levels of organization bio ppt slides/54, 55 ecology .pdf · biosphere: global ecosystem - thin...

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The study of the interactions between organisms

and the living (biotic) and non living (abiotic)

components of their environment

field named in 1866

Levels of Organization

1. Biosphere: Global ecosystem

- thin volume of Earth and its

atmosphere that supports life

- 13 mi thick

2. Landscape: mosaic of connected


3. Ecosystem: community of organisms

and physical factors (biotic + abiotic)

4. Community: all interacting organisms

living an area

5. Population: all members of same

species that live in one place

6. Organism: individual member of a species

- simplest level of organization





Ecology of Organisms

The environment affects the distribution of organisms

and how organisms respond to their environments.

Habitat: place where organisms lives

Niche: role or job a species plays in its environment

Factors Affecting Organisms

A. Survival Factors

1. Biotic factors: all living components that affect


2. Abiotic factors: nonliving physical and chemical


temperature humidity

salinity O2 conc.

sunlight amt. nitrogen

pH amt. precipitation

*** temp. change one of most important factors ***



3. Biological Tolerances- range of conditions in which

an organism can live

Tolerance curve: graph of performance versus

environmental variable

- organisms can’t live outside their tolerance


Survival Rates at Different Ages

Type I High

death after midpoint

Type II Steady

death not related to


Type III Low

death early on

4. Acclimation: ability of an organism to adjust their

tolerance to abiotic factors

ex: ability of organisms to adapt to life

at high sea levels (increase in RBC)

Difference between acclimation and adaptation

- acclimation occurs within lifetime of organism

- adaptation is a genetic change in a species

that occurs over many generations

5. Ability to control internal conditions

Conformers: do not regulate their internal conditions,

they change as their external environment


ex: lizards, snakes

Regulators: use energy to control some of their internal

conditions over a wide variety of

environmental conditions

ex: mammals: body temperature

pacific salmon: control salt conc. in their


6. Ability to escape unsuitable conditions

Dormancy: long term state of reduced activity during

unfavorable environmental conditions

ex: bears hibernate

reptiles, amphibians: hide underground

Migration: move to a more favorable habitat

ex: birds

7. Availability of resources

Resources: energy and materials a species needs

(varies from species to species)

ex: food, energy, nesting sites,

water, sunlight, etc.



Ecological Niche: the sum total of an organism’s use of abiotic/biotic resources in the environment

habitat = address vs niche = job


- Range of conditions species can


- Methods of obtaining needed


- Number of offspring

- Time of reproduction

- All other interactions with


Types of Niches

Fundamental niche:

full range of conditions and

resources that species can

potentially occupy and use

- broad range

Realized niche: range of

conditions and resources a

species actually uses

- much narrower range than


Niche Differences

Generalists: species with broad niches,

can tolerate large range of conditions and


ex: Virginia opossum- feeds on anything

Specialists: species have narrow niches

ex: panda- eats only eucalyptus trees


Characterizing a Community

• Community Structure

• Species diversity: # different species

• Composition

• Dominant species

• Most abundant species or highest biomass (total wt.)

• Keystone species

• Foundation species

• Succession

The nature of a community is determined by the interactions

(symbioses) of the populations that inhabit it.

Major Types of Symbioses

1. Predation: - powerful force - regulates population size

(+/-) - influences where and how species lives by

relationship in the food web

- predator captures, kills, and consumes prey

- natural selection: favors adaptations of

predators to kill prey and avoid being


ex: rattlesnakes- acute sense of

smell and heat sensitive pits

allow it to find prey even in


spiders: webs

tiger’s coat: camouflage

Predation defense mechanisms

a. Mimicry:

- harmless species resembles poisonous or distasteful sp.

- two poisonous or distasteful species look alike

- Batesian mimicry- harmless sp. mimics harmful

- Mullerian mimicry – two or more harmful sp. look like

each other

b. Camoflage

Batesian Mullerian cryptic coloration



Predation Defense Mechanisms

c. Aposematic coloration - warning coloration

(poisonous or venomous species)

Predation Defense Mechanisms

d. Herbivory-plants develop adaptations to prevent being


- physical defenses: sharp thorns, tough

leaves, spines, etc.

