’ point for a specific rally stage. “SAFETY” TACTICAL call sign for designated Rally Safety Official/Coordinator. “ADVANCE” TACTICAL call sign for ‘Advance” vehicle on a specific rally stage. “PACE” TACTICAL call sign for any ‘pace’ vehicle(s) used on a specific rally stage. “SWEEP” TACTICAL call sign for ‘sweep’ vehicle(s) used on a specific stage. “TIMERS” TACTICAL cal sign for ‘stage timers’ on a specific rally stage. Other locations and tactical call signs may be used at specific rally events that will be

established by the event chairman or their designated representative.

Visual LEVEL1.37

Calling with Tactical Call Signs

Net Control

“Net, Aid 3”

or just “Aid 3”

“Aid 3 Emergency Traffic”

“Aid 3 Priority Traffic”

Visual LEVEL1.38

Calling with Tactical Call Signs

Net Control

Aid 3, Priority Traffic for Firebase 5

Firebase 5, call Aid 3for priority traffic

Aid 3, Firebase 5

Visual LEVEL1.39

Calling with Tactical Call Signs

Calling a station: “Team 2, this is SAR Base” “RTC Command, this is SAG 21”

The correct response is to identify with YOUR call sign, followed by the prowords “go ahead”: “Team 2, go ahead” “SAG 21, go ahead”

To end a contact, use the term “out” - not “clear” Here’s how it sounds:

“SAR Base out, WB7OML” “RTC Command out, WB7OML” “Operations out, WB7OML”

What if you need to call a specific person at a location? “Redmond EOC, this is RTC Command with contact for Deputy Smith”

What if you have a written message to deliver? “Redmond EOC, this is RTC Command with traffic” (Contrary to what some teach, you don’t identify the recipient of a written

message in the call - it will be in the message itself, and there’s no reason to duplicate the information!)

Visual LEVEL1.40

Calling with Tactical Call Signs

Your call sign is WB7OML and you have status of Medic 1 to which you are assigned Net Control from Medic 1 with status

Your call sign is WB7OML you are assigned to Rest 2 and you need to talk directly with KE7DXW assigned to Rest 3 on the same net Net Control from Rest 2 with traffic for Rest 3

Your call sign is WB7OML, spotter id KING145 and you have weather traffic Net Control from KING145 with weather

Field unit assigned to SAG1 has traffic for net control Net Control from SAG1 with traffic

Visual LEVEL1.41

Calling with Tactical Call Signs

Field unit assigned to SAG2 has a message for Medic1 and requests permission to pass the traffic. SAG2: Net Control from SAG2 with traffic for Medic1. NCS: Medic1, can you copy SAG2? Medic1: Affirmative NCS: SAG2, you may go direct with Medic1 SAG2: Medic1 from SAG2 (If Medic1 responds, message is passed and SAG2 clears. If

Medic1 cannot copy, SAG2 may ask Net Control to relay traffic.)

Visual LEVEL1.42

What about FCC Call Signs?

FCC requires that you identify at ten-minute intervals during a conversation and at the end of your last transmission Give your FCC call sign as you complete

each exchange• Tells the NCS that you consider the

exchange complete (and saves time and extra words)

• Fulfills all FCC identification requirements

Visual LEVEL1.43

Completing a Call

Net Control"Aid 3, <your call sign>."

“Aid 3, do you have further traffic?”

“Aid 3 out, <your call sign>"

Visual LEVEL1.44

A Review of Habits to Avoid

Thinking aloud on the air: "Ahhh, let me see. Hmm. Well, you know, if..." PTT is not Push to Think

On-air arguments or criticism Rambling commentaries Shouting into your microphone "Cute" phonetics Identifying every time you key or un-key the mic Using "10" codes, Q-signals on phone, or anything other

than "plain language" Speaking without planning your message in advance Talking just to pass the time

Visual LEVEL1.45

Exercise – Tactical Call Signs

Break off into groups of 6

Assign a NCS from your group

NCS assigns a tactical call sign to each student in their group

Practice a roll call to get a SITREP from each station using tactical call signs and FCC call signs SITREP for all stations is “no damage at this location –

this is an exercise”

Visual LEVEL1.46


Do you practice with tactical call signs on your training nets?

Example – do a roll call and assign tactical call to each station responding. Use tactical call for remainder of the net.

Visual LEVEL1.47

Lesson 6 Activities

1. Using what you have learned, edit the following exchange to make it clear and concise.

"KA1XYZ at Ramapo Base, this is Bob, K2ABC at Weston EOC calling."

"K2ABC, this is KA1XYZ. Hi, Bob. This is Ramapo Base, Harry at the mic. Go ahead. K2ABC from KA1XYZ."

"KA1XYZ, this is K2ABC returning. Hi, Harry. I have a message for you. By the way, remember to call me later about the get-together the club is having next month. Are you ready to copy the message?" KA1XYZ, this is K2ABC, over to you Harry."

Visual LEVEL1.48

Lesson 6 Activities

2. Based upon what you have read in this lesson, list five errors to avoid when communicating during an emergency.

Visual LEVEL1.49

Lesson 6 Questions

1. In emergency communication, which one of the following is NOT true?

A. Listening is only about 10% of communication.

B. Any message can have huge and unintended consequences.

C. A message that is never delivered can yield disastrous results.

D. Listening also means avoiding unnecessary communications.

Visual LEVEL1.50

Lesson 6 Questions

2. Which of the following procedures is best for using a microphone?

A. Hold the microphone just off the tip of your nose.

B. Talk across, rather than into, your microphone.

C. Shout into the microphone to insure that you are heard at the receiving end.

D. Whenever possible, use voice operated transmission (VOX).

Visual LEVEL1.51

Lesson 6 Questions

3. In emergency communications, which of the following is true?

A. Never use "10 codes" on Amateur Radio.

B. Use "Q signals" on served-agency radio systems.

C. Under NO circumstances use "Q" signals on a CW net.

D. Use technical jargon when you feel that it is appropriate.

Visual LEVEL1.52

Lesson 6 Questions

4. Which of the following is always true of a tactical net?

A. Personal call signs are never used.

B. Personal call signs are always preferred over tactical call signs (such as "Aid 3").

C. Personal call signs are required at ten-minute intervals during a conversation or at the end of your last transmission.

D. Personal call signs are required at ten-minute intervals during a conversation and at the end of your last transmission.

Visual LEVEL1.53

Lesson 6 Questions

5. Which of the following is the most efficient way to end an exchange on a tactical net?

A. Say "Over".

B. Say "Roger".

C. Give your FCC call sign.

D. Ask Net Control if there are any further messages for you.

Visual LEVEL1.54

Lesson 6 Reference Links

Reference links: The Public Service Communications Manual:


ARRL ARES Field Resources Manual: www.arrl.org/FandES.field/aresman.pdf

Visual LEVEL1.55

Lesson 7 - Introduction to Emergency Nets

Visual LEVEL1.56


Net: A group of stations who gather on one frequency, with a common purpose. The net provides a structure and organization to allow an orderly flow of messages.

Net Control Station (NCS): The station in charge of the net and directing the flow of messages and general communications.

Formal Messages: Written messages that are sent in a standardized format.

Informal or Tactical Messages: Brief verbal or informal written messages, intended for direct and immediate delivery.

Traffic: A term referring to messages sent over Amateur Radio, usually formal, written messages. More generally, any messages or activity on a particular frequency.

Visual LEVEL1.57


Pass: to send messages from one station to another.

Third Party Traffic: Messages transmitted on behalf of a person or organization other than a licensed Amateur Radio operator. This term also applies to when a person other than a licensed operator is allowed to use the microphone.

Liaison Station: A station responsible for passing messages between different nets.

Visual LEVEL1.58

What is a Net?

“Network” Something resembling an openwork fabric or structure in

form or concept, especially:• A complex, interconnected group or system • An extended group of people with similar interests or concerns

who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual assistance or support

A net of amateur radio service operators is one of the most effective methods of providing primary or supplementary communications support for a variety of public service or emergency activities or events

A Declared Net is a net started with a statement of purpose

Visual LEVEL1.59

What is an Emergency Net?

An "emergency" net is a group of stations who provide communication to one or more served agencies, or to the general public, in a communications emergency.

An emergency net may be formal or informal, depending on the number of participants and volume of messages.

Visual LEVEL1.60

Net Formats

Directed (formal) Nets “Net control station"

(NCS) organizes and controls all activity

One station wishing to call or send a message to another in the net must first receive permission from the NCS

Directed nets are the best format when there are a large number of member stations

Open (informal) Nets NCS is optional When a NCS is used at

all, he usually exerts minimal control over the net

Stations may call each other directly

Open nets are most often used when there are only a few stations and little traffic

Visual LEVEL1.61

Net Formats

Directed Net NCS declares the net

active NCS controls the

frequency Normal use of the

frequency stops Specific net topic,

conditions, and/or instructions for check-in is given

Open Net Net is declared, not

much happening Generally normal

repeater use• NCS may be there but

not in tight control of the frequency

Visual LEVEL1.62

Net Formats

Informal nets Interest Group Nets Swap Nets Training Nets

Formal Nets Traffic Nets Emergency Nets

• Started after a request for service has been submitted by a served agency through an appointed, local amateur radio Emergency Coordinator

Visual LEVEL1.63

ICS Command Net

Usually only one Command Net is used during an incident by the command and general staff

The positions down to Division/Group Supervisors will likely need 2 radios, one on the Command Channel and one for Tactical use. Scanning may be a solution, but it is highly

recommended to avoid it if possible. It may be patched via a gateway when personnel are on

disparate radio systems Cache radios or radios can be programmed for command

and general staff use This frequency/talkgroup is also used as a link between

the incident and the Dispatch Center

Visual LEVEL1.64

ICS Tactical Nets

There may be several Tactical Nets at the Division (geographic)/Group (function) Level

May use mobile communications units at the incident to patch Tactical Nets

Other Nets include: Ground-to-air Staging Logistics Net

Visual LEVEL1.65

Available/Assigned Nets

Available Nets (ICS Form 217A) Shared Channels Reference TIC Plan Frequency/Talkgroup agency listing Local/Region Communications Plan

Assigning Nets Coordinate with the Local COMC

(Communications Coordinator)

Visual LEVEL1.66

ICS Form 217A:Communications Resource Availability Worksheet

Visual LEVEL1.67

Types of Emergency Nets

Traffic net Handles formal written

messages in a specified (i.e. ARRL) format.

National Traffic System (NTS)

ARES or RACES traffic nets may be directed or open depending on their size

Tactical nets Real-time coordination of

activities related to the emergency

Messages are usually brief, and frequently unwritten.

Usually has a NCS, but may be directed or open

The NCS may have other duties or responsibilities as well

Visual LEVEL1.68

Types of Emergency Nets

“Resource" or “Logistics" net Acquire resources and

volunteers and handle assignments

Usually a directed net Accept check-ins from

arriving volunteers, then directed to contact an appropriate station or to proceed to a specific location.

Locate needed resources, such as equipment, food, water and other supplies for emcomm volunteers

Information net Open net used to collect or

share information on a developing situation

Official bulletins from the served agency

• May be sent by the NCS• An agency liaison station• Official Bulletin Station

(OBS) Example is a SKYWARN

weather net activated during a severe storm watch

Visual LEVEL1.69

Checking Into an Emergency Net

You will need to "check in" to a net: When you first join the net. When you have messages, questions, or

information to send.

Directed net Listen for the NCS to ask for "check-ins" Listen to any specific instructions

• "check-ins with emergency traffic only"

Visual LEVEL1.70

Checking Into an Emergency Net

At the appropriate time, give only your call sign. If you have a message to pass, you can add, "with traffic." If it is an emergency message, say "with emergency traffic."

• The same is true for stations with priority traffic. Wait for a response before offering more information.

Checking into a directed net when the NCS has not asked for check-ins is usually considered a bad practice. If a long period passes with no request, you might wait for a

pause in the net activity and briefly call the NCS like this:• "Net control, WB7OML, with traffic."

Visual LEVEL1.71

Checking Into an Emergency Net

Open net Call the net control station with your call sign

• If you have a message to pass, you can add, "with traffic." • If it is an emergency message, say "with emergency


If there appears to be no NCS, call anyone on the net to find out if anyone is "in charge" and make contact with them.

If you are already part of the net and have a message to send, simply wait for the frequency to be clear before calling another station

Visual LEVEL1.72

Checking Into an Emergency Net

If you are not part of the organization operating the net, do not just check in and offer to assist. Listen for a while

Be sure you have something specific to offer before checking in

• Ability to deliver a message close to your location when none of the regular net members can

• If they really do seem to need help that you feel you can provide, you might check in briefly to ask if they have a "resource" net in operation, then switch to that frequency

• If not, make a brief offer of assistance to the NCS

Visual LEVEL1.73

Checking Into an Emergency Net

If you are not part of the organization operating the net Do not be too surprised if you receive a cool reception

to your offer of help

Emcomm managers prefer to deal with people with known training and capabilities, and with whom they have worked before May assign you as an apprentice, logger, or as a

"runner". If you are given such an opportunity, take it!

Visual LEVEL1.74

Passing Messages

WB7OML with traffic… WB7OML list your traffic

• Destination and priority

NCS will direct you to pass each message to the appropriate station in the net, either on the net frequency, or another frequency to avoid tieing up the net

Sign with your tactical call sign and your FCC call

Visual LEVEL1.75

Passing Messages

NCS: "WB7OML, list your traffic.“

You: "WB7OML, two priority for Seattle EOC, one welfare for the Section net.“

NCS: "Seattle EOC, call WB7OML for your traffic.“

Seattle EOC: "WB7OML, Seattle EOC, go ahead.“

You: "Number 25, Priority...“

(After you have sent your messages to the Seattle EOC, the NCS will next direct the section net liaison station to call you for their message.)

Visual LEVEL1.76

"Breaking" the Net

Net is in progress You have emergency traffic to send “Break" into the net

Wait for a pause between transmissions and simply say "Break, WB7OML" NCS will say, "Go ahead WB7OML" You respond, "WB7OML with emergency


Visual LEVEL1.77

Checking Out of an Emergency Net

Always let the NCS know when you are leaving the net, even if it is only for a few minutes

Reasons for checking out of (leaving) a net The location of your station is closing You need a break and there is no relief operator You have turned the location over to another operator

Remember to sign with your FCC call sign

Visual LEVEL1.78

Special Situations for Checking Out

1. If you are asked by someone in authority, such as a law enforcement officer, to move your station, then move immediately and without argument. Notify the NCS of the situation at the first appropriate opportunity.

2. If you are requested by someone in authority to turn off your radio, or to refrain from transmitting, do so immediately and without question. Do not notify Net Control until you have permission to transmit again, and can do so safely. There is usually a good reason for such a request. It may be an issue of security, or it may be a potential hazard, such as an explosive devise that could be triggered by RF energy.

Visual LEVEL1.79

Levels of Nets

Network systems are often "layered" for greater operating efficiency Local messages travel between destinations

directly on local nets When a message has to go to a distant city, it

is passed to a regional net, and if it is really distant, to a long distance net

National Traffic System (NTS)

Visual LEVEL1.80

Levels of Nets

Local FM Net

County Net

Section Net

County “A”County “B”


Visual LEVEL1.81

National Traffic System

Created by the ARRL and authored by George Hart, W1NJM in 1949 Handle medium and long distance traffic

In an emergency, the National Traffic System can be used to provide a link from the area impacted by the emergency to the outside world

Hierarchical (layered) set of nets Local nets Section Nets Region Nets Area Nets Transcontinental Corps

Visual LEVEL1.82

Non-Voice Nets Emergency nets may also use other modes of communication

besides voice

Traffic nets have used CW since the beginning of Amateur Radio

• High speed CW nets can actually handle more messages per hour than most voice nets

Packet communication on VHF and UHF • Accuracy and a record of the message

HF digital modes on long distance circuits • AMTOR and PACTOR


Visual LEVEL1.83

WinLink 2000

Blends radio and Internet transmission paths to permit rapid and seamless email message transfer to stations anywhere on Earth

VHF Radio

Data Interface


VHF Radio

Data Interface


The InternetThe Internet


Visual LEVEL1.84

FNpsk & FNpack

FNpsk is a windows program designed to allow easy handling of ARRL format messages via PSK31

FNpack program provides for message handling and net management of amateur radio emergency communications applications via packet networks

Visual LEVEL1.85

Lesson 7 Student Activities

1. Describe the best use of the following nets:

A. Open nets

B. Emergency nets

C. Tactical nets

D. Resource nets

E. Traffic nets

Visual LEVEL1.86

Lesson 7 Questions

1. Which of the following best describes a net?

A. A group of stations who purposely frequent the airwaves.

B. A group of stations who gather on one frequency with a purpose.

C. A group of stations who occasionally meet on various frequencies.

D. A group of stations who propose to meet at a particular time.

Visual LEVEL1.87

Lesson 7 Questions

2. What is a major difference between an "open net" and a "directed net"?

A. The presence or absence of full control by a Net Control Station.

B. The presence or absence of formal traffic.

C. The type of radio traffic on the net.

D. The approval or sanction of net operations by the FCC.

Visual LEVEL1.88

Lesson 7 Questions

3. Which of the following is true of a "tactical net"?

A. The net is used to acquire volunteers and to handle assignments.

B. The net is used for the coordination of activities associated with future emergencies.

C. The net may be directed or open, but will usually have a Net Control Station.

D. The net handles only formal traffic.

Visual LEVEL1.89

Lesson 7 Questions

4. When should you check in to an emergency net?A. When you want to comment on something

that someone else has said.B. When you are tired of listening.C. When you first join the net and when you

have messages, questions or relevant information.