- secondary compounds: poisonous,

irritating, bad tasting

ex: poison ivy, oak

Types Symbioses, cont.

2. Parasitism: species interaction where one individual is

harmed and one benefits

(+/-) - parasite feeds on host

- does not immediately cause death of prey

- have adaptations to efficiently exploit host

two types

ectoparasites: external, live on host not inside

ex: fleas, lice , leeches, mosquitoes

endoparasites: internal

ex: bacteria, protists, worms

3. Competition: two species competing for the same resource:

(-/-) food, space, shelter, mate, ecological status

- Intraspecific: same species in same ecological area

ex: trees competing for light

- Interspecific: different species in same ecological area

ex: lions and tigers for similar prey.

farm of rice paddies with weeds growing in the field.

Competitive Exclusion

Two similar species cannot occupy same niche

One species outcompetes the other, eliminating it from niche

Asian bighead carp kudzu

Resource Partitioning

Each species only uses one part of available resources

Reduces competition through creation of microhabitats



Types Symbioses, cont.

4. Mutualism and Commensalism

Mutualism: cooperative relationship where both species

benefit (sometimes one can’t live without

other) (+/+)

ex: pollination

Commmensalism: one species benefits and other is not

affected (+/0)

ex: sailfish on sharks

Properties of Communities


- Species richness: number of

species in a community

- Species diversity: richness

combined with relative

abundance of each species

(how many species are

present but also how evenly

distributed the numbers of

each species are )

greater diversity = greater stability

Greater biodiversity offers:

•more food resources

•more habitats

•more resilience in face of

environmental change

Simpson Diversity Index

Species diversity: combination of richness and evenness

•Ecosystems above have

exactly the same species


•Ecosystem A more even

make up than ecosystem B

D = diversity index

N = total number of

organisms of all species

n = number of individuals

of a particular species

Simpson Diversity Index

higher index =

more stable


Patterns of Species Richness

1. Latitude

closer to equator=more species

ex: tropical rain forests contain

most variety of species

(stable environment, year

round photosynthesis)

2. Species- area effect

larger area = more species

- Smaller geographical areas can’t

support as many species

(reduced biodiversity)

Biodiversity Depletion

Reduction of loss of plant and animal species



Impacts of Biodiversity Loss Properties of Communities, cont.

3. Species interactions: can promote species richness

- dominant species: has the highest biomass or

is the most abundant in the community

4. Community stability: resistance to change

- directly related to species richness:

species richness improves a community’s stability

Keystone Species

Species that has a disproportionately large effect on its

environment relative to its abundance

• Exerts important regulating effect on other species in

community- usually a predator

• Increases diversity in the community

• Holds ecosystem together as a functioning unit

Sea Otter- North Pacific Beaver- North America

Foundation Species

• Primary producer that provides a large portion of fixed

carbon to provide metabolic energy for an ecosystem

• Species plays major role in creating or maintaining a habitat

that supports other species

corals sawgrass whitebark pine

marine everglades Yellowstone Park

Ecological Succession

The gradual sequential re-growth of species in an area

• major environmental disturbances change communities by

removing organisms or changing resource availability

• some species flourish immediately, are then replaced by

others, which are replaced by still others

• distrubances in community release nutrients and rejuvenate


Mt. St. Helens

Types of Succession


development of a community in an

area that has not previously

supported life

- slow progression because

minerals necessary for growth

are unavailable

ex: bare rock, sand dune, volcanic

island (bacteria, lichen,

mosses make soil)


sequential replacement of a species

following disruption of an

existing community

- usually quicker because soil has

been left intact

- more likely result of disturbance

ex: fires, earthquakes, floods,

agriculture, urban sprawl, etc.

burning- releases nutrients from tree tissues



Succession, cont.