D. When you first join the net and when you would like to send greetings to one of the participating stations.

Visual LEVEL1.90

Lesson 7 Questions

5. What is the most frequent cause of errors on voice nets?

A. Speaking too softly.

B. Speaking too rapidly.

C. Failure to write down the message before sending it.

D. Failure to copy the message exactly as it was received.

Visual LEVEL1.91

Lesson 7 Reference Links

To learn about NTS in your area, contact your Section Manager (SM), or Section Traffic Manager (STM). To locate your Section Manager (SM), see the ARRL Section Manager List at: www.arrl.org/field/org/smlist.html.

For a list of ARES and NTS nets in your area, see The ARRL Net Directory: www.arrl.org/FandES/field/nets/

Winlink 2000 - www.winlink.org FNpack - www.w1fn.org - a Windows® packet radio terminal

program designed for emcomm. FNpsk - www.w1fn.org - similar to FNpack, but for PSK-31

Visual LEVEL1.92

Visual LEVEL1.93

Lessons 8 – Basic Message Handling I &Lesson 9 – Basic Message Handling II

Visual LEVEL1.94

The Big Question

In Emcomm or Public Service Communications, are most messages Formal or Informal or Tactical ?

Visual LEVEL1.95

Types of Traffic

Formal message traffic Fault-intolerant information (for example, lists of names of authorized

personnel) Requires authentication or signoff of originator or recipient Passes through several 'hands' between originator and destination Requires a formal paper trail to verify receipt and reply

Informal message traffic Does not require formal authentication of the originator or recipient Logged by sending and receiving stations but does not require the use of

message forms or structured handling procedures

Tactical message traffic Goes directly from originator to recipient through only two radio operators

(sender and receiver) Does not require a paper trail or record of communication Does not require formal authentication of originator or recipient Must be delivered in a timely or instantaneous manner.

Visual LEVEL1.96

Formal Traffic

Pros: Equivalent to a telegram or email Written in a specific format, i.e.

ARRL Two or more people will handle

them before reaching the recipient Stations working formal message

traffic operate like a telegram office or service desk, accepting messages in written form from a number of clients and transmitting them via voice, packet or other modes either directly to a destination or through a formal traffic network (like the NTS network)

Formal message handling guarantees high accuracy and validation of receipt, and is very good in situations where direct sender-to-receiver communications is unavailable

Cons: Formal message handling tends

to be slower than informal and tactical messaging

Most clients will find the formalized procedures of authentication and submission very intimidating and user-unfriendly, making the use of amateur resources unattractive even in times of need.

Visual LEVEL1.97

Informal Traffic

Familiar to operators who have worked on public service events or participated in routine radio nets

Most common type of messaging used in emergency situations

Verbal or written but not in a specific format

Best used for Non-critical and simple messages Messages that require immediate action Those are delivered directly from the

author to the recipient Does not require extensive operator

experience, intimidating authentication and submission procedures for clients, or much overhead

Typically, operators will be imbedded in an EOC or at the 'office' of a facility and will work alongside emergency management personnel to provide whatever communications are required

Visual LEVEL1.98

Tactical Message Traffic

Equivalent of a telephone conversation or tactical radio communication (such as fire and police tactical communications)

Tactical messaging is used between stations that are attached to single client or persons (such as an aid coordinator)

Tactical communications involves an operator repeating a client's information or instructions over the radio channel, or in some cases allowing the client to speak directly over the radio

The originator and recipient may actually present during the QSO, allowing for rapid 'back and forth' communications that may be essential in some situations

Example: A radio operator who is shadowing a

critical resource person during an emergency is likely to use tactical or informal messaging, rather than formal messaging

Visual LEVEL1.99

Informal Messages

Informal or tactical messages are not written out in ARRL format, or not written at all

This does not mean that accuracy is any less important If someone gives you a short message to relay to

someone else, you should repeat it as closely to the original as possible

Messages that will be relayed more than once should always be sent in ARRL format to prevent multiple modifications

Visual LEVEL1.100

Informal Verbal Messages

Some emergency messages are best sent informally in the interest of saving precious seconds

If you need an ambulance for a severely bleeding victim, you do not have time to compose and send a formal message. The resulting delay could cause the patient's death

Visual LEVEL1.101

Formal vs. Informal

Formal messages are not needed for most: “Real-Time” Tactical Communications Direct conversations between third parties Life-safety matters when timing is critical Most routine task assignments Most routine task completions Most routine resource coordination Record routine exchanges as line-items in your

Communication Log (such as ICS 309)

Visual LEVEL1.102

Formal vs. Tactical Traffic

Sending formal traffic takes time Sound Shake example NCS tried to send

everything as formal traffic, and only a small fraction of the messages were sent, most late

Not all messages need to be sent as formal traffic!! NTS was designed to deliver messages across the

country in 24 hours• E.g. Disaster Welfare Inquires (DWI's) from the

American Red Cross Many emcomm messages need delivery in


Visual LEVEL1.103

Message Authoring -- Them Or Us?

One of the oldest arguments in emcomm is the question of whether or not emcomm personnel should author (create) agency-related official messages

If your job is strictly communication, and the message is not about the communication function you are providing, the best answer is "no" No direct authority and usually lack necessary


Visual LEVEL1.104

Message Authoring -- Them Or Us?

You should always work with a message's author to create text that is short, to the point, and uses the minimum number of words necessary

If the author tells you to "just take care of the wording for me," it is still a good idea to get their final approval and signature before sending the message

Visual LEVEL1.105

Message Security & Privacy

Information transmitted over Amateur Radio can never be totally secure FCC rules strictly prohibit us from using any

code designed to obscure a message's actual meaning

Messages sent via Amateur Radio should be treated as privileged information, and revealed only to those directly involved with sending, handling, or receiving the message

Visual LEVEL1.106

Message Security & Privacy

In general, any message with personally identifiable information about clients of the served agency should be avoided -- this is a good policy to follow with any agency if you are in doubt

Messages relating to the death of any specific person should never be sent via Amateur Radio

Sensitive messages should be sent using telephone, landline fax, courier, or a secure served-agency radio or data circuit.

Visual LEVEL1.107

Message Security & Privacy

There are ways to reduce the likelihood of casual listeners picking up your transmissions Use a digital mode: packet, PSK31, fax, RTTY,

AMTOR, digital phone, etc. Pick an uncommon frequency -- stay off regular packet

nodes or simplex channels. Do not discuss frequencies or modes to be used openly

on voice channels. Avoid publishing certain ARES or RACES net

frequencies on web sites or in any public document.

Visual LEVEL1.108


EmComm personnel must NOT discuss disaster information when media is nearby

Names are not used in messages except to identify the agency contacts

Refer media requests to the agency’s Public Information Officer


Visual LEVEL1.109


Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 Privacy + Security = Confidentiality PHI Protected Health Information

Relates to the past, present, or future health of the individual, payments, and identifies or can be used to identify the individual

“de-identified” data does not fall under HIPPA rules PHI can be:

Paper copies Patient Files Telephone calls, email, voicemail Verbal communications FAX transmissions Internet/intranet transmissions Cameras/voice recorders on cell phones/PDAs Radio Communications

Visual LEVEL1.110


Names Addresses including Zip

Codes All Dates Telephone & Fax

Numbers E-mail Addresses Social Security Numbers Medical Record Numbers

Health Plan Numbers License Numbers Vehicle Identification

Numbers Account Numbers Biometric Identifiers Full Face Photos Any Other Unique

Identifying Number, Characteristic or Code

Visual LEVEL1.111

Incidental Disclosure

Incidental Disclosure: generally refers to a sharing of PHI that occurs related to an allowable disclosure of PHI

An “incidental disclosure” is allowed if steps are taken to limit them try to prevent them

For example, visitors may hear a patient’s name as it’s

called out in a waiting room or overhear a clinical discussion as they are walking down a hallway on the unit

Visual LEVEL1.112

How Does HIPAA Impact You?

Role-based Access Overheard conversations Overseen patient treatment Overseen medical records Inappropriate requests to transmit PHI over the

radio If your agency insists, have an official sign the

log book indicating they demanded it!

Failure to Comply Can Result in Civil & Federal Criminal Penalties

Visual LEVEL1.113

Message Handling Rules

Do not speculate on anything relating to an emergency!

Pass formal messages exactly as written or spoken Apparently misspelled words or confusing text

must be sent exactly as received Only the original author may make changes

Should you return a message to the author before first sending it if it seems incorrect or confusing?

Visual LEVEL1.114

Message Handling Rules

Non-Standard Format Messages Passed exactly as received

It is critical that you include the signature and title of the sender in every message

Visual LEVEL1.115

Message Handling Rules

ACCEPT ONLY MESSAGES YOU CAN RELAY OR DELIVER Try to accept only those messages you can forward or deliver in a

timely fashion Sometimes you may be asked to do otherwise as a liaison station or

for “store and forward”

If you accept a message, and are unable to pass it on promptly, try to find another station to accept it and keep it moving

Phone a fellow amateur to take custody if you can not handle it properly

Mailing, personal delivery, telephoning neighbors of the addressee, etc., are alternative methods to direct telephone delivery

Ask fellow amateurs for help if you have difficulties.

Visual LEVEL1.116

Message Handling Rules

ACCEPT ONLY MESSAGES WHICH MEET FCC RULES Accept only messages in which content and

purpose comply with the FCC regulations in force regarding third party traffic,

• Prohibition of "business" traffic

• Encryption

• Other rules regarding prohibited communications

Visual LEVEL1.117

Formal Message Handling

Visual LEVEL1.118

Formal Written Message Formats

Visual LEVEL1.119

Disaster Welfare Message

Visual LEVEL1.120

Preamble: Message number, precedence, HX (optional handling code), station of origin, check (text word count), place of origin, time filed (optional), and date.

Addressee: Name, call sign (if a ham), full street address, city, 2-letter state abbreviation, zip code (very important) & telephone (be sure to include area code).

This Radio Message was received at:Station identification and location.

Text: 25 words maximum, 5 per line; Use the word “xray” for a period (.) and “query” for a question mark (?). Last word is salutation (i.e., “73”, “Love”, etc.)

Signature: (Write-in above REC’D block) Name & call sign of person who wrote the message – include full phone number if not a Ham or if new to NTS.

REC’D & SENT: Record the names and call sign of the person you rec’d the message from and/or sent/forwarded the message to, along with the date & time (PST/PDT or Z).

ARRL Radiogram Form

Visual LEVEL1.121

Components of a Standard ARRL Radiogram

Preamble Message number Originating station Message precedence Origination date &


Address Recipient name Street address or PO

box City, state, and zip


Text Limited to 25 words or less when

possible (new form = 50 words) Written in lines of five words (ten for

keyboard) Punctuation should be used only

when the meaning of the message would not be clear without them

Signature Single name Name and call sign Full name and a title Occasionally a return address and

phone number

Visual LEVEL1.122

Block #1 - Message Number

No standard way of numbering messages

Number assigned by the station that first puts the message into ARRL format Common practice is to use a numeric sequence starting with the

number "1" at the beginning of the emergency operation • Consecutive (1, 2, 3..., starting over at the new year or monthly)• Order by month & number (507 = 7th you originated in May;

11244 = 244th message you originated in November

One common problem is keeping track of messages from multiple field station locations Each field location assigns a number starting with “1” Preface the message number with the tactical call sign or abbreviation

of the field site• Example: Group Health Central initiates their first message• Message number is “GHC1” read as “GOLF HOTEL CHARLIE 1”

Visual LEVEL1.123

Block #2 - Precedence

The Precedence of the Message determines what order the messages will be handled Four precedence are used in ascending order of priority:

Routine “R”• All traffic that does not meet the requirements for a higher precedence • Not used during emergencies• 99.99% of all messages have this precedence. These messages will be handled last.

Welfare “W”• Inquiry as to the health and welfare of an individual in a disaster area• Message from a disaster victim to friends or family• Handled before ROUTINE traffic

Priority “P”• Important messages with a time limit • Any official or emergency-related messages not covered by the EMERGENCY precedence • A notification of death or injury in a disaster area • Usually only associated with official traffic to, from, or related to a disaster area

EMERGENCY• Life or death urgency handle first and immediately• Due to the lack of privacy on radio, EMERGENCY messages should only be sent via

Amateur Radio when regular communication facilities are unavailable

Visual LEVEL1.124

Block #3 - Handling Instructions

HXA -- (Followed by number.) "Collect" telephone delivery authorized by addressee within (X) miles. If no number is sent, authorization is unlimited.

HXB -- (Followed by number.) Cancel message if not delivered within (X) hours of filing time; service (notify) originating station.

HXC -- Report date and "time of delivery" (TOD) to originating station.

HXD -- Report to originating station the identity of the station who delivered the message, plus date, time and method of delivery. Also, each station to report identity of station to which relayed, plus date and time.

HXE -- Delivering station to get and send reply from addressee.

HXF -- (Followed by date in numbers.) Hold delivery until (specify date).

HXG -- Delivery by mail or telephone - toll call not required. If toll or other expense involved, cancel message, and send service message to originating station.

Visual LEVEL1.125

Block #4 - Station of Origin

FCC call sign of the first station that put the message into NTS format Not the message's original author

You are the radio operator for a Red Cross shelter. The fire station down the street sends a runner with a message to be passed and you format and send the message. You are the "Station of Origin," and fire station

is the "Place of Origin"

Visual LEVEL1.126

Block #5 - The Check

Number of words in the text section only Preamble, address and signature are not


Count the words in the message and compare the word count to the "check" number in the preamble If the two numbers do not agree, the message

should be re-read by the sending station to verify that all words were copied correctly

Visual LEVEL1.127

Counting Words

The first operator to transmit the radiogram enters the check in the preamble; this check should carry through to destination

The relaying operator has no authority to change the check unless it is determined that the check is incorrect If an error is found, the original check should remain in the

preamble • Example: an original check of 10 corrected to 9 would be sent


Numbers count as one, regardless of length

Punctuation is counted in the check Hyphenated word counts as 1 (e.g. “out-going”)

Visual LEVEL1.128

How Many Words?

New York City 527B NYC Fifty six H O Townsend W1YL/4 Thanks Xray 800MHz 146.90 MHz

Visual LEVEL1.129

Example Word Counts

New York City 3 words 527B 1 word NYC 1 word Fifty six 2 words H O Townsend 3 words W1YL/4 1 word Thanks Xray 2 words 800MHz 1 word 146.90 MHz 2 words

Visual LEVEL1.130

Special Case

Telephone Numbers ARRL-recommended procedure for counting the

telephone number in the text is to separate the number into groups, with the area code counting as one word, the three-digit exchange one word, and the last four digits one word.

• 860 594 0301counts as three words

• 594 0301 as two words

Separating the phone number into groups minimizes garbling.

Visual LEVEL1.131

Block #6 - Place of Origin

Name of the community, building, or agency where the originator of the message is located

Visual LEVEL1.132

Block #7 - Time Filed

Optional field, unless handling instruction "Bravo" (HXB) is used

Unless the message is time sensitive, this field may be left blank for routine messages

Completing the time field is generally recommended for Welfare, Priority, and Emergency messages

During emergencies, it is better to use local time and indicators such as PST or EDT to eliminate confusion by served agency personnel Military designation “T” (TANGO) indicates local time

Visual LEVEL1.133

Block #8 - Date

Date the message was first placed into the traffic system Use the same date as the time zone indicated

in Block 7

Visual LEVEL1.134

Header Example

NR207    P    HXE    W1FN    10    LEBANON NH    1200 EST    JAN 4

Visual LEVEL1.135

The “TO” Field This is the address of the individual to whom the traffic is supposed to

be delivered. It goes under the word "TO" on the form. Name Full name (including Jr., Sr., or callsign if there is one)

Street address or P.O. Box (complete as possible) • DON'T send numbers as 12345• DO say "figures 12345".

City, State, Zip • DON'T say "Zip Code 12345“• DO say "Zip figures 12345".

Phone number • This is important because most traffic is ultimately delivered via local

phone calls• DON'T say "phone number 290-456-7890“• DO say "phone figures 290 456 7890".

DON'T say "Text to follow" after address• DO say "Break" after address before giving the "text".

Visual LEVEL1.136

The Text Field

Keep it all brief and to-the-point

25 words or less (if possible) New form has 50 words

May contain ARRL Numbered Radiograms (i.e. "ARL One")

More on punctuation later

DON'T say "End of message" after text

DO say "Break" after giving the text of the traffic.

Visual LEVEL1.137


This can be a single name, a name and callsign, or a name and title Just enough information to enable the receiver to

identify the sender The Originating amateur should provide enough

information that a reply can be sent

DON'T say "Signature or Signed "John“ DO say "John".

(NOTE: ARRL Form, FSD-244, RADIOGRAM there is no mention of this fourth part of the form! [It's there ... just in invisible ink] Put it anywhere you want.)