Pioneer species: small fast

growing and reproducing species

well suited for invading and


a barren/disturbed habitat

- r strategists

Climax community: stable end

point in a community after a series of

predictable stages have occurred

- climax forest dominated by trees

- species mix dependent on abiotic

factors of region

- sun, temp, rainfall, soil




Sum of all the organisms living within its boundaries (biotic

community) + abiotic factors with which they interact

Involves two unique processes that impact ecosystem structure:

Energy flow

Chemical cycling

Energy Transfer

• Producers

- autotrophs (bacteria, protists, plants)

- add biomass (organic material) to ecosystem

- photosynthesis: terrestrial ecosystems- plants

- chemisynthesis: acquatic ecosystems:


Measuring Productivity of Producers

Primary production : amt. of light energy chemical energy

Gross primary production (GPP): total primary production in an ecosystem

Net primary production (NPP) : gross primary production minus the

energy used by the primary producers for respiration (R):


- amount of chemical energy available to consumers in an ecosystem

* productivity affected by: light, nutrients, temp, moisture*



• Consumers

- heterotrophs: bacteria, protists, all fungi, animals

• herbivores: eat producers (plants)

• carnivores: eat consumers

• omnivores: eat producers and consumers

• detritivores: eat “garbage” of ecosystem

(recently dead organisms, fallen leaves,

animal wastes)

- decomposers: class of detrivores that causes

decay by breaking down dead

tissues and wastes into simpler


(bacteria,fungi, worms)

* make nutrients available to autotrophs*



Energy Flow

• energy is transferred as one organism eats another

• energy moves thru an ecosystem moving from producers to


• scientists follow the transfer of energy by trophic levels


Trophic level: organism’s position in the sequence

of energy transfers

- Amount of energy limits

number of trophic levels and

top level carnivores

3rd level

predators of herbivores

2nd level


1st level

all producers

Feeding Relationships in Ecosystems

Food chains

- single pathway of feeding relationships

of an ecosystem

- usually too complex to be represented

by one food chain

- short food chain: low rate of energy

transfer between trophic levels

- lower trophic levels have many more

organisms than higher trophic levels

(less energy at higher levels, so supports

fewer individuals)

Food web: interrelated food chains in an ecosystem

Plants, herbivores, and carnivores

make up the food web.

** Green plants**

base of terrestial food web


base of marine food web

Quantity of Energy Transfers

• About 10% of total energy consumed in one trophic level is incorporated

into organisms of the next level (energy used in respiration is lost as heat)

- maintaining body temp, ability to move, and high reproductive

rate require a lot of energy leaving less for higher levels

- energy pyramids show the rate that each level stores energy as

organic material

- loss of energy limits number of top level carnivores


The dynamics of energy through ecosystems have important

implications for the human population



Biological Magnification

Substances become

concentrated in tissues


internal organs as they


up the food chain

Ecosystem Recycling

Biogeochemical Cycle:

cyclical abiotic/ biotic pathway through which

water and minerals pass in an ecosystem

Water Cycle

- movement of water from reservoirs

- water availability is key factor that regulates productivity of terrestrial


- water found in organisms, atmosphere, bodies of water, and below


- ground water: in soil or

underground rock

- processes in water cycle

a. evaporation

b. transpiration

c. precipitation

Carbon Cycle

- cyclical relationship of photosynthesis and respiration

Nitrogen Cycle

- pathway of nitrogen through an ecosystem

1. nitrogen fixation:

conversion of nitrogen gas to nitrate

- nitrogen fixing bacteria:

convert N(g) NH3 nitrite (NO2) nitrate (NO3)

2. nitrification:

bacteria take up NH3 and

oxidize it into nitrites (NO2),

and nitrates (NO3)

3. denitrification:

anaerobic bacteria break down

nitrates and release N gas

back into atmosphere

Phosphorus Cycle

1. Inorganic phosphate is then distributed in soils and water from rain and

weathering of rocks

2. Plants take up inorganic phosphate from the soil.

- consumed by animals

- returns to soil when animal dies

3. Mineralization -organic forms of phosphate in soil made available to

plants by bacteria

4. Phosphorus incorporations into sediments from soil washed into ocean



Restoration Ecology

Bioremediation: use of organisms (prokaryotes, fungi, plants) to

detoxify polluted ecosystems

Bioaugmentation: introduce desirable species (eg. nitrogen-fixers)

to add essential nutrients

Study lots and lots and lots!!!

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