Visual LEVEL1.138

ARRL Numbered Radiograms

Standardized list of often-used phrases Each phrase on the list is assigned a number Preceded by the letters "ARL”

Group One = emergency relief 26 phrases numbered consecutively from

"ONE" to "TWENTY SIX" ARL SIX = will contact you as soon as possible

Visual LEVEL1.139

ARRL Numbered Radiograms

Group Two 21 routine messages including number "FORTY SIX" and from

"FIFTY" through "SIXTY NINE"

“ARL" is placed in the "check" block


Visual LEVEL1.140

ARRL Numbered Radiograms

ARRL Numbered Radiograms replace common phrases in message body text (i.e., Happy Birthday, Greetings by amateur radio, etc.) DON'T say "ARL figure 61“ DO say "ARL sixty one“

Use of ARRL Numbered Radiograms reduce total message word count – faster and more consistent transmission of text

Translated before delivery of message to addressee

ARRL Number Radiograms are always spelled-out in words (i.e., ARL SEVEN or ARL FORTY SIX)

Message word count (check) is written as “ARL#” (i.e., ARL4 or ARL15) to alert operators that message includes at least one ARL numbered text.

Visual LEVEL1.141

ARL Examples

ARL FORTY SIX = Greetings on your birthday and best wishes for many more to come.

ARL FIFTY = Greetings by amateur radio.

ARL FIFTY ONE = Greetings by amateur radio. This message is sent as a free public service by ham radio operators at _______. Am having a wonderful time.

ARL SIXTY SEVEN = Your message number _____ undeliverable because of ______. Please advise.

Visual LEVEL1.142

ARRL Numbered Radiograms


Visual LEVEL1.143

Service Messages

A "service message" is one that lets the originating station know the status of a message they have sent.

A service message may be requested by a handling instruction (HX), or may be sent by any operator who has a problem delivering an important message.

During emergencies, service messages should only be sent for Priority and Emergency messages.

Visual LEVEL1.144

Sending a Message with Voice

Visual LEVEL1.145


Need 4 volunteers ….

Visual LEVEL1.146


Degree to which verbal information is: Misinterpreted Distorted Filtered out

Visual LEVEL1.147


The original message: The shelter manager says she needs fifty cots

and blankets at Hartley Hill School by tonight.

After being passed through several people: He says they need a bunch more cots and

blankets at that school on the hill.

Visual LEVEL1.148

Requesting Message Traffic via NCS

Net Control owns the frequency!

Fire Center informs NCS that he/she has a message for Shelter 1. Fire Center: Net Control, I have message traffic for Shelter 1. NCS: Fire Center, please call Shelter 1 with your traffic. Fire Center: Shelter 1. Shelter 1: Shelter 1. Fire Center: I have a message for you. Are you ready to copy

traffic? Shelter 1: Read to copy. Fire Center passes the traffic to Shelter 1.

Alternately, NCS may ask Fire Center to go off frequency to pass the message to Shelter 1.

Visual LEVEL1.149

Passing the Message Pass the preamble information

It is bad form to say the heading titles: • DON'T say "Check 25, Station of Origin WB7OML"• DO say "25, WB7OML“• DON'T say "12/4" for date. DO say "December 4“

– You do not have to use the year. If the person taking your message doesn't know what year it is, perhaps you should find someone else?

After doing so, sending station should say, How copy? This gives the receiving station an opportunity to ask for any fills or info that was missed.

When receiving station has confirmed receipt of heading, he/she will then say “Go with message”

Sending station then passes the message. Pass message in groups of 5 words. Say BREAK and un-key after each 5 word group to allow for fills

Sending station then passes the signature

When finished, sending station says “End of message” (indicates no more to follow) If the receiving station has copied 100% of the message, he/she will simply

acknowledge receipt “I roger your message. (Give FCC call sign)”

Visual LEVEL1.150

Returning to NCS

After the message has been passed and acknowledged, the station passing the message will return control to NCS. Fire Center: NCS, Fire Center. NCS: Fire Center. Fire Center: Message has been passed. (Give FCC call

sign) NCS: Roger. (Give FCC call sign)

Alternately Fire Center: Net Control, Fire Center. Message has

been passed. (Give FCC call sign) NCS: Roger. (Give FCC call sign)

Visual LEVEL1.151

Sending a Message with Voice

Read the message at a pace that will allow the receiving station to write it down

Once you are done, if the receiving station has missed any portion of the message, they will say: "say again all after____," "say all before," or "say again all between____ and ____."

Say "break" and then unkey between sections of the message so that a station can ask for missing words to be repeated before going on Break after each group of 5 words These repeated words are also known as "fills“

DON'T say "End of message" after text DO say "Break" after giving the text of the traffic

Remember someone is trying to write it down at other end!

Visual LEVEL1.152

Sending a Message with Voice

Numbers in groups are spoken individually "three two one five"

• not "thirty-two fifteen" "three thousand two hundred and five"

Visual LEVEL1.153

What NOT to Say

Do not add unnecessary words

Do not leave out words

Do not correct grammar

Since the parts of the header are always sent in the same order, there is no need to identify each of them. The only exception is the word "number" at the

beginning of the header

Make sure you read the message as written!!!

Visual LEVEL1.154

Message Quality

Formal “Record” messages always should be CLEAR and SUCCINCT

Written so that their meaning cannot be misinterpreted or read in more than one way.

Write out the message in full, using plain text only.

If a telephone number is given in the message TEXT, it is sent as three groups: Area Code, Exchange and 4-digit number.

Visual LEVEL1.155

Sending and Receiving Text

Pause briefly after each line of five words

Say “BREAK” after text and before sending SIGNATURE in case a fill is needed

To request a “fill” say: “Say Again… Word before (or all before) … Word after (or all after) … Word (or all) between... and…

Visual LEVEL1.156

Pro-Words and Pro-Signs


Visual LEVEL1.157

Pro-Words and Pro-Signs



Visual LEVEL1.158


DO NOT automatically spell familiar words or acronyms like “EOC” or “RACES” unless operating conditions are poor enough that it is needed

Necessary for proper names (there is no “common spelling” on emergency nets): “Jones, I spell JULIET OSCAR NOVEMBER ECHO


To clarify homonyms, words which sound alike, but have different meanings, such as : “To, I spell TANGO OSCAR”

Visual LEVEL1.159

Message Complete

If the traffic just sent is the only message or last message you have to send, then say: “END, no more, Over”

If you have one or more messages to send, you say: “Break, More to Follow, Over”

Visual LEVEL1.160


Use “I Spell” when WORDS are used as PUNCTUATION

“PERIOD” Ends a sentence. Use “Xray” to indicate a period NOT spelled out when sending unless conditions are

weak readable and require “fills”

“DOT, I spell DELTA OSCAR TANGO” for a single period within a text group (email address) Don’t use to end a sentence, use PERIOD!

Visual LEVEL1.161


“DECIMAL, I spell ...” used in figure groups only, Such as radio frequencies sent in a message

text “One Four Six Decimal Nine Zero” for “146.90”

“DASH, I spell DELTA ALPHA SIERRA HOTEL” for a hyphen

Visual LEVEL1.162


Don’t use except for PERIOD or QUESTION MARK Period = “XRAY” Question Mark – “QUERY”

But Email and Web Addresses Require “.” “/” “@” “#” “\” “:” “DOT, I spell DELTA OSCAR TANGO” for a single period

within a text group (email address) “ATSIGN, I spell ALPHA TANGO SIERRA INDIA GOLF



“SLASH” for symbol “/” “BLACKSLASH” for symbol “\” “COLON” for symbol “:”

Visual LEVEL1.163


How would you say the following examples?



Visual LEVEL1.164

Example – Email

kj3e@k3hki.#somd.md amateur call KILO JULIETT THREE ECHO.. ATSIGN I


What would you do if this is too long for a single transmission for the repeater?

Visual LEVEL1.165

Example –Internet

http://www.ham.info\edu Internet address HOTEL TANGO TANGO


Visual LEVEL1.166

Cheat Sheet…FIGURE(S) 4 “figure FOUR" 46 “figures FOUR SIX" TEL, In address (or sig) 410 555 1234 “figures FOUR ONE ZERO.. FIFE FIFE FIFE.. ONE TWO

TREE FOUR", introduced once. TELEPHONE FIGURES (when no zip code figures in address) 410 555 1234 "telephone figures FOUR ONE ZERO.. FIFE FIFE FIFE.. ONE

TWO TREE FOUR" TEL, in text or elsewhere, (each group treated as any other figure group). 410 555 1234 “figures FOUR ONE ZERO.. figures FIFE FIFE FIFE.. figures

ONE TWO TREE FOUR”, all 3 groups introduced. INITIAL(S) (Letter Group) John A Smith “JOHN.. initial ALPHA.. “ I AM “initial INDIA.. AM...” X “initial X-RAY” PM "initials PAPA MIKE", MIXED GROUP B6 "mixed group BRAVO SIX" R/9 "mixed group ROMEO SLASH NINER" I/O "mixed group INDIA SLASH OSCAR" W4KFC/VA "mixed group WHISKEY FOUR KILO FOXTROT CHARLIE

SLASH VICTOR ALPHA" MIXED GROUP FIGURE(S) 2C "mixed group figure TWO CHARLIE" 2/C "mixed group figure TWO SLASH CHARLIE" 146R67 "mixed group figures ONE FOUR SIX ROMEO SIX SEVEN" AMATEUR CALL W3BOB "amateur call WHISKEY TREE BRAVO OSCAR BRAVO" ARL, IN CHECK (ARL voiced as non-introduced letters, as in letter-spelling) ARL 20 "A R L.. TWO ZERO” (No introduction in PBL.) ARL, IN TEXT (ARL voiced as non-introduced letters, as in letter-spelling) ARL FIFTY "A R L.. FIFTY I spell FOXTROT INDIA FOXTROT TANGO

YANKEE" (Numbered radiogram groups spelled phonetically.)

Visual LEVEL1.167

Radiogram Example

"Number two zero seven    Priority    HX Echo    Whiskey One Foxtrot NovemberOne Zero    Lebanon NH    one two zero zero EST   January four.Mark DoeRed Cross Disaster OfficeFigures one two three Main StreetRutland VT  figures zero five seven zero oneFigures eight zero two five five five one two one twoBreakNeed more cots and sanitation kits at all five sheltersBreakJoan Smith  Shelter ManagerEnd   No more"

Visual LEVEL1.168

Radiogram BAD Example

 "Number two zero seven    Priority    handling instructions, HX Echo    station of origin W1FNcheck one zero    place of origin, Lebanon NH     time one two zero zero EST    date, January 4Going to Mark Doe    Red Cross Disaster OfficeAddress figures one two three Main Street Rutland VT ZIP figures zero five seven zero oneTelephone Figures eight zero two five five five one two one two"

Visual LEVEL1.169

Full Message Example

Sending station: Net control, I have traffic to pass to Receiving StationNet Control: Proceed with trafficSending station: Receiving station, I have a message for you, are you ready to copy?Receiving station: Ready to copySending station: Message followsSending station: Number 1 Exercise Routine WB7OML 13 Seattle 0900PST 28 Oct 2006 <BREAK>Sending station: To: Farris Oaks Position: Roads DeptSending station: Subject: Barricades Date: 10/28/2006 Time: 1422PSTSending station: How copy?Receiving station: I copy.Sending station: Requesting barricades to Red Cinder <BREAK>Sending station: Road and Interstate 22 to <BREAK>Sending station: block off road. <BREAK>Sending station: Received From: John Hoveland Position: YCSO LT 28 Oct 2006 0845T<END>Receiving station: Please spell last name of person message is received fromSending station - Say the name & spell it phonetically: Hoveland hotel oscar victor echo lima alpha

November delta Over...Receiving station: Copy your messageSending station: Net control my traffic has been passed (Give your call sign)

Visual LEVEL1.170

Another Example


“JOHN.. initial.ROMEO.. SMITH I spell SIERRA MIKE INDIA TANGO HOTEL.. .. figures TWO TREE.. OAK I spell O.A.K.. DRIVE.. .. PHILADELPHIA.. .. .. PENNSYLVANIA.. figures ONE NINER ZERO TREE FOUR.. .. figures TWO ONE FIFE.. FIFE FIFE FIFE.. TWO TREE FOUR FIFE.. break” (/.../) (interruption pause)

“initial.INDIA.. WILL.. ARRIVE.. .. TOMORROW.. AT.. .. mixed group figure SIX PAPA MIKE.. initial X-RAY.. CAN.. YOU.. .. PICK.. ME.. UP.. .. AT.. THE.. AIRPORT.. .. QUERY.. figures SEVEN TREE.. break.. BILL I spell BRAVO INDIA LIMA LIMA.. end.. no.more”

Copy this message to a Message Form…

Visual LEVEL1.171

Previous Example..


Visual LEVEL1.172

Copying & Logging

Visual LEVEL1.173

Copying Hints

When copying the text of a message by hand, receiving stations should write five words on each line, (or ten words per line if using a keyboard)

There can be requirements for formats that are unique to an individual agency or type of emergency Work with each served agency before the

emergency to see which format will best fulfill their needs

Visual LEVEL1.174

Logging and Record Keeping

Accurate record of formal messages handled and various aspects of your station's operation can be very useful Required by law in some cases Some agencies, your log becomes a legal

document and may be needed at some later time should an investigation occur

Include enough detail to be meaningful later on, especially the date and an accurate time

Visual LEVEL1.175

What to Log

All incoming and outgoing messages Name of the sender, Addressee, Station that passed the message to you, Station to whom the message was sent, Message number, and the times in and out.

Keep the written copy of each message in numerical order for future reference

Log which operators are on duty for any given period, and record any significant events at your station

Visual LEVEL1.176

Log Formats

At a station with little traffic, all information can be included in one chronological log

If a large number of messages are being handled and you have a second person to handle logging, separate logs can make it faster and easier to locate information if it is needed later One log for incoming messages One for outgoing messages A third for station activities

Visual LEVEL1.177

ICS 309 Communications Log

Visual LEVEL1.178

Who Should Log

NCS If activity is low, the net control operator can handle

logging In busy nets, a second person can keep the log as the

net's "secretary" and act as a "second set of ears" for the NCS

If an "alternate NCS" station has been appointed, they should keep a duplicate log

Each individual operator should keep their own log

Visual LEVEL1.179

Writing Techniques For Message Copying & Logging

Your logs should be clear and legible to be of any use

Print in neat block letters on lined paper or a pre-printed log form

A firm writing surface with support for your forearm will reduce fatigue and improve legibility

Keep both pens and pencils on hand since each works better under different conditions Some operators prefer special "diver's" pens that will

write on wet surfaces at any angle.

Visual LEVEL1.180

Writing Techniques For Message Copying & Logging

Logs that will become legal documents should always be written in permanent ink

Logs should be kept in notebooks to prevent pages from becoming lost

In fast-moving situations, it can be difficult or impossible to keep a log of any kind If a message, exchange, or event should be logged, try

to do it as soon as possible afterwards, or ask the NCS to add it as a notation in his log

Visual LEVEL1.181


WebEOC® is software designed to bring real-time crisis information management to the Washington State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as well as to other local, state and federal EOCs

Visual LEVEL1.182

WebEOC Features

Visual LEVEL1.183

The Other Emcomm Messaging Dilemma

IS 213 Forms

Visual LEVEL1.184

ICS 213 Message Handling

Why ICS213? NTS Radiogram form is NOT USED by any state or

federal agency• They use ICS or HICS procedures and formats

Originate all outgoing messages on ICS 213

Some incoming messages (Salvation Army & Red Cross) use NTS

Do NOT reformat incoming messages• Handle all incoming traffic as received

Note HICS 213 is ICS 213 for hospitals

Visual LEVEL1.185

ICS 213

Triplicate form Inter-office memo

Copies for Recipient Sender Return to sender

Visual LEVEL1.186

Why ICS 213?

Operational messages are routed directly, by the MOST EXPEDIENT method

ICS Form 213 is widely used by FEMA, SHARES, DHS, CAP, Coast Guard, Hospitals, etc. etc. New HICS procedure

Use is straight-forward, a common sense sending protocol, similar to an email message

Visual LEVEL1.187

ICS 213

ICS 213 was never intended to be used as a RADIOGRAM substitute, because the folks that created the 213 had no reason to consider that kind of a specialized need

ICS is ICS, and they will never likely approve the use of a RADIOGRAM as a substitute for the ICS 213

ICS-213 is an office memo It was not designed for, nor was it ever intended to be,

a format for record message radio traffic, that often must pass through multiple relay stations; and often must (of necessity) change mode(s) along the route

Incident traffic rarely gets relayed from station to station to station, since the vast majority of incidents are of a local nature

Visual LEVEL1.188

ARES and ICS 213

The ARRL has NOT recommended that ARES use the FEMA/USFS ICS 213 form for its RADIOGRAMS

So, what do I do if I have to pass an ICS 213 form? Packet FAX Tactical Traffic on Voice Net

Visual LEVEL1.189

ICS 213

Record Communications on behalf of served agency officials must be written in ICS Form 213 format or on the originating agency’s approved form

But don’t fixate on the FORM!

Be prepared to copy long messages

Learn to copy messages without relying on a FORM!

ICS 213 may be a tactical rather then a formal message

Visual LEVEL1.190

ICS 213 Message Form

1. “To” line

2. “From” line

3. “Subject / Date / Time” line

4. “Message” field (ten 5-word lines)

5. “Signature” line

6. “Reply” field (ten 5-word lines)

7. “Reply Date/Time/Signature” line

Visual LEVEL1.191

ICS 213 Message Form

Message Number No provision on form for message number Date and time will serve as unique message


Precedence No precedence associated with messages Messages handled in order received unless

otherwise directed

Visual LEVEL1.192

So How Can We Pass IS 213 Traffic?

Question #1 does this need to be passed as formal traffic?

The most important features of a formal message are: the date and time of the message, the originator or sender of the message, the intended recipient or addressee of the

message, the message body or content. the signature of the person sending the message

Visual LEVEL1.193

Operation for sending Formal Traffic Using the ICS-213 Form

Identify your traffic as being formal For example: “I have formal ICS 213 traffic for Harborview Medical

Center” This alerts the receiving station to what type of traffic is being

passed and that although it is formal it is not a radiogram The originating operator should read about 5 words at a time slowly, and

then pause to allow the receiver a chance to ask for fills or a repeat If no fill is needed then the receiver should say “go ahead” or “copy” The originating operator should spell out unusual names and words by

saying "I spell" followed by the spelling Punctuations are important and when reading the message the

originating operator should say each punctuation, such as a period, comma or question mark

The end of message is marked by the originating operator saying the procedural phrase "End of message"

Visual LEVEL1.194

Example: On-the-air Radio Protocol for Form ICS-213

In this exchange, operator "O" is the originating station, and "R" is the receiving station. O: Seattle EOC, prepare to copy an ICS-213 message R: Ready to copy O: To: John Smith, Position: King County EMA Coordinator (release PTT key and pause) R: Copy O: From: Harborview Medical Center (release PPT key and pause) R: Copy O: Subject: Severe Weather Coordination (release PPT key and pause) R: Copy O: Date: April 29 (release PPT key and pause) R: Copy O: Time 8:15 am (release PPT key and pause) R: Copy O: Message: John Smith County EMA be available for coordination of response during severe weather Question Mark (release PPT key and pause) R: Repeat after “response” O: during severe weather Question Mark (release PPT key and pause) R: Copy O: Signed Jane Doe (release PTT key and pause) R: Copy O: End of Message R: Message copied

Visual LEVEL1.195

Other Ideas

Some groups have re-designed the IS 213 form for ARES use, or use a Radiogram preamble “rubber stamp”

Problem this is not the form your served agency will use!

Need to convert back to the form they are familiar with?

Translating an IS 213 form costs time

Visual LEVEL1.196

The “Counter Person” Concept Receives messages from agency (e.g. ICS 213)

Formulates a Radiogram Who they want the message to go to...(as complete as

possible physical address.) What they want to say...(text preferably in less than 25

words or groups) Who is sending it...(signature + contact info.)

The above items (that the "customer" needs to supply) are three of the four parts of a RADIOGRAM

Adding the "preamble" (msg number, precedence, HX, station of origin, check, place of origin, time, date) is the responsibility of the "counter person(s)" that are acting in the interfacing capacity between the actual radio operator(s) and the public or "served agency" that desires to have their traffic moved.

Visual LEVEL1.197

IS 213 and Packet

Visual LEVEL1.198

Message Flow Example

Visual LEVEL1.199

Ten Ways Radiograms Get Messed Up

1. Poor atmospheric propagation

2. Hearing or Vision ability of the Receiving Operator is not adequate.

3. Desire of the Receiving Operator to “edit” the message or to “correct errors”. Using one too many Relay stations.

4. The ability of the human mind to transpose letters and words (example: 1467 1476)

5. Lack of use of the “copy” and “paste” features of a computer.

6. Inadequate use of phonetic spelling of words. Sending Operator assumes that the Receiving Operator has excellent knowledge of “common spelling”. Receiving Operator is not familiar with the dialect (voice) or fist (cw) of the Sending Operator. The message contains words from a culture unfamiliar to the Receiving Operator.

7. Receiving Operator has inadequate penmanship or typing ability. “I can’t read my own writing”. Use of fonts which do not have enough distinction between letters. Example 3 8 B 5 6 7 9 2 Z L I i 0 F O r n m VV W R K U V

8. Sending Operator Sends or Speaks too fast.

9. Receiving Operator is reluctant to ask the Sending Operator to Slow Down, or to ask for multiple “repeats”.

10.When “manual” modes (voice, cw, RTTY, Delivery via telephone) are used, a procedure is not used by the Sending person to verify that the Receiving person has apparently acquired the message correctly.

Visual LEVEL1.200

Lesson 8 Student Activity

1. Compose four complete ARRL formatted messages, one example for each Precedence, in written form. Use Handling Instructions and include the time and date sent. To determine the word count for the check, refer to this link: www.arrl.org/FandES/ead/teacher/kemp/appendixa.html.

Visual LEVEL1.201

Lesson 9 Activities

1. Create a formal ARRL style message using an ARL numbered radiogram text. Be sure the word count is correct.

2. Assume that you are helping a served agency staffer condense a lengthy message. Edit the following message text to reduce the number of words to a minimum, without losing any clarity. "We need 50 additional cots and blankets at the Roe School

shelter, and we also need more food since 20 new people just arrived and we are told another 30 may be coming soon. Please call me and tell me when these supplies will arrive."

Visual LEVEL1.202

Lesson 9 Activities

3. Go to the ARRL website and look up ARRL Numbered Radiograms:http://www.arrl.org/FandS/field/forms/fsd3.pdf When you have located the list of Numbered Radiograms,

answer the questions that follow. Which of the Radiograms:A. Indicates that a medical emergency exists?B. Requests additional radio operators?C. Offers congratulations on a new baby?D. Offers greetings for a merry Christmas and happy New

YearE. Indicates safe arrival.

Visual LEVEL1.203

Lesson 8 Questions

1. The preamble to an ARRL Radiogram message contains a block called "Precedence". Which of the following represents the correct precedence for an EMERGENCY message?


B. "U".


D. "E".

Visual LEVEL1.204

Lesson 8 Questions

2. The preamble to an ARRL Radiogram message contains a block called "Handling Instructions." What is the meaning of the handling instruction "HXE"?

A. Delivering station to get and send reply from addressee.

B. Report date and time of delivery to originating station.

C. Cancel message if not delivered within (X) hours of filing time.

D. Collect telephone delivery authorized.

Visual LEVEL1.205

Lesson 8 Questions

3. ARRL Radiogram messages contains a block called "Time Filed". Which of the following is true of entries in that block?A. This field is always completed.B. Time entries are always Universal

Coordinated Time.C. During emergencies "local time" is used.D. During emergencies "local time" along with

the local date is used.

Visual LEVEL1.206

Lesson 8 Questions

4. ARRL Radiogram messages contains a block called "The Check." Which of the following is true of entries in that block?

A. The check contains a count of the words in the entire message.

B. The check contains a count of the words in the preamble and the text of the message.

C. The check contains a count of the words in the preamble, address and text of the message.

D. The check contains a count of the words in the text of the message.

Visual LEVEL1.207

Lesson 8 Questions

5. Which of the following statements is true of punctuation within an ARRL Radiogram?

A. Punctuation is always helpful; it should be used whenever possible.

B. Punctuation is rarely helpful; it should never be used.

C. Punctuation should be used only when it is essential to the meaning of the message.

D. The comma and apostrophe are the most common punctuation signs used in NTS messages.

Visual LEVEL1.208

Lesson 9 Questions

1. As part of an EMCOMM group handling message traffic in an emergency, you are asked to forward a message that contains typographical errors. Which of the following is your best course of action?A. Delay sending the message.B. Forward the message exactly as received.C. Return the message to the originating station.D. On your own, correct the error in the

message and forward it.

Visual LEVEL1.209

Lesson 9 Questions

2. As part of an EMCOMM net handling message traffic in an emergency, you are asked to forward a message in a non-standard format. Which of the following is your best course of action?A. Delay sending the message until you have

conferred with the originator.B. Return the message to the originator.C. On your own, rewrite the message in proper

format and forward it.D. Forward the message exactly as received.

Visual LEVEL1.210

Lesson 9 Questions

3. You have been asked to send an ARRL Radiogram dealing with birthday greetings. Which of the following is the correct format for the message?

A. "ARRL 46“

B. "ARL 46“



Visual LEVEL1.211

Lesson 9 Questions

4. When delivering an ARRL numbered radiogram, which should be done?

A. Deliver the message exactly as received.

B. Deliver the message exactly as received but add your own written explanation.

C. Decode the message into plain language before delivery.

D. Deliver the message exactly as received but add your own verbal explanation.

Visual LEVEL1.212

Lesson 9 Questions

5. During an emergency, service messages should only be sent for which of the following categories of message?

A. Emergency, Priority, Welfare and Routine

B. Emergency, Priority and Welfare

C. Priority and Welfare

D. Emergency and Priority

Visual LEVEL1.213

Lesson 8 References

For a list of ARES and NTS nets in your area, see The ARRL Net Directory at: www.arrl.org/FandES/field/nets

For a detailed discussion of the FCC Rules on emergency and third party communications, please see the ARRL FCC Rule Book, Chapter 5.

ARRL Precedences and Handling Instructions -- www.arrl.org/FandES/field/pscm/sec2-ch6.htm

ARES and NTS Forms -- http://www.arrl.org/FandES/field/forms

FSD218 message handling information card (also known as the "Pink Card"): www.arrl.org/FandES/field/forms/#fsd218 

Visual LEVEL1.214

Lesson 9 References

ARRL F&ES -- Appendix A -- Originating Messages: www.arrl.org/FandES/ead/teacher/kemp/appendixa.html

American Red Cross Disaster Welfare Inquirey intake forms: www.arrl.org/FandES/field/forms

Visual LEVEL1.215

Lesson 10 - Net Operating Guidelines

Visual LEVEL1.216

The Net Manager

Responsible for: Recruiting and training NCS operators, liaison

stations, and other net members Sets up the net's schedule Makes sure qualified NCS operators are

available Arrange for relief operators and support


May be responsible for more than one net

Visual LEVEL1.217


"ringmaster" or "traffic cop"

Decides what happens in the net, and when

Decides when stations will check in, with or without traffic, and whether messages will be passed on the net's frequency or a different one

Needs to be aware of everything going on around him and handle the needs of the net, its members, and served agency as quickly and efficiently as possible

Visual LEVEL1.218


NCS can be located anywhere, but should be in a position to hear most, if not all, stations in the net At EOC or command post, Or keep them away from the noise and


The NCS should not be responsible for the entire emcomm operation EC or similar emcomm manager

Visual LEVEL1.219

Net Scripts

Many groups open and close their nets with a standard script Lets listeners know the purpose and format of

the net Ensures that the net will be run in a similar

format regardless of who is NCS

Visual LEVEL1.220

The Backup NCS

Readily available if: An equipment failure at the primary NCS

location The primary NCS operator needs to take a


Two types: At the same location as the primary NCS At a different location

• Maintains a duplicate log of everything happening during the net

Visual LEVEL1.221

Acting as a "fill-in" NCS

Basic dos and don'ts Remember that although you are in control of the net,

you are not "God." Treat members with respect and accept suggestions from other experienced members.

If you are taking over an existing net, try to run it much as the previous NCS did.

Always follow a script if one is provided. Write your own if necessary, but keep it short and to the point.

Handle messages in order of precedence: Emergency Priority Welfare.

Visual LEVEL1.222

Acting as a "fill-in" NCS

More Basic dos and don'ts Speak clearly and in a normal tone of voice. Use good

mic technique. Make all instructions clear and concise, using as few

words as possible. Keep notes as you go along. Do not let your log fall

behind. Write down which operators are at which locations.

When one leaves or is replaced, update your notes. Ask stations to pass messages off the main net

frequency whenever possible.

All the reading and study in the world will not replace actual experience

Visual LEVEL1.223

Net Members

Operators at various sites are responsible for messages going to and from their location Listen to everything that happens on the net Maintain contact with the served agency

Assist the served agency with the creation of messages, put them into the appropriate format, and contact the NCS when they are ready to be sent

Ideally, two operators should be at each site

Visual LEVEL1.224

Bulletin Stations

Relays ARRL bulletins or those authorized by the served agency to all stations in the net May be transmitted on a preset schedule, such

as at the top and bottom of each hour.

Must be located at the served agency Or have a reliable communication link to them

Visual LEVEL1.225

Liaison Stations

Pass messages between two different nets As needed, or on a pre-set schedule

Liaison station may monitor one net full time When a message must be passed to another

net, they leave the net temporarily to pass it, and then return

The other net has a liaison station who does exactly the same thing, but in reverse

Visual LEVEL1.226

Liaison Stations

Single liaison station may need to handle messages going both ways between two nets Use two radios to monitor both nets at the

same time• Difficult if either or both nets are busy

One radio is used• Switch between the two nets on a regular


Visual LEVEL1.227

Relay Stations

Passes messages between two stations in the net that cannot hear each other Not a regular net position On an "as needed" basis

If you can hear a station or stations that the NCS cannot, it is OK to volunteer to act as a relay station

Visual LEVEL1.228


No operator should try to work excessively long hours

efficiency and effectiveness decline

served agency is not getting the best

possible service

Ensure that all net members get some rest on a regular basis

Visual LEVEL1.229

Shift Changes

Monitor the net for at least fifteen minutes

Review the logs with the present operator before taking over Continuity in the net's operation

Visual LEVEL1.230

Non-Voice Modes

Packet FM packet, HF packet, and PACTOR

No real “packet net”• Provide an automatic connection between two stations

• Transmit "traffic" using the bulletin board or mailbox facility of the TNC

Automatically routed and stored without any action by the receiving station's operator or a NCS

Visual LEVEL1.231

Non-Voice Modes

Non-packet digital modes RTTY, PSK31, AMTOR, and GTOR Not automatic May require a NCS operator to manage the net

Visual LEVEL1.232

Non-Voice Modes

CW Procedures Clean and accurate code sent at 10 words per minute is

better than sloppy code sent at 30 words per minute

ARRL Publication FSD-218• Referred to as the "pink card"

• CW net procedures

• Description of the Amateur Message Form

• Message precedence

• Handling Instruction abbreviations

Visual LEVEL1.233

Interference Problems

Adjacent or co-channel stations who may be unaware of the emergency net Politely inform them of the net and ask for their

cooperation • Ask an HF net to move over a few kHz

If the problem cannot be resolved Have one or more alternative frequencies

Never discuss, acknowledge, or try to speak with an intentionally interfering station

Visual LEVEL1.234


1. List the advantage and disadvantage of each of the following modes for an emcomm operation:A. Voice netB. CW netC. PacketD. Non-Packet Digital

2. What are the major topics found in ARRL's FSD-218?

Visual LEVEL1.235

Lesson 10 Questions

1. Which of the following best describes the responsibilities of the NCS in an emcomm operation?A. The NCS is responsible for all aspects of the

emcomm operation.B. The NCS is responsible for station check in.C. The NCS is responsible for all aspects of the

net's operation.D. The NCS is responsible for writing the net


Visual LEVEL1.236

Lesson 10 Questions

2. As an acting "fill in" NCS, which of the following practices would you avoid?A. Try to run an existing net much as the

previous NCS did.B. Handle messages in order of precedence:

Emergency-Priority-Welfare.C. Keep notes as you go along: do not let your

log fall behind.D. Ask stations to pass messages on the main

net frequency whenever possible.

Visual LEVEL1.237

Lesson 10 Questions

3. Which of the following is true of a liaison station?

A. The liaison station mainly relays bulletins authorized by the served agency to all stations on the net.

B. A liaison station passes messages only on a pre-set schedule.

C. A liaison station handles only one-way traffic.

D. A liaison station passes messages between two nets.

Visual LEVEL1.238

Lesson 10 Questions

4. Packet modes include which of the following groups?

A. FM packet, HF packet and PACTOR.

B. HF packet, PACTOR and PSK31.



Visual LEVEL1.239

Lesson 10 Questions

5. You are the NCS of a net involved in an emcomm operation and you notice that some other station is intentionally interfering with your net. Which of the following represents your best course of action?A. Shut down the net and go home.B. Address the interfering station directly and

inform them of the error of their ways.C. Move the net to an alternate frequency.D. Contact the EOC and continue to operate.

Visual LEVEL1.240

L.A. Area Radio Jammer Convicted

September 2006, L.A. resident Jack Gerritsen (ex-KG6IRO), now 70, convicted of willful and malicious interference and transmitting without a license

Repeat offender 15 prior misdemeanor convictions Conducted on-air tirades and outright jamming Performed willful and malicious interference to communications system

operated by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary during a 2004 search-and-rescue operation

Interfered with American Red Cross radio transmissions in early 2005 while the agency was preparing for disaster relief operations

Caused cancellation of a US Army Reserve homeland security training exercise in 2005 by interfering with US Army Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) communications

Punishment Amateur Radio license & call sign revoked Radio equipment confiscated Can not use any moniker for identification (e.g. call sign) Prohibited from owning, possessing or using any radio equipment Fined $15,225 Sentenced to seven years in federal prison

Extreme case and fortunately a rarity

Visual LEVEL1.241

Lesson 10 Reference links

For information about ARRL Public Service Communications, please see The ARRL Public Service Communications Manual: www.arrl.org/FandES/field/pscm/index.html

ARRL Publication FSD-218: www.arrl.org/FandES/field/forms/fsd218.pdf.

Visual LEVEL1.242

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